Seven churches

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82<br />

M. M. NINAN<br />

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Rev 2:17 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the <strong>churches</strong>. To<br />

him who overcomes, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give him a<br />

white stone with a new name written on it, known only to him who receives it.<br />

Our Lord identifies himself to it as the one having "the sharp, doubled-edged sword." The<br />

Word of God coming from his lips is double-edged; it cuts two ways. It cuts down the<br />

enemies and it cuts the evil within the church. God is no respecter of persons. He cuts<br />

down evil and sin wherever it is seen. Both ways - within and without. This Church had<br />

enemies outside in the world and within the church was heresy and evil practices.<br />

Jesus says that this is the location of the "throne of Satan." And it was. It was the capital<br />

of the Roman province of Asia, and was famed for its site on a 1000 foot hill which held its<br />

acropolis, dedicated to Zeus, Athena, Dionysus and Asclepius (around which centered a<br />

cult dedicated to medicine), and it also was the center of the Imperial cult, the worship of<br />

Augustus Caesar.<br />

This was an intellectual city with a city library holding over 20,000 volumes, second only to<br />

the ancient library of Alexandria at that time. The word ‘parchment’ actually comes from<br />

the city’s name Pergamos. Pliny says that it was invented in the second century BC in<br />

Pergamum; hence the term `parchment' from the Latin pergamena - `of Pergamum'. Skin<br />

had been used as a writing material before in several other countries. But the refined<br />

methods of cleaning and stretching so that the parchment can be scribed on both sides of<br />

a leaf , leading eventually to the making of the manuscript rolls by the binding the leaves<br />

to form a book was new. Vellum is a parchment made from the delicate skins of young<br />

animals and the superior quality ones were made specially from unborn or still born baby<br />

animals.<br />

Not far from the City was the center of worship of Zeus - the temple at Olympia in the<br />

state of Elis in Peloponnesus. In the center of the worship of the Acropolis in the city stood<br />

the Temple of Athena and on top of the mountain 800 feet above the plain led by a long<br />

flight of steps stood the imposing altar of Zeus over a 100 feet square land. It was another<br />

of world’s <strong>Seven</strong> Wonders of the ancient world.. It was here that the Olympic games<br />

started . The temple of Zeus housed a colossal gold and ivory statue of Zeus, made by<br />

Pheidias of Athens in the fifth century BC. The statue was one of the seven wonders of<br />

the ancient world. Antiochus IV made a temple for Apollo at Daphne, near Antioch using<br />

the same pattern and dimensions. Pausanius provides a description of the statue of Zeus

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