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Page 10 2016 Voter Guide League of Women Voters<br />

Biographical Info<br />

US Representative - Vote For Not More Than 1 - Two Year Term<br />

PRIORITIES: What are your top three national legislative<br />

priorities and how would you address them?<br />

HHH District 11 HHH<br />

ECONOMY: What federal policies do you support for<br />

a healthy economy and to help the broader American<br />

public improve their economic positions?<br />

DAVID A TROTT, Republican<br />

Campaign Website: www.trottforcongress.com<br />

Facebook Page: http://facebook.com/trottforcongress<br />

Occupation / Current Position: Former Lawyer/Businessman,<br />

current Member of Congress (MI-11)<br />

Education: Bachelor of Arts from the University of Michigan,<br />

Juris Doctor from Duke University<br />

Qualifications / Experience: As a lifelong resident of Oakland<br />

County, I have a proven track record of innovation,<br />

integrity, job-creation and solving problems. For more<br />

than 30 years, I have honed my skills as a leader and<br />

innovative businessman with expertise in technology,<br />

legal affairs, and housing. Throughout my career, I have<br />

created and saved 1,800 jobs in southeast Michigan.<br />

ANIL KUMAR, Democrat<br />

Campaign Website: www.KumarForUSCongress.com<br />

Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/kumarforuscongress<br />

Occupation / Current Position: Urologist, President and<br />

CEO of the Kumar Surgical Center<br />

Education: University of Bombay<br />

Qualifications / Experience: Chief of Surgery at Crittenton<br />

Hospital, President and CEO of Michigan United Physicians<br />

and Kumar Surgical Center, Board Member of the<br />

Oakland County Medical Society, and a faculty member<br />

at Michigan State University<br />

JONATHAN RAY OSMENT, Libertarian<br />

Campaign Website: www.Osmentforcongress.com<br />

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/osment2016<br />

Occupation / Current Position: Software Engineer<br />

Education: BA in Computer Science and Economics from<br />

Kalamazoo College<br />

Qualifications / Experience: Ran my own Startup geared<br />

towards online debates. Treasurer of the Libertarian<br />

Party of Michigan.<br />

Twitter: twitter.com/JonathanROsment<br />

I support policies to create a healthier economy, improve<br />

the lives of hard working families, and protect our citizens<br />

and nation from those who wish us harm. We must work to<br />

create good paying jobs and reduce the size of Washington<br />

so that everyone has the opportunity to succeed. We must<br />

reduce our national debt, balance the budget and reduce<br />

Washington’s wasteful spending. We must let families,<br />

hardworking taxpayers, and small businesses keep more<br />

of their hard earned money to spend it as they see fit. We<br />

must ensure that America takes and active and strong role<br />

in protecting our nation from terrorists.<br />

Healthcare: Strengthen the Affordable Care Act with a focus<br />

on preventative care and cost reduction. Protect Medicare<br />

for our seniors and improve their access to prescription<br />

medication. Education: College needs to be affordable for<br />

every American willing and able to attend and we need to<br />

hold charter schools to the same standard as our public<br />

institutions. Veterans: Expand access to the VA and other<br />

veterans’ programs to honor the commitment we make to<br />

our vets.<br />

Personal Freedom: I believe we should at a minimum<br />

legalize marijuana and decriminalize other drugs. I am for a<br />

woman’s choice on abortion and would protect legislation<br />

to that effect. Political Reform: Work on passing legislation<br />

to eliminate the influence of the private sector over the<br />

government. An example of this is to ban companies which<br />

accept public funds from participating in the electoral<br />

process. Economic Reform: Eliminate farm, oil, and other<br />

subsidies. Ease trade restrictions. Slowly replace the<br />

income tax with a different model. Replace large facets of<br />

federal government with state level control.<br />

I support balancing our national budget, reducing our<br />

national debt, and ending job killing regulations. We must<br />

allow job creators to grow and innovate by creating certainty-not<br />

changing the rules on them. I support reforms to<br />

simplify the tax code to make it fairer and lower rates, close<br />

loopholes, and put hardworking taxpayers ahead of special<br />

interests. Hardworking taxpayers and small businesses<br />

know how to spend their money better than Washington,<br />

DC. I also support ending harmful regulations on small<br />

businesses sent down from Washington, DC bureaucrats<br />

that hurt job creation and stifle growth.<br />

I support increasing the minimum wage, ending gender-based<br />

pay discrimination, increasing the top marginal<br />

tax rate, and investing in job training for a changing<br />

economy.<br />

For the economy I support eliminating current subsidies<br />

which create monopolies. This would increase the power<br />

of the individual as monopolistic power is weakened. I<br />

believe that reducing the income tax and replacing it with a<br />

different model will put money back into the pockets of the<br />

individual increasing their purchasing power and helping to<br />

drive the economy. Easing trade restrictions will increase<br />

competition with monopolies, in general allowing more<br />

innovation and aiding entrepreneurship. I would also be<br />

for easing regulations and restrictions on small businesses<br />

allowing them to better operate and flourish.<br />

KERRY BENTIVOLIO, No Party Affiliation<br />

Campaign Website: www.kerrybentivolio.com<br />

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/repkerryb/<br />

Occupation / Current Position: School Teacher. Hobby<br />

Farmer.<br />

Education: M.Ed, B. A.<br />

Qualifications / Experience: Served in the 113th Congress<br />

from 2013-15 and rated the 2nd Most Transparent (out of<br />

435 members of Congress), won 2 awards for Constituent<br />

Services for my mobile Congressional Outreach Program,<br />

Saturday Office Hours, 22 Issue specific Round Tables,<br />

and for posting my votes online explaining why I voted<br />

a certain way. I earn 100% rating from the Council of<br />

Citizens Against Government Waste.<br />

HOWARD KLAUSNER, Republican<br />

Campaign Website: www.klausnerforcongress.com<br />

Occupation / Current Position: Senior Staff Physician,<br />

Department of Emergency Medicince, Henry Ford Health<br />

System<br />

Education: University of Michigan, Bachelor of Science in<br />

Engineering 1990. University of Michigan, MD 1995<br />

Qualifications / Experience: *Vice-Chair, Health Emergency<br />

Medical Services, Inc. *Health Emergency Medical<br />

Services, Inc (HEMS 2011-present. Board of Trustees.<br />

*Region 2 South Healthcare Coalition, Planning Board.<br />

I will re-introduce H.R.1831 “Read the Bills Act” which I<br />

originally introduced. The Read the Bill Act requires 7 days<br />

for members of Congress to examine the merits of a Bill<br />

before voting. Read the Bills Act prevents changes to Bills<br />

hours before voting. I will sponsor a follow on Bill entitled<br />

“Single Issue Legislation” which prevents congress from<br />

submitting thousand page Bills covering a variety of issues.<br />

These two Bills will allow us ALL to fully examine and understand<br />

the merits of any legislation. It will force congress<br />

to be transparent and accountable.<br />

HHH District 14 HHH<br />

Health Care. As an emergency room physician in the heart<br />

of Detroit, I have worked with some of the most in need<br />

and lowest income. I understand how to increase access<br />

and lower costs for citizens. Balance the budget. The US<br />

spends billions of dollars more than it takes in. This could<br />

lead our country to bankruptcy. We must, as legislators,<br />

be at the forefront of ensuring the financial security of our<br />

children. Roll Back of Iran Deal. Iran is one of the most<br />

dangerous destabilizing countries in the world. All treaties<br />

should need the approval of the US Senate and should not<br />

be implemented by executive orders.<br />

I am proud I received a 91% “A” Rating from the DC watchdog<br />

group, “Club for Growth” and a 95% “A” rating from<br />

FreedomWorks during my time in the 113th US Congress.<br />

Both of these organizations advocate the principles of<br />

economic policies that strengthen our nation’s economy,<br />

lower taxes and the rule of law. I received an “A” rating<br />

from various manufacturing and small business groups.<br />

I once wrote, “investment goes where it is welcome and<br />

stays where it is appreciated” which is my guideline on<br />

economic issues.<br />

Balancing the federal budget. Simply put, we need to spend<br />

as much as we take in, and not more. By adding to the federal<br />

deficit, we are placing an undue burden on future generations.<br />

A balanced federal budget will provide increased<br />

stability in the economy which in turn leads to job growth<br />

and increased opportunity for all. Balancing the budget is<br />

most important for small business to survive and thrive.

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