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organization does not come easily to me. It’s<br />

the opposite for my sister Rachel. In her room,<br />

everything not only has a place but is in its place. I<br />

like to think of my room as a less insane version of<br />

Holly Golightly’s apartment. While you won’t find a<br />

telephone hidden in the netherregions of my suitcase, you<br />

may discover hand sanitzer in a pencil case, extra t-shirts<br />

next to my bed, and library books hidden underneath my pillow.<br />

Organization, however, is taking care of the things God has<br />

gifted you with. Okay . . . I’ll go clean out my pencil case. And<br />

while I do that, here are some things you can do to reorganize<br />

your room . . .<br />

Organized<br />

1.<br />

I bought some really cute black ones about two years<br />

ago. They were cheap, yet functional. I still have the<br />

bookcases. *begin embarrassing story* When I first<br />

purchased them, I was absolutely driven to build them<br />

myself. Well, a few crooked nails later, I realized I had<br />

put the back on wrong. So, I ruefully removed the<br />

nails and called my brother for assistance. To this day,<br />

my bookcase still has scars. *story end* Once you get<br />

the bookshelves, choose a theme or two for each shelf.<br />

Perhaps one will hold the stuffed animals you’re not<br />

quite ready to give away yet (I’m right there with you!),<br />

while the other will actually hold books.<br />

Purchase bookshelves.<br />

2. It may be time to get rid of some things in your room,<br />

like that Rudolph snow globe your great aunt gave you<br />

for Christmas last year, or those cute boots that don’t<br />

fit you anymore. Or that epic Hello Kitty chainsaw.<br />

LET IT GO, MAN. Make it a routine to file through your<br />

room every season and eliminate the junk in your<br />

room. If it makes you feel better, you can give favorite<br />

clothes to younger girls you know or friends who are<br />

shorter than you (a.k.a., me), or items to your local<br />

Goodwill.<br />

Purge.<br />

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