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humans.<br />

fellow<br />

I’m Amanda, the brains behind SKGfun. *waves*<br />

SKGfun began in 2012, yielded from the seeds of an introverted 12-yearold<br />

only beginning to find her place in life. Yup! That girl was me.<br />

(SURPRISE) I rounded up my small assembly of friends and together we<br />

bonded over our love of writing and our craving to be heard in an<br />

unethical, corrupt world. The product of our labor was a newsletter jampacked<br />

with amusing stories, useless facts, wise sayings, and little bits<br />

and pieces of tween brains (which, as you can guess, are pretty, um,<br />

INTERESTING fragments of creation . . .).<br />

Now the newsletter has evolved into an e-magazine. We have many<br />

writers and an ever-growing mailing list. Added on to the magazine is a<br />

blog that I write on weekly with tips for girls navigating through the teen<br />

years (because it’s hard, amiright?). This e-book came to me one night<br />

while texting one of my bestest friends. I’m always having ideas, but this<br />

one seemed like a winner. In this e-book, I hope to impart with you some<br />

of my best tips on achieving the characteristics of a South Kakalaki Girl.<br />

A South Kakalaki Girl is, in essence, a mature, memorable Christian girl<br />

who puts others first. She is resourceful and “with-it.” She holds her<br />

ground in her beliefs, but isn’t bullheaded. Check the table of contents on<br />

the next page to find more characteristics of an SKG. I’m so glad that<br />

you’ve decided to take this journey with me (*virtual high five*). I want<br />

SKGfun to be your sacred oasis, where you can learn exciting things that<br />

make your teen years simpler, as they should be.<br />

And by the way—I absolutely love meeting new friends, so make sure to<br />

connect online at skgfun.com. We’re also on all major social media.<br />

Thanks for reading, dear friend!<br />


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