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when God made us, He gave us just a tiny bit of<br />

His amazing creativity. I mean, think about how<br />

creative He had to be when he made the millions kinds<br />

of flowers and animals, fashioned the ideas of colors and<br />

emotion, and fabricated the laws of math and science! Now,<br />

He gave larger helpings of creativity to some people than the<br />

rest of humanity. But that’s totally okay! Everyone is creative<br />

to a certain extent—we have the ability to use our brains and<br />

invent unique solutions to problems and more! Here are some<br />

ways to develop your creativity.<br />

Creative<br />

1.<br />

Say hello to your new best friend, Hobby Lobby. Head<br />

over there and grab one of them handy nifty<br />

sketchbooks. They don’t cost a lot at all and go for<br />

pretty cheap. I mean, after all, it's only a spiral bound<br />

pad of paper. #INGENIOUS<br />

Buy a sketchbook.<br />

The sky isn’t always blue! (Okay, actually it is, but<br />

work with me here). Sometimes it can be turquoise or<br />

polka-dotted. Don’t just settle for the first thing that<br />

comes to your mind. Dare yourself to do something that<br />

isn't the first thing that comes to mind. Like what?!?!<br />

Think outside of the box.<br />

3. Yeah, these rarely turn out (*cough cough*<br />

PINTEREST) But the experience is what counts, right?<br />

Plus, there’s nothing like making something with your<br />

lil’ ole hands.<br />

Take a jab at a DIY.<br />

4.<br />

There’s a myriad of utensils out there for art-making.<br />

Pastels (chalk and oil), markers, colored pencils,<br />

crayons, paint (acrylic, oil, and watercolor), plain old<br />

pencils . . . you could even make multimedia collages<br />

with the pages of old catalogues!<br />

Practice sketching!<br />

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