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Along similar lines, we can drink a lot of water but that doesn’t mean that we are necessarily “moisturized.” Oil<br />

is unctuous which softens our outsides and penetrates deep in our tissues to keep vata emotional, mental and<br />

physical energy balanced. Here are some ways you can use various oils internally and externally.<br />

Ghee (clarified butter). Eat like you would butter. Melt on pastas, bread,<br />

oatmeal, mashed potatoes, veggies, baked apples. Increases agni (digestive<br />

fire), reduces vata and pitta, nourishes all tissues, relieves constipation and<br />

stabilizes moods.<br />

Sesame Oil. Use internal and external. Great for abhyanga for vatas and vata<br />

season. Use the “cold-pressed” kind, not the “toasted” kind or you’ll smell<br />

like Asian food.<br />

Coconut Oil. Great for pitta as it has a cooling effect. Especially great in<br />

warm, dry weather.<br />

Almond Oil. Good for vata and pitta externally. Light enough to use before<br />

bed near the eyes to reduce crow's feet. Great for full body and will not<br />

irritate pitta’s sensitive skin.<br />

Flaxseed Oil. Good for internal oleation and helps with constipation if you<br />

are ghee shy. Don’t heat it. Drizzle on veggies and rice bowls.<br />

Olive Oil. Not talked about much in Ayurveda because Indians don’t have<br />

olive trees...but Greeks and Italians use it liberally (on food and on skin)!<br />

Author of In Your Elements: A Blooming Ayurvedic Guide to Creating Your Best Life, Monica<br />

Bloom is an expert at tucking Ayurveda neatly into a busy modern life. She grew up in<br />

Milwaukee, Wisconsin on beer, cheese, fried things and Green Bay Packer football games<br />

on Sundays. She currently works a job-job with a 2.5-hour daily commute in tech-crazy<br />

San Francisco and comes home to an endearing husband, a spritely toddler, two<br />

dogs and a cat. She practices Ayurveda while juggling the busy-ness of life and<br />

has been actively sharing Ayurvedic wisdom since 2008. If she can incorporate<br />

Ayurveda into her wonky-busy schedule, you can, too.<br />


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