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Discussion and conclusions<br />

This study has looked in close detail at the features of writing of a small sample of UK students<br />

in a high-stakes examination, and compared the results to those seen at various points in the<br />

past.<br />

The study is, in some respects, limited. Purists would undoubtedly argue that the samples of<br />

writing across the years should be garnered from the same stimulus task, and in an ideal world,<br />

this would be so. However, Aspects of Writing is all about taking a corpus of material from a<br />

real-life context.We can be confident that the conditions under which the candidates<br />

produced their work are unchanged; during an invigilated, high-stakes examination, where<br />

students know that the accuracy of the features of writing investigated is important. It is also<br />

the case that the cohort of students changed with each phase of the study.Whilst broadly<br />

similar (UK students, from a representative breakdown of examination centres, of a similar<br />

age) the life experiences and scholastic environments of the cohorts are different.The advent<br />

of electronic media for much everyday writing, with its concomitant reliance on automatic<br />

checking and correction against conventions of writing, make the world of the 16-year old in<br />

2014 very different from their counterparts in 1980. Language, too, has changed, as have<br />

conventions in speaking and writing.To some extent we break one of the fundamental rules of<br />

measuring change, by attempting to investigate something which is inexorably changing with<br />

time in any case.This is why it is better to regard Aspects of Writing as a monitor of the<br />

prevailing behaviours.<br />

The method we have used complements other sources of information about written language<br />

features of school leavers, such as surveys of employers and HE institutions.The Aspects of<br />

Writing studies look at evidence of writing at age 16 atomistically, whereas other<br />

commentators base their judgements on a more holistic perception of writing attainment in<br />

HE or the workplace.<br />

Three of the four coders engaged for the study had coded for us in 2007.Whilst laborious and<br />

time-consuming, the coders reported finding the work very interesting. In general, (with the<br />

notable exception of the subordination codings) the coders were confident in their approach.<br />

Importantly the coders were open with the research team about issues as they arose, enabling<br />

an effective collaborative approach to the data collection.<br />

The 2014 study has highlighted a number of changes over time:<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

It is noteworthy that, in the case of the highest attaining students, the proportion of scripts<br />

judged to contain very sophisticated vocabulary in 2014 increased considerably compared<br />

to 2007. However, this proportion did not reach the levels recorded in 2004.<br />

The range of ‘other’ punctuation marks (i.e., not stops, commas or apostrophes) used had<br />

increased amongst higher attaining students and decreased sharply amongst the lowest<br />

attainers.<br />

There is a tentative indication of generally improved usage of commas.There were fewer<br />

comma splices at most levels of attainment compared to 2004 and slightly fewer omitted<br />

commas.The incidence of correct use of commas had increased at the highest levels of<br />

attainment compared to 2004.<br />

46 | RESEARCH MATTERS – SPECIAL ISSUE 4: Aspects of Writing 1980–2014

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