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C<br />

2007 2014<br />

a (I)<br />

abit (a bit)<br />

absoluley (absolutely)<br />

actualy (actually)<br />

amoung (among)<br />

anounced (announced)<br />

asif (as if)<br />

atmospere (atmosphere)<br />

auditon (audition)<br />

awaited (waited)<br />

awfull (awful)<br />

back-stage (backstage,<br />

back stage)<br />

bargin (bargain)<br />

bass-line (bass line)<br />

battle ax (battle-axe)<br />

beated (beat)<br />

becine (bikini)<br />

beeming (beaming)<br />

been (being) x2<br />

being (been)<br />

breackdancing<br />

(break-dancing)<br />

breath (breathe) x2<br />

breathe (breath) x2<br />

bust (burst)<br />

butterflys (butterflies)<br />

center (centre)<br />

clamy (clammy)<br />

colleseum (Colosseum)<br />

comotion (commotion)<br />

compatition<br />

(competition)<br />

desparately (desperately)<br />

discusion (discussion)<br />

dissapear (disappear)<br />

drowzy (drowsy)<br />

dunbells (dumb-bells)<br />

eleminated (eliminated)<br />

embarresment<br />

(embarrassment)<br />

emperour (emperor)<br />

entertaiment<br />

(entertainment)<br />

entertaing (entertaining)<br />

excroutiating<br />

(excruciating)<br />

expierience (experience)<br />

fast-thinking (fast<br />

thinking)<br />

finaly (finally)<br />

futher (further)<br />

gameshow<br />

(game show) x2<br />

game-show (game show)<br />

gob-smacked<br />

(gobsmacked)<br />

goulish (ghoulish)<br />

half way (halfway,<br />

half-way)<br />

havn’t (haven't)<br />

headbanging (?)<br />

here (hear)<br />

herse (hearse)<br />

humilate (humiliate)<br />

imaginaton (imagination)<br />

in tact (intact)<br />

in to (into) x2<br />

inforont (in front)<br />

infront (in front) x6<br />

interupted (interrupted)<br />

isle (aisle)<br />

may be (maybe)<br />

minuites (minutes)<br />

my self (myself)<br />

new (knew)<br />

not (no)<br />

obssesed (obsessed)<br />

of (off) x2<br />

on (in)<br />

oppertunity (opportunity)<br />

over-whelmed<br />

(overwhelmed)<br />

prefom (perform)<br />

preform (perform)<br />

probably (properly)<br />

regurlarly (regularly)<br />

raitings (ratings)<br />

rihno (rhino)<br />

rollercoast (roller coaster)<br />

saggey (saggy)<br />

scences (senses)<br />

self confidence<br />

(self-confidence)<br />

smokey (smoky)<br />

some where (somewhere)<br />

spot light (spotlight)<br />

staring (starring)<br />

stoped (stopped)<br />

sweet heart (sweetheart)<br />

talanted (talented)<br />

tenis (tennis)<br />

there (their)<br />

thourght (thought)<br />

throght (throat)<br />

throught (thought)<br />

to (do)<br />

to (too)<br />

tock (?)<br />

too (to)<br />

underneathe (underneath)<br />

weathy (wealthy)<br />

weiry (wiry)<br />

wheather (weather)<br />

where (were)<br />

wimpered (whimpered)<br />

wobbley (wobbly)<br />

your (you're)<br />

abit (a bit)<br />

accross (across)<br />

angle (angel)<br />

anniversery (anniversary)<br />

appera (appear)<br />

appropriatly<br />

(appropriately)<br />

armor (armour)<br />

arrieved (arrived)<br />

aswell (as well)<br />

atleast (at least)<br />

barly (barely)<br />

beggining (beginning)<br />

begining (beginning)<br />

bird song (birdsong)<br />

bosy (bossy)<br />

bubbeling (bubbling)<br />

cautiosly (cautiously)<br />

cheeck (cheek)<br />

chiken (chicken)<br />

chose (choose)<br />

cobble stone<br />

(cobblestone)<br />

corperation (corporation)<br />

coulered (coloured)<br />

coverd (covered)<br />

defibrillater (defibrillator)<br />

definatly (definitely)<br />

degress (digress)<br />

dent (don’t)<br />

denty (dainty)<br />

desert (dessert)<br />

dessurt (dessert)<br />

deteeriated (deteriorated)<br />

diserted (deserted)<br />

down hill (downhill)<br />

drown (drove)<br />

easilly (easily)<br />

egale (eagle)<br />

engulting (engulfing)<br />

erriee (eerie)<br />

essance (essence)<br />

falty (faulty)<br />

familys (families)<br />

fastforward (fast forward)<br />

favorite (favourite)<br />

feilds (fields)<br />

fimiliar (familiar)<br />

finnished (finished)<br />

frecles (freckles)<br />

futher (further)<br />

ganarld (gnarled)<br />

giiving (giving)<br />

golfballs (golf balls)<br />

goverments<br />

(governments)<br />

happyness (happiness)<br />

hault (halt)<br />

her self (herself)<br />

hevans (heavens)<br />

icecream (ice cream)<br />

in to (into)<br />

inbetween (in between)<br />

infront (in front)<br />

ingrediants (ingredients)<br />

intreagued (intrigued)<br />

irratation (irritation)<br />

jaggered (jagged)<br />

jus (just)<br />

layed (laid)<br />

lead (led)<br />

litteraly (literally)<br />

lives (livers)<br />

meters (metres)<br />

milimetres (millimetres)<br />

minuets (minutes)<br />

minuvure (manoeuvre)<br />

monstrus (monstrous)<br />

mutterd (muttered)<br />

my self (myself) x2<br />

mysef (myself)<br />

neve (never)<br />

never ending<br />

(neverending) x2<br />

no where (nowhere)<br />

occasionaly (occasionally)<br />

of (off)<br />

on (one)<br />

openning (opening)<br />

otfro (?)<br />

other wise (otherwise)<br />

over grown (overgrown)<br />

over growth (overgrowth)<br />

over head (overhead)<br />

pareé (puree)<br />

possesion (possession)<br />

puled (pulled)<br />

questiong (questioning)<br />

quite (quiet)<br />

quiter (quieter)<br />

rawring (roaring)<br />

relised (realised)<br />

rembered (remembered)<br />

remenissing (reminiscing)<br />

repetative (repetitive)<br />

rescucitation<br />

(resuscitation)<br />

russles (rustles)<br />

screached (screeched)<br />

senstive (sensitive)<br />

started (stared)<br />

sú (sous)<br />

suculent (succulent)<br />

sun (son)<br />

supermakets<br />

(supermarkets)<br />

suspition (suspicion)<br />

their (there)<br />

then (than)<br />

they’re (their)<br />

thurst (thirst)<br />

to (too) x3<br />

too (to) x2<br />

trecked (trekked)<br />

truely (truly)<br />

unknow (unknown)<br />

74 | RESEARCH MATTERS – SPECIAL ISSUE 4: Aspects of Writing 1980–2014

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