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<strong>VA</strong>/<strong>DoD</strong> Clinical Practice Guideline for Opioid Therapy for Chronic Pain<br />

The relative strength of the recommendation is based on a binary scale, “Strong” or “Weak.” A strong<br />

recommendation indicates that the Work Group is highly confident that desirable outcomes outweigh<br />

undesirable outcomes. If the Work Group is less confident of the balance between desirable and<br />

undesirable outcomes, they present a weak recommendation.<br />

Similarly, a recommendation for a therapy or preventive measure indicates that the desirable<br />

consequences outweigh the undesirable consequences. A recommendation against a therapy or<br />

preventive measure indicates that the undesirable consequences outweigh the desirable consequences.<br />

Using these elements, the grade of each recommendation is presented as part of a continuum:<br />

• Strong For (or “We recommend offering this option …”)<br />

• Weak For (or “We suggest offering this option …”)<br />

• Weak Against (or “We suggest not offering this option …”)<br />

• Strong Against (or “We recommend against offering this option …”)<br />

Note that weak (For or Against) recommendations may also be termed “Conditional,” “Discretionary,” or<br />

“Qualified.” Recommendations may be conditional based upon patient values and preferences, the<br />

resources available, or the setting in which the intervention will be implemented. Recommendations may<br />

be at the discretion of the patient and clinician, or they may be qualified with an explanation about the<br />

issues that would lead decisions to vary.<br />

E. Recommendation Categorization<br />

a. Categorizing Recommendations with an Updated Review of the Evidence<br />

Recommendations were first categorized by whether or not they were based on an updated review of the<br />

evidence. If evidence had been reviewed, recommendations were categorized as “New-added,” “Newreplaced,”<br />

“Not changed,” “Amended,” or “Deleted.”<br />

“Reviewed, New-added” recommendations were original, new recommendations that were not in the<br />

2010 OT CPG. “Reviewed, New-replaced” recommendations were in the previous version of the guideline,<br />

but were modified to align with the updated review of the evidence. These recommendations could have<br />

also included clinically significant changes to the previous version. Recommendations categorized as<br />

“Reviewed, Not changed” were carried forward from the previous version of the CPG unchanged.<br />

To maintain consistency between 2010 recommendations, which were developed using the USPSTF<br />

methodology, and 2017 recommendations, which were developed using the GRADE methodology, it was<br />

necessary to modify the 2010 recommendations to include verbiage to signify the strength of the<br />

recommendation (e.g., “We recommend,” “We suggest”). Because the 2010 recommendations inherently<br />

needed to be modified at least slightly to include this language, the “Not changed” category was not used.<br />

For recommendations carried forward to the updated CPG with review of the evidence and slightly<br />

modified wording, the “Reviewed, Amended” recommendation category was used. This allowed for the<br />

wording of the recommendation to reflect GRADE methodology as well as for any other non-substantive<br />

(i.e., not clinically meaningful) language changes deemed necessary. The evidence used to support these<br />

February 2017 Page 120 of 192

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