Bay Harbour: August 24, 2016

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Wednesday august <strong>24</strong> <strong>2016</strong> 379 7100<br />

<strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong><br />

News<br />

Proudly locally owned and<br />

published by Star Media<br />

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Residents want better<br />

police coverage in port<br />

• By Annabelle Dick<br />

Heathcote Valley<br />

FRUSTRATED Lyttelton<br />

residents want more police<br />

presence to deter burglars and<br />

thieves.<br />

Residents Brett Partel and Paul<br />

Dietsche addressed the Lyttelton-Mt<br />

Herbert Community<br />

Board last week after hearing<br />

concerns from other people<br />

about the increase in crime in<br />

the port.<br />

Mr Partel had his trailer stolen<br />

from his Cressy Tce property in<br />

July and said he knows of another<br />

five trailers that have been<br />

taken from the area.<br />

Mr Dietsche said residents<br />

have told him about vandalism<br />

and fuel siphoning from cars,<br />

and work vehicles that have had<br />

tools stolen from them.<br />

“It’s worrisome – we love living<br />

here and we love the community<br />

so we want to see if something<br />

can be done,” Mr Dietsche said.<br />

They want police on call in<br />

Lyttelton outside of the current<br />

8am-5pm Monday to Friday coverage,<br />

and CCTV cameras placed<br />

in the port.<br />

Police from Christchurch cover<br />

the area outside of the hours<br />

above.<br />

Five officers and a supervisor<br />

are based at Lyttelton.<br />

The pair want police to pour<br />

more resources into the community<br />

and see CCTV cameras<br />

installed to deter burglars.<br />

“I see not having a full-time<br />

police station as being an issue,<br />

I can’t get hold of them, when I<br />

have issues I have to phone up<br />

central to get put through to<br />

Lyttelton police. They don’t answer<br />

the phone, they don’t return<br />

messages,” Mr Partel said.<br />

Senior Sergeant Stephen<br />

McDaniel told the community<br />

board police had to stick to<br />

budgets when allocating resources.<br />

He said police from<br />

Christchurch can easily attend<br />

when Lyttelton-based police<br />

couldn’t.<br />

Senior Sergeant McDaniel<br />

suggested introducing CPTED<br />

(Criminal prevention through<br />

environmental design) to the<br />

area which involves retrofitting<br />

the town to make it less susceptible<br />

to crime.<br />

London St businesses including<br />

Civil & Naval, The Shroom<br />

Room and Lyttelton Coffee<br />

Company are just a few of several<br />

businesses who have been burgled<br />

in the past few months.<br />

Shroom Room staff member<br />

Lisa Isbiter said the cafe was hit<br />

twice two months ago and a till<br />

was stolen which contained a<br />

year’s tip collection.<br />

Civil & Naval had two kegs<br />

of beer stolen from their site on<br />

July 27.<br />

Owner Louis Dyer said there’s<br />

a security system installed but<br />

the kegs were situated out back<br />

away from the camera’s view.<br />

Senior Sergeant McDaniel said<br />

residents could help themselves<br />

by not becoming easy targets for<br />

burglars and thieves, like hiding<br />

trailers from sight, and locking<br />

Lyttelton<br />

BURGLARY VICTIM: Civil & Naval owner Louis<br />

Dyer says opportunists are taking advantage<br />

of local businesses. Residents want to see the<br />

police station manned longer and officers out<br />

in force more often to reduce burglaries in the<br />

area.<br />


doors.<br />

“There’s a lot of opportunists<br />

out there – a lot of people<br />

who commit crimes aren’t out<br />

there to do it, they just see the<br />

opportunity and take it,” Senior<br />

Sergeant McDaniel said.<br />

The community board is looking<br />

to install a mobile camera to<br />

move around crime hot spots.<br />

HAVE YOUR SAY: Is there<br />

enough police coverage<br />

in Lyttelton and the bays?<br />

Tell us your experiences by<br />

emailing annabelle.dick@<br />

starmedia.kiwi<br />

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Wednesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>24</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />

Inside<br />

FROM<br />

THE<br />

EDITOR’S<br />

DESK News.............3, 4, 5, 6 & 10<br />

THe police have a tough job and<br />

the community should, and do,<br />

get behind the boys, and girls, in<br />

blue who generally do a sterling<br />

job.<br />

But there are grumbles in<br />

Lyttelton because people there<br />

don’t think they are getting the<br />

service they need (see page 1).<br />

There has been a spate of thefts<br />

and burglaries in the past year,<br />

which prompted residents Brett<br />

Partel and Paul Dietsche to go<br />

to the Lyttelton-Mt Herbert<br />

Community Board to air their<br />

concerns.<br />

They want police based in the<br />

bays area seven days a week.<br />

And they don’t seem to return<br />

calls either – to the <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong><br />

News anyway. We tried to get<br />

Lyttelton police to respond to a<br />

number of questions for this issue<br />

– but they haven’t called back.<br />

The residents probably have a<br />

good case. – Barry Clarke<br />

Ferrymead piano tuner puts final touches on city icon<br />

NEWS 6<br />

Our People..................8, 9<br />

Sport..................................12, 13<br />

Schools............................14<br />

Your Local Views...........16<br />

Community Events...22<br />

Fashion.....................................27<br />

Bridal Show...................28<br />

Health & Beauty............29<br />

Travel 31...........................31<br />


General Enquiries Ph 379-7100<br />

Classified Advertising Ph 379-1100<br />

starmedia.kiwi<br />

Annabelle Dick. 03 364 7497<br />

annabelle.dick@starmedia.kiwi<br />


Fraser Walker-Pearce. Ph: 364 74<strong>24</strong><br />

fraser.walker@starmedia.kiwi<br />

Javier Balcazar. Ph: 982 9308<br />

javier.balcazar@starmedia.kiwi<br />

Rob Davison. Ph: 021 225 8584<br />

rob.davison@starmedia.kiwi<br />

Better Councils Make<br />

Darrell<br />

Latham<br />

Better Communities<br />

Authorised by Dr Darrell Latham<br />

53 Colenso St, Sumner, Christchurch 8081<br />

Heathcote<br />

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Wednesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>24</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />


PAGE 3<br />

News<br />

High levels of air pollution<br />

• By Annabelle Dick<br />

AN AIR quality report shows<br />

there has been a spike in air<br />

pollution in Lyttelton during<br />

winter.<br />

The Environment Canterbury<br />

report, which measured gases<br />

and particles, showed an<br />

increase in PM10 and PM2.5<br />

particles.<br />

ECan measured air quality<br />

daily from January <strong>2016</strong> and<br />

results showed that PM10 levels<br />

breached the National Environmental<br />

Standard four times in<br />

June.<br />

PM10 are coarse particles that<br />

often come from dust and sea<br />

salt and in high concentrations,<br />

can cause respiratory health<br />

problems including coughing,<br />

wheezing, asthma attacks and<br />

bronchitis.<br />

The report also showed PM2.5<br />

levels were over the World<br />

Health Organisation’s guideline<br />

four times in June as well.<br />

PM2.5 are fine particles that<br />

come from combustion sources<br />

like woodburners and vehicles<br />

and are considered more severe.<br />

These particles can reach the<br />

deepest region of the lungs and<br />

short term exposure in high<br />

amounts can worsen lung and<br />

heart conditions and increase<br />

deaths and hospital admissions.<br />

ECan senior air quality analyst<br />

Teresa Aberkane said the<br />

spike in PM levels might have to<br />

do with weather conditions.<br />

“We do see coarse particles all<br />

time – just not the exceedances.<br />

They happen when there’s very<br />

little wind and Lyttelton is calm<br />

over winter so it might just be<br />

something that happens during<br />

that season,” Ms Aberkane said.<br />

Lyttelton-Mt Herbert Community<br />

Board chairwoman<br />

Paula Smith asked ECan specialists<br />

if they were concerned<br />

about the frequency of high<br />

levels.<br />

“It’s unusual – I haven’t come<br />

across a situation like this before,”<br />

Ms Aberkane said.<br />

Concentrations of gases and<br />

particles are measured every<br />

minute along with wind and<br />

temperature at a site on Norwich<br />

Quay.<br />

ECan analysts believe the pollution<br />

could be related to road<br />

usage.<br />

“We’re not sure what the<br />

source is . . . it could possibly be<br />

movements on the road picking<br />

up dust,” Ms Aberkane said.<br />

The New Zealand Transport<br />

Agency’s updated Lyttelton<br />

Tunnel Bylaw comes into affect<br />

on September 1 and ECan staff<br />

believe this should have an effect<br />

Teresa<br />

Aberkane<br />


WOES: PM<br />

levels have<br />

spiked in<br />

Lyttelton over<br />

winter.<br />

on the poor air quality readings.<br />

The changes mean that vehicles<br />

transporting loose material<br />

like sand, soil or fertiliser must<br />

be covered both before and after<br />

load delivery to reduce dust and<br />

dirt in the tunnel.<br />

The air quality analysts expect<br />

the bylaw will mean a drop in<br />

particular matter in Lyttelton<br />

and will publish the results in<br />

their next quarterly report.<br />

Nitrogen dioxide, sulphur<br />

dioxide and carbon monoxide<br />

concentrations were also measured<br />

and were well below the<br />

National Environmental Standards<br />

for air quality and Ambient<br />

Air Quality Guidelines.<br />

In Brief<br />


A woman was left with minor<br />

injuries after a crash in Charteris<br />

<strong>Bay</strong> on Monday. The car hit a<br />

bank and was the only vehicle<br />

involved.<br />


Lyttelton Historical Museum<br />

Society will be gifted a city<br />

council site to build a new<br />

museum. The society made a<br />

deputation to the city council<br />

alongside the Lyttelton-Mt<br />

Herbert Community Board<br />

which resulted in a principle<br />

decision to gift the land to the<br />

museum society after its building<br />

was lost in the February 22, 2011,<br />

earthquake. The society will build<br />

on the old service centre site at<br />

33 London St after a final report<br />

with the decision is created.<br />


The city council is asking for<br />

public feedback on proposed<br />

changes to the Freedom Camping<br />

Bylaw. The amended bylaw<br />

proposes to ban all non-selfcontained<br />

freedom camping<br />

throughout the district but the<br />

law would allow certified selfcontained<br />

camping without a<br />

time restriction in rural zones.<br />

Public feedback on the proposal is<br />

being sought until September 15,<br />

and a full review of the bylaw is<br />

scheduled for next year.<br />



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Wednesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>24</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />

News<br />

LOCAL<br />


The two<br />

Banks<br />

Peninsula<br />

community<br />

boards will<br />

amalgamate<br />

to form one<br />

for the area. ​<br />

CHANGES:<br />

The<br />

Heathcote<br />

Ward will<br />

join the<br />

Linwood-<br />

Central-<br />

Heathcote<br />

Community<br />

Board to<br />

create one<br />

large super<br />

ward.<br />

Three-way battle for Heathcote seat<br />

• By Annabelle Dick<br />

COMPETITION will be fierce<br />

for the lone city council seat<br />

in the Heathcote<br />

Ward.<br />

Sara Templeton<br />

(Strong Communities<br />

for a Stronger<br />

Christchurch, left),<br />

Paul Lonsdale<br />

(Independent, left)<br />

and Malcolm Davis<br />

(Independent) are<br />

all vying for the<br />

new Heathcote seat<br />

on the city council.<br />

Cr Lonsdale<br />

currently represents the Hagley-<br />

Ferrymead Community Board<br />

Elections 16<br />

on the city council, Mrs Templeton<br />

is the board’s chairwoman<br />

and Mr Davis is a newcomer to<br />

local government.<br />

The Heathcote Ward is a part<br />

of the newly-formed Linwood-<br />

Central-Heathcote Community<br />

Board that was introduced after<br />

the Local Government Commission’s<br />

representation review.<br />

The Hagley-Ferrymead Community<br />

Board has been disestablished.<br />

Darrell Latham (Independent),<br />

Tim Lindley (For Communities<br />

You’ll Love To Live In), Rosemary<br />

Neave (The People’s Choice<br />

– Independent), Una O’Grady<br />

(The People’s Choice) and Craig<br />

Todd will compete for the two<br />

positions on the Heathcote area<br />

of the community board.<br />

Meanwhile, Banks Peninsula<br />

representation has also been<br />

shaken up with the Lyttelton-Mt<br />

Herbert Community Board<br />

and the Akaroa-Wairewa Community<br />

Board joining forces to<br />

create one board.<br />

The competiton for the Banks<br />

Peninsula area is a lot slimmer<br />

with Andrew Turner claiming<br />

the council seat by default.<br />

The newly-formed Banks<br />

Peninsula Community Board<br />

will home four community<br />

subdivisions to represent the<br />

different areas within the<br />

area.<br />

In the Lyttelton subdivision,<br />

Jed O’Donoghue and Christine<br />

Wilson (Independent) will be<br />

elected unopposed to fill the two<br />

vacancies.<br />

In the Mt Herbert subdivision,<br />

Felix Dawson (Independent) and<br />

John McLister will claim the two<br />

available spots.<br />

Tori Peden will fill the one<br />

position available on the<br />

Wairewa subdivision of the<br />

board.<br />

But there will be competition<br />

in the Akaroa subdivision with<br />

Janis Haley, Keith Molloy and<br />

Pam Richardson competing for<br />

the two vacancies.<br />

Voting is by postal ballot with<br />

forms being sent out on September<br />

16, the polls close at noon on<br />

October 8.<br />

For a full list of who is running<br />

for other wards and community<br />

boards visit www.electionz.com/<br />

LGENominations/ELT60CC16_<br />

candidates.htm<br />

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Wednesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>24</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />


PAGE 5<br />

St John calls for help<br />

TRACK<br />

• By Annabelle Dick<br />

THE ST John Banks Peninsula<br />

area chairman is trying to<br />

recruit residents to help in<br />

frontline emergency services.<br />

Pete Dawson made a deputation<br />

to the Lyttelton-Mt Herbert<br />

Community Board to ask for<br />

their support in getting the<br />

community involved in paramedic<br />

services.<br />

Drivers and people willing<br />

to be trained in emergency<br />

responses are being sought.<br />

Lyttelton had their two<br />

ambulances taken from the area<br />

in 2014 and earlier this year to<br />

fulfil a need for more emergency<br />

services in the city centre.<br />

The area now has a fourwheel-drive<br />

first response unit<br />

to treat patients on the ground<br />

before they’re backed up by an<br />

ambulance.<br />

Mr Dawson isn’t upset about<br />

the ambulances being removed,<br />

as the city needs them more<br />

than the harbour area does.<br />

“The workload is such around<br />

the city that there’s no<br />

justification for it to be in<br />

Lyttelton where there isn’t a big<br />

workload. They can be dealt<br />

with by an ambulance in the<br />

city or by a first response unit,”<br />

he said.<br />

FIRST RESPONSE: St John is asking for residents’ help after Lyttelton’s two ambulances were<br />

replaced by a four-wheel-drive unit.<br />


The first response vehicle acts<br />

as an ambulance but cannot<br />

transport patients to the city.<br />

But Mr Dawson said there’s<br />

no staff to drive the unit and<br />

administer first aid to residents<br />

and now he’s campaigning for<br />

community participation.<br />

“We’ve got the vehicle but<br />

not the people. Lyttelton can be<br />

completely isolated and we feel<br />

the community needs some sort<br />

of response because if there’s<br />

Sara TEMPLETON<br />

• The latest Representation Review has<br />

divided the city into 16 wards, each with<br />

a single councillor. This was in response<br />

to the call by residents for better access<br />

to their representatives.<br />

• Our city needs councillors who<br />

live in and are connected to their<br />

wards, are experienced leaders,<br />

good listeners and believe in public<br />

service. I am one of those people<br />

and need your vote to do this work.<br />

/saratempletonchch<br />

Authorised by Sara Templeton, 23 Marsden St, Heathcote, Christchurch 8022<br />

Councillor for Heathcote<br />

an accident and no one can get<br />

there, there needs to be people<br />

within Lyttelton who can help,”<br />

Mr Dawson said.<br />

St John cannot pay for staff<br />

as paid staff moved when the<br />

ambulances went to the city.<br />

Mr Dawson said instead<br />

St John will give people full<br />

training, ongoing support and<br />

uniforms and there’s no cost to<br />

the volunteer.<br />

He said he’s doing this to keep<br />

the resource within the community<br />

to make sure an emergency<br />

response is as close as possible.<br />

“We want to make sure that St<br />

John can continue its long history<br />

of saving lives in Lyttelton<br />

by going to the community<br />

and saying ‘we’re here to help<br />

you but you’ve got to help us as<br />

well’,” he said.<br />

St John has been serving Lyttelton<br />

and Banks Peninsula for<br />

more than 100 years.<br />

Want to improve<br />

your local<br />

environment?<br />

In Brief<br />


Gravel has been laid on the Mt<br />

Vernon farm mountain bike<br />

track in the Port Hills to make<br />

it usable for residents. A spell of<br />

warm and dry weather allowed<br />

city council rangers to fix the<br />

track near Summit Rd, which was<br />

badly worn down in places and in<br />

need of maintenance. The rangers<br />

are responsible for recreation<br />

management in 40 reserves on the<br />

Port Hills and 90 different tracks<br />

that have 1.2 million visits each<br />

year.<br />


The McCormacks <strong>Bay</strong> Reserve<br />

Estuary Trust will provide a free<br />

guided tour of the reserve to show<br />

off the latest restoration work.<br />

Trust coordinator Tanya Jenkins<br />

has organised the tour on <strong>August</strong><br />

29 at 10.15am to show residents<br />

the work recently undertaken<br />

by the Mt Pleasant volunteer<br />

team. The tour will commence<br />

from the temporary Mt Pleasant<br />

Community Centre. Morning tea<br />

will be provided. If you would<br />

like to come along, please email<br />

coordinator@mpcc.org.nz<br />


Road works on Dyers Rd may<br />

cause delays for residents. The two<br />

lanes have been maintained but<br />

temporary speed limits will be in<br />

place so expect slow traffic at peak<br />

times.<br />

Do you have an idea to help our native fish, plants and<br />

birds thrive?<br />

If this sounds like you then applications for Immediate Steps funding are now open.<br />


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Riccarton Park Function Centre<br />

165 Racecourse Road, Broomfield, Christchurch<br />

Tuesday 30 <strong>August</strong><br />

FINZ member rate $99,<br />

Non member rate $119 Includes morning tea<br />

Register at www.finz.org.nz<br />

or for enquiries phone 0508 64 FINZ(3469)<br />

What is Immediate Steps?<br />

Through the Immediate Steps programme the Christchurch West Melton Water<br />

Zone Committee has $100,000 to allocate to local projects that will enhance or<br />

protect our streams, rivers, plants, birds, and fish life.<br />

Immediate Steps funding is available each year to help protect and restore<br />

biodiversity and the natural environment in and around freshwater habitats<br />

in Canterbury.<br />

If you have an idea or a project that could benefit give Helen Greenep a call and<br />

she can help you with advice, funding and planning.<br />

For more information call Helen Greenep, 027 225 6419 or visit www.ecan.govt.nz.<br />

Applications close Wednesday 31 <strong>August</strong> <strong>2016</strong>.


Wednesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>24</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />

News<br />

Great Hall icon restored<br />

A Mt Pleasant resident has<br />

put the final touches on<br />

the city’s most iconic piano<br />

after it was damaged in<br />

the February 22, 2011,<br />

earthquake. Annabelle<br />

Dick reports<br />

WYTZE HOEKSTRA has tuned<br />

the restored Steinway & Sons<br />

piano that sat in the Great Hall<br />

at the Christchurch Arts Centre.<br />

It’s been repaired following<br />

damage sustained when a block<br />

of masonry fell from the ceiling<br />

crushing the music rack.<br />

Mr Hoekstra said it was an<br />

emotional moment to see it<br />

again after he spent 15<br />

years tuning it prior to the<br />

quake.<br />

“It’s very special to see it fully<br />

restored and on stage,” he said.<br />

“Steinways are a beautiful<br />

instrument and there’s been<br />

many fond memories in the<br />

Great Hall associated with that<br />

piano.”<br />

The earthquakes damaged<br />

many grand pianos and concert<br />

venues, which meant Steinways<br />

had to be shared among the arts<br />

community.<br />

“Concert grand (pianos) travel<br />

around the city and are shared<br />

FINE TUNING: Wytze Hoekstra prepares the Steinway & Sons piano before its return debut.<br />


by the Christchurch Symphony<br />

Orchestra, Chamber Music New<br />

Zealand and New Zealand Opera<br />

and we’d give them a fresh<br />

tune each concert,” Mr Hoekstra<br />

said.<br />

He owns and runs Hoekstra<br />

Pianos in Ferrymead, which is<br />

the only piano shop in the South<br />

Island, and he is one of only two<br />

qualified piano tuners in the city.<br />

The Netherlands native has<br />

been tuning pianos for more<br />

than 35 years and it only<br />

takes him about an hour to<br />

tune more than 200 individual<br />

strings.<br />

The piano made its return<br />

debut last Thursday at the<br />

St Andrew’s College jazz concert.<br />

Modern<br />

Endeavour<br />

launched<br />

• By Annabelle Dick<br />

STARK BROS will launch<br />

their newest fishing trawler FV<br />

Endeavour next week.<br />

The 17.2m vessel weighs 125<br />

tonne and was designed and built<br />

by Stark Bros in their Lyttelton<br />

ship building facility for Ocean<br />

Fisheries Ltd.<br />

Stark Bros chief executive<br />

Andrew Stark said the boat is a<br />

multi-million dollar investment<br />

into one of the country’s core<br />

industries.<br />

“The sector provides the vast<br />

majority of New Zealand’s fresh<br />

fish and promotes fresh, sustainable,<br />

restaurant-quality fish for<br />

New Zealand and the world,” he<br />

said.<br />

The vessel houses an on-board<br />

salt water ice maker, split hydraulic<br />

winches and a suite of<br />

electronics.<br />

Mr Stark said the name<br />

Endeavour has strong historical<br />

links to Lyttelton and New<br />

Zealand and is the latest in a line<br />

of new fishing vessels from Stark<br />

Bros building shed.<br />

They’re also responsible for the<br />

FV Frontier, the FV Jubilee, the<br />

FV Nessie J and the FV Legacy.<br />

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I run weekly mobile office constituency<br />

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You can also contact my office if there is<br />

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Wednesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>24</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />


PAGE 7<br />



• By Annabelle Dick<br />

MINT DESIGN in Ferrymead<br />

has been nominated for a<br />

Canterbury Business Award for<br />

its<br />

SPORTS<br />

service.<br />

The creative design agency is<br />

one of three small enterprises<br />

contending for the title of<br />

Champion Professional Service.<br />

Digital director Alice Moore<br />

said the company is really happy<br />

about the accolade.<br />

“It’s pretty exciting and the<br />

team is really stoked too. It’s<br />

good to have some recognition<br />

after all the hard work,” she said.<br />

“It’s a good way to get<br />

exposure.”<br />

Mint Design was nominated<br />

by a Canterbury Development<br />

Corporation employee and it<br />

will go up against two other<br />

local businesses – Go Media Ltd<br />

and Create IP for the title.<br />

Mint Design started in<br />

2010 and has 11 staff working<br />

for it.<br />

The design agency builds<br />

websites, online marketing<br />

campaigns and now makes<br />

online interactive virtual tours<br />

for business.<br />

The company took on a<br />

contract with Google to create<br />

the Google Street View type<br />

CHEERS: Mint<br />

Design staff<br />

celebrate their first<br />

ever nomination<br />

for a Canterbury<br />

Business Award. ​<br />

Design agency SPORTS in line<br />

for business award<br />

tours for businesses a year ago<br />

and it has now become 33 per<br />

cent of their income.<br />

“There’s been really big<br />

growth. We’ve had to hire some<br />

new staff as a result and it’s<br />

opened doors like working with<br />

other big brands we didn’t have<br />

access to,” Mrs Moore said.<br />

The company has created<br />

tours for businesses in Australia,<br />

South Pacific and Asia and it’s<br />

continuing to expand its offices<br />

to Auckland and the central<br />

North Island.<br />

The Canterbury Business<br />

Awards will be announced on<br />

Wednesday, September 21.<br />


HELPING HANDS: These volunteer firefighters received<br />

honours for years of dedication. ​<br />

THE SUMNER Volunteer Fire<br />

Brigade celebrated the work of<br />

volunteering residents with a<br />

service honour award night.<br />

Medals were presented to a<br />

number of members who have<br />

dedicated years of their time to<br />

the brigade.<br />

Mark Dooley and Jess Percasky<br />

were given certificates for three<br />

years of service and Daniel Sullivan<br />

received a medal for five<br />

years of service.<br />

SCHOOL<br />

Firefighters celebrated<br />

Matthew Hughes and Jarrod<br />

Gilbert were commended for<br />

nine years’ service.<br />

Kevin Rowland was<br />

commended for 21 years<br />

and Daryl Sayer for 23 years’<br />

service.<br />

Paul Groufsky was recognised<br />

for 15 years of service and was<br />

also presented with a New<br />

Zealand Fire Service Long<br />

Service and Good Conduct<br />

medal.<br />

SCHOOL<br />

HONOURED: Deputy chief fire officer Darren Wright (left)<br />

stands alongside service award recipient Jessica Percasky<br />

while station officer Craig Henderson stands with another<br />

recipient Paul Groufsky (right). PHOTO: GEOFF SLOAN<br />


SCIRT programme on the home straight<br />

SCIRT’s five year programme of repairs to pipes, roads, bridges and retaining walls is<br />

almost complete and will finish in December.<br />

Most of our repairs involve fixing the city’s underground pipe networks with only small<br />

amount of our work focused on roads.<br />

Our roading work largely involves fixing where we have dug down to repair and replace<br />

the earthquake damaged pipes beneath. The result may look a little patchy but we repair<br />

roads to a reliable and serviceable standard.<br />

The City Council and NZ Transport Agency will continue completing ongoing repairs to the<br />

city's earthquake-damaged roads after SCIRT.<br />

Progress in your neighbourhood<br />

• The Beachville Road Seawall in Redcliffs is now complete with the roading due to finish<br />

next month.<br />

• Watermain repairs are progressing well in Governors <strong>Bay</strong> and will be completed this<br />

month.<br />

• Lyttelton is still busy with ongoing retaining wall repairs which are due to be completed in<br />

September, underground pipe and roading repairs will continue through in the area to the<br />

end of the year.<br />

• Your support is helping us to get the job done, thank you from the SCIRT team.<br />

Want<br />

more<br />

info?<br />

Email:<br />

info@scirt.co.nz<br />

Phone:<br />

941 8999<br />

Find out about work<br />

in your area:<br />

www.scirt.co.nz<br />

Email us on:<br />

info@scirt.co.nz to get our:<br />

Weekly Traffic Update<br />

Monthly e-Newsletter<br />

Follow us on Twitter:<br />

@SCIRT_info<br />

#chchtraffic<br />

SPORTS<br />

• David Oliver, Project Manager with SCIRT’s Fulton Hogan team<br />

in Lyttelton.<br />

Programme funded by


Wednesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>24</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />

Our People<br />

Programmes manager brings<br />

Naval Point Club Lyttelton programmes manager<br />

David Noakes has only been at his new job for a<br />

month. Before that he worked for Environment<br />

Canterbury, Department of Conservation and as an<br />

outdoor education teacher. Fraser Walker-Pearce<br />

talks to him about leading safaris across Africa,<br />

having Manchester United player Lee Sharpe as a<br />

cousin, and shooting travel pictures for the Sunday<br />

Telegraph<br />

Why did you take on the job at<br />

the Naval Point Club Lyttelton?<br />

One of the things we haven’t<br />

been good at is connecting with<br />

our immediate community. We<br />

have 1000 members and some<br />

local people don’t even know<br />

where our clubhouse is. We need<br />

to raise the profile of the club<br />

also. There’s a lot going on down<br />

there, but we haven’t had anyone<br />

to make the most of that.<br />

How long have you been on<br />

the job?<br />

I’ve only been here for a<br />

month. We’ve finally recognised<br />

the need to embrace other water<br />

users than sailors. We’re pushing<br />

for boating, jet skis, canoeing,<br />

kayaking, everything.<br />

Can you explain your new<br />

role?<br />

I’m responsible for the<br />

promotion, management and<br />

support of all activities for<br />

sailors, waka ama, power boats,<br />

stand-up paddle boarders,<br />

windsurfers, swimmers and<br />

other water based activities. I<br />

develop and promote junior<br />

programmes and also manage<br />

the club’s instructors. I’ve<br />

been here for a month exactly<br />

now.<br />

And what were you doing<br />

before that?<br />

I was at Environment<br />

Canterbury. I was compliance<br />

and monitoring, I ran a group<br />

of monitors who used to go out<br />

and do all the monitoring for<br />

Canterbury. I resigned in May<br />

and came here. I was no longer<br />

enjoying the job and wanted to<br />

try something new. We were the<br />

police for ECan. Nobody phones<br />

me up in the middle of the night<br />

saying my neighbour has a fire<br />

going on next door, which is<br />

nice. Before that I had a number<br />

of jobs, including being a travel<br />

photographer for the Sunday<br />

Telegraph with my partner at the<br />

time.<br />

You’re an MBA and a FRGS,<br />

what does that mean?<br />

I’ve got a masters degree in<br />

business administration. I come<br />

with a business background.<br />

I’ve been lucky with that really,<br />

CALMNESS: David<br />

Noakes has taken up the<br />

job as Naval Point Club<br />

Lyttelton’s programme<br />

manager after a long<br />

history of jobs.<br />

because it’s so general I can<br />

pretty much go anywhere with<br />

it. You may have picked up from<br />

the British accent that I’m not a<br />

fully-fledged Kiwi, although I do<br />

have my Kiwi passport.<br />

relocation<br />

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Wednesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>24</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />


PAGE 9<br />

wealth of experience to job<br />

Good, that’s what we like to<br />

hear.<br />

Strangely, what I’ve found<br />

in New Zealand is that my<br />

qualification isn’t particularly<br />

great, which was a surprise.<br />

In America and the United<br />

Kingdom you can’t get your foot<br />

in the door without an MBA.<br />

Maybe the New Zealanders are<br />

more relaxed about it, I don’t<br />

know. The FRGS means that I’m<br />

a Fellow of the Royal Geographic<br />

Society. And that’s because of my<br />

nine years in the military. I was<br />

in the British military and also<br />

the French Foreign Legion. I was<br />

a paratrooper there.<br />

What did you do after that?<br />

I went into outdoor education,<br />

so ended up working for<br />

Outward Bound in New<br />

Zealand, Britain and Africa, and<br />

working with lots of schools<br />

around the world. And that’s<br />

what made me go to Africa. I led<br />

expeditions, 10-week expeditions<br />

in special trucks. Free camping,<br />

tents, animals, drinking, all that<br />

good stuff.<br />

What did you do when you<br />

came to New Zealand?<br />

I went to work for DoC on<br />

Raoul Island, which is the<br />

northern-most island owned<br />

by New Zealand. I worked as a<br />

WAKA AMA: The Naval Point Club Lyttelton’s new programme manager David Noakes is looking<br />

to expand the club into different sports such as waka ama.<br />

team leader which was one of the<br />

highlights of my career so far. It’s<br />

the second largest marine in the<br />

world, and it’s an active volcano.<br />

When did you decide to settle<br />

down and get a normal job?<br />

I was living in Havelock North<br />

for a while, and then saw this<br />

job advertised on the internet.<br />

I thought it looked really<br />

interesting and wanted to be<br />

involved in the rebuild. After the<br />

work with ECan, I moved down<br />

with my former partner and our<br />

10-year-old daughter and, no<br />

regrets, absolutely none.<br />

Did your partner at the time<br />

and your daughter enjoy it<br />

down here?<br />

My ex-partner goes back and<br />

forth from Amsterdam and every<br />

time she comes back she tells me<br />

how good it is to be back here,<br />

they both love it. They both want<br />

to stay.<br />

Do you have family still in<br />

England?<br />

Yes, my father and sister are<br />

still there. They’ve got that great<br />

fighting British spirit.<br />

How many countries have<br />

you lived in?<br />

I grew up in Malaysia in<br />

the 1960s, just outside Kuala<br />

Lumpur. I spent my formative<br />

years there, then went to<br />

Germany and Belgium and then<br />

Cyprus. So I got back to England<br />

as a 13-year-old and joined the<br />

army at age 15. I was accepted at<br />

17, then off I went to Germany,<br />

lots of countries in Africa, then<br />

Central America, got married in<br />

Australia and now I’m here.<br />

So it’s fair to say the only<br />

continent you haven’t been to is<br />

Antarctica?<br />

Apart from South America<br />

yes. I’d actually love to spend a<br />

winter in Antarctica, that’s on my<br />

bucket list. What an adventure<br />

that would be.<br />

What schools did you go to?<br />

Yes. Most of them were<br />

‘military’ schools. They weren’t<br />

military schools where you<br />

learn to be a soldier, it was for<br />

the children of soldiers in the<br />

army. Then eventually I went to<br />

the University of Manchester<br />

and the University of Waikato,<br />

and completed my masters in<br />

Liverpool.<br />

So if you’re from all over<br />

effectively, do you have a<br />

football team that you support?<br />

Yes, Chelsea. But the<br />

Chelsea from the 1970s when<br />

you could actually pronounce<br />

all of the players’ names, unlike<br />

today.<br />

That would have been<br />

interesting when you were in<br />

Manchester and Liverpool?<br />

The whole household are<br />

Manchester United fans because<br />

of my cousin Lee Sharpe.<br />

Your cousin is Lee Sharpe?<br />

Yes. He’s a great lad. He’s still<br />

over in England but we’re trying<br />

to bring him out here.<br />

What are your hobbies?<br />

I’ve kind of fallen off<br />

photography nowadays. My<br />

biggest passion is my 10-year-old<br />

girl. But my biggest interest<br />

now is getting this yacht club<br />

rocking. We’ve got so much to<br />

offer, so it’s my job to get that<br />

happening.<br />

Thanks Canterbury<br />

for your continued support


Wednesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>24</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />

News<br />

Tunnel cycleway idea<br />

gains momentum<br />

• By Tom Doudney<br />

A SUGGESTION that the<br />

Lyttelton Tunnel’s ventilation<br />

shaft could be opened up to<br />

cycle and pedestrian traffic is<br />

generating some interest among<br />

local cyclists.<br />

The idea was floated by<br />

Hillsborough resident Simon<br />

Dyer who said many people like<br />

himself would like to cycle to<br />

Lyttelton and the surrounding<br />

bays but weren’t up to going over<br />

the hill.<br />

“That tunnel is almost under<br />

utilised in so much as having a<br />

nice thoroughfare through there<br />

for bikes. I think the technical<br />

challenge is exciting,” Mr Dyer<br />

said.<br />

New Zealand Transport<br />

Agency maintenance contract<br />

manager Barry Stratton said the<br />

idea of a cycleway through the<br />

shaft had been raised before and<br />

was ruled out.<br />

“The dual ventilation shaft<br />

system within the Lyttelton Tunnel<br />

– in the ceiling area above<br />

the road tunnel – relies upon<br />

two large metal bulkhead doors<br />

in the middle of the tunnel to<br />

build the pressure needed for the<br />

ventilation exhaust removal and<br />

fresh air system to work,” Mr<br />

Stratton said.<br />

“Without these bulkhead<br />

doors, which effectively cut the<br />

tunnel into two halves, there will<br />

be no ventilation system.”<br />

Cashmere resident Roger<br />

Woods said he had suggested<br />

the same idea four years ago but<br />

dropped it after he and Deputy<br />

Mayor Vicki Buck, who wasn’t<br />

on the city council at the time,<br />


Hillsborough<br />

resident Simon<br />

Dyer supports<br />

a cycleway<br />

through the<br />

Lyttelton<br />

Tunnel.<br />

visited the shaft and realised the<br />

challenges.<br />

While he believed the technical<br />

problems could be solved, it<br />

was likely to be expensive and<br />

unlikely to be a popular route<br />

due to noise and vibrations from<br />

the traffic below. Health and<br />

safety in the event of a fire or<br />

some other accident in the tunnel<br />

would also be a concern.<br />

Traffic engineer Glen Koorey<br />

said Spokes Canterbury had also<br />

looked into the idea about 14<br />

years ago but it stalled.<br />

Economic indicators<br />

positive for Canty<br />

THE OUTLOOK for<br />

Christchurch’s economy<br />

remains positive with<br />

high levels of activity being<br />

forecast even as rebuild activity<br />

plateaus.<br />

Economic indicators in<br />

Canterbury Development<br />

Corporation’s latest<br />

Christchurch and Canterbury<br />

Quarterly Economic Report<br />

found that the economy<br />

remained in a transition<br />

phase as stimulus from<br />

rebuild activity was continuing<br />

to ease.<br />

Canterbury has had a run<br />

of several economic indicators<br />

well above their historic<br />

average levels, but several are<br />

now starting to move towards<br />

national trends.<br />

CDC chief executive Tom<br />

Hooper said it was important<br />

to focus on the high levels of<br />

activity still occurring around<br />

the city and region, in spite of<br />

GDP growth levels being lower<br />

than recent years.<br />

“Construction activity will<br />

remain high for some time to<br />

come, although it will no longer<br />

drive growth in the economy,”<br />

he said.<br />

Christchurch’s GDP growth<br />

in the year to March was 0.5<br />

per cent, with activity valued at<br />

$18.8 billion.<br />

Non-residential construction<br />

remained steady at 43 per cent<br />

of all construction activity<br />

in the March quarter, and<br />

was expected to be buoyed by<br />

upcoming projects such as the<br />

Convention Centre.<br />

The report showed the local<br />

housing market had been<br />

relatively cool compared to the<br />

rest of the country.<br />

Rents had continued to<br />

fall, with private sector mean<br />

rents at $383 in June <strong>2016</strong> –<br />

seven per cent lower than June<br />

last year. House prices have<br />

increased modestly, with a<br />

median sale price of $440,000<br />

in Christchurch compared to<br />

$500,000 nationally.<br />

“Lower housing prices<br />

combined with modest salary<br />

increases, on average, is driving<br />

an improvement in housing<br />

affordability which is great news<br />

for Christchurch,” Mr Hooper<br />

said.<br />

Ferrymead<br />

book<br />

release<br />

Watching Edie by Camilla Way<br />

The most unsettling psychological thriller<br />

you’ll read this year<br />

A chilling psychological thriller about friendship, deception, betrayal and<br />

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Before, Edie is the friend that Heather has always craved. But<br />

one night, it goes terrifyingly wrong. And what started as an<br />

innocent friendship ends in two lives being destroyed.<br />

Sixteen years later, Edie is still rebuilding her life. But<br />

Heather isn’t ready to let her forget so easily. It’s no<br />

coincidence that she shows up when Edie needs her<br />

most. Now Edie or Heather? Heather or Edie? Someone<br />

has to pay for what happened, but who will it be?<br />

“WATCHING EDIE has a clever plot, a fateful friendship,<br />

a callous betrayal, and an ending that is as twisty as it is<br />

inevitable”. – ALEXANDRA BURT, international bestselling author<br />


The Day The Crayons<br />

Came Home<br />

by Drew Daywalt<br />

Illustrated by Oliver Jeffers<br />

The hilarious sequel to the prize-winning, international bestseller<br />

The Day the Crayons Quit! Watch out – the crayons are back<br />

and they’re crosser than ever! One day Duncan receives a set of<br />

postcards from his crayons who have been lost, forgotten, broken<br />

– even melted in a clothes dryer and stuck to a sock!<br />

A hilarious text and joyful illustrations combine to show that<br />

crayons have feelings too in this laugh-out-loud sequel to<br />

bestselling picture book The Day the Crayons Quit.<br />


ENTER TO<br />

WIN<br />


We have one copy of Watching Edie by Camilla Way to give away, courtesy of Take Note Ferrymead. To<br />

be in the draw, email giveaways@starmedia.kiwi with Watching Edie in the subject line or write to Take Note<br />

Book Giveaway (Watching Edie), Star Media, PO Box 1467, Christchurch 8140. To be eligible for the draw, all<br />

entries must include your name, address and contact number. Entries close Tuesday, 6th September, <strong>2016</strong>.<br />

Winner of ‘Stalker by Lars Kepler’ is Pamela Butler of Brookhaven.<br />

6 ISSUES<br />

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All fees under $500

Wednesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>24</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />


PAGE 11<br />

Market Stays Strong<br />

Market Update News from Craig Prier<br />

It’s that time of year again when we see a genuine lift in properties coming to the market. Even<br />

though this winter has been particularly mild we find many home owners generally hold off<br />

bringing their property to the market until September as the days get longer and blossoms<br />

start to appear. Our office is getting huge numbers through the properties currently on the<br />

market, demonstrating there is still very high demand for property in the hill and seaside<br />

areas.<br />

Always worth considering before coming to the market are the three P’s of selling.<br />

Price, Presentation and Promotion. All three are tantamount to helping you achieve<br />

the result you are after, as is your choice of agent. Our team are well versed to offer<br />

you the right advice when it comes to working out the right way to present and promote<br />

your home as well as providing relevant market information in order for you to have the<br />

right price expectations. We have a current winter market update available for your interest.<br />

Just drop into our office on Humphreys Drive to pick one up, or we can happily post one straight<br />

to you. Call us today. We’re here to help.<br />

Marilyn Still<br />

027 229 8769<br />

Bonnie Brown<br />

021 343 407<br />

Vanessa Karabassis<br />

Sales Recruit<br />

Matt Clayton<br />

021 2233 998<br />

Community Involvement<br />

Daffodil Day is just around the corner, please stop by and add a coin or note to our<br />

collection buckets! The Ray White Team will be collecting from 2-5pm at Ferrymead<br />

Countdown on <strong>August</strong> 26th.<br />

Jan Edlin<br />

027 433 8025<br />

Mark Gardner<br />

021 633 669<br />

Top 5 interior trends that are making a come back<br />

this Summer.<br />

Brass Think a softer, antiqued version appearing on mirror<br />

frames, and fixtures rather than the shiny brass look back in<br />

the 90’s.<br />

Blue and White Simple, fresh and elegant, Apply it to modern<br />

patterns as part of an electric design scheme.<br />

Wall Paper Geometrics, modern florals or simple colour<br />

blocking will update the look of any room in the house.<br />

Orange A splash of orange here and there (careful not to go<br />

overboard) next to crisp whites and doses of bright blues.<br />

Accompanied by plenty of wood surfaces and natural textures<br />

to erase any hippie or disco vibes.<br />

Wood panelling Not just for mountain lodges and run down retro homes! Now days wood lined walls add<br />

interest and dimension to your favourite rooms. A demonstration of this is our latest listing 79 Clifton Terrace<br />

which has crisp white painted wood paneling which has effectively added timeless style and sophistication<br />

Renee Moore<br />

027 227 2033<br />

Bronny Clifford<br />

021 272 7718<br />

Kane Cooper<br />

027 222 0087<br />

Patricia Van der bent<br />

027 296 1408<br />

Anna Loader<br />

027 272 7128<br />

Giving back – a humbling experience<br />

Our day to day business activities involve helping people achieve their real estate aspirations, but we<br />

also take an active role in engaging with our local community. This year one of those events was the<br />

“Strictly Sumner Dance Event”. As a participant my chosen charity was the Sumner Community Residents<br />

Association, however we also wished to donate some of the money raised to the Christchurch City Mission.<br />

Last week Kathryn Cross (The Cornershop Bistro, Sumner) and I met with City Missioner, Michael Gorman<br />

to present him a cheque. What went from a ten minute meeting turned<br />

into a complete tour of the City Mission and it’s facilities.<br />

What an amazing and humbling experience. With such a passionate<br />

and dedicated leader at their helm Christchurch is fortunate to have<br />

such an incredible facility available to those living with far less than<br />

most. This is a facility that relies almost entirely on funding and help<br />

from the community and we quickly realized that the money we gave<br />

was literally a drop in the ocean compared to what they need every day,<br />

and every year. I have no doubt that as a business and as a community<br />

we can easily do more. Whether it’s a couple of tins of food, a couple<br />

of hours volunteering in the kitchen or a monetary donation, this truly is<br />

an organisation that hangs on to the saying that “every little bit helps”.<br />

With Christmas now only 4 months away one small way you can help is<br />

to donate a good quality pre-used or new toy for a child or adult in our<br />

Ray White Little Ray of Giving Campaign starting in December.<br />

Ross Cooper<br />

027 432 4438<br />

Eddie Spry<br />

Sales Recruit<br />

Marie Malone<br />

0274 898 349<br />

Bev Prout<br />

027 495 9586<br />

Daisy Foldesi<br />

021 328 059<br />

Eleanor Corston<br />

027 435 <strong>24</strong>15<br />

21 Humphreys Drive, Ferrymead and 47b London Street, Lyttelton<br />

Phone (03) 3844 179<br />

rwferrymead.co.nz /RayWhiteFerrymead<br />

Prier Manson Real Estate Ltd Licensed (REAA 2008)


Wednesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>24</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />

<strong>Bay</strong>s’ big season finish<br />

• By Fraser Walker-Pearce<br />

FERRYMEAD BAYS will look<br />

to end their season on a high<br />

when they face Coastal Spirit in<br />

the English Cup final.<br />

At the start of the season,<br />

first team head coach Danny<br />

Halligan said he was aiming for<br />

a top three finish. But with only<br />

one league game left, the best<br />

the team can hope for is fourth<br />

spot.<br />

Halligan admitted it had been<br />

a bumpy season, but said the<br />

team prioritised this weekend’s<br />

final league match against Western<br />

before they would focus on<br />

competing for silverware.<br />

“Yes, we missed out on the top<br />

three spot and we’re now focussing<br />

on finishing the league<br />

season strongly. Then we can<br />

look forward to the English Cup<br />

final (Saturday, September 3),”<br />

he said.<br />

Halligan said losing key<br />

players to injury and even rival<br />

teams hadn’t helped the side’s<br />

momentum.<br />

“I think we’ve got stronger<br />

as we’ve gone on, we had a<br />

poor start and lost a number of<br />

players either to injury or other<br />

reasons and we never got that<br />

consistency that we needed,” he<br />

said.<br />

<strong>Bay</strong>s were holders of the English<br />

Cup in both 2012 and 2013,<br />

but Western and Cashmere<br />

Technical have taken the honours<br />

for the last two seasons.<br />

Halligan said his side have a<br />

“good chance” of taking away<br />

the cup, as Coastal have never<br />

taken the title.<br />

“We have a good team and,<br />

if we perform, we can beat any<br />

team, and we’ve proved that this<br />

season,” he said.<br />

Coastal has played <strong>Bay</strong>s three<br />

times this season, winning each<br />

time.<br />

They beat <strong>Bay</strong>s 3-0, 5-3, and<br />

1-0 over the season, leading into<br />

the final next Saturday.<br />

TIME TO SHINE: Ferrymead <strong>Bay</strong>s’ fullback Preston Bell in<br />

action against Nelson Suburbs earlier in the season. ​<br />

Ferrymead <strong>Bay</strong>s’ end-of-season run<br />

•July 30: win 3-0 against FC2011<br />

•<strong>August</strong> 13: draw 4-4 against Nelson Suburbs<br />

•<strong>August</strong> 20: draw 0-0 against Universities<br />

•<strong>August</strong> 27: Final league match v Western<br />

•September 3: English Cup final v Coastal Spirit<br />

SPORTS<br />

Cricket<br />

statistics<br />

released<br />

• By Fraser Walker-Pearce<br />

SUMNER CRICKET Club has<br />

published updated statistics on their<br />

top players and record holders.<br />

Statistics on seven players were<br />

updated recently. They showed over<br />

the course of their time at the club,<br />

the players had reached a combined<br />

total of more than 17,000 runs.<br />

Five of the seven players were allrounders<br />

or bowlers, who had also<br />

done their job, taking more than<br />

850 wickets. Collectively, the seven<br />

players have played for the club<br />

more than 1000 times.<br />

Batsman Chris Wilson climbed<br />

the club’s batting leader board to<br />

eighth overall, bumping his total<br />

runs scored up to 3730.<br />

All-rounder Dan Vann played his<br />

250th game during the past season,<br />

ending the competition with 263<br />

caps, while also walking away with<br />

279 wickets and 4090 runs.<br />

Tom Gooday, although struggling<br />

with a knee injury in the season,<br />

took 37 wickets and reached 1220<br />

runs. He is the 19th best wicket<br />

taker in the club’s history.<br />

Andrew Bird took 37 wickets in<br />

the 2015/16 season, moving his tally<br />

up to 97. He sits in 30th for the club<br />

in terms of wickets taken.<br />

Pre-season training has already<br />

started for Sumner’s first XI, with<br />

the competitive season starting in<br />

October.<br />

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If you would like to sign up for my newsletter<br />

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Wednesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>24</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />


PAGE 13<br />

SPORTS<br />

Front-rowers recognised<br />

• By Fraser Walker-Pearce<br />

SUMNER RUGBY’S front row<br />

WE ARE<br />

was recognised<br />

ON<br />

at the club’s<br />

THE<br />

prize-giving for making their<br />

international debuts this season.<br />

St Leonards Square played<br />

home this season to New<br />

Zealand ‘Baby Black’ under-20<br />

representative Sean Paranihi,<br />

MOVE<br />

Samoan<br />

AGAIN...<br />

under-20 representative<br />

Tu’uta Simaile, and Fijian<br />

under-20 representative, Samu<br />

Tawake.<br />

Sumner honoured their three<br />

national representatives, who<br />

all play in the front row, at their<br />

recent prize-giving night.<br />

The seaside club was also<br />

the home of Nathan Earle,<br />

Poasa Waqanibau and Marshall<br />

TO A NEW<br />

Suckling, who were<br />


all named<br />

IN<br />

in the Canterbury Mitre 10 Cup<br />

41-man squad recently.<br />

“I think it’s just that there’s a<br />

Paranihi said it was great to be good bunch of people there, and<br />


able to learn with international<br />

DUE<br />

when I first<br />

TO<br />

came down to Canterbury<br />

after I finished school in<br />

level players at the same age<br />

group as him.<br />

Auckland, it was a really good<br />

“Yes, they’re good lads and atmosphere,” he said.<br />

good players. Tu’uta was from Paranihi made his Baby Black<br />


Christchurch and Samu came<br />


debut this year, after being called<br />

CENTURIONS: (From left to right) Jamie Brown, Timm Hunter across to play for Christ’s College.<br />

They’re pretty good mates, team to Manchester in England,<br />

up in May. He toured with the<br />

and Anthony Horan from the Lyttelton Rugby Club senior<br />

division two side received their centurion ties recently.<br />

and I get along well with them,” and came off the bench against<br />

Cameron Smales was also a recipient, as he reached the he said.<br />

Ireland, before starting against<br />

milestone, but was not there on the night. The four Lyttelton Reflecting on his second season<br />

with Sumner, prop Paranihi “They were some pretty tough<br />

Wales.<br />

players all reached their milestone 100th-game for the club.<br />


They were awarded ties for their efforts by the Canterbury said the culture and support at games, Northern Hemisphere<br />

Rugby Football Union.<br />

the club was what drew him back rugby is focused around scrumming<br />

and kicking. It’s each year.<br />

tough<br />

We will keep you informed as to our<br />

new address.<br />

YOUNG REPS: Sumner’s international trio (from left) Samu<br />

Tawake, Tu’uta Simaile, and Sean Paranihi at the club’s recent<br />

prize-giving. ​<br />

for us to play against, plus the<br />

weather was different,” Paranihi<br />

said.<br />

He said that after the season<br />

with Sumner finished, he talked<br />

to Canterbury and Crusaders<br />

coach Scott Robertson, who told<br />

him to try his hand at Mitre 10<br />

Cup level.<br />

“I was aiming to try for the<br />

Mitre 10 Cup squad in Canterbury<br />

and then a couple weeks<br />

ago I was talking to Razor and he<br />

asked if I wanted an opportunity<br />

to play for Counties-Manukau<br />

and I took it, so I’m up here now<br />

for the cup,” he said.<br />


on the day service whenever possible<br />

arlotte<br />

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Dr Brendan Smith Dr Charlotte Cooper Dr Gort Stephan Dr David Thomson<br />

If you would lIke advIce and treatment wIth:<br />

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ferrymead medIcal centre<br />

unIt 10/2 waterman Place<br />

Phone 384-5484<br />

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Wednesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>24</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />

Diamond <strong>Harbour</strong> pupils<br />


go back to the future<br />

Diamond <strong>Harbour</strong> Primary<br />

School teacher Rebecca<br />

Waters writes about<br />

historical figures visiting<br />

the classroom for a lesson<br />

in New Zealand’s past<br />

HISTORIC New Zealanders that<br />

are on our bank notes came to<br />

visit our pupils on Wednesday.<br />

We had a visit from the wonderful<br />

Claire at Rutherford’s Den<br />

and she bought with her three<br />

famous New Zealanders – Ernest<br />

Rutherford, Kate Sheppard and<br />

Apirana Ngata.<br />

The children had an interactive<br />

morning learning about historic<br />

moments and the people behind<br />

them.<br />

They learned about Ernest Rutherford,<br />

his Nobel Prize and all<br />

about the atom; they completed<br />

some weaving and mapped out to<br />

scale a Maori kite with Apirana<br />

Ngata; and stepped into Kate<br />

Sheppard’s wardrobe to try on<br />

her biking bloomers.<br />

They also tried on a graduate<br />

gown and experienced what<br />

holding a Nobel Prize was like.<br />

Along the way, they joined in<br />

with the history by signing the<br />

petition for women to vote with<br />

a calligraphy pen and checked<br />

gravity was still working.<br />

LITTLE EINSTEIN: Noah re-enacts Ernest Rutherford’s<br />

acceptance of the Nobel Prize in 1908.<br />

The pupils had a great morning,<br />

which I hope gave them<br />

some inspiration to put their own<br />

mark on the world.<br />

AIR TIME: Heathcote Valley Primary School pupils will travel<br />

to Hokitika after being named one of the winners of the<br />

Air New Zealand Airpoints for Schools competition. The<br />

class met a target of 1920 airpoints to be one of 10 schools<br />

nationwide to go on a class trip by plane. The pupils will<br />

travel to Hokitika to monitor and compare new spawning<br />

grounds for whitebait as part of a new initiative, Whaka<br />

Inaka: Causing Whitebait, which has been created through<br />

EOS Ecology, DOC and the University of Canterbury.<br />

Learning to grow food<br />

DIAMOND <strong>Harbour</strong> Primary<br />

School has joined a nationwide<br />

initiative to experience both<br />

growing and cooking their own<br />

produce within their school<br />

environment.<br />

The Garden to Table programme<br />

encourages Kiwi kids to<br />

learn about the process of planting<br />

and harvesting crops.<br />

The programme for seven to<br />

12-year-olds has been running<br />

for eight years and is aimed at<br />

changing the way children approach<br />

and think about food.<br />

Last week Fiesta, which has<br />

teamed up with Garden to<br />

Table, shipped packs of their<br />

new range of European seed potatoes<br />

to 40 schools across New<br />

Zealand for children to grow this<br />

season.<br />

Property Wanted<br />

CAn you HELP?<br />


Mt Pleasant<br />

As Is Where Is homes<br />

needed now to meet<br />

high demand after very<br />

successful recent sales!<br />

Redcliffs/Sumner<br />

2 or 3 bed modern<br />

townhouse (or similar)<br />

for a retired couple<br />

wanting to downsize.<br />

For a confidential no-obligation chat about<br />

the value of your home call Chris today.<br />

Chris Moores<br />

Harcourts Grenadier Ferrymead<br />

1020 Ferry Road P: 03 384 7950 | M: 027 588 4440<br />

E: chris.moores@harcourts.co.nz<br />

Sumner<br />

4 bed, 2 bath family<br />

residence wanted for a<br />

lovely growing family<br />

eager to find a home<br />

with room to spread<br />

out.<br />


Licensed Sales Consultant REAA 2008<br />

Want to be elected?<br />

• Local Council<br />

• Community Board<br />

• Ecan<br />

• CDHB<br />

You need to talk to Star Media<br />

about your campaign today.<br />

Let us help you.<br />

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// www.nood.co.nz<br />

*Terms & Conditions: discount is taken off the full retail price and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. Excludes clearance, seconds<br />

items and noodist club discounts. Furniture and large accessory items are not kept in stock in store, orders can be placed for such items and home<br />

delivery or a hub pick up fee will apply to these items. Delivery times and fees will vary, ask a staff member for more details. Stock may vary from store<br />

to store. Some products may require assembly. While stocks last, orders can be taken on some of our stock items. Offer ends 25 September <strong>2016</strong><br />

Call Javier Balcazar<br />

P. 03 982 9308 | M. 021 225 8221<br />

E. javier.balcazar@starmedia.kiwi

Wednesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>24</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />


PAGE 15<br />



Number 8<br />

Upright Fan Heater<br />

<strong>24</strong>2358<br />

Was $19.98<br />

NOW<br />

$<br />

14 99<br />

Nouveau<br />

Convector Heater<br />

2.4kw with Fan<br />

279434<br />

Was $69.99<br />

NOW<br />

$<br />

52 49<br />

Drytec<br />

Column Heater<br />

2.4kw, 11 Fin<br />

100934<br />

Flame Effect<br />

2kw Fire<br />

158930<br />

Was $268<br />

NOW<br />

$<br />

201<br />

Goldair<br />

425w Panel Heater<br />

with Timer<br />

279423<br />

Was $127<br />

NOW<br />

$<br />

88 90<br />

Was $144<br />

NOW<br />

$<br />

108<br />

Nouveau<br />

Micathermic Heater<br />

279438<br />

Was $99<br />

NOW<br />

$<br />

74 99<br />

Goldair<br />

Micathermic<br />

Heater<br />

<strong>24</strong>2<strong>24</strong>2<br />

$<br />

159<br />

Goldair<br />

Fan Heater Low<br />

178832<br />

Was $39.98<br />

NOW<br />

$<br />

29 99<br />

Goldair<br />

Queen Size Electric<br />

Blanket<br />

191558<br />

2 Year Warranty<br />

Goldair<br />

Convector Heater<br />

Black or White<br />

2<strong>24</strong>298 / 99<br />

Was $128<br />

NOW<br />

$<br />

96<br />

EACH<br />

Was $149<br />

NOW<br />

$<br />

89 40<br />

Ferrymead<br />

1005 Ferry Road, Phone: 366 6306<br />

Opening Hours: Monday–Friday: 7:00am–7pm<br />

Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays: 8:00am–6:00pm<br />

Offers available at Mitre 10 Mega Ferrymead only, until Wednesday 10th <strong>August</strong> <strong>2016</strong>, while stocks last.<br />

mitre10mega.co.nz<br />

If you find a lower price on an identical stocked product locally<br />

we will beat it by 15%.<br />

If you find the same product cheaper from another Mitre 10 store or Mitre 10 website we’ll match that price. Excludes trade<br />

and special quotes, stock liquidations and commercial quantities. The in-store price may be lower than that advertised.


Wednesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>24</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />

Your Local Views<br />

Learn rules of the water<br />

• BY GARY MANCH,<br />


ews<br />



I was thinking the other day<br />

about boating in general, and<br />

the people who use various types<br />

of vessels ranging from paddle<br />

boards through to yachts and<br />

power boats.<br />

Then I thought I wonder how<br />

many of these people had done<br />

any form of training in relation to<br />

even the basic stuff like learning<br />

ashion<br />

the navigation rules, what the<br />

bylaw rules are in the area that<br />

they are using their boat, and I<br />

came to the conclusion that it was<br />

most likely a small amount.<br />

I bet at this point you are<br />

thinking how did he come to this<br />

conclusion, and I have to admit<br />

it’s not through any expensive<br />

Gardening<br />

survey, but through talking to<br />

people on the ramps and out in<br />

the water when they have done<br />

something wrong.<br />

An example may be going too<br />

fast within 200m of the shore or a<br />

structure (it’s a 5 knot speed limit<br />

within 200m of the shore unless<br />

the area is posted as an open<br />

speed limit) the answer I get is<br />

otoring<br />

”sorry I did not know” if I had a<br />

dollar for every time this was said<br />

to me, I would be a very wealthy<br />

man.<br />

Currently there is no<br />

compulsion for boaties to learn<br />

asty Bites<br />


DAD’S<br />


GREAT<br />

oney<br />

PIZZA<br />

Pirate’s Corner<br />

the rules, anyone can buy a boat,<br />

take it out on the water, if it is<br />

a power boat then the person<br />

operating must be 15 or older,<br />

unless closely supervised by a<br />

person over 15 years who is in<br />

immediate reach of the controls.<br />

I will tell you a story that occurred<br />

recently in Kaikoura at<br />

the public boat ramp, it was a<br />

busy day, and there were boats all<br />

waiting to come into shore, the<br />

weather was fine but there was a<br />

strong wind blowing towards the<br />

port side (left side for you landlubbers)<br />

of the vessels coming<br />

into the ramp.<br />

A late model stern drive <strong>Bay</strong>liner<br />

was coming in towards the<br />

boat ramp, and was attempting<br />

to get on the boat trailer, every<br />

time he got close he let the power<br />

off and drifted away, after several<br />

attempts and a crowd of people<br />

watching, some not being very<br />

complementary at all, one of his<br />

mates released the winch rope<br />

on the trailer to its full extent,<br />

BOOK FOR<br />


SUNDAY<br />


CALL 376 4900<br />

walked out into the water chest<br />

deep and attached the rope to<br />

the bow, and then wound the<br />

boat in.<br />

Due to the fact this was a very<br />

unsafe way to bring the boat in, I<br />

spoke to the skipper, it turns out<br />

he had purchased the boat privately<br />

the day before, had never<br />

driven a boat before and was told<br />

that it was easy to operate, well<br />

how wrong he was.<br />

This was a disaster waiting to<br />

happen, not only for the other<br />

boaties in the area but also the<br />

chap in the water trying to<br />

connect the winch rope, as a<br />

result the new boatie was advised<br />

to get someone to teach him to<br />

use the boat correctly and also<br />

do a minimum day skipper<br />

course.<br />

The point I am making is that<br />

if you are going to use any form<br />

of water craft, learn the rules, and<br />

learn how to operate it properly,<br />

then there will be no issues, take<br />

care.<br />

<strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News asked its<br />

readers what they thought<br />

of a Lyttelton Design<br />

Review Panel being set up<br />

to help decide what could<br />

be built there, and what<br />

buildings could look like.<br />

Nichola Shanley – I recently<br />

resigned from my position as<br />

head of art at Burnside High<br />

School, in part because I could no<br />

longer bring myself to drive past<br />

the mushrooming “beds are us”<br />

mentality of the rebuild through<br />

the tunnel.<br />

Most people approach design,<br />

aesthetic, style in a herd-like<br />

mass-produced, throwaway, stick<br />

another louvre on it dumbness.<br />

You only have to visit Dunedin<br />

and witness the elegant, clever<br />

integration of historical and<br />

contemporary renovation to see<br />

what we are capable of in New<br />

Zealand. Why are we getting it<br />

so wrong in Christchurch and<br />

Lyttelton?<br />

I adore Lyttelton and will no<br />

doubt die an old lady here. But<br />

now I have to be very careful<br />

about where I walk. For example<br />

if I turn a particular corner and<br />

see the “ministry of non-education’s”<br />

building I want to faint in<br />

anger and disgust. This mistake<br />

will be with Lyttelton for a long<br />

time. It is a perfect example of<br />

mindless, fad-driven, insensitive<br />

architecture. It is a disruption<br />

to the environment it occupies.<br />

It occupies like an enemy army<br />

rather than dwelling naturally<br />


WHARF<br />

within the landscape. It attempts<br />

to be arty but is busy and lacking<br />

in basic design principles. The<br />

clumsy graphics or typography<br />

of the signage only reinforces the<br />

lack of refinement of the overall<br />

design.<br />

Architecture should become<br />

an heirloom. Architecture should<br />

be intelligent. Architecture and<br />

interior design influence our<br />

wellbeing. No, I do not think we<br />

need quirky buildings except perhaps<br />

in a childrens’ playground,<br />

we need intelligent design.<br />

Does Lyttelton need a design<br />

review panel? Tricky, how would<br />

this be any different to a panel<br />

which approves of a person’s fitness<br />

to parent?<br />

Heritage was once a new build.<br />

What we build today will become<br />

our heritage. In 100 years would<br />

we be proud of the plastic painted,<br />

cookie cutter tilt slab, louvre<br />

drenched, faddish structures<br />

popping up overnight?<br />

I was excited by the Stanaways<br />

proposal. I cried and cried the<br />

day they killed the Shadbolt<br />

building. I believe buildings and<br />

gardens have a soul. The day<br />

they fenced off our wharves from<br />

the public was the day Lyttelton<br />

began to fade.<br />

Still Pedalling!<br />

Trevor Crowe’s been involved with<br />

cars for a while. You can benefit from<br />

his experience at...<br />

For all your<br />

emergency<br />

plumbing<br />

and<br />

gasfitting<br />

needs<br />

PLEASE give<br />

us a call.<br />



Back Row: Mark, Aaron, Jacob, Mark, Sam<br />

Front Row: Liz, Matt, Sandra, Ant & Paul<br />


Phone today! 3790-711<br />

or email us: info@whiteheadplumbing.co.nz<br />

Lyttelton <strong>Harbour</strong> Views<br />

Kiwi, Thai and Chinese Chefs<br />

combine their skills and fresh<br />

local ingredients. Not just<br />

seafood! Steaks, duck and our<br />

famous pork belly; also<br />

vegetarian, dairy and gluten-free.<br />

Desserts created here<br />

with happy eggs and butter.<br />



39 Norwich Quay, 8082<br />

Lyttelton.<br />

Ph 328 7530.<br />

www.lytteltonwharf.co.nz<br />

Open Thursday to Sunday,<br />

12pm till Late<br />

Full Workshop Services<br />

WOF’s | Service Checks | Wheel Alignments<br />

Brakes | Clutches | Tyres etc<br />

All makes & models<br />


Great range of Subarus & other<br />

makes from $5,000 - $35,000<br />

View at www.crowesport.co.nz<br />

518 Moorhouse Ave (East end)<br />

Phone 379 7615 or<br />

email: service@crowesport.co.nz

Wednesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>24</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />


PAGE 17<br />


Need a night without the kids?<br />

My First Gym’s Date Night allows<br />

you the opportunity to take a welldeserved<br />

break. Pop out for dinner<br />

or a movie knowing your little ones<br />

are safe and having a great time<br />

with the My First Gym team.<br />

Date Nights - Leave<br />

your little ones with<br />

us - Fridays 6-9pm<br />

Check out our website for more information:<br />

myfirstgym.co.nz/date-night<br />

My First GyM –<br />

MakinG Fitness<br />

Childs Play<br />

the PerFeCt<br />

Birthday<br />

Party VenUe<br />

My First GyM –<br />

MakinG Fitness<br />

Childs Play<br />

For boys and girls aged between 0-13 years of age<br />

We offer your birthday child and their friends the<br />

full run of the place, filling the celebration with<br />

instructor-led games, music, and most of all - fun!<br />

Parents - JUst sit back and<br />

watch the kids at play!<br />

Keep little ones of all ages on their<br />

toes with our exciting classes.<br />

We encourage learning and skill development through<br />

exercise, but most importantly our kids have serious fun!<br />

Dedicated classes for ages 6 weeks – 13 years<br />

Check out our website for more information:<br />

www.myfirstgym.co.nz<br />

1005 Ferry Road, Ferrymead<br />

Phone 0800 MY CADENCE<br />

Mobile 021 148 0904 | www.myfirstgym.co.nz

Page 18<br />

BaY HaRBOUR<br />

WEDNESDAY AUGUST <strong>24</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />

People make<br />

the difference.<br />

New look House of Travel Ferrymead.<br />

New Owners Mel Lowen & Kim Beswick are excited about their<br />

upcoming store move and what it means for their customers, the<br />

team and for Ferrymead.<br />

‘By now you will have seen the lights on at our new site at 987<br />

Ferry Road as the refit takes place and we are excited about our<br />

upcoming move as soon as the site is finished later this month’.<br />

We are also very excited for Kim who will be taking maternity<br />

leave from the beginning of <strong>August</strong> until the New Year to welcome<br />

a new member into her family. The entire team would like to wish<br />

Kim all the best with this most significant and exciting journey.<br />

In turn we would like to welcome Melissa Bannister to our HOT<br />

Ferrymead family in a support role. Melissa has a wealth of<br />

industry experience and knowledge with over sixteen years in<br />

the travel industry in a wide variety of roles.<br />

We are so proud of having such a well-travelled friendly team<br />

who have incredible knowledge they are able to pass on to our<br />

clients’. We know that the best holidays are created together and<br />

we know we have the right people to help make sense of all the<br />

offers out there and provide exceptional travel solutions.’ Kim<br />

‘We are well aware of the impact the events of the last five years<br />

have had in our community and while we are still currently<br />

operating from our ‘purple portacom’ by Mitre 10 Mega and<br />

Countdown - we are super excited about the new developments<br />

and buildings taking shape in Ferrymead and our upcoming<br />

move to our new flagship store at 987 Ferry Road.’’ – Mel<br />

Together the new owners are excited to be leading their team<br />

through the upcoming development of the new store and inspiring<br />

travellers more than ever before. They are also 100% committed<br />

to supporting local businesses and the community and are proud<br />

to be involved in their renewed sponsorship of the Ferrymead<br />

<strong>Bay</strong>s Football Club and also the Mt Pleasant Community Centre.<br />

The best holidays are created together.<br />


WEDNESDAY AUGUST <strong>24</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />

BaY HaRBOUR<br />

Page 19<br />

2017 Travel Preview.<br />

Free Travel Evenings.<br />

Join our travel specialists for drinks<br />

and refreshments and find out all<br />

you need to know about travel<br />

for 2017 with these FREE exciting<br />

inspirational travel shows with<br />

House of Travel Ferrymead.<br />

FREE<br />

Film Shows<br />

Gold coin<br />

donation to<br />

Hospice<br />

Don’t miss out! Register today as space is limited.<br />

Contiki & Top Deck 2017<br />

Pre-Release Evening<br />

Thursday 25 <strong>August</strong><br />

Come along and hear from the experts at House of<br />

Travel Ferrymead. Find out all you need to know<br />

for 2017 travel for the 18-35’s. PLUS handy travel tips,<br />

early booking discounts, reduced deposits, early<br />

payment deals AND On the night bonus offers and<br />

travel advice from the team that have experienced it<br />

first- hand.<br />

Travelling Solo in 2017?<br />

Wednesday 31 <strong>August</strong><br />

Travelling by yourself doesn’t mean you have to travel<br />

alone. Prior planning with us means enhancing the<br />

overall experience for you and ensuring you have<br />

structure and support to make the most of your travels.<br />

Featuring escorted holidays and small group journeys<br />

offering great deals for single travellers, guided<br />

holidays, independent travel, cruising and more.<br />

River & Ocean Cruising<br />

in 2017<br />

Tuesday 06 September<br />

With so many river & cruise options on offer which<br />

one is right for you? River cruising encompasses not<br />

just stunning landscapes in Europe from the romantic<br />

Rhine to the magnificent Danube but also the likes of<br />

Russia, Vietnam and Cambodia. We also discover the<br />

crystal clear waters of the Mediterranean sea and the<br />

fabulous Baltics covering some of the best cruises you<br />

can take on your European getaway.<br />

Thinking Of Europe 2017?<br />

Tuesday 30 <strong>August</strong><br />

Essential for anyone looking at travelling to the UK & Europe in 2017. Each year we<br />

discover more outstanding deals to entice and reward travellers who book in advance.<br />

These deals offer significant savings and are well worth considering when planning for<br />

your upcoming getaway. Whether you are travelling for the first time or returning to<br />

rediscover new areas, this evening will give you an overview of many different ways<br />

to discover this region. From small group and tailor made tours to guided holidays,<br />

cruising and independent travelling as well as exciting stopover destinations we will<br />

advise on what you need to know when planning your 2017 holiday.<br />

Adventure Travel in 2017<br />

Wednesday 07 September<br />

If you like ideas such as sailing and cycling in Croatia; taking a self-guided walk<br />

through the vineyards and olive groves of Provence or Amalfi Coast; walking the<br />

Camino de Santiago; experiencing the majesty of Antarctica; viewing wildlife<br />

from a lodge in the Amazon; cruising around the Galapagos and waking up to the<br />

sunset over Machu Picchu then this show is for you. A great overview and sample<br />

of bucket lists from Africa, Mexico & Central America and everything in between;<br />

campervans holidays and more.<br />



Wednesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>24</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />

itLocal<br />

Keep<br />

<strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong><br />

News<br />

A ‘gold mine’<br />

of footwear<br />

for all ages<br />

The Footwear Factory in Garlands Road<br />

Woolston has been a part of the Christchurch<br />

retail scene for more than a quarter of a century.<br />

Over that time thousands of people have<br />

flocked to the store to find bargains and<br />

good deals in quality footwear, ranging from<br />

children’s shoes, sandals and school shoes to<br />

men’s and women’s fashion and causal shoes,<br />

outdoor and sports shoes, bowls shoes, slippers,<br />

and safety footwear for the workplace.<br />

Launched in a small shop in Papanui, the<br />

business later operated in Riccarton for 12 years<br />

before moving to Garlands Rd 13 years ago.<br />

Owned by Russ and Jude Day, there you<br />

will find shelves lined with footwear in a huge<br />

variety of styles and colours for men, women<br />

and children – a ‘gold mine’ for shoe-seeking<br />

shoppers.<br />

The footwear is brought in from all over the<br />

world, as well as coming from New Zealand<br />

manufacturers, and includes ends of lines and<br />

other well-priced items.<br />

Four main brands are carried – the New<br />

Zealand made McKinlays range of children’s<br />

school shoes, as well as men’s and women’s<br />

styles. The well-known Hi-Tec range of outdoor<br />

footwear and tramping, New Balance sports<br />

shoes and a range of Keens sandals and outdoor<br />

footwear. These known brands cover all ages.<br />

New styles arrive almost every day, so there<br />

are always more to try on, while Russell and his<br />

second-in-charge Karen are happy to advise on<br />

styles and sizing.<br />

Located on a high-profile site at 47C Garlands<br />

Rd, (next to Flags Tyre’s), the Footwear Factory<br />

is easy to find, and there is off-street parking<br />

available.<br />

They are open seven days a week – 9.30am-<br />

5pm Monday to Friday, and 10am-2pm<br />

Saturday and Sunday. Phone 389-3431.<br />

Check out their website for new arrivals,<br />

www.thefootwearfactory.co.nz<br />

Russell Day displays a<br />

popular children’s shoe<br />

End of Year Tax<br />

info still a pile in<br />

the corner?<br />

Doing your head in?!<br />

Plan make an appointment with us<br />

Navigate to 11F Settlers Crescent<br />

Achieve peace of mind. Job done!<br />

Phone 022 354 8218 or 384 8179<br />

chris@ferrymeadaccounting.co.nz<br />

Open Monday - Friday 6am-5pm<br />

& Saturday 7am-3pm<br />

8 Norwich Quay, Lyttelton<br />

Phone: 03 328 9004<br />


The best in recycled designer clothes,<br />

shoes & accessories plus new samples<br />

& end of lines.<br />

Always accepting new stock.<br />

OPEN 7 DAYS<br />

Shop 2, Sumner Village Mall<br />

Christchurch | 03 326 7<strong>24</strong>6<br />


& SHOES<br />

For men, women<br />

and children<br />

From<br />

$79.95<br />

to $250<br />

47c Garlands Road, Woolston<br />

Phone 389 3431<br />

www.thefootwearfactory.co.nz<br />


BELT<br />


Sunday September 4<br />


DOES<br />




• Mathematics<br />

• Reading<br />

• Spelling<br />

• English<br />

• Sciences<br />

• NCEA Subjects Y11-13<br />

• Preparation for school<br />

entrance test<br />

Village Leathercraft<br />

Hand Crafted leather Goods<br />

Peter O’Brien • 153 Port Hills Road<br />

Heathcote Valley • Phone 027 221 4066<br />

www.villageleathercraft.com<br />

FREE<br />

AssEssmEnt<br />

Unit 1/27 Waterman Place, Ferrymead<br />

(just off Ferry Rd) | Phone 384 1188<br />

www.kipmcgrath.co.nz<br />

Ferrymead Drycleaners<br />

Beside Casual & Country<br />

(03) 384 5015 | 1027 Ferry road<br />

Advertising enquiries Javier Balcazar | Ph: 021 225 8221 | javier.balcazar@starmedia.kiwi

Wednesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>24</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />


PAGE 21<br />

We have some great book and gift ideas for Your Dad this<br />




FOR DAD!<br />

1005 Ferry rd<br />

Ph 384 2063<br />

while stocks last (see instore for terms and conditions)<br />

Barry & kerry


Wednesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>24</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />

Email annabelle.dick@starmedia.kiwi<br />

by 5pm each Wednesday<br />

Images End<br />

Runs to September 4<br />

Mark Soltero’s Images End<br />

exhibition brings together a<br />

collection of work from what<br />

Soltero refers to as the ‘Back<br />

Catalogue’. These works form<br />

a reflection on the nature of<br />

images in a networked world.<br />

The materials and processes:<br />

Black, white and grey, applied<br />

as if printed, through stencils<br />

on hessian or paper, reflect<br />

the evolution of his ideas<br />

about painting. Soltero’s ideas<br />

stem from an intellectual<br />

imagination, but are driven by<br />

an emotional need to create. He<br />

is compelled to paint.<br />

50 Works Gallery, 50 London<br />

St, Lyttelton<br />

Knit ’n’ Yarn<br />

Today, 10-11am<br />

Head along to Lyttelton<br />

Library to Knit ’n’ Yarn. Take<br />

your knitting, crochet or other<br />

portable craft project and enjoy<br />

time with other crafters.<br />

Temporary Lyttelton Library<br />

at Trinity Hall, free, beginners<br />

welcome<br />

Create ’n’ Connect Art and<br />

Craft<br />

Thursday, 9.30am-noon<br />

You are welcome to go and<br />

enjoy creativity and company<br />

at Create ’n’ Connect Art and<br />

Craft’s group meeting.<br />

Take your project, or get<br />

inspiration for something new to<br />

do. Phone Beth on 022 678 1252<br />

St Andrews Church, 148 Main<br />

Rd, Redcliffs<br />

Baby Times<br />

<strong>August</strong> 26, 10.30-11am<br />

During each session there<br />

is a variety of stories, songs,<br />

rhymes, fingerplays and other<br />

book related activities. The<br />

programmes are especially<br />

suitable for under-2s.<br />

Temporary Lyttelton Library at<br />

Trinity Hall, free<br />

Drayton Reserve working bee<br />

Saturday, 2pm<br />

Meet at the Avery Place<br />

entrance if you would like to<br />

help planting native seedlings<br />

in the nearby area of the<br />

reserve. If the weather is bad,<br />

the alternative date will be,<br />

September 3.<br />

For further information, phone<br />

Dave Bryce on 021 363 498.<br />

The Lyttelton Venus<br />

Sunday, 4-6pm<br />

Join artists Julia Holden<br />

and Audrey Baldwin at<br />

Lyttelton Arts Factory for a<br />

live performance painting<br />

experience.<br />

Learn to Sail. Saturday, <strong>August</strong> 27, 9am-5.30pm. Learning to sail provides children and<br />

adults of all ages with valuable life skills. To help children and families to get into sailing in<br />

an easy and affordable way without the up-front cost of having to purchase a boat, Naval<br />

Point Club has 10 well-equipped Optimist dinghys available for children and adults as part<br />

of its programmes. The programmes run throughout the year and during school holidays.<br />

Visit its website Facebook page. Phone David Noakes: 021 022 88411 or email programmes@<br />

navalpoint.co.nz. Naval Point Club Lyttelton, Erskine Point, Lyttelton.<br />

Julia will also offer a sneak<br />

preview of her upcoming<br />

Lyttelton Redux project, opening<br />

November. Proceeds from The<br />

Lyttelton Venus performance<br />

will assist with Lyttelton Redux<br />

production costs.<br />

Buy tickets at www.theloonstheatretrust.com<br />

The Loons, 34 Oxford St,<br />

Lyttelton<br />

Storytimes/Wā Kōrero<br />

Tuesday (<strong>August</strong> 30),<br />

11-11.30am<br />

Programme for pre-schoolers<br />

include stories, music,<br />

movement and rhymes. Kōrero<br />

pukapuka, pūoru, korikori.<br />

Temporary Lyttelton Library at<br />

Trinity Hall, free<br />

Planting days at Urumau<br />

Reserve<br />

September 11, 10-noon or<br />

1-3pm<br />

Help in a series of quality<br />

native tree plating days.<br />

Tools, plants and lunch are<br />

all provided. Take gloves. The<br />

planting is limited to 12 people<br />

per session so registration is<br />

essential at lytteltonreserves@<br />

hotmail.com or phone<br />

328 9093<br />

Meet at the far end of Foster<br />

Tce at 10am or 1pm, Urumau<br />

Reserve<br />

Markets<br />

• Mt Pleasant Farmers Market:<br />

The market has temporarily<br />

moved to the western end of the<br />

McCormacks <strong>Bay</strong> Reserve. You<br />

will find it at the intersection<br />

of McCormacks <strong>Bay</strong> and Main<br />

Rds. Every Saturday, 9.30am-<br />

12.30pm.<br />

• Lyttelton Farmers Market:<br />

Every Saturday, 10am-1pm,<br />

London St.<br />

3 Garlands Road, Woolston<br />

DeluxeCinemas.co.nz<br />

Phone FREE Bookings ICE CREAM | Free Parking WITH | EVERY Cafe/Licensed TICKET Bar<br />

03 389 5360<br />

Online Before Bookings 5pm, Monday | Cinema to Friday. Club Terms | Hot & Conditions Nuts/ Cheeses Apply.<br />

An Absolute Crowd Pleaser<br />

M Violence, Coarse Language,<br />

DAILY BAD MOMS: 12:10pm, THu: 4.15pm 12.20pm, SING 4.10pm, STREET<br />

8.15pm FRI: 12.20pm, Some Scenes May 4.20pm, Disturb<br />

Young Children<br />

7.50pm SAT: 2.10pm, 4.00pm, 8.00pm SuN: 12.15pm, 3.35pm, 7.25pm<br />

WED 12:10pm, 4.15pm, 8:20pm<br />

MON: 11.50am, 2.10pm, Pauline Collins, Jonathan Pryce<br />

THU 10:00am DOUG<br />

8.15pm TuE: 2.10pm, 4.00pm, 8.00pm<br />

M Course Language and sexual references.<br />

WED: 2.00pm, 8.40pm.<br />

WED 12:10pm, 4.15pm, 8:20pm<br />

NZ Biggest Film Ever<br />

M Violence, Coarse Language,<br />

Some Scenes May Disturb<br />

THU 10:00am<br />


ABSOLuTELY FABuLOuS: WED: 10.30am, 2.10pm, 6.00pm, 8.00pm<br />

Jacky Cambel, Seth Rogan<br />

THu: 10.30am,11.50am,<br />

DAILY 12:10pm, 4.15pm 2.20pm, 6.15pm, 7.50pm FRI: M Violence, 10.30am, Coarse Language, 2.20pm,<br />

Some Scenes May Disturb<br />

ME BEFORE YOU Young Children<br />

6.00pm, 8.15pm SAT: 10.30am, 12.15pm, 4.15pm, 6.10pm, 7.50pm<br />

SuN: WED10.30am, 12:10pm, 4.15pm, 2.15pm, 8:20pm4.10pm, 5.35pm MON: 10.30am, An 12.15pm,<br />

Absolute Crowd Pleaser<br />

M Violence, Coarse Language,<br />

Some Scenes May Disturb<br />

4.15pm, THU 10:00am 6.00pm TuE: 10.30am, THE PAPAL 12.15pm, BASILICAS 4.15pm, 6.10pm, Young 7.50pm Children<br />

WED: 10.15am, 12.10pm, 4.00pm, 6.00pm Pixar Family Film<br />

M Violence, Coarse Language, Some<br />

FINDING DORY JULY 20TH Scenes, May Disturb, Young Children<br />

COMING<br />

Pixar Family Film<br />

M Violence, Coarse Language,<br />

POI E: WED: FINDING 12.15pm, 6.50pm DORY THu: JULY 10.00am, 20TH 6.00pm FRI: 10.00am,<br />

Pixar Family Film<br />

1.40pm SOON SAT: 10.00am, JULY 20TH<br />

Some Scenes, May Disturb,<br />

M Violence, Coarse Language, Some<br />

FINDING 6.00pm DORY SuN: 1.45pm MON: 10.00am, 7.50pm<br />

Scenes, May Disturb, Young Children<br />

TuE: 10.00am, 6.00pm WED: 1.30pm, 5.05pm<br />

HuNT FOR THE WILDERPEOPLE: WED: 4.00pm THu, FRI: 3.45pm<br />

SAT: 2.00pm SuN: 8.25pm MON: 3.35pm TuE: 1.40pm<br />

RAMS: WED: 10.20am, 5.00pm THu: 1.40pm FRI 11.50am<br />

SAT: 12.00pm SuN: 10.10am MON: 1.45pm TuE: 11.50am WED: 3.15pm<br />

A MONTH OF SuNDAYS: WED: 12.25pm<br />

JASON BOuRNE: WED: 2.35pm, 8.40pm<br />

EMBRACE: FRI: 6.25pm SuN: 12.00pm WED: 6.55pm<br />

PuRPLE RAIN: SUN: 6.15pm<br />

Bad Moms R16 Sex scenes, sexual content and offensive language. Absolutely Fabulous M<br />

Offensive language, sexual references and drug use. POI E G. Hunt for the Wilderpeople PG<br />

Violence, coarse language, some scenes may disturb young children. Rams M Offensive language<br />

and nudity. A Month of Sundays PG Coarse language. Jason Bourne M Violence. Embrace M<br />

Offensive language and nudity. Purple Rain M Offensive language.<br />

Labyrinth<br />

Masquerade Ball.<br />

Saturday, <strong>August</strong> 27,<br />

8.30pm-midnight<br />

This weekend marks<br />

the second annual<br />

Labyrinth Masquerade<br />

Ball at the Wunderbar<br />

in Lyttelton.<br />

The ball is themed<br />

around the 1980s<br />

movie Labyrinth<br />

with David Bowie<br />

where the guests<br />

go all-out on their<br />

costumes. The event<br />

is organised by Faerie<br />

Circle Christchurch.<br />

Wunderbar, 19<br />

London St, Lyttelton<br />

Adjustable Bed<br />


Sleepmaker Adjustable Frame with Memory Foam Mattress<br />

• Head tilt<br />

• Foot tilt<br />

• Built in night light<br />

• Floating<br />

• Wall saver<br />

• Massage<br />

Open 7 Days Mon - Fri 9 - 5.30pm Sat - Sun 10 - 4pm<br />

• Wireless remote<br />

• Lumbar support<br />

<strong>24</strong>2 Ferry Rd Along From Old Ami Stadium | Phone 377 8887 | www.bedworld.co.nz<br />

Long Single<br />

$2999<br />

SAVE $2650<br />

Queen<br />

$3499<br />

SAVE $3400

Wednesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>24</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />


PAGE 23<br />

Inspiring young minds<br />

Heathcote Valley Preschool is a modern,<br />

purpose built Childcare Centre located in<br />

Heathcote Valley, Christchurch with an<br />

emphasis on high quality care and education<br />

for all young children comprising of three<br />

individual areas. We cater for families with<br />

children aged 3 months to six years.<br />

What makes us unique:<br />

✓ State of the Art, purpose built facilities.<br />

Stimulating, spacious and fully air-conditioned<br />

modern learning environment<br />

✓ Teaching room designed to aid in transitioning<br />

to school<br />

✓ Dedicated, professionally qualified teachers<br />

✓ Low child to teacher ratio<br />

✓ Quality, comprehensive, educational learning<br />

programmes<br />

✓ Web-based learning stories through EDUCA<br />

✓ We offer 20 hours ECE for all 3 and 4 year old<br />

children<br />

✓ On-site chef providing nutritious meals and<br />

snacks<br />

✓ On-site hairdresser<br />

✓ Extra curricular activities offered include PMP,<br />

brain gym, dance classes, sporty shorties,<br />

instruments, learning other languages<br />

Nursery<br />

Our Nursery provides a peaceful and nurturing environment<br />

for your 0-18 month old child. Our high teacher to child ratio<br />

ensures your baby receives full attention and individual care<br />

consistently each day. An inspiring environment offers a range of<br />

safe equipment and activities that allows babies to explore, excite,<br />

discover, stimulate and experiment through their sensory play.<br />

Toddlers<br />

Our Toddler room is set up for children aged between 18 months<br />

and 2-year-old children and children aged between 2-3 years of age<br />

with a focus on independence and self help skills. The environment<br />

highlights space for child to explore, challenge, discover and foster<br />

their physical and social skills. Our 18 month to 2-year-old children<br />

use our primary care-giving system as the Nursery children.<br />

Preschool<br />

Our Preschool learning programmes are designed to support<br />

children aged 3 to 5 years old as they discover who they are so that<br />

they can learn to express their own opinions and nurturing ideas.<br />

Our environment offers stimulating, challenging and accessible<br />

resources in a specially created environment entices the child to<br />

explore, discover, manipulate and learn.<br />

The Teaching Room<br />

The Teaching room is a prepared environment providing an<br />

education foundation for successful future development. The room<br />

is a well resourced, specifically designed environment set within<br />

the centre designed for children over 3 years. Within this prepared<br />

environment we are able to recognise the unique and diverse<br />

learning approaches of each child.<br />

Ferrymead<br />

Heritage Park<br />

We are<br />

here<br />

Bridle Path Rd<br />

Port Hills Rd<br />

Tunnel Rd<br />

Martindales Rd<br />

Lyttelton<br />

Tunnel<br />

108 Port Hills Road, Heathcote Valley | Open 7.30am-6.00pm<br />

Come in for a visit and experience the difference.<br />

Phone us today 03 384 9<strong>24</strong>9<br />

To find out more,<br />

please visit<br />

our website:<br />


PAGE <strong>24</strong> BAY HARBOUR<br />

Wednesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>24</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />

Exhibitors<br />

Charmed Flowers<br />

Classic Photo Booth<br />

Moriarty Dental<br />

Bell Road Bespoke Bridal<br />

Bramble Grove<br />

Mariessa Waddington<br />

Tastefull Affiars<br />

Hot Shots Photo Booth<br />

Catlins River Ridge Retreat<br />

Commodore Hotel<br />

Louise Anderson Bridal Design Ltd<br />

The Cake Eating Company<br />

The George<br />

Nectar Florist<br />

Paintball Games<br />

Tuscany Downs Estate<br />

Wedding Professionals NZ Planners<br />

Garry Walls Photography & DJ<br />

Airpark Limousines<br />

Links Functions and Events<br />

Hanmer Springs<br />

Braemar Lodge & Spa<br />

Crème de la Rose<br />

Haley Saul Hair Artist<br />

VMC images<br />

Chalk it Up<br />

Peppers Clearwater Resort<br />

Break Free on Cashel<br />

Alyssandra Striking Stationry<br />

Pure Romnace By Andi<br />

Hand Made Photography<br />

Westhave Gardens<br />

Davis Bridal<br />

The First Dance<br />

Canterbury Kombi Chauffeur<br />

Brides of Merivale<br />

Omarino Wine Park<br />

Kennett Crafted Jewels<br />

Something Borrowed Something New<br />

Verve Real Food Catering<br />

Trents Estate Vineyard<br />

Beautiful Make Up<br />

Outback Bathrooms<br />

Mandy Caldwell Photography<br />

The Tannery<br />

The Dear Ones Photobooth Co<br />

Continental<br />

Black Shadow Project<br />

Artistic Blooms<br />

Simpatico Hair Studio<br />

Registered Celebrant<br />

Heritage Queenstown<br />

Moveable Feasts<br />

Cherished<br />

Heritage Hanmer Springs<br />

Hirepool Events<br />

Number 9 Events Centre<br />

Weddings by Collective Concepts<br />

Julie Lassen<br />

Glen James Jewellers<br />

Hello World Rolleston<br />

Hello World Rangiora<br />

CM Photography<br />

Cakes Galore<br />

Phoenix Weddings<br />

Kates Cakery<br />

Westende Jewellers<br />

The Little Hire Company<br />

Angela minson Makeup Artist<br />

Smith & Boston<br />

Flowers by Lynette<br />

Hotel Ashburton<br />

Wigram Base<br />

Kiwi Cuisine<br />

To Cherish Bridal Boutique<br />

Terrace Downs Resort<br />

Tricia Warwick - Naziris<br />

Johannes Van Kan Photographer<br />

Lincoln Motel<br />

ChCh Coach Charters<br />

Over $ 22,000<br />

in prizes to be won<br />

Honeymoon to Norfolk Island<br />

Honeymoon to Edgewater Resort in Rarotonga<br />

The Wedding Dress of Your Choice<br />

Wedding Ceremony Package<br />

Engagement Photo Shoot<br />

$1000 towards your Wedding Bands<br />

$1000 towards the Hire of your Marquee<br />

Wedding Planning Package<br />

$300 worth of Hire items<br />

Wedding Cake to the Value of $500<br />

$100 of the Hire<br />

Bridal Party Flowers<br />

Floral Design Décor<br />

Wedding Day Package<br />

Champagne Breakfast for Two at Maddisons Restaurant<br />

Dinner for two at Maddisons<br />

Dinner for two on Christchurch Tram<br />

Your Wedding Celebrant

569a Colombo Street<br />

Christchurch<br />

03 377 6800<br />

www.tocherish.co.nz<br />

Wednesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>24</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />

BaY HaRBOUR<br />

Page 25<br />

Sunday 28 <strong>August</strong><br />

9.30am – 4.00pm<br />


Modern<br />

Contemporary<br />

bliss Hair<br />


weddings by<br />

collective concepts<br />

www.weddingconcepts.co.nz<br />

Airforce Museum<br />

45 Harvard Avenue,<br />

Wigram, Christchurch<br />

Tickets: $15.00

in only<br />

s<br />

mink<br />

uvets or<br />


Wednesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>24</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />

LIQUID<br />

SeLF ServIce<br />


f Service Laundromat<br />

Conveniently located in Hornby<br />

SYDeNHAM<br />

289 colombo St<br />

OPeN 7 DAYS<br />

5am-11pm<br />

HOrNBY<br />

47 carmen rd<br />

OPeN 7 DAYS<br />

6am-7.30pm<br />

• From $4 a wash<br />

rIcHMOND<br />

345 Stanmore rd<br />

OPeN 7 DAYS<br />

5am-11pm<br />

from $4.00 WASH<br />

from $4.00 DrY<br />

for 20mins<br />

Wash & dry all your<br />

clothes in 1 hour.<br />

Save time &<br />

electricity!<br />

Dry up to four load<br />

of clothes in only 20<br />

minutes<br />

Wash 2 Mink<br />

Blankets, Duvets or<br />

Woolrests for only $10<br />

• From $4 a dry<br />

for 20 mins<br />

• 16 dryers<br />

• 12 washing machin<br />

Save time and<br />

energy!<br />

• Fast Dryers<br />

• Sports Gear<br />

• Duvets<br />

• Mink Blankets<br />

• Bedding<br />

• Washers<br />

• Domestic Laundry<br />

3 Locations in christchurch<br />

47 carmen rd, Hornby | 345 Stanmore rd, richmond | 289 colombo St, Sydenham<br />

www.liquidlaundromats.co.nz<br />

four loads<br />

for only $10

Wednesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>24</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />


PAGE 27<br />

Fashion<br />

City models at big event<br />

• By Annabelle Dick<br />

THREE Christchurch models<br />

will show their stuff this week<br />

at New Zealand’s most popular<br />

fashion show in Auckland.<br />

Rebecca Dore, Georgia Greig<br />

and Lucy Wyma will walk the<br />

catwalk in the New Zealand<br />

Weddings Magazine Show<br />

at New Zealand Fashion<br />

Week.<br />

Portfolio Model Agency director<br />

Mel Radford Brown said<br />

the three girls are some of the<br />

top within the agency and they<br />

reflect the talent Christchurch<br />

has to offer.<br />

“This speak volumes of portfolio<br />

models and the calibre<br />

of our models,” Mrs Radford<br />

Brown said.<br />

Rebecca Dore, 21, of<br />

Burnside, is Portfolio Model<br />

Agency’s booker and a model<br />

for the business.<br />

This is her fourth time walking<br />

at NZFW and she said<br />

she’s thrilled to be a part of one<br />

of the more extravagant shows<br />

of the week.<br />

“I did the wedding show<br />

last year and it was beautiful,”<br />

Miss Dore said.<br />

She has also walked in<br />

Australia’s premier event, the<br />

Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week,<br />

in Sydney.<br />

Miss Greig, 19, formerly of<br />

Timaru, only stepped onto the<br />

modelling scene a year ago after<br />

a friend urged her to enter a<br />

competition.<br />

She’s excited to show at New<br />

Zealand’s premier fashion<br />

event, especially considering<br />

she didn’t even attend the casting<br />

for the event.<br />

“It’s pretty overwhelming<br />

to be chosen because, being<br />

a student, it was financially<br />

unviable to attend casting so<br />

I just hung back and let them<br />

know I was available,” she said.<br />

Miss Greig is studying<br />

design and wants to get a<br />

qualification behind her before<br />

jumping into what can be a<br />

shaky industry.<br />

Miss Wyma, 20, of Papanui,<br />

will also model at the annual<br />

event alongside Miss Greig and<br />

Miss Dore.<br />

The young model was<br />

recently signed to the IMG<br />

International agency, which<br />

has the likes of Gisele Bundchen,<br />

Miranda Kerr and Kate<br />

Moss on its books. The models<br />

will walk in the wedding show<br />

today and Saturday.<br />

BREAK OUT: Georgia Greig will model in fashion week<br />

after only a year in the industry. ​<br />

UP-AND-COMING: Models Lucy<br />

Wyma (top) and Rebecca Dore.<br />

ON DEMAND AT WWW.stylE.kiWi<br />

from magazine<br />

to screen<br />

storiEs givEn nEW liFE<br />

Watch EvEry thursday at<br />

7.30pm<br />

rEpEats Friday at<br />

11am & 4.30pm<br />

ExclusivE intErviEWs<br />

Andrea Allen meets the locals<br />

coming to toWn<br />

A look at what’s on<br />

Fashion Focus<br />

Trends to follow<br />

the ultimate guides<br />

ExpErts sharE tips<br />

StyleTV_StarAd_June_HP_001_<strong>2016</strong><br />

Freeview HD 40 | Live on ctv.co.nz


Wednesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>24</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />

Bridal Show<br />

Take the stress out – plan your honeymoon<br />

THE COST and time it takes<br />

to organise a honeymoon<br />

can often be underestimated<br />

when couples are planning<br />

their weddings.<br />

But at Sunday’s With This<br />

Ring Bridal Show, there will<br />

be a number of exhibitors<br />

there to take the stress out<br />

of it.<br />

Hello World Travel’s<br />

Rangiora and Rolleston<br />

branches will be at the show,<br />

with a group of experts<br />

to talk to people who are<br />

looking into the planning.<br />

Rangiora branch managing<br />

director Liz Ditmer said<br />

often people had unrealistic<br />

expectations of how much<br />

honeymoons could cost.<br />

She said people also had to<br />

start planning their trips well<br />

in advance, and their teams<br />

would be at next Sunday’s<br />

show to help people do so.<br />

“We’re just there to start<br />

pointing them in the right<br />

direction,” she said.<br />

“We can make<br />

appointments and sit down<br />

with them at a later time to<br />

talk in more detail.”<br />

This year’s show will have<br />

85 exhibitors ranging from<br />

wedding and bridesmaid<br />

gowns, photography,<br />

honeymoons, flowers,<br />

stationary, caterers, venue<br />

hire and many more.<br />

On top of that, there will<br />

be more than $22,000 of<br />

prizes to be won.<br />

A wedding and<br />

honeymoon at Norfolk<br />

Island will be up for grabs, as<br />

well as a honeymoon at The<br />

Edgewater Resort and Spa in<br />

Rarotonga.<br />

Venue hire up to the value<br />

of $4050 for Wigram Base<br />

will be up for grabs, along<br />

with many more prizes and<br />

giveaways.<br />

Two fashion catwalks will<br />

be held, one at 11am and the<br />

other at 2pm, showcasing<br />

wedding gowns and mother<br />

of the bride outfits.<br />

•The With This Ring Bridal<br />

Show will be held at the<br />

Air Force Museum of<br />

New Zealand, Wigram,<br />

on Sunday (<strong>August</strong><br />

28), from 9.30am-4pm.<br />

Tickets are $15 and can<br />

be purchased at the door<br />

on the day, or pre-sale<br />

tickets are available<br />

online at dashtickets.<br />

co.nz<br />

GETAWAY: The With This Ring Bridal Show will have stalls that offer advice on exotic honeymoon<br />

destinations.<br />


FLOOR<br />

Empire Dining & Living Collection<br />

Eat and entertain in style with the Empire dining and living range.<br />

The dark brushed wood finish will add stunning elegance to your<br />

living area.<br />

now<br />

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now only $799<br />

7 Piece Setting with1800 Dining Table<br />

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6 Drawer Buffet was $1499<br />

now only $899<br />

Byron 3 plus 2 Seater<br />

Featuring sleek slim-line arms with comfortable foam<br />

cushioning, the Byron 3 plus 2 Seater Sofa in Spanish<br />

Grey will give your home a touch of European style.<br />

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$1280<br />

was $2279<br />

now only $999<br />




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Finance offer expires 5th September <strong>2016</strong>.<br />

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See below for terms & conditions.<br />

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View our collections online: targetfurniture.co.nz<br />

Offers and product prices advertised here expire Monday 29th <strong>August</strong> <strong>2016</strong>.<br />

*No payments and no interest until January 2018 (“Payment Holiday”) is available on Flexi Payment Plans [for in-store purchases only] until 5th September <strong>2016</strong>. Offer excludes AA Smartfuel. Minimum spend $499. Annual Account Fee<br />

of $50 applies. New Cardholder fees - $55 Establishment ($3 PPSR – Q Card only). Existing Cardholder fee - $35 Advance. Standard Interest Rate, currently 25.25% p.a. applies to any outstanding balance at end of Payment Holiday.<br />

Payment Holiday period may vary depending on Cardholder’s payment cycle dates. Lending criteria, fees, terms and conditions apply. Rate and fees correct as at date of publication, subject to change.

2<br />

[Edition datE]<br />

Wednesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>24</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />


Varicose veins treated<br />

quickly and effectively<br />

Transform CliniC in mandeville<br />

street riccarton boasts a team of dedicated<br />

professionals, who include the clinic’s<br />

doctor, ian little, registered nurses and<br />

qualified beauty therapists, providing a wide<br />

range of appearance medicine and beauty<br />

therapy treatments for their clients.<br />

one of their main specialties is nonsurgical<br />

varicose vein removal. This is a<br />

simple, quick and effective walk-in walk-out<br />

treatment with no time off work required.<br />

Clients seeking advice about their varicose<br />

veins first undergo a free assessment, which<br />

enables the health professional to determine<br />

if they need treatment, and if so, what the<br />

most appropriate type would be.<br />

Two methods are offered – endo-venous<br />

laser treatment, which is used for both<br />

smaller and larger veins, and ultrasound<br />

guided sclerotherapy. following the<br />

treatment, clients need to wear support<br />

stockings for two weeks. international travel<br />

is not recommended for four weeks after<br />

treatment.<br />

Transform Clinic has an affiliation<br />

with health provider southern Cross and<br />

relationships with several other health<br />

insurance companies, which means clients<br />

may be covered for varicose vein treatment,<br />

providing it is included in their policy.<br />

appearance medicine is another key<br />

aspect of Transform Clinic’s therapy<br />

options, with skin rejuvenation and skintightening<br />

treatments designed to improve<br />

skin quality as well as enhance self-esteem.<br />

Treatments include the Vampire face lift,<br />

which uses Platelet rich Plasma or PrP, and<br />

fraxel laser treatment. These treatments can<br />

be combined to achieve the desired results.<br />

sclerotherapy is also used to remove<br />

superficial veins on the legs and face. in<br />

addition, the clinic offers mole mapping,<br />

mole removal and primary skin cancer<br />

removal.<br />

The Transform Clinic website,<br />

www.transformclinic.co.nz, has a wealth of<br />

information on the various treatments and<br />

regularly has special offers and promotions.<br />

They also suggest you ‘like’ their facebook<br />

page, to keep up to date with what they<br />

are offering.<br />

The Transform Clinic is discreetly located<br />

at 52a mandeville street. opening hours<br />

are monday to friday from 8.30am, with<br />

late nights on Tuesday and Thursday, and<br />

saturday from 9am to 3pm. Phone 343-2880<br />

to enquire about treatments or make an<br />

appointment.<br />

Varicose Vein Treatment<br />

Non-surgical Vein Laser Treatments available<br />

Tired of aching and unsightly veins?<br />

No surgery, no scars, no stitches. No time off work<br />

- continue normal daily activities. An affiliated provider to<br />

Southern Cross Health Society (medical necessity<br />

criteria apply) - check your policy for cover.<br />

Enjoy skirts, short and cropped pants again.<br />

Payment plans available (Conditions apply)<br />


Clients seeking advice about their varicose veins first undergo a free<br />

assessment, which enables the health professional to determine<br />

if they need treatment.<br />

PAGE 29<br />

Winter Special<br />

$20 DISCOUNT<br />

<strong>August</strong>, excluding Saturday<br />

when you mention this advert.<br />

Free Assessment<br />

www.transformclinic.co.nz | 52A Mandeville St | Riccarton | 08002lookgood | 343 2880<br />

Tracy Tuesday-Saturday, 9am-5pm<br />

Sally Wednesday-Thursday, 9am-7pm<br />

Jolene Saturday, 9am-4pm<br />

Phone 03-328-8859 or book online<br />

www.facebook.com/honeycomblyttelton<br />

34a London Street, Lyttelton<br />

Pro Fiber<br />

Prescriptive reconditioning<br />

treatment. $30 in salon, plus<br />

take home products.<br />

Ask your stylist<br />

which one<br />

is best for you.<br />

Get your back<br />

BACK!<br />

Join our Spinal Strengthening<br />

Programme<br />

• Eliminate back weakness and<br />

improve posture<br />

• Two level small group exercise<br />

programme led by a physiotherapist<br />

• Held at Bishopdale & Hereford St<br />

with free parking<br />

musclepeople.co.nz<br />

Healthy Aging & The Brain<br />

How to age gracefully using time honoured Herbal Remedies<br />

Wednesday, September 28th 6pm<br />

• Find out how to use herbs and nutrition to improve brain function<br />

and why this organ needs protecting<br />

• Learn how to age gracefully with the use of herbal remedies and nutrition<br />

• Minimise the effects of aging and learn tips to help you better care for your<br />

brain ~ the single most important organ in your body<br />

$30 per person ~ Collect a 15% discount voucher on the night and receive<br />

a handout with take home information.<br />

Call us today! 360 3606<br />

Three Muscle People Physiotherapy Clinics:<br />

Wigram Skies, Bishopdale & Central City<br />

THE<br />

EST. 2012<br />

The Tannery<br />

19/3 Garlands Road, Woolston, Christchurch|Ph. 389 0857<br />

info@the-apothecary.co.nz|www.the-apothecary.co.nz/education<br />



Wednesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>24</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />

Thai-Style<br />

Pumpkin Soup<br />

Fresh Tegel NZ Chicken Drumsticks<br />

SuperValue.co.nz/Recipes<br />

Country Fresh Carrots/Brown Onions 1.2kg<br />

$<br />

5 99<br />

kg<br />

$<br />

1 99<br />

bag<br />

Fresh NZ Lamb Shoulder Chops<br />

Loose Navel Oranges<br />

$<br />

11 99<br />

kg<br />

$<br />

2 29<br />

kg<br />

Bluebird Burger Rings/Twisties/Cheezels/<br />

Rashuns 110-120g<br />

Alpine Mild/Colby/Edam Cheese 1kg<br />

Whittaker’s<br />

Chocolate<br />

Block 250g<br />

$<br />

1 19<br />

each<br />

DB/Tui/Export Gold<br />

12 x 330ml Bottles/Cans<br />

$<br />

7 99<br />

each<br />

Wither Hills<br />

750ml<br />

(Excludes Pinot Noir)<br />

$<br />

4 29<br />

each<br />

Cold Power Ultra Laundry Powder 500g<br />

Please drink<br />

responsibly<br />

$<br />

17 99<br />

pack<br />

SuperValueNZ<br />

SuperValue.co.nz<br />

$<br />

12 99<br />

each<br />

$<br />

2 00<br />

each<br />

SuperValue Lyttelton: 17 London Street, Lyttelton. Phone 328 7368. Open 7am-9pm, 7 days.<br />

SuperValue Sumner: 3 Village Mall, Sumner. Phone 326 5688. Open 7am-9pm, 7 days.<br />

Specials available from Wednesday, <strong>24</strong>th <strong>August</strong> until Sunday, 28th <strong>August</strong> <strong>2016</strong> or while stocks last. We reserve the right to limit quantities. All limits specified apply per customer per day.<br />

Trade not supplied. Prepared meals are serving suggestions only. Props not included. Certain products may not be available in all stores. Proprietary brands not for resale.<br />

Customer Support Freephone 0800 40 40 40.<br />


Wednesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>24</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />


PAGE 31<br />

Travel<br />

Relive the West Coast’s gold rush days<br />

• By Mike Yardley<br />

HEMMED IN by the Tasman<br />

Sea and the serrated peaks of the<br />

Main Divide, there really is no<br />

region in New Zealand quite like<br />

Westland.<br />

After tootling from Christchurch<br />

to Greymouth on the<br />

TranzAlpine, I swapped the rail<br />

tracks for the roadway to freeroam<br />

the West Coast’s delights.<br />

My first stop was Shantytown, a<br />

faithfully re-created 1860s goldmining<br />

town, complete with pub<br />

and post office.<br />

Highlights include the cluster<br />

of 30 gold rush era buildings,<br />

painted in the bright colours of<br />

boiled sweets. Enjoy a tipple in<br />

the evocative Golden Nugget<br />

Hotel, learn the art of gold panning<br />

and enjoy the short movie<br />

in the opulent Victorian-themed<br />

theatre.<br />

Heading further south on SH6,<br />

I went as far as Ross, a cute-as-abutton<br />

settlement, with a storied<br />

past in gold mining. The historic<br />

village of glories lost sports a cluster<br />

of colonial buildings, including<br />

the old Ross jail and miners’<br />

cottages.<br />

From Ross, I ventured back up<br />

SH6, to take in Treetops walk,<br />

traversing the canopy of the<br />

NATURAL: The turquoise colour of the Hokitika Gorge is<br />

caused by glacial flour seeping into the water.<br />

podocarp forest by Lake Mahinapua.<br />

Twenty-five metres above<br />

the forest floor, the mesh-steel<br />

gantry leads you through a dense<br />

vista of native forest, with giant<br />

specimens of rimu, kamahi and<br />

matai, interspersed with tree<br />

ferns, orchids, liverworts and<br />

fellow forest floor residents. www.<br />

treetopsnz.com<br />

Follow the signposts to Kokatahi<br />

and Kowhitirangi. The<br />

West Coast’s multitude of vivid<br />

greens comes into sharp focus<br />

as you wend your way through<br />

the fertile farmland. From here, a<br />

short gravel road leads you to one<br />

of my favourite New Zealand settings,<br />

the ravishing granite ravine<br />

of Hokitika Gorge, deep in the<br />

Whitcombe Valley.<br />

Right by the alpine fault, surrounded<br />

by dense native bush,<br />

thronging with native birds, the<br />

turquoise water is so absurdly<br />

vivid and otherworldly, it looks<br />

photo-shopped. (It’s due to the<br />

glacial flour seeping into the<br />

water.)<br />

But after heavy rain, the water<br />

turns a soupy grey, so you will be<br />

at the mercy of the weather gods.<br />

RESTORED: The Theatre<br />

Royal Hotel in Kumara first<br />

opened in 1876.<br />

Complete your valley circuit<br />

by shadowing the eastern side<br />

of Lake Kaniere and the lusty<br />

waterworks of Dorothy Falls.<br />

From there, a plethora of lakeside<br />

spots beckoning you to pause,<br />

before completing the circuit in<br />

Hokitika.<br />

You’d be hard pressed to find<br />

any other town or city in New<br />

Zealand with more galleries,<br />

studios and arty types. I spent all<br />

day admiring the studios, talking<br />

to the painters, glass blowers,<br />

craftspeople and pounamu carvers.<br />

For a legendary West Coast<br />

hospitality experience truly out of<br />

the box, you must stay a night at<br />

the resplendently restored Theatre<br />

Royal Hotel in Kumara. Handily<br />

located half way between Greymouth<br />

and Hokitika, this grand<br />

old hotel first opened its doors in<br />

in 1876, at the start of the Kumara<br />

gold rush.<br />

The current owners Kerrie<br />

and Mark Fitzgibbon bought the<br />

derelict hotel in 2010, spending<br />

nearly three years to restore it.<br />

You’ll enjoy a heady dose of<br />

Kumara’s community spirit in the<br />

bar and dining area every night,<br />

which spills forth with vintage<br />

West Coast conviviality. I feasted<br />

on fresh turbot in beer batter,<br />

while for dessert, don’t go past the<br />

apple crumble and custard.<br />

Unsurprisingly, the hotel is<br />

repeatedly showered with awards.<br />

You must experience it. www.<br />

theatreroyalhotel.co.nz<br />


• Treat yourself to a<br />

bumper self-drive winter<br />

escape. Thrifty Car Rental<br />

offers hot deals, swift<br />

service and an excellent<br />

fleet in handy locations,<br />

including Greymouth<br />

Railway Station. www.<br />

thrifty.co.nz<br />

Your land. Your people. Your stories.<br />

watch local | support local | shop local<br />

Monday to thursday<br />

at 12pM, 5pM & 9pM<br />

Every Wednesday at 7.30pm<br />

on CTV Freeview Channel 40<br />

live and on demand at ctv.co.nz<br />

LGS_June_QP_001_<strong>2016</strong>_HO3228<br />

Freeview HD 40 | Live stream and on demand at ctv.co.nz<br />

For enquiries, contact<br />

Geoff Moreton: 021 1066 177<br />

Brought to you by


Wednesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>24</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />

riven<br />

Hyundai’s Elantra stands test of time<br />

• By Ross Kiddie<br />

HYUNDAI’S Lantra, or Elantra<br />

as it is now known, is one of<br />

the company’s most successful<br />

nameplates.<br />

It was first introduced as a midsize<br />

sedan in 1990, and has progressed<br />

through five generations;<br />

the latest all-new, sixth-generation<br />

variant has just been released<br />

onto the New Zealand market.<br />

The Elantra arrives in two<br />

specifications, both with the<br />

one body style, bearing in mind<br />

that previous generation models<br />

have had station wagon options.<br />

I guess with the way the station<br />

wagon market has given way to<br />

sport utility vehicles, Hyundai<br />

would still be comfortable with<br />

just the one variation.<br />

Elsewhere, the concept of<br />

Elantra hasn’t changed, it captures<br />

all of the features which has<br />

made the model so successful, yet<br />

packages them in a functional,<br />

appealing package.<br />

The evaluation car was badged<br />

Elite specification and lists at<br />

$39,990, an entry-level model sits<br />

$4000 below that.<br />

Under the bonnet sits a<br />

2-litre, twin-camshaft, petrol<br />

engine which is a relatively new<br />

design for the Korean company.<br />

Rated with power outputs of<br />

112kW (6200rpm) and 192Nm<br />

ELANTRA ELITE: .Important part of the Hyundai line-up.<br />

(4000rpm) it is a free-revving<br />

unit which drives through a sixspeed<br />

automatic gearbox, incidentally<br />

it is the only transmission<br />

in the range.<br />

Hyundai also claim a 7.2-litre<br />

per 100km (39mpg) combined<br />

cycle fuel usage rating for the<br />

Elantra. During my 150km road<br />

evaluation the fuel usage readout<br />

was listing constantly at around<br />

8.6l/100km (33mpg) which sat<br />

well with Hyundai’s claim. At<br />

100km/h on the highway the<br />

engine is turning over at just<br />

2100rpm in top gear providing a<br />

5l/100km (56mpg) instantaneous<br />

return.<br />

Hyundai have long had a reputation<br />

for building high quality<br />

vehicles, and those which provide<br />

its occupants with comfort and<br />

an easy driving experience. The<br />

Elantra doesn’t dip out on those<br />

facets.<br />

I drove my usual test route<br />

through the Canterbury high<br />

country. It cruises quietly on<br />

the long straights and has direct<br />

steering into a corner.<br />

The suspension is a mixture of<br />

McPherson struts up front and<br />

a torsion beam rear. As much as<br />

I like fully independent designs,<br />

the simplistic system in the<br />

Elantra is well located and movement<br />

isn’t compromised greatly.<br />

It isn’t overly firmed through<br />

the spring and dampers, absorption<br />

over Christchurch’s ruts and<br />

FUNCTIONAL: Apple<br />

CarPlay will allow on-screen<br />

infotainment from your<br />

iPhone.<br />

bumps is arrested, and when you<br />

push into a corner it is composed<br />

through the underpinnings with<br />

balanced body movement.<br />

Providing the grip are Koreanmade<br />

Hankook Ventus tyres<br />

(225/45 x 17in). They are sticky<br />

compound, and issue the driver<br />

with solid feedback as to how<br />

they are reacting to cornering<br />

pressure.<br />

Add to that the solid flow<br />

of power that arrives from the<br />

engine and you have a vehicle<br />

that could easily be classed as a<br />

sports sedan. Sure, its demeanour<br />

doesn’t suggest that it is truly<br />

exotic, but what its performance<br />

translates into is a responsive,<br />

dynamic car which is at home<br />

on the twisty nature of New<br />

Zealand’s roads.<br />

• Price – Hyundai Elanta<br />

Elite, $39,990<br />

• Dimensions – Length,<br />

4570mm; width, 1800mm;<br />

height, 1440mm<br />

• Configuration: Fourcylinder,<br />

front-wheel-drive,<br />

1999cc, 112kW, 192Nm,<br />

six-speed automatic.<br />

• Performance – 0-100km/<br />

h, 9.4sec<br />

• Fuel usage– 7.2l/100km<br />

In terms of specification, the<br />

Elantra arrives with a host of<br />

features for comfort and convenience<br />

and, of course, safety. Some<br />

of the major items of fitment<br />

include full leather trim with<br />

heated front seats, touch screen<br />

display with Apple CarPlay, keyless<br />

entry and ignition, cruise<br />

control and dual-zone climate<br />

control.<br />

I’ve written many times in the<br />

past about the direction Hyundai<br />

is taking as a company. It has<br />

high aspirations and the model<br />

line-up is vast.<br />

Hyundai has done the hard<br />

yards in establishing itself as a<br />

globally recognised manufacturer<br />

of first-class vehicles, and it’s fine<br />

cars like the Elantra that will keep<br />

those loyal to the brand entertained<br />

and satisfied for many<br />

years to come.<br />


SEARCH.<br />



THE<br />


TO<br />

BUY & SELL<br />

CARS<br />


Wednesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>24</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />


Panorama paradise<br />

131 Panorama Road, Sumner<br />

Auction 01 Sep <strong>2016</strong> Unless Sold Prior<br />

3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms 1 living room 1 dining room 2 car-garage 2 off-street parks - Listing Number: FM4958<br />


PAGE 33<br />

Majestically positioned upon Clifton Hill<br />

and enjoying unobstructed ocean and<br />

alpine views, our feature property really is<br />

a modern masterpiece!<br />

Crisp, clean lines and bold splashes of<br />

colour create a real statement in this John<br />

Chaplin-designed home, thoughtfullyconfigured<br />

to make the most of the natural<br />

surroundings and the compelling outlook.<br />

Accommodation is provided by three<br />

double bedrooms (master with walk-inrobe)<br />

and is complemented by two recently<br />

updated bathrooms. The stunning new<br />

kitchen (complete with Corian surfaces)<br />

will delight those who love to cook;<br />

interconnecting living areas offer plenty of<br />

versatility, and excellent indoor/outdoor<br />

flow ensures you’ll spend plenty of time<br />

enjoy this most privileged of settings.<br />

Outside, the 700m2 grounds feature<br />

established gardens and a variety of sundrenched<br />

entertaining spaces, while<br />

double, internal access garaging completes<br />

the appeal.<br />

Homes of this calibre, in this soughtafter<br />

location, are always in demand, and<br />

interest is expected from a wide range of<br />

prospective purchasers. Immediate action<br />

is advised - call now to learn more.<br />

Auction Date: Thursday 1 Sep 1:00 p.m.<br />

(98 Moorhouse Avenue) Unless Sold Prior<br />

Open Home Dates: 2.30pm - 3.30pm<br />

Thursday, Saturday and Sunday<br />

Make sure you come visit at one of the<br />

open homes, or to arrange a private<br />

viewing of this property call Joy Butel<br />

of Harcourts Grenadier Ferrymead<br />

(Licensed Agent REAA 2008) on 384<br />

7950 or mob: 021 353 280<br />




8.30AM - 12PM WEEKDAYS<br />

newstalkzb.co.nz<br />



Wednesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>24</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />

97.7<br />


Weekdays 3-7pm<br />


Wednesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>24</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />


PAGE 35<br />

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XXX Listen<br />

0900 69 100<br />

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www.kiwibabes.co.nz<br />

PHONE NOW!!<br />

Community Events<br />


ANONYMOUS, If you<br />

want to have a drink thats<br />

your business. If you want<br />

to stop, we can help. Phone<br />

0800 229-6757<br />

Computers<br />

ALL<br />

YOUR<br />



*$30.00 off your first<br />

service with this coupon!*<br />

No problem too big or<br />

small from home PC’s to<br />

business networks. PC<br />

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Systems. Safe secure<br />

hassle-free computing.<br />

Lost files recovered.<br />

Microsoft Certified,<br />

MCSE, MCP+l. 30 years<br />

experience. Call Andrew<br />

Buxton this week on 326-<br />

6740 or 027 435-7596<br />

for $30.00 off* Custom<br />

Computers Christchurch<br />

Gardening<br />

& Supplies<br />

Landscape<br />

and Garden<br />

Services<br />

If you need help<br />

getting your garden<br />

back in order after<br />

repairs, need any<br />

type of landscape<br />

construction work or<br />

garden restoration.<br />

Ph 021 272 0303<br />

ADD SOME<br />

COLOUR<br />


accountant<br />

Gardening<br />

& Supplies<br />



UP? Rose & Fruit Tree<br />

Pruning, Shrub, hedge<br />

& tree pruning, Lawns,<br />

Gardening, consistently<br />

reliable general property<br />

upkeep, Dip. Hort. 10<br />

yrs experience, One off<br />

tidy ups or on-going<br />

service. Nick’s Property<br />

Maintenance. Keeping<br />

your garden beautiful.<br />

Free Quote. Ph. 942-4440<br />

GARDENER - Need<br />

your home or commercial<br />

garden tidied up or<br />

renovated or require long<br />

term assistance. Phone<br />

Ruth 326-6663 or 021<br />

272-0303<br />

Holiday<br />

Accommodation<br />



LIA Resort, Ocean Views,<br />

Balconies, Self Contained,<br />

1 or 2 B/R Ensuite,<br />

Heated Pool, Spa, Sauna,<br />

Free Internet, Shops,<br />

Restaurants, Tennis, Surf<br />

Club & Patrolled Beach,<br />

Public Transport at door.<br />

Ask for our SEASONAL<br />

SPECIALS. Phone 61 7<br />

544-35011 Email: reception@mandolin.com.au<br />

www.mandolin.com.au<br />


• Renovations<br />

• Alternations<br />

• Bathrooms<br />

Trades & Services<br />

• New builds<br />

• Maintenance<br />

• LBP Registered<br />

027 664 3176<br />

splbuilders@outlook.co.nz<br />

Driveway specialist<br />

hill specialist, stamped<br />

concrete specialist and exposed<br />

aggregate specialist<br />

Servicing Canterbury since 1987<br />

MeMber of the New ZealaNd MaSter<br />

CoNCrete plaCerS aSSoCiatioN<br />

M 022 175 7731<br />

aH 03 384 8616<br />

www.concreteworkscanterbury.co.nz<br />

Trades & Services<br />

Driveways<br />


Clean Dry Firewood<br />

Marcrocarpa, Bluegum,<br />

Oregon & Old Man Pine<br />

Free delivery for 6cm<br />

truckload or 3cm<br />

by arrangement<br />


suppLIEs yARD<br />

stAtE HIgHWAy 75, KAItunA<br />

Lynda or Ron Aldersely<br />

Phone 329 6233<br />

Mon- Sat 8am - 12 noon<br />

Trades & Services<br />

We Repair<br />

Cracks<br />

and Apply<br />

Factiostone<br />

on top of<br />

your Interior<br />

and Exterior<br />

Substrates<br />

saving Time,<br />

Money, Stress<br />

& Mess.<br />

Spec-Tec /<br />

Factio<br />

Free QuoTe<br />

0212209603<br />

Trades & Services<br />


- Re-roofing and<br />

new roofing<br />

- Quality roofing at<br />

the best price around<br />

- Licensed building<br />

practitioner<br />

Robinson<br />

Roofing Ltd<br />

Call Hamish for a<br />

quote 03 347 90 45<br />

Trades & Services<br />

Now working<br />

in your area<br />

• Tree Pruning<br />

& Removal<br />

• Stump Grinding<br />

• Hedge Trimming<br />

Fully Insured<br />

Qualified Arborist<br />

For a free quote,<br />

ph 0800 <strong>24</strong>8 733<br />

www.jimstrees.co.nz<br />

Trades & Services<br />

Your local professional<br />



NEEDS<br />

• Bathroom repairs<br />

• Renovations<br />

• Leaks<br />

• Tap Repairs<br />

• Gas and Drainage<br />

Carol and Chris<br />

Trades & Services<br />

ROOF<br />


Rope & harness<br />

a speciality,<br />

no scaffolding<br />

required,<br />

30 years of<br />

breathtaking<br />

experience.<br />


Exterior staining,<br />

exterior painting,<br />

moss and mould<br />

treatment and<br />

waterblasting<br />

Phone Kevin<br />

027 561 4629<br />

Trades & Services<br />


George Lockyer. Over<br />

30 years bricklaying<br />

experience. UK trained.<br />

Licensed Building<br />

Practitioner number<br />

BP105608. Insurance<br />

work. EQC repairs.<br />

Heritage brickwork a<br />

speciality. No job too<br />

small. Governors <strong>Bay</strong>.<br />

Home 329-9344, Cell<br />

027 684-4046, email<br />

georgelockyer@xtra.co.nz<br />


LAYING<br />

Repairs, uplifting,<br />

relaying, restretching,<br />

E mail jflattery@xtra.<br />

co.nz,<br />

ph 0800 003 181<br />

or 027 <strong>24</strong>07416<br />


Laying and Repairs, 40 yrs<br />

experience, ph Peter 326-<br />

7711 or 027 <strong>24</strong>0-6532<br />


Decorative Concrete<br />

Placing, Canterbury<br />

owned & operated<br />

for over 10 years,<br />

competitive rates, full<br />

excavation, coloured,<br />

exposed, stamped, call<br />

Paul 027 322 6119<br />


Reg, all types, 20 yrs hill<br />

work exp,ph 028 408-0121<br />


JMP Electrical.<br />

Experienced & registered..<br />

Expert in all home<br />

electrical repairs &<br />

maintence.Call James 027<br />

4401715<br />

Phone 376 5322 or email<br />

chcheast@laserplumbing.co.nz<br />

Trades & Services<br />



Large Trucks $95 +<br />

GST per hour 7 day NZ<br />

wide, packing & moving,<br />

Professional Company,<br />

Professional Service.<br />

Canterbury Relocations<br />

Ltd. ph 0800 359 9313<br />



Lawns, paving, water<br />

features, irrigation,<br />

planting, decks,<br />

driveways, kerbing, ponds,<br />

retainer walls, fencing.<br />

Free quotes, Phone Tony<br />

021-034-8555<br />



Free quotes. Immediate<br />

start. Discount for<br />

pensioners. Work<br />

guaranteed. Ph Kerin<br />

022 191 7877 or 379-<br />

1281. Website www.<br />

swedekiwipainting.co.nz<br />


Mature, reliable,<br />

conscientious &<br />

experienced, reasonable<br />

rates, no job too small!,<br />

call Ron 027 434-1400 or<br />

03 384-2885<br />


Experienced tradesman,<br />

quality work, free quotes,<br />

ph Simon 027 389-1351 or<br />

03 328-7280<br />


INTERIOR, no job too<br />

big or too small, specialise<br />

in repair work & new<br />

houses, free quotes given,<br />

over 20 yrs plasterering<br />

experience, ph 027 221-<br />

4066 or 384-2574<br />


Gib. No job too small, Call<br />

Heath 022 639 9547<br />


Qualified & Licenced<br />

Practitioner. Re-Roof &<br />

Repairs, all types. Member<br />

New Zealand Roofing<br />

Association. Over 35 years<br />

experience. Phone John<br />

027 432-3822 or 351-9147<br />

email johnmill@ihug.<br />

co.nz<br />


tree removal, trimming,<br />

stump grinding, shelterbelt<br />

clean up, section clearing,<br />

rubbish removals,<br />

excavation work, ph Trees<br />

Big or Small, for a free<br />

quote, 021 061 4783<br />


& all camera tapes<br />

converted to DVD, video<br />

taping, weddings, twenty<br />

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Davis Cup event returns to Christchurch<br />

The New Zealand Davis<br />

Cup team are heading back to<br />

Christchurch to take on Pakistan in<br />

the Asia-Oceania Group 1 second<br />

round playoff. The Tie is being<br />

held from Friday 16 September to<br />

Sunday 18 September, indoors at<br />

Z Energy Wilding Park.<br />

Kiwi Olympians Michael Venus<br />

and Marcus Daniell ranked 41<br />

and 58 respective in the world<br />

for doubles have been named<br />

alongside Finn Tearney ranked<br />

381, Rubin Statham at 444 in<br />

singles. If Statham takes the court<br />

he will beat Onny Parun’s New<br />

Zealand Davis Cup record of the<br />

most ties played for his country of<br />

25 ties.<br />

It is likely Pakistan will select<br />

their doubles expert Aisam<br />

Qureshi who is 36-years-old and<br />

ranked 48th in doubles. Aqeel<br />

Khan is another likely veteran<br />

who should be selected.<br />

New Zealand lead Pakistan<br />

3-1 in head-to-head clashes. The<br />

last time the two sides clashed it<br />

was a 4-1 win for New Zealand<br />

in Myanmar in 2013 which was<br />

abandoned.<br />

Christchurch has been the home<br />

of Davis Cup ties since 2014, with<br />

a win against Chinese Taipei in<br />

2014 and a close 3-2 loss to India<br />

in the 2015 semi-finals. Tennis<br />

Canterbury is extremely excited<br />

to host yet another Davis Cup tie<br />

for the third consecutive year. This<br />

is a return to the glory days that<br />

has seen Tennis Canterbury host<br />

numerous Davis Cup ties against<br />

some of the superpower of world<br />

tennis.<br />

Z Energy Wilding Park is one<br />

of the oldest sport venues still in<br />

operation in all of Canterbury.<br />

It has played host to Davis<br />

Cup matches as far back as the<br />

1910’s and 20’s. Much like many<br />

of Christchurch’s other most<br />

important sporting facilities<br />

Wilding Park was severely<br />

impacted by the Christchurch<br />

Earthquake impacted in both<br />

September 2009 and February<br />

2010.<br />

The rebuilding process has<br />

been a long one. Mixed emotions<br />

were felt at the demolition of the<br />

iconic Memorial Stands, host to<br />

numerous Davis Cup Tie and other<br />

International Tennis Federation<br />

events. However it was also the first<br />

bit of tangible progress in relation<br />

to the redevelopment of Wilding<br />

Park and proved to generate<br />

some real excitement amongst the<br />

tennis community. Strengthening<br />

work on the facility’s structural<br />

steel and refurbishment of the<br />

administration and function<br />

space erased any signs of the<br />

earthquake damage and provided<br />

the wider community with some<br />

great function space.<br />

The final stage of development<br />

will see the reinstatement of<br />

six additional outdoor courts,<br />

the development of a grassy<br />

embankment for spectator viewing<br />

and social spaces, including a<br />

barbeque area. The facility will<br />

continue to be available to the<br />

local communities, including<br />

school, charitable organisations<br />

and, in some cases, other sports<br />

outside of normal hours. The<br />

final stage of development work<br />

is scheduled to be gin in the<br />

coming month with a completion<br />

date of mid November, just in<br />

time for the Summer of Tennis.<br />

This development will allow<br />

Canterbury to again host National<br />

Age Group events, International<br />

Events and, of course, future<br />

Summer Davis Cup ties.<br />

This year’s Davis Cup tie is a<br />

three day event. Two singles will<br />

be played on Friday, doubles on<br />

Saturday and the two reverse<br />

singles on Sunday. Matches are<br />

the best of five sets. Tickets and<br />

Corporate Boxes are available.<br />

Please go to www.tennis.kiwi for<br />

further information and pricing.<br />

Like you, we love to serve.<br />

For over 20 years, ASB has been an enthusiastic sponsor and partner to<br />

Tennis Canterbury. You’ve given us a lot of proud moments and in return we<br />

have tailored banking packages to meet members’ specific needs.<br />

To set up the right banking match for you, visit any ASB branch or call<br />

Warren Oliver, ASB Canterbury mobile lending manager on 027 338 0977.<br />

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www.canterburytennis.co.nz<br />

Cantabrian Tennis Player USA Bound<br />

On the 1st June <strong>2016</strong>, Jack Tiller<br />

signed a national letter of intent<br />

with Southeastern Oklahoma State<br />

University, located in Durant,<br />

Oklahoma, USA.<br />

From the age of 15 Jack’s overall<br />

goal in tennis was to gain a<br />

scholarship to train, play and study<br />

in the United States of America.<br />

Through taking part in Canterbury<br />

Performance squads since the age of<br />

12, he constantly saw older players<br />

being granted scholarships and<br />

given opportunities to experience<br />

American lifestyle through<br />

tennis while gaining invaluable<br />

experiences. Seeing others excel<br />

in the college tennis system<br />

encouraged him to start<br />

preparation for enrolment in<br />

Fall <strong>2016</strong>.<br />

In October of 2015, Jack<br />

got in contact with John<br />

Gardner, the head coach in<br />

the Nelson/Marlborough region<br />

and his company, Inspire Sports.<br />

John’s expertise guided Jack<br />

through a comprehensive checklist<br />

of what he needed to achieve to<br />

reach his ultimate goal of signing<br />

with a college that fitted in well with<br />

what he wanted. John’s personalised<br />

programme was a great help. It<br />

began with initial meetings with<br />

Jack and his father so John could<br />

understand what they were looking<br />

for in a college. John then set out a<br />

‘Plan of attack” on how they would<br />

go about getting a contract. They<br />

began working together through<br />

each stage, which included NCAA<br />

registration, skills video, personal<br />

website, SAT and GPA results and<br />

working through what colleges Jack<br />

wanted to contact. Jack believes that<br />

it would not have been possible for<br />

him to work through everything<br />

that needed to be done without<br />

John’s outstanding expertise and<br />

knowledge. Jack found John’s<br />

attention to detail and reliability to<br />

be outstanding.<br />

Jack began talks with the coach<br />

from Southeastern Oklahoma State<br />

University in March of this year. The<br />

coach expressed his interest in Jack<br />

joining the college team and, after<br />

talking through email, the college<br />

made an offer for Jack to attend<br />

their college and become part of the<br />

Savage Storm athletic family. After<br />

the initial paper work, Jack signed a<br />

national letter of intent, committing<br />

Jack to attending the university.<br />

Through his years of training,<br />

Jack’s ultimate goal was to get to<br />

university. Jack is a self-professed<br />

‘late bloomer’ in tennis. During his<br />

junior years, he describes himself as<br />

a mediocre player who was always<br />

outside the top player category.<br />

Through growth, maturity and the<br />

help of the Canterbury training<br />

programme, he was able to play<br />

smarter tennis and achieve positive<br />

results. Coaching by Alistair Hunt<br />

and Matt Meredith has afforded<br />

Jack the opportunity to learn from<br />

the best and use their expertise on<br />

court, creating a huge advantage.<br />

Jack has represented Canterbury<br />

in multiple ties including<br />

Canterbury vs Marlborough,<br />

City vs Country, Canterbury<br />

team’s event and also the<br />

Canterbury men’s team. In 2015<br />

he won the under 18 Canterbury<br />

Championships, a great result to put<br />

on his college application form.<br />

Jack has always loved the fact that<br />

tennis is mostly an individual sport,<br />

results are based on a player’s own<br />

ability and there are no excuses. Jack<br />

has always enjoyed competing in<br />

Canterbury Interclub representing<br />

his club of Elmwood. He is grateful<br />

to Ashley Forbes for giving him<br />

the opportunity to play top level<br />

tennis in the premiere grade against<br />

great players like James Meredith,<br />

Remi Fennon and other top rated<br />

players in the region. Jack feels that<br />

it through playing top level players<br />

that he has learned the most, even if<br />

it involved losing.<br />

During tennis season, Jack trains<br />

or plays every day of the week. Each<br />

week also includes four sessions of<br />

hitting, two fitness sessions and two<br />

days of interclub matches on the<br />

weekends. During the off season<br />

Jack keeps training with hitting<br />

three days a week and a fitness<br />

session and match play on the<br />

weekends.<br />

Jack chooses to keep his future<br />

goals simple. His immediate goal<br />

is to do the best he can to prepare<br />

for college and to give himself the<br />

best chance of success. For Jack,<br />

this means being fit and healthy,<br />

requiring him to train as well as he<br />

can every time he gets on the court.<br />

Over the long term, Jack plans to<br />

take every opportunity he can at<br />

Southeastern Oklahoma State in<br />

order to reach his full potential<br />

whilst there, not just in tennis, but<br />

also in academic life.<br />

For younger players aspiring to<br />

play college tennis, Jack’s advice is<br />

to never give up. Jack recalls many<br />

moments in his time of playing<br />

tennis when he thought he wasn’t<br />

good enough, or wasn’t able to<br />

compete to his full potential. Not<br />

TENNIS CANTERBURY <strong>2016</strong> / 2017 CALENDAR<br />

being the best player in the region<br />

or the nation is not a problem;<br />

it’s a challenge. By embracing<br />

that challenge, working hard and<br />

training, it is possible to shorten the<br />

gap between the different levels in<br />

order to compete in top level tennis.<br />

Have a goal and go for it!<br />

Jack invites anyone interested in<br />

college tennis to feel free to ask any<br />

questions. He will be happy to try<br />

and answer!<br />

AUGUST<br />

26 Pre Season Interclub starts<br />


10 ASB Premier Interclub starts<br />

23 Pre Season Interclub ends<br />

30, 1 12s Development Camp (camp full)<br />

OCTOBER TBA Midweek Ladies<br />

TBA Business House<br />

2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Z Energy <strong>2016</strong> Junior Spring Open<br />

8, 9 ASB Senior Interclub starts<br />

14, 15 Junior Interclub starts<br />

15, 16 Junior Trial for National Teams<br />

17 Junior National Teams named for 2017 event<br />

22, 23, <strong>24</strong> MC Junior Open (Ashburton)<br />

27 TBC Primary Schools Teams Yrs 5/6 doubles only<br />

NOVEMBER 11, 12, 13<br />

<strong>2016</strong> ASB Canterbury Primary and Intermediate Tennis<br />

Championships (show weekend)<br />

16 Primary Schools Teams Yrs 7/8 doubles only<br />

NI Primary Schools Final (Waikato Tennis Centre /<br />

21, 22<br />

Hamilton)<br />

22, 23 Canterbury Junior Secondary Schools Yrs 9-10 S/D<br />

25, 26, 27 Tennis Canterbury Open (not junior)<br />

28, 29 SI Primary Schools Finals (Timaru)<br />


6 Intermediate Schools doubles only<br />

10, 11 Junior Interclub Christmas Break<br />

11 ASB Premier Interclub Finals<br />

11, 12 ASB Senior Interclub Christmas Break<br />

14, 15, 16, 17,<br />

18s Nationals Individual (Albany Tennis Centre / Auckland)<br />

18, 19<br />

17, 18 12s, 14s, 16s Wild Card Playoffs (Scarbro / Auckland)<br />

TBA Tennis Hot Shots Tournament - Red and Orange Stage<br />

JANUARY 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 18s Nationals Indiv (Wilding Park / Christchurch)<br />

7, 8, 9, 10 16s Nationals Teams (Wilding Park Christchurch)<br />

7, 8, 9, 10, 11 14s Nationals Indiv (Scarbro/ Auckland)<br />

12, 13, 14, 15 12s Nationals Teams (Scarbro / Auckland)<br />

12, 13, 14, 15 14s Nationals Teams (Scarbro / Auckland)<br />

16, 17, 18, 19,<br />

Wilson ITF Gd 4 TBC<br />

20, 21, 22 TBC<br />

16, 17, 18,<br />

12s Nationals Indiv (Scarbro / Auckland)<br />

19, 20<br />

28, 29 ASB Senior Interclub Post Christmas start<br />

TBC ASB Premier Interclub second round<br />

FEBRUARY 3, 4 ASB Junior Interclub Post Christmas start<br />

20, 21 Canterbury Secondary Schools Yrs 11-13 Open S/D<br />

MARCH 10, 11 Junior Interclub finishes<br />

18, 19 ASB Senior Div 4-7 Grade Finals<br />

25, 26 ASB Senior Div 1, 2 and 3 Grade Finals<br />

27, 28, 29, 30 Teams Finals (Scarbro / Auckland)<br />

APRIL 23, <strong>24</strong> 12S Development Camp (registrations open February 2017<br />

26, 27, 28, 2017 Tennis Canterbury Junior Championships<br />

29, 30 (TNZ Masters Tier 2 Event)<br />

MAY TBD Winter Interclub begins<br />


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Tennis Canterbury names Redcliff’s Club<br />

President as Volunteer of the Year<br />

Redcliffs Tennis Club’s president, Di France, has been named Tennis<br />

Canterbury’s Volunteer of the Year.<br />

Following the February 2011 earthquake, Redcliffs Tennis Club was faced<br />

with uninsured damages estimated at $200,000. Di France, a former president<br />

of the club from 1981-1983, heard rumours that the troubled club may be forced<br />

to close and to sell its grounds. After a 22 year hiatus from tennis, Di stepped<br />

forward as voluntary project manager to rescue the tennis club on behalf of her<br />

community. She singlehandedly applied for community grants to reinstate the<br />

damaged courts, then project managed the repair work. This involved digging up<br />

the courts, relaying with a base then a temporary surface, and finally a finish of<br />

Synpave.<br />

Di was once again elected President of the Redcliff ’s Tennis Club when the club<br />

reopened in May 2013. Under her supervision, the club has grown from 40 junior<br />

and 22 senior members to 132 juniors and 35 affiliated senior members.<br />

Di continues to be the driving force behind the tennis club. She has established<br />

junior tennis coaching, first by engaging Stu Chalmers as junior coach for the<br />

2013/2014 season, then by organising for Evie Ruegg to take on the Head Coach<br />

role. Di also established social senior club tennis on Tuesday and Friday mornings,<br />

which she herself attends. Along with her husband, Roger, Di undertakes regular<br />

maintenance of the courts, club house and hall.<br />

Redcliffs Tennis Club now enjoys a renewed place in the community. The club<br />

leases its hall to the displaced Redcliffs Public Library. Using networks she has built<br />

throughout Redcliffs, Di encourages strong community and family participation<br />

in club events. She regularly offers her own services to club activities, cooking<br />

sausages and preparing afternoon teas for prize-givings and end of season parties.<br />

Redcliffs Tennis Club offers club, interclub, social and casual tennis.<br />

For more information about the club, please visit their website at<br />

www.redcliffstennis.co.nz.<br />

Registration open<br />

session Saturday<br />

<strong>August</strong> 27th, 11am – 1pm

Have Fun and Get Fit<br />

with Cardio Tennis<br />

Looking for a way to get fit, have fun and<br />

meet new people? Cardio Tennis is a fitness<br />

programme offered at tennis clubs across<br />

Canterbury. Combining the best features of<br />

tennis with cardiovascular exercise, Cardio<br />

Tennis delivers a fun, full-body, calorieburning<br />

aerobic workout ¬– even if you have<br />

never played tennis before.<br />

Cardio Tennis uses low-compression tennis<br />

balls which travel at a slower speed, making<br />

it easier for a beginner to hit the ball. More<br />

advanced players will be challenged by a<br />

range of activities that cater to all skill levels.<br />

Cardio Tennis works by raising participants’<br />

heart rates into their aerobic training zone. At<br />

the beginning of each session, participants<br />

are equipped with heart rate monitors before<br />

exercising to music and using a variety of<br />

modified equipment to elevate the heart<br />

rate. Like interval training, periods of high<br />

intensity are followed by short periods of rest.<br />

Cardio Tennis combines fun with<br />

spectacular success. Women can burn up to<br />

500 calories in a 60 minute workout. Men<br />

can burn up to 800 calories. Cardio Tennis<br />

coaches are Tennis NZ registered and trained<br />

to ensure that participants get a great workout<br />

while improving their tennis skills.<br />

Even if you’re not good at tennis, Cardio<br />

Tennis can provide a fun, social way to keep<br />

fit. Contact Tennis Canterbury to find a<br />

Cardio Tennis programme near you.<br />

http://canterburytennis.co.nz/cardiotennis,<br />

phone (03) 389-6484<br />

Tennis Hot Shots –<br />

Grassroots fun for all!<br />

Kids working together, no queues and modified<br />

courts, balls and equipment make Tennis Hot<br />

Shots plenty of fun for all and a great way for your<br />

kids to be introduced to the sport of<br />

tennis in a fun, social environment.<br />

The four key elements of any<br />

New Zealand Post Tennis Hot Shots<br />

session are:<br />

1. FUN Players are actively<br />

engaged, excited and motivated to<br />

participate.<br />

2. TACTICAL/PLAY Players<br />

think and make decisions about<br />

meaningful tennis situations.<br />

3. SKILLS Players have plenty<br />

of opportunities to improve their<br />

tennis skills.<br />

4. SOCIAL Players build social<br />

skills such as working cooperatively<br />

with a partner, building friendships,<br />

encouraging teammates and<br />

showing sportsmanship during game play.<br />

Coaching New Zealand Post Tennis Hot Shots<br />

coaching sessions are run by Tennis New Zealand<br />

October marks the beginning of Tennis<br />

Canterbury’s exciting tournament calendar<br />

for the <strong>2016</strong>/17 season at Wilding Park. Chris<br />

Anderson and Rosemary Hargreaves, both<br />

experienced tournament co-coordinators,<br />

have been appointed to organise this year’s<br />

tournaments.<br />

As in previous years, the programme for<br />

junior tournaments will take place during<br />

each of the school holidays, starting with the<br />

Z Energy Junior Spring Open (2-7 October).<br />

Entries for the Spring Open are now being<br />

accepted online until the closing date of 23<br />

Sept <strong>2016</strong>. Fact Sheets are available on the<br />

website for each tournament, and provide<br />

information for planning and for play as well<br />

as contact information for any questions. The<br />

tournament welcomes players from the 8 and<br />

under age group up to 18 years.<br />

All junior tournaments are open to any<br />

junior, regardless of age or ability. Players<br />

can be from any area, in New Zealand and<br />

internationally, except for the ASB Primary/<br />

Intermediate Tournament on Show Weekend,<br />

which is replicated throughout the country<br />

for each area’s participation.<br />

Primary Sports Canterbury and School<br />

Sport Canterbury (Secondary Schools) also<br />

www.canterburytennis.co.nz<br />

qualified coaches. Our qualified coaches teach<br />

kids to play in fun, supportive and interactive<br />

sessions. Lessons generally run for between 30 and<br />

60 minutes. NZPTHS coaching<br />

sessions can be one-on-one or in a<br />

group – ask your local venue what<br />

options are available.<br />

Community Play Community<br />

Play is designed to give kids<br />

the chance to have a hit in a<br />

supportive environment where the<br />

emphasis is on fun, not coaching.<br />

The Community Play program<br />

is conducted in clubs and centres<br />

New Zealand-wide by parents,<br />

club volunteers and NZPTHS<br />

coaches.<br />

Get involved today If Tennis<br />

Hot Shots sounds like a fun<br />

summer sport for your child,<br />

please contact Andrew Falck at<br />

Tennis Canterbury today to link<br />

you with the right programme for your child<br />

Contact Andrew Falck, email: andrew.falck@<br />

canterburytennis.co.nz<br />

Tennis Canterbury Region<br />

Junior Tennis Tournaments<br />

encourage tennis through tournaments<br />

during term time. These tournaments are<br />

advertised and encouraged through the<br />

schools, then organised and run through<br />

Tennis Canterbury. This is an opportunity for<br />

players to try out tennis and to inspire them<br />

to go further.<br />

Tennis Canterbury will host the 16s and<br />

under National Individual and Teams events<br />

in January, with upcoming top NZ talent on<br />

show.<br />

The International Tennis Federation (ITF)<br />

18 and under Junior Event will be held at the<br />

end of January, with outstanding talent from<br />

all over the world competing on our own<br />

courts.<br />

The Tennis Canterbury Open, held at the<br />

end of November, attracts the very best NZ<br />

players, including present and up and coming<br />

Davis Cup / Federation Cup players.<br />

Enjoy watching players in action, from<br />

8-year-old beginners to top NZ and<br />

international players. Mark the dates in your<br />

diary. The tournament office is open during all<br />

tournaments for any questions. Tournament<br />

organisers can be reached at any time.<br />

tournaments@canterburytennis.co.nz<br />

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