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• setProperty Updates a property value and notifies listeners if the value changed.<br />

• updateProperty Like setProperty, but returns a promise that completes when all listeners have<br />

been notified (the result in the promise is the new property value).<br />

• getProperty Retrieves a property value as an observable object itself, which makes it possible<br />

to bind within nested object structures (obj1.obj2.prop3, etc.).<br />

• addProperty Adds a new property to the object that is automatically enabled for binding.<br />

• removeProperty Removes a property altogether from the object.<br />

Why would you want all of these? Well, there are some creative uses. You can call WinJS.-<br />

Binding.bind, for example, directly on any observable source when you want to hook up another<br />

function to a source property. This is like adding event listeners for source property changes, and you<br />

can have as many listeners as you like. This is helpful for wiring up two-way binding, and it doesn’t in<br />

any way have to be related to manipulating UI. The function just gets called on the property change.<br />

This could be used to autosync a back-end service with the source object.<br />

The Declarative binding sample also shows calling bind with an object as the second parameter, a<br />

form that allows for binding to nested members of the source. The syntax looks like this:<br />

bind(rootObject, { property: { sub-property: function(value) { ... } } })—whatever matches the<br />

source object. With such an object in the second parameter, bind will make sure to invoke all the<br />

functions assigned to the nested properties. In such a case, the return value of bind is an object with a<br />

cancel method that will clear out this complex binding.<br />

The notify method, for its part, is something you can call directly to trigger notifications. This is<br />

useful with additional bindings that don’t necessarily depend on the values themselves, just the fact that<br />

they changed. The major use case here is to implement computed properties—ones that change in<br />

response to another property value changing.<br />

WinJS.Binding also has some intelligent handling of multiple changes to the same source property.<br />

After the initial binding, further change notifications are asynchronous and multiple pending changes to<br />

the same property are coalesced. So, if in our example we made several changes to the name property<br />

in quick succession:<br />

login.name = "Kenichiro";<br />

login.name = "Josh";<br />

login.name = "Chris";<br />

only one notification for the last value would be sent and that would be the value that shows up in<br />

bound targets.<br />

Finally, here are a few more functions hanging off WinJS.Binding:<br />


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