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within the app container. For example, trying to create a jQuery datepicker widget<br />

($("myCalendar").datepicker()) will hurl out this kind of error. You can get around this on the<br />

app level by wrapping the code above with MSApp.execUnsafeLocalFunction, but that doesn’t<br />

solve injections coming from deeper inside the library. In the jQuery example given here, the<br />

control can be created but clicking a date in that control generates another error.<br />

In short, you’re free to use third-party libraries so long as you’re aware that they were<br />

generally written with assumptions that don’t always apply within the app container. Over time, of<br />

course, fully Windows 8–compatible versions of such libraries will emerge.<br />

Here My Am! with ms-appdata<br />

OK! Having endured seven pages of esoterica, let’s play with some real code and return to the Here My<br />

Am! app we wrote in Chapter 2. Here My Am! used the convenient URL.createObjectURL method to<br />

display a picture taken through the camera capture UI in an img element:<br />

captureUI.captureFileAsync(Windows.Media.Capture.CameraCaptureUIMode.photo)<br />

.done(function (capturedFile) {<br />

if (capturedFile) {<br />

that.src = URL.createObjectURL(capturedFile);<br />

}<br />

});<br />

This is all well and good: we just take it on faith that the picture is stored somewhere so long as we<br />

get a URI. Truth is, pictures (and video) from the camera capture API are just stored in a temp file; if you<br />

set a breakpoint in the debugger and look at capturedFile, you’ll see that it has an ugly file path like<br />

C:\Users\kraigb\AppData\Local\Packages\ ProgrammingWin8-JS-CH3-<br />

HereMyAm3a_5xchamk3agtd6\TempState\picture001.png. Egads. Not the friendliest of locations, and<br />

definitely not one that we’d want a typical consumer to ever see!<br />

With an app like this, let’s copy that temp file to a more manageable location, to allow the user, for<br />

example, to select from previously captured pictures (as we’ll do in Chapter 8, “State, Settings, Files, and<br />

Documents”). We’ll make a copy in the app’s local appdata folder and use ms-appdata to set the img src<br />

to that location. Let’s start with the call to captureUI.captureFileAsync as before:<br />

//For use across chained promises<br />

var capturedFile = null;<br />

captureUI.captureFileAsync(Windows.Media.Capture.CameraCaptureUIMode.photo)<br />

.then(function (capturedFileTemp) {<br />

//Be sure to check validity of the item returned; could be null if the user canceled.<br />

if (!capturedFileTemp) { throw ("no file captured"); }<br />

Notice that instead of calling done to get the results of the promise, we’re using then instead. This is<br />

because we need to chain a number of async operations together and then allows errors to propagate<br />

through the chain, as we’ll see in the next section. In any case, once we get a result in capturedFileTemp<br />

(which is in a gnarly-looking folder), we then open or create a “HereMyAm” folder within our local<br />


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