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When this worker is started, the only code that executes is the onmessage assignment. When that<br />

handler receives the appropriate message, it then invokes countFromZero, which in turn posts its results.<br />

In other words, setting up a worker just means converting method calls and results into messages.<br />

Invoking this method from the app now looks like this:<br />

var worker = new Worker('worker_count.js');<br />

worker.onmessage = function (e) { //e.data.sum is the result }<br />

//Call the method<br />

worker.postMessage({ method: "countFromZero", max: 1000, increment: .00005 });<br />

Keep in mind with all of this that postMessage is itself an asynchronous operation—there’s no<br />

particular guarantee about how quickly those messages will be dispatched to the worker or the app.<br />

Furthermore, when a worker is created, it won’t start executing until script execution yields (as when you<br />

call setImmediate). This means that workers are not particularly well suited for async operations that you<br />

want to start as soon as possible or for those where you want to get the results as soon as they are<br />

available. For this reason, workers are better for relatively large operations and ongoing processing;<br />

small, responsive, and high-performance routines are better placed within WinRT components.<br />

The postMessage mechanism is also not the best for chaining multiple async operations together, as<br />

we’re easily able to do with promises that come back from WinRT APIs. To be honest, I don’t even want<br />

to start thinking about that kind of code! I prefer instead of ask whether there’s a way that we can<br />

effectively wrap a worker’s messaging mechanism within a promise, such that we can treat async<br />

operations the same regardless of their implementation.<br />

To do this, we somehow need a way to get the result from within the worker.onmessage handler and<br />

send it to a promise’s completed handler. To do that, we use a bit of code in the main app that’s<br />

essentially what the JavaScript projection layer uses to turn an async WinRT API into a promise itself:<br />

// This is the function variable we're wiring up.<br />

var workerCompleteDispatcher = null;<br />

var promiseJS = new WinJS.Promise(function (completeDispatcher, errorDispatcher,<br />

progressDispatcher) {<br />

workerCompleteDispatcher = completeDispatcher;<br />

});<br />

// Worker would be created here and stored in the 'worker' variable<br />

// Listen for worker events<br />

worker.onmessage = function (e) {<br />

if (workerCompleteDispatcher != null) {<br />

workerCompleteDispatcher(e.data.sum);<br />

}<br />

}<br />

promiseJS.done(function (sum) {<br />

// Output for JS worker<br />

});<br />


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