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That said, let’s put map.html in an html folder. Right-click the project and select Add/New Folder<br />

(entering html to name it). Then right-click that folder, select Add/New Item…, and then select <strong>HTML</strong><br />

Page. Once the new page appears, replace its contents with the following: 12<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Map<br />

<br />

<br />

//Global variables here<br />

var map = null;<br />

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", init);<br />

window.addEventListener("message", processMessage);<br />

//Function to turn a string in the syntax { functionName: ..., args: [...] }<br />

//into a call to the named function with those arguments. This constitutes a generic<br />

//dispatcher that allows code in an iframe to be called through postMessage.<br />

function processMessage(msg) {<br />

//Verify data and origin (in this case the local context page)<br />

if (!msg.data || msg.origin !== "ms-appx://" + document.location.host) {<br />

return;<br />

}<br />

var call = JSON.parse(msg.data);<br />

if (!call.functionName) {<br />

throw "Message does not contain a valid function name.";<br />

}<br />

var target = this[call.functionName];<br />

if (typeof target != 'function') {<br />

throw "The function name does not resolve to an actual function";<br />

}<br />

}<br />

return target.apply(this, call.args);<br />

function notifyParent(event, args) {<br />

//Add event name to the arguments object and stringify as the message<br />

args["event"] = event;<br />

window.parent.postMessage(JSON.stringify(args),<br />

"ms-appx://" + document.location.host);<br />

}<br />

12 Note that you should replace the credentials inside the init function with your own key obtained from<br />

https://www.bingmapsportal.com/.<br />


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