Pure Inspiration

Recollections of the great German monk Ven. Ñāṇavimala.

Recollections of the great German monk Ven. Ñāṇavimala.


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Ven. Hiriko – 49<br />

On one cārikā, the Venerable was walking through a forest, one of the<br />

bigger National parks, perhaps Yāla. ‘There were not many villages<br />

there,’ he said, ‘and these villages were very poor. On top of that, I<br />

would arrive unannounced and so nobody would have any food to<br />

give me. Two days went without receiving any food, and on the third<br />

morning I was really hungry. But I was still deep inside the National<br />

Park and I didn’t expect that I’d receive any food from the villagers<br />

even if I encountered any. Early that morning I arrived in a small<br />

village and as I was walking through it an elderly lady came from her<br />

house with a pot in her hands. She came towards me and made an<br />

añjali (reverential salutation). Then as I opened my bowl, she put the<br />

food inside. The food she offered was of excellent quality, so I was<br />

quite surprised. It looked as if she knew that I was coming and she had<br />

the food prepared and was waiting for me. So after I chanted a<br />

blessing, I looked at her and against my custom of not engaging in<br />

conversation during piṇḍapāta, I asked her about it. She answered<br />

‘Venerable Sir, last night as I was offering flowers and praying in<br />

front of my altar a devatā (celestial being) appeared to me. He told me<br />

to get up early tomorrow morning and prepare the best food. He said<br />

that a bhikkhu is on his way and will pass through our village and that<br />

I should offer it to him to get some merit. So when I saw you coming I<br />

was already prepared and very happy because I already knew that you<br />

will come.’ I heard this from the Venerable’s own mouth, I don’t<br />

remember the reason he told me, but there isn’t any reason to doubt<br />

that it really happened.<br />

During his wanderings in Sri Lanka Ven. Ñāṇavimala often slept in<br />

forests or tea plantations if he was unable to find a suitable temple for<br />

that day. One of the temples of the forest tradition that he was quite<br />

fond of, and mentioned a number of times, was Meetirigala. He was

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