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One of the most important elements of building an ecommerce business is developing<br />

a longstanding and likable brand with your audience. However, many<br />

people outside of advertising and marketing still hold the notion that a brand is<br />

little more than a logo. A brand is in fact so much more.<br />

Over the years, branding is one topic I have found most people avoid when<br />

starting their business. After talking to hundreds of ecommerce entrepreneurs,<br />

it was a common and reoccurring theme. Most understood the importance of<br />

building a brand, but beyond a logo, many didn’t know what exactly a brand was<br />

and they had absolutely no idea where to begin to craft one.<br />

Seth Godin nailed it when he said:<br />

“<br />

<strong>Branding</strong> is problematic. <strong>Branding</strong> is ill-defined, usually<br />

vacuous, often expensive and totally unpredictable.<br />

Even when I first started in marketing and ecommerce I had very little idea what<br />

a brand was and how to build it. Searching online provided only vague and very<br />

general articles on the elements and process of branding. Nothing felt tangible,<br />

practical or noteworthy.

Why I Wrote This <strong>Branding</strong> <strong>Guide</strong><br />

The act of branding can be expensive but doesn’t have to be. If you try to work<br />

with a branding agency, or even a freelancer, it can cost anywhere from a few<br />

thousand dollars to $50,000+. The problem is, most new ecommerce businesses<br />

and entrepreneurs that are bootstrapping their business can’t even come<br />

close to justifying that cost, nor should they try to.<br />

I wanted to demystify the elements and process of building a brand so that all<br />

entrepreneurs could understand what it is, and how to do it themselves.<br />

A Better Brand<br />

Several years ago I was very fortunate to be able to work with a brilliant brand<br />

strategist on a branding project for a fast growing tech company. It was a sixmonth<br />

project that gave me ample time to understand his unique approach to<br />

building a brand from the ground up. I took everything I learned from him, combined<br />

with my experience and the best gold nuggets available online. Over many<br />

months I distilled everything, sifted the gold, and developed my own unique<br />

brand building process.<br />

What follows in this guide is a simple, easy to apply, brand building strategy that<br />

anyone, including you, can follow to develop your own, better brand.

What’s Covered in This <strong>Branding</strong> <strong>Guide</strong><br />

– Why Is a Brand Important?<br />

– What Exactly Is a Brand?<br />

– Breaking Down the Elements of a Brand<br />

– What Does a Brand Consist Of?<br />

– Controllable Brand Elements<br />

1. Brand Persona (Personality)<br />

2. Brand Visual Assets (Looks)<br />

– Uncontrollable Brand Elements<br />

1. Customer Experiences<br />

2. Customer Expectations<br />

3. Word of Mouth<br />

– Breaking Down a Brand Persona<br />

1. Brand Pillars (Attributes)<br />

2. Brand Promise<br />

3. Mission Statement<br />

– How to Craft Your Brand Persona<br />

1. Who’s Your Customer<br />

2. Building Your Brand Pillars (Attributes)<br />

– How to Develop Your Brand’s Visual Assets<br />

1. Creating a Mood Board<br />

2. Identifying a Color Pallet<br />

3. Designing Your Logo<br />

4. Selecting Your Typography<br />

5. Establishing Your Tone of Voice<br />

6. Choosing a Photography Style<br />

– Creating a Brand Bible<br />

– Conclusion

If you follow this guide, in the end you’ll have a much better understanding of<br />

branding, a simplified brand persona for your business, a logo, a selected color<br />

pallet, fonts for both headers and body text, your product photography style,<br />

and tone of voice. In short, you’ll have a complete and cohesive brand for your<br />

new ecommerce business.<br />

Why Is a Brand Important?<br />

Crafting a killer brand can have a massive impact on your business. It unites<br />

everyone working on the project and gives the business a common goal and<br />

focus, beyond selling product.<br />

If your ecommerce business has many competitors, a brand can help you stand<br />

out from the rest and provide a competitive advantage. Remember, people buy<br />

from people they like. They also buy from brands they like. With all else being the<br />

same a customer will always purchase from the brand they like most and most<br />

closely relate to.<br />

Ultimately, every business has a brand and every new business will have a brand.<br />

Crafting your brand upfront gives you the chance to better define and communicate<br />

your message and story.

What Exactly Is a Brand?<br />

Before we get into building your brand, there’s a bit of background we need to<br />

get out of the way. Asking the question “What is a brand?” may seem like a silly<br />

question but most people don’t fully know or understand exactly what a brand<br />

is. I would argue that most marketers don’t even know.<br />

For most people a brand is usually boiled down to the most iconic representation<br />

of a business, the logo. While the logo does tend to act as a centerpiece for<br />

most brands, a logo is one very small part of the overall brand.<br />

First, it’s actually really important to note what a company/corporation is. According<br />

to Wikipedia a corporation is defined as the following:<br />

“<br />

Despite not being human beings, corporations, as far as<br />

the law is concerned, are legal persons, and have many<br />

of the same rights and responsibilities as natural people<br />

do. Corporations can exercise human rights against real<br />

individuals and the state.<br />

That’s right. In the eyes of the law, a company is essentially a person, minus the<br />

right to vote.<br />

Seth Godin in a blog post titled simply define: Brand, stated the following:<br />

“<br />

A brand is the set of expectations, memories, stories<br />

and relationships that, taken together, account for a<br />

consumer’s decision to choose one product or service<br />

over another.

So if a brand is in fact expectations, memories, stories and relationships, how can<br />

we better craft and control these to help ensure customers see our brand in a<br />

positive light?<br />

As mentioned in the intro, every business has a brand, the question is, is that<br />

brand how you actually want to be seen? Crafting your brand (branding) allows<br />

you to better control your message and more effectively tell your story to help<br />

shape customer’s expectations, memories, stories and relationships.<br />

“<br />

A brand is how someone thinks and feels about<br />

your company and is based on the sum of all<br />

interactions they have with your business.<br />

- Richard Lazazzera<br />

Breaking Down the Elements of a Brand<br />

If we’re going to develop a brand we need to break down the major elements of<br />

a brand further. We briefly touched on the fact that all businesses have a brand,<br />

and in the eyes of the law, a business is practically seen as a person. Much like<br />

a person, a brand is made up of two major components: personality and looks.<br />

What Does a Brand Consist Of?<br />

A brand consists of both controllable and uncontrollable elements. Let’s break<br />

them both down in the next section.

Controllable Brand Elements<br />

Controllable brand elements are the things you have some level of control over<br />

and the opportunity to craft. This guide will teach you how to develop these<br />

controllable elements.<br />


A brand persona is a set of human characteristics that are attributed to a brand<br />

name and is the personality in which you deliver your customer experiences. A<br />

brand persona is something to which the consumer can relate, and an effective<br />

brand will increase its brand equity by having a consistent set of traits. Keep in<br />

mind that customers are more likely to purchase a brand if the brand’s persona<br />

is similar to their own or in which they aspire to be.<br />

You brand persona can be reflected in every touch-point with your visitors and<br />

customer’s including everything from your policies (strict, lenient, friendly), the<br />

tone you use to communicate with customers in emails (Richard, vs. Hello Sir vs.<br />

Hi Richard vs. Hey Richard!), and even through your advertisement’s image and<br />

copy.<br />

When you define the persona of your brand, you can much more effectively<br />

communicate it and relate to your core customers through all your marketing<br />



A brand’s visual assets are the things that are front facing and can include everything<br />

from the look and feel of your website, the color pallet you use, your logo, your ad<br />

designs and even your packaging and unboxing experience.<br />

Humans are a very visual species so your visual assets are really important. The<br />

fact that most people sum a brand up by it’s logo supports that notion. Your<br />

brand’s visual assets help to create a style and mood while also reflecting the<br />

brand persona and providing an overall visual representation of your brand.<br />

Uncontrollable Brand Elements<br />

Uncontrollable brand elements are things that add or subtract from your brand<br />

that are out of your immediate and direct control. Although through your controllable<br />

brand assets above, you can positively or negatively influence the uncontrollable<br />

brand elements on the following page:


Customer experiences are the interactions, touch points and ultimately the<br />

feeling customers develop towards a brand. It is the sum of what they see, hear<br />

and feel through all their interactions and touch points. To some extent, you’re<br />

probably thinking that you can control your customer’s experience, and much<br />

of the time you can. However, the experiences your customers have with your<br />

brand ultimately belongs to the visitor/customer and each of them have their<br />

own methodology for evaluating each of the touch points. So while you have<br />

some control over your customer/visitor experiences, you don’t ultimately<br />

control the final experience in the end.<br />


Each customer has their own expectations not just for your brand, but for business<br />

and purchasing online in general. Unfortunately you have little control<br />

over these expectations. For example, some customers might be Amazon Prime<br />

members and have been conditioned to think that shipping should always be<br />

free and orders should arrive the next day so they even expect it with much<br />

smaller businesses. If this is something your business can’t deliver on, you may<br />

fall short of your customer’s preconceived expectations.<br />

3. WORD OF MOUTH<br />

What your visitors and customers end up saying about you online and to others<br />

is out of your direct control. Word of mouth and what people say about your<br />

brand online can significantly contribute or detract from your brand.<br />

Breaking Down a Brand Persona<br />

There are several essential elements that make up a brand persona including brand<br />

pillars, brand promise, and brand mission.<br />

Again, you can think of these elements in a human context to make them easier to<br />

understand.<br />

For example, brand pillars are your personality attributes. They’re words someone<br />

might use to describe you if they were telling a friend about you.

Your brand promise is what you work towards delivering to your customers and<br />

is just like the goals you work towards everyday to help others around you, like<br />

being a better husband, father or friend.<br />

Finally your brand mission is your ultimate and overarching direction and to some<br />

extent represents the legacy you want to leave.<br />

Let’s take a look at each one in more detail below:<br />


Brand pillars are a few key words or attributes (usually 3-4) that embody what<br />

your brand is about and serve as a starting point for developing your brand persona.<br />

Later, these words are used as a check against most activities of the brand.<br />

For example, when creating your website, an advertisement or even a conversation<br />

with your customer, you do a check against your brand pillars. Does your<br />

design/website/ad/conversation represent the essence behind those words?<br />

Your brand pillars act as a simple tool for keeping your brand consistent through<br />

all of your activities and serves as the foundation for your brand.


A brand promise is a statement to your customers that outlines the distinctive<br />

benefits that customers can expect with every interaction of your brand.<br />

Below are two examples of well known companies’ brand promises along with an<br />

example of them delivering on it:<br />

Coca-Cola: “To inspire moments of optimism and uplift.”<br />

Example of Coca-Cola delivering on this brand promise: Click here<br />

Virgin: “To be genuine, fun, contemporary, and different in everything we do at a<br />

reasonable price.” Example of Virgin delivering on this brand promise: Click here<br />


A mission statement is a statement of the purpose of your brand, it’s your reason<br />

for existing beyond making a profit. The mission statement helps to guide the<br />

actions of your company and brand, spell out its overall goal, provide a path,<br />

and guide decision-making. It provides “the framework or context within which<br />

the company’s strategies are formulated.” It’s like a goal for what the company<br />

wants to do for the world.<br />

Note: For the purpose of this guide, the step-by-step section will exclude<br />

higher level elements of creating a brand, including brand promise and<br />

brand mission statement.<br />

How to Craft Your Brand Persona<br />

Now that you understand the major elements of a brand persona, it’s time to<br />

create yours.

This brand development process can be completed on your own or in a group. I<br />

would recommend that you find at least one partner (spouse, partner, friend) that<br />

understands your vision so you have someone to discuss and bounce ideas off of.<br />

If you have a team of three or more people that will be involved in the branding<br />

process, it’s a good idea to appoint one person to lead the strategy session. Not<br />

only will they lead the session but they should also act as a devil’s advocate in the<br />

process. There is a tendency when branding to get too creative and far-fetched<br />

sometimes. It’s the job of the leader to question these notions and keep the team<br />

grounded.<br />

Before beginning you should have one to two hours together with your team<br />

for your strategy session. It’s a good idea to also have everyone put their<br />

smartphones on silent and place them in the middle of the table to avoid<br />

distractions. It can really suck the energy from the rest of the group to have<br />

even one person disengaged and always checking their phone.<br />


Before you develop your brand persona, you should assess your current business<br />

(if you are already established), and who your target customer is. After all, your<br />

brand should ideally cater to them.<br />

There are two key things to consider:<br />

1. What do you, can you or will do better than anyone else in the market?<br />

2. Who is your main customer?<br />

For the second question, you’ll want to build a basic customer profile of this<br />

person. To build a customer profile, you need to assess who your existing and/or<br />

potential customers are. If you feel strongly that there are several types of core<br />

customers, you may decide to build multiple customer profiles.<br />

A customer profile is simply an outline of character traits for each major core<br />

customer group.

As the online space becomes more and more crowded, it’s becoming increasingly<br />

important to have an ultra targeted brand. You shouldn’t dive into building your<br />

brand without identifying who your buyers are or will likely be. Knowing and understanding<br />

your buyers is imperative to crafting a brand that will match your<br />

audience.<br />

To understand core customer groups, it has become a standard to create buyer<br />

(or customer) profiles. Buyer profiles are fictional, generalized characters that<br />

help paint a picture of your ideal customer and your target market. They usually<br />

encompass not only demographic information like age, location and income, but<br />

also psychographic information like interests, reasons for buying, and concerns.<br />

Your Buyer Personas Will Evolve and Change<br />

When you’re first starting out and creating personas for a brand new business,<br />

much of you customer personas will likely be based on personal thoughts, feelings<br />

and hunches. However, as your business progresses and you make sales, you will<br />

start learning a lot more about your core customers. It’s important to know that<br />

your buyer personas will change as business goes on and you learn more about<br />

your customers and what motivates them.<br />

Defining Your Buyer Persona Details<br />

So where do you start when it comes to defining your customer personas?<br />

There’s a lot of possible information you could research, however, a great place<br />

to start is by looking at what information you can practically use. Facebook is<br />

one of the fastest growing ad networks and it’s also one of the easiest to use.<br />

Most importantly, it also has a lot of targeting options that go hand in hand<br />

with your customer persona. This makes Facebook Ads a great place to start<br />

for determining buyer profile demographics and psychographics to define.

Here are some of the major elements you may want to consider defining for each<br />

of your personas:<br />

• Location – Where do people from this persona live?<br />

• Excluding Location – Where do people from this persona not live?<br />

• Age – What is the average age range of this persona?<br />

• Gender – What is the dominate gender of this persona?<br />

• Interests – What are the interests of people in this persona?<br />

• Education Level – What is the education level of this persona?<br />

• Job Title – What field of work do your customer work in and what types of job<br />

titles do they carry?<br />

• Income Level – What is the income range of this buyer persona?<br />

• Relationship Status – What is the relationship status of this buyer persona?<br />

• Language – What languages do people in this persona speak?<br />

• Favorite Websites – Why type of websites do people in this persona frequent?<br />

• Buying Motivation – What is this persona’s reasons for buying your product?<br />

• Buying Concerns – What is this persona’s concerns when buying your product?<br />

Keep in mind that you don’t need to answer all of these questions about each<br />

of your buyer profiles and you may opt to answer different questions altogether.<br />

However, the purpose should always be to understand your customers more, to<br />

be able to communicate more effectively, and to be able to target your ads more<br />

precisely.<br />

Even just discussing your core customer and answering these questions as a group<br />

can help everyone better understand the customer profile you’re targeting so that<br />

everyone’s on the same page.



As mentioned previously, brand pillars are a few, usually 3-4 key words (attributes)<br />

that embody what your brand is about and serve as a foundation for your brand.<br />

Building out these brand pillars is the most important part of building your brand.<br />

Review Customer Profile: Begin the strategy session by reviewing with the team<br />

your customer profile so that everyone is starting with the right mindset of<br />

thinking about your core customer. Remember, you are building your brand to<br />

appeal to this type of person.<br />

1. Worksheet A (Brand Attributes)<br />

To begin, hand out Worksheet A to all group participants.<br />

Worksheet A<br />

Active Academic Actionable Ageless Agreeable Aggressive Altruistic<br />

Approachable Artistic Assured Authoritarian Bold Brave Broad-minded<br />

Budget-conscious Business-like Calm Careful Caring Classic Coarse<br />

Colorful Comfortable Committed Complicated Composed Concerned<br />

Confident Conservative Conventional Cooperative Creative Cultured<br />

Dedicated Deep-thinking Deliberate Dependable Determined Different<br />

Distinctive Distinguished Down-to-earth Dreamers Dynamic Easy-going<br />

Edgy Elitist Emotional Energetic Enterprising Entertaining Ethical Exciting<br />

Exclusive Experienced Extravagant Extrovert Fair-minded Fatherly Fast<br />

Firm Flexible Focused Forceful Fresh Friendly Frivolous Fun Generous<br />

Gentle Genuine Greedy Heavy-handed High-class Honest Hospitable<br />

Imaginative Immaculate Impersonal Impressive Independent Individual<br />

Innovative Inspired Inspiring Intelligent International Inventive Inviting<br />

Kind Leader Level-headed Logical Logistical Loyal Maternal Mature Middle-class<br />

Modest Mould-breaking Obliging Passionate Patient Patriotic<br />

Peaceful Persuasive Pioneering Pleasant Popular Posh Powerful Predictable<br />

Presumptuous Professional Proud Questioning Quiet Reassuring<br />

Recognized Reliable Reserved Responsive Robust Serious Showy Shrewd<br />

Simple Slick Small Smart Smooth Sophisticated Spiritual Status-conscious<br />

Stimulating Sociable Solid Strategic Strong Superior Supportive<br />

Sympathetic Tactical Thoughtful Traditional Transcending Trustworthy<br />

Understanding Unique Unusual Visionary Welcoming Well-known Wise<br />

Worldly Youthful<br />

Note: To save your own copy for printing, go to File – Download As – PDF<br />

Document (.pdf)

2. Set A Timer<br />

Set a timer for ten minutes and ask everyone to write their name on the worksheet<br />

and to circle up to ten words that they feel best represents the brand you’re trying<br />

to build and the personality you want to convey to visitors and customers.<br />

Consider these questions: How do you want to see your brand? More<br />

importantly, how do you want your target customers to see your your brand?<br />

3. List Everyone’s Brand Attributes<br />

Upon completion of the exercise you will need to take all the selected words<br />

from everyone and list them out in a word processor by person.<br />

For example:<br />

Mike<br />

Bold, Brave, Artistic, Confident, Creative, Cultured, Distinctive,<br />

Exciting, Fun, Fresh, Inspired, Kind, Passionate, Sociable, Unique<br />

Christopher<br />

Artistic, Colorful, Comfortable, Confident, Extrovert, Exclusive,<br />

Independant, Mold-Breaking, Powerful, Proud, Trustworthy,<br />

Youthful<br />

Ashley<br />

Colorful, Cultured, Deliberate, Individual, Mold-Breaking, Passionate<br />

Simple, Smart, Youthful<br />

Rachel<br />

Artistic, Bold, Confident, Different, Mold-Breaking, Visionary, Edgy,<br />

Pioneering, Proud

4. Categorize<br />

With all participant’s selected brand attributes, you will need to distill this information<br />

down. To begin, you’ll want to group the words into similar categories.<br />

For example, from the list above, you might want to group the following together<br />

as they all carry a similar underlying sentiment:<br />

• Bold<br />

• Brave<br />

• Confident<br />

• Powerful<br />

• Proud<br />

• Extrovert<br />

It wont always be possible to fit all the words neatly under several groups, but<br />

the idea is that you start to group similar thoughts and sentiments of the words.<br />

Here’s an example of the attributes from above grouped:<br />

Bold<br />

Distinctive<br />

Kind<br />

Artistic<br />

Brave<br />

Recognized<br />

Passionate<br />

Creative<br />

Confident<br />

Exclusive<br />

Genuine<br />

Cultured<br />

Powerful<br />

Independent<br />

Honest<br />

Inspired<br />

Proud<br />

Mold-Breaking<br />

Trustworthy<br />

Extrovert<br />

Individual<br />


5. Group Discussion & Distillation<br />

Now that you have all (or most) of your chosen words grouped, it’s time for everyone<br />

to discuss each grouping and distill each grouping into one word that everyone feels<br />

works best and articulates the brand you’re trying to craft.<br />

Your final goal should be to settle on 3-4 words that truly represent the brand you<br />

want to build. There is no formal process to this, as it becomes a matter of debate.<br />

In larger groups, your group mediator should act as a devil’s advocate here making<br />

sure to challenge other group members on their stance.<br />

As an example, I decided on the following four brand pillars:<br />

Cultured Bold Independent Genuine<br />

The 3-4 words you select now become your brand pillars and serve as a very<br />

important foundation for the rest of your brand, so choose carefully.<br />

6. How To Use Brand Pillars<br />

Making use of your brand pillars is simple. These 3-4 words should become a part<br />

of your brand as much as your company name and logo. As you move forward<br />

with your business, whether you’re creating an ad, choosing a hero image for<br />

your website or a new promotion, or even selecting your shipping packaging,<br />

you’ll want to do a check against your brand pillars.<br />

It’s as simple as asking yourself: “Does this image, packaging, or ad, embody our<br />

brand pillars?”.

For example, if we use the brand pillars I selected from above (Cultured, Bold,<br />

Independent, Genuine), which image would you use?<br />

It may not be a perfect match to all of your brand pillars every single time, flexibility<br />

is allowed, however, your brand pillars help keep you on the right track,<br />

keeping each of your business decisions, as well as your brand, grounded and<br />

consistent.<br />

How to Develop Your Brand’s Visual<br />

Assets<br />

Once you have defined your brand pillars and persona, it makes it much easier<br />

to develop your customer facing assets. Your visual assets can include any or all<br />

of the following:<br />

• Logo<br />

• Tagline<br />

• Tone of Voice<br />

• Color Palette<br />

• Fonts & Typography<br />

• Photo Style

BONUS: Teaching design fundamentals like color<br />

theory and typography go beyond the scope of this<br />

guide, however, a foundational understanding of<br />

design is crucial and can have a significant impact<br />

on the success of your brand. I highly recommend you check out the<br />

Design For Founders Ebook which covers all aspects of understanding<br />

design for non-technical entrepreneurs.<br />


The first thing you’ll want to do is to build out a mood board. A mood board is<br />

essentially a collage of images and elements that visually represent the brand<br />

you’re trying to craft. Your mood board can contain anything including, but not<br />

limited to, photography, website screenshots, packaging examples, font styles<br />

and color swatches.<br />

One of the easiest ways to create your mood board is to use Pinterest and create<br />

a new board for this project. From here, you can start searching for and pinning<br />

items to that board to begin building it out. I would suggest you add somewhere<br />

between 5-15 elements to your mood board.<br />

This can be done together, as a group or separate, then brought all together to<br />

finalize just one mood board that everyone agrees on.<br />

Some other tools you may want to consider for building your mood board are:<br />

• Dropmark<br />

• Niice<br />

• GoMoodboard

Here’s a quick mood board I put together with a bit of hipster flavor:<br />

Now that you have a finalized mood board, you can and will use this as well as<br />

your brand pillars for reference as you move forward to build the rest of your<br />

visual assets.


The color pallet you choose for your brand is important because it not only helps<br />

identify your brand, but it also sets the tone for your brand visually. Ideally, you<br />

want to choose between three to five colors, as that will give you some options<br />

to work with.<br />

There are two ways that I’ll show you to help select your brand’s color pallet.<br />

1. Extracting Color Pallets From Images<br />

The first is the easiest way. Using a service like Adobe Kuler (Free), you can<br />

upload your mood board. The Adobe Kuler tool will then automatically select<br />

the predominant colors from the images and present you with a color pallet of<br />

five colors.<br />

You can slightly adjust the presented colors by using the Color Mood menu,<br />

and selecting one of the preset moods: Colorful, Bright, Muted, Deep, Dark or<br />


2. Community Created Color Pallets<br />

You can also opt for choosing or being inspired by a color pallets created by others.<br />

There are many services that allow people to make custom color pallets that are<br />

then voted on by the community.<br />

Two of my favorites are Color Lovers and Adobe Kuler. Start by spending some<br />

time scanning through the highest voted and most popular color pallets:<br />

Colour Lovers – Check out the most loved color pallets and patterns of all time<br />

Adobe Kuler – Check out the most popular color pallets and the most used color<br />

pallets.<br />

Here are several additional resources for picking great color pallets for your<br />

brand:<br />

• Brand Colors: Colors used by famous brands.<br />

• Coolors: Super fast color schemes generator.<br />

• 0 to 255: A simple tool that helps you find variations of any color.


Finally. It’s time to create what many people consider to be the centerpiece for<br />

a brand: your logo.<br />

Before we go creating a logo, let’s first understand what makes a good logo. A<br />

good logo is distinctive, appropriate, practical, graphic and simple in form, and it<br />

conveys your brand’s intended message. There are four basic principles to creating<br />

a great logo for your brand:<br />

• Simple<br />

• Memorable<br />

• Timeless<br />

• Versatile<br />

You’ll also want to keep the following questions in mind as you’re creating your<br />

logo:<br />

• Is your logo still effective if it is displayed in one color?<br />

• Is your logo still effective if it is displayed with colors inverted (i.e. light logo on<br />

dark background)?<br />

• Is your logo still effective if it is displayed at the size of a coin?<br />

• Is your logo still effective if it is displayed as large as a billboard?<br />

A good trick to creating a versatile logo is to design in black and white and add<br />

color later. By doing this, you’ll be more focused on the core elements of shape<br />

and simplicity.<br />

Designing Your Logo<br />

Again, during the logo design process, you want to keep in mind your brand’s pillars,<br />

you may also want to take a look at your finalized mood board again as well.<br />

I have a secondary worksheet to complete, specifically to help you better plan<br />

your logo design.

Worksheet B – (Logo Communication)<br />

The purpose of Worksheet B is just to get everyone on the same page as to the<br />

elements you want your logo to convey. This will not become part of your final<br />

brand; rather it’s just meant to get everyone on the same page and to think more<br />

critically about what you want your logo to convey.<br />

1. Handout Worksheet B<br />

Worksheet B<br />

What do you want to communicate?<br />

Example Brand<br />

Maculine<br />

Complex<br />

Obvious<br />

Young<br />

Luxury<br />

Serious<br />

Loud<br />

Classic<br />

Feminine<br />

Simple<br />

Subtle<br />

Mature<br />

Economical<br />

Playful<br />

Quiet<br />

Modern<br />

Note: To save your own copy for printing, go to File – Download As – PDF<br />

Document (.pdf)

2. Complete Worksheet B<br />

Each participant in the branding strategy session should complete Worksheet B<br />

by making a check on the scale for each attribute, with the middle circle being<br />

neutral. There is also a line beside each attribute if participants want to give an<br />

example of another brand’s logo to better illustrate their stance.<br />

3. Group Review<br />

As a group, you will want to go through each attribute listed in the worksheet<br />

one by one and discuss each in detail. Going around in a circle, ask each participant<br />

what they rated each one on the scale and why.<br />

There are no right or wrong answers since they are all personal opinions. It is the<br />

job of the moderator to lead the discussion and have the group all come to an<br />

agreement.<br />

You’ll want to come up with a final worksheet with everyone’s agreed stance for<br />

each attribute and possible examples for each.<br />

Note: There should be general agreement on each criteria but all opinions don’t<br />

have to be exactly the same. The purpose of this worksheet is to bring everyone<br />

together on the general tone you want the logo to convey.<br />

4. Create Your Logo<br />

Now that you have a better idea of the attributes you want your logo to convey<br />

as well as keeping in mind your brand pillars, it’s time to create your logo.<br />

There’s lots of different ways at different levels of cost to create a logo for<br />

your new brand. Traditionally you would go to a designer and pay anywhere<br />

from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars for several logo concepts<br />

and revisions. If your budget supports this, this is definitely a great way to go,<br />

however, for most of you bootstrapping your new business, a designer won’t<br />

be a viable option.

In my opinion, your best option is to use one of the more advanced logo generators<br />

on the market. A logo generator can help you create your brand’s logo cost effectively.<br />

In another blog post, I put ten online logo generators to the test and the one<br />

that came out of top was TailorBrands.<br />

TailorBrands is a revolutionary branding platform that allows you to easily design<br />

a logo for your brand with very little effort. Using advanced machine learning<br />

and powerful algorithms, Tailor Brands will analyze your brand’s name, values<br />

and industry and will create a series of unique, beautiful logos within minutes<br />

that you can choose from. The automated process requires no technical skills<br />

and most importantly, the logos look great.<br />

By just entering a few details about your brand and selecting a few preferences,<br />

TailorBrands will generate six different logos for you. From there you can select<br />

and further edit and refine them, until you find one that fits your brand perfectly.


Next up is your brand’s typography (fonts). Essentially, you’ll want to choose two<br />

fonts, maybe three.<br />

Body Font<br />

The first font you’ll want to choose is your body text. Your body text makes up<br />

95% of the text on your site, so you’ll want to choose a really clean, simple and<br />

easy to read font.<br />

Header Font<br />

The second font you’ll want to choose is a header font. This font will be used<br />

for headers, titles and sub-titles. This should also be clean, simple and easy to<br />

read, however, because this text is used much less than body text, it doesn’t<br />

need to be as clean and simple.<br />

Finally, you may wish to also choose another font that can be used in certain<br />

occasions, like promotional banners. This font can be a little more fancy since<br />

the text will only be used occasionally and usually only in very short sentences<br />

like “50% Off!”.<br />

As an example, can you spot the three main fonts (Header, Body and Promotional)<br />


For more information and tips on how to pair fonts, check out the blog post The<br />

Only Font Pairing <strong>Guide</strong> You Need from Heidi over at Design For Founders.<br />

Bonus: Courtesy of Design For Founders, download a free PDF of 16<br />

gorgeous font pairings using all free, web-ready fonts. Don’t forget to<br />

check out the blog post on font pairing as well!<br />


Finally, you want to make sure the things you say fall in line with the the rest of<br />

your branding. This applies to everything from the headlines in an ad, to your<br />

product descriptions, to the way blog posts are structured or the sentiment of<br />

a tweet.<br />

A brand voice is just as important as the brand style. Your brand should sound<br />

and look a certain way and you’ll want to keep it consistent.<br />

Outline the type of acceptable language that will be used. Should the tone be<br />

formal, or more conversational? You might include particular words and phrases<br />

that should always appear, or which words should be avoided. How should your<br />

emails start (i.e. Hi, Hey, Hello,) and how should they end (i.e. Cheers, Thanks,<br />

Best,).<br />

Using a consistent and distinct tone can help clients and customers identify with<br />

a brand, and creates an association with what the brand stands for. When creating<br />

guidelines for text and tone, think about your brand pillars, again your pillars will<br />

keep you brand consistent and grounded.


Photography is a reflection of your brand. Specific styles evoke certain responses,<br />

and if you’re really good, people can recognize a brand based off of a photo.<br />

As an example, what brand do you think the image below belongs to? 9 out of 10<br />

people tend to get it right. Click the image to find out.<br />

When developing the brand for your ecommerce business, you’ll want to choose<br />

several image styles. The first is general images and photography styles that<br />

you’ll use or homepage hero images and any other images for design. In my<br />

opinion, the best way to do this is to build a small portfolio of example images<br />

that you believe best represents your brand (again keeping in mind your brand<br />

pillars). Should your photos be monochrome, color, bright, dark, high contrast,<br />

still, lively?

The second photo style you’ll need to decide on is for your product photos. The<br />

most common product photo style for ecommerce businesses is to feature the<br />

product isolated on a pure white background.<br />

Although this is the most popular style because it keeps your images clean and<br />

the focus on the product, it also requires the most work to edit. Keep in mind, if<br />

you want your product photos to have a pure white background, you’ll need to<br />

enlist the help of a service like Pixc.<br />

Maybe an easier alternative to a pure white background is taking a photo on a<br />

solid background under consistent light. This prevents you from having to edit<br />

each image to remove the background. Keep in mind you’ll want to choose a<br />

pretty neutral color like Prospector Co. has done below.

Another alternative is to use different background for each image. This works<br />

especially well if you have a smaller collection of products, and if each product<br />

has it’s own brand that can be accentuated with a complimentary background.<br />

Below is an example from Beardbrand:

Finally, your third choice for product photos is to set the scene and show your<br />

products in their natural environment. This works better for some products than<br />

others. For example, Ikea is notorious for setting the scene and showing you how<br />

their products can be used and incorporated into your own home.<br />

Creating a Brand Bible<br />

A brand bible, sometimes called a brand deck is essentially a document that<br />

brings together all of your established brand standards.<br />

Normally, for large companies, a brand bible can be dozens of pages long and<br />

goes into way more detail than you’ll need. However, a simplified one page brand<br />

bible of your defined brand gives you an easy guide to refer to for all activities<br />

in the future.

Usually when I’m done a branding project, I’ll put all the major elements onto<br />

one page that I can then go back a refer to when creating all other material. It<br />

serves as a consistent reminder of my brand pillars, typography, color palette<br />

and tone of voice.<br />

Here’s a list of some things you may want to include in your brand bible:<br />

• Overview of Brand<br />

• Brand Pillars<br />

• Logo Examples<br />

• Typography<br />

• Color Palette<br />

• Image/Photography Style<br />

• Writing Style and Tone of Voice<br />

And here’s a simple example I put together for my brand, Finch Goods Co.:

Conclusion<br />

If you’ve read up until this point, you should have a much better understanding<br />

of what a brand is, what branding is, and how to strategically approach the process.<br />

If you’ve actually followed along and completed each of the steps, congratulations,<br />

you have built your brand from the ground up.<br />

Remember, every interaction with your visitors and customers brings the opportunity<br />

to improve your brand in their eyes. Referring back to your brand pillars<br />

can help you keep your brand consistent and help you respond appropriately<br />

in every situation you’ll back.<br />

Finally, branding is hardly a one time action or process, it’s constant and ongoing.<br />

Make sure you revisit your brand every six months or so to make sure it still<br />

reflects your audience and the message you want to portray.

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