Fertility Road Issue 03

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QI’ve just married the love of my life. I am 33 and in<br />

good health, yet he is more than twice my age. So<br />

much of fertility seems to be from the perspective of<br />

the woman, but in this instance, should I be worried that the<br />

quantity and quality of my husband’s sperm may be a cause<br />

for some anxious times ahead in terms of getting pregnant?<br />

– Sandeep Margat, Ramsgate<br />

A<br />

You don’t state if you want to start trying for a baby straight<br />

away. If you are, it is worth having regular sex at least 2-3<br />

times a week for the next 4-6 months and seeing what<br />

happens before testing your partner. For every test there is a result,<br />

and through my experience this can send you into a real panic if the<br />

slightest thing is out of the normal range, which in turn can put a<br />

lot of stress on a newly married relationship.<br />

Many things affect male fertility so it’s best if he does not<br />

smoke, does not drink alcohol to excess and eats a well balanced<br />

diet. Male fertility does decline somewhat with age and many<br />

men will benefit from taking a male fertility supplement. If it is<br />

discovered that he has a fertility problem, there are many things<br />

that can be done in terms of assisted fertility.<br />

QWould having sex twice a day during my ‘window’<br />

have any real greater effect on my chances of getting<br />

pregnant than having sex just once a day? Thanks.<br />

– Angela Edwards, Grantham<br />

A<br />

Having sex once a day is more than enough. Twice a day<br />

can put a lot of pressure on your partner. Healthy sperm<br />

can live for 3-5 days inside you, so aim to have sex at<br />

least 3 times a week to ensure that there is plenty of sperm in the<br />

fallopian tube ready to meet the egg once it’s released. A healthy<br />

diet and lifestyle is very important also as this can have an impact<br />

on the quality of the egg and sperm.<br />

YOUR<br />

BIG DAY<br />




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SUNDAY!<br />

QWe have researched what we believe to be two<br />

excellent IVF clinics in India. We like the idea of<br />

combining our pursuit of a family with a relaxing<br />

trip, and I’ve always wanted to visit Asia, but are there<br />

guarantees over technical knowledge and proficiency, and<br />

are we being too ambitious when a clinic closer to home<br />

may be a less stressful venture?<br />

– Jonathan Welton, Skye<br />

A<br />

The idea of going overseas to combine your pursuit of<br />

a family with a relaxing trip sounds nice in theory but<br />

in practice can prove very different. Cultural differences,<br />

language barriers and expectations can be incredibly stressful to<br />

some, while in others the challenge is something that takes<br />

them out of their normal state, and therefore takes the attention<br />

away from the task in hand. Personally, I believe couples are<br />

better off having a holiday and focusing on IVF separately at<br />

home, but it really does depend on who you are and what type<br />

of person you are. We are all different and we all enjoy different<br />

challenges and experiences.<br />

Zita West has given specialist fertility<br />

and pregnancy advice for over 25 years, as<br />

a midwife, an acupuncturist, a nutritional<br />

advisor and as an author and consultant.<br />

She has also written numerous books on fertility<br />

and pregnancy, with her latest title - Zita West’s Guide<br />

to <strong>Fertility</strong> and Assisted Conception - now available.<br />

For more information on Zita, her London clinic or books,<br />

visit www.zitawest.com<br />

MORE<br />

ABOUT<br />

ZITA<br />

WEST<br />

© Jacob Wackerhausen / iStockphoto.com<br />

www.fertilityroad.com<br />


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