Pegasus Post: June 26, 2018

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TUESDAY, JUNE <strong>26</strong>, <strong>2018</strong><br />

Locally Owned<br />

www.star.kiwi<br />

Home & Leisure Show<br />

Check it out at Horncastle<br />

Arena this weekend<br />

Red zone barriers<br />

Residents critical of<br />

consultation over changes<br />

check out<br />

carpet<br />

kingdom’s<br />

specials<br />

inside<br />

Page 4 Page 5<br />

BEAUTIFUL BRIGHTON: This photo of a golden sunrise over the New Brighton Pier on Sunday was<br />

captured by Linwood resident Allan Macala. On his days off, Mr Macala will often walk along the beach<br />

at sunrise. The New Brighton Pier re-opened earlier this month following a 16-month, $8.5 million<br />

earthquake repairs. Mr Macala said it was good the repairs had been completed as the pier is a historical<br />

landmark.<br />

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Meeting<br />

sought<br />

with<br />

ministry<br />

over QE II<br />

school<br />

zones<br />

• By Sophie Cornish<br />

THE PAPANUI-Innes<br />

Community Board will invite<br />

the Ministry of Education to<br />

meet with it over the proposed<br />

enrolment zones for Shirley<br />

Boys and Avonside Girls’ High<br />

Schools.<br />

After writing to the MOE in<br />

May, the community board is<br />

“disappointed” by the response,<br />

said chairwoman Ali Jones.<br />

The schools will re-locate<br />

to a shared campus at QE II<br />

Park next year. The letter from<br />

the community board to the<br />

MOE outlined concerns that<br />

the suburbs of Richmond and<br />

Shirley were not included in the<br />

new draft zone.<br />

MOE deputy secretary sector<br />

enablement and support Katrina<br />

Casey replied on behalf of Minister<br />

of Education Chris Hipkins.<br />

Her letter “acknowledged<br />

that the post-quake period for<br />

people in Christchurch has been<br />

stressful, demanding<br />

and challenging for many families.”<br />

•Turn to page 3<br />

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Tuesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>26</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

from the editor’s desk<br />

NOW IF that photo on the front page<br />

today doesn’t make you want to go to the<br />

pier, then nothing will.<br />

It was taken on Sunday by Linwood<br />

resident Allan Macala who often walks the<br />

beach before sunrise.<br />

The pier re-opened this month after a 16 month $8.5 million<br />

repair. Wet weather has kept the people away, but with the shortest<br />

day now behind us, and crisp frosty mornings starting to bite,<br />

it all looks good leading into spring.<br />

More rumblings over the QE II site for Shirley Boys’ and Avonside<br />

Girls’ (see page 1).<br />

The Papanui-Innes Community Board wants more discussion<br />

with the Ministry of Education over the proposed enrolment<br />

zones.<br />

It’s an issue that won’t go away in a hurry.<br />

- Barry Clarke<br />

GENERAL INQUIRIES Ph 379 7100<br />


The Christchurch Star Company Ltd<br />

PO box 1467, Christchurch<br />

starmedia.kiwi<br />

NEWS<br />

Georgia O’Connor-Harding<br />

Ph: 364 7438<br />

georgia.oconnor@starmedia.kiwi<br />


Elaine Moon<br />

Ph: 364 7436<br />

elaine.moon@starmedia.kiwi<br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

new beach front seats<br />

Lions gift seaside benches<br />

The Lions Club of New Brighton has donated a pair of seats to<br />

mark its 100th anniversary.<br />

Page 5<br />

celebrating matariki<br />

Red zone feast<br />

About 500 people turned out for music and food to mark the<br />

Maori new year.<br />

Page 9<br />

community events<br />

Fun and games<br />

Go along and join in Shirley Library’s weekly card club held on<br />

Fridays.<br />

Page 16<br />


The best-read local newspaper, delivered to<br />

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Linwood, Avonside, Richmond, Shirley, Burwood, Dallington,<br />

Wainoni, Bromley, Aranui, Avondale, Bexley, New Brighton,<br />

Northshore, Queenspark, Parklands, South Brighton.<br />

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PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>26</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 3<br />

News<br />

‘Disappointed’ board seeks MOE meeting<br />

•From page 1<br />

The letter said there was a<br />

consultation process, which<br />

was open to all members of the<br />

public affected by zone changes.<br />

Schools were then required to<br />

make a recommendation for a<br />

zone change to the MOE.<br />

Factors Ms Casey said were<br />

being considered included<br />

current and future student<br />

demographics,<br />

potential<br />

changes to<br />

residential areas,<br />

along with<br />

the schools’<br />

recommendation.<br />

Ali Jones<br />

The<br />

community<br />

board will<br />

write another letter, inviting Ms<br />

Casey, MOE manager education<br />

Canterbury Sean Wheeler<br />

PART OF a bus route travelling<br />

between New Brighton and<br />

Burwood Hospital has been cut.<br />

Environment Canterbury has<br />

confirmed it will combine the<br />

135 Burwood Hospital and 150<br />

The Palms bus routes as part of<br />

its Long Term Plan.<br />

ABANDONED: Richmond resident Laura McIntosh and<br />

Dallington’s Vanessa van Hoof are disappointed, along with<br />

the Papanui-Innes Community Board, about the suburbs<br />

being eft out of the draft Shirley Boys and Avonside Girls’ High<br />

Schools enrolment zone. PHOTO: MARTIN HUNTER<br />

and director of education for<br />

Canterbury Coralanne Child to<br />

The new bus route will terminate<br />

at the Taiora: QE II Recreation<br />

and Sport Centre, meaning<br />

it will no longer travel into New<br />

Brighton.<br />

But an ECan spokeswoman<br />

told <strong>Pegasus</strong> <strong>Post</strong> the route 60<br />

bus already travels between<br />

meet the board.<br />

“As the local community<br />

New Brighton and QE II.<br />

In February, ECan originally<br />

announced it was considering<br />

cutting the 107, 108, 135, 145,<br />

150 and 535 routes to plug a $4<br />

million funding shortfall.<br />

Christchurch East MP Poto<br />

Williams made a submission to<br />

board, as a group that is well<br />

connected in the community, we<br />

were not invited to be part of the<br />

consultation process . . . we still<br />

want to address some issue that<br />

that letter raises that we don’t<br />

think have been satisfactory<br />

answered,” said Ms Jones.<br />

Other concerns the board will<br />

address are the consultation<br />

process and how it was carried<br />

out during school holidays and<br />

only in the school environments,<br />

not beyond with the wider community.<br />

“We haven’t stopped the conversation<br />

there,” said Ms Jones.<br />

Said board member Jo Byrne:<br />

“There is a lot of people in our<br />

wards that are absolutely devastated<br />

by this.”<br />

“Decisions about the major<br />

high schools need to be managed<br />

more publicly and transparently.”<br />

Direct Brighton-hospital bus route axed<br />

the Long Term Plan criticising<br />

the lack of planning to bring<br />

residents to the new Taiora:<br />

QEII Recreation and Sport Centre.<br />

Christchurch East National<br />

List MP Jo Hayes sent a letter<br />

to ECan on <strong>June</strong> 14 asking the<br />

decision to be reconsidered.<br />


<strong>June</strong> 29 - July 1 10AM - 5PM<br />

TICKETS ONLINE: starhomeshow.kiwi<br />

In Brief<br />


The city council will bring<br />

forward $490,000 of capital<br />

expenditure from 2023/<strong>26</strong><br />

to <strong>2018</strong>/20 for development<br />

work at Thomson Park. The<br />

work will include car parking<br />

improvements, basketball court<br />

improvements and general park<br />

renewals.<br />


The Coastal-Burwood Community<br />

Board has approved no<br />

stopping restrictions on Owles<br />

Terrace. The restrictions will go<br />

from Beresford St and extend<br />

north for about 21m. No stopping<br />

restrictions will also be placed on<br />

the northern side of Beresford St<br />

from the intersection with Owles<br />

Tce and east about 9.5m. The<br />

restrictions are in response to<br />

requests from the community to<br />

improve visibility and safety for<br />

vehicles turning out of Beresford<br />

St into Owles Tce.<br />

MEN’S SHED<br />

Last week <strong>Pegasus</strong> <strong>Post</strong> told all<br />

residents interested in joining<br />

the new Richmond Men’s Shed to<br />

contact Paul Smith at menshed@<br />

aveburyhouse.co.nz The email<br />

address was incorrect. The<br />

correct email is mensshed@<br />

aveburyhouse.co.nz. <strong>Pegasus</strong> <strong>Post</strong><br />

apologises for the error.<br />


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4 Tuesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>26</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


News<br />

Home & Leisure Show this weekend<br />

Food, drink tasting and prizes<br />

THE STAR Media Home &<br />

Leisure Show promises to be the<br />

best yet.<br />

Celebrating its 20th year of<br />

supporting local businesses, the<br />

event has an extra special flavour<br />

this time around with a unique<br />

tasting corner.<br />

Event manager Vanessa<br />

Fleming is super-enthused about<br />

the new addition, which reflects<br />

the importance of leisure in<br />

people’s lives these days.<br />

“There will be a wide range<br />

of food and drink products to<br />

sample, which people can then<br />

go home and recreate in their<br />

own kitchens,” she says.<br />

And with the latest in kitchen<br />

innovations and products on<br />

display, it’s a chance to get<br />

creative in all aspects of life.<br />

Said Star Media chief executive<br />

Steve McCaughan: “I am very<br />

excited about the new elements<br />

we have introduced with the<br />

addition of our free taste section,<br />

new glossy Home and Leisure<br />

magazine, plus fantastic prizes to<br />

be won.”<br />

Seminars are held throughout<br />

each of the three days and<br />

feature everything from<br />

starting a renovation through<br />

to the design and decoration<br />

stage.<br />

A hot topic this year is water,<br />

with multiple water filtration<br />

systems being exhibited at the<br />

show, along with spa pools<br />

and the best in heating<br />

technology.<br />

“This show is designed to<br />

inspire people with the latest in<br />

home and lifestyle technology,”<br />

says Ms Fleming.<br />

SHOWCASE: The Star Media Home and Leisure Show this weekend is shaping up to be the best<br />

yet.<br />


Rats seen at Bexley Reserve after rubbish dumping<br />

• By Georgia O’Connor-Harding<br />

ILLEGAL RUBBISH dumping at<br />

Bexley Reserve is causing rats to<br />

populate nearby properties.<br />

Residents living near the<br />

reserve on Pages Rd are upset<br />

after putting up with the consequences<br />

of several incidents of fly<br />

tipping.<br />

One large pile of rubbish was<br />

removed by the city council earlier<br />

this month.<br />

<strong>Pegasus</strong> <strong>Post</strong><br />

was told it has<br />

been an issue<br />

since November.<br />

The rubbish<br />

piles included<br />

chicken bones,<br />

tea bags, boxes<br />

and house hold<br />

Tim Baker<br />

items.<br />

In the past year, the city council<br />

has received 22 complaints to<br />

remove rubbish from the reserve.<br />

Resident Paula Bartlett-Pak<br />

said the rubbish has been<br />

bringing rats into the area and<br />

it shouldn’t have taken the city<br />

council so long to clean it up.<br />

Her views have been backed<br />

by neighbours Trish Barnes,<br />

Christine Robertson and Dave<br />

Bonnington.<br />

Mrs Robertson said it is the<br />

first time her property has had<br />

rats and she has placed poison<br />

around the property.<br />

“I was outside and thought<br />

‘who put that bloody big rock<br />

in the drive way?’ And then it<br />

moved and then I thought ‘oh my<br />

god’ it is a bloody rat,” she said.<br />

Mr Bonnington said he has<br />

lived next to Bexley Reserve for<br />

12 years and never had rats until<br />

now.<br />

Coastal-Burwood Community<br />

Board member Tim Baker said<br />

he saw a name in the rubbish and<br />

is hoping the city council will<br />

now be able to track down who<br />

has dumped it.<br />

City council community parks<br />

manager Al Hardy said it does<br />

not know who is responsible for<br />

the rubbish dumping.<br />

GROSS: A large pile of<br />

rubbish at Bexley Reserve has<br />

been attracting rats to nearby<br />

properties on Pages Rd.<br />

​<br />

Additional security barriers<br />

have been added to the reserve<br />

and vegetation pruned to help<br />

minimise the illegal dumpings.<br />

Dumping rubbish is punishable<br />

by a fine of up to $400.<br />

Concerns have also been raised<br />

over how often the reserve is<br />

maintained.<br />

Over the past 12 months, 129<br />

maintenance jobs have been<br />

performed at the reserve, and a<br />

further 64 hours of pruning carried<br />

out by city council rangers.<br />

•HAVE YOUR SAY: Are you<br />

concerned by the state of<br />

Bexley Reserve? Email your<br />

views to georgia.oconnor@<br />

starmedia.kiwi<br />

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PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>26</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 5<br />

Lack of consultation on barriers criticised<br />

• By Georgia O’Connor-Harding<br />


have been left disappointed<br />

after planned changes to the<br />

placement of barriers in the red<br />

zone were not consulted on.<br />

The Burwood East Residents’<br />

Association is concerned Land<br />

Information New Zealand’s<br />

plans to resolve anti-social issues<br />

in the red zone “will not entirely<br />

address” all problems it raised.<br />

It first sent a letter to the<br />

Coastal-Burwood Community<br />

Board in April calling for the<br />

placement of barriers to be<br />

reviewed as a result of boy racers<br />

doing burnouts in the red zone.<br />

Rubbish dumping, unauthorised<br />

vehicles risking the safety of<br />

pedestrians and cyclists as well<br />

as causing damage to grass and<br />

vegetation have raised concerns.<br />

LINZ, which is responsible<br />

for managing Crown-owned<br />

land in the residential red<br />

zone, has since devised a plan<br />

to add additional bollards and<br />

Lions donate waterfront seats<br />

• By Georgia O’Connor-Harding<br />

TWO DONATED bench<br />

seats have been installed on<br />

New Brighton’s foreshore in<br />

recognition of the Lions Club’s<br />

worldwide centennial.<br />

The seats, gifted by the Lions<br />

Club of New Brighton, were<br />

unveiled on Wednesday.<br />

Each seat has a matching<br />

plaque reading “donated to the<br />

New Brighton community by the<br />

Lions Club of New Brighton in<br />

<strong>June</strong> <strong>2018</strong> to recognise the Lions<br />

Clubs’ international centennial<br />

1917-2017.”<br />

They also feature the club’s<br />

international emblem and are located<br />

south of the New Brighton<br />

Library, underneath the ramp.<br />

Past president and Lions<br />

project convener Bob Fifield said<br />

the club wanted to do something<br />

to help the series of projects<br />

Development Christchurch Ltd<br />

is undertaking to revitalise the<br />

UNHAPPY: The Burwood East Residents’ Association is<br />

disappointed there was no consultation over planned changes<br />

to barriers in the red zone. ​<br />

posts in the footpath and berm<br />

areas of the existing barriers to<br />

make the barrier locations “less<br />

permeable.”<br />

Where authorised vehicles<br />

are required, a chain and lock<br />

system will be installed.<br />

CELEBRATION: Kim Money and Development Christchurch<br />

Ltd staff with (front) Lions district governor Peter Gamble, Lions<br />

New Brighton president Don Mackay, city councillor David<br />

East and Lions project convener Bob Fifield around a donated<br />

bench seat.<br />

area’s foreshore.<br />

He said clubs all around the<br />

world were encouraged to do<br />

The project is expected to cost<br />

about $50,000 and will begin<br />

next month.<br />

LINZ is planning to install<br />

posts on barriers at Brooker Ave,<br />

Kingsbridge Drive, Corserland<br />

St, Waygreen Ave, Wattle Drive,<br />

something as a legacy project<br />

in recognition of the 100-year<br />

centennial.<br />

Terrelle St and Chimera Crescent.<br />

Barriers at Barkers Lane,<br />

Priory Close, Stour Drive, Brooker<br />

Ave, Dunair Drive, Rebecca<br />

Ave, Willryan Ave, Wattle Drive<br />

and Atlantis St will have a chain<br />

and lock system.<br />

Gates are also due to be installed<br />

at some barriers to allow<br />

easy access for contractors and<br />

planned events.<br />

But residents’ association<br />

secretary Gae Johns wrote in<br />

a recent letter presented to the<br />

community board to find an<br />

action of plan had been created<br />

without consultation was “disappointing.”<br />

LINZ attended the community<br />

board’s meeting last week to address<br />

some of the issues raised in<br />

the letter.<br />

Crown property deputy chief<br />

executive Jerome Sheppard said<br />

it and the city council had since<br />

looked carefully at the location of<br />

the barriers to ensure they are in<br />

the most appropriate places.<br />

“All the funds we raise have<br />

to go back into the community<br />

so this is one way of designating<br />

something back,” he said.<br />

The project was done in<br />

conjunction with Development<br />

Christchurch Ltd.<br />

Lions Clubs International has<br />

1.4 million members and more<br />

than 46,000 clubs.<br />

The seats were constructed by<br />

Apollo Outdoor Furniture and<br />

the club has been working on the<br />

project for the past year.<br />

The Lions Club of New Brighton<br />

has been serving the area for<br />

55 years and is always looking for<br />

new members. The club will even<br />

pick residents up so they can go<br />

to the meeting.<br />

•Anyone interested in<br />

joining can attend the club’s<br />

meeting on the first and third<br />

Wednesdays of the month<br />

at the New Brighton Club<br />

or call 3837492 for more<br />

information.<br />


<strong>June</strong> 29 - July 1 10AM - 5PM<br />

TICKETS ONLINE: starhomeshow.kiwi<br />

Rawhiti<br />

drain to<br />

be fixed<br />

• By Georgia O’Connor-Harding<br />

A PROBLEMATIC drain<br />

causing parts of New Brighton’s<br />

Rawhiti Golf Club to become<br />

waterlogged will get fixed.<br />

The golf club has been left optimistic<br />

after a meeting with city<br />

council staff recently to have action<br />

taken over the flood-prone<br />

Rawhiti Drain.<br />

The drain is designed to take<br />

any overflow of water from the<br />

surrounding North Beach suburb<br />

into the river.<br />

It runs from the Grantley St<br />

end of the golf course, through<br />

to Keyes Rd before a pipe takes<br />

the excess water into the Avon<br />

River.<br />

The club first approached the<br />

city council over the issue about<br />

a year ago.<br />

City council’s land drainage<br />

manager Keith Davison said the<br />

drain will have some minor regrading<br />

where necessary.<br />

Work will begin over the next<br />

couple of months.<br />

A small excavator will form<br />

the bottom of the drain so<br />

surface water runs downhill as<br />

designed.<br />

Mr Davison said a field tile<br />

line running under the drain’s<br />

channel will be cleaned of silt<br />

and most likely checked for any<br />

damage. He said the drain is not<br />

the only problem causing the<br />

flooding.<br />

“Local groundwater is elevated,<br />

this was caused by the<br />

preceding years’ higher than<br />

average rainfall,” Mr Davison<br />

said.<br />

City council staff suspect there<br />

had also been post-earthquake<br />

ground settlement which causes<br />

surface water to pond in different<br />

areas.<br />

The golf club’s president Leon<br />

Zilinskas said it was a positive<br />

outcome and was pleased the<br />

city council was going to do<br />

something about it.<br />

$10<br />






03 <strong>26</strong>0 0325 - Cnr of Worcester St & Stanmore Road

6 Tuesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>26</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />



READS<br />

iN-STORE!<br />


Paul Simon - The Life<br />

By robert Hilburn<br />

‘There’s no tougher a mind, no more tender a voice than Paul Simon, and there’s no better<br />

man than Robert Hilburn to decipher the hardwiring of this hyperintellect...great songs can<br />

never be fully explained, but the great man on his way to find those songs surely can.’ - Bono<br />

Through such hits as “The Sound of Silence,” “Bridge Over Troubled Water,” “Still Crazy After<br />

All These Years,” and “Graceland,” Paul Simon has spoken to us in songs for a half-century<br />

about alienation, doubt, survival, and faith in ways that have established him as one of<br />

the most honoured and beloved songwriters in American pop music history. Yet Simon has<br />

refused to talk to potential biographers and urged those close to him to also remain silent.<br />

But Simon not only agreed to talk to biographer Robert Hilburn for what has amounted to<br />

more than sixty hours, he also encouraged his family and friends to sit down for in-depth<br />

interviews.<br />

Paul Simon is a revealing account of the challenges and sacrifices of artistry at the highest<br />

level. He has also lived a roller-coaster life of extreme ups and downs. We not only learn<br />

Paul’s unrelenting drive to achieve artistry, but also the subsequent struggles to protect<br />

that artistry against distractions - fame, wealth, marriage, divorce, drugs, complacency,<br />

public rejection, self-doubt - that have frequently derailed pop stars and each of which he<br />

encountered. From dominating the charts with Art Garfunkel and a successful reinvention as a<br />

solo artist, to his multiple marriages and highly publicized second divorce from Carrie Fisher,<br />

this book covers all aspects of this American icon.<br />

Refugee<br />

By Alan Gratz<br />

JOSEF is a Jewish boy living in 1930s Nazi Germany. With the threat of concentration<br />

camps looming, he and his family board a ship bound for the other side of the world ...<br />

ISABEL is a Cuban girl in 1994. With riots and unrest plaguing her country, she and her<br />

family set out on a raft, hoping to find safety in America . . . MAHMOUD is a Syrian boy in<br />

2015. With his homeland torn apart by violence and destruction, he and his family begin<br />

a long trek toward Europe . . . All three kids go on harrowing journeys in search of refuge.<br />

All will face unimaginable dangers -- from drownings to bombings to betrayals. But there<br />

is always the hope of tomorrow. And although Josef, Isabel, and Mahmoud are separated<br />

by continents and decades, shocking connections will tie their stories together in the end.<br />

This action-packed novel tackles topics both timely and timeless: courage, survival, and<br />

the quest for home.<br />


Mindful Vegan Meals<br />

Food is Your Friend<br />

by Maria Koutsogiannis<br />

Framed by her own personal struggle with bulimia and body dysmorphia,<br />

Maria Koutsogiannis’ The Mindful Recovery traces the foods she ate to get<br />

her to the next stage of her recovery in a way that will inspire and help<br />

others with this large and growing problem as evidenced by her large<br />

social media following.<br />

Maria pairs stories of her recovery from bulimia and body dysmorphia with<br />

the recipes that kept her body nourished along the way, giving an intimate<br />

look at how she went from eating disorder to proclaiming her personal<br />

mantra: “Fear not. Food is your friend.”<br />

Packed with vibrant and healthy recipes inspired by her journey, including<br />

milestone recipes like the first carbs she allowed herself to eat, The Mindful<br />

Recovery offers a hopeful look at life while overcoming an eating disorder.<br />



The President is Missing<br />

By President Bill Clinton and James Patterson<br />

The President is Missing. The world is in shock.<br />

But the reason he’s missing is much worse than anyone can imagine.<br />

With details only a President could know, and the kind of suspense only James Patterson<br />

can deliver.<br />

‘The dream team delivers big time a Clinton’s insider secrets and Patterson’s storytelling<br />

genius make this the political thriller of the decade.’ - Lee Child<br />

‘A bullet train of a thriller. The Day of the Jackal for the twenty-first century.’<br />

- A.J. Finn, author of The Woman in the Window<br />

‘Yes, The President is Missing is fiction - it’s a thriller - but James Patterson and I have<br />

come up with three of the most frightening days in the history of the presidency. And it<br />

could really happen... These days, the seemingly impossible can happen. And it happens<br />

so fast. I believe that readers will not soon forget President Jonathan Duncan and his<br />

story.’ - Bill Clinton<br />

‘Needless to say, we had some great conversations about the presidency, what life in<br />

Washington is really like, and about the state of America and the rest of the world.’<br />

- James Patterson<br />


& DR. SEUSS<br />



LiNGO PiCK UP<br />




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Barry & kerry

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Cambridge Tce<br />

Cambridge Tce<br />

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PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>26</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 7<br />

Your Local Views<br />

Gary Knight responds to<br />

articles about the plans<br />

to develop a multipurpose<br />

outdoor sports<br />

facility at Rawhiti Domain<br />

and illuminate the New<br />

Brighton Clock Tower<br />

To meet the leisure and<br />

recreational needs of New<br />

Brighton residents, sporting<br />

programmes are vital to unite<br />

future community growth<br />

and bolster the<br />

sustainability of<br />

groups<br />

pro-active in this<br />

area.<br />

Accolades<br />

are therefore<br />

extended<br />

to Eastern<br />

Community<br />

Sporting and<br />

Recreational Inc<br />

for its intention<br />

to lease 3881 sq m of land at<br />

Rawhiti Domain for tennis<br />

and netball court upgrading,<br />

complete with a canopy. The<br />

10-year plan to open this $2.2<br />

million facility, which received<br />

major support through public<br />

submissions, will hopefully be<br />

sanctioned by a city council<br />

decision to allow the lease. The<br />

$675.000 raised by the Rata<br />

Foundation and New Zealand<br />

Community Trust bears<br />

testimony to the communitybased<br />

awareness of these groups.<br />

The criteria of the city council’s<br />

Long Term Plan <strong>2018</strong>-2028 to<br />

operate grants as a contributory<br />

factor towards community<br />

building is surely the catalyst<br />

for the remaining required<br />

$1,525,000 to be met from city<br />

council coffers as an additional<br />

anchor project to ensure this<br />

worthy community facility<br />

upgrade goes ahead.<br />

As gifts from Richard Edward<br />

Green in the 1920s, the Sumner<br />

clock tower, J<br />

E Fitzgerald statue<br />

and the New Brighton<br />

Clock Tower<br />

are memorable<br />

instances in the<br />

New Brighton community<br />

archives.<br />

As an iconic<br />

landmark, however,<br />

the New Brighton<br />

Clock Tower is of<br />

major significance<br />

to the area. Designed by architect<br />

Benjamin Ager, this revered<br />

structure, having had its foundation<br />

stone laid by mayoress Irene<br />

Leavre in 1934, is of historic and<br />

remembrance status for many.<br />

Within this context, accolades<br />

are extended to Coastal-<br />

Burwood Community Board<br />

chairwoman Kim Money for her<br />

innovative concept of having the<br />

clock tower floodlit. This would<br />

be a pro-active step to enlighten<br />

this memorable land mark with a<br />

visual focus.<br />

Reading takes you places<br />

North New<br />

Brighton<br />

resident Bob<br />

Docherty has<br />

made an<br />

exciting career<br />

out of travelling<br />

around New Zealand to<br />

promote reading and<br />

literacy in schools. He<br />

writes about the value of<br />

teaching children to read<br />

SCOTTISH ACTOR Sir Thomas<br />

Sean Connery was once asked<br />

when he got his first break. He<br />

replied that it was at the age of<br />

five when his mother taught him<br />

how to read.<br />

This highlights an important<br />

fact about children and reading<br />

– if you want your children to<br />

read, then parents and caregivers<br />

must show children that they<br />

value reading by reading themselves<br />

and by reading to children<br />

from an early age.<br />

This is particularly true of<br />

fathers as research shows that<br />

boys are lagging behind girls in<br />

the literacy stakes. For children<br />

the value of reading is immense.<br />

They learn how language<br />

works, increase their vocabulary,<br />

become better writers and<br />

their overall communication<br />

skills are improved.<br />

BOOKS: Bob Docherty says<br />

actor Sean Connery inspires<br />

children to read.<br />

Plus, reading is fun, stimulates<br />

imagination and increases<br />

knowledge better than any other<br />

media.<br />

In these days when the internet<br />

rules and social media and<br />

cell phones dominate people’s<br />

lives, reading seems to have<br />

taken a secondary role and there<br />

is a need for teachers and educationalists<br />

to take reading back to<br />

children to let them know how<br />

good it is.<br />

This is where I come in. I read<br />

hundreds of children’s books<br />

from board books for babies<br />

to picture books, early readers,<br />

primary fiction and fiction for<br />

teenagers and young adults.<br />

I review books sent to me by<br />

leading publishers on my blog at<br />

https://bobsbooksnz.wordpress.<br />

com/<br />

I also visit schools all over<br />

New Zealand to talk about reading<br />

and books, with the aim of<br />

encouraging children to read. I<br />

love doing it and teachers tell me<br />

that after I leave their schools,<br />

children flock to the library to<br />

read them.<br />

This heartens me enormously.<br />

In my lifetime two things help<br />

to define you as a person – the<br />

people you meet and the books<br />

that you read. Get reading.<br />

Heading to<br />

Christchurch<br />

Hospital?<br />

Plan your trip<br />


STREET<br />




From 2 July, Canterbury District Health Board’s hospital shuttle<br />

will run from a new location at 33 Lichfield Street – the<br />

Christchurch City Council’s Lichfield Street Car Park building.<br />

Lichfield Street<br />

CAR PARK<br />

Hospital shuttle<br />

moving to Lichfield Street<br />

Car Park building from 2 July <strong>2018</strong><br />

Hospital patients and visitors should<br />

park in the building and catch the<br />

free shuttle from the pick-up area on<br />

Level 2A. Pay for your parking when<br />

you return.<br />

The shuttle will run to the current timetable,<br />

from 7.15 am to 8.30 pm, 7 days a week.<br />

Journey times on the shuttle will be around<br />

15 minutes, similar to the current shuttle.<br />

Learn more at cdhb.health.nz/parking<br />

or call 0800 555 300<br />

For parking rates see ccc.govt.nz/carpark<br />

Ōtākaro/Avon River<br />

Riccarton Ave<br />

Hagley Ave<br />

Cashel St<br />

Shuttle route to<br />

Lichfield St<br />

Car Park building<br />

Shuttle route to<br />

the Hospital<br />

and Outpatients<br />

Hereford St<br />

Oi Manawa<br />

Canterbury<br />

Earthquake<br />

National Memorial<br />

Tuam St<br />

St Asaph St<br />

Bridge of<br />

Remembrance<br />

Durham Durham St S<br />

The<br />

Terraces<br />

Justice<br />

Precinct<br />

City Mall<br />

Ballantynes<br />

Mollett St<br />

Lichfield St<br />

Car Park building<br />

Lichfield St<br />

High St<br />

Bus<br />

Interchange<br />


8 Tuesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>26</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


For the first time striking design, seamless connectivity, intuitive driving<br />

and exceptional safety have come together perfectly in a bold new SUV.<br />

To explore the many features and experience it for yourself at<br />

Christchurch Mitsubishi on 03 379 0588 to book a test drive.<br />

*Price listed is for Eclipse Cross 2WD XLS. See www.mmnz.co.nz for Diamond Advantage terms and conditions.<br />

*360º view on VRX model<br />


2015 Mitsubishi ASX VRX<br />

2.0L Petrol, CVT Auto, Leather<br />

10,600 km $24,990<br />

2008 Holden Commodore<br />

Clubsport R8 V8 Auto<br />

107,009 km $37,990<br />

2017 Mitsubishi Outlander LS<br />

2.4L Petrol, 4WD, CVT Auto<br />

8,200 km $32,500<br />

2014 Toyota Hilux, Double Cab,<br />

3L Turbo Diesel, 5 Spd, 2WD,<br />

79,500 km $25,990<br />

2002 Toyota Hilux, Single cab<br />

flat deck, 2.7L Petrol, Manual<br />

106,000 km $14,990<br />

2014 Volkswagen Golf Tdi<br />

Comfortline, Turbo Diesel, 7DSG,<br />

29,500 km $24,990<br />

2015 Mazda CX-3 GSX<br />

2.0L Petrol, 6 speed Auto,<br />

34,000 km $<strong>26</strong>,990<br />

2015 Mitsubishi Outlander<br />

VRX, 2.4L Petrol, 4WD, CVT Auto,<br />

92,000 km $31,990<br />


386 Moorhouse Avenue, Christchurch. Sales, Service, Parts & Finance: 03 379 0588

PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>26</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 9<br />

News<br />


<strong>June</strong> 29 - July 1 10AM - 5PM<br />

TICKETS ONLINE: starhomeshow.kiwi<br />

Celebrating Matariki in the red zone<br />

A LARGE feast was served to 500<br />

people in the red zone to celebrate<br />

Matariki.<br />

The event was held at Avebury<br />

House and the Richmond Community<br />

Gardens.<br />

The free feed included a traditionally<br />

prepared hangi along<br />

with a meal by chef Richard Till<br />

using locally grown produce<br />

cooked on site in the Avebury<br />

House kitchen.<br />

Matariki in the Zone was a<br />

collaboration by Avebury House<br />

Community Trust, Richmond<br />

Community Garden and Avon-<br />

Ōtākaro Network.<br />

Matariki is known as the Māori<br />

New Year and is a time for letting<br />

go of the past and looking to the<br />

future by celebrating last season’s<br />

harvest and preparing for the<br />

new. It is signalled by the rise<br />

of Matariki or the Pleiades star<br />

constellation on the horizon of the<br />

night sky.<br />

Richmond Community Garden<br />

member Hayley Guglietta said it<br />

was fitting the community garden<br />

in the red zone adjoining Avebury<br />

Park was the site of the festival.<br />

Two new gardens were opened<br />

including an edible native koru<br />

garden and a household rain<br />

garden exemplar for treating<br />

stormwater was built and officially<br />

opened.<br />

ENVIRONMENTAL: Volunteers building a household rain<br />

garden exemplar and listening to music.<br />


BIG FEED: Warming the chickens by the fire during Matariki<br />

celebrations in the red zone.<br />

JOIN US NOW!<br />

See website for details<br />


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Fudge Hair Shaper, 2 for $25 ($44 Value).<br />


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10<br />

Tuesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>26</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

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Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>26</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

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Q Card Finance Now Available<br />

*No payments and no interest until (“Payment Holiday”) is available on Flexi Payment Plans [for in-store purchases only] until 31 August <strong>2018</strong>. Offer excludes Trade me purchases. Minimum spend $1000.00. Annual Account Fee of $50 applies. New Cardholder fees - $55 Establishment ($3 PPSR – Q Card only). Existing Cardholder fee -<br />

$35 Advance. Standard Interest Rate, currently 25.99% p.a. applies to any outstanding balance at end of Payment Holiday. Payment Holiday period may vary depending on Cardholder’s payment cycle dates. Lending criteria, fees, terms and conditions apply. Rate and fees correct as at date of publication, subject to change.

12 Tuesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>26</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


Christchurch Intermediate<br />

Schools<br />

Specialists in Year 7 and Year 8 Education<br />

OPEN NIGHTS <strong>2018</strong><br />

Intermediate schools target the needs of<br />

early adolescent Year 7 & 8 students -<br />

11-13 year olds. These two-year, co-educational<br />

schools are in many ways ideal environments<br />

for students to begin their adventures into<br />

adolescence.<br />

Early adolescence is a unique and special time<br />

of immense physical, intellectual, emotional<br />

and social development. These changes<br />

create specific needs and challenges that are<br />

significantly different from the needs of younger<br />

children or older adolescents.<br />

An intermediate school can support your Year 7 &<br />

8 child in ways that include but are not limited to:<br />

• The staff are all focussed on the needs of<br />

early adolescents and teach in these schools<br />

because they establish strong relationships<br />

and particularly enjoy working with Year 7 & 8<br />

students. They are highly qualified, experienced<br />

and skilled teachers of early adolescent<br />

students, who ensure pastoral, social and<br />

emotional needs are well supported.<br />

• The resources are all designed and acquired<br />

to meet the needs of this age group - age<br />

Intermediates are exciting places for students to<br />

begin their adventure into adolescence. In addition<br />

to providing a rich, age and stage, middle-yearsspecific<br />

curriculum in a stimulating, challenging and<br />

rewarding environment, intermediates cater for many<br />

interest groups and clubs.<br />

It is not surprising that New Zealand and overseas<br />

research concludes that the quality of teaching is<br />

one of the most significant factors influencing how<br />

well students learn at school. Given that quality<br />

teaching occurs in most New Zealand schools<br />

regardless of their type, it’s only natural to consider<br />

other factors that might make a difference for early<br />

adolescents.<br />

The young people at intermediates are changing<br />

rapidly – physically, emotionally and socially.<br />

Intermediates focus solely on this age group and<br />

are well positioned to meet their needs. A mix<br />

of specialist and home room teachers helps to<br />

provide the choices, challenge, love for practical<br />

activities and academic rigour in the students’<br />

learning. Resourcing, both human and physical, that<br />

is developed deliberately to meet early adolescent<br />

student needs, helps to build self esteem, assist<br />

students to develop and find strengths and links<br />

learning with career aspirations. Teachers who are<br />

focussed solely on the middle years are able to work<br />

collaboratively to provide level-appropriate engaging<br />

appropriate experiences, opportunities and<br />

challenges are planned for and provided.<br />

• Leadership development focuses on<br />

opportunities for students to develop the<br />

important skills associated with leading their peers<br />

- people their own age.<br />

• Secure and supportive yet challenging<br />

environments are provided to support students<br />

to develop their independence.<br />

• Students thrive on the opportunity to step up.<br />

• Specialist teaching opportunities enable<br />

students to receive age appropriate and<br />

challenging learning in technology, science,<br />

performing arts and visual arts.<br />

• Significant home group environments support<br />

strong literacy and numeracy programmes<br />

differentiated in creative ways to meet students’<br />

individual needs - all students are extended<br />

and the focus is on accelerating progress.<br />

The intermediate schools in Christchurch work<br />

closely together to collectively provide a wide<br />

range of extracurricular opportunities for students<br />

in sporting, cultural and academic contexts.<br />

programmes that connect learning to students’ lives<br />

and interests and provide challenge for all students<br />

to achieve to the best of their ability.<br />

Current intermediate school students list these<br />

points:<br />

1. “There are more children of my own age here<br />

because our school takes all the year sixes from a<br />

few different schools and they come to one school.<br />

And because we’ve got bigger numbers of pupils<br />

we can have more sports teams and … there’s<br />

something for everyone” Y8 child<br />

2. “Our school has different specialist teachers for<br />

subjects like music art, P.E. and technology, so we<br />

get used to that – which is good preparation for<br />

secondary school” Y7 girl<br />

3. “At intermediate school everything is for our two<br />

years (age group).” Y8 girl<br />

4. “I like that we don’t have to look out for little<br />

children. That was neat at our old (primary) school<br />

but it’s nice to just have our own age here. Y7 boy<br />

5. “It’s good that we don’t have big secondary kids<br />

here. We can worry about them when we’re older…<br />

and then we’ll be big too. Y8 boy<br />

ENquIrIES wElcOmE - This is a great opportunitiy to see Intermediates in action<br />

Breens<br />

Casebrook<br />

For a specialist focus on middle year schooling, use<br />

the table on this page to find the time and date of<br />

the open night for your nearest intermediate school.<br />

School Date Time Principal Contact Details<br />

Tuesday 31 July<br />

(Week 2 Term 3)<br />

Wednesday 1 August<br />

(Week 2 Term 3)<br />


6.30pm - 8.00pm<br />

Visit our website or contact us for other<br />

opportunities to tour the school.<br />

Nikki Clarke<br />

This is a great opportunity to<br />

see Intermediates in action<br />

6.30pm - 8.30pm<br />

Visit our website or contact us for other<br />

opportunities to tour the school.<br />

Sharon Keen<br />

Website: ​www.breens.school.nz<br />

Phone: 359 8108<br />

Email: office@breens.school.nz<br />

Website: ​www.casebrook.school.nz<br />

Phone: 359 7428<br />

Email: office@casebrook.school.nz<br />

Chisnallwood<br />

Wednesday 4 July<br />

(Week 10 Term 2)<br />

6.00pm - 8.00pm<br />

Visit our website or contact us for other<br />

opportunities to tour the school.<br />

Justin Fields<br />

Website: ​www.chisnallwood.school.nz<br />

Phone: 388 4199<br />

Email: info@chisnallwood.school.nz<br />

Christchurch South<br />

Thursday 2 August<br />

(Week 2 Term 3)<br />

6.30pm - 8.00pm<br />

Visit our website or contact us for other<br />

opportunities to tour the school.<br />

Ross Hastings<br />

Website: ​www.chchsouth.ac.nz<br />

Phone: 332 2408<br />

Email: office@chchsouth.ac.nz<br />

Cobham<br />

Tuesday 24 July<br />

(Week 1 Term 3)<br />

3.30pm - 5.30pm & 6.30pm - 8.30pm<br />

Visit our website or contact us for other<br />

opportunities to tour the school.<br />

Eddie Norgate<br />

Website: ​www.cobham.school.nz<br />

Phone: 351 6381<br />

Email: office@cobham.school.nz<br />

Heaton<br />

Wednesday 25 July<br />

(Week 1 Term 3)<br />

Book a tour of the school at either 9am,<br />

11am or 1.45pm on our school website.<br />

Andrea Knight<br />

Website:​www.heaton.school.nz<br />

Phone: 355 9555<br />

Email: admin@heaton.school.nz<br />

Kirkwood<br />

Tuesday 3 July<br />

(Week 10 Term 2)<br />

9.00am - 12.00 noon & 7.00pm - 8.30pm<br />

Visit our website or contact us for other<br />

opportunities to tour the school.<br />

Phil Tappenden<br />

Website: ​www.kirkwood.school.nz<br />

Phone: 348 7718<br />

Email: school.information@kirkwood.school.nz<br />

Shirley<br />

Thursday 2 August<br />

(Week 2 Term 3)<br />

6.30pm - 8.00pm<br />

Visit our website or contact us for other<br />

opportunities to tour the school.<br />

Geoff Siave<br />

Website: ​www.sis.school.nz<br />

Phone: 385 2229<br />

Email: office@sis.school.nz

PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>26</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 13<br />


OUTLET<br />



HOOPING: Banks Avenue School pupil Amelia Beazey received her super<br />

hooper award last week after mastering a set of moves.<br />

Hula hoop record launch<br />

REGISTRATION to take<br />

part in a the city’s attempt<br />

to break the record for the<br />

most people hula hooping<br />

at the same time has<br />

opened.<br />

To celebrate the launch<br />

for registrations, a special<br />

visit was made by organisers<br />

In2Hula to Banks<br />

Avenue School last week.<br />

They were joined by the<br />

Heart Foundation’s mascot<br />

“Hearty”.<br />

The visit involved a 30<br />

minute demonstration to<br />

teach children some hula<br />

hoop skills and gave pupil<br />

Amelia Beazey, who has a<br />

heart condition, an opportunity<br />

to hula hoop with<br />

her classmates.<br />

In2Hula was founded by<br />

Bernadette Smith and her<br />

husband Grant.<br />

They broke the New<br />

Zealand record after<br />

60 people continuously<br />

hooped for 2min.<br />

However in 2009, 150<br />

people in Invercargill hula<br />

hooped the record away.<br />

Mrs Smith said the<br />

Super Heart Hoop-Off is<br />

to be held on October 28<br />

in Hagley Park.<br />

The theme for the record<br />

attempt is super heroes<br />

and dressing up is highly<br />

encouraged.<br />

•For more<br />

information go to<br />

hulahoops.co.nz/<br />

superhearthoopoff<br />

JUST<br />


SOFA BED $ 397<br />

KARAH<br />

SOFA BED<br />

Available in 2 Colours!<br />

JUST<br />

$<br />

397<br />


New Neighbours<br />

Unichem Prestons Pharmacy<br />

Located off Prestons and Marshland Road,<br />

in the complex next to the New World<br />

is new neighbour Unichem Prestons<br />

Pharmacy. Opening six weeks ago, the<br />

pharmacy is neat and easily laid out, so you<br />

can find what you need.<br />

Offering a wide range of products, including<br />

natural healthcare, youth and baby, men’s<br />

and women’s health, sports, pain and injury<br />

needs, cold and flu, fertility or contraception<br />

and so much more. They offer products for<br />

people of all ages.<br />

As you enter, the highly skilled and trained<br />

Pharmacy team will greet you with a<br />

smile and are there to answer your health<br />

questions including:<br />

• Prescriptions and helping to understand<br />

your medicines, how to take them and<br />

store them and potential side effects<br />

• Natural Health<br />

• Men’s Health<br />

• First aid kits & advice<br />

• Vaccinations<br />

• Blood pressure testing<br />

• Bowel health screening<br />

• Pain management<br />

• Women’s health<br />

• Urinary tract infections<br />

• Emergency contraceptive pill<br />

• Zinc testing<br />

• Erectile dysfunction treatment<br />

• Safe disposal of expired and unused<br />

medicine<br />

• Smoking cessation<br />

Plus so much more …<br />

Looking for a quick gift or to post<br />

something. They have an inhouse gift shop<br />

and postal service.<br />

Save your time - call or stop by Unichem<br />

Prestons Pharmacy today. Open 7 days<br />

a week, Monday-Friday 8:30am-6pm,<br />

Saturday 9am-3pm and Sunday 10am-<br />

2pm. Call them on 03 281 7889, email<br />

pharmacy@unichemprestons.co.nz The<br />

pharmacy with a smile.<br />

Your pharmacy and post needs have never<br />

been so simple.<br />


Available in 4 Colours!<br />

JUST<br />

$<br />

197<br />









St Asaph St<br />

Ferry Rd<br />

OUTLET<br />

STORE<br />

Fitzgerald Ave<br />

OUTLET<br />

STORE<br />

Images indicative only. Outlet Store items are<br />

over stocked, end of line, scratch & dent, ex<br />

display, ex repair items and more.

2<br />

14 Tuesday [Edition datE] <strong>June</strong> <strong>26</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

SPORTS<br />



Parklands kendo fighter to<br />

do battle in South Korea<br />

• By Jacob Page<br />

PARKLANDS kendo<br />

fighter Tania Butterfield is<br />

keen to create her own slice<br />

of history.<br />

The 31-year-old will<br />

be part of the first New<br />

Zealand women’s Kendo<br />

team to attend the world<br />

championships in South<br />

Korea in September.<br />

New Zealand did not<br />

send a women’s team<br />

in 2015 because it did<br />

not have a high enough<br />

calibre of competitors, said<br />

Butterfield. “It’s a huge<br />

honour because the six of<br />

us going have had to work<br />

very hard to get there, so<br />

it’s nice to be part of it.”<br />

Kendo is a Japanese<br />

form of fencing with twohanded<br />

bamboo swords. It<br />

was originally developed as<br />

a safe form of sword training<br />

for the samurai.<br />

Other Canterbury Kendo<br />

Club members Masa Matsunami<br />

and Kai Edwards<br />

were selected in the New<br />

Zealand men’s team. Edwards,<br />

a Cashmere High<br />

student, will go to South<br />

Korea as an apprentice.<br />

Butterfield’s journey<br />

started in 2013 when she<br />

was an english teacher on a<br />

two-year OE.<br />

“At school I learnt Japanese<br />

and we had to do a<br />

project on a Japanese sport<br />

and I was the only one who<br />

chose kendo and I found it<br />

really interesting,” she said.<br />

“When I went to Japan,<br />

I had a colleague ask me<br />

if there was anything I<br />

wanted to really do while I<br />

was living there and I said<br />

I’d like to give kendo a try.<br />


Masa Matsunami,<br />

Tania Butterfield<br />

and Kai Edwards will<br />

represent New Zealand<br />

at the kendo world<br />

championships in Korea<br />

in September.<br />

“One of my student’s fathers<br />

invited me to try one<br />

night and even left me this<br />

broken english message<br />

through Google translate<br />

so I thought I should really<br />

show up. Things just progressed<br />

from there.”<br />

Butterfield’s brother<br />

Andrew was also a New<br />

Zealand judo representative.<br />

She has earned her<br />

kendo brown belt and is<br />

now up to her third dan.<br />

Butterfield said the men<br />

hoped to rank in the world<br />

top eight at the competition,<br />

while the women are<br />

heading into the unknown.<br />

She said kendo is more<br />

mental than physical, and<br />

it is one of the rare sports<br />

where you can get better<br />

with age. “Some of the best<br />

in the world are in their<br />

80s so it’s a sport for life.”<br />

Personalised learning<br />

opportunities<br />

Tēnā koutou katoa e aku rahi, e aku<br />

rau rangatira mā, nau mai haere mai ki te<br />

Kura o Haeata. He kura whānau, he kuraā-hāpori<br />

tēnei. Nei rā te mihi maioha ki a<br />

koutou katoa.<br />

E fa’atalofa atu i le paia ma le mamalu o<br />

matua , ae maise o aiga uma o lo’o a’oa’oina<br />

o latou alo ma fanau i le A’oga a Haeata.<br />

Matou te mana’omia, ina ia i’u ma le manuia<br />

a’oa’oga a alo ma fanau uma o lo’o i lenei<br />

A’oga aua se lumana’i manuia, e fa’afiafia<br />

ina ai Matua ma Aiga. Susu ma tala a’ao<br />

mai e maimoa ma matamata i lenei A’oga<br />

a Haeata.<br />

Haeata Community Campus offers a wide<br />

range of individual learning opportunities.<br />

We invite our students to be part of a<br />

learning model that is student-centred and<br />

self-directed where possible. Students are<br />

encouraged to identify and develop their<br />

passions and interests and co-create their<br />

learning with their teachers and whānau.<br />

Our Year 7-13 students are guided and<br />

supported to increasingly self-manage<br />

their learning, identifying links to NCEA<br />

as well as connections to pathways such as<br />

work experience, internship and tertiary<br />

education. Our students also have the<br />

opportunity to focus their studies through<br />

our Services Programme, Performing Arts,<br />

the Haeata Sport Performance Programme,<br />

and our state of the art ‘MakerSpace’ Design<br />

and Technology suite.<br />

We invite you to contact us and make<br />

a time for a personalised tour of Haeata<br />

Community Campus. botadmin@haeata.<br />

school.nz, (03) 930 0110.<br />

Tēnā koutou,<br />

Talofa lava,<br />

Mālō e lelei<br />

Years 0-13<br />

Innovative Campus<br />

in East Christchurch<br />

School Values:<br />

• Alofa<br />

• Manaakitanga<br />

• Hanga Whare<br />

• Service<br />

• Success<br />

www.haeata.school.nz<br />

We invite you to<br />

contact us and<br />

make a time for a<br />

personalised tour of<br />

Haeata Community<br />

Campus.<br />

botadmin@haeata.school.nz (03) 930 0110

PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday [Edition <strong>June</strong> <strong>26</strong> datE] <strong>2018</strong> 153<br />


State of the art campus opens next year<br />

Construction of the new campus for<br />

Avonside Girls’ and Shirley Boys’ High<br />

Schools is progressing rapidly with<br />

opening on track for 2019.<br />

The new campus will feature a Performing<br />

Arts Centre with a 750-seat theatre and a<br />

100-seat theatre, a hockey turf, four sports<br />

fields, three indoor gymnasiums, a café,<br />

and a large library and learning centre.<br />

Both Avonside Girls’ High School<br />

Principal Sue Hume and Shirley Boys’<br />

Headmaster John Laurenson are excited<br />

by the progress.<br />

“You can finally see that all we have been<br />

talking about and dreaming about is taking<br />

shape. We will be onsite with our students,<br />

staff and community making the most of<br />

all of the fantastic new facilities before we<br />

know it,” says Sue Hume.<br />

John Laurenson says the progress is<br />

impressive.<br />

“We went through the site recently and<br />

it was actually a little emotional to stand<br />

in what will be our new school for the first<br />

time - it signals the end of all the hard times<br />

the earthquakes brought. Already you can<br />

see this will be a very well-resourced and<br />

impressive campus.”<br />

The campus is due to open in Term<br />

Two of 2019. It will be the first time in<br />

New Zealand’s modern history that two<br />

well established and successful single sex<br />

schools are being rebuilt side by side. Both<br />

schools will retain their single sex identity,<br />

providing learning tailored to boys and<br />

girls and continuing to develop their<br />

unique values.<br />

John Laurenson says the move has<br />

enabled the schools to offer students more.<br />

“Because we’re building together, we’ve<br />

been able to build bigger and better<br />

facilities.”<br />

Sue Hume says being side by side will also<br />

enable better educational opportunities.<br />

“We’ll collaborate on teaching<br />

some senior subjects, so we can offer<br />

students wider choice and there’s also<br />

the opportunity to work together on<br />

co-curricular opportunities – such as<br />

productions, and sports competitions.<br />

This move will increase the opportunities<br />

we can offer our students – both in and out<br />

of the classroom.”<br />

For more information on the new<br />

campus go to www.newcampus.nz<br />

Avonside Girls’<br />

Principal Sue<br />

Hume and Shirley<br />

Boys’ High School<br />

Headmaster John<br />

Laurenson<br />

KIWI<br />

SOUL<br />

OPEN<br />


VISION<br />




www.shirley.school.nz Enrolments close at 4.00pm on Friday 27 July <strong>2018</strong><br />

Avonside Girls’ HiGH scHool<br />

enrol your dAuGHter for 2019<br />

Closing date for 2019 enrolments is 4.00pm<br />

fridAy 27 July <strong>2018</strong><br />

Educating and empowering young women to be<br />

the best they can be.<br />

new school opening at the beginning of term 2, 2019.<br />

www.avonside.school.nz PH: 03 389 7199

16 Tuesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>26</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


JP Clinic at Shirley Library<br />

Tuesday, <strong>June</strong> <strong>26</strong>, 10am–1pm<br />

A justice of the peace will<br />

be available to members of the<br />

community, to witness signatures<br />

and documents, certify document<br />

copies, hear oaths, declarations,<br />

affidavits or affirmations as well<br />

as sign citizenship, sponsorship or<br />

rates rebates applications. There<br />

is no charge for this service.<br />

Shirley Library, 36 Marshland<br />

Rd (by the Palms Shopping<br />

Centre).<br />

Storytimes/Wā Kōrerō<br />

Tuesday, 10.30–11am<br />

Encourage learning through a<br />

love for stories. Storytimes is an<br />

interactive programme including<br />

stories, songs, rhymes and play.<br />

This is a free session.<br />

Shirley Library, 36 Marshland<br />

Rd (by the Palms Shopping Centre)<br />

and New Brighton Library, 213<br />

Marine Pde, New Brighton.<br />

Matariki Storytimes/Wā<br />

Kōrero<br />

Tuesday, 10.30–11am<br />

Go celebrate and welcome the<br />

Māori New Year, with stories,<br />

songs, rhymes and craft activities.<br />

This is a free session.<br />

Shirley Library, 36 Marshland<br />

Rd (by the Palms Shopping<br />

Centre).<br />

Email sophie.cornish@starmedia.kiwi<br />

by 5pm each Friday<br />

Babytimes/Wā Pēpi<br />

Tuesday, 11.15am–11.45am<br />

Encourage learning through<br />

language. Babytimes is an<br />

interactive programme including<br />

rhymes, songs, stories and play.<br />

This is a free session.<br />

Aranui Library, 109 Aldershot St<br />

Scrabble Club<br />

Tuesday, 1.30–2.30pm<br />

Like Scrabble? Go along to the<br />

library for a friendly game or two<br />

with other like-minded folk.<br />

Parklands Library, 46<br />

Queenspark Drive<br />

Reading to Dogs<br />

Wednesday, 3.30–4.30pm<br />

Designed to provide a relaxed,<br />

non-threatening atmosphere<br />

which encourages children to<br />

practice their reading skills and<br />

develop a love of reading. The<br />

programme uses dogs which<br />

are the pets of the city council’s<br />

animal management team.<br />

They have all been trained and<br />

tested for health, safety and<br />

temperament. The dogs can<br />

increase a child’s relaxation while<br />

reading, listen attentively, do not<br />

laugh, judge or criticise, allow<br />

children to proceed at their own<br />

pace and can be less intimidating<br />

than a child’s peers. Library staff<br />

and a dog handler will be present<br />

at all times to help facilitate the<br />

sessions. Sessions are 15min.<br />

Bookings are essential, phone 941<br />

7923.<br />

New Brighton Library, 213<br />

Marine Pde, New Brighton<br />

Minecraft Club<br />

Wednesday, 3.30–4.30pm<br />

Get creative, start crafting.<br />

Build imaginative worlds and<br />

battle nocturnal creatures at the<br />

learning centre’s Minecraft club.<br />

Novice or expert, join the club<br />

and play with your friends in<br />

another world. A tutor will be<br />

in attendance to supervise and<br />

assist if necessary. Gold coin, no<br />

bookings. Term time only.<br />

New Brighton Library, 213<br />

Marine Pde, New Brighton<br />

Rocket Club<br />

Wednesday, 3.30–4.30pm<br />

Rocket Club is a weekly afterschool<br />

programme which runs<br />

during term time. All whanau<br />

are welcome to join the club and<br />

become involved in different<br />

activities based on local and<br />

current events in a fun learning<br />

environment. Homework help is<br />

available during this time. Free to<br />

attend and no bookings required.<br />

Aranui Library, 109 Aldershot St<br />

Matariki Toi: Kite Craft<br />

Wednesday, 3.30–4.30pm<br />

Make a small replica of a manu<br />

tukutuku (traditional Māori<br />

kite) out of contemporary craft<br />

materials. Materials and an<br />

A weekly card club is held<br />

every Friday, just go along<br />

and join the fun. Free, no<br />

bookings required. The<br />

card club will be held at<br />

36 Marshland Rd (by the<br />

Palms Shopping Centre)<br />

on Friday, 1.30 – 3.30pm.<br />

instruction sheet are supplied,<br />

all you have to do is take your<br />

creativity and have fun.<br />

Shirley Library, 36 Marshland<br />

Rd (by the Palms Shopping Centre)<br />

Barrier Free Computing<br />

Saturday, 10am–noon<br />

Barrier Free Computing<br />

provided by Computer for Special<br />

Needs Trust is an organisation<br />

that offers assistance with<br />

using computers for people<br />

experiencing disability in a<br />

friendly and supportive setting.<br />

Their tutors will be on hand<br />

to help beginners as well as<br />

provide assistance with emailing,<br />

accessing the internet, playing<br />

games, researching a homework<br />

assignment, and literacy or<br />

numeracy development. There<br />

is also the opportunity for<br />

socialising with others with<br />

similar interests. Standard library<br />

printing and copying costs apply.<br />

Free.<br />

New Brighton Library, 213<br />

Marine Pde<br />

mitre 10 mega ferrymead<br />

lend a helping hand<br />

A MASSIVE clean-up of the Lyttelton Anglican Cemetery<br />

has left it looking a lot smarter. Ten team members<br />

from Mitre 10 MEGA Ferrymead spent hours weeding,<br />

cutting, pruning and mowing as part of a community<br />

initiative called Helping Hands. Launched to mark the<br />

10th Anniversary of Mitre 10 MEGA Ferrymead, the store<br />

is selecting 10 applicants whom staff will help with their<br />

project. They can be from individual and/or community<br />

groups and have a project that can be completed<br />

within 10 hours with the help of 10 team members.<br />

The Canterbury St cemetery was the first project to<br />

receive help. It’s where the graveyard scenes from Peter<br />

Jackson’s The Frighteners were filmed and has become<br />

overgrown in recent years. Mitre 10 MEGA Ferrymead<br />

spokeswoman Leah Knauf said the team from the store’s<br />

garden centre worked from 8am through to almost<br />

6pm at the cemetery. “It was a mammoth task, but<br />

we got there and did as much as we could,” she said.<br />

“It was cold to begin with but once we got under way<br />

it was fine. Everyone was hypedup about the whole<br />

project beforehand and by the time we got to the end<br />

everyone was just ecstatic with the amount of work we<br />

actually did. We could see the improvement we’d made.”<br />

Ms Knauf said people were welcome to apply in store<br />

or email marketing.ferrymead@mitre10.co.nz to<br />

become part of the Helping Hands initiative.<br />

Mitre 10 MEGA Ferrymead was supported by Kiwicare<br />

which provided moss and weed killer and the city<br />

council which helped with disposal of the weeds.<br />

PrOject<br />

One<br />

beFOre<br />

tHe teaM FrOM MItre 10<br />

Mega FerryMead leFt<br />

tHe lytteltOn anglIcan<br />

ceMetery In a MucH<br />

tIdIer State.<br />

aFter<br />

aFter<br />

Have yOu gOt a<br />

cOMMunIty PrOject?<br />

visit https://www.mitre10.co.nz/local/MegaFerrymead/<br />

cOMMunIty/ to register and you could have the Mitre10<br />

team lend you a helping hand.<br />

Terms and conditions apply, see instore or online for more details.<br />

proudly<br />

supported by:<br />

Ferrymead<br />

1005 Ferry Road, Phone: 366 6306<br />

Opening Hours: Monday–Friday: 7:00am–7:00pm<br />

Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays: 8:00am–6:00pm<br />

mitre10.co.nz/local/MegaFerrymead/<br />

If you find a lower price on an identical stocked<br />

product locally we will beat it by 15%.<br />

find us mitre10.co.nz<br />

If you find the same product cheaper from another Mitre 10 store or Mitre 10 website we’ll match that price.<br />

Excludes trade and special quotes, stock liquidations and commercial quantities. The in-store price may be lower than that advertised.

PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>26</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 17<br />


Effortless contemporary living<br />

69 Mansfield Avenue, Merivale<br />

Price: $1,749,000<br />

4 bedrooms | 3 bathrooms | 4 toilets | 2 living rooms | 1 dining room | 2 car-garage | 2 off-street parks | Listing #PI53347<br />

This stunning home lies in the heart<br />

of a sought-after neighbourhood and is<br />

designed to offer a supremely stylish and<br />

functional setting for contemporary living.<br />

Set within strolling distance of Merivale<br />

Village, it’s just four minutes’ drive from<br />

Victoria Street and zoned for Elmwood<br />

School, St Albans School, Heaton, Boy’s<br />

High and Girl’s High, with a choice of<br />

private schools within easy reach.<br />

Northwest-facing open-plan living and<br />

dining is bathed in natural light, with sliders<br />

opening to two outdoor entertaining areas.<br />

The island bench is a natural hub for family<br />

living and the kitchen is well-appointed<br />

with a gas cook-top and scullery. A separate<br />

lounge, including a gas fire for the cooler<br />

months, also opens to the outdoors. The<br />

spacious master boasts WIR and en suite,<br />

while a second bedroom with en suite is<br />

ideal for guests. Two more bedrooms share<br />

a family bathroom. A separate laundry and<br />

double internal-access garage add to the<br />

functionality of the home, while the 457<br />

sqm grounds are fully fenced, with electric<br />

gates and easy-care landscaped gardens.<br />

Offering the ultimate in contemporary<br />

living, this well-thought-out home<br />

combines style and practicality. Don’t miss<br />

the chance to secure a superb slice of bluechip<br />

real estate.<br />

To find out more contact Cameron<br />

Bailey on mobile 0275 557 079 or<br />

352 6166 of Harcourts Gold Papanui<br />

(Licensed Agent REAA 2008) today and<br />

register your interest.<br />


If you, or any of your loved ones are experiencing difficulties<br />

with your hearing, don’t suffer in silence! Chris, Louise & Neil,<br />

the friendly professionals at HEAR AGAIN at the Hub, Hornby, are<br />

the team who can get you back to enjoying the conversation. <br />

Come for a FREE no obligation demonstration of the benefits the<br />

very latest in hearing aid technology can provide for you. If you<br />

have tried hearing aids before with little or no success, you will<br />

be amazed at what these new tiny wonders can now do for you!<br />

Southern Cross Health Society<br />

EasyClaim Available <br />

for Members<br />



<br />




$495!<br />

LOCAL CALL: 03 974 1658<br />

(Offer assumes eligibility for $1022.22 Government Subsidy for hearing aids. Enquire for more information)<br />

Clinic: The Hub, Hornby (opposite )<br />

www.hearagain.co.nz info@hearagain.co.nz

18<br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>26</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />


Classifieds Contact us today Phone our local team 03 379 1100<br />

Caravans, Motorhomes<br />

& Traliers<br />

CARAVAN Wanted to<br />

buy. Up to $5000 cash<br />

today 027 488-5284.<br />

Community Events<br />


ANONYMOUS, If you<br />

want to have a drink thats<br />

your business. If you want<br />

to stop, we can help. Phone<br />

0800 229-6757<br />

Computers<br />

ALL<br />

YOUR<br />



*$30.00 off your first<br />

service with this coupon!*<br />

No problem too big or<br />

small from home PC’s to<br />

business networks. PC<br />

slow? An end to Viruses,<br />

Spyware, and Clogged<br />

Systems. Safe secure<br />

hassle-free computing.<br />

Lost files recovered.<br />

Microsoft Certified,<br />

MCSE, MCP+l. 30 years<br />

experience. Call Andrew<br />

Buxton this week on 3<strong>26</strong>-<br />

6740 or 027 435-7596<br />

for $30.00 off* Custom<br />

Computers Christchurch<br />

Curtains<br />

www.curtainfabric-outlet.com<br />

Fashion Designs & Colours<br />

Discontinued Designs<br />

End of Lines Bargain Prices<br />

Call at Our Shop<br />


71 Hawdon St Sydenham<br />

Ph 366-50<strong>26</strong><br />

Gardening<br />

& Supplies<br />



UP? Shrub, hedge &<br />

tree pruning, Lawns,<br />

Gardening, consistently<br />

reliable general property<br />

upkeep, Dip. Hort. 10<br />

yrs experience, One off<br />

tidy ups or on-going<br />

service. Nick’s Property<br />

Maintenance. Keeping<br />

your garden beautiful.<br />

Free Quote. Ph. 942-4440<br />

Holiday<br />

Accommodation<br />

Australia QLD<br />


COAST<br />

RESORT<br />


All Units Have Ocean Views.<br />

Heated Pools, Spa & Sauna,<br />

Free Wifi, Tennis<br />

& Mini Golf.<br />



www.mandolin.com.au<br />

0061 7 5443 5011<br />

JUNE to AUG temps 20C<br />

Health & Beauty<br />

KATANG<br />

Fitness<br />

Held at St Faiths Church Hall,<br />

46 Hawke Street, New Brighton<br />

Sit & Be Fit<br />

Monday 1 – 2pm<br />

$4 per class<br />

Movement to Music<br />

Thursday<br />

9.30 – 10.30am<br />

$5 per class<br />

For more info contact Katrina 3811704 or 0274966845<br />

Trades & Services<br />


★Garden Clean-ups<br />

★Pruning<br />

★Lawn Mowing<br />

★Garden Maintenance<br />

Call us today for a FREE quote<br />

PH 0800 4 546 546<br />

(0800 4 JIMJIM)<br />


DRAINS?<br />




PH: 03 365 7960<br />

24 hours // 7 days<br />

Trades & Services<br />


For all building work<br />

but specialist in bathroom<br />

renovations, 30 yrs<br />

experience, with service<br />

and integrity. Free Quotes.<br />

Ph Lachlan 383-1723 or<br />

0274 367-067.<br />

*****************<br />

CARPET<br />

&<br />

VInyL LAyIng<br />

50 Yrs exp<br />

Repairs, uplifting,<br />

relaying, restretching,<br />

E mail jflattery@xtra.<br />

co.nz<br />

ph John on 0800 003 181<br />

or 027 2407416<br />


For electrical work, no job<br />

to small, affordable, tidy &<br />

experienced, HEATPUMP<br />

servicing, & perfomance<br />

test $70 + gst, ph or txt 027<br />

432 9755 or 03 3<strong>26</strong> 49922<br />

PAInTIng<br />

&<br />

DECoRATIng<br />

Wingfields Contracting,<br />

all interior & exterior<br />

painting & all forms of<br />

interior plastering & jib<br />

fixing, ph Mark 021 171-<br />

1586 or 355-5994<br />

PAInTER<br />

info@h20jet.co.nz<br />


www.h20jet.co.nz<br />

All aspects in painting.<br />

Very competitive in roofs<br />

and fences. Please call 027<br />

HOUSE 241-7471 or 335-0<strong>26</strong>5<br />



Are you PLUMBING Certifying<br />

Plumber for all types of<br />

moving house<br />

plumbing, maintenance,<br />

or trying to spouting, alterations etc.<br />

downsize? Phone 352-7402 or 0274-<br />

Call All Clear 350-231<br />

Canterbury. We work PLUMBER<br />

with you to recycle,<br />

A Top Plumbing job<br />

sell and dispose of<br />

unwanted items.<br />

completed at a fair price,<br />

prompt service, all work<br />

Ph: 03 <strong>26</strong>0 0934<br />

guaranteed, Ph Brian 960-<br />

or 021 078 4553 7673 or 021 112-3492<br />

raewynlcooke@gmail.com<br />

RooFIng REPAIRS<br />

www.allclearcanterbury.co.nz<br />

Fully Qualified, Over<br />

40 Yrs experience<br />

Trades & Services<br />

Ph John 027 432-3822<br />

AAA HAnDyMAn or 351-9147 email<br />

licensed carpenter johnchmill@outlook.com<br />

LBP, all property and PROFESSIONAL<br />

building maintenance, TREE CARE<br />

repairs, bathroom/shower Tree Pruning, Shrubs, Hedges,<br />

installations, with free Driveways & Boundary Clearing<br />

quotes 03 383 1927 or 027 Over 25yrs experience<br />

245 52<strong>26</strong> ciey@xtra.co.nz Call Jonathan 027 338 27<strong>26</strong><br />

Trades & Services<br />


Locally owned & operated with<br />

over 30 years experience.<br />

• Extensions & repair • Roof coating<br />

• Concrete & clay tiles • Butynol<br />

• Malthoid • Asbestos Certified<br />

• Coloursteel • Old iron • Guttering<br />

Trades & Services Trades & Services<br />

SPoUTIng CLEAnIng WInDoW CLEAnIng<br />

Spouting Unblocked, Average 3 bdrm house<br />

Cleaned Out and Flushed inside or out $40. Both<br />

Out. Also Full Handyman $70. Phone Trevor 344-<br />

Services Available. Call 2170<br />

Trevor 332 8949 or 021 WInDoW CLEAnIng<br />

043 2034<br />

Average 3 bdrm house<br />

STonEMASon, BRICK inside or out $40. Both<br />

& BLoCKLAyER, $70. Phone Trevor 344-<br />

Earthquake Repairs, Grind 2170<br />

Out & Repoint, River/<br />

Oamaru stone, Schist,<br />

Wanted To Buy<br />

Volcanic Rock, Paving, AAA Buying goods<br />

all Alterations new & old, quality furniture,<br />

Quality Workmanship, Beds, Stoves, Washing<br />

visit www.featureworks. machines, Fridge Freezers.<br />

co.nz or ph 027 601-3145<br />


35 years exp, no job<br />

Same day service. Selwyn<br />

Dealers. Phone 980 5812<br />

or 027 313 8156<br />

too small. Ph Ross 027 A+ Household effects,<br />

4311440.<br />

T.V. SERVICE<br />

CEnTRE<br />

Repairs, tvs, microwaves,<br />

fridges, freezers, washing<br />

machines, ovens. Good<br />

cash paid. Ph Paul 022<br />

0891 671<br />

stereos, DVD. Aerial TOOLS Garden,<br />

installations and kitsets, garage, woodworking,<br />

480 Moorhouse Ave, ph 03<br />

379 1400<br />


mechanical, engineering,<br />

sawbenches, lathes, cash<br />

buyer, ph 355-2045<br />

& all camera tapes TOOLS Garden,<br />

converted to DVD, video garage, woodworking,<br />

taping special occasions, mechanical, engineering,<br />

www.grahamsvideo.co.nz sawbenches, lathes, cash<br />

ph 03 338-1655<br />

buyer, ph 355-2045<br />

Public Notices<br />

The magazine for gardeners who<br />

like to get their hands dirty<br />

growing with you<br />

SprIng Is here –<br />

It’S Sow Time<br />

how to get the best results from<br />

seeds and seedlings<br />

100% NatIve In<br />

The capItal<br />

Unravelling the secrets of<br />

Otari-wilton Bush<br />

The New Zealand<br />

landscape awards<br />

The people behind<br />

the projects<br />

SubScribe from<br />

$43. 50*<br />

$7.90 incl. gST<br />

*6 issues/6 months<br />

ISSN 2423-0219<br />

now bigger than ever<br />

Save our roSeS<br />

How a rose register is protecting our heritage<br />

September 2016 | 100%<br />

It’s time<br />

to grow!<br />

New look and more<br />

content than ever!<br />


a garden Coach<br />

auckland Botanic GardenS<br />

Why we love our public grounds<br />

ADD SOME<br />

COLOUR<br />


Phone Dave 981 0278<br />

or 021 223 4200<br />

E: dave@beaumontroofing.co.nz<br />



0800 77 77 10<br />


PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>26</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 19<br />

What’s On<br />

Entertainment<br />

To advertise, contact<br />

Jo Fuller 027 458 8590<br />

jo.fuller@starmedia.kiwi<br />

Exciting British chamber<br />

ensemble concludes tour<br />

in Christchurch<br />

‘Famous for their roasts!’<br />


Two courses: $<br />

22<br />

Soup/Roast or Roast/Dessert<br />

Special available lunch only<br />

Monday - Saturday 12pm - 2.30pm<br />

Conditions apply<br />


Kid’s Special<br />

Two courses<br />

Great Kids menu plus<br />

designated play area.<br />

$<br />

13<br />


Open daily from 6.30am - Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner<br />

The<br />


& Motorlodge<br />

118 Racecourse Rd, Sockburn,<br />

Christchurch. Ph 03 342 7150<br />

www.racecoursehotel.co.nz<br />

Christopher Murray (Cello) / Oliver Heath (Violin) / Sara Wolstenholme (Violin) / Gary Pomeroy (Viola)<br />

CHAMBER Music NZ is pleased to present<br />

the Heath Quartet at e Piano on Monday<br />

evening.<br />

rilling audiences with its dynamic<br />

and charismatic performances, the Heath<br />

Quartet is one of Britain’s most exciting<br />

chamber ensembles.<br />

Winning the 2016 Gramophone<br />

Chamber Music Award with its debut<br />

recording of Tippett’s string quartets, the<br />

Quartet is fast earning its electric<br />

reputation.<br />

In a programme of contrasts, Bach’s<br />

sublime Chorale Preludes meet Haydn’s<br />

playfully perfect String Quartet No. 55 and<br />

the oceanic mysteries of Britten’s String<br />

Lunch & Dinner<br />

All you can eat<br />

7 days<br />


Quartet No. 2. Chamber Music New<br />

Zealand is also excited to announce a new<br />

commission from the brilliant Gareth Farr.<br />

Fostering the next generation of<br />

musicians and audiences, the Heath<br />

Quartet has been touring the country as<br />

part of Chamber Music New Zealand’s<br />

education and outreach programme.<br />

rough concerts and workshops, the<br />

Quartet has shared music up close with<br />

communities from north to south.<br />

e Heath Quartet appear at e Piano<br />

on Armagh St this coming Monday 2nd<br />

July. Concert starts at 7.30pm. Tickets<br />

available at Ticketek.<br />

Bookings Essential PH 386 0088<br />

fb.com/GardenHotelRestaurant www.gardenhotel.co.nz<br />


5PM - 7PM DAILY<br />




$12<br />

LUNCH<br />


Live Music:<br />

6PM.SAT 30.JUNE<br />

Mid-Winter<br />

Christmas<br />

COFFEE<br />

HAPPY<br />

H O U R<br />

Saturday On now! 17 <strong>June</strong> Through to to<br />

Sunday Sunday 2 July 2017 15 July.<br />

LUNCH<br />

Mon to Fri $24.50pp<br />

Sat & Sun $25.50pp<br />

DINNER<br />

Mon to Thur $31.50pp<br />

Fri to Sun $33.50pp<br />

Senior Citizens<br />

discount available.<br />

2PM-4PM<br />

DAILY<br />

$3.50<br />

Offer available for a limited time<br />

and includes tea, hot chocolate<br />







FROM<br />

11.30AM-2PM<br />

FOR A<br />


Sima & Vaea<br />



www.gardenhotel.co.nz | phone 385 3132<br />

What’s On<br />





202 Marine Pde | Ph 388 9416 | www.newbrightonclub.co.nz | Members, guests & affiliates welcome<br />

H ORNBY<br />


CLUB<br />


SATURDAY (Downstairs)<br />

4.30PM:<br />


8PM: BIG DADDY<br />

SATURDAY 7.30PM<br />

(Upstairs)<br />







JOHN ROWLES (Kevin Kearns),<br />

ROY ORBISON (Tony Gregory-Hunt).<br />

ELVIS PRESLEY (Brian Skinner),<br />

NEIL DIAMOND (Barry Croft),<br />

BARRY GIBB (BEEGEES) (George Tanner),<br />

PATSY CLINE (Chrissi Williams),<br />

THE SHADOWS (Ray Harris). with<br />


TICKETS $15<br />

The Hornby Club | ph 03 349 90<strong>26</strong><br />

17 Carmen Rd | Hornby<br />

www.hornbywmc.co.nz<br />

Members, guests & affiliates welcome<br />

Dine by the Beach<br />




Open from 5.30pm Fri, Sat,<br />

Sun, and Sunday Brunch<br />

from 10.30am to 2pm.<br />


OPEN<br />


Club CAFÉ<br />

LUNCH &<br />

DINNER<br />




Chalmers Restaurant<br />



$22.50<br />

OPEN FROM 5.30PM<br />

Early Bird Special<br />

5.30pm - 6.30PM<br />



BUFFET $25pp<br />

Sunday 29th July<br />

from 5.30pm<br />

BOOK NOW!<br />



Open Tues to Sat 12pm - 2pm & from 5pm.<br />


$17<br />


BOOK NOW!<br />


SUNDAY 1st JULY<br />

FREE<br />


20 Tuesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>26</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Ask us about FEES FREE *<br />


Get The<br />

Job You<br />

Want<br />

School’s Not<br />

for everyone!<br />

Business Admin & Technology<br />

Looking for an administration role? This FREE 20<br />

week course will give you the skills to work in a<br />

modern office, covering advanced use of<br />

Microsoft Word, Excel, Publisher and other<br />

computer based business applications<br />

digital Media<br />

Looking for a career in Digital Media &<br />

Design? This level 2 Certificate in Arts and<br />

Design course will set a great foundation for<br />

an exciting start to your future in design.<br />

NCEA credits included. FREE for Ages 16-19<br />

Web Development<br />

Join the fast growing and in-demand career of<br />

Web Development. You will be at the computer<br />

from the first day, with expert tutors guiding you<br />

through this practical course. UE is not required<br />

to enter our one year diploma and there are $2,000<br />

scholarships available for students aged 25 to 35.<br />

Security & Armed Forces Prep<br />

Looking for a career in uniform? This course<br />

gives you the fitness and training for roles in<br />

the Armed Forces, Police and fast growing<br />

Security industry. NCEA credits included.<br />

FREE For Ages 17-19<br />

Early Childhood Education<br />

Looking for a career as an Early Childhood teacher?<br />

We offer the best way to get there! Study your first<br />

year on campus with our amazing caring tutors,<br />

then earn while you learn for the rest of the degree.<br />

If you did not enjoy school, this is totally different<br />

and you do not require UE to enter this programme.<br />

The Ultimate Career Decider<br />

Didn’t enjoy school? This FREE 19 week<br />

course offers skills to find a job, learner<br />

drivers licence, tasters of a range of<br />

careers and the opportunity to gain<br />

credits towards NCEA Level 1.<br />

FREE For Ages 16-19<br />

PHONE US ON:<br />

0800 834 834<br />


TO: 027 557 8839<br />

www.vision.ac.nz<br />

50 Hazeldean Road<br />

Christchurch<br />

Phone us on:<br />

0800 872 466<br />

www.Trainme.org.nz<br />


027 557 8839

TUESDAY, JUNE <strong>26</strong>, <strong>2018</strong><br />

Locally Owned<br />

www.star.kiwi<br />

Home & Leisure Show<br />

Check it out at Horncastle<br />

Arena this weekend<br />

Page 4 Page 5<br />

Red zone barriers<br />

Residents critical of<br />

consultation over changes<br />



JUNE 29 – JULY 1<br />

Horncastle Arena | Friday, Saturday, Sunday | 10am-5pm<br />

Show this coupon to staff on Friday 29th<br />

<strong>June</strong> or pre book on starhomeshow.kiwi<br />

valid up to 4 people.<br />

Saturday<br />

Sunday<br />

Show this coupon to staff on the day or pre<br />

book by using the code STARDISCOUNT on<br />

starhomeshow.kiwi, valid up to 4 people .

Editor<br />

DESIGN<br />

New Tasting Corner<br />

Look out for the new Home &<br />

Leisure Magazine inside every<br />

Show Bag for all visitors.<br />

80+ pages packed with high quality editorial and photos,<br />

showcasing new and renovated homes, and exploring<br />

current trends in interior design. Also available at selected<br />

outlets and Christchurch P.O Boxes<br />

My HOME:<br />

→ Wish - we’d been advised to insta l<br />

therma ly-broken aluminium windows.<br />

Had the money for central heating.<br />

→ Hardest decision – forgoing a bath. Switching<br />

Beaven’s ShadowClad spec for cedar.<br />

→ Favourite feature - the textural fabric of our<br />

home: glass, cedar, plywood, steel, concrete<br />

Xbond and luxe loop pile carpet.<br />

Kitchen Zone<br />

Ideas for budgets<br />

big and small<br />

The new Home & Leisure magazine wi l be given to all those who<br />

visi the Star Media Home & Leisure Show (<strong>June</strong> 29-July 1), and<br />

delivered to Christchurch PO Boxes and selected outlets around the<br />

city. Packed with high-quality editorial showcasing the latest home<br />

innovations – inside and out – this publication delivers its messages<br />

with the same flair desired by home owners for their havens.<br />

A perfect partner for a highly a tended annual event.<br />


Charlotte Smulders<br />

Star Media<br />

Level One, 359 Lincoln Road, Christchurch 8140<br />

03 379 7100<br />


Kate Preece<br />

Group Editor<br />

Gaynor Stanley<br />

gaynor.stanley@starmedia.kiwi<br />

Gemma Quirk<br />

Rodney Grey<br />


Juliet Dickson<br />

Account Executive<br />

364 7409 / 021 688 159<br />

juliet.dickson@starmedia.kiwi<br />

Vanessa Fleming<br />

Home & Leisure Show Manager<br />

021 914 565<br />

vanessa.fleming@starmedia.kiwi<br />

Cover image: Trends Kitchens<br />

Magazine of<br />

The Christchurch Star Company Ltd is not responsible for any actions taken on the<br />

information in these articles. The information and views expre sed in this publication<br />

are not nece sarily the opinion of The Christchurch Star Company Ltd or its editorial<br />

contributors. Every e fort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information within<br />

this magazine, however, The Christchurch Star Company Ltd can accept no liability<br />

for the accuracy of all the information.<br />

T<br />

he firs time I woke up with a cold nose in my brand<br />

new home, I wa shocked. How could this be? The<br />

cool, calm, collected one and I had planned for our<br />

home to be we l insulated against Canterbury’s<br />

cold winters. Turns out, not we l enough. We’d<br />

even assured a we l-meaning friend we had ample<br />

insulation (yes, Duncan, you were right). I’ve worked out where we<br />

fe l short in hindsight. Our home was designed by highly respected<br />

Christchurch architect the late Peter Beaven, for a magic little<br />

Port Hi l site, where he planned to live in with his wife Lesley.<br />

Sadly Peter died before realising his plans. We bough them and<br />

employed Archology in Sydney, where we were living at the time, to<br />

prepare the construction drawings and specifications. Compared to<br />

Australia, the R values for insulation would have looked high. Our<br />

talented young builder, Sam McCarthy, would never have queried<br />

the levels because they were standard practice around town. So it<br />

wasn’t until we were living in the house and I consulted Council’s<br />

eco design advisor Julie Villard about how we could warm it up that<br />

we discovered, while we unwittingly thought we had exceeded New<br />

Zealand standard, we had merely met Code. And that ain’t going to<br />

cut it in our climate.<br />

Fortunately Julie had plenty of ideas on how we could improve<br />

the situation and we have easy access to our underfloor to top-up<br />

the insulation. Julie Vi lard, an architect from France, is on a mission<br />

to transform building best practice here and you can read abou the<br />

groundbreaking ideas she’s applied to her own brand new build on<br />

page 20.<br />

I’ve shared the highs and lows of building with the other home<br />

builders and renovators I interviewed and, like Diane (page 36), would<br />

relish doing it again. I wa struck by how a l the home owner said<br />

wha they most valued was the ability of their designer or builder to<br />

“rea ly listen” to their wants and needs. I was also impressed by how<br />

much Christchurch people love a good garage! We’ve got some ideas<br />

for some top of their class cars to complement yours on page 81 and<br />

how to quickly establish a lawn on page 72.<br />

We review a l the lates trends in everyone’s favourite room –<br />

the kitchen (page 48), and share an easy yet impressive recipe for<br />

entertaining friends in your fabulous new home on page 77.<br />

I hope Peter Beaven would be pleased with how the cool, calm,<br />

co lected one and I realised his dream. Go chase yours people!<br />

Gaynor<br />

Speaking to the NZ Institute of Architects about ‘bespoke<br />

architecture’ being a ‘minority pursuit’ not long before his death<br />

Peter said “I am going to try to prove that it’s possible to build<br />

modestly and cheaply with a little house for ourselves. It’s going to<br />

be sustainable and it’s going to be beautiful and it’s going to be just<br />

cheap – no more than an ordinary spec house. I’ l prove that it can<br />

be done, and it might be the las thing I prove.”<br />

complimentary<br />

+ InterIors<br />

+ BAtHrooMs<br />

+ tAste Corner<br />

+ LAndsCApIng<br />

+ MotorIng<br />

Building tips from the home owners plus expert home design advice<br />

56<br />

42<br />

48<br />

This year we have introduced our very first tasting<br />

corner. Make sure you indulge yourself.. where you<br />

can taste and buy from premium brands.<br />

To launch our new tasting<br />

Corner at this year’s event<br />

Tasty Co are giving away<br />

500 Delicious Chilli Con<br />

Carne Tasty Pots to the first<br />

500 attendees each day! Meet Tactix Netball players<br />

at The Good Oil stand (148)<br />

Make sure you are there early to get yours!<br />

Friday 12.30-2. Plus be in to win tickets to their<br />

July Home Game, with every bottle of Good oil sold.<br />

TastyPotCo<br />

WIN! A $500<br />

Resene voucher for your home<br />

Find out how to keep your<br />

home and family safe ...<br />

Come and have a chat with us at stand 215<br />



www.fireandemergency.nz<br />

WIN<br />

a Chlorine<br />

removal system,<br />

value $525<br />

Just by coming to the show be in to<br />

win 2 nights’ accommodation<br />

at any scenic or Heartland Hotel’<br />

Be in to win a<br />

Robham Kitchen range<br />

hood the value of $2499<br />

Saturday<br />

Sunday<br />

Show this coupon to staff on the day or pre<br />

book by using the code STARDISCOUNT on<br />

starhomeshow.kiwi, valid up to 4 people .<br />

Show this coupon to staff on Friday 29th<br />

<strong>June</strong> or pre book on starhomeshow.kiwi<br />

valid up to 4 people.

JUNE 29 – JULY 1<br />

Horncastle Arena | Friday, Saturday, Sunday | 10am-5pm<br />

Let our exhibitors inspire you<br />

4 Seasons Home & Leisure<br />

Stand 198-202<br />

www.4seasons.co.nz<br />

Acoustic Architecture<br />

Stand 37<br />

facebook.com/AcousticArt<br />

Action Security<br />

Stand 8<br />

www.actionsecurity.co.nz<br />

Agility Building Solutions<br />

Stand 209, 211<br />

www.agbs.co.nz<br />

Air Con Christchurch<br />

Stand 32, 34<br />

www.airconnz.co.nz<br />

Alpine View Lifestyle Village<br />

Stand 50, 51<br />

www.alpineview.co.nz<br />

Aoraki Liquorice<br />

Stand 160A Taste Corner<br />

www.aorakiliquorice.co.nz<br />

Duzz all beeswax<br />

Stand 136<br />

www.duzz-allbeeswax.co.nz<br />

DVS<br />

Stand 98, 99<br />

www.dvs.co.nz<br />

E&H Roofguard<br />

Stand 79,81,83<br />

www.edwardsandhardyroofing.co.nz<br />

E3 Decoration<br />

Stand 4<br />

www.e3curtains.co.nz<br />

Econx<br />

Stand 5,6<br />

www.econx.co.nz<br />

Eden Orchards<br />

Stand 158 Taste Corner<br />

www.edenorchards.co.nz<br />

Enviro Master<br />

Stand 18<br />

www.enviromaster.co.nz<br />

Logan & Smythe Associates<br />

Stand 116<br />

www.logansmythe.co.nz<br />

Lonegoat<br />

Stand 145 Taste Corner<br />

www.lonegoat.co.nz<br />

Luxe Brew<br />

Stand 172 Taste Corner<br />

www.luxebrew.com<br />

Millen Homeware<br />

Stand 110<br />

www.millen.co.nz<br />

Mitsubishi Electric<br />

Stand 35<br />

www.mitsubishi-electric.co.nz<br />

My Eco<br />

Stand 69<br />

www.myeco.co.nz<br />

Narellan Pools<br />

Stand 178<br />

www.narellanpools.co.nz<br />

Sincock and Till Audiology<br />

Stand 127<br />

www.staudiology.co.nz<br />

Smartway Homes<br />

Outside<br />

www.smartway.builders<br />

Smart Cities - Christchurch City Council<br />

Stand 221<br />

www.smartchristchurch.org.nz<br />

Spice Craft<br />

Stand 157 Taste Corner<br />

www.spicecraft.co.nz<br />

Springfree<br />

Stand 130-131<br />

www.springfreetrampoline.co.nz<br />

Star Media<br />

Stand 1-3<br />

www.starmedia.kiwi<br />

Aqua Synergy Group<br />

Stand 105, 106<br />

www.aquafilter.co.nz<br />

Ark Financial<br />

Stand 44<br />

www.arkfg.co.nz<br />

Armstrong Motor Group<br />

Stand 220-231<br />

www.armstrongmotorgroup.com<br />

Automated Technologies<br />

Stand 82<br />

www.automatedtechnologies.co.nz<br />

Bay Audiology<br />

Stand 19<br />

www.bayaudiology.co.nz<br />

Beam by Electrolux Central Vacuum<br />

Stand 214<br />

www.beam.co.nz<br />

Bed World<br />

Stand 102<br />

www.bedworld.co.nz<br />

Filters and Fountains<br />

Stand 24<br />

www.filtersandfountains.co.nz<br />

Fire and Emergency NZ<br />

Stand 215<br />

www.fireandemergency.nz<br />

Generation Homes<br />

Stand 181,182<br />

www.generation.co.nz<br />

Generator Place<br />

Outside<br />

www.generatorplace.co.nz<br />

Get A Gate<br />

Stand C5 C6<br />

www.getagate.kiwi<br />

GJ Gardner Homes<br />

Stand 57,58<br />

www.gjgardner.co.nz<br />

Graphic Glass<br />

Stand C7<br />

www.graphicglass.co.nz<br />

Natural Flow<br />

Stand 59<br />

www.naturalflow.co.nz<br />

New Zealand Home loans<br />

Stand 62<br />

www.nzhl.co.nz<br />

One Square Rate<br />

Stand 88<br />

www.onesquarerate.co.nz<br />

Plus 2Wp<br />

Stand 115,117<br />

www.showshop.co.nz<br />

PolarEnergi NZ<br />

Stand 186 and 187<br />

www.polarenergi.co.nz<br />

Pool Land<br />

Stand 120 + C1, C2<br />

www.poolland.co.nz<br />

Zenteq<br />

Stand 36<br />

www.zenteq.co.nz<br />

Stratton Bathrooms<br />

Stand C11<br />

www.strattonbathrooms.com<br />

Sunshine Solar<br />

Stand 53-55<br />

www.sunshinesolar.co.nz<br />

Synscape Synthetic Grass<br />

Stand 168<br />

www.unrealgrass.co.nz<br />

TC Groundworks<br />

Stand 138<br />

www.tcgroundworks.co.nz<br />

Target<br />

Stand 195-197<br />

www.targetfurniture.co.nz<br />

Temperature Solutions<br />

Stand 30<br />

www.temperaturesolutions.co.nz<br />

Brand Developers – Turboscrub<br />

Stand 14<br />

www.tvshop.co.nz<br />

Brand Developers Veito Heater<br />

Stand 12<br />

www.tvshop.co.nz<br />

Brand Developers Air Roaster<br />

Stand 43<br />

www.tvshop.co.nz<br />

Brand Developers Ladder<br />

Stand 56<br />

www.tvshop.co.nz<br />

Brand Developers Power fit gym<br />

Stand 146<br />

www.tvshop.co.nz<br />

Brand Developers Bambillo Beds<br />

Stand 184, 189<br />

www.tvshop.co.nz<br />

Brand Developers Air Hawk<br />

Stand 204<br />

www.tvshop.co.nz<br />

Build Right Homes<br />

Stand 85-87<br />

www.buildrighthomes.co.nz<br />

Happy Spine<br />

Stand 27<br />

www.happyspine.co.nz<br />

Health Co<br />

Stand 29<br />

www.healthco.co.nz<br />

Heatsmart<br />

Stand 38,40<br />

www.heatsmart.co.nz<br />

Hometech Solar tube<br />

Stand 121, 122<br />

www.hometech.co.nz<br />

Hororata Community Trust, Rainbow Print<br />

Stand 13-17<br />

www.hororata.org.nz<br />

HRV Canterbury<br />

Stand 205 207<br />

www.hrv.co.nz<br />

Ideal build NZ<br />

Stand 10<br />

www.idealbuildings.co.nz<br />

Insulmax Insulation<br />

Stand 60<br />

www.insulmax.co.nz<br />

Property Investors Club<br />

Stand 129<br />

www.propertyclub.co.nz<br />

Readylawn<br />

Stand 100<br />

www.readylawn.co.nz<br />

Redrockhats<br />

Stand 23<br />

www.redrockhats.co.nz<br />

Resene<br />

Stand 107-109<br />

www.resene.co.nz<br />

Rosebank Estate Winery<br />

Stand 160 Taste Corner<br />

www.rosebank.co<br />

Sculptural Landscapes<br />

Stand 16<br />

www.sculpturallandscapes.co.nz<br />

Show TV - Fryair air Fryer<br />

Stand 31<br />

www.showtv.co.nz<br />

Show TV - Health Station V Fit<br />

Stand 11<br />

www.showtv.co.nz<br />

The Carpet Mill<br />

Stand 151-156<br />

www.carpetmill.co.nz<br />

The Glass Room<br />

Stand 21-22<br />

www.theglassroom.co.nz<br />

The Good Oil<br />

Stand 148 Taste Corner<br />

www.thegoodoil.nz<br />

Total Finish Contractors<br />

Stand 74<br />

www.totalfinish.co.nz<br />

Trident Homes<br />

Stand 70-71<br />

www.tridenthomes.nz<br />

Unicorn Kitchen Bathrooms<br />

Stand 46<br />

www.unicornkb.co.nz<br />

Venluree<br />

Stand 77-78<br />

www.venluree.co.nz<br />

Cannon Hill Gourmet<br />

Stand 174 Taste Corner<br />

www.cannonhilgourmet.co.nz<br />

Canterbury Continuous spouting<br />

Stand 134<br />

www.continuous.co.nz<br />

Carpet Plus<br />

Stand 95, 96<br />

www.carpetplus.co.nz<br />

Central Heating New Zealand<br />

Stand 64,66<br />

www.centralheating.co.nz<br />

Chamberlain NZ<br />

Stand 217, 219<br />

www.gomerlin.co.nz<br />

Crafty Weka Bar<br />

Stand 159 Taste Corner<br />

www.kookerykitchen.nz<br />

Dream Doors<br />

Stand 185<br />

www.dreamdoors.co.nz<br />

Install Concepts<br />

Stand 90,91<br />

www.installconcepts.co.nz<br />

Kalessi Bathroomware<br />

Stand 68, 67<br />

www.kalessi.co.nz<br />

Kitchen studio<br />

Stand 72 and 73<br />

www.kitchenstudio.co.nz<br />

Leisure Spas<br />

Stand 92-94<br />

www.leisurespas.co.nz<br />

Lennox bathrooms<br />

Stand 84<br />

www.lennoxbathroom.co.nz<br />

Lifestyles<br />

Stand 139, 144<br />

www.lifestylels.co.nz<br />

Living House<br />

Stand 45-49<br />

www.livinghouse.co.nz<br />

Show TV - Hercules Hose<br />

Stand 63<br />

www.showtv.co.nz<br />

Show TV - Nellies Wow Mop<br />

Stand 7<br />

www.showtv.co.nz<br />

Show TV - Turmerix<br />

Stand 9<br />

www.showtv.co.nz<br />

Show TV - Windowwow Window Cleaner<br />

Stand 33<br />

www.showtv.co.nz<br />

Showerdome South<br />

Stand 135<br />

www.showtv.co.nz<br />

Shuzi NZ<br />

Stand 114<br />

www.showerdome.co.nz<br />

Simx<br />

Stand 20<br />

www.smartvent.co.nz<br />

Venus Flooring<br />

Stand 191-193<br />

www.venusflooring.co.nz<br />

VJV, Warmth NZ<br />

Stand 75<br />

www.vjv.co.nz<br />

Whitehouse builders<br />

Stand 39-41<br />

www.whitehousebuilders.co.nz<br />

Wright Hotspring Spas<br />

Stand <strong>26</strong>, 28<br />

www.wrightspapools.co.nz<br />

Yellow River Construction<br />

Stand 103-104<br />

www.yellowriver.co.nz<br />

Z500<br />

Stand 80<br />


<strong>June</strong> 29 – July 1 <strong>2018</strong> | Horncastle Arena | Friday, Saturday, Sunday | 10am-5pm

empower<br />

yourself<br />

It’s SNAP Fitness New Brighton’s<br />

first<br />

birthday!<br />

train smarter,<br />

get results faster<br />

start your journey<br />

the right way<br />

get fit your way<br />

with snap fitness<br />

snap fitness -<br />

dedicated to changing lives<br />

snap fitness<br />

new brighton<br />

9am to 4pm<br />

Saturday<br />

7 july <strong>2018</strong><br />

SNAP Fitness New Brighton - 185 Bower Avenue, New Brighton<br />

Phone: 021 612 556 | Email: newbrighton@snapfitness.com<br />

Staffed Hours: Monday to Friday 9am-1pm and 3pm-7pm<br />

- www.snapfitness.com -

what we offer...<br />

24/7<br />

access<br />

We are here to fit your busy<br />

schedule - all it takes is a swipe<br />

of your key card and you have<br />

access to over 2,250 locations<br />

around the world.<br />

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mar<br />

Commit to results, not a contract.<br />

We work on a month by month<br />

membership basis so you<br />

aren’t locked into any long-term<br />

binding agreements.<br />

Benefit from the knowledge and<br />

experience of our skilled<br />

instructors - we offer a variety of<br />

group classes to suit your personal<br />

needs that are heaps of fun!<br />

5kg<br />

10kg<br />

16+<br />

We have a range of strength<br />

and conditioning equipment,<br />

boxing bags and the latest<br />

state of the art Technogym<br />

equipment.<br />

SNAP welcomes members<br />

as young as 16. Anyone underage<br />

must be accompanied by<br />

someone over the age of 18.<br />

Whether you are working out<br />

before work, on your lunch break<br />

or after work you can<br />

freshen up with a shower -<br />

don’t forget a towel!<br />

“Here at SNAP we<br />

are here to help”<br />

Our team of friendly and<br />

qualified personal trainers<br />

help keep you motivated to<br />

ensure you remain on track to<br />

reach your fitness goals.<br />


- www.snapfitness.com -

on the day...<br />

Come on down to SNAP<br />

Fitness New Brighton on<br />

Saturday 7 July for a<br />

day of fun, information,<br />

competitions and prizes!<br />

supplement solutions<br />

for free samples and<br />

taste testing<br />

bodyscan 360 to<br />

help track progress<br />

restore<br />

prehabilitation<br />

and recovery<br />

salon parlour<br />

games<br />

prizes<br />

free bbq<br />

SNAP Fitness New Brighton - 185 Bower Avenue, New Brighton<br />

Phone: 021 612 556 | Email: newbrighton@snapfitness.com<br />

Staffed Hours: Monday to Friday 9am-1pm and 3pm-7pm<br />

- www.snapfitness.com -

one day sale<br />

no joining fee - save $99!<br />

go in the draw to win a trip<br />

to the 2019 world cup!<br />



For more information contact Marce and the team at SNAP Fitness New Brighton<br />

SNAP Fitness New Brighton - 185 Bower Avenue, New Brighton<br />

Phone: 021 612 556 | Email: newbrighton@snapfitness.com<br />

Staffed Hours: Monday to Friday 9am-1pm and 3pm-7pm<br />






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