Bay Harbour: June 27, 2018

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WEDNESDAY, JUNE <strong>27</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Home & Leisure Show<br />

Check it out at Horncastle<br />

Arena this weekend<br />

Locally Owned<br />

Page 7 Page 17<br />

www.star.kiwi<br />

Nel’s last home game<br />

Sumner face an emotional<br />

match on Saturday<br />

REMEMBRANCE: Stonemason Mark Robberds’ memorial sculpture to Sam and Paul Zarifeh (inset with Julie Zarifeh) will be<br />

unveiled on the Esplanade on Sunday.<br />


Seats to remember Zed boys<br />

• By Sarla Donovan<br />

LATE LAST year, two members<br />

of Sumner’s Zarifeh family, Paul<br />

and then son Sam, died within<br />

three weeks of each other.<br />

Paul Zarifeh died of pancreatic<br />

cancer on November 23 last<br />

year aged 60. He co-founded the<br />

Canterbury Wetsuit Company,<br />

later Seventhwave Wetsuits, in<br />

1987.<br />

Three weeks later, Sam Zarifeh<br />

died after falling from a<br />

raft on the Landsborough River,<br />

inland from Haast.<br />

On Sunday, a sculpture in<br />

their memory will be unveiled<br />

on the Esplanade and the occasion<br />

marked with a community<br />

mid-winter swim which the<br />

family hopes will become an<br />

annual tradition.<br />

The sculpture was<br />

designed and constructed by<br />

Sumner stonemason Mark<br />

Robberds after Paul Zarifeh’s<br />

widow Julie approached him<br />

about the idea.<br />

“It is hard to believe seven<br />

months has passed by since the<br />

losses of our beloved Zarifeh<br />

menfolk, Paul and Sam,” Mrs<br />

Zarifeh said.<br />

•Turn to page 5<br />

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Worry a<br />

drone is<br />

spying on<br />

hillside<br />

residents<br />

• By Sarla Donovan<br />

SCARBOROUGH residents are<br />

worried they’re being spied on by<br />

drones.<br />

Lucy Broadhurst, who lives<br />

halfway up Scarborough Hill, was<br />

sitting with her partner in the bay<br />

window of their house about 10pm<br />

on a Monday night when they<br />

spotted a red light hovering about<br />

20m away.<br />

They initially thought it was a vehicle’s<br />

tail light but recognised it as<br />

a drone when it started moving up<br />

and down. Ms Broadhurst reacted<br />

by pulling the finger, “which made<br />

whoever (was) controlling the<br />

drone immediately take it down,”<br />

she said. “It felt really creepy that<br />

somebody was looking into our<br />

living room. Our conclusion was<br />

it’s someone being nosy or, it seems<br />

a bit drastic, but scouting for stealing<br />

things.”<br />

Lyttelton Police Station supervisor,<br />

Sergeant Franco Lovrich, said<br />

police would be very keen to hear<br />

from anyone with information<br />

about the owner of the drone, or<br />

any drones spotted at night.<br />

It is illegal to use a drone outside<br />

daylight hours without special<br />

permission, or to film a person or<br />

their private property without their<br />

permission.<br />

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PAGE 2 Wednesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>27</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />


Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

get in touch<br />

from the editor’s desk<br />

BAY HARBOUR readers continue to<br />

share their opinions on the issue that has<br />

polarised many in Redcliffs - whether the<br />

school should be sited at Redcliffs Park or<br />

not.<br />

We run those views on page 4 today and also report on the<br />

latest development regarding Friends of Redcliffs Park’s petition<br />

to Parliament.<br />

The group wants Winston Peters to fulfil a New Zealand First<br />

pre-election pledge over the issue (see page 3).<br />

On page 1 we report on concerns from a Scarborough resident<br />

that a drone has been used to spy on her property.<br />

Also on page 1 we preview a sculpture which will be unveiled<br />

in memory of Paul and Sam Zarifeh and on page 5 we look at<br />

the Lyttelton Festival of Lights.<br />

- Barry Clarke<br />

GENERAL INQUIRIES Ph 379 7100<br />


The Christchurch Star Company Ltd<br />

PO box 1467, Christchurch<br />

starmedia.kiwi<br />

NEWS<br />

Sarla Donovan<br />

Ph: 021 919 917<br />

sarla.donovan@starmedia.kiwi<br />


Javier Balcazar<br />

Ph: 982 9308<br />

javier.balcazar@<br />

starmedia.kiwi<br />

Rob Davison<br />

Ph: 021 225 8584<br />

rob.davison@<br />

starmedia.kiwi<br />

news<br />

Mindfulness for children<br />

Juggling family and businesses two Sumner women have started<br />

up a series of mindful retreats for young people.<br />

Pages 9 & 10<br />

news<br />

50 years for the Sumner Bridge Club<br />

Find out how the club started before it celebrates its 50th<br />

anniversary in September.<br />

Page 13<br />

community events<br />

Stories after dark<br />

Lyttelton Library will come to life with stories, songs and rhyme<br />

when the sun goes down on Thursday.<br />

Page 23<br />

The best-read local newspaper, delivered to<br />

10,056 homes, RDs and farms every Wednesday<br />

Brookhaven, Heathcote, Ferrymead, Redcliffs, Mt Pleasant,<br />

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Wednesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>27</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

News<br />

Focus on Peters over park<br />

NZ First called<br />

to honour<br />

election pledge<br />

• By Sarla Donovan<br />

FRIENDS OF Redcliffs Park are<br />

criticising New Zealand First<br />

for what they say is a broken<br />

promise to support the return<br />

of Redcliffs School to its former<br />

Main Rd site.<br />

The group last week wrote to<br />

the Acting<br />

Prime Minister<br />

and NZ<br />

First leader<br />

Winston<br />

Peters calling<br />

for his help to<br />

“ensure that<br />

the current<br />

Winston Peters<br />

long-standing<br />

but inherently<br />

unsound decision made by<br />

Hekia Parata is reversed.”<br />

Spokesman Chris Doudney<br />

said the reversal of former Education<br />

Minister Hekia Parata’s<br />

decision to move the school<br />

from its former Main Rd site<br />

was an important election plank<br />

prior to the November, 2017<br />

election.<br />

Since then, the party had been<br />

“totally silent” on the issue, he<br />

said.<br />

However a spokesman for Mr<br />

Peters’ office said the rejection of<br />

Ms Parata’s decision was based<br />

on “information that we had<br />

while in opposition,” and that<br />

since then the party had worked<br />

with their coalition partners on<br />

an approach.<br />

“That approach was to give the<br />

decision making power back to<br />

the Redcliffs community,” the<br />

spokesman said.<br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

“After 353 submissions made,<br />

60 per cent of those submissions<br />

were in support of the fast<br />

track option suggested by the<br />

Government. The children of<br />

the Redcliffs community need a<br />

school as soon as possible. The<br />

decision made is the decision of<br />

the Redcliffs community.”<br />

But Mr Doudney said most of<br />

the supporting submissions were<br />

from Redcliffs School pupils and<br />

parents.<br />

Close to 100 came from children,<br />

Mr Doudney said.<br />


Friends of<br />

Redcliffs<br />

Park do<br />

not want<br />

the school<br />

relocated to<br />

the park.<br />

“If you analyse the submissions,<br />

you’ll see they are gerrymandered,”<br />

he said, adding that<br />

it was “unfortunate the party<br />

had made this change of policy.”<br />

Meanwhile, a petition asking<br />

Parliament to return Redcliffs<br />

School to its former home has<br />

collected 149 signatures.<br />

Organised by Friends of Redcliffs<br />

Park, the petition calls for<br />

urgent legislation enabling the<br />

school to reopen on its former<br />

Main Rd site.<br />

•Letters page 4<br />


Local<br />

News<br />

Now<br />

In Brief<br />

PAGE 3<br />

Fire rages, homes at risk<br />


Weekend opening hours at<br />

Matuku Takotako: Sumner Centre<br />

will be extended after the city<br />

council budgeted an additional<br />

$44,000 per annum in the Long<br />

Term Plan. The funding will<br />

allow the centre and library to<br />

extend weekend opening hours<br />

to 10am-4pm Saturday and<br />

Sunday.<br />


Plans to install two CCTV<br />

cameras in Sumner are on hold<br />

while the Linwood-Central-<br />

Heathcote Community Board<br />

seeks advice from police to<br />

ensure the cameras will comply<br />

with the Privacy Act. A group<br />

of concerned residents called<br />

Safer Sumner raised $4005<br />

towards the cameras which were<br />

purchased in January.<br />


Concept design ideas for<br />

a building on the Collett’s<br />

Corner site in Lyttelton will<br />

be on show at Exchange<br />

Christchurch, 376 Wilsons Rd<br />

on July 4 from 10am-7pm. The<br />

building is expected to house<br />

bathing pools, co-working<br />

and artist spaces, restaurants,<br />

shops, a hotel and cinema. The<br />

designers will be present to talk<br />

about their concepts 5pm-7pm.<br />



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Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Wednesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>27</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Your Local Views<br />

Readers continue to debate<br />

the Redcliffs School move<br />

and Friends of Redcliffs<br />

Park’s bid to stop it from<br />

rebuilding at the park.<br />

The group is circulating<br />

a petition to take to<br />

Parliament<br />

D Moorcroft Critchley – I<br />

totally agree with the comments<br />

made by Redcliffs School<br />

principal, Rose McInerney and<br />

the school board of trustees.<br />

I feel that the petition was illtimed,<br />

insensitive and culturally<br />

disrespectful.<br />

Whether in agreement or<br />

not, Redcliffs School will not be<br />

returning to the Main Rd site.<br />

That has been made crystal clear.<br />

The decision has been made, and<br />

sadly this has created division<br />

within the community.<br />

While respecting those who<br />

oppose this, it is time to let go<br />

and move on. Furthermore,<br />

the personal attacks made<br />

against the school principal<br />

are unwarranted and totally<br />

unfair. The long and demanding<br />

process has been transparent and<br />

democratic throughout. There<br />

have been ample opportunities<br />

during public consultations<br />

for those affected to have their<br />

say. We live in a democracy<br />

and the majority have spoken.<br />

The community will not be<br />

deterred from their mission – to<br />

finally return Redcliffs school<br />

to Redcliffs. They have shown<br />

great resolve, commitment and<br />

determination throughout this<br />

endeavour. This will continue.<br />

A line needs to be drawn in the<br />

sand now. The whole community<br />

needs to come together<br />

to discuss and resolve the<br />

differences and concerns clearly<br />

evident. This has always been a<br />

priority for the school to engage<br />

in, as they understand there are<br />

some who are disappointed with<br />

the outcome. My sincere thanks<br />

to Rose, the board of trustees,<br />

the parents, tamariki and the<br />

community for their support<br />

during this difficult struggle. Kia<br />

kaha.<br />

Christine Kirkland – I’ve<br />

had three children attend<br />

Redcliffs School on the old site<br />

and know it well.<br />

The buildings have not<br />

DIVISION: The Government’s<br />

move to shift Redcliffs<br />

School onto Redcliffs Park<br />

has divided the community.<br />

deteriorated to any extent since<br />

the earthquakes. Safety from the<br />

rock face behind is now greatly<br />

reduced since the loose rocks<br />

have been brought down, so even<br />

in an almighty new earthquake,<br />

the rocks that might fall would<br />

not reach out as far as the<br />

original ones did.<br />

The safety on that site is as<br />

good as anywhere around that<br />

neighbourhood or on the hills.<br />

The original explanation that<br />

children returning to the site<br />

who were there at the time<br />

of the earthquake would be<br />

traumatised is totally irrelevant<br />

now, as all children – even fiveyear-olds<br />

at the time – will have<br />

left school. The flood-prone park<br />

will be a massively expensive site<br />

to relocate the school to, due to<br />

having to raise the buildings up,<br />

put ramps and steps everywhere,<br />

and redesign the landscaping<br />

to provide usable dry areas in<br />

winter months.<br />

Neighbours who paid for<br />

their location beside a park and<br />

allowing views to the water will<br />

have their properties massively<br />

devalued. Access to school<br />

grounds will require children<br />

to cross the very busy Main Rd<br />

in far greater numbers than on<br />

the original site. It is not a wide<br />

road and traffic build up around<br />

that area is bad. If the original<br />

site is to be turned into a park,<br />

which will obviously be used<br />

by people, and probably the<br />

school children, how can that be<br />

justified, when it is deemed to<br />

be unsafe as a school location?<br />

I seriously do not believe the<br />

original site is dangerous enough<br />

to abandon.<br />

Richard Jones – I would<br />

build a pre-fab by the road<br />

running down the fence line<br />

where the swimming pool was<br />

(just two rooms initially). The<br />

old building might eventually<br />

come down and the hockey field<br />

moved at a right angle. That<br />

corner should be utilised as it’s<br />

further from the cliff. Out the<br />

back, build one (or even two<br />

parallel) large stone walls like<br />

they have at Sumner (where the<br />

Marine Hotel was).<br />

Samuel Zelter – The<br />

arguments for moving the school<br />

to Redcliffs Park are illogical and<br />

purely political in nature.<br />

The threat of rockfall: The<br />

Redcliffs Park site is 20m from<br />

the base of the cliff around Moa<br />

Bone Cave. The back boundary<br />

of the unadjusted Redcliffs<br />

School site is in excess of 40m<br />

from the cliffs.<br />

The size of the sites: Redcliffs<br />

Park is not a similar size to<br />

Redcliffs School. For the two<br />

sites to be made equivalent, the<br />

entire portion of school land that<br />

holds the assembly hall, junior<br />

field, junior sandpit, and former<br />

rooms 14 and 15, is shaved off of<br />

the school site.<br />

Main Rd is dangerous: Both<br />

school sites have a fence line<br />

directly onto Main Rd. Students<br />

are one gate away from the busy<br />

thoroughfare on either site, no<br />

matter what. The Redcliffs Park<br />

site is no safer than the current<br />

site in this regard.<br />

Developing a school in<br />

Redcliffs Park requires city<br />

council development rules to be<br />

broken. The site is already floodprone<br />

and sits about 1m above<br />

mean sea level. In 50 years time,<br />

the site will be regularly flooded<br />

by annual heavy rainfall events. I<br />

could go on with further points,<br />

but these are the big four.<br />

Sandy Thomas – When<br />

will the <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News stop<br />

flogging this topic? How many<br />

times has the siting of the school<br />

on Redcliffs Park been allowed<br />

ill-informed opinion space in<br />

this publication?<br />

Every time a page is taken<br />

up pushing the views of a tiny<br />

minority, the board of trustees<br />

chairperson or the principal<br />

patiently responds by reiterating<br />

the facts. And now a blatant and<br />

manipulative misrepresentation<br />

of the school’s poroporoaki<br />

(blessing ceremony) is given a<br />

front page headline accompanied<br />

by an irrelevant photo which<br />

appears solely designed to draw<br />

attention to the petition set<br />

up by the aforementioned tiny<br />

minority. Enough is enough. The<br />

school has repeatedly stated that<br />

its new design will show respect<br />

for its immediate neighbours.<br />

Let it go <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News! It is<br />

disappointing that a community<br />

newspaper is choosing to<br />

sensationalise this issue in such<br />

an unbalanced way. What was an<br />

uplifting, moving and respectful<br />

farewell to the old school has<br />

been completely hijacked by this<br />

article. Whatever happened to<br />

impartial journalism?<br />

Editor Barry Clarke<br />

responds – <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong><br />

News has covered this emotive<br />

and polarised issue fairly and<br />

accurately, and will continue to<br />

do so.<br />

It would be a sad day for<br />

society if news media didn’t<br />

cover all sides of a debate, or did<br />

not allow a minority voice to<br />

have their say, simply because<br />

it does not suit the agenda or<br />

views of another group. <strong>Bay</strong><br />

<strong>Harbour</strong> News will continue to<br />

provide our readers information<br />

and updates over the petition to<br />

Parliament and developments<br />

regarding the school’s planned<br />

shift to Redcliffs Park – without<br />

bias or favour.<br />

A responds to the<br />

article about city council<br />

transferring ownership of<br />

Purau Maori Reserve to<br />

Rapaki Runanga<br />

Kathy Palmer – Return<br />

Purau Reserve to the care<br />

of Ngati Wheke. An urupa/<br />

graveyard is not an appropriate<br />

place for eating drinking and<br />

sports, there are other reserves in<br />

the area for such activities. If Mr<br />

Kulpe wants to question the local<br />

traditions, he can do no better<br />

than go to Christchurch District<br />

Libraries and check out Barry<br />

Brailsford’s book The Tattooed<br />

Land: Traditions of the Southern<br />

Maori for excellently researched<br />

and authenticated archaeological<br />

evidence.<br />


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Authorised by Amy Adams,<br />

829 Main South Road,<br />

Templeton, Christchurch.

Wednesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>27</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


PAGE 5<br />

News<br />


<strong>June</strong> 29 - July 1 10AM - 5PM<br />

TICKETS ONLINE: starhomeshow.kiwi<br />

Street party, fireworks to close festival<br />

The Lyttelton Festival of<br />

Lights finishes on Friday.<br />

Sarla Donovan reports<br />

AN ART gallery that glows in<br />

the dark is among the special<br />

events in the 14th Lyttelton<br />

Festival of Lights, which<br />

culminates on Friday night with<br />

the popular street party.<br />

Along with food and drink<br />

stalls, music, activities and light<br />

art installations, Lyttelton<br />

Primary School has teamed up<br />

with microbiologist Siouxsie<br />

Wiles to create Bioluminaire: a<br />

glowing art gallery.<br />

Two hundred pupils have<br />

followed Dr Wiles’ formula to<br />

create a glowing artwork in a<br />

petri dish using bioluminescent<br />

bacteria.<br />

Lyttelton Primary School<br />

principal Brendan Wright said it<br />

was an exciting addition to the<br />

festival lineup.<br />

“Siouxsie is on a mission<br />

to enthuse children with<br />

both the art and the science<br />

of bioluminescence. She’s a<br />

wonderful science communicator<br />

and we’re delighted she has<br />

agreed to help the school produce<br />

what promises to be a marvellous<br />

new attraction for the Festival of<br />

Lights,” he said.<br />

Check it out at the Port Talk<br />

building on the corner of Oxford<br />

and London Sts.<br />

Friday’s Matariki-themed<br />

street party marks the high point<br />

of the week-long festival.<br />

Stages in Albion Square and<br />

the family-themed Collett’s<br />

LIGHTS: The annual Lyttelton Festival of Lights street party on<br />

Friday will include the popular fireworks display.<br />

Corner host a stream of diverse<br />

performances from 7-10pm.<br />

Events get under way with the<br />

street parade at 7pm, then there<br />

will be kapa haka, dance crews,<br />

bands like The Settlers and The<br />

Preservatives and a ukelele group<br />

among the acts lined up to delight<br />

the crowds.<br />

The Lyttelton Port fireworks<br />

display at 8pm is a must-see.<br />

DJ Rang will host activities<br />

for youth at the skate park on<br />

Oxford St from 7.30-9.30pm.<br />

Organisers recommend using<br />

public transport to get there.<br />

There will be two park-andride<br />

locations in Christchurch<br />

with buses running half-hourly<br />

from 5.30pm on Ferry Rd outside<br />

Countdown and from Chapmans<br />

Rd, Woolston, by the corner of<br />

Lock Cr.<br />

Direct-to-Lyttelton red<br />

bus shuttles will depart from<br />

platform L at the central bus<br />

exchange at 5.05pm, 6.05pm and<br />

7.05pm.<br />

Normal services are also<br />

available on the 28 and 535 bus<br />

routes.<br />

For the most up-to-date<br />

transport information visit www.<br />

lyttelton.net.nz<br />

Enjoy some mulled wine<br />


Curtin’s first Festival of Lights<br />

was “quite a few years ago.”<br />

Employed as a chef at Volcano<br />

by then owners, Lois Ogilvie<br />

and Peter Llewellyn Evans, she<br />

helped at the street party, selling<br />

mulled wine in front of the<br />

restaurant.<br />

And has carried on the tradition<br />

since then. She remembers<br />

those early years being “hugely,<br />

hugely busy – we couldn’t pour<br />

the wine faster enough.”<br />

The street party has always<br />

been popular, she says, except<br />

for last year when numbers were<br />

down a bit with the rain. But it<br />

was still a good night out.<br />

“It’s a really fun, social occasion,”<br />

she said. “People do say<br />

that our mulled wine is the best<br />

on the street, we pride ourselves<br />

on it. It’s a special recipe we<br />

used when the Volcano was still<br />

around: Lots of really good red<br />

wine, nice orange juice, a good<br />

splosh of port, some cloves, cinnamon<br />

and honey.”<br />

The festival has gotten bigger<br />

and better organised over the<br />

years, she said. “Project Lyttelton<br />

does a great job.”<br />

Her favourite part of the<br />

night is the Port Lyttelton fireworks<br />

display “and there’s some<br />

amazing food on the street as<br />

well.”<br />

WINTER WARMER: Volcano’s Sue Curtin is ready with<br />

supplies for her mulled wine stall at Lyttelton’s Festival of<br />

Lights street party.<br />


Stone sculpture to remember Zarifeh boys<br />

•From page 1<br />

“As a family we continue<br />

to be immensely grateful for<br />

the outpouring of community<br />

support and kindness, and are<br />

thrilled to now be able to share<br />

this memorial as a focal point of<br />

remembrance.”<br />

The stone sculpture will be<br />

a place to sit and reflect “and<br />

maybe also check the surf,”<br />

Mr Robberds said. “The stones<br />

themselves are significant as they<br />

were foundation stones from a<br />

Christchurch building.<br />

“In many ways Paul Zarifeh<br />

provided a foundation for many<br />

surfers in Christchurch through<br />

his business and through his<br />

support of young competitive<br />

surfers. Sam Zarifeh also<br />

provided a strong foundation<br />

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for others in his role as a<br />

boarding master and teacher at<br />

Christchurch Boys’ High.”<br />

Stonemason Ben West and<br />

Sumner landscape architect<br />

Cameron Rennie have also<br />

helped Mr Robberds with the<br />

project.<br />

To reflect the family’s love of<br />

the outdoors, a number of special<br />

stones from around the South<br />

Island – including one that represents<br />

Paul’s Palestinian heritage<br />

– have been cast into the larger<br />

stones.<br />

The family has put out an open<br />

invitation to the community to<br />

go along and make a splash, “in<br />

the Zed boys’ memories.”<br />

Mrs Zarifeh extended her<br />

thanks to Mr Robberds for<br />

his “design, creation and<br />

implementation of the sculpture,<br />

and also, in advance, to the<br />

numerous local businesses who<br />

have generously donated prizes<br />

for the mid-winter ‘splash’ this<br />

Sunday.”<br />

There will be coffee,<br />

refreshments and prizes at the<br />

event, which takes place at 11am<br />

on Sunday at the Esplanade end<br />

of Hardwicke St.<br />

New Zealand Native Hedging and Trees<br />

Fruiting and Flowering Trees and Shrubs<br />

Perennials, Groundcovers, and Climbers<br />

Ceramic Pots, Soil, and Plant Care<br />

Succulents and More!<br />

478 Marshland Rd, 9am-4:30pm Thurs.-Mon.

PAGE 6 Wednesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>27</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />


Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


READS<br />

iN-STORE!<br />


Paul Simon - The Life<br />

By robert Hilburn<br />

‘There’s no tougher a mind, no more tender a voice than Paul Simon, and there’s no better<br />

man than Robert Hilburn to decipher the hardwiring of this hyperintellect...great songs can<br />

never be fully explained, but the great man on his way to find those songs surely can.’ - Bono<br />

Through such hits as “The Sound of Silence,” “Bridge Over Troubled Water,” “Still Crazy After<br />

All These Years,” and “Graceland,” Paul Simon has spoken to us in songs for a half-century<br />

about alienation, doubt, survival, and faith in ways that have established him as one of<br />

the most honoured and beloved songwriters in American pop music history. Yet Simon has<br />

refused to talk to potential biographers and urged those close to him to also remain silent.<br />

But Simon not only agreed to talk to biographer Robert Hilburn for what has amounted to<br />

more than sixty hours, he also encouraged his family and friends to sit down for in-depth<br />

interviews.<br />

Paul Simon is a revealing account of the challenges and sacrifices of artistry at the highest<br />

level. He has also lived a roller-coaster life of extreme ups and downs. We not only learn<br />

Paul’s unrelenting drive to achieve artistry, but also the subsequent struggles to protect<br />

that artistry against distractions - fame, wealth, marriage, divorce, drugs, complacency,<br />

public rejection, self-doubt - that have frequently derailed pop stars and each of which he<br />

encountered. From dominating the charts with Art Garfunkel and a successful reinvention as a<br />

solo artist, to his multiple marriages and highly publicized second divorce from Carrie Fisher,<br />

this book covers all aspects of this American icon.<br />

Refugee<br />

By Alan Gratz<br />

JOSEF is a Jewish boy living in 1930s Nazi Germany. With the threat of concentration<br />

camps looming, he and his family board a ship bound for the other side of the world ...<br />

ISABEL is a Cuban girl in 1994. With riots and unrest plaguing her country, she and her<br />

family set out on a raft, hoping to find safety in America . . . MAHMOUD is a Syrian boy in<br />

2015. With his homeland torn apart by violence and destruction, he and his family begin<br />

a long trek toward Europe . . . All three kids go on harrowing journeys in search of refuge.<br />

All will face unimaginable dangers -- from drownings to bombings to betrayals. But there<br />

is always the hope of tomorrow. And although Josef, Isabel, and Mahmoud are separated<br />

by continents and decades, shocking connections will tie their stories together in the end.<br />

This action-packed novel tackles topics both timely and timeless: courage, survival, and<br />

the quest for home.<br />


Mindful Vegan Meals<br />

Food is Your Friend<br />

by Maria Koutsogiannis<br />

Framed by her own personal struggle with bulimia and body dysmorphia,<br />

Maria Koutsogiannis’ The Mindful Recovery traces the foods she ate to get<br />

her to the next stage of her recovery in a way that will inspire and help<br />

others with this large and growing problem as evidenced by her large<br />

social media following.<br />

Maria pairs stories of her recovery from bulimia and body dysmorphia with<br />

the recipes that kept her body nourished along the way, giving an intimate<br />

look at how she went from eating disorder to proclaiming her personal<br />

mantra: “Fear not. Food is your friend.”<br />

Packed with vibrant and healthy recipes inspired by her journey, including<br />

milestone recipes like the first carbs she allowed herself to eat, The Mindful<br />

Recovery offers a hopeful look at life while overcoming an eating disorder.<br />



The President is Missing<br />

By President Bill Clinton and James Patterson<br />

The President is Missing. The world is in shock.<br />

But the reason he’s missing is much worse than anyone can imagine.<br />

With details only a President could know, and the kind of suspense only James Patterson<br />

can deliver.<br />

‘The dream team delivers big time a Clinton’s insider secrets and Patterson’s storytelling<br />

genius make this the political thriller of the decade.’ - Lee Child<br />

‘A bullet train of a thriller. The Day of the Jackal for the twenty-first century.’<br />

- A.J. Finn, author of The Woman in the Window<br />

‘Yes, The President is Missing is fiction - it’s a thriller - but James Patterson and I have<br />

come up with three of the most frightening days in the history of the presidency. And it<br />

could really happen... These days, the seemingly impossible can happen. And it happens<br />

so fast. I believe that readers will not soon forget President Jonathan Duncan and his<br />

story.’ - Bill Clinton<br />

‘Needless to say, we had some great conversations about the presidency, what life in<br />

Washington is really like, and about the state of America and the rest of the world.’<br />

- James Patterson<br />


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Wednesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>27</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


PAGE 7<br />


<strong>June</strong> 29 - July 1 10AM - 5PM<br />

TICKETS ONLINE: starhomeshow.kiwi<br />

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SHOWCASE: This weekend’s Star Media Home and Leisure Show is shaping up<br />

to be the best yet.<br />


Home & Leisure Show<br />

on this weekend<br />

THE STAR Media Home<br />

& Leisure Show promises<br />

to be the best yet.<br />

Celebrating its 20th year<br />

of supporting local businesses,<br />

the event has an<br />

extra special flavour this<br />

time around with a unique<br />

tasting corner.<br />

Event manager Vanessa<br />

Fleming is super-enthused<br />

about the new addition,<br />

which reflects the importance<br />

of leisure in people’s<br />

lives these days.<br />

“There will be a wide<br />

range of food and drink<br />

products to sample, which<br />

people can then go home<br />

and recreate in their own<br />

kitchens,” she says.<br />

And with the latest in<br />

kitchen innovations and<br />

products on display, it’s a<br />

chance to get creative in<br />

all aspects of life.<br />

Said Star Media chief executive<br />

Steve McCaughan:<br />

“I am very excited about<br />

the new elements we<br />

have introduced with the<br />

addition of our free taste<br />

section, new glossy Home<br />

and Leisure magazine, plus<br />

fantastic prizes to be won.”<br />

Seminars are held<br />

throughout each of the<br />

three days and feature<br />

everything from starting<br />

a renovation through to<br />

the design and decoration<br />

stage.<br />

A hot topic this year is<br />

water, with multiple water<br />

filtration systems being<br />

exhibited at the show,<br />

along with spa pools<br />

and the best in heating<br />

technology.<br />

“This show is designed<br />

to inspire people with the<br />

latest in home and lifestyle<br />

technology,” says Ms<br />

Fleming.<br />

Port construction<br />

noise until 2020<br />


Lyttelton’s new cruise<br />

berth gets underway<br />

early next month with<br />

residents warned to<br />

expect intermittent noise<br />

through to early 2020.<br />

Pile driving will<br />

occur six days a week,<br />

Monday to Saturday, with<br />

similar noise levels to the<br />

construction of Cashin<br />

Quay in 2014 and 2015.<br />

However, given the<br />

cruise berth’s proximity<br />

to residents, noise will<br />

be heard more widely,<br />

Lyttelton Port Company is<br />

warning.<br />

“While the level of<br />

noise cannot be effectively<br />

mitigated, residents will<br />

be able to view regular<br />

updates to the planned<br />

piling times on LPC’s<br />

harbour watch website,”<br />

chief executive Peter<br />

Davie said.<br />

Mr Davie said the size<br />

of the original piles for the<br />

berth had been reduced<br />

to mitigate the effects<br />

of noise on endangered<br />

Hector’s dolphins.<br />

“In the new design the<br />

piles are now 900mm<br />

in diameter, which<br />

significantly reduces the<br />

pile driving noise underwater.<br />

The new design<br />

does not require resource<br />

consent to construct<br />

the wharf, as it is within<br />

the regulations of the<br />

Lyttelton Port Recovery<br />

Plan. We have applied for<br />

consent to allow the larger<br />

cruise ships to berth at the<br />

wharf, and to undertake<br />

minor dredging works,”<br />

Mr Davie said.<br />

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PAGE 8 Wednesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>27</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />


Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


Redcliffs Pharmacy<br />

Experience You Can Trust<br />

The team at Redcliffs Pharmacy<br />

provide decades of health<br />

experience to their patrons and<br />

are available to help answer<br />

specific or general medical<br />

questions about your health<br />

concerns. No question is too<br />

trivial for the team and you can<br />

sit down with their pharmacists<br />

Catherine, Sandi or Daryl and<br />

talk about medications and how<br />

to best take them. There is no<br />

charge for this service.<br />

Redcliffs Pharmacy are long<br />

standing community members.<br />

Catherine started there as an<br />

intern 29 years ago. Daryl has<br />

been there nearly as long and<br />

Sandi is coming up 20 years.<br />

They love working<br />

in the Redcliffs<br />

community, where<br />

people are so friendly.<br />

Having been there so<br />

long they know most<br />

people who walk in<br />

the door so are able<br />

to provide a more<br />

personalised service.<br />

Daryl also keeps busy<br />

in the community as<br />

Sumner’s Fire Chief.<br />

Their Pharmacists are<br />

experts in medicines and<br />

are available to discuss and<br />

prescribe Pharmacist-only<br />

medicines such as Viagra<br />

for men, Trimethoprim for<br />

urinary tract infections for<br />

women, and contraceptive pills<br />

(including the emergency pill) for<br />

women.<br />

At this time of year, they are busy<br />

talking to customers with cold and<br />

flu symptoms. People should check<br />

with a Pharmacist before taking over<br />

the counter remedies if they are on<br />

any regular medications for blood<br />

pressure or diabetes.<br />

An important part of a pharmacist’s<br />

job is to know when they can help<br />

you or when they need to refer you to a GP.<br />

The pharmacists at Redcliffs enjoy working<br />

with the local GPs to ensure better health<br />

for the community.<br />

Another service provided by the pharmacy<br />

is dispensing medications in blister packs.<br />

This has a small charge but can make<br />

taking a number of medicines a lot easier.<br />

Medications for heart, blood pressure and<br />

other conditions can be important not to<br />

miss.<br />

Call in to the Redcliffs Pharmacy today.<br />

Check out their Facebook page for<br />

seasonal tips, medical information and<br />

lifestyle help. Like their FB page so you can<br />

receive their updates.<br />

Call Redcliffs Pharmacy today -<br />

03 384 1037. They look forward to helping<br />

you with answers to your medicine needs.<br />

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For a limited time. *Conditions apply.<br />

VALID UNTIL 13TH JULY <strong>2018</strong>,<br />


Wednesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>27</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


PAGE 9<br />

Local<br />

News<br />

Now<br />

Fire rages, homes at risk<br />

Helping kids deal with anxiety<br />

Along with juggling<br />

young families and<br />

running businesses, yoga<br />

instructor Jess Smith<br />

and child psychologist<br />

Emma Chapman started<br />

up a series of mindful<br />

retreats for the 9 to 14<br />

year-old age group this<br />

year. Based in Sumner,<br />

they aim to help young<br />

people manage the<br />

complexities of growing<br />

up in the 21st century.<br />

They talk to reporter<br />

Sarla Donovan<br />

So why have you aimed the<br />

retreats at this age group?<br />

Emma: It’s a really good age in<br />

their development to put mental<br />

health strategies in place that are<br />

a little bit more complex than<br />

you could do with those under<br />

the age of eight. Also they’re<br />

really open at this age, they’re<br />

not as self-conscious and you can<br />

get a lot of good, honest work<br />

done with them - would you say<br />

Jess?<br />

Jess: Yeah, they’re very honest<br />

and they’re not so ‘in their head,’<br />

their answers come out really<br />

fast. And they’re fun to be with.<br />

Emma: We give them this<br />

journal that’s got a whole lot of<br />

stuff in there so that throughout<br />

their teenage years as they’re<br />

growing and processing things<br />

more they have these tools. It’s<br />

almost like we’re trying to not be<br />

the ambulance at the bottom of<br />

the cliff, we’re getting in before<br />

all that and giving them tools to<br />

go forward with.<br />

What are the biggest<br />

challenges facing ‘tweens’ today<br />

and how are you helping them?<br />

Jess: One thing is they’re living<br />

outside their body, not inside.<br />

They’re busy looking at social<br />

media and everything’s so out<br />

in front of them, there’s so much<br />

ALL ABOUT THE BREATH: Jess Smith and Emma Chapman run workshops for 9-14 year<br />

old’s, building resilience and teaching young people how to manage stress and anxiety.<br />


comparison that they forget to<br />

listen to that internal voice and<br />

develop their intuition. Even<br />

with yoga, I never teach that it<br />

should look like this. I’m really<br />

mindful of my language so it’s<br />

more of an inquiry: ‘how does it<br />

feel?’<br />

Emma: We need to be able<br />

to feel all of our emotions and<br />

know what to do when they<br />

overwhelm us. Social media is<br />

about the persona of what you<br />

want the public to see and often<br />

that’s just happy, lots of friends<br />

and all that kind of thing. And<br />

we’re saying hang on, let’s get<br />

back to what’s real in life and the<br />

fact that not everyone’s happy all<br />

the time, so what do we do with<br />

those big emotions?<br />

Can anybody attend a retreat?<br />

Emma: Anyone can come.<br />

These are strategies for<br />

everybody, you don’t need to<br />

have anxiety or be stressed out.<br />

We would only ever restrict<br />

anyone from coming if they<br />

were working really closely with<br />

mental health services, meaning<br />

that being in the group would<br />

put them so far outside their<br />

comfort zone that it wouldn’t be<br />

safe.<br />

How do you think the<br />

earthquakes have affected<br />

young people in Christchurch?<br />

Emma: For my part I think<br />

it’s a very useful tool during<br />

the retreats that children have<br />

had the shared experience of<br />

the fight/flight/freeze response<br />

during the earthquakes and<br />

we focus on how this has built<br />

resilience.<br />

Jess: Teaching them how to<br />

breathe is a really important part<br />

because as we know during fight/<br />

flight the breath gets shortened<br />

and the heart rate comes up<br />

so we’re learning how to work<br />

with that: grounding the feet,<br />

coming back to the breath and<br />

anchoring. It’s such a small<br />

tool but it can go such a long<br />

way.<br />

Emma: The breathing is a huge<br />

part of our retreats. We come<br />

back and back and back to it.<br />

Can you describe what you do<br />

each day?<br />

Jess: I start with a 90 minute<br />

yoga practice, maybe some<br />

meditation, a little bit of art work<br />

and then we have a break, have<br />

some food and then Emma takes<br />

over.<br />

Emma: Once they come to<br />

me I usually do some psychoeducation<br />

around their brains<br />

and anxiety/stress, things like<br />

that. So they’ve been grounded<br />

by Jess and then unfortunately<br />

I take them straight back into<br />

their heads. But they’re ready for<br />

it by then and it’s at their level,<br />

just making sense to them as<br />

why their bodies go into<br />

fight/flight/freeze and things<br />

like that. And then we work<br />

through different strategies,<br />

cognitive behaviour therapy,<br />

acceptance and commitment<br />

therapy, both of which work<br />

really well with this age group<br />

and it’s kind of up to them to<br />

take those away and decide what<br />

works for them and what doesn’t.<br />

There’s lots<br />

of homework involved with<br />

that, and lots of sharing which is<br />

really nice.<br />

•Turn to page 10<br />

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Call Min Sarginson Real Estate Ltd. for free, no-obligation advice. Lyttelton: 03 328 7<strong>27</strong>3, lyttelton@min.nz or Church <strong>Bay</strong>: 03 329 4161, churchbay@min.nz

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PAGE 10 Wednesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>27</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />


Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Mindfulness retreats for youngsters<br />

•From page 9<br />

Jess: By day three I have to<br />

calm everybody down, they’re so<br />

excited and talking and there’s<br />

this beautiful friendship that<br />

starts between everyone.<br />

Jess: We’re trialling one day<br />

workshops because the four days<br />

is a commitment and expense<br />

and at least it gives people who<br />

can’t take breaks during the<br />

holidays an experience of what<br />

it’s like.<br />

How did you come up with<br />

this idea?<br />

Jess: Emma actually contacted<br />

me. A good friend of her’s came<br />

to one of my yoga retreats (for<br />

adults) and she mentioned that<br />

she wished her daughter could<br />

have gone and I think Emma’s<br />

brain lit up and she contacted<br />

me.<br />

Emma: There’s nothing in the<br />

market like it and for someone<br />

like myself who’s a private<br />

psychologist having to make<br />

people pay $150 an hour to see<br />

their children when I could<br />

actually give thee same strategies<br />

in a group setting . . . I just<br />

thought we need to get this<br />

out there. The mental health<br />

service in Christchurch is<br />

crazy, there’s a 28 week wait<br />

or something like that to see<br />

someone through the public<br />

system. And although there’s still<br />

a cost it’s very low compared to<br />

what it would be<br />

if you were doing it individually<br />

with someone privately.<br />

Jess: For me, yoga is in big<br />

competition with rugby and<br />

netball and just the A to Z of<br />

activities. Kiwi kids have so much<br />

on their plate besides just going<br />

to school so when yoga gets put<br />

on the table it’s kind of the last<br />

thing a kid’s going to do so it’s<br />

nice to offer it as something that<br />

is going to benefit other aspects<br />

of their life, not just physically.<br />

You’ve run two retreats now,<br />

what’s the feedback been like?<br />

Emma: That it’s been really life<br />

changing. They all want to do<br />

it again. We have a form we ask<br />

them to fill out at the end.<br />

Jess: And they’re brutal!<br />

(laughs.) As adults we’re so<br />

conditioned to be nice but it’s like<br />

“I didn’t like the food,” or “What!<br />

Homework? I thought this was a<br />

retreat!”<br />

Emma: Then we have feedback<br />

weeks or months later from<br />

caregivers and they’re saying<br />

they’ve really found it useful.<br />


ACT: Yoga<br />

teacher Jess<br />

Smith juggles<br />

her business<br />

with raising two<br />

children.<br />

They go away with quite a large<br />

pack of things so we’re not just<br />

saying do the four days and see<br />

you later, they’ve got things they<br />

can go back to so when the next<br />

big thing comes up in their lives<br />

they can go back to their yoga<br />

mat that they’ve decorated for<br />

themselves and all of the things<br />

that they go away with that<br />

makes it doubly powerful.<br />

Have you made any changes<br />

since running the first retreat in<br />

January?<br />

Emma: Another big thing is<br />

we used to just take girls and we<br />

have decided to be more gender<br />

diverse because of course there is<br />

no need for it just to be girls. We<br />

thought possibly it was going to<br />

create a safe space but all genders<br />

can do that.<br />

And what does the future hold<br />

for the Mindful Retreats?<br />

Emma: We get a lot of really<br />

good sponsorship from people<br />

because we hate that people aren’t<br />

able to come because of money<br />

so ideally the government would<br />

start sponsoring us and we could<br />

roll it out across primary schools.<br />

That would be where we’re<br />

aiming for so we’re collecting a<br />

lot of data so we can approach<br />

government agencies and see<br />

what they can do.<br />

•Four-day winter Mindful<br />

Retreat, Tuesday July 17 -<br />

Friday July 20, 12.30 - 5pm<br />

at Van Asch Deaf Education<br />

Centre. See the Mindful<br />

Retreats Facebook page for<br />

details.<br />

Heading to<br />

Christchurch<br />

Hospital?<br />

Plan your trip<br />


STREET<br />




From 2 July, Canterbury District Health Board’s hospital shuttle<br />

will run from a new location at 33 Lichfield Street – the<br />

Christchurch City Council’s Lichfield Street Car Park building.<br />

Lichfield Street<br />

CAR PARK<br />

Hospital shuttle<br />

moving to Lichfield Street<br />

Car Park building from 2 July <strong>2018</strong><br />

Hospital patients and visitors should<br />

park in the building and catch the<br />

free shuttle from the pick-up area on<br />

Level 2A. Pay for your parking when<br />

you return.<br />

The shuttle will run to the current timetable,<br />

from 7.15 am to 8.30 pm, 7 days a week.<br />

Journey times on the shuttle will be around<br />

15 minutes, similar to the current shuttle.<br />

Learn more at cdhb.health.nz/parking<br />

or call 0800 555 300<br />

For parking rates see ccc.govt.nz/carpark<br />

Ōtākaro/Avon River<br />

Riccarton Ave<br />

Hagley Ave<br />

Cashel St<br />

Shuttle route to<br />

Lichfield St<br />

Car Park building<br />

Shuttle route to<br />

the Hospital<br />

and Outpatients<br />

Hereford St<br />

Oi Manawa<br />

Canterbury<br />

Earthquake<br />

National Memorial<br />

Tuam St<br />

St Asaph St<br />

Bridge of<br />

Remembrance<br />

Durham Durham St S<br />

The<br />

Terraces<br />

Justice<br />

Precinct<br />

City Mall<br />

Ballantynes<br />

Mollett St<br />

Lichfield St<br />

Car Park building<br />

Lichfield St<br />

High St<br />

Bus<br />

Interchange<br />


Wednesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>27</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


PAGE 11<br />

geT<br />

SOrTed<br />

fOr<br />

WiNTer<br />

Timber OffCUTS<br />


at our Trade Centre!<br />

*Only available at our Trade Centre, 987 Ferry Road.<br />

ferrymead<br />

Tui<br />

Firelighters 32PK<br />

Safe and efficient. Easy to use.<br />

280532<br />

$2<br />

Tui<br />

Kindling 5KG<br />

Dry, pre-cut,<br />

multi-sized kindling.<br />

280530<br />

$8 98<br />

Azwood<br />

Wood Pellet Fuel 15KG<br />

Stock up for winter<br />

with this new easy<br />

to carry size.<br />

910024<br />

$<br />

9 78 Browns<br />

Fire Shovel &<br />

Brush Set<br />

Ideal set for cleaning<br />

out household fire<br />

places.<br />

324032<br />

$<br />

13<br />

Number 8<br />

Coal Bucket<br />

H:320,<br />

Dia:215mm.<br />

Durable and<br />

functional<br />

construction<br />

with a modern<br />

design.<br />

243076<br />

$29 95<br />

exCluSIve<br />

Number 8<br />

Upright Fan<br />

Heater<br />

Two heat settings.<br />

Adjustable<br />

thermostat.<br />

297084<br />

New PrODuCT<br />

Nouveau<br />

Ceramic Heater<br />

1800W<br />

Ceramic technology<br />

allows for effective<br />

and efficient heating<br />

of small areas.<br />

317637<br />

Number 8<br />

Oil Column Heater<br />

1KW<br />

Adjustable thermostat<br />

with three heat settings.<br />

Ideal for keeping the<br />

winter chill at bay.<br />

<strong>27</strong>9321<br />

Goldair<br />

Convector Heater 1800W<br />

Ideal for medium sized rooms.<br />

Very light and portable.<br />

318220<br />

Goldair Platinum<br />

Radiant Heater<br />

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Keep<br />

yourself<br />

warm over<br />

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radiant heat.<br />

317674<br />

$17 99 $34 98 $37 98 $59 99 $78 88<br />

exCluSIve<br />

Nouveau<br />

Micathermic<br />

Heater<br />

1800W<br />

Double sided<br />

heat action<br />

with two heat<br />

settings and<br />

an adjustable<br />

thermostat.<br />

317624<br />

Delonghi<br />

Capsule Fan<br />

Heater 1800W<br />

Safe and efficient<br />

ceramic heating<br />

element that<br />

provides fast and<br />

powerful on the<br />

spot heat.<br />

317709<br />

Goldair<br />

Flame Effect<br />

Heater<br />

1850W<br />

Warm up<br />

with this<br />

realistic flame<br />

effect heater<br />

designed to be<br />

freestanding.<br />

317687<br />

Nouveau<br />

Wall Mounted Electric Fireplace 1500W<br />

Save yourself the time and mess of a traditional<br />

fire place with this flame effect heater. Turn up<br />

the heat from the comfort of your couch.<br />

297091<br />

$79 $99 99 $159 $208 $219<br />

Dimplex<br />

Unique Top Outlet Panel Heater 750W<br />

Highly efficient, fast warming heater with low<br />

running costs. Includes an optional 7 day timer.<br />

<strong>27</strong>9474<br />

Hitachi<br />

Heat Pump Air Conditioner 3.2KW<br />

Indoor unit size: W:780, H:280, D:218. Outdoor unit size: W:750, H:548, D:288.<br />

Ideal for small to medium living space.<br />

287505<br />

Goldair<br />

Eco Panel<br />

Heater With<br />

Wifi<br />

H:30, W:600,<br />

D:600mm.<br />

Digital timer<br />

and thermostat.<br />

317691<br />

Hitachi<br />

Heat Pump Air Conditioner 6KW<br />

Indoor unit size: W:900, H:300, D:230. Outdoor unit size: W:850, H:650, D:298.<br />

303451<br />

$999 $149 $1649<br />

*Price does not include installation.<br />

*Price does not include installation.<br />

Ferrymead<br />

1005 Ferry Road, Phone: 366 6306<br />

Opening Hours: Monday–Friday: 7:00am–7:00pm<br />

Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays: 8:00am–6:00pm<br />

Offers available at Ferrymead Mega and Trade Centre Stores only, until 4 th of July, while stocks last.<br />

mitre10.co.nz/local/MegaFerrymead/<br />

If you find a lower price on an identical stocked<br />

product locally we will beat it by 15%.<br />

find us mitre10.co.nz<br />

If you find the same product cheaper from another Mitre 10 store or Mitre 10 website we’ll match that price. Excludes trade<br />

and special quotes, stock liquidations and commercial quantities. The in-store price may be lower than that advertised.

PAGE 12 Wednesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>27</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />


Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


Win tickets to the NZMCA<br />

Motorhome, Caravan &<br />

Leisure show!<br />

For all lovers of the great kiwi outdoors,<br />

a bigger show featuring all your favourite<br />

brands is on its way to Horncastle Arena<br />

next weekend…<br />

The NZMCA Motorhome, Caravan &<br />

Leisure show returns Friday 6th, Saturday<br />

7th and Sunday 8th July.<br />

The 3-day show features a great range of<br />

motorhome & caravan manufacturers and<br />

importers, with a host of new products and<br />

new exhibitors. There are some truly great<br />

innovations on offer, an array of accessories<br />

and unbeatable deals for you. This is your<br />

best opportunity to come along and talk to<br />

the experts over the 3 days and find exactly<br />

what you are looking for.<br />

If unadulterated leisure is your thing, you<br />

will find a large number of motorhome and<br />

caravans and all you need to complete your<br />

love of the great outdoors; from fishing to<br />

camping equipment to inflatable boats to<br />

electric bikes.<br />

You can even enter to win your dream<br />

NZ Holiday, thanks to RV Super Centre<br />

and Off the Beaten Track. A 10-day Maui<br />

Motorhome rental to get you Off the Beaten<br />

Track in our beautiful country could be all<br />

yours by entering at the show.<br />

Look out in next weeks STAR for your $5 off<br />

entry voucher. Cut it out and bring it with<br />

you to the show on Sunday 8th, and you will<br />

get $5 off your entry price.<br />

Come with dreams and make them your<br />

reality, this is the South Island show<br />

you cannot afford to miss, the NZMCA<br />

Motorhome, Caravan & Leisure Show,<br />

Horncastle Arena, Christchurch.<br />

BE IN TO WIN<br />

We have 14 tickets to give away. It’s easy to enter, simply email: giveaways@starmedia.kiwi<br />

Entries close 5pm Wednesday 4th July <strong>2018</strong><br />

To be eleigible for the draw, all entries must include your name and contact number.<br />

Your Local Views<br />

Volunteers help<br />

make a difference<br />

There are many<br />

volunteers making<br />

a difference in our<br />

community, writes<br />

National List MP for<br />

Port Hills Nuk Korako<br />

Last week was National Volunteer Week<br />

– “ma tini ma mano ka rapa te whai”<br />

(many hands make light work.)<br />

Our chance to acknowledge and thank<br />

those volunteers in our community for all<br />

the work that they do.<br />

I had a good start to my week volunteering<br />

at Cultivate Urban Farm to harvest<br />

vegetables for market. Their philosophy is<br />

to not only nurture plants, but also to give<br />

disadvantaged youth and the homeless the<br />

chance for a fresh start through gardening.<br />

It is a fantastic environment for youth<br />

development and was a real pleasure to<br />

work alongside them.<br />

There are many ways we can volunteer.<br />

The question is, how and where do I start<br />

as there are so many great causes. Personally<br />

I enjoy getting out and collecting for<br />

as many worthy appeals as I can. It is a<br />

great way of raising much needed funds as<br />

well as catching up with the community<br />

in the <strong>Bay</strong>s and hills areas for a chat and<br />

to see how things are for them. I also enjoy<br />

the local planting days.<br />

As well as the volunteer networks who<br />

work tirelessly to keep organisations functioning,<br />

there are our local unsung heroes.<br />

They engage and help with our estuary,<br />

rivers, conservation, community response<br />

and community wellbeing.<br />

Sumner Lifeboat, firefighters, coaches<br />

and carers, resident associations, neighbourhood<br />

watch, the list goes on. We<br />

thank every single one of you for giving<br />

your time freely. It is people like you who<br />

make our world a better place, thank you.<br />

If you would like to start volunteering<br />

there is no better time than to start now.<br />

Your local community group such as<br />

Sumner (sumnercommunity.co.nz), Project<br />

Lyttelton (lyttelton.net.nz), residents’<br />

associations and other groups.<br />

Volunteering Canterbury (volcan.org.<br />

nz) is a good start. Giving even a couple of<br />

hours a week of your time will make such<br />

a difference to any cause, as well as enrich<br />

your own life.<br />

To all our volunteers, a huge thanks.<br />

ALL SMILES: Helping out Cole<br />

and Amra at Cultivate Urban Farm<br />

during National Volunteer Week.<br />

Horncastle Arena • Christchurch<br />

6-8 July <strong>2018</strong><br />

www.nzmotorhomeshow.co.nz<br />


Friday 6th - 9am-5pm • Saturday 7th - 9am-5pm • Sunday 8th - 9am-4pm

Wednesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>27</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


PAGE 13<br />

News<br />

Bridge club spans half a century<br />

Sumner Bridge Club<br />

will celebrate its 50th<br />

anniversary in September.<br />

Sarla Donovan reports<br />

YOU COULD say it was rain<br />

that created the Sumner Bridge<br />

Club back in 1968.<br />

A group of people got together<br />

- mostly men - who worked<br />

at the Lyttelton wharves, club<br />

president Julie Cunningham<br />

said.<br />

“The rules of stevedoring in<br />

those days were that if there<br />

was too much rain, you weren’t<br />

able to work. So they used to go<br />

indoors and play cards.”<br />

Eventually they decided to<br />

form a club.<br />

They didn’t have premises<br />

initially, but used the social hall<br />

at the St John ambulance rooms<br />

and the Sumner Community<br />

Centre.<br />

Its first session was convened<br />

with <strong>27</strong> players on September 9,<br />

1968, in the supper room of the<br />

community centre.<br />

When a run-down<br />

weatherboard house in Dryden<br />

St was spotted for sale at a cheap<br />

price, the club bought it by<br />

raising 216 debentures from their<br />

members.<br />

Purchased for $3750 in May,<br />

Still Pedalling!<br />

Trevor Crowe’s been involved with cars for a<br />

while. You can benefit from his experience at...<br />

Subaru Specialists<br />

Full Workshop services<br />

WOF’s | Service Checks | Wheel<br />

Alignment | Brakes | Clutches | Tyres etc<br />

Great range of Subarus & other<br />

makes from $5,000 - $35,000<br />

View at www.crowesport.co.nz<br />

518 Moorhouse Ave (East end)<br />

Phone 379 7615 or<br />

email: service@crowesport.co.nz<br />

FULL HOUSE: Sumner’s Bridge Club president Julie Cunningham is ready to mark the club’s 50th<br />

anniversary in September.<br />


1970, the property had a 2017<br />

capital rating valuation of<br />

$445,000.<br />

The debentures also funded<br />

major renovations at the<br />

This year The<br />

Sumner Bridge CluB<br />

iS 50 yearS old<br />

a Jubilee Celebration is<br />

planned for the weekend of<br />

september 8th and 9th.<br />

There’s drinks and dinner<br />

on saturday evening and for<br />

sunday, a morning of Bridge<br />

fun, followed by lunch and an<br />

afternoon Tournament<br />

Present and past members<br />

are invited to catch up with<br />

friends old and new.<br />

To order a registration form,<br />

phone either Mary 384 3192<br />

or Julie 384 5401<br />

space is limited, so register<br />

early. applications must be in<br />

by august 3rd.<br />

property, and because many<br />

of the men in the club had<br />

carpentry and building skills.<br />

They set about gutting the inside,<br />

changing around the layout and<br />


The Blood Road<br />

(Logan McRae, Book #11)<br />

by Stuart MacBride<br />

What drives someone to murder?<br />

putting in men’s and women’s<br />

bathrooms, Ms Cunningham<br />

said.<br />

After a few years, a breakaway<br />

group formed what became the<br />

The No.1 Sunday Times bestselling author returns with the<br />

much anticipated new Logan McRae thriller.<br />

Some things just won’t stay buried…<br />

Logan McRae’s personal history is hardly squeaky clean, but now<br />

that he works for Professional Standards he’s policing his fellow officers.<br />

When Detective Inspector Bell turns up dead in the driver’s seat of a crashed car<br />

it’s a shock to everyone. Because Bell died two years ago, they buried him. Or they<br />

thought they did.<br />

As an investigation is launched into Bell’s stabbing, Logan digs into his past.<br />

Where has he been all this time? Why did he disappear? And what’s so important<br />

that he felt the need to come back from the dead?<br />

But the deeper Logan digs, the more bones he uncovers – and there are people out<br />

there who’ll kill to keep those skeletons buried. If Logan can’t stop them, DI Bell<br />

won’t be the only one to die…<br />

Levi’s War<br />

by Julie Thomas<br />

A story of courage and bravery from a Jew behind enemy lines during the Second<br />

World War.<br />

How many secrets can one family hold?<br />

Levi Horowitz isn’t a natural-born soldier. But in November 1938, Berlin is a<br />

volatile place for a Jew, and the talented young musician secures passage to<br />

Switzerland. Instead, Levi is taken to a Danish border checkpoint and from then on<br />

his war becomes secret, even from those he loves best.<br />

In 2017, a recording emerges, showing Levi in 1945 and revealing a story in<br />

equal parts shocking and heroic. It is a journey that leads him face-to-face with<br />

Hitler, and into a position to change the final outcome of the war.<br />

Levi’s War follows on from the enthralling historical novels The Keeper of Secrets<br />

and Rachel’s Legacy, this time tracing the story of the eldest Horowitz son. Whether<br />

you’re discovering Julie Thomas’s books for the first time, or making a return visit<br />

to the saga of the Horowitz family, Levi’s War will leave you utterly breathless.<br />


ENTER TO<br />

WIN<br />


Mt Pleasant Bridge Club.<br />

This time it wasn’t rain, but<br />

smoke that was the cause.<br />

“In those days, people smoked<br />

tremendously, particularly the<br />

men. After seven or eight years,<br />

some of the club members asked<br />

the offending smokers to desist<br />

while playing but they refused,”<br />

she said.<br />

So a group broke away and<br />

formed the non-smoking Mt<br />

Pleasant Bridge Club with 40<br />

members in August, 1975.<br />

But after a few more years,<br />

Sumner also went smokefree.<br />

Today the club continues to<br />

thrive, with members ranging in<br />

age from their 40s right through<br />

to 93.<br />

Ms Cunningham herself came<br />

to the game at retirement age.<br />

Having grown up in a<br />

generation where a lot of people<br />

played cards - “there wasn’t<br />

much entertainment in the<br />

evenings!” - she still had eight<br />

weeks of lessons before starting.<br />

And beginners lessons are<br />

still offered regularly at the<br />

club, which will mark its 50th<br />

on the weekend of September<br />

8 and 9 with a get together and<br />

drinks on Saturday followed<br />

by entertainment, lunch and a<br />

tournament on Sunday.<br />

book<br />

release<br />

We have one copy of The Blood Road by Stuart MacBride to give away, courtesy of Take Note Ferrymead.<br />

To be in the draw, email giveaways@starmedia.kiwi with The Blood Road in the subject line or write to Take<br />

Note Book Giveaway, The Blood Road, Star Media, PO Box 1467, Christchurch 8140. To be eligible for the<br />

draw, all entries must include your name, address and contact number. Entries close Tuesday July 10th.<br />

Winner of Anna by Amanda Prowse is Olive Crothall of Opawa.

Page 14 BaY HaRBOUR<br />

WEDNESDAY JUNE <strong>27</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

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FREE no obligation measure & quote (conditions apply)

WEDNESDAY JUNE <strong>27</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

BaY HaRBOUR<br />

Page 15<br />

payment holiday *<br />

hurry instore -<br />

limited time only!<br />

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RRP $129.99 NOW $77.90PM<br />

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• Extra heavy duty • Cut pile • 1 colour<br />

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Sierra - Sedan<br />

• Pure wool • Extra heavy duty<br />

• Slightly imperfect<br />

only<br />

$49.90<br />

per lm<br />

fully installed<br />

house lot deals<br />

Brescia ($119.90 per metre)<br />

• Extra heavy duty • Cut Pile • 4 colours<br />

• 48oz Solution Dyed Nylon<br />

luxury underlay &<br />

installation included<br />

only<br />

$4850^<br />

garage carpet<br />

limited<br />

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6m by 6m garage fully<br />

installed for $900<br />

Some conditions apply<br />

only<br />

$900<br />

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only<br />

half<br />

price!<br />

only<br />

$25pm<br />

312 Wilsons Road North, Waltham Phone 366 0070<br />

^Prices are based on an average 3 bedroom home using 25 metres of<br />

carpet, three finishing bars and fully installed. Excludes smooth edge,<br />

uplift and furniture removal. For more details see instore.<br />

Q Card Finance Now Available<br />

*No payments and no interest until (“Payment Holiday”) is available on Flexi Payment Plans [for in-store purchases only] until 31 August <strong>2018</strong>. Offer excludes Trade me purchases. Minimum spend $1000.00. Annual Account Fee of $50 applies. New Cardholder fees - $55 Establishment ($3 PPSR – Q Card only). Existing Cardholder fee -<br />

$35 Advance. Standard Interest Rate, currently 25.99% p.a. applies to any outstanding balance at end of Payment Holiday. Payment Holiday period may vary depending on Cardholder’s payment cycle dates. Lending criteria, fees, terms and conditions apply. Rate and fees correct as at date of publication, subject to change.

PAGE 16 Wednesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>27</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />


Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Presents<br />

Friday 29th <strong>June</strong><br />

6pm - 10:30pm<br />


with Backyard Davey<br />

7:00 Street Parade<br />

7:20 Lyttelton Primary School<br />

7:30 Rāpaki Whānau Kapa Haka<br />

7:45 Lyttelton Arts Factory Dance Crews<br />

8:00 Lyttelton Port of Christchurch Fireworks display<br />

8:30 The Secret Lives of Ukelele<br />

9:00 Backyard Davey<br />


with Shay Horay<br />

7:00 Street Parade<br />

7:15 Lindon Puffin and the Bad Bax<br />

8:15 The Settlers<br />

9:00 The Preservatives<br />

9:50 AL P and his PAL's<br />


7:30 - 9:30 DJ Rang<br />


Bus and Shuttle Info at www.lyttelton.net.nz

Wednesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>27</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Emotional match for Sumner<br />

Nel to play at<br />

St Leonards<br />

one last time<br />

• By Gordon Findlater<br />

A TRIO of milestones will<br />

happen when Sumner play New<br />

Brighton in the ‘battle of the<br />

beaches’ at St Leonards Park on<br />

Saturday.<br />

Both Tom Crozier and Josh<br />

Loader will both make their<br />

50th appearances for the club<br />

while South African No 8<br />

Dylan Nel will play his final<br />

home game for the club before<br />

relocating to Dunedin to begin<br />

preparations ahead of the Mitre<br />

10 Cup season with Otago.<br />

“It’s a mixed bag of emotions.<br />

Obviously I’m excited for what<br />

awaits in Otago but it’s going to<br />

be very sad to leave my Sumner<br />

family,” said Nel.<br />

It’s understood the club are<br />

planning a ‘dress up like Dylan<br />

Nel’ party after their match<br />

against New Brighton.<br />

“There will be a few tight pants<br />

and low cut singlets,” said Sumner<br />

coach Martin Dodgson.<br />

The match is also very much<br />

a must win for Sumner’s semifinal<br />

hopes. With just three<br />

matches remaining until the<br />

play-offs, Sumner are in fifth<br />

– just one point behind New<br />

Brighton in fourth.<br />

“She’s a very tight top six this<br />

year . . . it’s going to come down<br />

to bonus points,” said Dodgson.<br />

Sumner’s last two top six<br />

round robin matches will be<br />

away to Sydenham and at home<br />

against Christchurch.<br />

On Saturday Sumner suffered<br />

their first lost in the top six at<br />

the hands of defending champions<br />

Lincoln University 13-34.<br />

However, Dodgson was happy<br />

with the performance from his<br />

team which saw them camped<br />

on Lincoln’s line midway<br />

through the second half with the<br />

scored at 13-13.<br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

BARNSTORMING: No 8 Dylan Nel will play his final match for<br />

Sumner on Saturday.<br />


From there, Lincoln University<br />

worked their way out of trouble<br />

to score seven at the other end,<br />

before scoring twice in the final<br />

5min.<br />

“We were much happier with<br />

the performance compared to<br />

last week,” said Dodgson.<br />

“The guys were smiling<br />

again and really enjoying their<br />

rugby.”<br />

The club will also celebrate<br />

their annual ladies’ day on<br />

Saturday where bubbles are<br />

expected to be enjoyed under a<br />

side-line marquee.<br />

• By Gordon Findlater<br />


SPORTS<br />

PAGE 17<br />

NEW MAN: Aiden Barbour-<br />

Ryan has made the switch<br />

from Selwyn United and will<br />

look to lead the attack for<br />

<strong>Bay</strong>s in the newly reformed<br />

Southern League.<br />

<strong>Bay</strong>s enter new era<br />

FERRYMEAD BAYS enter a<br />

new frontier on Saturday when<br />

they kick off the newly founded<br />

Southern League by hosting<br />

Nomads United at English Park.<br />

The 2017 Mainland Premier<br />

League champions finished third<br />

in this year’s campaign to qualify<br />

for the newly reformed competition<br />

which last existed in 1999.<br />

The top five teams from the MPL<br />

are joined by the top three teams<br />

from the Football South Premier<br />

League.<br />

“Qualifying for this has been<br />

a goal since the start of the year.<br />

All of the guys are really excited<br />

for it,” said <strong>Bay</strong>s coach Danny<br />

Halligan.<br />

“The quality of the southern<br />

teams is a bit of an unknown.<br />

The long away trips and playing<br />

on unfamiliar surfaces will be a<br />

challenge, but it’s also very exciting.”<br />

<strong>Bay</strong>s face away trips to Dunedin<br />

Technical and Invercargill’s<br />

Southland United. However,<br />

much to the team’s disappointment,<br />

they have drawn Queenstown<br />

FC at home, meaning a<br />

much anticipated boys weekend<br />

in Queenstown is off the cards.<br />

The last round of the MPL was<br />

held on <strong>June</strong> 9, and with grounds<br />

closed in recent weeks due to<br />

persistent rain, <strong>Bay</strong>s’ preparations<br />

have been unconventional<br />

ahead of the new league which<br />

consists of one round of games.<br />

“We’ve focused on a lot of<br />

fitness work and have even done<br />

some boxing fitness sessions and<br />

spin classes. We got in a practice<br />

match on Thursday evening so<br />

things are shaping well,” said<br />

Halligan.<br />

<strong>Bay</strong>s will be without the services<br />

of the MPL’s all-time leading<br />

scorer Michael White who is<br />

expected to miss the remainder<br />

of the season after damaging cartilage<br />

and ligaments in his knee<br />

earlier in the year.<br />

However, they have signed<br />

exciting young striker Aiden<br />

Barbour-Ryan from Selwyn<br />

United, who possesses the pace<br />

and eye for goal that was missed<br />

with White’s absence.<br />

Sarah, Anita, Grant, Ashleigh and Kellie<br />

Full Service Pharmacy<br />

including...<br />

• Passports Photos<br />

• Revlon Cosmetics and Revlon Club<br />

• Gifts and Gift Wrapping<br />

• Ear Piercing<br />

• Extensive Natural Health range<br />

• Scarves, Hats and Sunglasses<br />

• Focus on Natural Organic Skincare including Trilogy,<br />

Antipodes and Sukin<br />

OPEN SAT & SUN<br />

Dispensary Service<br />

• Medico Packs<br />

• Quit Smoking Quitcards<br />

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Contraceptive Pill<br />

• Delivery Service<br />

Owned and operated by<br />

your pharmacist, Grant Bell<br />

CAFÉ<br />

NOW OPEN<br />

1005 Ferry Rd, Ferrymead. Ph:943 9635<br />

OPEN 7 DAYS: Mon to Fri 8.30am - 6pm<br />

Sat 9am - 4pm and Sun 10am - 4pm

PAGE 18 Wednesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>27</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />


Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Colombo St<br />

CYCLE<br />





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2<br />

Wednesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>27</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

[Edition datE]<br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


PAGE 19<br />

keep it local<br />

and support businesses in your community<br />

A ‘gold mine’<br />

of footwear<br />

for all ages<br />

The Footwear Factory in Garlands<br />

Road Woolston has been a part of the<br />

Christchurch retail scene for more than a<br />

quarter of a century.<br />

Over that time thousands of people have<br />

flocked to the store to find bargains and<br />

good deals in quality footwear, ranging from<br />

children’s shoes, sandals and school shoes<br />

to men’s and women’s fashion and causal<br />

shoes, outdoor and sports shoes, bowls<br />

shoes, slippers, and safety footwear for the<br />

workplace.<br />

Launched in a small shop in Papanui, the<br />

business later operated in Riccarton for 12<br />

years before moving to Garlands Rd 13 years<br />

ago.<br />

Owned by Russ and Jude Day, there you<br />

will find shelves lined with footwear in a<br />

huge variety of styles and colours for men,<br />

women and children – a ‘gold mine’ for shoeseeking<br />

shoppers.<br />

The footwear is brought in from all over<br />

the world, as well as coming from New<br />

Zealand manufacturers, and includes ends of<br />

lines and other well-priced items.<br />

Four main brands are carried – the New<br />

Zealand made McKinlays range of children’s<br />

school shoes, as well as men’s and women’s<br />

styles. The well-known Hi-Tec range of<br />

outdoor footwear and tramping, New<br />

Balance sports shoes and a range of Keens<br />

sandals and outdoor footwear. These known<br />

brands cover all ages.<br />

New styles arrive almost every day, so<br />

there are always more to try on, while Russell<br />

and his second-in-charge Karen are happy to<br />

advise on styles and sizing.<br />

Located on a high-profile site at 47C<br />

Garlands Rd, (next to Flags Tyre’s), the<br />

Footwear Factory is easy to find, and there is<br />

off-street parking available.<br />

They are open seven days a week –<br />

9.30am- 5pm Monday to Friday, 10am-2pm<br />

Saturday and 11am-3pm Sunday. Phone<br />

389-3431. Check out their website for new<br />

arrivals, www.thefootwearfactory.co.nz<br />

Karen Kirk displays the<br />

popular Hunter Junior shoe<br />


& SHOES<br />

DOES<br />






For men, women<br />

and children<br />

From<br />

$79.95<br />

to $250<br />

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• NCEA Subjects Y11-13<br />

• Preparation for school<br />

entrance test<br />

FREE<br />

AssEssmEnt<br />

47c Garlands Road, Woolston<br />

Phone 389 3431<br />

www.thefootwearfactory.co.nz<br />

Unit 1/<strong>27</strong> Waterman Place, Ferrymead<br />

(just off Ferry Rd) | Phone 384 1188<br />

www.kipmcgrath.co.nz<br />

SPACE<br />


If you’re reading this ad chances are thousands<br />

of other local <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> readers be will also<br />

Are you interested in advertising on our<br />

‘Keep it Local’ page and for less than $100<br />

per month and also includes an advertorial<br />

Lyttelton<br />

Framing<br />

Four good reasons to use us<br />

to frame your artwork:<br />

1. Know how - UK qualified<br />

conservation framer<br />

2. Experience - We have been<br />

established now for eighteen years<br />

3. Guarantee - All work guaranteed<br />

4. Price - Very competitive prices<br />

Michelle<br />

Rossiter<br />

Legal Executive<br />

mjr@younghunter.co.nz<br />

Michael<br />

Toomey<br />

Partner<br />

mft@younghunter.co.nz<br />

Adam<br />

Curtin<br />

Solicitor<br />

akc@younghunter.co.nz<br />

Contact Rob Davison 021 225 8584<br />

or Javier Balcazar 021 225 8221<br />

Contact Malcolm Ph 328-7350<br />

32 London St, Lyttelton<br />

Mon-Fri 9am-5pm, Sat 9am-1pm<br />

186 Main Road, Redcliffs<br />

03 384 5350 | www.younghunter.co.nz<br />

Open Monday - Friday 6am-5pm<br />

& Saturday 7am-3pm<br />

8 Norwich Quay, Lyttelton<br />

Phone: 03 328 9004<br />

Advertising enquiries Javier Balcazar | Ph: 021 225 8221 | javier.balcazar@starmedia.kiwi

PAGE 20 Wednesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>27</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />


Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

The Ultimate<br />

Driving Machine<br />


If you’ve had your heart set on owning an Ultimate Driving Machine, this could be the extra push you<br />

need. We have a range of pre-registered and demonstrator models available at exceptional prices.<br />

Contact the team at Christchurch BMW to find out more or visit us to test drive one today.<br />

BMW X1 sDrive 18i<br />

Black Sapphire / Sensatec<br />

Black, Demo kms.<br />

RRP $67,290<br />

BMW X1 sDrive 18i<br />

Estoril Blue / Sensatec<br />

Black, Demo kms.<br />

RRP $68,090<br />

BMW X1 sDrive 18i<br />

Alpine White / Sensatec<br />

Black, Delivery kms.<br />

RRP $67,100<br />

BMW X1 sDrive 18i<br />

Glacier Grey / Sensatec<br />

Black, Delivery kms.<br />

RRP $69,090<br />

BMW X2 sDrive 20i<br />

M Sport Misano Blue /<br />

Leather Dakota, Delivery<br />

kms. RRP $81,990<br />

BMW X2 sDrive 20i<br />

M Sport Alpine White /<br />

Leather Dakota, Delivery<br />

kms. RRP $85,600<br />

BMW X2 sDrive 20i<br />

M Sport Sunset Orange /<br />

Sensatec Black, Delivery<br />

kms. RRP $80,290<br />

BMW X2 sDrive 20i<br />

M Sport Galvanic Gold /<br />

Alcantara, Delivery kms<br />

RRP $80,290<br />

BMW X2 sDrive 20i<br />

Black Sapphire / Sensatec<br />

Black, Demo kms.<br />

RRP $71,890<br />

BMW X3 M40i<br />

Phytonic Blue / Black<br />

Leather Vernasca, Demo<br />

kms. RRP $1<strong>27</strong>,740<br />

BMW X3 xDrive 30i<br />

Alpine White / Black<br />

Leather Vernasca, Demo<br />

kms. RRP $106,750<br />

BMW X3 xDrive 20d<br />

Black Sapphire / Leather<br />

Vernasca, Demo kms.<br />

RRP $107,640<br />

BMW X4 xDrive20d<br />

Black Sapphire / Black<br />

Leather Nevada, Delivery<br />

kms. RRP $108,495<br />

BMW X4 xDrive 28i<br />

Black Sapphire / Oyster<br />

Leather Nevada, Delivery<br />

kms. RRP $101,090<br />

BMW 530d xDrive<br />

Black Sapphire / Black<br />

Leather Dakota, Demo<br />

kms. RRP $158,400<br />

BMW X5 M50d<br />

Black Sapphire / Black<br />

Leather Dakota, Demo<br />

kms. RRP $179,090<br />

BMW X5 xDrive30d<br />

M-Sport Alpine White /<br />

Black Leather Dakota,<br />

Demo kms. RRP $143,950<br />

BMW X5 xDrive40d M<br />

Black Sapphire / Black<br />

Leather Dakota, Demo<br />

kms. RRP $162,130<br />

BMW X5 M40d M<br />

Space Grey / Black Leather<br />

Dakota, Demo kms.<br />

RRP $158,830<br />

BMW X5 xDrive40d<br />

Black Sapphire / Black<br />

Leather Dakota, Delivery<br />

kms. RRP $159,030<br />

BMW X5 xDrive30d M<br />

Space Grey / Black Leather<br />

Dakota, Delivery kms.<br />

RRP $146,940<br />

*Vehicles may carry the balance of their new car warranty and service plan, conditions apply.<br />

Christchurch BMW<br />

30 Manchester Street, Christchurch, 03 363 7240. chchbmw.co.nz

Wednesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>27</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />



PAGE 21<br />

East to West – the trip of a lifetime<br />

Recently named as one<br />

of the world’s best scenic<br />

train journeys by National<br />

Geographic Traveler, the<br />

TranzAlpine takes you from<br />

one coast of New Zealand<br />

to the other, over the<br />

majestic Southern Alps.<br />

Hop aboard to cross the fertile farmlands of the<br />

Canterbury Plains, and enjoy thrilling vistas over deep<br />

gorges as you travel alongside the ice-fed Waimakariri<br />

River. Traverse the mighty Southern Alps, where<br />

spectacular views of the chiselled alpine landscape will<br />

take your breath away at every turn.<br />

Then, after stopping at Arthur’s Pass, emerge from the<br />

long Otira Tunnel and descend through sub-tropical<br />

rain forest past beautiful Lake Brunner and on to<br />

Greymouth – a great base for exploring this unspoiled<br />

region with its mighty glaciers, wild rivers and famous<br />

Punakaiki pancake rocks. Relax and unwind with local<br />

delicacies like the famous West Coast Whitebait fritters<br />

when you are in the region.<br />

On-board the train, you will be enjoying the comfort<br />

of award-winning carriages featuring huge panoramic<br />

sky-view windows, or get even closer to the action<br />

on our open-air viewing deck. We also have an on<br />

board licensed café with a delicious selection of meals,<br />

snacks and beverages, and GPS triggered at-seat<br />

audio commentary. The TranzAlpine runs a daily<br />

return service between Christchurch and Greymouth<br />

throughout the year. Book your unforgettable<br />

TranzAlpine journey today and experience the beauty<br />

of it all.<br />

Book now at greatjourneysofnz.co.nz<br />

Visit the West Coast by train this winter.<br />

Experience the South Island’s striking natural landscape by taking a train between Christchurch and Greymouth. Along this journey you’ll see epic<br />

vistas, travel the edges of the ice-fed Waimakariri River, traverse the Southern Alps, and see miles of native beech forest. The TranzAlpine is one of the<br />

world’s great train journeys covering 223 kilometres (139 miles) one-way, taking just under 5 hours. You’ll traverse the majestic Canterbury Plains, to the<br />

backdrop of the mighty Southern Alps - the journey of a lifetime.<br />

Book now at greatjourneysofnz.co.nz

PAGE 22 Wednesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>27</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />


Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

25 th <strong>June</strong> to 1 st July <strong>2018</strong><br />

$<br />

3 99<br />

bag<br />

Country Fresh Washed Potato<br />

Range 2kg<br />

$<br />

6 99<br />

kg<br />

Fresh NZ Pork Shoulder Roast<br />

(Excludes Free Range)<br />

$<br />

3 99<br />

ea<br />

Sanitarium<br />

Weet-Bix 750g<br />

$<br />

5 69<br />

ea<br />

$<br />

1 79<br />

ea<br />

$<br />

4 49<br />

ea<br />

Alpine Butter<br />

500g<br />

Keri Juice/<br />

Drink 1L<br />

(Excludes Premium)<br />

Whittaker’s<br />

Chocolate Block<br />

250g<br />

$<br />

14 99<br />

kg<br />

Fresh NZ Beef Blade Steak/<br />

Bolar Roast<br />

$<br />

3 99<br />

pk<br />

Meadow Mushrooms Portabello/<br />

Chef’s Choice Mushrooms 250g<br />

$<br />

1 99<br />

ea<br />

Allen’s/Wonka<br />

Family Bag<br />

102-220g<br />

$<br />

18 99<br />

pk<br />

DB/Export Citrus/Gold/<br />

Tui 12 x 330ml Bottles<br />

(Excludes Hop Lager)<br />

$<br />

11 99<br />

ea<br />

$<br />

3 99<br />

ea<br />

Surf Laundry Powder 1kg<br />

Mission Estate<br />

(Excludes Reserve/Pinot Noir/<br />

Sparkling/Jewelstone)/<br />

Wyndham Bin 750ml<br />

svbhn<strong>27</strong>06<br />

Owned & operated<br />

by locals<br />

SuperValue Lyttelton: 17 London Street, Lyttelton. Phone 328 7368. Open 7am–9pm, 7 days.<br />

SuperValue Sumner: 3 Village Mall, Sumner. Phone 326 5688. Open 7am–9pm, 7 days.<br />

While stocks last at SuperValue Lyttelton and Sumner only.<br />

We reserve the right to limit quantities. Trade not supplied. For inspiration visit SuperValue.co.nz |<br />

Please drink<br />


Wednesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>27</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


PAGE 23<br />

Email gilbert.wealleans@starmedia.kiwi<br />

by 5pm each Wednesday<br />

Knit and Yarn<br />

Wednesday, 10am-noon, and<br />

Friday, 10.30am-noon<br />

Go along to this friendly craft<br />

session. Bring your knitting,<br />

crochet or other portable craft<br />

project and enjoy time with<br />

other crafters. Take a look at the<br />

library’s range of books to get<br />

ideas for your next project. Free,<br />

no bookings required. Beginners<br />

welcome.<br />

Lyttelton Library on<br />

Wednesday, Sumner Library on<br />

Friday<br />

Storytimes<br />

Wednesday, 10.30-11am,<br />

Tuesday, 11-11.30am<br />

Encourage learning through<br />

a love for stories. Storytimes is<br />

a free, interactive programme<br />

including stories, songs, rhymes<br />

and play.<br />

Sumner Library on Wednesday<br />

and Lyttelton Library on Tuesday.<br />

Mini Music<br />

Thursday and Tuesday, 9.30am<br />

Bring your children along<br />

to sing, dance and meet other<br />

children and their parents/<br />

caregivers. Cost is $3 per session<br />

or $5 for two or more children.<br />

Term times only. Call Eddie<br />

on admin@sumnerbays.org.<br />

nz or 0<strong>27</strong> 781 1348 for further<br />

information.<br />

Thursday at 4 Augusta St,<br />

Redcliffs and Tuesday at the<br />

Sumner Centre, 37 Nayland St<br />

Create and Connect<br />

Thursday, 9.30am-noon<br />

Come and create in company.<br />

Cost is $3 per session which<br />

includes a morning tea and<br />

great company. Bring your own<br />

creative project or come and get<br />

some inspiration. Call Beth for<br />

more information 022 678 1252<br />

St Andrews Anglican Church,<br />

148 Main Rd, Redcliffs<br />

Mt Pleasant Playgroup<br />

Thursday, 10.30-11.30am<br />

Enjoy a relaxed play in a<br />

light and beautiful space. Try<br />

out the dress-ups and musical<br />

instruments, put together some<br />

puzzles or zoom around on the<br />

ride on bug. All pre-schoolers<br />

and their caregivers are welcome,<br />

entrance by koha. For more<br />

information, email Kathyn at<br />

community@mpcc.org.nz.<br />

Mt Pleasant Community<br />

Centre Hall<br />

Babytimes<br />

Friday and Tuesday, 10.30-<br />

11am<br />

Encourage your baby’s<br />

learning through language.<br />

When the sun has gone down, go along to the Lyttelton Library for Stories After Dark –<br />

stories, songs and rhymes followed by crafts and hot chocolate. Library staff will entertain<br />

your four to seven-year-olds but the whole family is welcome. You can wear your PJs and<br />

bring Ted along too. Thursday, 6.30-7.30pm. This event is part of the Lyttelton Festival of<br />

Lights.<br />

Babytimes involves interactive<br />

activities, such as rhymes, songs,<br />

stories and play.<br />

Lyttelton Library on Friday,<br />

Sumner Library on Tuesday<br />

Twinkle Tots<br />

Friday, 10.30am<br />

Practice social skills with your<br />

under-fives through singing and<br />

dancing and having fun together.<br />

Morning tea is provided. Gold<br />

coin donation.<br />

St Mary’s Church Village Hall,<br />

Heathcote Valley<br />

Mainly Music<br />

Friday, 9.30-11.15am<br />

Mainly Music is a fun,<br />

educational half hour music and<br />

movement session for babies<br />

and pre-schoolers followed<br />

by morning tea and a social/<br />

play time. The first session is<br />

free and after that cost is $4<br />

per family casual rate or $30<br />

for a 10-session card. For more<br />

information, phone Hazel 384<br />

1965 or 021 077 1264.<br />

St Andrews Church, 148 Main Rd<br />

Mahoe-nui Bush Planting<br />

Saturday, 9-11.30am<br />

Go along to the planting<br />

day this weekend – adding to<br />

Mahoe-nui to provide more<br />

habitat for native birds. Plants,<br />

spades and gloves provided. Stay<br />

on after for a spot of morning<br />

tea. Meet at 9am on Colenso St<br />

by the Sumner School netball<br />

courts to carpool from there.<br />

Suitable terrain for children aged<br />

about eight years and older.<br />

Mahoe-Nui lower site off Evans<br />

Pass, Sumner<br />

Akaroa Area School Fundraiser<br />

Saturday, 7pm<br />

Live Kiwi music from Rodney<br />

Fisher and Gareth Thomas<br />

of Goodshirt along with the<br />

Akaroa Rhythm Method Ensemble.<br />

Tickets $50. Supper is<br />

included in the ticket price. Bar<br />

with eftpos available, no BYO.<br />

The Gaiety Hall<br />

Markets:<br />

Lyttelton Farmers’ Market<br />

and Lyttelton Craft Market:<br />

Saturday, 10am-1pm, London St.<br />

Mt Pleasant Farmers’ Market:<br />

Saturday, 9.30am-12.30pm, 3<br />

McCormacks <strong>Bay</strong> Rd.<br />

3 Garlands Road, Woolston<br />

DeluxeCinemas.co.nz<br />

Christchurch's Premium Cinema Experience<br />

Phone Bookings | Free Parking | Cafe/Licensed Bar<br />

03 389 5360 Online Bookings | Cinema Club | Hot Nuts/ Cheeses<br />

edie Uplifting British Drama<br />

wed: 11:50AM thu: 10:00AM, 12:00PM, 6:00PM<br />

fri, sat, sun: 10:25AM, 2:20PM, 6:00PM mon, tue: 10:25AM, 2:20PM, 6:00PM<br />

adrift Incredible True Story<br />

thu: 3:50PM, 8:30PM fri, sat, sun: 12:25PM, 8:30PM<br />

mon, tue: 12:25PM, 8:30PM<br />

the leisure seeker Helen Mirren and Donald Sutherland<br />

wed: 10:10AM, 1:50PM, 6:20PM, 8:10PM<br />

thu, fri, sat, sun: 10:10AM, 2:00PM, 4:10PM, 6:20PM<br />

mon, tue: 10:10AM, 2:00PM, 4:10PM, 6:20PM<br />

tea with the dames Judi Dench, Maggie Smith, Eileen Atkins, Joan Plowright<br />

wed: 10:00AM, 2:30PM, 6:30PM thu: 12:20PM, 2:00PM<br />

fri, sat, sun: 12:20PM, 4:20PM mon, tue: 12:20PM, 4:20PM<br />

ocean’s eight Starring Sandra Bullock, Cate Blanchett and Anne Hathaway<br />

wed: 4:00PM, 8:30PM thu: 8:30PM fri, sat, sun: 8:00PM mon, tue: 8:00PM<br />

the bookshop Starring Emily Mortimer and Bill Nighy<br />

wed: 12:20PM<br />

the guernsey literary and potato peel pie society<br />

Heart-warming Love Story<br />

wed: 4:10PM<br />

edie M Offensive language adrift M Offensive language the leisure seeker M Suicide<br />

and Euthanasia themes, sex scenes and offensive language tea with the dames M Offensive<br />

language and sexual references ocean’s eight M Offensive language the bookshop PG<br />

Coarse language the guernsey literary and potato peel pie society M Adult themes<br />



style<br />

noun<br />

elegance and sophistication.<br />

synonyms: flair, grace, poise,<br />

polish, suaveness, urbanity,<br />

chic, finesse, taste, class,<br />

comfort, luxury, affluence,<br />

wealth, opulence, lavishness.<br />



Twice a year we clear the Community Fund collection boxes at<br />

Christchurch Airport and share the money across the community.<br />

Kiwi dollars, international currency, small change from your cup of<br />

coffee, plus a top-up donation from us, all add up for local charities<br />

and community projects.<br />

Preferred repairer and<br />

service agent for all major<br />

warranty repair companies<br />

MT<br />

automotive<br />

We service and repair<br />

most European vehicles<br />

namely Audi, BMW, Land<br />

Rover/Range Rover and<br />

VW and also Diagnostic<br />

Scanners for most other<br />

makes and models.<br />

The New Brighton Blanket Bank has been running since 2012 with the aim of<br />

collecting donations of good used and unused blankets, duvets, sheets and<br />

towels; and redistributing them to those in the community that require some<br />

extra warm bedding. Blanket Bank Coordinator Sarah (pictured) helps families<br />

and individuals from all over Christchurch, and even beyond.<br />

MT<br />

automotive<br />

2/36 Birmingham Drive, Middleton, ChCh<br />

Phone: 03 338 8777<br />

Open: Mon to Fri 8am-6pm and Sat 9am-3pm<br />

Charities and community groups<br />

can apply for funds at<br />


PAGE 24 Wednesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>27</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />


Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


ENDS 9.7.18<br />

Shop<br />

Online<br />

Nationwide<br />

Delivery<br />

Finance<br />

Options<br />

targetfurniture.co.nz<br />

Cnr Blenheim & Curletts Rds, Christchurch<br />

Ph: 0800 TARGET (0800 8<strong>27</strong>438)<br />

Offers and product prices advertised here expire 09/07/18.<br />

Sale excludes Manchester and Accessories.

Wednesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>27</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />


Soothe your soul<br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

54 Avoca Valley Road, Heathcote<br />

Auction: Thursday 12 July <strong>2018</strong> Unless Sold Prior<br />

4 bedrooms | 2 bathrooms | 1 living room | 1 office/study | 4 car-garage | 2 off-street parks | Listing #FM5436<br />


PAGE 25<br />

Wake up to sights and sounds of the<br />

country in this delightful property nestled<br />

in the heart of Avoca Valley, surrounded<br />

by the vista of the grand Port Hills. The<br />

rural background combined with your<br />

own landscape section of 2,672m2 creates a<br />

peaceful haven where you can unwind, and<br />

your kids can play to their hearts content.<br />

Warm and inviting, the family home<br />

offers four large bedrooms plus study, two<br />

bathrooms and expansive living that is<br />

warmed by a great logburner, perfect for<br />

these colder winter months.<br />

The expansive grounds will appeal to<br />

those looking for extra outdoor space, as<br />

the section features a large lawn surrounded<br />

by a host of native trees and shrubs. With<br />

double garaging attached to the home and<br />

a further large garage to the rear of the<br />

section there is ample room for all your<br />

cars including space for a boat.<br />

The summer months will be spent<br />

entertaining friends and family on the<br />

North facing patio where the sheltered<br />

microclimate of the valley will be fully<br />

appreciated.<br />

Live a rural lifestyle while being so close<br />

to good schools and the city with all your<br />

shopping needs catered for at the nearby<br />

Ferrymead retail centre and Lyttelton.<br />

Be the envy of all your friends and family<br />

and grab this lifestyle opportunity today!<br />

Auction date: Thursday 12 July 12:00pm<br />

(Harcourts City, 98 Moorhouse Ave) Unless<br />

Sold Prior<br />

Open Homes: Wednesday and Sunday<br />

12:00pm - 12:45pm.<br />

For more information or to arrange<br />

a private viewing contact Chris Moores<br />

of Harcourts Grenadier Ferrymead<br />

(Licensed Agent REAA 2008) on<br />

384 7950 or 0<strong>27</strong>5 884 440.<br />

now bigger than ever<br />

The magazine for gardeners who<br />

like to get their hands dirty<br />

growing with you<br />

SprIng Is here –<br />

It’S Sow Time<br />

how to get the best results from<br />

seeds and seedlings<br />

100% NatIve In<br />

The capItal<br />

Unravelling the secrets of<br />

Otari-wilton Bush<br />

The New Zealand<br />

landscape awards<br />

The people behind<br />

the projects<br />

September 2016 | 100%<br />

It’s time<br />

to grow!<br />

New look and more<br />

content than ever!<br />

MeeT LeSTer Brice<br />

A Garden coach<br />

SubScribe from<br />

$43. 50*<br />

$7.90 incl. GST<br />

*6 issues/6 months<br />

ISSN 2423-0219<br />

Save our roSeS<br />

How a rose register is protecting our heritage<br />

auckland Botanic GardenS<br />

Why we love our public grounds<br />


0800 77 77 10<br />


• By Bridget Rutherford<br />

PROMINENT Cantabrians<br />

have given a mixed response to<br />

the possible futuristic look of<br />

Cathedral Square.<br />

Plans for what the Square<br />

could look like were released<br />

by Regenerate Christchurch<br />

yesterday after seven years of<br />

debate and controversy over the<br />

slow progress of the rebuild.<br />

It includes three covered<br />

pavilions, which would have<br />

a “lattice-style” translucent<br />

roof, which could host markets<br />

and other events.<br />

FUTURISTIC: Plans released yesterday show what Cathedral Square could look like.<br />

The long-term vision, which is<br />

estimated to cost between $60-<br />

$80 million, aims to bring people<br />

back into the area, through a<br />

series of interconnected public<br />

spaces.<br />

The vision for the Square also<br />

includes Cathedral Gardens<br />

with trees and water features,<br />

Post Office Place with events<br />

and meeting spaces, and Library<br />

Plaza with other people-friendly<br />

areas.<br />

Former mayor Garry Moore<br />

said the plan was “brilliant”<br />

Lianne Dalziel Garry Moore Jamie Gough Vicki Buck<br />

while developer Ernest Duval<br />

was not fussed by the pavilions. city council and stakeholders to be needed.<br />

think of the central city as a<br />

The next step is for a delivery determine what could be done, Mayor Lianne Dalziel said destination and residential<br />

strategy to be developed with the when, and what funding would the vision would help people neighbourhood.<br />

Thursday, <strong>June</strong> 14, <strong>2018</strong><br />

“I’m confident Regenerate<br />

Christchurch’s vision will allow<br />

this to happen.”<br />

City councillor Deon Swiggs<br />

said it would need to work<br />

around other developments<br />

such as Turanga, the Spark<br />

building, Aotea Gifts and the<br />

restoration of Christ Church<br />

Cathedral.<br />

“We’ve got to look at what is<br />

happening, what’s in the vision<br />

and what can we deliver.”<br />

City councillor Jamie Gough<br />

said it was a good starting<br />

point.<br />

•Turn to page 5<br />

Big scrap after police<br />

find ‘burglar’ – page 17<br />

Six Year<br />

Warranty<br />

Was Now<br />

$3,399<br />


Fully<br />

installed *<br />

*Model ABTG18L installed back to back,<br />

up to three metre pipe run and electrical<br />

supply within 6 metres.<br />

* Conditions apply. Normal lending criteria, booking fee and annual account fee applies. Limited stock.<br />

PAGE 23<br />

Restore your oiled CEDAR BLINDS with our<br />

NEW re-oiling service.<br />

Rejuvenate your lacquered CEDAR BLINDS<br />

High-tech Cleaning<br />

We clean and repair all types of blinds –<br />

Venetians, Cedar, Verticals, Roller, Hollands,<br />

Romans and Pleated – with environmentally<br />

friendly cleaning products.<br />

Temperature Controlled Drying<br />

Re-oiling & Rejuvenating<br />

Fabric Blinds - eg Austrian & Roman<br />

New Blind Sales Priced from $30<br />

Same Day Pick Up & Drop Off<br />

We offer a same-day, pick up and drop off<br />

service for most types of blinds. Bookings<br />

are required.<br />

Thursday, May 24, <strong>2018</strong><br />

• By Bridget Rutherford<br />

A CON man who tells his<br />

intended victims he will harm<br />

their families if they don’t pay up<br />

may face a bigger problem than<br />

the law – gangs.<br />

Police have received 19 complaints<br />

from Christchurch people<br />

targeted by the sinister scam. It<br />

involves phone<br />

calls and texts to<br />

victims who are<br />

told the caller is<br />

from the Mongrel<br />

Mob, Highway 61<br />

or Black Power.<br />

Pay up or your<br />

family members, Greg<br />

including elderly Newbold<br />

parents, will be<br />

attacked, the caller says.<br />

But it appears the con man is<br />

not connected to the gangs, just<br />

using their names to put fear into<br />

the intended victims.<br />

Canterbury University criminologist<br />

Greg Newbold said yesterday<br />

the gangs would be “filthy”.<br />

“All I can say is he’s got a death<br />

wish,” he said.<br />

“They will be absolutely p***ed<br />

off. Anybody who impersonates<br />

a gang member is committing a<br />

serious crime against the gang.”<br />

Prof Newbold said the perpetrator<br />

could get a “hiding” for that<br />

alone.<br />

•Turn to page 7<br />

Convenient Location<br />

Drop blinds into us by 9am, at 330 Cashel<br />

Street (near the Fitzgerald end), and collect<br />

them at the end of the day.<br />

per blind<br />

OPEN<br />

Mon - Fri 8.00am to 5.00pm<br />

Ph 377 0770, 330 Cashel St<br />

www.blindcare.co.nz<br />

< SCAN QR code for Info<br />

$7.90 incl. GST<br />

$7.90 incl. GST<br />

PAGE 26 Wednesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>27</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />


Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />



• By Bridget Rutherford<br />

PROMINENT Cantabrians<br />

have given a mixed response to<br />

the possible futuristic look of<br />

Cathedral Square.<br />

Plans for what the Square<br />

could look like were released<br />

by Regenerate Christchurch<br />

yesterday after seven years of<br />

debate and controversy over the<br />

slow progress of the rebuild.<br />

It includes three covered<br />

pavilions, which would have<br />

a “lattice-style” translucent<br />

roof, which could host markets<br />

and other events.<br />

The long-term vision, which is<br />

estimated to cost between $60-<br />

$80 million, aims to bring people<br />

back into the area, through a<br />

series of interconnected public<br />

spaces.<br />

The vision for the Square also<br />

includes Cathedral Gardens<br />

with trees and water features,<br />

Post Office Place with events<br />

and meeting spaces, and Library<br />

Plaza with other people-friendly<br />

areas.<br />

Former mayor Garry Moore<br />

said the plan was “brilliant”<br />

while developer Ernest Duval<br />

was not fussed by the pavilions.<br />

The next step is for a delivery<br />

strategy to be developed with the<br />

FUTURISTIC: Plans released yesterday show what Cathedral Square could look like.<br />

city council and stakeholders to<br />

determine what could be done,<br />

when, and what funding would<br />

be needed.<br />

Mayor Lianne Dalziel said<br />

the vision would help people<br />

think of the central city as a<br />

destination and residential<br />

neighbourhood.<br />

Thursday, <strong>June</strong> 14, <strong>2018</strong><br />

The Square: Is this the future?<br />

Mixed<br />

reaction<br />

to bold<br />

new plan<br />

Lianne Dalziel Garry Moore Jamie Gough Vicki Buck<br />

Convicted killer involved<br />

in high speed smash<br />

Female<br />

passenger<br />

in lucky<br />

escape<br />

• By Barry Clarke and Emily<br />

O’Connell<br />

A CONVICTED killer is back<br />

behind bars after a spectacular<br />

crash while allegedly fleeing<br />

police.<br />

John Oliver Jamieson’s Subaru<br />

Forester crashed through the<br />

Rolleston dog park fence on<br />

Saturday.<br />

A spear-like fence post<br />

smashed through the window<br />

screen narrowly missing a<br />

woman in the passenger seat.<br />

Miraculously Jamieson and the<br />

woman were unhurt.<br />

He had earlier been recorded<br />

driving at 180km/h on State<br />

Highway 1.<br />

A cut-down rifle was later<br />

found by police in the vehicle.<br />

Startled dog walkers said<br />

Jamieson ran a short distance<br />

from the vehicle before stopping<br />

to see if the woman in the vehicle<br />

was okay.<br />

Police arrived soon after and<br />

he was apprehended.<br />

Jamieson was one of six men<br />

“I’m confident Regenerate<br />

Christchurch’s vision will allow<br />

this to happen.”<br />

City councillor Deon Swiggs<br />

said it would need to work<br />

around other developments<br />

such as Turanga, the Spark<br />

building, Aotea Gifts and the<br />

restoration of Christ Church<br />

Cathedral.<br />

“We’ve got to look at what is<br />

happening, what’s in the vision<br />

and what can we deliver.”<br />

City councillor Jamie Gough<br />

said it was a good starting<br />

point.<br />

•Turn to page 5<br />

IMPACT: The aftermath of the high speed crash on Saturday when this vehicle went through a dog park fence.<br />


found guilty of the manslaughter<br />

of Timaru man Wayne Kerry<br />

Bray in 2009. Jamieson received<br />

a nine-year jail sentence. He was<br />



$3,599<br />

Insta led<br />

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Phone 377 0034<br />

15/114 Sawyers Arms Road<br />

www.dimockheatpumps.co.nz email: sales@dimocks.net.nz<br />

*Conditions apply. Insta led back-to-back, up to three metre pipe run & electrical supply within 6 metres. O fer expires <strong>June</strong> 30th, <strong>2018</strong>.<br />

on bail for other charges at the<br />

time of the attack on Mr Bray.<br />

Mr Bray, 26, died four days<br />

after he was punched, kicked and<br />

stomped on in a Timaru street.<br />

Mr Bray had walked past a<br />

property where there had been a<br />

party. There had been bad blood<br />

between one of the men found<br />

guilty and Mr Bray which led to<br />

the attack.<br />

•Turn to page 6<br />

Start your own story<br />

03 348 1994 | www.peterrayhomes.co.nz<br />

Thursday, <strong>June</strong> 7, <strong>2018</strong><br />

At the recent <strong>2018</strong> National<br />

CNA Awards, STAR MEDIA had<br />

outstanding success.<br />

As a team, we strive for excellence every<br />

day, to inform, connect and entertain the<br />

audiences we serve.<br />

STAR MEDIA recently won a variety of<br />

national awards, including “NZ Supreme<br />

Newspaper of the Year” for the second<br />

year running.<br />

I want to thank all my team, these awards<br />

acknowledge their efforts, passion and<br />

skill they bring each day to our business.<br />

I would also like to thank our advertisers,<br />

whose support make it possible for us to<br />

connect to our audiences so well.<br />

And most importantly, thank you to<br />

you, our readers!<br />

- Steve McCaughan<br />

Chief Executive<br />

NZ Supreme<br />

Newspaper<br />

The Star<br />

Best All Round<br />

Newspaper<br />

The Star<br />

Best All Round<br />

Lifestyle Magazine<br />

Kiwi Gardener<br />

Best Front Page<br />

Feature/Magazine<br />

Kiwi Gardener<br />

Best<br />

Website<br />

star.kiwi<br />

Celebrating 150 years<br />

The Square: Is this the future?<br />

Mixed<br />

reaction<br />

to bold<br />

new plan<br />

WINNER<br />

Fergie versus<br />

The Cop<br />

See pages 4 & 5<br />

Being tactical<br />

Coach, mum, motivator<br />


Trump gets<br />

the blame<br />


WINNER<br />

Fujitsu 6KW Floor Console<br />

$2,999<br />

Ph 377 0034<br />

15/114 Sawyers Arms Road<br />

Phone www.dimockheatpumps.co.nz<br />

377 0034<br />

email: sales@dimocks.net.nz<br />

Sinister<br />

con man<br />

may<br />

feel<br />

wrath<br />

of gangs<br />

BLINDS...Cleaned, Repaired & Restored...<br />

Ro ler Blinds cleaned<br />

from as li tle as $20<br />

growing with you July <strong>2018</strong> | 100%<br />

PrePPing for Potatoes<br />

GettinG started with<br />

seed spuds<br />

Know your<br />

wheelbarrow<br />

How to avoid<br />

buying a lemon<br />

The busy<br />

gardeners<br />

of Balclutha<br />

a community<br />

growing fast<br />

WINNER<br />

a recipe<br />

for success<br />

Meet expert roSe<br />

breeder rob SoMerfield<br />

Holiday fun<br />

in the garden<br />

Make a bird feeder<br />

+ School garden<br />

inSpiration<br />

it’s a<br />

Jungle<br />

in Here!<br />

Bring the<br />

tropical<br />

Bromeliads<br />

inside<br />

one step aHead<br />

of Jack frost<br />

frugal wayS<br />

to protect plantS<br />

growing with you <strong>June</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | 100%<br />

Plants For<br />

winter wow<br />

Cool Choices<br />

For Colour<br />

& Contrast<br />

From swamp<br />

to sea views<br />

The journey<br />

begins with sarah<br />

the Gardener<br />

Snap it up<br />

Enter our annual<br />

Birdlife Photo<br />

Competition to win<br />

great prizes!<br />

clear the air<br />

Why groWing<br />

indoor PLAnTs is<br />

so good for you<br />

give it a grow<br />

from gArLic<br />

To chinese<br />

ArTichokes,<br />

We hAve your<br />

groWing TiPs<br />

covered<br />


the latest releases<br />

into the rose world<br />

+ rose care<br />

through winter<br />


Best Junior News<br />

Journalist<br />

Emily O’Connell<br />

Best Junior Feature/<br />

Lifestyle Journalist<br />

Bridget Rutherford<br />

Best Feature/Lifestyle<br />

Photographer<br />

Martin Hunter<br />

Best Senior Sports<br />

Journalist<br />

Gordon Findlater<br />

Best Junior News<br />

Journalist<br />

Julia Evans<br />

WINNER<br />

WINNER<br />

WINNER<br />



Join our success, contact us<br />

Shane Victor 021 381 765 Shane@starmedia.kiwi

Wednesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>27</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


PAGE <strong>27</strong><br />

Computer<br />

Services<br />



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With free pick and delivery<br />

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*$30.00 off your first<br />

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No problem too big or<br />

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hassle-free computing.<br />

Lost files recovered.<br />

Microsoft Certified,<br />

MCSE, MCP+l. 30 years<br />

experience. Call Andrew<br />

Buxton this week on 326-<br />

6740 or 0<strong>27</strong> 435-7596<br />

for $30.00 off* Custom<br />

Computers Christchurch<br />

Gardening<br />

& Supplies<br />

Landscape<br />

and Garden<br />

Services<br />

Need help with<br />

your garden?<br />

We provide a quality<br />

service for all your<br />

Garden Maintenance<br />

(hedges, lawns,<br />

line trimming, weeding)<br />

and Landscaping needs,<br />

(fencing, paths, drives,<br />

retaining and earthworks).<br />

Ph 021 <strong>27</strong>2 0303<br />

Gardening<br />

& Supplies<br />



UP? Shrub, hedge &<br />

tree pruning, Lawns,<br />

Gardening, consistently<br />

reliable general property<br />

upkeep, Dip. Hort. 10<br />

yrs experience, One off<br />

tidy ups or on-going<br />

service. Nick’s Property<br />

Maintenance. Keeping<br />

your garden beautiful.<br />

Free Quote. Ph. 942-4440<br />

accountant<br />

Classifieds Contact us today Phone our local team 03 379 1100<br />

Holiday<br />

Accommodation<br />

Australia QLD<br />


COAST<br />

RESORT<br />


All Units Have Ocean Views.<br />

Heated Pools, Spa & Sauna,<br />

Free Wifi, Tennis<br />

& Mini Golf.<br />



www.mandolin.com.au<br />

0061 7 5443 5011<br />

JUNE to AUG temps 20C<br />

Select Services<br />


Stone Age<br />

Landscapes<br />

If you can visualise, we can create<br />

We specialise in residential and commercial<br />

landscaping and stonework. We pride ourselves on<br />

quality workmanship at affordable prices.<br />

• Stonework: Driveway entrances & Walls<br />

Exterior house cladding<br />

• Fences and Decking<br />

• Paving and Patios<br />

• Ponds and Water features<br />

Mike Adams 021 149 9733<br />

Email: mikerobadams@gmail.com<br />

Website: www.stoneagelandscapes.co.nz<br />

Trades & Services<br />

automotive<br />

PrEmIum<br />

TyrEs & AuTO<br />

10% discount with this ad<br />

tWO LOCAtiONS!<br />

222 LINWOOD AVE (Beside Burger King)<br />

245 DyErs rOAD (Cnr Wickham St)<br />

• Vehicle servicing from $75<br />

• Punctures only $25 for most vehicles<br />

• Brake pads from only $110<br />

• New & secondhand tyres on sale now<br />

• WOFs • Lubes • Alignments<br />


MON - FRi<br />

8am - 5pm<br />

SAtURdAy<br />

9am - 2pm<br />

(03) 380 50 20<br />

Trades & Services<br />


12 years<br />

experience<br />

Serving Christchurch and wider<br />

Canterbury Region with quality<br />

workmanship and service.<br />

24/7 caLLOUT serVice<br />

(Linwood)<br />

Real Estate<br />

Wanted<br />

Diamond<br />

<strong>Harbour</strong><br />

Entry level home<br />

required in Diamond<br />

<strong>Harbour</strong> area for<br />

professional couple.<br />

Anything considered,<br />

repairs no problem.<br />

Please phone Trish<br />

0<strong>27</strong> 558 7474 or email<br />

on trikie14@gmail.com<br />

Trades & Services<br />


Need your home or<br />

commercial garden tidied<br />

up or renovated or require<br />

long term assistance.<br />

Phone Ruth 326-6663 or<br />

021 <strong>27</strong>2-0303<br />


Fed up with standing<br />

around with a hose? Need<br />

an irrigation system for<br />

your garden? Ph Andy 03<br />

2601378 or 0211419199.<br />

englishgrdnr@gmail.com<br />


Experienced tradesman,<br />

quality work, free quotes,<br />

ph Simon 0<strong>27</strong> 389-1351 or<br />

03 328-7280<br />



no job too big or too<br />

small, specialise in repair<br />

work & new houses, free<br />

quotes given, over 20 yrs<br />

plastering experience, ph<br />

Peter 0<strong>27</strong> 221-4066 or<br />

384-2574<br />



Earthquake Repairs, Grind<br />

Out & Repoint, River/<br />

Oamaru stone, Schist,<br />

Volcanic Rock, Paving,<br />

all Alterations new & old,<br />

Quality Workmanship,<br />

visit www.featureworks.<br />

co.nz or ph 0<strong>27</strong> 601-3145<br />

Situations Vacant<br />

CAREGIVER required<br />

until 17th September.<br />

Some housekeeping<br />

duties and assistance with<br />

shopping etc. Full drivers<br />

licence is necessary. 16 1/2<br />

hrs per week over 4 week<br />

days in Cass <strong>Bay</strong> area. Ph<br />

03 328-8450 or 0<strong>27</strong> 254<br />

2947<br />

Trades & Services<br />

CARPET<br />

&<br />


50 Yrs exp<br />

Repairs, uplifting, CAREGIVER required<br />

relaying, restretching, until 17th September.<br />

E mail jflattery@xtra. Some housekeeping<br />

co.nz<br />

ph John on 0800 003 181<br />

or 0<strong>27</strong> 2407416<br />


duties and assistance with<br />

shopping etc. Full drivers<br />

licence is necessary. 16 1/2<br />

hrs per week over 4 week<br />

Affordable Concrete days in Cass <strong>Bay</strong> area. Ph<br />

Cutting with Quality, and<br />

removal work. Free quote.<br />

No job to small. Phone 0<strong>27</strong><br />

03 328-8450 or 0<strong>27</strong> 254<br />

2947<br />

442-2219, Fax 359-6052<br />

a/h 359- 4605<br />

Public Notices<br />


JMP Electrical.<br />

Experienced & registered..<br />

Governors <strong>Bay</strong><br />

Expert in all home Community<br />

electrical repairs & Association<br />

maintenance.Call James<br />

0<strong>27</strong> 4401715<br />




For electrical work, no job Monday 30th July <strong>2018</strong><br />

to small, affordable, tidy & 7.30pm, Governors <strong>Bay</strong><br />

experienced, HEATPUMP Community Centre<br />

servicing, & perfomance<br />

test $70 + gst, ph or txt 0<strong>27</strong><br />

432 9755 or 03 326 49922<br />


Including “Revitalising the<br />

Governors <strong>Bay</strong> Fete”<br />

Audience participation<br />

essential<br />

Hardfill, rock breaking, rib Mulled wine and sweet<br />

raft foundations, retaining treats will be served!<br />

walls, site works. Ph 0<strong>27</strong><br />

33<strong>27</strong>006<br />

Come and have your say…<br />

Vehicles Public Notices Wanted<br />


$$CASH PAID$$<br />


& 4X4 WANTED<br />

NZ OWNED<br />

AND<br />


FOR<br />

24 YEARS<br />

We use world class vehicle<br />

depollution systems<br />

0800 8200 600<br />

www.pickapart.co.nz<br />

Entertainment<br />

ADD SOME<br />

COLOUR<br />



Phone for further details<br />

(03) 379 1100

PAGE 28 Wednesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>27</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />


Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Thank you for<br />

helping your<br />

Fall Zones<br />

community<br />

To all of you who have had your<br />

trees trimmed before they became<br />

a problem, thank you for keeping all<br />

the families in your community warm,<br />

happy, healthy and connected.<br />

You can be proud of the fact that you have allowed your<br />

neighbours to stay warm, cook dinner and even charge<br />

their mobile phones. You may not have realised that what<br />

you’ve done has had much impact, but from all of us here<br />

at Orion, we just want to say thank you.<br />

Notice and Growth limit zones<br />

B<br />

A<br />

Power line voltage A. Growth limit zone B. Notice zone<br />

66,000 volts 4.0m 5.0m<br />

33,000 volts 2.5m 3.5m<br />

11,000 volts 1.6m 2.6m<br />

400/230 volts 0.5m 1.5m<br />

We’re not exaggerating.<br />

On our network, 10-20% of all unplanned power outages are<br />

caused by trees — including vegetation — coming into contact<br />

with power lines. Other than this, fire damage to property from<br />

branches sparking in dry conditions and serious injury from<br />

electrocution from contact with trees touching power lines are<br />

also possible consequences of not maintaining your trees.<br />

How close is too close?<br />

While most damage is caused by trees falling on power lines,<br />

significant risk exists from trees merely touching them. This risk<br />

increases the higher the voltage of the power line.<br />

The minimum distances that must be maintained between trees<br />

and power lines, as defined in the Electricity (Hazards from<br />

Trees) Regulations 2003, are outlined in the diagrams above.<br />

All vegetation should be kept out of the growth limit zone and<br />

preferably the notice zone.<br />

Sometimes it may not be practical to have a tree trimmed at the<br />

rate at which it grows and unfortunately, this means it may need<br />

to be removed. Other situations may require trees to be removed,<br />

most commonly when they are at a high risk of falling due to<br />

disease or adverse weather events.<br />

Where do I start?<br />

Before you begin, remember to keep yourself, and those around<br />

you, safe. We recognise that not everyone is experienced in tree<br />

trimming and are happy to advise you on what to do. We can arrange<br />

for trees near power lines to be trimmed at your expense, however<br />

we recommend you hire professionals to safely carry out the work.<br />

If you or someone working for you intends to work within four<br />

metres of power lines, a close approach consent is required from<br />

Orion before you start. As a tree owner, you may be liable for any<br />

damage caused by carrying out trimming or felling of trees.<br />

Will I be fined if I don’t comply?<br />

If a cut or trim notice is given to you and you fail to have the tree<br />

trimmed and/or advise us of the time and location of the trim<br />

without a reasonable excuse, this is an offence. This will make you<br />

liable for a fine not exceeding $10,000. If the offence continues,<br />

you will be liable for a further fine of not more than $500 for every<br />

day or part day during which the offence continues.<br />

More info can be found on our website and if<br />

you have any questions or notice any trees<br />

touching power lines in your area, please call<br />

us on 03 363 9898 or 0800 363 9898.<br />

oriongroup.co.nz<br />

Orion New Zealand owns and operates the electricity distribution<br />

network in central Canterbury between the Waimakariri and Rakaia<br />

rivers and from Canterbury coast to Arthur’s Pass.



JUNE 29 – JULY 1<br />

Horncastle Arena | Friday, Saturday, Sunday | 10am-5pm<br />

Show this coupon to staff on Friday 29th<br />

<strong>June</strong> or pre book on starhomeshow.kiwi<br />

valid up to 4 people.<br />

Saturday<br />

Sunday<br />

Show this coupon to staff on the day or pre<br />

book by using the code STARDISCOUNT on<br />

starhomeshow.kiwi, valid up to 4 people .

Editor<br />

DESIGN<br />

New Tasting Corner<br />

Look out for the new Home &<br />

Leisure Magazine inside every<br />

Show Bag for all visitors.<br />

80+ pages packed with high quality editorial and photos,<br />

showcasing new and renovated homes, and exploring<br />

current trends in interior design. Also available at selected<br />

outlets and Christchurch P.O Boxes<br />

My HOME:<br />

→ Wish - we’d been advised to insta l<br />

therma ly-broken aluminium windows.<br />

Had the money for central heating.<br />

→ Hardest decision – forgoing a bath. Switching<br />

Beaven’s ShadowClad spec for cedar.<br />

→ Favourite feature - the textural fabric of our<br />

home: glass, cedar, plywood, steel, concrete<br />

Xbond and luxe loop pile carpet.<br />

Kitchen Zone<br />

Ideas for budgets<br />

big and small<br />

The new Home & Leisure magazine will be given to all those who<br />

visi the Star Media Home & Leisure Show (<strong>June</strong> 29-July 1), and<br />

delivered to Christchurch PO Boxes and selected outlets around the<br />

city. Packed with high-quality editorial showcasing the latest home<br />

innovations – inside and out – this publication delivers its messages<br />

with the same flair desired by home owners for their havens.<br />

A perfect partner for a highly attended annual event.<br />


Charlotte Smulders<br />

Star Media<br />

Level One, 359 Lincoln Road, Christchurch 8140<br />

03 379 7100<br />


Kate Preece<br />

Group Editor<br />

Gaynor Stanley<br />

gaynor.stanley@starmedia.kiwi<br />

Gemma Quirk<br />

Rodney Grey<br />


Juliet Dickson<br />

Account Executive<br />

364 7409 / 021 688 159<br />

juliet.dickson@starmedia.kiwi<br />

Vanessa Fleming<br />

Home & Leisure Show Manager<br />

021 914 565<br />

vanessa.fleming@starmedia.kiwi<br />

Cover image: Trends Kitchens<br />

Magazine of<br />

The Christchurch Star Company Ltd is not responsible for any actions taken on the<br />

information in these articles. The information and views expressed in this publication<br />

are not nece sarily the opinion of The Christchurch Star Company Ltd or its editorial<br />

contributors. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information within<br />

this magazine, however, The Christchurch Star Company Ltd can accept no liability<br />

for the accuracy of a l the information.<br />

The firs time I woke up with a cold nose in my brand<br />

new home, I wa shocked. How could this be? The<br />

cool, calm, co lected one and I had planned for our<br />

home to be we l insulated against Canterbury’s<br />

cold winters. Turns out, not we l enough. We’d<br />

even assured a we l-meaning friend we had ample<br />

insulation (yes, Duncan, you were right). I’ve worked out where we<br />

fe l short in hindsight. Our home was designed by highly respected<br />

Christchurch architec the late Peter Beaven, for a magic little<br />

Port Hi l site, where he planned to live in with his wife Lesley.<br />

Sadly Peter died before realising his plans. We bough them and<br />

employed Archology in Sydney, where we were living a the time, to<br />

prepare the construction drawings and specifications. Compared to<br />

Australia, the R values for insulation would have looked high. Our<br />

talented young builder, Sam McCarthy, would never have queried<br />

the levels because they were standard practice around town. So it<br />

wasn’t until we were living in the house and I consulted Council’s<br />

eco design advisor Julie Vi lard about how we could warm it up that<br />

we discovered, while we unwittingly thought we had exceeded New<br />

Zealand standard, we had merely met Code. And that ain’t going to<br />

cut it in our climate.<br />

Fortunately Julie had plenty of ideas on how we could improve<br />

the situation and we have easy access to our underfloor to top-up<br />

the insulation. Julie Vi lard, an architect from France, is on a mission<br />

to transform building best practice here and you can read abou the<br />

groundbreaking ideas she’s applied to her own brand new build on<br />

page 20.<br />

I’ve shared the highs and lows of building with the other home<br />

builders and renovators I interviewed and, like Diane (page 36), would<br />

relish doing it again. I was struck by how a l the home owner said<br />

what they most valued was the ability of their designer or builder to<br />

“rea ly listen” to their wants and needs. I was also impressed by how<br />

much Christchurch people love a good garage! We’ve got some ideas<br />

for some top of their class cars to complement yours on page 81 and<br />

how to quickly establish a lawn on page 72.<br />

We review a l the lates trends in everyone’s favourite room –<br />

the kitchen (page 48), and share an easy yet impressive recipe for<br />

entertaining friends in your fabulous new home on page 77.<br />

I hope Peter Beaven would be pleased with how the cool, calm,<br />

collected one and I realised his dream. Go chase yours people!<br />

Gaynor<br />

Speaking to the NZ Institute of Architects about ‘bespoke<br />

architecture’ being a ‘minority pursuit’ not long before his death<br />

Peter said “I am going to try to prove that it’s possible to build<br />

modestly and cheaply with a little house for ourselves. It’s going to<br />

be sustainable and it’s going to be beautiful and it’s going to be just<br />

cheap – no more than an ordinary spec house. I’ l prove that it can<br />

be done, and it might be the las thing I prove.”<br />

complimentary<br />

+ InterIors<br />

+ BAtHrooMs<br />

+ tAste Corner<br />

+ LAndsCApIng<br />

+ MotorIng<br />

Building tips from the home owners plus expert home design advice<br />

56<br />

42<br />

48<br />

This year we have introduced our very first tasting<br />

corner. Make sure you indulge yourself.. where you<br />

can taste and buy from premium brands.<br />

To launch our new tasting<br />

Corner at this year’s event<br />

Tasty Co are giving away<br />

500 Delicious Chilli Con<br />

Carne Tasty Pots to the first<br />

500 attendees each day!<br />

Make sure you are<br />

there early to get yours!<br />

Meet Tactix Netball players<br />

at The Good Oil stand (148)<br />

Friday 12.30-2. Plus be in to win tickets to their<br />

July Home Game, with every bottle of Good oil sold.<br />

WIN<br />

a Chlorine<br />

removal system,<br />

value $525<br />

Find out how to keep your<br />

home and family safe ...<br />

Come and have a chat with us at stand 215<br />



www.fireandemergency.nz<br />

WIN! A $500<br />

Resene voucher for your home<br />

Just by coming to the show be in to<br />

win 2 nights’ accommodation<br />

at any scenic or Heartland Hotel’<br />

Be in to win a<br />

Robham Kitchen range<br />

hood the value of $2499

“Thousands of ideas<br />

for your home”<br />

Let our exhibitors inspire you<br />

4 Seasons Home & Leisure<br />

Stand 198-202<br />

www.4seasons.co.nz<br />

Acoustic Architecture<br />

Stand 37<br />

facebook.com/AcousticArt<br />

Action Security<br />

Stand 8<br />

www.actionsecurity.co.nz<br />

Agility Building Solutions<br />

Stand 209, 211<br />

www.agbs.co.nz<br />

Air Con Christchurch<br />

Stand 32, 34<br />

www.airconnz.co.nz<br />

Alpine View Lifestyle Village<br />

Stand 50, 51<br />

www.alpineview.co.nz<br />

Aoraki Liquorice<br />

Stand 160A Taste Corner<br />

www.aorakiliquorice.co.nz<br />

Aqua Synergy Group<br />

Stand 105, 106<br />

www.aquafilter.co.nz<br />

Ark Financial<br />

Stand 44<br />

www.arkfg.co.nz<br />

Armstrong Motor Group<br />

Stand 220-231<br />

www.armstrongmotorgroup.com<br />

Automated Technologies<br />

Stand 82<br />

www.automatedtechnologies.<br />

co.nz<br />

<strong>Bay</strong> Audiology<br />

Stand 19<br />

www.bayaudiology.co.nz<br />

Beam by Electrolux Central Vacuum<br />

Stand 214<br />

www.beam.co.nz<br />

Bed World<br />

Stand 102<br />

www.bedworld.co.nz<br />

Brand Developers – Turboscrub<br />

Stand 14<br />

www.tvshop.co.nz<br />

Brand Developers Veito Heater<br />

Stand 12<br />

www.tvshop.co.nz<br />

Brand Developers Air Roaster<br />

Stand 43<br />

www.tvshop.co.nz<br />

Brand Developers Ladder<br />

Stand 56<br />

www.tvshop.co.nz<br />

Brand Developers Power fit gym<br />

Stand 146<br />

www.tvshop.co.nz<br />

Brand Developers Bambillo Beds<br />

Stand 184, 189<br />

www.tvshop.co.nz<br />

Brand Developers Air Hawk<br />

Stand 204<br />

www.tvshop.co.nz<br />

Build Right Homes<br />

Stand 85-87<br />

www.buildrighthomes.co.nz<br />

Cannon Hill Gourmet<br />

Stand 174 Taste Corner<br />

www.cannonhilgourmet.co.nz<br />

Canterbury Continuous spouting<br />

Stand 134<br />

www.continuous.co.nz<br />

Carpet Plus<br />

Stand 95, 96<br />

www.carpetplus.co.nz<br />

Central Heating New Zealand<br />

Stand 64,66<br />

www.centralheating.co.nz<br />

Chamberlain NZ<br />

Stand 217, 219<br />

www.gomerlin.co.nz<br />

Crafty Weka Bar<br />

Stand 159 Taste Corner<br />

www.kookerykitchen.nz<br />

Dream Doors<br />

Stand 185<br />

www.dreamdoors.co.nz<br />

Duzz all beeswax<br />

Stand 136<br />

www.duzz-allbeeswax.co.nz<br />

DVS<br />

Stand 98, 99<br />

www.dvs.co.nz<br />

E&H Roofguard<br />

Stand 79,81,83<br />

www.edwardsandhardyroofing.co.nz<br />

E3 Decoration<br />

Stand 4<br />

www.e3curtains.co.nz<br />

Econx<br />

Stand 5,6<br />

www.econx.co.nz<br />

Eden Orchards<br />

Stand 158 Taste Corner<br />

www.edenorchards.co.nz<br />

Enviro Master<br />

Stand 18<br />

www.enviromaster.co.nz<br />

Filters and Fountains<br />

Stand 24<br />

www.filtersandfountains.co.nz<br />

Fire and Emergency NZ<br />

Stand 215<br />

www.fireandemergency.nz<br />

Generation Homes<br />

Stand 181,182<br />

www.generation.co.nz<br />

Generator Place<br />

Outside<br />

www.generatorplace.co.nz<br />

Get A Gate<br />

Stand C5 C6<br />

www.getagate.kiwi<br />

GJ Gardner Homes<br />

Stand 57,58<br />

www.gjgardner.co.nz<br />

Graphic Glass<br />

Stand C7<br />

www.graphicglass.co.nz<br />

Happy Spine<br />

Stand <strong>27</strong><br />

www.happyspine.co.nz<br />

Health Co<br />

Stand 29<br />

www.healthco.co.nz<br />

Heatsmart<br />

Stand 38,40<br />

www.heatsmart.co.nz<br />

Hometech Solar tube<br />

Stand 121, 122<br />

www.hometech.co.nz<br />

Hororata Community Trust,<br />

Rainbow Print<br />

Stand 13-17<br />

www.hororata.org.nz<br />

HRV Canterbury<br />

Stand 205 207<br />

www.hrv.co.nz<br />

Ideal build NZ<br />

Stand 10<br />

www.idealbuildings.co.nz<br />

Insulmax Insulation<br />

Stand 60<br />

www.insulmax.co.nz<br />

Install Concepts<br />

Stand 90,91<br />

www.installconcepts.co.nz<br />

Kalessi Bathroomware<br />

Stand 68, 67<br />

www.kalessi.co.nz<br />

Kitchen studio<br />

Stand 72 and 73<br />

www.kitchenstudio.co.nz<br />

Leisure Spas<br />

Stand 92-94<br />

www.leisurespas.co.nz<br />

Lennox bathrooms<br />

Stand 84<br />

www.lennoxbathroom.co.nz<br />

Lifestyles<br />

Stand 139, 144<br />

www.lifestylels.co.nz<br />

Living House<br />

Stand 45-49<br />

www.livinghouse.co.nz<br />

Logan & Smythe Associates<br />

Stand 116<br />

www.logansmythe.co.nz<br />

Lonegoat<br />

Stand 145 Taste Corner<br />

www.lonegoat.co.nz<br />

Luxe Brew<br />

Stand 172 Taste Corner<br />

www.luxebrew.com<br />

Millen Homeware<br />

Stand 110<br />

www.millen.co.nz<br />

Mitsubishi Electric<br />

Stand 35<br />

www.mitsubishi-electric.co.nz<br />

My Eco<br />

Stand 69<br />

www.myeco.co.nz<br />

Narellan Pools<br />

Stand 178<br />

www.narellanpools.co.nz<br />

Natural Flow<br />

Stand 59<br />

www.naturalflow.co.nz<br />

New Zealand Home loans<br />

Stand 62<br />

www.nzhl.co.nz<br />

One Square Rate<br />

Stand 88<br />

www.onesquarerate.co.nz<br />

Plus 2Wp<br />

Stand 115,117<br />

www.showshop.co.nz<br />

PolarEnergi NZ<br />

Stand 186 and 187<br />

www.polarenergi.co.nz<br />

Pool Land<br />

Stand 120 + C1, C2<br />

www.poolland.co.nz<br />

Zenteq<br />

Stand 36<br />

www.zenteq.co.nz<br />

Property Investors Club<br />

Stand 129<br />

www.propertyclub.co.nz<br />

Readylawn<br />

Stand 100<br />

www.readylawn.co.nz<br />

Redrockhats<br />

Stand 23<br />

www.redrockhats.co.nz<br />

Resene<br />

Stand 107-109<br />

www.resene.co.nz<br />

Rosebank Estate Winery<br />

Stand 160 Taste Corner<br />

www.rosebank.co<br />

Sculptural Landscapes<br />

Stand 16<br />

www.sculpturallandscapes.co.nz<br />

Show TV - Fryair air Fryer<br />

Stand 31<br />

www.showtv.co.nz<br />

Show TV - Health Station V Fit<br />

Stand 11<br />

www.showtv.co.nz<br />

Show TV - Hercules Hose<br />

Stand 63<br />

www.showtv.co.nz<br />

Show TV - Nellies Wow Mop<br />

Stand 7<br />

www.showtv.co.nz<br />

Show TV - Turmerix<br />

Stand 9<br />

www.showtv.co.nz<br />

Show TV - Windowwow Window<br />

Cleaner<br />

Stand 33<br />

www.showtv.co.nz<br />

Showerdome South<br />

Stand 135<br />

www.showtv.co.nz<br />

Shuzi NZ<br />

Stand 114<br />

www.showerdome.co.nz<br />

Simx<br />

Stand 20<br />

www.smartvent.co.nz<br />

Sincock and Till Audiology<br />

Stand 1<strong>27</strong><br />

www.staudiology.co.nz<br />

Smartway Homes<br />

Outside<br />

www.smartway.builders<br />

Smart Cities - Christchurch City Council<br />

Stand 221<br />

www.smartchristchurch.org.nz<br />

Spice Craft<br />

Stand 157 Taste Corner<br />

www.spicecraft.co.nz<br />

Springfree<br />

Stand 130-131<br />

www.springfreetrampoline.co.nz<br />

Star Media<br />

Stand 1-3<br />

www.starmedia.kiwi<br />

Stratton Bathrooms<br />

Stand C11<br />

www.strattonbathrooms.com<br />

Sunshine Solar<br />

Stand 53-55<br />

www.sunshinesolar.co.nz<br />

Synscape Synthetic Grass<br />

Stand 168<br />

www.unrealgrass.co.nz<br />

TC Groundworks<br />

Stand 138<br />

www.tcgroundworks.co.nz<br />

Target<br />

Stand 195-197<br />

www.targetfurniture.co.nz<br />

Temperature Solutions<br />

Stand 30<br />

www.temperaturesolutions.co.nz<br />

The Carpet Mill<br />

Stand 151-156<br />

www.carpetmill.co.nz<br />

The Glass Room<br />

Stand 21-22<br />

www.theglassroom.co.nz<br />

The Good Oil<br />

Stand 148 Taste Corner<br />

www.thegoodoil.nz<br />

Total Finish Contractors<br />

Stand 74<br />

www.totalfinish.co.nz<br />

Trident Homes<br />

Stand 70-71<br />

www.tridenthomes.nz<br />

Unicorn Kitchen Bathrooms<br />

Stand 46<br />

www.unicornkb.co.nz<br />

Venluree<br />

Stand 77-78<br />

www.venluree.co.nz<br />

Venus Flooring<br />

Stand 191-193<br />

www.venusflooring.co.nz<br />

VJV, Warmth NZ<br />

Stand 75<br />

www.vjv.co.nz<br />

Whitehouse builders<br />

Stand 39-41<br />

www.whitehousebuilders.co.nz<br />

Wright Hotspring Spas<br />

Stand 26, 28<br />

www.wrightspapools.co.nz<br />

Yellow River Construction<br />

Stand 103-104<br />

www.yellowriver.co.nz<br />

Z500<br />

Stand 80<br />


<strong>June</strong> 29 – July 1 <strong>2018</strong> | Horncastle Arena | Friday, Saturday, Sunday | 10am-5pm

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