scipy tutorial - Baustatik-Info-Server

scipy tutorial - Baustatik-Info-Server

scipy tutorial - Baustatik-Info-Server


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3.1 Clustering package (<strong>scipy</strong>.cluster)<br />

3.1.1 Hierarchical clustering (<strong>scipy</strong>.cluster.hierarchy)<br />

Warning: This documentation is work-in-progress and unorganized.<br />

Function Reference<br />


THREE<br />


These functions cut hierarchical clusterings into flat clusterings or find the roots of the forest formed by a cut by<br />

providing the flat cluster ids of each observation.<br />

Function Description<br />

fcluster forms flat clusters from hierarchical clusters.<br />

fclusterdata forms flat clusters directly from data.<br />

leaders singleton root nodes for flat cluster.<br />

These are routines for agglomerative clustering.<br />

Function Description<br />

linkage agglomeratively clusters original observations.<br />

single the single/min/nearest algorithm. (alias)<br />

complete the complete/max/farthest algorithm. (alias)<br />

average the average/UPGMA algorithm. (alias)<br />

weighted the weighted/WPGMA algorithm. (alias)<br />

centroid the centroid/UPGMC algorithm. (alias)<br />

median the median/WPGMC algorithm. (alias)<br />

ward the Ward/incremental algorithm. (alias)<br />

These routines compute statistics on hierarchies.<br />

Function Description<br />

cophenet computes the cophenetic distance between leaves.<br />

from_mlab_linkage converts a linkage produced by MATLAB(TM).<br />

inconsistent the inconsistency coefficients for cluster.<br />

maxinconsts the maximum inconsistency coefficient for each cluster.<br />

maxdists the maximum distance for each cluster.<br />

maxRstat the maximum specific statistic for each cluster.<br />

to_mlab_linkage converts a linkage to one MATLAB(TM) can understand.<br />


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