scipy tutorial - Baustatik-Info-Server

scipy tutorial - Baustatik-Info-Server

scipy tutorial - Baustatik-Info-Server


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SciPy Reference Guide, Release 0.8.dev<br />

Examples<br />

>>> from <strong>scipy</strong> import stats<br />

>>> import numpy as np<br />

>>> #fix seed to get the same result<br />

>>> np.random.seed(7654567)<br />

>>> rvs = stats.norm.rvs(loc=5,scale=10,size=(50,2))<br />

test if mean of random sample is equal to true mean, and different mean. We reject the null hypothesis in the<br />

second case and don’t reject it in the first case<br />

>>> stats.ttest_1samp(rvs,5.0)<br />

(array([-0.68014479, -0.04323899]), array([ 0.49961383, 0.96568674]))<br />

>>> stats.ttest_1samp(rvs,0.0)<br />

(array([ 2.77025808, 4.11038784]), array([ 0.00789095, 0.00014999]))<br />

examples using axis and non-scalar dimension for population mean<br />

>>> stats.ttest_1samp(rvs,[5.0,0.0])<br />

(array([-0.68014479, 4.11038784]), array([ 4.99613833e-01, 1.49986458e-04]))<br />

>>> stats.ttest_1samp(rvs.T,[5.0,0.0],axis=1)<br />

(array([-0.68014479, 4.11038784]), array([ 4.99613833e-01, 1.49986458e-04]))<br />

>>> stats.ttest_1samp(rvs,[[5.0],[0.0]])<br />

(array([[-0.68014479, -0.04323899],<br />

[ 2.77025808, 4.11038784]]), array([[ 4.99613833e-01, 9.65686743e-01],<br />

[ 7.89094663e-03, 1.49986458e-04]]))<br />

ttest_rel(a, b, axis=None)<br />

Calculates the T-test on TWO RELATED samples of scores, a and b.<br />

This is a two-sided test for the null hypothesis that 2 related or repeated samples have identical average (expected)<br />

values.<br />

Notes<br />

Parameters<br />

a, b : sequence of ndarrays<br />

The arrays must have the same shape.<br />

axis : int, optional, (default axis=0)<br />

Axis can equal None (ravel array first), or an integer (the axis over which to operate<br />

on a and b).<br />

Returns<br />

t : float or array<br />

t-statistic<br />

prob : float or array<br />

two-tailed p-value<br />

Examples for the use are scores of the same set of student in different exams, or repeated sampling from the<br />

same units. The test measures whether the average score differs significantly across samples (e.g. exams). If<br />

we observe a large p-value, for example greater than 0.05 or 0.1 then we cannot reject the null hypothesis of<br />

identical average scores. If the p-value is smaller than the threshold, e.g. 1%, 5% or 10%, then we reject the<br />

null hypothesis of equal averages. Small p-values are associated with large t-statistics.<br />

694 Chapter 3. Reference

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