scipy tutorial - Baustatik-Info-Server

scipy tutorial - Baustatik-Info-Server

scipy tutorial - Baustatik-Info-Server


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SciPy Reference Guide, Release 0.8.dev<br />

0.56714329040978387299996866221035555 >>> w*exp(w) 1.0<br />

Any branch gives a valid inverse:<br />

>>> w = lambertw(1, k=3)<br />

>>> w<br />

(-2.8535817554090378072068187234910812 + 17.113535539412145912607826671159289j) >>> w*exp(w)<br />

(1.0 + 3.5075477124212226194278700785075126e-36j)<br />

Applications to equation-solving<br />

The Lambert W function may be used to solve various kinds of equations, such as finding the value of the infinite<br />

power tower z^{z^{z^{ldots}}}:<br />

>>> def tower(z, n):<br />

... if n == 0: ... return z ... return z ** tower(z, n-1) ... >>> tower(0.5, 100) 0.641185744504986 >>> -lambertw(log(0.5))/log(0.5)<br />

0.6411857445049859844862004821148236665628209571911<br />

Properties<br />

The Lambert W function grows roughly like the natural logarithm for large arguments:<br />

>>> lambertw(1000)<br />

5.2496028524016 >>> log(1000) 6.90775527898214 >>> lambertw(10**100) 224.843106445119 >>><br />

log(10**100) 230.258509299405<br />

The principal branch of the Lambert W function has a rational Taylor series expansion around z = 0:<br />

>>> nprint(taylor(lambertw, 0, 6), 10)<br />

[0.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.5, -2.666666667, 5.208333333, -10.8]<br />

Some special values and limits are:<br />

>>> lambertw(0)<br />

0.0 >>> lambertw(1) 0.567143290409784 >>> lambertw(e) 1.0 >>> lambertw(inf) +inf >>> lambertw(0, k=-1)<br />

-inf >>> lambertw(0, k=3) -inf >>> lambertw(inf, k=3) (+inf + 18.8495559215388j)<br />

The k = 0 and k = -1 branches join at z = -1/e where W(z) = -1 for both branches. Since -1/e can only be<br />

represented approximately with mpmath numbers, evaluating the Lambert W function at this point only gives -1<br />

approximately:<br />

>>> lambertw(-1/e, 0)<br />

-0.999999999999837133022867 >>> lambertw(-1/e, -1) -1.00000000000016286697718<br />

If -1/e happens to round in the negative direction, there might be a small imaginary part:<br />

>>> lambertw(-1/e)<br />

(-1.0 + 8.22007971511612e-9j)<br />

zeta<br />

y=zeta(x,q) returns the Riemann zeta function of two arguments: sum((k+q)**(-x),k=0..inf)<br />

446 Chapter 3. Reference

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