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Change to current coastal shipping laws have to be the right changes, writes Teresa Lloyd<br />

The need for certainty and stability<br />

of coastal shipping policy settings<br />

in Australia remains critical. Do the<br />

current cabotage arrangements need to<br />

be changed? Yes, they do.<br />

There are currently 50 vessels that<br />

hold a General Licence. That’s probably<br />

a lot more than anyone realised. But<br />

the detail is important. They are: eight<br />

vessels that work in/across Bass Strait;<br />

five dry bulk carriers; five expedition<br />

cruise vessels; one research vessel; 31<br />

servicing northern Australia including a<br />

large number of landing barges. Suffice<br />

to say, the activity of these General<br />

Licence vessels is not preventing<br />

the presence of the foreign-flagged<br />

shipping in coastal trades.<br />

However, it is recognised the process<br />

for obtaining a temporary licence to<br />

work on the coast can be a deterrent.<br />

There are simple fixes to maximise<br />

use of the blue highway and remove<br />

red-tape burdens. These process<br />

improvements are clearly described in<br />

the green paper released in 2016 (mial.<br />

com.au/our-work/coastal-tradinggreen-paper)<br />

and would result in<br />

almost all voyages being undertaken<br />

with the bare minimum of paperwork<br />

and approvals. Most would not even<br />

require an application, far less a<br />

variation, under the proposals put<br />

forward. And, this is possible precisely<br />

because the vast majority of coastal<br />

shipping is undertaken by foreign ships.<br />

Importantly, these changes can<br />

liberate the vast majority without<br />

destroying the fabric of the regime<br />

that offers fair and reasonable checks<br />

and balances for what is left of the<br />

Australian industry. Why hasn’t<br />

this already been done? Failure to<br />

progress change sits squarely with<br />

the proponents of the proposal put<br />

forward by the government. MIAL has<br />

clearly identified the need for a radical<br />

change in the approvals process and<br />

yet the government proposal went<br />

nowhere near far enough in removing<br />

red tape for the voyages where there<br />

is no Australian ship (which is almost<br />

all voyages) and too far in terms of<br />

undermining the integrity of the regime<br />

in terms of tolerances for the few<br />

voyages where it does matter.<br />

Coastal voyages by foreign ships<br />

could be free of application and<br />

variation processes today had the<br />

proposals been properly considered<br />

and drafted – and it is a great shame<br />

this is not the case. But all this is really<br />

tinkering at the edges. A desire for change<br />

beyond the paperwork and processes has<br />

been expressed continually for years by<br />

the full range of impacted stakeholders.<br />


What is very apparent is that after all<br />

this time, there is no genuine desire for a<br />

solution because many parties involved<br />

remain unwilling to be pragmatic. The<br />

way forward cannot be to the benefit of<br />

only one party; there must be a way to<br />

accommodate all interests. Pragmatism is<br />

the only way.<br />

Australia needs a clear vision to create<br />

a stable and sustainable coastal shipping<br />

policy. Such a vision needs to tackle the<br />

core questions:<br />

• What maritime capability does the<br />

country need?<br />

• How will it be provided?<br />

• Who is going to pay for it?<br />

It is possible to design a regime that:<br />

• supports Australian businesses<br />

involved in providing shipping services;<br />

• provides users of shipping services<br />

with the service they need at a rate<br />

they can afford;<br />

• provides work for a strategic group<br />

of Australian maritime workers;<br />

• allows Australia to capitalise on the<br />

natural advantages it has to be a<br />

strong maritime nation with resultant<br />

benefits to the nation (economic<br />

and social)?<br />

Above: Teresa Lloyd,<br />

CEO, Maritime Industry Australia<br />

The government, as custodian of the<br />

national interest, can make this happen.<br />

We need to think differently about<br />

how Australia can maximise the natural<br />

advantages we have to be a shipping<br />

nation, particularly how we see our<br />

coastal shipping task working. It is time<br />

to start looking at new options such<br />

as the use of mini-ports and short-sea<br />

shuttle services.<br />


As to the calls for cabotage to<br />

be abolished, as it is a form of<br />

protectionism, I say, “show me nation<br />

that doesn’t protect its shipping<br />

industry”. The nations that provide<br />

the ships to carry international cargos<br />

all incentivise their industry – in many<br />

cases to an extreme extent. The effect<br />

is precisely the same as protectionism,<br />

or cargo reservation. One person’s<br />

incentive is another person’s subsidy.<br />

There is no such thing as a level<br />

playing field in shipping – everyone is<br />

protected somehow, it’s just a matter<br />

of how. Tax breaks, international<br />

employment arrangements and<br />

other incentives go unremarked upon<br />

while cabotage or cargo reservation<br />

appear with flashing neon headlines.<br />

Australian shipping businesses don’t<br />

want cabotage necessarily, but they<br />

do want an equivalent to give them<br />

half a chance at competing with<br />

other nations that incentivise and/or<br />

subsidise their industry in their own<br />

country. As contributors to the national<br />

economy and employers of Australians<br />

both on shore and at sea, it makes<br />

sound economic sense to ensure these<br />

businesses have that opportunity.<br />

The opportunity still exists for<br />

Australia to choose what role we want<br />

our maritime industry generally, and<br />

coastal shipping sector in particular, to<br />

play. We are a maritime nation and we<br />

owe it to ourselves to retain some level<br />

of indigenous capability. To do this, we<br />

require strategic maritime skills to make<br />

our ports and blue highway workable<br />

and a few critical assets that can both<br />

train these people and be deployed as<br />

and when needed in the interests of<br />

Australian and its citizens.<br />

The government can and should<br />

provide the vision and the environment<br />

to make this happen and the industry<br />

players can and should be pragmatic in<br />

their support.<br />

Jim Wilson<br />

30<br />

First published in 1891<br />

July 2018 thedcn.com.au

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