EM 4 - 2018 (ESPAÑOL - digitalizado)

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People and Lifestyle<br />

A Christmas Carol is a 2009 American 3D<br />

computer animated motion-capture dark fantasy<br />

film written, co-produced, and directed by Robert<br />

Zemeckis. It is an adaptation of Charles Dickens’s<br />

1843 story of the same name and stars Jim Carrey<br />

in a multitude of roles, includ-ing Ebenezer<br />

Scrooge as a young, middle-aged, and old man,<br />

and the three ghosts who haunt Scrooge.<br />

17<br />

The actual text of several<br />

books by Dickens is remarkably<br />

approachable and not too<br />

challenging to read. He wrote<br />

many of his tomes as weekly<br />

periodicals, one chapter at<br />

a time. Read a few chapters<br />

here and there, treating each<br />

of them as an individual short<br />

story. That way, a book numbering<br />

a few hundred pages<br />

will be much easier to digest.<br />

18<br />

Dickens was known to<br />

wander the streets of London<br />

and build his stories using<br />

the sights and sounds around<br />

him. That’s why many of<br />

his characters and much of<br />

the dialogue come across as<br />

authentic. The novel David<br />

Copperfield is popularly suspected<br />

to be a veiled autobiography<br />

of the author.<br />

19<br />

The works of Charles<br />

Dickens are frequently quite<br />

funny. The jokes, however,<br />

are often subtle or<br />

hidden. Meticulous readers<br />

are often rewarded if they<br />

can spot the amusing<br />

details going on in the<br />

background of a variety<br />

of scenes. It definitely takes<br />

a keen eye, though.<br />

20<br />

There’s a world of film<br />

adaptations open to you if<br />

you’re familiar with Dickens’<br />

works. Over 70 films and<br />

television series have retold<br />

Dickens’ most familiar tales<br />

over the years, and Hollywood<br />

shows no signs of slowing<br />

down. A Christmas Carol<br />

from 2009 grossed 325 mln<br />

dollars worldwide.<br />

21<br />

A few creative geniuses<br />

have gone one step further<br />

and developed entirely new<br />

ideas based on the books of<br />

Charles Dickens. The BBC’s<br />

Dickensian TV drama threw<br />

characters from all sorts<br />

of Dickens novels together<br />

into one storyline revolving<br />

around a detective investigating<br />

a murder in a Victorian<br />

London neighbourhood.<br />

22<br />

Many books by Dickens<br />

are marked by a high degree<br />

of sentimentality and<br />

optimism. Protagonists are<br />

idealised to the point of<br />

always doing the right thing<br />

and facing positive outcomes.<br />

Some have called Dickens’<br />

works maudlin, but the<br />

cheerfulness expressed by<br />

several characters is one<br />

reason that they have become<br />

fan favourites.<br />

23<br />

Dickens has been praised<br />

for making his stories so universal.<br />

Despite their specific<br />

settings, books by Dickens<br />

continue to be well-received<br />

by audiences today all across<br />

the world. Anyone can pick<br />

up one of his books and<br />

relate to the human stories it<br />

tells. The struggles, emotions,<br />

dreams, and habits of<br />

Dickens’ characters are shared<br />

by most people today.<br />

24<br />

Books by Dickens are<br />

classics, plain and simple.<br />

Exploring the pages of one of<br />

Dickens’ works lets you enter<br />

a dialogue that’s been going<br />

on for over a century now.<br />

25<br />

You’ll impress people by<br />

mentioning that you’ve read<br />

Dickens. You’ll be seen as<br />

well-read, and you’ll be able<br />

to have conversations with<br />

a host of enlightened people.<br />

You shouldn’t read Dickens<br />

just to astound others, but it<br />

certainly is a nice perk.<br />

Dickens’ reputation alone<br />

should be motivation enough<br />

to crack open one of his<br />

books. While they may be<br />

old and lengthy, the works<br />

of Charles Dickens are a true<br />

pleasure to read. If you’re<br />

still undecided about which<br />

book to read next, have a go<br />

at any of the marvels penned<br />

by Dickens. <br />

approachable | accesible,<br />

abordable<br />

chapter | capítulo<br />

to digest /ˈdaɪdʒɛst/ | asimilar,<br />

digerir<br />

to wander | deambular, pasear<br />

veiled | encubierto<br />

subtle /ˈsʌtl/ | sutil, imperceptible<br />

meticulous | minucioso, detallista<br />

to spot sth | detectar, localizar<br />

amusing | gracioso<br />

background | contexto, trasfondo<br />

keen eye | buen ojo<br />

to revolve around sth | tratar<br />

sobre, girar en torno a<br />

neighbourhood | barrio<br />

outcome | resultado<br />

maudlin | sentimental, sensiblero<br />

cheerfulness | entusiasmo, alegría<br />

to praise | elogiar, alabar<br />

despite /dɪˈspaɪt/ | pese a<br />

a host of sth | un montón<br />

enlightened /ɪnˈlaɪtənd/ | cultivado,<br />

preparado<br />

to astound sb | sorprender,<br />

asombrar<br />

perk | beneficio, gratificación<br />

to crack open | abrir<br />

to have a go at | probar, hacer un<br />

intento<br />

penned | escrito a mano<br />


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