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15 Veto<br />

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15. A certain sum of money doubles itself in 5<br />

years at simple interest. In how many years it<br />

becomes 7 times?<br />

a. 15 b. 20 c. 30 d. 25<br />

km[m-cW ]eni {]Imcw Hcp XpI Cc-«n-<br />

¡p hÀjw Xm aS-§m-Ip hÀjw<br />

ImWm³ Cc-«n-¡p hÀjw (a-S§v þ 1)<br />

N = 5 x ( 7 - 1 ) = 5 x 6 = 30<br />

Ans: (c)<br />

16. A certain sum of money doubles itself in 16<br />

years at simple interest. In how many years it<br />

becomes 3 times?<br />

a. 12 b. 20 c. 26 d. 32<br />

N = 16 x (3-1) = 16 x 2 = 32<br />

Ans: (d)<br />

17. A person invests a certain sum at a certain rate<br />

of simple interest for 4 years. Had he invested<br />

it at 2% higher, he would have earned Rs. 240<br />

more. find the sum he invested.<br />

a. 3000 b. 2000<br />

c. 4000 d. 5000<br />

Short cut<br />

Difference in interest earned×100<br />

Investment = Time×Difference in rate of interest<br />

Here I = 240 N = 4 years r = 2%<br />

100I<br />

100×<br />

240<br />

P = = = 3000<br />

rN 2×<br />

4<br />

Ans: (a)<br />

Previous questions on simple interest<br />

1. In how many years will a sum of money<br />

triple itself, the rate of interest being<br />

10%?<br />

(a) 15 years (b) 20 years<br />

(c) 10 years (d) 18 years<br />

[University Asst. 2016]<br />

Ans: (a) 15 years<br />

2. Gokul took a certain amount as a loan<br />

from a bank at the rate of 8% simple<br />

interest per annum and gave the same<br />

amount to Alok as a loan at the rate of<br />

12% simple interest per annum. If at<br />

the end of 12 years he made a profit<br />

of Rs.480. In the deal, what was the<br />

original amount?<br />

(a) Rs.2000 (b Rs.1000<br />

(c) Rs.3000 (d) Rs.4000<br />

[Asst. Gr.II. KSB]<br />

Ans: (b) Rs.1000<br />

3. If a sum of money at simple interest<br />

double itself in 6 years, it will become<br />

four times in<br />

(a) 14 years (b) 12 years<br />

(c) 18 years (d) 16 years<br />

[Cochin University Asst. Gr. II]<br />

Ans: (c) 18 years<br />

4. At what rate percent of simple interest<br />

will sum of money double itself in 12<br />

years?<br />

(a) 33/4% (b) 25/3%<br />

(c) 17/2% (d) 19/2%<br />

[Deputy Collector - 2011]<br />

Ans: (b) 25/3%<br />

5. What is the simple interest for Rs.8000<br />

at 8% per annum?<br />

(a) 64 (b) 640<br />

(c) 160 (d) 1600<br />

[LDC - Beverages]<br />

Ans: (b) 640<br />

6. At simple interest in how many years<br />

will a sum of money double itselt at 12%<br />

per annum?<br />

(a) 8 years 6 months<br />

(b) 8 years 5 months<br />

(c) 8 years 8 months<br />

(d) 8 years 4 months<br />

[Sales Asst. 2013]<br />

Ans: (d) 8 years 4 months<br />

7. A sum of money amount of Rs.8000<br />

in 2 years and Rs.9500 in 3 years. the<br />

rate of simple interest is:<br />

(a) 20% (b) 25%<br />

(c) 30% (d) 31.57%<br />

[Forester - 2012]<br />

Ans: (c) 30%<br />

8. An amount becomes Rs.11300 in 2<br />

years and Rs.12600 in 4 years. The<br />

rate, if calculated at simple interest is:<br />

(a) 13% (b) 10.5%<br />

(c) 6.5% (d) 8.5%<br />

[Fireman (Trainee) - 2010]<br />

Ans: (c) 6.5%<br />

9. Interest on Rs.1000 for 146 days at the<br />

rate of 10% per annum?<br />

(a) 80 (b) 45<br />

(c) 50 (d) 40<br />

[Sales Man / Women - 2010]<br />

Ans: (d) 40<br />

10. At what percentage per annum will a<br />

sum of money double in 8 years?<br />

(a) 10% (b) 11%<br />

(c) 12% (d) 12.5%<br />

[Fireman (Trainee) - 2009]<br />

Ans: (d) 12.5<br />

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(Akmaokv)<br />

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IoÀ¯³, _wKmfn)<br />

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F.BÀ. dlvam³<br />

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sXm ≠napXepw ZrIvkm£nbpw)<br />

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(kwhn[m\w : Zneojv t]m¯³)<br />

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Pqdn sNbÀam³<br />

tiJÀ I]qÀ

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