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R<br />

11 Veto<br />

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Olympics in?<br />

a. 1924 b. 1928<br />

c. 1908 d. 1911<br />

55. The game that was popularly<br />

known as Poona game?<br />

a. Chess b. Badminton<br />

c. Volleyball d. Golf<br />

56. National games are held once in<br />

every?<br />

a. 1 year b. 2 years<br />

c. 4 years d. 5 years<br />

57. Neptune appears ...... in colour?<br />

a. green b. red<br />

c. orange d. blue<br />

58. What is 'Green gold'?<br />

a. Tea b. Coffee<br />

c. Gold d. Rice<br />

59. When was National Development<br />

Council formed?<br />

a. 15 th March 1950<br />

b. 6 th August 1951<br />

c. 6 th August 1952<br />

d. 26 th January 1950<br />

60. Who introduced the Banking<br />

Ombudsman Scheme?<br />

a. Finance Ministry of India<br />

b. Central Bank of India<br />

c. Reserve Bank of India<br />

d. State Bank of India<br />

61. Ir¯n\v DZm-l-cWw GXv?<br />

F. sh× _n. ]pXpa<br />

kn. Ffna Un. XmgvN<br />

62. "sN≠ sIm«n-¡pI' F<br />

ssien-bpsS AÀ°w?<br />

F. Ifn-bm-¡pI<br />

_n. ]m«v ]mSn-¡pI<br />

kn. D]-I-cWw hmbn-¡pI<br />

Un. IY ]d-bpI<br />

63. ip²-amb ]Zw GXv?<br />

F. em©\ _n. emRvO\<br />

kn. emÖ\ Un. emXv[\<br />

64. "]meqÀ' F Xqen-Im-\m-a-<br />

¯n Adn-b-s¸-Sp--Xmcv?<br />

F. \mcm-b-W³ \¼q-Xncn<br />

_n. ANyp-X³ \¼q-Xncn<br />

kn. am[h³ \¼q-Xncn<br />

Un. kp{_-Ò-Wy³ \¼q-Xncn<br />

65. "\me©v ^b-ep-IÄ In«m-<br />

\p≠ v' F hm¡n \me©v<br />

FXv GXv kam-ks¯ Ipdn-<br />

¡pp?<br />

F. XÂ]p-cp-j³ _n. ZznKp<br />

kn. _lp-{holn Un. Zzµz³<br />

66. tamZw F hm¡nsâ hn]-<br />

coXw?<br />

F. BtamZw _n. tJZw<br />

kn. k¦Sw Un. kt´mjw<br />

67. aRvPocw F hm¡n-\À°w?<br />

F. Im¨n-e¼v _n. Xma-c-¸qhv<br />

kn. N{µ-_n_w Un. Cfw-Imäv<br />

68. "F' F {]Xybw GXv hn`-ànbp-tS-XmWv?<br />

F. Dt±-inI<br />

_n. {]Xn-{Km-lnI<br />

kn. B[m-cnI<br />

Un. \nÀt±-inI<br />

69. 'Onam must be celebrated even<br />

selling the dwelling place' F<br />

hmIys¯ ae-bm-f-¯n-tebv¡v<br />

amän-bm In«p cq]-taXv?<br />

F. ImWw hn¡m-sXbpw<br />

HmWw sImÅmw<br />

_n. ImWw hnäpw HmWw<br />

sImÅWw<br />

kn. HmWm-tLm-jw IpSpw-_s¯<br />

hnÂ]-\-bn-se-¯n-¡pp<br />

Un. HmWw sIm≠ pw ImWw<br />

hn¡mw<br />

70. Xmsg-¸-d-bp--h-bn icn-bmb<br />

cq]-taXv?<br />

F. At±-ls¯ lmÀ±-h-ambn<br />

kzmKXw sNbvXp<br />

_n. At±-ls¯ lmÀ±-ht¯msS<br />

kzmKXw sNbvXp<br />

kn. At±-ls¯ lmÀ±-ambn<br />

kzmKXw sNbvXp<br />

Un. At±-ls¯ kt´mjt¯msS<br />

lm˱-ambn kzmKXw<br />

sNbvXp<br />

71. We had paid our fees,......?<br />

a. didn't we b. had we<br />

c. haven't we d.hadn't we<br />

72. If he had challenged me, I ..... him<br />

a lesson<br />

a. would teach b. will teach<br />

c. would have taught<br />

d. would have been taught<br />

73. Each of these apartment building<br />

has ........ own swimming pool<br />

a. its b. that<br />

c. their d. his<br />

74. ......... you hurry up, you can't finish<br />

it on time<br />

a. If b. lest<br />

c. otherwise d. unless<br />

75. Many students indulged .....<br />

malpractice<br />

a. in b. out<br />

c. on d. with<br />

76. Choose the Correct Sentence<br />

a. I have been in this School since<br />

1995<br />

b. I am in this School since 1995<br />

c. I am in this School since four<br />

years<br />

d. I am in this School since 1995<br />

77. If dogs bark, then Sparrows<br />

a. Scream b. talk<br />

c. twitter d. roar<br />

78. ...... you are alert and cautions, you<br />

will land in trouble<br />

a. Despite b. Unless<br />

c. Incase d. If<br />

79. The richer you are,.........<br />

a. the greed will increase<br />

b. the greedier you become<br />

c. your greed increases<br />

d. you become the greedier<br />

80. Yesterday when I saw him, he .....<br />

notes<br />

a. had been writng<br />

b. wrote<br />

c. would write d. was writing<br />

81. Odd one out<br />

a. 3:8 b. 6:35<br />

c. 1:0 d. 7:48<br />

82. In a certain code language, 123<br />

means bright little boy: 145<br />

means tall big boy and 637 means<br />

beautiful little flower which digit in<br />

that language means bright?<br />

a. 1 b. 3<br />

c. 4 d. 2<br />

83. If in a certain code TWENTY is<br />

written as 863985 and ELEVEN is<br />

written as 323039 how is TWELVE<br />

written?<br />

a. 863584 b. 863203<br />

c. 863903 d. 863063<br />

84. HUA GTZ FSY ERX ?<br />

a. DWQ b. DQW<br />

c. WDQ d. WQD<br />

85. a ..... ca .....bc ..... bcc....bca<br />

a. bbaa b. bbab<br />

c. aabb d. baba<br />

86. 0,2,3,5,8,10,15,17,24,26,.......<br />

a. 28 b. 30<br />

c. 32 d. 35<br />

87. Pointing to a person a man said to<br />

a woman " His mother is the only<br />

daughter of your father" How was<br />

the woman related to the person?<br />

a. Aunt b. Mother<br />

c. Wife d. Daughter<br />

88. Rekha who is facing south turns to<br />

her left and walks 15 metres, then<br />

she turns to her left and walks 7<br />

metres, then facing west she walks<br />

15 metres. How far is she from her<br />

original position?<br />

a. 22 metres b. 37 metres<br />

c. 44 metres d. 7 metres<br />

89. Neelima completes a certain work<br />

in 5 days and subha completes the<br />

same in 7 days. If they both work<br />

together, how long will they take to<br />

complete the same task?<br />

10 11<br />

a. 2 days b. 2 days<br />

11 12<br />

11 12<br />

c. 2 days d. 2 days<br />

10 11<br />

90. Ramu covers a certain distance<br />

between his house and office on<br />

scooter. Having an average speed<br />

of 30km/hr, he is late by 10 min.<br />

However, with a speed of 40 km/<br />

hr, he reaches his office 5 min<br />

earlier, Find the distance between<br />

his house and office<br />

a. 30 b. 40<br />

c. 25 d. 45<br />

91. The average speed of a train<br />

is 1<br />

4 times the average speed of<br />

2<br />

a tractor. the tractor covers 384kms<br />

in 16 hours. How much distance<br />

will the train cover in 12 hours?<br />

a. 1396kms b. 1296kms<br />

c. 1406 kms d. 1460 kms<br />

92. The salary of a person increases<br />

by 10% After the increment,<br />

the salary becomes Rs. 13200.<br />

what was his salary before the<br />

increment?<br />

a. 13332 b. 13000<br />

c. 12000 d. 11000<br />

93. A Shopkeeper bought a bicycle for<br />

Rs. 600 and sold it for Rs. 720.<br />

find the gain percent ?<br />

a. 15% b. 18%<br />

c. 20% d. 25%<br />

94. If 4m+2; 4m-2=5:4, what is M?<br />

9 −9<br />

a. b.<br />

2 2<br />

2 −2<br />

c. d.<br />

9 9<br />

95. 10 years ago Rajani's mother was<br />

4 times older than her daughter.<br />

After 10 years, the mother will be<br />

twice older than the daughter. the<br />

present age of Rajani is?<br />

a. 5 b. 10<br />

c. 20 d. 30<br />

96. The HCF of two numbers is 113<br />

and their LCM is 56952. If one of<br />

the numbers is 904. What is the<br />

other number?<br />

a. 7719 b. 7119<br />

c. 7791 d. 7911<br />

97. Two numbers are 20% and 50%<br />

larger than a 3 rd number. What<br />

percent of the 2 nd number is the<br />

first one?<br />

a. 75 b. 70 c. 80 d. 20<br />

98. It was Thursday on 2 nd January<br />

1993. what day of the week will<br />

be on 15 th March 1993?<br />

a. Saturday b. Sunday<br />

c. Monday d. Tuesday<br />

99. What is 2+4+6+8+.....+200?<br />

a. 212 b. 20012<br />

c. 10100 d. 5050<br />

100.The n th term of an A.P. is 5-4n<br />

What is the 11 th term?<br />

a. -35 b. -40 c. 35 d. -39<br />

Answer:<br />

1.a 2.b 3.b 4.a 5.d 6.b 7.a 8.b 9.d 10.a 11.c<br />

12.d 13.c 14.a 15.d 16.b 17.b 18.b 19.a<br />

20.b 21.b 22.d 23.d 24.d 25.c 26.a 27.b<br />

28.b 29.b 30.a 31.b 32.a 33.b 34.d 35.c<br />

36.c 37.a 38.c 39.c 40.c 41.c 42.c 43.a<br />

44.a 45.b 46.d 47.c 48.d 49.d 50.a 51.d 52.b<br />

53.a 54.c 55.b 56.b 57.d 58.a 59.c 60.c 61.d<br />

62.a 63.b 64.c 65.d 66.b 67.a 68.b 69.b 70.c<br />

71.d 72.c 73.a 74.d 75.a 76.a 77.c 78.b 79.b<br />

80.d 81.d 82.d 83.b 84.b 85.a 86.d 87.a 88.<br />

d 89.b 90.a 91.b 92.c 93.c 94.a 95.c 96.b<br />

97.c 98.a 99.c 100.d

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