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R<br />

13 Veto<br />

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Sculptures (Shilpa Nagaram) in<br />

Kerala ..........?<br />

d. Which is the better among the<br />

two?<br />

a. Kannur b. Kozhikode 64. In which part of the sentence has<br />

c. Thrissur d. Kottayam<br />

an error?<br />

50. Which of the following rivers in<br />

Kerala flows towards the east to<br />

the state of Karnataka?<br />

a. Such rules (a)/ do not apply to<br />

(b)/ you and I (c)/ No error(d)<br />

65. Open ........... book and read ........<br />

a. Pambar b. Bhavani<br />

paragraph<br />

c. Kabani d. Panniyar<br />

a. the, the b. a, the<br />

51. The state which start first co c. the, a d. None of these<br />

-operative bank for women? 66. A lot of money ..... been spent on<br />

a. TamilNadu b. Orissa<br />

repairing the bridge<br />

c. Kerala d. Bengal<br />

a. has b. had<br />

52. Name the program introduced by c. have d. would<br />

Kerala government to make kerala<br />

100% primary education?<br />

a. Ashwas<br />

b. Janasala program<br />

67. Change the voice<br />

She likes people praising her<br />

a. She likes people be praised<br />

b. she likes people being praised<br />

c. Athulyam d. Kaval<br />

c. She likes being praised<br />

53. Kerala's first Maritime Institute is<br />

situated at?<br />

d. People's praise being liked by her<br />

68. The antonym of the word<br />

a. Cherthala b. Kumali<br />

'Subservient'<br />

c. Neendakara d. Kumbalangi<br />

a. aggressive b. straight forward<br />

54. The first non -brahmin who rang c. degnified d. supercilious<br />

the temple bell of Guruvayoor 69. Give synonym for the word 'Nexus'<br />

Temple?<br />

a. Distance b. Connection<br />

a. K. Kelappan b. T.K .Madhavan c. Deficit d. Difference<br />

c. Ayyankali d. P. Krishanapillai 70. The meaning of the idiom 'a white<br />

55. Which was the first Indian city to<br />

be given the status of the world<br />

Heritage City by the UNESCO?<br />

elephant'<br />

a. a rare species of elephant<br />

b. an expensive gift<br />

a. Kolkata b. Mumbai<br />

c. a costly but useless<br />

c. Chennai d. Ahmedabad<br />

possession<br />

56. Who is the minister for<br />

parliamentary affairs in Kerala?<br />

d. a worthless thing<br />

71. ACE:HIL::MOQ:?<br />

a. A.C Moideen<br />

a. TVX b. TUX<br />

b. V.S Sunilkumar<br />

c. XVT d. SUW<br />

c. A.K. Balan d. Ramachandran 72. If DEAF is equal to 32, What will be<br />

Kadanapally<br />

LEAF=?<br />

57. Which country is associated with a. 52 b. 50 c. 48 d. 56<br />

the 'One Belt One Road' initiative? 73. 3,8,23,68,203,?<br />

a. Russia b. China<br />

a. 846 b. 976<br />

c. USA d. Saudi Arabia<br />

c. 608 d. 1051<br />

58. In which African Country does the<br />

Indian Navy is setting up a Naval<br />

74. AE,FJ,.....,PT<br />

a. MO b. ON c. KO d. YZ<br />

station?<br />

a. Seychelles b. Mouritius<br />

c. Madagascar d. Kenya<br />

59. Which is the first Geo - Informatics<br />

75. Rahul is the brother of Sunil. Rekha<br />

is the sister of Arjun. Sunil is the<br />

son of Rekha. Then the relationship<br />

of Rahul to Rekha is?<br />

Panchayat in Kerala?<br />

a. Brother b. Nephew<br />

a. Parumatty b. Melattur<br />

c. Father d. Son<br />

c. Aruvikkara d. Adichanalloor<br />

60. Who is the 15th Finance<br />

Commission Chairman of India?<br />

76. 2005 January 1 is Sunday, then<br />

that year how many mondays<br />

occur?<br />

a. N.R. Singh<br />

a. 50 b. 52 c. 49 d. 53<br />

b. K.K Venugopal<br />

c. Ajay Thyagi d. K.K Sharma<br />

61. The patient ........ before the<br />

doctor arrived<br />

77. Rakesh age is 3 times that of<br />

sumesh at present after 15 years.<br />

Rakesh age will be 2 times that of<br />

sumesh. Then what is the present<br />

a. had died b. died<br />

age of Rakesh?<br />

c. would die d. die<br />

a. 15 b. 30 c. 45 d. 50<br />

62. He travelled to England from 78. Bread:Wheat::Brick:....<br />

Mumbai .......... a ship<br />

a. Clay b. Fire<br />

a. at b. in c. on d. over<br />

c. Cement d. Building<br />

63. Select the correct sentence 79. Find odd man out<br />

a. Which is the best of the two? a. 246 b. 356<br />

b. Which is the better of the two? c. 527 d. 639<br />

c. Which is the best among the<br />

two?<br />

80. Renuka started walking from<br />

house, she first walked for 3km<br />

towards west, then she turned<br />

towards north and moved 4 km in<br />

that direction. How far Renuka is<br />

from her house?<br />

a. 3km North b . 5 k m N o r t h<br />

West<br />

c. 3km south<br />

d. 5km West<br />

81. If + means ÷ , - means x,÷<br />

means + and x means - , then<br />

63× 24+ 8÷ 4+ 2− 3 = ?<br />

a. 54 b. 66 c. 186 d. 48<br />

82. By how much<br />

( 2 3+<br />

2 2)<br />

( 12 + 18)<br />

does exceed ?<br />

a. 2 b. 3<br />

c. 2 d.3<br />

83. The average age of 40 students<br />

of a class is 18 years, when 20<br />

new students are admitted to the<br />

same class, the average age of the<br />

students of the class is increased<br />

by 6 months. The average age of<br />

newly admitted students is?<br />

a. 19 years<br />

b. 19 years 6 months<br />

c. 20 years d. 20 years 6 months<br />

84. Of the three numbers, the second is<br />

twice the first and thrice the third. If<br />

the average of the three numbers<br />

is 44, the largest number is?<br />

a. 24 b. 72 c. 36 d. 108<br />

85. A man completed a certain journey<br />

by a car. If he covered 30% of the<br />

distance at the speed of 20km/<br />

hr, 60% of the distance at 40 km/<br />

hr and the remaining distance at<br />

10km/hr, his average speed for the<br />

whole journey was?<br />

a. 25km/hr b. 28km/hr<br />

c. 30km/hr d. 33km/hr<br />

86. The time duration of 1 hour 45<br />

minutes is what percent of a day?<br />

a. 7.218 b. 7.292<br />

c. 8.3 d. 8.24<br />

87. If A and B are in the ratio 3:4 and<br />

B and C in the ratio 12:13, then A<br />

and C will be in the ratio<br />

a. 3:13 b. 13:9<br />

c. 36:13 d. 9:13<br />

88. Which term of the sequence<br />

6,13,20,27,..... is 98 more than<br />

its 24 th term?<br />

a. 36 th b. 38 th c. 35 th d. 48 th<br />

89. A and B can separately complete<br />

a piece of work in 20 days and 30<br />

days respectively. They worked<br />

together for some time, then B left<br />

the work. If A completed the rest of<br />

the work in 10 days, then B worked<br />

for?<br />

a. 6 days b. 8 days<br />

c. 12 days d. 16 days<br />

90. The difference between compound<br />

and simple interests on a certain<br />

sum for 3 years at 5% per annum<br />

is Rs. 122. The sum is?<br />

a. Rs. 15000 b. Rs. 14000<br />

c. R.s 7500 d. Rs.16000<br />

91. Xmsg sImSp-¯n-cn-¡p--hbnÂ<br />

"ssh¯n-¸-«À' F<br />

IYm-]m{Xw GXv t\me-hnÂ<br />

DÅXv?<br />

F. \mep-sI«v_n. Cµp-teJ<br />

kn. thcp-IÄ Un. imcZ<br />

92. iàn-bpsS Ihn F-dn-b-s¸-<br />

Sp {]i-kvX³?<br />

F. hÅ-t¯mÄ<br />

_n. sshtem-¸nÅn<br />

kn. CS-tÈcn tKmhn-µ³ \mbÀ<br />

Un. hb-emÀ cma-hÀ½<br />

93. "Dd¡w' F-Xnsâ ]cym-b-a-<br />

Ãm-¯Xv GXv?<br />

F. kpjp]vXn _n. imWw<br />

kn. \n{Z Un. ib\w<br />

94. \mw aptm«v F {KÙw cNn-<br />

¨Xv?<br />

F. \mem-¸m«v<br />

_n. Fw.sI tKm]m-e³<br />

kn. sI.]n tIi-h-ta-t\m³<br />

Un. kn. tIi-h³<br />

95. AÀ°sa-gp-XpI : {]`mhw<br />

F. DÛhw _n. Xocw<br />

kn. hntcm[w Un. alXzw<br />

96. hn]-co-X-]-Z-sa-gp-XpI: DÂ]<br />

XnjvWp<br />

F. BkvXn-I³<br />

_n. klrX kn. bmYm-Øn-<br />

Xn-I³ Un. k½n-fnXw<br />

97. "`qan X³ D¸v \pIÀp \o<br />

ss]Xte<br />

`qan XWp-¸mbv hf-cpI' þ<br />

CXm-cpsS IhnX BWv?<br />

F. Fw apIp-µ³<br />

_n. H.-F³.hn Ipdp¸v<br />

kn. kmdm tXmakv<br />

Un. tkXp<br />

98. When the play ended audience<br />

went home<br />

F. \mSIw XoÀ-Xn-\mÂ<br />

t{]£-IÀ ho«n-te¡p t]mbn<br />

_n. \mSIw XoÀ-t¸mÄ<br />

t{]£-IÀ ho«n-te¡v t]mbn<br />

kn. \mSIw XoÀm t{]£-<br />

IÀ ho«n-te¡v t]mbn<br />

Un. \mSIw Xocp--<br />

sXt¸mgmtWm At¸mÄ ho«nte¡v<br />

t]mImw<br />

99. Herculean Task - \v tbmPn-<br />

¡p XÀÖa GXv?<br />

F. slÀ¡p-en-b³ {]bXv\w<br />

_n. slÀ¡p-en-b³ ISa<br />

kn. slÀ¡p-en-b³<br />

Un. `Ko-cY {]bXv\w<br />

100. icn-bmb ]Zw GXv?<br />

F. {`jvTv _n. {`jvSv<br />

kn. `rjvSv Un. `rjvTv<br />

Answer:<br />

1.c 2.d 3.b 4.c 5.d 6.a 7.c 8.b 9.d 10.c 11.b 12.a<br />

13.c 14.d 15.d 16.c 17.b 18.d 19.c 20.d 21.b 22.b<br />

23.c 24.a 25.c 26.b 27.c 28.b 29.c 30.a 31.c 32.c<br />

33.c 34.b 35.a 36.c 37.b 38.a 39.d 40.a 41.b 42.a<br />

43.c 44.d 45.c 46.c 47.b 48.d 49.b 50.c 51.c 52.c<br />

53.c 54.d 55.d 56.c 57.b 58.c 59.c 60.a 61.a 62.c<br />

63.b 64.c 65.c 66.a 67.c 68.d 69.b 70.c 71.b 72.c<br />

73.c 74.c 75.d 76.b 77.c 78.a 79.b 80.b 81.b 82.c<br />

83.b 84.b 85.a 86.b 87.d 88.b 89.a 90.d 91.d<br />

92.c 93.b 94.c 95.d 96.c 97.b 98.b 99.d 100.b

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