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• The institution which is known as watch dog of<br />

adminstration and protector of the comman man<br />

Lokayukta<br />

• The person appointed Lokayukta is usually<br />

former High Court Chief justice or former<br />

supreme Court Chief Justice<br />

• Lokayukta and UpaLokayukta can resign by<br />

submitting the resignation to the Governor<br />

• The term of appoinment of Lokayukta and<br />

Upalokayukta<br />

5 year<br />

• The salary and allowance of Lokayukta and<br />

Upalokayukta are from the consolidated fund of state<br />

• Salary of the Lokayukta is equal to the Chief<br />

Justice of Highcourt<br />

• Salary of the Upalokayukta is equal to the judge<br />

of High Court<br />

• The power to Remove Lokayukta is vested with<br />

state legislative assembly<br />

• Lokayukta has to present a consolidated report<br />

annually to the Governor<br />

• First state in India to pass the Lokayukta act<br />

Odissa (1970)<br />

• First state in India to appoint Lokayukta<br />

Maharashtra (Act passed in 1971, came<br />

into force in 1972)<br />

• Lokayukta came into force in Odissa<br />

1983<br />

• First Lokayukta of Kerala<br />

Justice P.C. Balakrishna menon<br />

• Present Lokayukta of Kerala<br />

Pius.C. Kuriakose<br />

4 Which of the following is not a viral disease?<br />

a) Avian Flu b) Malaria<br />

c) Sars d) Dengue Fever<br />

Ans: (b) Malaria<br />

Viral Diseases<br />

Small pox Variola virus<br />

Swine flu H1N1 virus<br />

Bird flu<br />

H5N1 virus<br />

Dengue fever IgM Dengue virus<br />

Common cold Rhino virus<br />

Measles Rubeola virus<br />

Small pox Variola virus<br />

Chickunguniya Chickunguniya virus<br />

Chicken pox Varicella Zoster viruu<br />

Rabies<br />

Rabis virus<br />

Warts<br />

Human Papilloma virus<br />

SARS<br />

SARS Corona virus<br />

Mumps Paramyno virus (Rubuia virus)<br />

Plague<br />

Typhoid<br />

Tetanus<br />

Tuberculosis<br />

Food poison<br />

Rat fever<br />

Cholera<br />

Leprosy<br />

Diphtheria<br />

Pertussis<br />

Gonorrhea<br />

Syphilis<br />

Anthrax<br />

Throat infection<br />

Ring worm<br />

Athlete foot<br />

Aspergillosis<br />

Bacterial Diseases<br />

Yersinia pestis<br />

Salmonella typhi<br />

Clostridum tetani<br />

Mycobacterium tuberculosis<br />

Staphylo coccus,<br />

Clostridum botulinum<br />

Leptospira, cterohaemorrhagiae<br />

Vibrio Cholerae<br />

Mycobacterium leprae<br />

Corynebacterium diphtheriae<br />

Bordetella pertussis<br />

Nisseria gonorrhoeae<br />

Treponema pallinum<br />

Bacillus anthracis<br />

Streptococcus<br />

Fungal Disesase<br />

Microsporum<br />

5 The literacy rate of India<br />

a) 61% b) 755<br />

Epidermaphyton floccossum<br />

Aspergillus Otomycosis<br />

c) 80% d) 50%<br />

Ans: No Answer<br />

Ans: 74.04%<br />

• Most literate state in India<br />

Kerala (93.91%)<br />

• Least literate state in India<br />

Bihar (61.8%)<br />

• IInd most literate state in India<br />

Mizoram (91.33%)<br />

• Most literate union territory<br />

Lakshadeep (91.85%)<br />

• Least literate union territory<br />

Dadra Nagar haveli (76.24%)<br />

• Most literate district in India<br />

Serchip<br />

• Least literate district in India<br />

Alirajpur<br />

• Female literate rate in India<br />

65.46%<br />

• Male literacy rate in India<br />

82.15%<br />

• State with Highest male literate in India<br />

Kerala (96.02%)<br />

• State with Highest female literacy rate India<br />

Kerala (91.98%)<br />

• Most literate district in Kerala<br />

Pathanamthitta<br />

• Least literate district in Kerala<br />

Palakkad<br />

• Most populus state in India<br />

Uttar Pradesh<br />

• Least populus state in India<br />

Sikkim<br />

• Most populus Union territory<br />

Delhi<br />

• Least populus union territory<br />

Lekshadeep<br />

• state with highest population growth rate<br />

Meghalaya<br />

• state with least population growth rate<br />

Nagaland<br />

• Most Density populated state<br />

Bihar<br />

• Least Density populated state<br />

Arunachal Pradesh<br />

• Most Density populated union Terrotory<br />

Delhi<br />

• Least Densely populated Union Territory<br />

Andaman and Nicobar<br />

Basic Facts<br />

<strong>Book</strong>s & Authors related to 1857 revolt<br />

• The Indian War of Independance - V.D. Savarkar<br />

• The Indian Mutiny of 1857 - G.B. Malleson<br />

• The great REbellion of 1857 - Ashok Mehta<br />

• Sepoy Mutiny and the<br />

Revolt of 1837<br />

- R.C. Majumdar<br />

• Eighteen Fifty Seven<br />

- S.N. Sen<br />

• A History of Sepoy War in India - John Kayes<br />

• The Last Maghal<br />

- Full of a Dynasty - Willian Darlymple<br />

• The history of Indian<br />

Freedom Struggle<br />

- Thara Chand<br />

• 1857 The Real Story of the<br />

great Uprising<br />

- Vishnu Bhakt Godse<br />

• 1857 in India<br />

- A.T. Embree<br />

• 1857<br />

- S.N. Sen<br />

• The Peasant and the Raj - Eric Thomas Stokes<br />

• The Sepoy Mutiny 1857 - H.B. Chadhopadhyay<br />

• The History of Indian Mutiny - T.R. Holmes

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