Southern View: December 11, 2018

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TUESDAY, DECEMBER <strong>11</strong>, <strong>2018</strong><br />

Connecting Your Community<br />

www.star.kiwi<br />

CITY<br />

2SURF<br />

with Les Mills<br />

CROSSES that remember 21<br />

men from the Sumner area<br />

who were killed in World<br />

War 1 can now be claimed by<br />

their descendants.<br />

Motel loses fight<br />

Bid to stop skate park plan<br />

fails<br />

Page 3 Page 6<br />

The 21 crosses were displayed<br />

at the Sumner Redcliffs RSA<br />

Armistice Day commemoration<br />

last month.<br />

RSA vice-president Bernie<br />

Godden said the descendants<br />

could get in touch with the RSA<br />

to claim a cross.<br />

The crosses were made by RSA<br />

members for Armistice Day as<br />

part of a nationwide initiative to<br />

create a cross for every serviceman<br />

lost in World War 1.<br />

Mr Godden said reuniting<br />

Win a trip to Singapore<br />

A getaway for two worth<br />

$7000 up for grabs<br />

Descendants can claim crosses<br />

NEVER FORGOTTEN: World War 2 veteran William Joker and RSA president Pat Boland stand in front of the 21 crosses on<br />

Wakefield Ave.<br />

• By Louis Day<br />

soldiers with their families gave<br />

them the closure they deserved.<br />

“It’s very important we<br />

remember the sacrifices that<br />

servicemen and women made,”<br />

he said.<br />

•Turn to page 6<br />

CITY<br />

2<br />

2SURF<br />

Sunday 24 March 2019<br />

city2surf.co.nz<br />

• By Anan Zaki<br />

with Les Mills<br />

Mixed<br />

views over<br />

Kyle Park<br />

decision<br />

for mega<br />

centre<br />

KYLE PARK is the new preferred<br />

location for the Hornby mega<br />

centre but the community<br />

remains split over the decision.<br />

The Halswell-Hornby-Riccarton<br />

Community Board last week<br />

recommended to the city council<br />

that Kyle Park should be home<br />

to the $35.7 million customer<br />

services, library, recreation and<br />

leisure centre.<br />

The community<br />

board<br />

was split over<br />

the decision,<br />

with the recommendation<br />

narrowly passing<br />

by five votes<br />

to four.<br />

Board member<br />

Vicki Buck<br />

and city councillor Vicki Buck<br />

said because only one vote separated<br />

the decision, it was more<br />

open to challenge.<br />

“Kyle Park was not my first<br />

choice, but it is the next best<br />

choice.”<br />

Cr Buck originally favoured<br />

Denton Park, which was ruled<br />

out earlier this year.<br />

•Turn to page 8<br />

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2 Tuesday <strong>December</strong> <strong>11</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

from the editor’s desk<br />

news<br />


I CAN sympathise with Tim Sintes, who<br />

has been struck down with pneumonia<br />

(pages 10 and 12).<br />

The all-round good guy from Southshore<br />

has been laid very low in recent weeks.<br />

I know exactly how he is feeling. Pneumonia smashed me<br />

about 18 months ago. I don’t smoke and I’m reasonably fit. And<br />

like Tim, I’ve no idea how I got it.<br />

I lost 9kg in just over a week, spent four days in hospital and<br />

was off work for three weeks (the longest time I have ever been).<br />

The doctor initially said I had a dose of the flu and I was sent<br />

on my way. A week later when I struggled back to the doctor, she<br />

dispatched me to hospital.<br />

Be careful out there.<br />

– Barry Clarke<br />

get in touch<br />

GENERAL INQUIRIES Ph 379 7100<br />

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Ph 379 <strong>11</strong>00<br />

Star Media, a division of Allied Press Ltd<br />

PO box 1467, Christchurch<br />

starmedia.kiwi<br />

NEWS<br />

Georgia O’Connor-Harding<br />

Ph: 364 7438<br />

georgia.oconnor@starmedia.kiwi<br />


Mark Sinclair<br />

Ph: 364 7461<br />

mark.sinclair@starmedia.kiwi<br />

Keeping the Edmonds garden in bloom<br />

Who makes sure the Edmonds Factory Garden always looks<br />

good?<br />

Page 6<br />

schools<br />

Spreading Christmas cheer<br />

Marian College students hosted a party for eight visitors from<br />

Age Concern Canterbury.<br />

Page 19<br />

community events<br />

Craft and create in Linwood<br />

Take your pens, pencils, paper and ideas to the Linwood<br />

Library’s Creative Writing on Wednesdays from 4-5.45pm.<br />

Page 23<br />

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SOUTHERN VIEW Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>December</strong> <strong>11</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 3<br />

News<br />

Motel loses fight against skate park<br />

• By Louis Day<br />

A SUMNER motel owner’s bid<br />

to stop a skate park from being<br />

constructed across the road has<br />

failed.<br />

The Linwood-Central-<br />

Heathcote Community Board<br />

approved 26 Nayland St as the<br />

location for the Bays Area skate<br />

park.<br />

Sumner Bay Motel owner<br />

Roger Evans expressed his<br />

concerns throughout his<br />

deputation to the board that the<br />

skate park would disturb his<br />

customers.<br />

“I’m not against a skate park<br />

but I think the Nayland St site<br />

is going to affect my business<br />

because of the acoustics.”<br />

Mr Evans also said the<br />

Nayland St site was not the “best<br />

value for money for ratepayers.”<br />

The skate park on Nayland St<br />

would be smaller than it would<br />

have been on other sites due to<br />

a considerable portion of the<br />

money being allocated towards<br />

rockfall mitigation.<br />

The motion to approve the<br />

Nayland St site as the location<br />

for the skate park was carried<br />

unanimously by the board.<br />

However, some of the members<br />

still had their concerns about<br />

the site. Community board<br />

member and city councillor Yani<br />

Johanson “reluctantly” supported<br />

the decision. “This has been an<br />

issue that has gone on for a very<br />

long time. I’m just disappointed<br />

it’s going to be a small skate park<br />

and half the money is going<br />

towards rockfall mitigation.”<br />

Cr Johanson said it was vital<br />

the design of the park catered for<br />

local businesses in the area.<br />

“We really need to get a good<br />

grasp of noise issues and how<br />

through the design those things<br />

can be mitigated and if it comes<br />

down to it and it’s not possible<br />

then we may need to look for<br />

somewhere else.”<br />

The board has the option to<br />

change the location of the skate<br />

park if it is not satisfied with the<br />

design. However, if the design<br />

is confirmed by the board next<br />

year, construction of the park is<br />

set to start in spring 2020.<br />


Yani Johanson<br />

‘reluctantly’<br />

supported the<br />

Nayland St site.<br />

CONCERNS: The owner of<br />

the Sumner Bay Motel is<br />

worried noise will affect his<br />

business.<br />

Local<br />

News<br />

Now<br />

In Brief<br />

Fire rages, homes at risk<br />


The Woolston Pavilion war<br />

memorial is missing its plaque.<br />

The Linwood-Central-Heathcote<br />

Community Board has raised<br />

concerns about the plaque and<br />

have requested it be replaced.<br />

The memorial in Woolston Park<br />

honours fallen and returned<br />

soldiers who enlisted from the<br />

Woolston borough for service in<br />

World War 1.<br />


Police were called to a car fire<br />

on Iversen Tce in Waltham at<br />

<strong>11</strong>.05pm on Thursday evening.<br />

Fire Emergency New Zealand<br />

also attended the fire, which<br />

is being treated as suspicious.<br />

Police are continuing to make<br />

inquiries.<br />


The Woolston Community<br />

Centre on Ferry Rd has<br />

presented its new strategic<br />

plan to the Linwood-Central-<br />

Heathcote Community<br />

Board. There are two parttime<br />

staff at the centre who<br />

are committed to updating<br />

the building, developing a<br />

better understanding of the<br />

needs of residents, working<br />

collaboratively with other<br />

community organisations.<br />

Holiday Collection<br />

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4<br />

Tuesday <strong>December</strong> <strong>11</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

News<br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


In Brief<br />


New road names have been<br />

touted for two subdivisions.<br />

Eight roads under consideration<br />

are from the Copper Ridge<br />

subdivision in Halswell. Three<br />

roads at the Buchanans Rd<br />

subdivision in Yaldhurst are also<br />

under consideration. A decision<br />

will be made by the Halswell-<br />

Hornby-Riccarton Community<br />

Board today.<br />


Halswell horse rider Amy<br />

Batchelor has applied for funding<br />

to travel to the 2019 Special<br />

Olympics World Summer Games<br />

in Abu Dhabi, United Arab<br />

Emirates. Batchelor, 26, has<br />

Global Development Dyspraxia,<br />

which is a neurological disorder.<br />

The Halswell-Hornby-Riccarton<br />

Community Board will vote<br />

tonight to grant her $500.<br />


Money could be granted to<br />

repaint the Halswell Hall.<br />

The Halswell-Hornby-<br />

Riccarton Community Board<br />

received a city council staff<br />

recommendation to grant the<br />

hall $2000 for repainting. City<br />

council staff also recommended<br />

a $5000 grant for Wigram<br />

School towards installing a new<br />

climbing frame. The board will<br />

make a decision on the funding<br />

today.<br />

Community behind Redcliffs School<br />

Redcliffs<br />

School<br />

principal<br />

Rose<br />

McInerney<br />

talks about<br />

how the<br />

community<br />

has helped<br />

the school get ready to<br />

move into its new home<br />

WHAT A strong and resilient<br />

community we have here in<br />

Redcliffs.<br />

We are just short of one year<br />

away from moving into our<br />

brand new school, which has<br />

only been made possible by the<br />

strength of this community.<br />

Has fighting against closure,<br />

navigating land swaps,<br />

and watching demolition got<br />

our children and families down?<br />

Quite the opposite.<br />

We have just completed one<br />

of the biggest and most exciting<br />

school fairs in the city.<br />

Our fair is so important to<br />

us – not only is it our main<br />

fundraiser, bringing in funds<br />

for the resources we need in<br />

the coming months, but it puts<br />

smiles on our children’s faces.<br />

Our school fair involves<br />

enormous commitment from<br />

many – from the staff team<br />

MEETING: A Redcliffs School pupil is welcomed by Minister of<br />

Justice Andrew Little before the school’s presentation to the<br />

Labour caucus.<br />

leaders to the people who bake<br />

cakes, donate goods and give<br />

their time before, during and<br />

after the fair.<br />

It’s exciting to think that in<br />

the coming year, we will be able<br />

to use some of these fair funds<br />

raised to enhance the playscapes<br />

at our new school.<br />

We’ve had a long road and it’s<br />

hard to believe that our year 8<br />

children were five when the June<br />

earthquake sent us from our<br />

school to our temporary location<br />

in Sumner.<br />

Our senior children shared<br />

their Redcliffs School journey<br />

in a presentation with Jacinda<br />

Ardern and the Labour caucus<br />

when they were invited to<br />

visit Parliament recently.<br />

Our children talked of their<br />

experiences in the earthquake<br />

and their home away from home<br />

at Sumner and Van Asch.<br />

They talked of determination,<br />

love of their school and the<br />

resilience and perseverance they<br />

have learned watching the adults<br />

in their lives work so hard to<br />

return their school to Redcliffs.<br />

These children represent the<br />

eight years that have nearly<br />

passed since the February<br />

earthquake changed the<br />

landscape for our school (both<br />

figuratively and literally). They,<br />

and our current year 7 pupils,<br />

will not have the privilege of<br />

attending our new school, but<br />

they will forever be a part of it.<br />

I’d like to extend an<br />

enormous thank you to all in<br />

our community who have so<br />

relentlessly supported us. We’re<br />

very much looking forward to<br />

returning our school to Redcliffs<br />

again at the beginning of 2020.<br />

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SOUTHERN VIEW Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>December</strong> <strong>11</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 5<br />

But bid to save park rejected<br />


• By Louis Day<br />

A BID to stop Redcliffs<br />

School moving to the area’s<br />

neighbourhood park looks like it<br />

has come to an end.<br />

A petition from the<br />

MOVE<br />

Friends<br />

AGAIN...<br />

of Redcliffs Park group, aimed<br />

at stopping the move, has been<br />

rejected by a Government select<br />

committee.<br />

The petition, which received<br />

208 signatures, called for the<br />

new school<br />

Chris Doudney<br />

to be opened<br />

on its<br />

existing site,<br />

as opposed<br />

to Redcliffs<br />

Park, due to<br />

concerns over<br />

flooding and<br />

tsunami risk.<br />

But it has<br />

been rejected by the Education<br />

and Workforce Committee.<br />

Construction of the new<br />

school is set to start next year<br />

and be completed by 2020.<br />

Friends of Redcliffs Park<br />

spokesman Chris Doudney said<br />

he was not surprised but was still<br />

disappointed by the committee’s<br />

decision.<br />

“It’s a higher tsunami risk<br />

than the other site and it’s also a<br />

higher flood risk than the other<br />


SLOWLY<br />


BUT SURELY: Trenches have been dug on the new<br />

DUE<br />

school site to accommodate<br />

TO<br />

underground electrical wiring.<br />

site,” he said. Mr Doudney said Redcliffs Park. “There’s nothing school back to Redcliffs by<br />

the school’s move to the new site more we can really do about the 2020 was to move to Redcliffs<br />

would be<br />


a burden to ratepayers. current plans, if we could we<br />


Park.”<br />

“Ratepayers will have to would.”<br />

Dr Fidler was also confident<br />

pay $100,00 worth of roading Redcliffs School board of the flood risk could be mitigated.<br />

alterations to which we feel<br />

should have been the Ministry<br />

of Education’s responsibility. The<br />

trustees chairman Darren Fidler<br />

said it was now time to move<br />

on and push forward with the<br />

“Due diligence was done<br />

as part of the site selection in<br />

regards to a whole range of<br />

alterations are entirely down to school rebuild on Redcliffs Park. hazards, flooding was included<br />

the school being<br />

WATCH<br />

moved.”<br />

“I think this<br />

THIS<br />

[the petition<br />

SPACE<br />

in that, we are getting improved<br />

Mr Doudney said it was likely being rejected] shows that the drainage in that lower field as<br />

to be the end of the road for only feasible option to get the part of the school build.”<br />

Speed limit<br />

may be<br />

40km/h<br />

• By Louis Day<br />


see the speed limit on Main Rd<br />

drop from 50km/h to 40km/h.<br />

The Linwood-Central-<br />

Heathcote Community Board<br />

requested city<br />

council staff<br />

investigate the<br />

impact reducing<br />

the speed limit<br />

could have.<br />

The board was<br />

prompted by a<br />

request from the<br />

Redcliffs Residents’<br />

Darren<br />

Fidler<br />

Association, which wants to see<br />

slower speed limits on Main Rd<br />

around the village centre and<br />

Redcliffs School.<br />

Association member Darren<br />

Fidler said he did not want to<br />

wait for a serious accident to<br />

happen before something was<br />

done. “No one has been injured<br />

. . . yet, but when these things<br />

happen the consequences are<br />

far lower when they are driving<br />

slowly.”<br />

He said he has seen some<br />

minor incidents in the area.<br />

“There have been several near<br />

misses on the zebra crossings.”<br />

Dr Brendan Smith<br />

from the doctors and staff at Ferrymead Medical Centre<br />

If you would lIke advIce<br />

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If you would lIke advIce and treatment wIth:<br />

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• Women’s health • Children’s & teenage health & wellbeing • Older persons health<br />

• Lifestyle advice • Sports medicine • Travel vaccinations • Removal of skin lesions<br />

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at 8.30am Monday<br />

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Dr David Robertson

6 Tuesday <strong>December</strong> <strong>11</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

News<br />


Local<br />

News<br />

Now<br />

Fire rages, homes at risk<br />

Tending to the Edmonds garden<br />

GREEN: Bupa Cashmere<br />

<strong>View</strong> Retirement Village<br />

residents tend to their<br />

garden.<br />

Retirement<br />

village club<br />

blossoms<br />

A CASHMERE retirement<br />

village’s gardening club has<br />

blossomed over the last five<br />

years.<br />

The club was started five years<br />

ago at Bupa Cashmere <strong>View</strong><br />

Retirement Village and has kept<br />

its residents busy with projects<br />

throughout the grounds.<br />

Their projects have included<br />

trips to Trotts Garden in<br />

Ashburton, guest speakers and<br />

the upkeep of a village beehive<br />

with the honey collected, shared<br />

and enjoyed across the whole<br />

village.<br />

Resident Trevor Houston<br />

said he has made many friends<br />

through the gardening club.<br />

“The vegetable garden is<br />

already providing produce and<br />

we’ve enjoyed beginning the<br />

new garden areas and planting<br />

fruit trees. We all have a great<br />

time,” Mr Houston said.<br />

Bupa manager Rochelle<br />

Moore said common interests<br />

among the residents is<br />

important for their health and<br />

well-being.<br />

“Clubs have a way of bringing<br />

people together, forming new<br />

friendships, swapping stories,<br />

exchanging ideas and planning<br />

new projects, which gives them<br />

a sense of achievement,” Ms<br />

Moore said.<br />

Descendants to<br />

claim war crosses<br />

•From page 1<br />

“Without their sacrifice, our<br />

lives would be considerably<br />

different and we would have<br />

considerably less freedom than<br />

we do today,” he said.<br />

The RSA managed to track<br />

down the names of the 21<br />

servicemen with the help of the<br />

Sumner Redcliffs Historical<br />

Society.<br />

Leading curator of the<br />

ROSE: Jenny Hoskin and a group of volunteers help keep the Edmonds Factory Garden<br />

looking good.<br />

KEEPING THE Edmonds<br />

Factory Garden in prime<br />

condition is a piece of cake<br />

thanks to a team of dedicated<br />

volunteers.<br />

The garden, which appeared<br />

on the Edmonds Cookery Book<br />

cover, is cared for by the Friends<br />

of the Edmonds Factory Garden.<br />

The groups meets at the Ferry Rd<br />

garden every Saturday to deadhead<br />

roses, trim hedges, weed,<br />

trim edges and tidy up.<br />

They are some of many volunteers<br />

who contribute their time<br />

to communities across the city.<br />

Their work was acknowledged on<br />

International Volunteer Day on<br />

Wednesday.<br />

Friends secretary Jenny Hoskin<br />

said the group’s over-arching goal<br />

is to keep the gardens looking<br />

good and make them an inviting<br />

place to be.<br />

“We feel very strongly that<br />

these gardens are a special part<br />

of Christchurch’s heritage and<br />

I know a lot of visitors feel the<br />

same way. Our aim is to promote<br />

and maintain them as a community<br />

asset.”<br />

The volunteer group, which<br />

includes Mrs Hoskin’s husband<br />

John Hoskin, has planted roses,<br />

lilies, bulbs and memorial camellias.<br />

Members even used their own<br />

money to install a sundial, drinking<br />

foundation and seating, and<br />

campaigned for funding to get<br />

lighting, irrigation, CCTV cameras,<br />

a rose garden, a bluebird<br />

oval garden and three bridges.<br />

Last year, 18 weddings were<br />

held at the garden and the volunteers<br />

spent about 1500 hours<br />

preparing for them.<br />

The garden also hosts live<br />

events, with Music at Edmonds<br />

museum, Topsy Rule, was able<br />

to provide the RSA with military<br />

records that identified the 21<br />

servicemen.<br />

Mr Godden said the RSA had<br />

made three blank crosses in case<br />

the military records had missed<br />

anyone out.<br />

•Get in touch with<br />

RSA president Pat Boland<br />

to claim a cross: 027 333<br />

2189<br />

planned for February 17.<br />

City council heritage parks<br />

team leader Nicky Brown said<br />

the group’s work is invaluable.<br />

“The gardens are kept to an<br />

exceptionally high standard<br />

because of their dedicated efforts<br />

and they’re also very strong advocates<br />

within their community.”<br />

Thomas Edmonds, the manufacturer<br />

of the famous brand of<br />

21 men commemorated<br />

•Trouper George Wyse<br />

Smith<br />

•Pvt Robert Ash<br />

•Pvt Albert Walker<br />

Richardson<br />

•Lt George Sissmore Lavie<br />

•Corp Frederick William<br />

Pilcher<br />

•Pvt Roland Dalton<br />

•Bomb. Harry Brian<br />

Fletcher<br />

•D’Arcy Street<br />

•George Stringfellow<br />

•Pvt Geoffrey Vincent Hill<br />

baking powder, commissioned<br />

the garden around his factory<br />

and it was built in 1923. The factory<br />

was demolished in 1990.<br />

The city council acquired a<br />

major portion of the original<br />

Edmonds Factory Garden in<br />

1991. Since then, a rose garden<br />

and a replica oval garden, which<br />

recreated what used to be in front<br />

of the factory, have been added.<br />

•Troup Montagu Clayton<br />

•Pvt Alfred Victor Fitchett<br />

•Troup Edwin Hugh Senior<br />

•Act Sgt. Frank Pardoe<br />

Hibell<br />

•Corp. Felix H. C. Preston<br />

•Pvt Charles Horace<br />

Maffey D.O.S.<br />

•Lt. Curl Lloyd Phipps<br />

Black<br />

•L/Corp Henry Marshall<br />

Wright<br />

•Pvt Albert Oliver<br />

Marquet<br />

•Pvt George Gordon Hibell<br />

•Pvt Richard John Stevens<br />

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8 Tuesday <strong>December</strong> <strong>11</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

News<br />


Local<br />

News<br />

Now<br />

Fire rages, homes at risk<br />

COMMUNITY SITE: Investigation taking place at Kyle Park<br />

in October. The park is recommended for a new south-west<br />

leisure centre.<br />

Mixed views over Kyle Park<br />

•From page 1<br />

“If we chose [to investigate<br />

site options], we go back to<br />

council – who . . . asked us to<br />

expedite the work on Kyle Park<br />

– and say I’m really sorry but we<br />

need another month or year’s<br />

consultation . . . I am certainly<br />

not prepared to do that,” Cr<br />

Buck said.<br />

Board member Ross<br />

McFarlane voted to investigate<br />

other possible sites and<br />

investigate possible cost<br />

savings.<br />

He said: “Essentially all we are<br />

trying to do is to spend the best<br />

amount of money to get the best<br />

facility possible.”<br />

“$5.8 million goes into the<br />

ground [to remediate the Kyle<br />

Park landfill].”<br />

Mr McFarlane asked what<br />

the best option was for the ratepayer,<br />

and to take out the “rush”<br />

in the process.<br />

How board members<br />

voted:<br />

For: Mike Mora, Natalie<br />

Bryden, Vicki Buck, Jimmy<br />

Chen and Anne Galloway<br />

Against: Helen Broughton,<br />

Catherine Chu, Ross<br />

McFarlane and Debbie<br />

Mora<br />

Marc Duff Mark Peters Garry Kilday<br />

GREATER Hornby Residents’<br />

Association chairman Marc<br />

Duff said choosing Kyle Park<br />

would help move the leisure<br />

centre project forward.<br />

“We are many years overdue<br />

for this. We’ve been consulted<br />

until we never want to hear<br />

that word again,” Mr Duff<br />

said.<br />

“To hear that people want<br />

to go out for more views absolutely<br />

amazes me,” he said.<br />

But Save Denton Park chairman<br />

Mark Peters believed<br />

more consultation was needed.<br />

“To me it feels like it [the<br />

process] has been rushed. It<br />

feels like an agenda to get this<br />

through before Christmas,” he<br />

said.<br />

“Take a breath through the<br />

Christmas break, have the<br />

council staff do more homework<br />

for you,” Mr Peters said.<br />

Templeton Residents’ Association<br />

chairman Garry Kilday<br />

slammed the decision, for<br />

being put on a former landfill<br />

site.<br />

Mr Kilday said Templeton<br />

residents have a strong interest<br />

in the mega centre as it is<br />

designed for the south west.<br />

“I just found the whole thing<br />

absolutely reprehensible. I<br />

can’t understand why anyone<br />

would condone opening that<br />

dump,” he said.<br />

Mr Kilday was also concerned<br />

about the community<br />

board supporting Templeton<br />

residents’ fear of quarry dust,<br />

while at also opening a former<br />

landfill at Kyle Park.<br />

He also believed the board<br />

should have investigated an<br />

option to build the mega<br />

centre at Waterloo Business<br />

Park.<br />

“We [Templeton residents]<br />

have a vested interest in this,<br />

people kept on calling it the<br />

Hornby leisure centre. Well it<br />

isn’t, it’s the south-west leisure<br />

centre,” Mr Kilday said.<br />

BMX facility<br />

to benefit<br />

• By Anan Zaki<br />

THE NEW leisure centre is set to<br />

be built next to the Christchurch<br />

BMX Club at Kyle Park.<br />

Track manager Michael<br />

Stronach says the new facility at<br />

Kyle Park will be a boost for the<br />

BMX Club.<br />

The club recently upgraded their<br />

track, which was designed with the<br />

help of Olympic BMX rider Trent<br />

Jones.<br />

“It’s got potential to [benefit] for<br />

sure. With a bit of car parking,<br />

lighting and security it gives them<br />

[city council] the incentive to tidy<br />

up,” Mr Stronach said.<br />

“It could be a good thing for<br />

everyone,” he said.<br />

Work on upgrading the track<br />

started on November 30 and finished<br />

last Tuesday. The cost of the<br />

upgrade would have been $35,000<br />

but it was paid for by businesses<br />

across the city.<br />

“The support from local businesses<br />

has been amazing,” Mr<br />

Stronach said.<br />

The track’s upgrades were<br />

designed and built by BMX rider<br />

Jones, who is also a qualified digger<br />

operator.<br />

The track now has new straights<br />

and jumps.<br />



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10 Tuesday <strong>December</strong> <strong>11</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

News<br />


Local<br />

News<br />

Now<br />

Fire rages, homes at risk<br />

‘Knocked for six’ with pneumonia<br />

Coastal-Burwood<br />

Community Board<br />

deputy chairman Tim<br />

Sintes has been in<br />

hospital with pneumonia.<br />

Julia Evans reports<br />

TIM SINTES has been in<br />

bed living off a diet of english<br />

breakfast tea and Kurols cough<br />

drops for the past five weeks.<br />

It’s a big change for the 67-yearold<br />

former fisherman, who can<br />

normally be found surfing,<br />

gardening or tinkering in his<br />

shed.<br />

But Mr Sintes, who is deputy<br />

chairman of the Coastal-<br />

Burwood Community Board,<br />

has been “knocked for six” by a<br />

severe case of pneumonia.<br />

It’s landed him in hospital<br />

twice.<br />

“The day before it happened,<br />

I was riding my mountain bike<br />

over Rapaki with my daughter.<br />

The next day, I woke up and I<br />

thought I just had hay fever, I<br />

had a blocked nose and that was<br />

about it,” Mr Sintes said.<br />

He started to shake and shiver<br />

– the next morning he went to<br />

the doctor.<br />

“One listen to the croak in<br />

my chest and he said ‘you’ve<br />

got quite severe pneumonia’. I<br />

went straight to get an X-ray<br />

and then I was admitted to<br />

hospital.”<br />

It went downhill from there.<br />

“I just kept getting worse.<br />

At first we thought it was<br />

legionnaires’, I’d just redone the<br />

lawns.”<br />

Every year Mr Sintes’ hosts<br />

a community Christmas<br />

celebration at his Southshore<br />

home and was relaying the lawn<br />

for the occasion.<br />

ON THE<br />

MEND:<br />

Coastal-<br />

Burwood<br />

Community<br />

Board deputy<br />

chairman<br />

Tim Sintes<br />

has been in<br />

bed for five<br />

weeks with a<br />

severe case of<br />

pneumonia.<br />

“But I’d been wearing a mask<br />

when I was doing the lawn . . .<br />

they worked out it was a bacterial<br />

infection that caused the<br />

pneumonia, but nobody knows<br />

how I got it.”<br />

Mr Sintes said he knew nothing<br />

about pneumonia before, but now<br />

he is an expert.<br />

“I did not realise the<br />

seriousness of it. When people<br />

would say to me they’ve got<br />

pneumonia, I would think it was<br />

just a bit like having the flu,” he<br />

said.<br />

There were moments he<br />

thought he would never breathe<br />

again when his lungs felt like<br />

they were compressing in on<br />

themselves.<br />

“I was on oxygen in a severe<br />

state for three days. I couldn’t<br />

breathe and the bed was<br />

wringing wet from me sweating<br />

so much. One night I had the<br />

most intense hallucinations.<br />

They were in 3D colour. It was<br />

horrible,” he said.<br />

“You feel very vulnerable.<br />

Usually I’m too busy to be sick.”<br />

He was discharged from<br />

hospital and felt like he was on<br />

the mend.<br />

“I felt better and I thought,<br />

wow, I can do all these things.<br />

Since I didn’t feel too bad, I<br />

thought good, it was all over,” he<br />

said.<br />

Soon he was back in the surf,<br />

mowing the lawns and just about<br />

at the end of his first course of<br />

antibiotics.<br />

•Turn to page 12<br />

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12<br />

Tuesday <strong>December</strong> <strong>11</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

News<br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


Local<br />

News<br />

Now<br />

Fire rages, homes at risk<br />

Shakes and shivers a battle for Sintes<br />

•From page 10<br />

“There were about three or<br />

four days where I couldn’t quite<br />

believe it, I felt alive again.<br />

One day I mowed the lawns, the<br />

next day I was out for a coffee in<br />

Sumner and I started feeling not<br />

too good again,” Mr Sintes said.<br />

His wife Jan suggested he go to<br />

hospital.“The aches and shakes<br />

were back and I thought, ‘no, I<br />

don’t want to go to hospital’. But<br />

I had to tell my wife to ring the<br />

ambulance.”<br />

He ended<br />

up spending<br />

another<br />

six days in<br />

hospital.<br />

Mr Sintes<br />

was discharged<br />

from hospital<br />

for the second<br />

Tim Sintes<br />

time 10 days<br />

ago.<br />

The pneumonia had spread to<br />

his other lung. “That taught me<br />

a lesson. Listen to your doctor<br />

when they say you need to rest. I<br />

didn’t think it was much, I didn’t<br />

think of the consequences and<br />

now I’ve been sick for five weeks.”<br />

After losing 8kg, Mr Sintes<br />

believes he may be on the road to<br />

recovery and has been getting his<br />

appetite back.<br />

“I’m so cautious now. I don’t<br />

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STRUCK DOWN: Over the past year in Canterbury, 1736 people were admitted to hospital with<br />

pneumonia and it was the cause of 124 deaths.<br />

want to go backwards again.”<br />

Although most people are<br />

lamenting the cold start to<br />

summer, Mr Sintes said it has<br />

been great.<br />

“It would be torture if I had<br />

to lie here and it was sunny. I<br />

enjoy life so much. Believe me,<br />

this weather has been bad for<br />

everyone except me.”<br />

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Six weeks ago, Mr Sintes<br />

had an accident with a<br />

chainsaw and cut his leg. Two<br />

weeks later he was back out<br />

surfing. “It’s hard to believe you<br />

can be right two weeks after<br />

being cut by a chainsaw, but<br />

you can be knocked for six by<br />

something like this.”<br />

But the cause of his pneumonia<br />

remains a mystery.<br />

“It’s the strangest feeling.<br />

I’m the kind of person that<br />

needs explanations and needs a<br />

reason, but this time it could be<br />

anything,” he said.<br />

Mr Sintes said people had<br />

asked if it was related to stress<br />

from his city council work and<br />

the code of conduct investigation<br />

•Canterbury District Health<br />

Board data shows in 2017<br />

to <strong>2018</strong>, there were 1736<br />

patients admitted with<br />

pneumonia and 124 deaths<br />

•In 2016 to 2017, there were<br />

1585 admissions and 104<br />

deaths<br />

•In 2016 to 2015, there were<br />

1442 admissions and 95<br />

deaths<br />

•In 2015 to 2014, there were<br />

1416 admissions and 109<br />

deaths<br />

•In 2013 to 2014, there were<br />

1353 admissions and <strong>11</strong>5<br />

deaths<br />

he and Coastal Ward city<br />

councillor David East, Coastal-<br />

Burwood Community Board<br />

chairwoman Kim Money and<br />

Linwood-Central-Heathcote<br />

Community Board member<br />

Darrell Latham are facing over<br />

their comments alleging city<br />

council staff tampered with the<br />

District Plan, which affected<br />

property owners in flood prone<br />

areas.<br />

“I can easily say it’s not. I’m not<br />

a stress kind of person. My way<br />

of relaxing is being busy, that’s<br />

different.” Raising the issue has<br />

been a “weight off my shoulders,”<br />

he said.<br />

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SOUTHERN VIEW Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>December</strong> <strong>11</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 13<br />

Huge<br />

selection<br />

of Christmas<br />

Goodies<br />

@ JuST<br />


Christmas<br />

Jewellery<br />



Fun<br />


HATS<br />

SECRET<br />

SANTA<br />

GIFTS<br />

3 Exciting POP UP CHRISTMAS Stores now open<br />

Barrington Mall outside past The Warehouse entrance The Hub Hornby near Farmers South City Centre beside Whitcoulls<br />

Barrington Mall • The Hub, Hornby • New Brighton Mall • South City Centre

14 Tuesday <strong>December</strong> <strong>11</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


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Make your vision<br />

your future<br />

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Phone: 0800 834 834<br />

50 Hazeldean Road,<br />


SOUTHERN VIEW Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

15<br />

News<br />

Tuesday <strong>December</strong> <strong>11</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Local<br />

News<br />

Now<br />

Stolen rabbits make happy return<br />

BUNNY BANDITS have returned<br />

two pet rabbits to a pre-school<br />

after outrage on social media.<br />

The two bunny sisters, Ruby and<br />

Rose, were stolen from BestStart<br />

Hei Hei on November 30.<br />

Two hutches, rabbit food and<br />

a wooden baby fence were also<br />

taken. It was the second burglary<br />

in two nights at the pre-school.<br />

During the first one, a Civil<br />

Defence kit and two shade sails<br />

were stolen.<br />

The rabbits and a hutch were<br />

returned on <strong>December</strong> 3 after<br />

CCTV footage of the offenders<br />

was published on Facebook and on<br />

Stuff.<br />

BestStart Hei Hei pre-school<br />

manager Melitta Fielding narrowly<br />

missed the burglars returning the<br />

rabbits.<br />

“A friend has a surveillance<br />

camera and saw the car driving<br />

down the road with a rabbit cage<br />

on the back . . . by the time I got<br />

there they had dumped them<br />

down the side of the building and<br />

the rabbits were in the hutch.”<br />

She said the children loved<br />

having them back.<br />

“They were so excited when they<br />

saw the cage.”<br />

Miss Fielding believed media<br />

coverage of the thefts may have<br />

pressured the thieves to return the<br />

rabbits.<br />

Nothing else stolen in the HAPPY DAYS: Cameron Denson, 2, Jaxon Bain, 3, teacher Abbie Young, Elliot Jolly, 4, Alexander Bromell, 2, and Lachan Preddy,<br />

burglaries has been returned. 4, welcome back their rabbits Rose and Ruby at the BestStart Hei Hei pre-school.<br />

Check out the<br />

new Sportsman 470<br />

Range TODAY<br />

Fire rages, homes at risk<br />

Proudly supporting JBnZ for over 50 years<br />

20 Lunns Rd, PO Box 709, Christchurch 8024<br />

Ph: 03 962 0505<br />

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www.hamiltonjet.com<br />

Seven friendly villages<br />

in Canterbury<br />

Key<br />

• Ryman village<br />

• Proposed village<br />

Rangiora<br />

• Charles Upham<br />

Christchurch<br />

• Anthony Wilding, Aidanfield<br />

• Diana Isaac, Mairehau<br />

• Essie Summers, Beckenham<br />

• Margaret Stoddart, Riccarton<br />

• Ngaio Marsh, Papanui<br />

• Park Terrace, Central City<br />

• Woodcote, Hornby<br />

0800 588 222<br />


16<br />

Tuesday <strong>December</strong> <strong>11</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

News<br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


Local<br />

News<br />

Now<br />

Fire rages, homes at risk<br />

Tireless triplets still an online sensation<br />

• By Sophie Cornish<br />

THE THREE bouncing babies<br />

who won hearts in a viral online<br />

video have now grown into<br />

tireless toddlers.<br />

The triplets, Macy, Sadie<br />

and Toby O’Leary will be<br />

17-months-old on Monday<br />

and their mother Sarah says<br />

they are adjusting to life as a big<br />

family.<br />

They are fraternal and<br />

were born less than a minute<br />

apart.<br />

Not long after their birth,<br />

a video of the red-headed<br />

trio taken by Hazel&Cass<br />

photographer Cassandra English<br />

went viral online.<br />

It has reached more than nine<br />

million views.<br />

Now, Mrs O’Leary says the<br />

triplets have all gained their<br />

individual personalities and<br />

quirks.<br />

“They are three very different<br />

toddlers.”<br />

Toby now has beach<br />

blonde hair, growing out of his<br />

ginger locks, unlike his two<br />

sisters.<br />

“He is very boisterous and<br />

loud. He’s more advanced than<br />

the other two in that he can<br />

walk. Now he can run around,<br />

he wants to play with the big<br />

boys. He’s definitely his father’s<br />

son,” said Mrs O’Leary.<br />

“Sadie is always wanting to<br />

dress up and wear goofy things<br />

on her head, she doesn’t mind<br />

putting on a show in front of<br />

everybody. But out of all three,<br />

she is the more clingy one, that<br />

needs the most attention. She’s<br />

the little one, but if she wants<br />

something, she will fight you for<br />

it.”<br />

“And Macy is the sweet,<br />

patient one. She will wait<br />

patiently for things and is<br />

cuddly, quiet and enjoys playing<br />

by herself.”<br />

Along with the triplets, Sarah<br />

and her husband Fionn are kept<br />

busy with two other boys, Olly,<br />

6, and Archy, who is almost<br />

three-years-old.<br />

The Hoon Hay family<br />

often get stopped in public by<br />

people asking questions about<br />

the large family, or just to admire<br />

then.<br />

“I get a lot of comments from<br />

people saying about how busy I<br />

must be. A lot of older ladies are<br />

amazed by the girls with their<br />

bright red hair and blue eyes.<br />

Even older men stop me to tell<br />

me stories about their family<br />

trees or a friend of a friend who<br />

had triplets.”<br />


VIDEO: Search Hazel&Cass<br />

Photography on YouTube<br />

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1st <strong>December</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

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SOUTHERN VIEW Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>December</strong> <strong>11</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 17<br />

raNGiora • Northwood • st martiNs • tower juNctioN • BishoPdaLe • raNGiora • Northwood<br />

Northwood • st martiNs • tower juNctioN • BishoPdaLe • raNGiora • Northwood • st martiNs • tower juNctioN • BishoPdaLe •<br />




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• st martiNs • tower juNctioN • BishoPdaLe • raNGiora • Northwood • st martiNs • tower juNctioN • BishoPdaLe • raNGiora

18 Tuesday <strong>December</strong> <strong>11</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


Christmas gift guide<br />

Gift vouchers<br />

available<br />

Maxwell Fashion<br />

17 Lillian Street, Halswell<br />

Phone 03 322 4548<br />

www.maxwellfashion.co.nz<br />

Make your own hampers<br />

Make your own homemade Christmas Hampers with goods<br />

from Bin Inn Lincoln Road.<br />

For Coeliacs and Allergen Sufferers you can make up your<br />

own hamper of specialty goods from our extensive and<br />

unique selections.<br />

Bin Inn Lincoln Road<br />

Phone 03 338 4606<br />

Gift Voucher<br />

Treat your loved one to a Soho<br />

Hair Gift voucher & give the gift<br />

of beautiful hair this Christmas.<br />

Soho Hair<br />

359a Lincoln Road, Addington<br />

Phone 03 962 0285<br />

Recycled clothing and more<br />

Come in and see our huge selection of designer clothing,<br />

family clothing, menswear and much more. We have great<br />

Christmas gift ideas for the whole family, available at any of<br />

our 5 Christchurch stores.<br />

SaveMart - The Recycled Clothing Store<br />

All stores open 7 days from 10am to 4pm<br />

New Brighton store only - closed on Sundays<br />

Wishbone 3 in 1 - The perfect Christmas gift<br />

From 12 months to 5 years - baby walker, to toddler trike,<br />

to balance bike. Lightweight and super stable - the bike that<br />

grows with your child.<br />

Customize with mix and match seat covers, handle grips and<br />

frame stickers.<br />

Baby On The Move<br />

87a Gasson Street, Sydenham<br />

Phone 03 421 3243<br />

Delicious Thai<br />

Hoon Hay Thai is one of the city’s best kept oriental secrets.<br />

Tucked away amongst the bustling shops of Coppell Place,<br />

it is the place to be for those after the definitive Thai dining<br />

experience.<br />

Hoon Hay Thai Restaurant<br />

9 Copper Place, Hoon Hay<br />

Phone 03 339 0320<br />

MTA Gift vouchers<br />

NPD Lincoln Road thank all customers for their continuing<br />

support and also advise we sell MTA gift vouchers as an ideal<br />

Christmas gift. We are open throughout Christmas & New<br />

Year breaks. We wish you our compliments of the season and<br />

happy safe motoring.<br />

NPD Lincoln Road<br />

Say it with fudge this Christmas<br />

The Fudge Cottage (at The Arts Centre)<br />

Phone 03 366 7650 | www.fudgecottage.co.nz<br />

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Short and long term membership options available. Group<br />

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and pin loaded equipment. Functional area with bumper<br />

plates, punching bags and much, much more. All welcome to<br />

our friendly warm environment where we can help you on<br />

your journey.<br />

Snap Fitness New Brighton<br />

85 Bower Ave | Phone 021 612 556

SOUTHERN VIEW Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>December</strong> <strong>11</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 19<br />


Canty school athletics champs<br />

return to city at Nga Puna Wai<br />

SPORTS<br />

KINDNESS: Twelve Marian College students put on a<br />

Christmas party for visitors from Age Concern Canterbury. ​<br />

Marian students spread<br />

some Christmas cheer<br />

A YOUNG Vinnies Group<br />

from Marian College has helped<br />

spread some Christmas cheer to<br />

the elderly.<br />

Twelve students hosted a<br />

Christmas party for eight<br />

visitors from Age Concern<br />

Canterbury recently.<br />

It aimed to help bring joy to<br />

people who may be alone at<br />

Christmas.<br />

Year 10 student Amy<br />

Williamson said the party went<br />

well and it was nice to see the joy<br />

in people’s faces as they bonded<br />

with each other.<br />

The Young Vinnies Group<br />

was established to support the St<br />

Vincent de Paul Society’s work<br />

to help people in need.<br />

The students have also hosted<br />

morning tea events for elderly<br />

visitors and run campaigns to<br />

collect food cans for the society.<br />

Said year 9 student Anna<br />

McKey: “It was nice knowing<br />

we could organise something<br />

that we knew would be helping<br />

others and contributing to wider<br />

society.”<br />

THE NEWLY opened athletic<br />

facilities at Nga Puna Wai Sports<br />

Hub in Halswell hosted the<br />

Canterbury primary schools<br />

athletics championships on<br />

Wednesday.<br />

The event brought together<br />

more than 1700 children from<br />

180 primary schools across<br />

Canterbury and the West Coast.<br />

It is the first time since the<br />

earthquakes<br />

that the<br />

championships<br />

have been held in<br />

Christchurch.<br />

For the past<br />

eight years,<br />

Julyan<br />

Christchurch<br />

students<br />

competing in<br />

Falloon<br />

the championships have had<br />

to travel to Ashburton because<br />

there has been no suitable<br />

facility in the city.<br />

But the opening in October<br />

of the new world-class athletics<br />

track at Nga Puna Wai has<br />

changed that.<br />

City council recreation and<br />

sports service manager David<br />

Bailey is delighted the city<br />

is again in a position to host<br />

athletics events like the primary<br />

ACTIVE: Nga Puna Wai hosted the Canterbury primary schools<br />

athletics championships on Wednesday. ​<br />

schools championships.<br />

“It’s great to see the years of<br />

hard work and planning that<br />

has gone into creating Nga<br />

Puna Wai paying off and to see<br />

the smiles on these young kids’<br />

faces,” Mr Bailey said.<br />

Sport Canterbury chief<br />

executive Julyan Falloon is<br />

also pleased the school athletic<br />

championships are finally back<br />

in the city.<br />

“Today we’re seeing an entire<br />

generation of children who’ve<br />

never run on anything other<br />

than a grass track. It’s fantastic<br />

to see them competing on a<br />

world-class facility on their<br />

home turf,’’ Mr Falloon said.<br />

Nga Puna Wai is being<br />

developed by a collaborative<br />

partnership, which includes the<br />

city council, Sport Canterbury,<br />

Athletics Canterbury,<br />

Canterbury Rugby League,<br />

Canterbury Hockey, and Tennis<br />

Canterbury, and is opening in<br />

stages.<br />

The nine-lane athletics track<br />

and two water-based synthetic<br />

hockey pitches have opened and<br />

the two sand-based rugby league<br />

fields and 12 outdoor acrylic<br />

tennis courts are due to open in<br />

April.<br />

There will also be two multiuse<br />

community playing fields, a<br />

shared sports hub building with<br />

administration facilities, public<br />

toilets, changing facilities, a<br />

children’s play zone, an athletics<br />

control building, and covered<br />

seating for athletics, hockey and<br />

rugby league.<br />

If you want more information about an item or to contact a<br />

seller, visit www.postanote.co.nz and search the ID#<br />

Honda Del Sol<br />

Dinghy Beach Trailer<br />

Clothes Dryer<br />

Folding Chairs<br />

Nissan Vanette<br />

1985 Ford Courier<br />

$2,500<br />

ID 25059<br />

$400<br />

ID 25628<br />

$250<br />

ID 25671<br />

$10<br />

ID 25666<br />

$7,400<br />

ID 25576<br />

$14,200<br />

ID 25569<br />

1992 Nissan Gunmetal Lada Niva<br />

2015 Yamaha MT-09 ABS<br />

Nintendo Gamecube Package<br />

Harley-Davidson Sportster 1200<br />

Bass Guitar & Amp Package<br />

$5,000<br />

ID 20363<br />

$500<br />

ID 25625<br />

$10,500<br />

ID 25296<br />

$375<br />

ID 25696<br />

$8,000<br />

ID 25694<br />

See Seller<br />

ID 25695<br />

1995 Toyota Camry<br />

Esperanto Dictionary<br />

Vespa 150cc 4-speed<br />

2-Stroke Engine<br />

1998 Hero Gizmo 50cc<br />

Sunbeam Penguin Waffle Maker<br />

$2,000<br />

ID 25318<br />

$40<br />

ID 25673<br />

$1,400<br />

ID 25706<br />

$200<br />

ID 25140<br />

$1,250<br />

ID 6230<br />

$30<br />

ID 25613

20 Tuesday <strong>December</strong> <strong>11</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />



Timely advice from<br />

McGirr Motors<br />

As the warmer weather and Christmas<br />

holidays approach, McGirr Motors owner<br />

Gary Lake suggests now is a great time<br />

to get your air-conditioning and cooling<br />

system checked.<br />

Gary also recommends a Vehicle Holiday<br />

Check for those planning a long road trip<br />

over the Christmas break. This will lessen<br />

the risk of a breakdown and the team will<br />

discuss any work, if required, prior to it<br />

being carried out. They also offer a full<br />

service.<br />

Jo looks<br />

forward to<br />

welcoming<br />

you.<br />

Other services include:<br />

* WOF<br />

* Servicing & Mechanical Repairs<br />

* Diagnostics<br />

* Batteries<br />

* Brakes<br />

* Clutch<br />

* Tyres etc.<br />

“If you have any concerns about<br />

your vehicle, please don’t hesitate to<br />

call or drop in,” Gary says. “We would<br />

be delighted to take care of your car<br />

maintenance.”<br />

Approaching their 20th Anniversary,<br />

Gary credits McGirr Motors success to<br />

their dedicated team and loyal customers.<br />

On the corner of Gloucester St and<br />

Fitzgerald Ave, customers enjoy the<br />

convenience of McGirr Motors centrally<br />

located workshop and the professional,<br />

friendly service it is known for.<br />

The workshop at 332 Gloucester St<br />

is a shared site, McGirr Motors can is<br />

accessed from Gloucester St – look for<br />

the purple and green building. Opening<br />

hours are 8am – 5.30pm, Monday to<br />

Friday.<br />

To make an appointment, phone 03-379<br />

6698 or email gary@mcgirrmotors.co.nz<br />

The friendly team at McGirr Motors, Terry, Gary, Jacob and Yutaka<br />

s<br />

m<br />

a<br />

r<br />

t<br />

mall<br />

edium<br />

• Panel beating<br />

• Spray painting<br />

Fast<br />

turnaround<br />

utomotive<br />

epair<br />

echniques<br />

• new & quality<br />

secondhand tyres<br />

• alloy wheels<br />

• replacement rims<br />

• puncture repairs<br />



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Website: www.jcmdirect.co.nz<br />

rosesautoelec@gmail.com<br />

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NEW<br />


95 Gasson St<br />

The Automotive Lamp Specialists<br />

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PH 0800 225 483 | 95 Gasson Street, CHRISTCHURCH<br />

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PARKER<br />


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55 Lincoln Rd, behind Caltex<br />

(Cnr Lincoln & Torrens Rd)<br />

Ph 03 982 4268<br />

Mob 027 331 0382<br />

Email: parkerauto@clear.net.nz

SOUTHERN VIEW Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>December</strong> <strong>11</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 21<br />

Drop what you’re doing!<br />



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Call 03 379 0588 or visit christchurchmitsubishi.co.nz<br />


386 Moorhouse Avenue, Christchurch.<br />

03 379 0588 | christchurchmitsubishi.co.nz<br />

*Price listed is for Triton 2WD GLX-R manual and excludes on road costs, which includes registration, WoF, 1,000km road user charges and a full tank of fuel.<br />

Available while stocks last. † Visit mmnz.co.nz for full Diamond Advantage warranty conditions.<br />

10 year / 160,000km Powertrain Warranty (whichever comes<br />

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Warranty (whichever comes first) (non transferable).

22 Tuesday <strong>December</strong> <strong>11</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />





This year has been particularly special in that so many of our past students and staff<br />

have responded to our call to join a new group. Named Rauru, the group has been<br />

formed to strengthen and support our Marian College community. Past students and<br />

staff of Marian College, St Mary’s College (Christchurch) and McKillop College, are<br />

warmly invited to register for Rauru and help us shape the future of Marian.<br />

Collective dialogue and strategic visioning are underway as we prepare for a new<br />

school. Work includes development of a brief to ensure our Special Catholic Character,<br />

values and culture are captured and reflected in our new school.<br />

We appreciate Marian College is part of the bigger picture and we support the Bishop<br />

in taking due care of process and in making informed decisions for the benefit of the<br />

Catholic Diocese of Christchurch as a whole. The old saying is true – good things<br />

take time.<br />

Thank you to our Board of Trustees, our school staff and community, and members of<br />

the Marian Foundation for your support and fantastic work throughout <strong>2018</strong>.<br />

To our Marian girls – relax and enjoy a well-earned holiday. We look forward to<br />

having you back refreshed, inspired and ready for 2019 at Marian College.<br />

And finally, congratulations to our <strong>2018</strong> Marian leavers:<br />

we wish you all the very best and please stay in touch.<br />

Wishing you good health and blessings this Christmas.<br />

Jan Paterson<br />

Marian College Board of Trustees<br />


Our Young Vinnies Group helps support the important work of the<br />

Society of St Vincent de Paul. Recently the group spent a lunchtime<br />

wrapping Christmas presents for the Vinnie’s Christmas Party for<br />

people in need.<br />

Marian College has a long tradition of service. Both students and staff<br />

members are actively involved and contribute positively to the wider<br />

community. All students complete at least six hours of meaningful<br />

service within the school and community every year.<br />



WOW TRIP<br />

Congratulations to Catherine Ryan (right)<br />

and Louise Daly (left) who have been<br />

awarded <strong>2018</strong> Marian College dux and<br />

proxime accessit respectively.<br />

Marian College Principal Mary-Lou<br />

Davidson says major prize winners<br />

demonstrate exceptional performance<br />

and dedication across all aspects of life<br />

at Marian College – in academia, special<br />

character, leadership, music, sport,<br />

environment, culture and service.<br />

The Marian College PTA Grace Awards<br />

are very special awards for senior students<br />

who quietly go about their learning, being<br />

kind and caring, participating in school<br />

life and sometimes managing through<br />

challenges. These students often go ‘under<br />

the radar’ and as the award criteria says<br />

– they just get on with school and are not<br />

always officially recognised. This year<br />

Grace Awards were presented to Mia<br />

Blyth, Renee Rae, Zoe Frame, Molly Ford<br />

and Hannah Manalaysay.<br />

A full list of prize recipients and<br />

photographs are on the College website.<br />

IT’S<br />


Recently, Year 10 Marian College<br />

students had the opportunity to pitch<br />

their business ideas to a panel of judges<br />

as part of the three-day Young Enterprise<br />

BP Business Challenge programme.<br />

The hands-on learning event creates<br />

opportunities for students to develop<br />

their skills, engage with local business<br />

people and learn how a good business<br />

works. The programme covers learning<br />

in English, Mathematics and Statistics,<br />

Social Sciences, Digital Technology and<br />

Commerce subjects.<br />

Described by some as the highlight<br />

of the year, senior students studying<br />

textiles at Marian College have the<br />

opportunity to travel to Wellington for a<br />

two-day whirlwind WOWtrip. The group<br />

experienced the World of WearableArt<br />

Awards Show, explored two tertiary<br />

institutes offering textile and design<br />

programmes and visited the Beehive.<br />

“The show was incredible with amazing<br />

outfits and dancers. This was a wonderful<br />

way to end the term,” says Year 12 Marian<br />

College student Phoebe O’Regan.<br />

The group also attended the Suffrage 125<br />

exhibition Whakatū Wāhine at Museum of<br />

New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa.<br />

www.mariancollege.school.nz |03 385 8449 | exec@mariancollege.school.nz | follow us! www.facebook.com/mariancollegechch

SOUTHERN VIEW Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>December</strong> <strong>11</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 23<br />

When Death Jumped Ship<br />

- Remembering the 1918<br />

Influenza Pandemic<br />

Tuesday 9am-7pm<br />

It has been 100 years since<br />

New Zealand’s worst-ever public<br />

health disaster – what happened?<br />

How did we cope? The library<br />

and Lyttelton Museum are<br />

commemorating the anniversary<br />

with an exhibition and ‘Medicine<br />

Depot’. See some powerful<br />

images and find out what an<br />

inhalation chamber was like.<br />

South Library, 66 Colombo St<br />

Knit ’n’ Yarn<br />

Wednesday, 10.30am-1pm<br />

Go to the Linwood Library for<br />

a friendly craft-corner session.<br />

Take your knitting, crochet or<br />

other portable craft project and<br />

enjoy time with other crafters.<br />

Free, beginners welcome.<br />

Linwood Library, Eastgate Mall<br />

Wā Pēpi/Babytimes<br />

Wednesday, 10.30– <strong>11</strong>am<br />

Encourage learning through<br />

language. Wā Pēpi/Babytimes<br />

is an interactive programme<br />

including rhymes, songs, stories<br />

and play. This is a free session.<br />

Spreydon Library,266<br />

Barrington St<br />

JP Clinic at Spreydon Library<br />

Thursday, 10.30am-1pm<br />

Email georgia.oconnor@starmedia.kiwi<br />

by 5pm each Wednesday<br />

A justice of the peace will<br />

be available to members of<br />

the community to witness<br />

signatures and documents,<br />

certify document copies, hear<br />

oaths, declarations, affidavits<br />

or affirmations, as well as sign<br />

citizenship, sponsorship or rates<br />

rebates applications. There is no<br />

charge for this service.<br />

Spreydon Library, 266<br />

Barrington St<br />

Rummikub Club<br />

Thursday, 10am-noon<br />

Join in a game of rummikub,<br />

a tile-based game for two to four<br />

players. No charge.<br />

Linwood Library, Eastgate<br />

Shopping Centre<br />

Game Zone at Linwood<br />

Thursday, 3.30-4.30pm<br />

Play favourites like minecraft,<br />

charades, connect four,<br />

pictionary and more. Learn<br />

and develop strategies for<br />

new games. Take your friends<br />

along or meet some new ones.<br />

All children aged eight to<br />

13 welcome. No booking or<br />

payment required.<br />

Linwood Library, Eastgate Mall<br />

Carols on the Lawn<br />

Thursday 5-6.30pm<br />

(inside if wet)<br />

Join the Presbyterian Church<br />

GET INVENTIVE: Craft, create<br />

and develop your own work at<br />

the Linwood Library’s Creative<br />

Writing on Wednesdays. Take<br />

pens, pencils, paper, a laptop and<br />

your wonderful ideas, stories, art, or<br />

any projects you would like to make.<br />

Talk to a Linwood Library staff member<br />

for more information. No charge.<br />

The session will be held Wednesday,<br />

4-5.45pm at the library in Eastgate<br />

Mall. ​<br />

to hear and sing some great<br />

Christmas carols, featuring<br />

the Steadfast Brass Band and a<br />

free sausage sizzle.<br />

Hoon Hay Presbyterian<br />

Church, 5 Downing St, Hoon<br />

Hay<br />

Storytimes/Wā Kōrerō<br />

Friday, 10.30-<strong>11</strong>am<br />

Encourage learning through<br />

a love for stories. Storytimes<br />

is an interactive programme<br />

including stories, songs, rhymes<br />

and play. This is a free session.<br />

Spreydon Library, 266<br />

Barrington St, and South Library,<br />

66 Colombo St<br />

Linwood Village Market<br />

Saturday, 9am-1pm<br />

Find some antiques, bric-abrac,<br />

clothing, crafts, produce,<br />

plants, books, household goods,<br />

jewellery, jams and pickles,<br />

a Hangi Caravan and other<br />

reasonably priced refreshments.<br />

Corner of Worcester St and<br />

Stanmore Rd<br />

Opawa Farmers’ Market<br />

Sunday, 9am-noon<br />

This market prides itself<br />

on having the best selection of<br />

fresh local produce in the city,<br />

including a large organic range<br />

from trusted local growers.<br />

Grab some fresh artisan bread,<br />

French-style pastries, free-range<br />

eggs, locally-made Italian<br />

cheeses, seasonal fruits and<br />

much more.<br />

275 Fifield Tce, Opawa<br />

Counted Cross Stitch<br />

Exhibition<br />

Monday-Friday, 9am-7pm,<br />

and weekends, 10am-4pm<br />

Dave Adamson, who<br />

has been doing needlework<br />

for almost 30 years, presents<br />

this exhibition which will run<br />

until <strong>December</strong> 15. For more<br />

information, call him on<br />

022 128 3215.<br />

South Library, 66 Colombo<br />


24 Tuesday <strong>December</strong> <strong>11</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


Your full-sized daily read<br />

Available<br />

from<br />

7.30am<br />

at . . .<br />

• Beckenham Lotto and<br />

News Agency, Sydenham<br />

• Bishopdale Unichem Pharmacy<br />

• Caltex Russley<br />

• Fresh Choice Merivale<br />

• Hagley Night & Day, Riccarton<br />

• Hillmorton Superette, Halswell<br />

• Kiwi Bookshop and Lotto,<br />

Edgeware<br />

• New World Bishopdale<br />

• New World Fendalton<br />

• New World Halswell<br />

• New World Ilam<br />

• New World Rolleston<br />

• Paper Plus Bush Inn, Riccarton<br />

• Paper Plus Barrington, Spreydon<br />

• Paper Plus Hornby<br />

• Paper Plus South City, Sydenham<br />

• Piccadilly Books, Avonhead<br />

• Relay, Christchurch Airport<br />

• Pak‘nSave Riccarton<br />

• Templeton Convenience Store<br />

• Whitcoulls Hornby<br />

• Whitcoulls Merivale Mall<br />

• Whitcoulls Northlands<br />

• Whitcoulls Palms<br />

• Whitcoulls Westfield Riccarton<br />

• Whitcoulls South City<br />

Sign up to our e-edition<br />

A convenient exact replica of the newspaper in a digital format. <strong>View</strong> the ODT<br />

e-edition on your desktop, tablet, laptop and smartphone (Apple IOS & Android).<br />

To sign up, call our Circulation team<br />

on 03-479-3555 OR email<br />


SOUTHERN VIEW Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>December</strong> <strong>11</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 25<br />


Peaceful, private lifestyle living<br />

49 Vernon Terrace, Hillsborough<br />

Price: By negotiation<br />

4 bedrooms | 1 bathroom | 2 living rooms | 1 dining room | 2 car garage | 2 off-street parks | Listing Number SMT10330<br />

The lucky new owners will quickly appreciate<br />

the highly sought after location, incorporating<br />

sunshine privacy and a peaceful setting with the<br />

sound of birdsong.<br />

The statement entrance instantly welcomes<br />

you to this fully renovated two-level home,<br />

with the upstairs gallery area creating an<br />

additional light filled space which leads to the<br />

hub of the house. The first floor comprises the<br />

open planned generous main living area with<br />

designer kitchen positioned to incorporate the<br />

atmosphere of the family living space. The chef<br />

of the family will love the Miele induction cook<br />

top and appliances incorporated.<br />

Interconnecting spaces lend themselves to<br />

entertaining with a fabulous flow to the outdoor<br />

patio area a perfect space for summer barbeques.<br />

The fourth bedroom with mezzanine is<br />

located on the first floor.<br />

Contemporary design and superb flow are<br />

paramount throughout the spacious 162m 2<br />

footprint. The new exterior cladding of block<br />

compliment this home.<br />

The fabulous floor plan offers a variety of<br />

options to accommodate family or guests,<br />

with the downstairs layout comprising three<br />

double bedrooms along with a full bathroom<br />

and separate wc. All bedrooms capture the late<br />

sunshine, perfect for the afternoon heat.<br />

The gardens set on 905m 2 feature a<br />

contemporary scheme that complements the<br />

house and incorporates native planting and<br />

established citrus. In addition to the private<br />

sheltered courtyard the sunny elevated level<br />

grassed area, provides a perfect space for a<br />

children’s playground an alternate external space<br />

to enjoy with outstanding views of the valley.<br />

Excellent level access to the double car<br />

garaging + additional off street parking. With<br />

easy access to all amenities, shopping, cafes and<br />

schools both private and public Rudolph Steiner,<br />

Cashmere High, St Martins Primary, Hillview<br />

Christian, and St Thomas of Canterbury.<br />

Winter will be delightfully warm with double<br />

glazing, two upstairs heat pumps, a nitestore<br />

heater downstairs insulation in walls, ceilings<br />

and under floor. The perfect new home to settle<br />

in and enjoy summer.<br />

Outdoor enthusiasts can take advantage of the<br />

multitude of walking, running and mountain<br />

biking trails. The Rapaki Track and Mt Vernon<br />

Tracks are accessible from the front door.<br />

Please call for viewing times.<br />

Please call Debra Hakaraia<br />

Smart Real Estate<br />

0275 620 420, or 03 384 8600<br />

Website. smartrealestate.co.nz<br />

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Tuesday <strong>December</strong> <strong>11</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />


26 Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Classifieds Contact us today Phone our local team 03 379 <strong>11</strong>00<br />

ADD SOME<br />

COLOUR<br />



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Your new company:<br />

Star Media is a diversified publishing and events business, and is part of New Zealand’s largest<br />

independent media company, Allied Press. Star Media encompasses The Star newspaper, eight<br />

community newspapers, national magazines Kiwi Gardener and Rugby News and local magazine<br />

Style, City2Surf, WTR Wedding show and Home Show events for Canterbury and New Zealand<br />

audiences. Star Media Productions creates video in which clients can tell their brand’s stories,<br />

while skilled editors make sure the creative is edited for the appropriate digital platforms. The<br />

team produces high-quality video for broadcast, live stream, websites and social media.<br />

Your new role:<br />

We are on the lookout for an excellent communicator with a “can-do” attitude. The company’s<br />

collaborative workplace relies on creativity, innovation and initiative.<br />

You will be responsible for growing new business in our events areas to achieve profitable<br />

growth opportunities. You will also be a media consultant, using your knowledge to make<br />

product recommendations to your clients to increase their sales and profits.<br />

What you’ll need to succeed:<br />

In order to be successful in this role it is essential that you have:<br />

• Sales skills and an adaptable approach to business<br />

• Innovative thinking<br />

• An ability to get on with a wide range of customers<br />

• Sales hunting instincts<br />

• A true hunger to succeed – we are looking for can-do and energetic candidate<br />

• A good work ethic, the ability to work proactively with clients and internal departments with a<br />

sense of urgency<br />

• Passionate, positive and proactive – you seek out opportunities and deliver on what you say<br />

• Flexible – are able to work across multiple media platforms if needed<br />

• Creative – you can deliver fresh ideas and produce innovative campaigns (training provided)<br />

What you’ll get in return:<br />

You’ll be joining a company that rewards hard work. A generous remuneration package is on<br />

offer including a fantastic bonus scheme as well as healthcare (conditions apply) and mobile<br />

phone!<br />

And a fantastic c career pathway with an innovative company!<br />

What you need to do now:<br />

If this role sounds exciting to you, then don’t delay in getting in touch!<br />

Forward an application and an up-to-date copy<br />

of your CV (word format/pdf), to Shane Victor at<br />

shane@starmedia.kiwi<br />

• Want to be part of a top<br />

Christchurch events team<br />

• Are you an innovative sales<br />

hunter – full of ideas<br />

• Love the relationship side of sales?<br />

• Looking to be part of a team, with a<br />

supportive, lively and energetic culture?<br />

Page 3 Page 13<br />

Li ter library<br />

Problem areas for li ter<br />

revealed<br />

Surf club move<br />

New Brighton surf club opts<br />

to rebuild on new site<br />

TUESDAY, APRIL 10, <strong>2018</strong> www.star.kiwi<br />

Loca ly Owned<br />

jo<br />

hayes<br />

christchurch east<br />

Ca l to make an<br />

a pointment<br />

P: 384 9459<br />

www.national.org.nz<br />

Authorised by Jo Hayes<br />

Unit 6/950 Fe ry Road, Christchurch<br />

• By Sophie Cornish<br />

WORKSAFE NEW Zealand<br />

has b en a proached in a bid to<br />

fina ly repair the potholes in New<br />

Brighton’s Hawke St car park.<br />

Coastal-Burw od Ward city<br />

counci lor David East wants<br />

WorkSafe to pre sure the car<br />

park’s private owners into<br />

repairing the potholes which are<br />

a “trip and vehicle” hazard.<br />

WorkSafe chief inspector<br />

a se sment southern Da ren<br />

Handforth said it may be able to<br />

take action under the Health and<br />

Safety at Work Act 2015, “as a<br />

person conducting a busine s or<br />

undertaking.”<br />

Mr Handforth said WorkSafe<br />

is aware of the concerns raised by<br />

Cr East abou the car park.<br />

“WorkSafe has completed<br />

an a se sment visi to the site<br />

and is engaging with the owner<br />

to advise them that it is their<br />

responsibility to manage their<br />

risks a propriately.”<br />

Different parts of the car park<br />

are owned by various people<br />

and the Coastal-Burw od<br />

Community Board recently<br />

wrote to them about its concerns<br />

around health and safety.<br />

Cr East said the bi gest i sue<br />

in the past has b en ge ting in<br />

touch with the landlords and<br />

owners and ge ting them to<br />

agr e to anything. “The board<br />

a preciates that multi-ownership<br />

of the parking space may present<br />

a difficulty in co-ordinating<br />

repair/resurfacing but felt obliged<br />

to pa s these concerns onto you,”<br />

said the le ter.<br />

One reply has b en received so<br />

far from an owner who is wi ling<br />

to discu s the i sue. However, a l<br />

the owners would have to agr e<br />

to undertake work.<br />

Cr East said there had b en<br />

a “number of incidences” in<br />

the car park of people injuring<br />

themselves which had gone<br />

unreported.<br />

“I’ve always though that it<br />

has b en quite amazing that we<br />

haven’t had any serious a cidents<br />

or senior citizens perhaps<br />

tri ping in those potholes and<br />

doing themselve some damage.”<br />

He is confiden the new<br />

a proach wi l bring results.<br />

“I think the WorkSafe<br />

involvement may prove to be the<br />

lever that we are l oking for.”<br />

New bid to fix potholes<br />

Action looms<br />

on Hawke St<br />

car park<br />

HAZARD: Coastal-Burw od Ward city counci lor David East wants WorkSafe New Zealand to put pre sure on the Hawke St car<br />

park owners to fix the dangerous potholes. PHOTO: GILBERT WEA LEANS<br />

Ph 3 7 0 70,<br />

30 Cashel St,<br />

Christchurch<br />

Restore your oiled CEDAR BLINDS with ou re-oiling service.<br />

Rejuvenate your lacquered CEDAR BLINDS<br />

High-tech Cleaning<br />

We clean and repair a l types of blinds –<br />

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Fitzgerald end), and co lect<br />

them a th end of the day.<br />

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Mon - Fri<br />

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Ro ler Blinds cleaned<br />

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BLINDS .Cleaned, Repaired & Restored .<br />

Land size<br />

Garage<br />

Bedr om<br />

Carport<br />

Bathr om<br />

Car pad<br />

Lounge<br />

Boat pad<br />

Dining<br />

P ol<br />

Toilet<br />

Te nis court<br />

Shower Study<br />

2.5<br />

1<br />

2<br />

4<br />

850m<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 12 13 14<br />

Land size<br />

Garage<br />

Bedr om<br />

Carport<br />

Bathr om<br />

Car pad<br />

Lounge<br />

Boat pad<br />

Dining<br />

P ol<br />

Toilet<br />

Te nis court<br />

Shower Study<br />

2.5<br />

1<br />

2<br />

4<br />

850m<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 12 13 14<br />

Land size<br />

Garage<br />

Bedr om<br />

Carport<br />

Bathr om<br />

Car pad<br />

Lounge<br />

Boat pad<br />

Dining<br />

P ol<br />

Toilet<br />

Te nis court<br />

Shower Study<br />

2.5<br />

1<br />

2<br />

4<br />

850m<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 12 13 14<br />

Land size<br />

Garage<br />

Bedr om<br />

Carport<br />

Bathr om<br />

Car pad<br />

Lounge<br />

Boat pad<br />

Dining<br />

P ol<br />

Toilet<br />

Te nis court<br />

Shower Study<br />

2.5<br />

1<br />

2<br />

4<br />

850m<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 12 13 14<br />

Page 3 Page 5<br />

Cartwright steps downs<br />

Community board chairman<br />

stays true to his word<br />

Pool plans for Edgeware<br />

Designs for ind or learner’s<br />

p ol revealed<br />

TUESDAY, APRIL 10, <strong>2018</strong> www.star.kiwi<br />

Loca ly Owned<br />

www.denturesouth.co.nz<br />

call 332 4004 TexT 027 537 0567<br />

230 BarringTon sTreeT<br />

Mobile<br />

Service<br />

Available<br />

• By Sophie Cornish<br />

THE ST Andrew’s Co lege big<br />

band had extra incentive to<br />

win a the National Youth Ja z<br />

Competition – ba s player, Tom<br />

Fastier, co lapsed an died the<br />

day before the competition<br />

began.<br />

“Tom was a ba s player from<br />

Cashmere High Sch ol who was<br />

playing with our big band this<br />

year. He had a strong chance of<br />

wi ning best ba s player a the<br />

festival as he was a very a complished<br />

musician,” head of music<br />

Duncan Ferguson said.<br />

“We were delighted to win, but<br />

it was bi tersw et,” he said.<br />

St Andrew’s won the most<br />

outstanding big band title a the<br />

competition in Tauranga.<br />

The ban dedicated it se to<br />

Tom, who died while on his way<br />

to Cashmere High on March 27.<br />

His death was po sibly related to<br />

a medical event.<br />

•Turn to page 9<br />

SW ET SOUNDS: St Andrew’s Co lege year 12 students Lewis Edmond and Je na We ls performing a the 41st National Youth<br />

Ja z Competition.<br />

Bittersweet win for St Andrew’s big band<br />

• By Sophie Cornish and Julia Evans<br />

THE PAPANUI-I nes<br />

Community Board has taken the<br />

rare step of starting a petition<br />

to figh the city council over<br />

funding.<br />

Signatures are being co lected<br />

in a bid to get funding for a community<br />

facility in Shirley.<br />

It comes after the city council<br />

removed funding for the centre<br />

pla ned for Shirley Rd, near the<br />

intersection with Hi ls Rd. This<br />

was the site of the former community<br />

centre, which was badly<br />

damaged in the February 2,<br />

20 1, earthquake.<br />

The removal o funding<br />

prompted community board<br />

chairwoman Ali Jones to threaten<br />

to stan down, citing it as her “die<br />

in the ditch” project.<br />

Ms Jone said the board’s role<br />

is to represen the community,<br />

and by gathering signatures from<br />

residents, it was fulfi ling that<br />

role.<br />

“One of the roles of a community<br />

board is to represent and act<br />

as advocate for the interests of its<br />

community and this is what we<br />

are doing. The LTP and a nual<br />

plans are a l about lo bying the<br />

council.”<br />

•Turn to page 5<br />

Board<br />

launches<br />

petition<br />

to get new<br />

community<br />

facility<br />

Ph 3 7 0 70,<br />

30 Cashel St,<br />

Christchurch<br />

Restore your oiled CEDAR BLINDS with ou re-oiling service.<br />

Rejuvenate your lacquered CEDAR BLINDS<br />

High-tech Cleaning<br />

We clean and repair a l types of blinds –<br />

Venetians, Cedar, Verticals, Ro ler, Ho lands,<br />

Romans and Pleated – with environmenta ly<br />

friendly cleaning products.<br />

Temperature Contro led Drying<br />

Re-oiling & Rejuvenating<br />

Fabric Blinds - such as Austrian and Roman<br />

Same Day Pick Up & Drop O f<br />

We o fer a same-day, pick up and drop o f<br />

service for mos types of blinds. B okings<br />

are required.<br />

Convenient Location<br />

Drop blinds into us by 9am, at<br />

30 Cashel Str et (near the<br />

Fitzgerald end), and co lect<br />

them a th end of the day.<br />

New Blind Sales Priced from $30<br />


Mon - Fri<br />

8. 0am to 5. 0pm<br />

Ro ler Blinds cleaned<br />

from as li tle as $20<br />

per blind<br />

www.blindcare.co.nz SCAN QR code for Info ><br />

BLINDS .Cleaned, Repaired & Restored .<br />

Grenadier Real Estate Ltd MREINZ is a Licensed Agent Under the Real Estate Agents Act 2 08<br />

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Page 3 Page 5<br />

Traffic plan at The Brae<br />

Bid to ease traffic on busy,<br />

na row str et<br />

New pi za joint<br />

Fire and Slice fina ly se to<br />

open in Sumner<br />

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1 <strong>2018</strong> www.star.kiwi<br />

Loca ly Owned<br />



Alison Carter<br />

P: 384 7950 M: 0274 318 960<br />

E: alison.carter@harcourts.co.nz<br />

Your local<br />

hi l and<br />

seaside<br />

specialist.<br />

• By Gordon Findlater<br />

DEAN CALVERT (above)<br />

returned from the United<br />

Kingdom last w ek after<br />

ge ting closer than mos to<br />

Joseph Parker in the build up<br />

to his world heavyweigh title<br />

unification fight with Anthony<br />

Joshua in Cardiff.<br />

The former New Zealand<br />

title-holder trave led with his<br />

father George and brother<br />

Bryce to London ahead of the<br />

fight where they spen time<br />

with Parker in the build up.<br />

Mr Calvert, 47, comes from a<br />

boxing mad family.<br />

•Turn to page 6<br />

Former champ hooks<br />

up with Parker in UK<br />

Cave Rock<br />

Apartments’<br />

owners<br />

expect EQC<br />

sign-off<br />

this week<br />

• By Sarla Donovan<br />

THE OWNERS of Sumner’s Cave<br />

Rock Apartments ar expecting the<br />

Earthquake Commi sion to sign-off<br />

on a se tlement agr emen this w ek.<br />

Body corporate chairman Mike<br />

White said the group had gone<br />

into mediation with IAG and EQC<br />

on February 20, and signed off<br />

on a deal with IAG on February<br />

2 – coincidenta ly seven years<br />

to the day after the February 2,<br />

20 1, earthquake. However, they<br />

are waiting for EQC to sign the<br />

agr ement.<br />

“Given that EQC actua ly drafted<br />

the agr ement, there’ l be no<br />

problem with them doing that.”<br />

The apartment suffere damage<br />

in the February and June, 20 1,<br />

earthquakes and were demolished in<br />

late 2012. In 2016, IAG’s offer of the<br />

difference betw en indemnity value,<br />

$10 mi lion, and the sum insured,<br />

$16 mi lion, was rejected by the body<br />

corporate.<br />

The mediation agr ement<br />

prevented Mr White from disclosing<br />

the se tlement amount, but he said it<br />

involved the two parties paying “a bit<br />

more money than they’d wanted to<br />

earlier.”<br />

•Turn to page 6<br />

Page 7 Page 10<br />

Fishin’ for w eds<br />

Children’s event at risk if The<br />

Groynes’ lakes not cleaned up<br />

Pedaling acro s NZ<br />

Stroke survivor finishes long<br />

journey<br />

TUESDAY, APRIL 10, <strong>2018</strong> www.star.kiwi<br />

Loca ly Owned<br />

www.denturesouth.co.nz<br />

ca l 32 4 04 TexT 027 537 0567<br />

230 Ba ringTon sTr eT<br />

Mobile<br />

Service<br />

Available<br />

A NEW 60km/h sp ed limit and<br />

double ye low lines wi l be in<br />

place on Dyers Pa s Rd by early<br />

May.<br />

The sp ed limit change was<br />

a proved by the city counci last<br />

w ek.<br />

A decision to paint double yellow<br />

lines on the stretch betw en<br />

Summit Rd and the Sign of the<br />

Takahe was earlier made by the<br />

Spreydon-Cashmere Community<br />

Board.<br />

Bu the Banks Peninsula Community<br />

Boar decided against<br />

ye low lines on the Summit Rd-<br />

Governors Bay section due to the<br />

road’s na rowne s and general<br />

condition.<br />

The changes are designed to try<br />

and reduce the crash rate.<br />

Insta lation of the double<br />

ye low lines, the new sp ed limit<br />

signs and raised centre line pavement<br />

markers wi l begin in mid<br />

April.<br />

The work i scheduled to take<br />

place betw en April 15-18, 2-26,<br />

29 and May 2.<br />

While the work is done, Dyers<br />

Pa s Rd wi l be closed to traffic<br />

from the Sign of the Takahe to<br />

Governors Bay betw en 7pm and<br />

6.30am.<br />

60km/h<br />

Dyers Pass<br />

speed<br />

limit from<br />

early next<br />

month<br />

• By Emily O’Co ne l<br />

A WOOLSTON butcher proved<br />

to be a cut above the rest in an<br />

international competition.<br />

New World Fe ry Rd butcher<br />

Jeremy Garth and his team, the<br />

Pure South Sharp Blacks, recently<br />

came second a the World<br />

Butchers’ Cha lenge in Northern<br />

Ireland.<br />

It was the firs time Mr Garth<br />

had competed in the cha lenge<br />

and he was “rea ly proud” of<br />

how the team performed.<br />

“We produced some top quality<br />

products and came away<br />

with a g od result so we’re very<br />

ha py,” he said.<br />

The preparation for this year’s<br />

World Butchers’ Cha lenge was<br />

intense as the team members<br />

met in Auckland every two<br />

months for lengthy w ekend<br />

practices.<br />

Mr Garth, who has b en a<br />

butcher for 14 years, said the<br />

competition brought back his<br />

pa sion for the job.<br />

“Doing a l thi stuff and<br />

m eting new people, s eing new<br />

ideas, it just brings that flair<br />

back for you,” he said.<br />

Mr Garth hopes t own a<br />

butcher shop of his own someday<br />

but says for now he wi l focus<br />

on ge ting mor experience<br />

and on the 2020 cha lenge.<br />

“In two years’ time, we’ l be<br />

going back to try and win the<br />

title,” he said.<br />

U per Ri carton butcher Corey<br />

Winder was part of the Pure<br />

South Sharp Blacks team.<br />

GLOBAL STAGE: W olston butcher Jeremy Garth back home after his team came second in the World Butchers’ Cha lenge.<br />


From New World Ferry Rd<br />

to second in the<br />

world<br />

Ph 3 7 0 70,<br />

30 Cashel St,<br />

Christchurch<br />

Restore your oiled CEDAR BLINDS with ou re-oiling service.<br />

Rejuvenate your lacquered CEDAR BLINDS<br />

High-tech Cleaning<br />

We clean and repair a l types of blinds –<br />

Venetians, Cedar, Verticals, Ro ler, Ho lands,<br />

Romans and Pleated – with environmenta ly<br />

friendly cleaning products.<br />

Temperature Contro led Drying<br />

Re-oiling & Rejuvenating<br />

Fabric Blinds - such as Austrian and Roman<br />

Same Day Pick Up & Drop O f<br />

We o fer a same-day, pick up an drop o f<br />

service for mos types of blinds. B okings<br />

are required.<br />

Convenient Location<br />

Drop blinds into us by 9am, at<br />

30 Cashel Str et (near the<br />

Fitzgerald end), and co lect<br />

them a th end of the day.<br />

New Blind Sales Priced from $30<br />


Mon - Fri<br />

8. 0am to 5. 0pm<br />

Ro ler Blinds cleaned<br />

from as li tle as $20<br />

per blind<br />

www.blindcare.co.nz SCAN QR code for Info ><br />

BLINDS .Cleaned, Repaired & Restored .<br />

Page 3 Pages 10 & 13<br />

Cyclist’s helipad bid<br />

Serious crash gives new<br />

perspective on ride to hospital<br />

River working group<br />

Rebuilding a healthy<br />

ecosystem in the Selwyn River<br />

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1, <strong>2018</strong> www.star.kiwi<br />

Loca ly Owned<br />

June 29 - July 1<br />


vanessa.fleming@starmedia.kiwi<br />

021 914 565<br />

• By Georgia O’Co nor-Harding<br />

A CRACKDOWN on mobile<br />

traders acro s the districts could<br />

be l oming.<br />

However, the public has li tle<br />

interest in having input into the<br />

i sue.<br />

Only eight submi sions were<br />

received for a potential bylaw<br />

aimed at regulating commercial<br />

activities in public places.<br />

The district council wi l be<br />

holding a hearing for the Public<br />

Places Bylaw and Policy on Commercial<br />

Activities and Events in<br />

Public Places.<br />

A hearing i scheduled to be<br />

held on Thursday.<br />

The bylaw comes as an increasing<br />

number of mobile traders<br />

are s eking t operate in Selwyn,<br />

especia ly during the summer<br />

months.<br />

In the past year, the district<br />

council has received five inquiries<br />

about se ting up a mobile busine s<br />

on private or public land.<br />

A report said there are two<br />

str et operators in Darfield, a<br />

coff e cart is parked beside the<br />

railway in Ro leston, and a pi za<br />

cart visits Lincoln w ekly betw en<br />

September-May along with a Thai<br />

f od truck.<br />

•Turn to page 7<br />

Mobile<br />

traders<br />

could<br />

face<br />

regulation<br />

Pupils learn about role of war horses<br />

GR ENDALE SCHOOL pupils<br />

have taken a step back in time,<br />

s eing first hand what men and<br />

horses l oked like during war.<br />

The New Zealand Mounted<br />

Rifles Charitable Trust president<br />

Mark A pleton and member<br />

Mike Donaldson t ok their<br />

horses to the sch ol on Monday,<br />

in a bid to educate pupils on the<br />

sacrifice their ancestors made in<br />

World War 1 and World War 2.<br />

Mr A pleton and Mr Donaldson<br />

a rived a the sch ol dre sed<br />

in World War 1 uniforms while<br />

their horses Tommy and Kruze<br />

wore 1 0-year-old sa dles donated<br />

to the trust.<br />

The presentation is a prelude<br />

to the Gr endale Recreation Reserve<br />

Management Commi t e’s<br />

upcoming Anzac Day service.<br />

As a tribute to those who<br />

served, members of the trust wi l<br />

ride horseback to the service.<br />

Mr A pleton said it was<br />

important children were<br />

educated on what soldiers<br />

wen through during World<br />

War 1 and World War 2.<br />

But he said the presentation<br />

didn’t go into t o much detail<br />

and was more of a “show and<br />

te l” to make them aware of what<br />

the soldiers l oked like.<br />

Children were shown the type<br />

of kits horses were required to<br />

wear in the war.<br />

•Turn to page 7<br />

• By Georgia O’Co nor-Harding<br />

HISTORY: Pupils have taken a step back in time learning about what<br />

New Zealand soldiers and horses l oked like in World War 1. Abi P oler,<br />

5, sits on Kruze, alongside Mounted Rifles Charitable Trust president<br />

Mark A pleton. PHOTO: MARTIN HUNTER<br />

New sections<br />

selling now<br />

There’s no be ter place to se tle out wes than at Falcon’s Landing. Pop in to our sales and<br />

information office, 17 Branthwaite Drive, this Thursday, Friday or Sunday from 1pm to 3pm<br />

to find out more. Contact us on 03 741 1340 or mail enquiries@yoursection.nz anytime.<br />

Page 3 Page 5<br />

Driver hazard?<br />

Community board member<br />

blasts Yaldhurst Rd island<br />

Mega centre f edback<br />

Denton Park a tracts more<br />

submi sions than Cathedral<br />

TUESDAY, APRIL 10, <strong>2018</strong> www.star.kiwi<br />

Loca ly Owned<br />

www.denturesouth.co.nz<br />

ca l 32 4 04 TexT 027 537 0567<br />

230 Ba ringTon sTr eT<br />

Mobile<br />

Service<br />

Available<br />

• By Emily O’Co ne l<br />

AN U PER Ri carton butcher<br />

has proven himself to be a cut<br />

above his Au sie rivals at an<br />

international competition.<br />

Elite Meats owner Corey<br />

Winder was named in the a l<br />

star team a the World Butchers’<br />

Cha lenge in Northern Ireland.<br />

Mr Winder and his team, the<br />

Pure South Sharp Blacks, which<br />

includes W olston butcher<br />

Jeremy Garth, finished second<br />

in the competition.<br />

He said the cha lenge started<br />

as a “transtasman test match”<br />

seven years ago.<br />

The preparation for this<br />

year’s World Butchers’ Challenge<br />

was intense as the team<br />

members met in Auckland<br />

every two months for lengthy<br />

w ekend practices. Mr Winder<br />

said coming second against 1<br />

other countries was a “fantastic”<br />

result.<br />

“To get second behind Ireland<br />

was a huge achievement and to<br />

be ahead of Australia is an<br />

even bigger thing for us,” he<br />

said.<br />

But Mr Winder admires the<br />

Australian team.<br />

“Those guys over there<br />

[Australia] are on top of their<br />

game, they do a g od job,” he<br />

said.<br />

“And it just showcases that<br />

New Zealand has got some<br />

of the best butchers in the<br />

world,” he said.<br />

Mr Winder has b en a butcher<br />

since the age of 19.<br />

Elite butcher cut above the world<br />

• By Emily O’Co ne l<br />

THE HALSWE L-Hornby-<br />

Ri carton Community Board<br />

has b en given the gr en ligh to<br />

o pose the pla ned qua ry near<br />

Templeton.<br />

Mayor Lia ne Dalziel told the<br />

board on Thursday it had the okay<br />

from the city council to make a<br />

submi sion if Fulton Hogan a plies<br />

for a resource consen to create a<br />

qua ry.<br />

Board chairman Mike Mora<br />

told Western News the submi sion<br />

would likely o pose Fulton Hogan’s<br />

plan.<br />

“You can just about guarant e<br />

it . because we [the community<br />

board] don’t believe qua ries<br />

should be so close to residential<br />

areas,” he said.<br />

Mr Mora said he wasn’t sure if<br />

the city council would endorse the<br />

board’ submi sion.<br />

“I’d like to think so because the<br />

city council has had their eyes<br />

open as we l ove recent years over<br />

the crysta line silica risk,” he said.<br />

Mr Mora said the community<br />

board wi l be “representing and<br />

advocating” for the Templeton<br />

community.<br />

•Turn to page 5<br />

Community<br />

board get<br />

permission<br />

to oppose<br />

Templeton<br />

quarry<br />

AWARD-WI NING: Corey Winder is back home after his team came second in the World Butchers’ Cha lenge .<br />


Ph 3 7 0 70,<br />

30 Cashel St,<br />

Christchurch<br />

Restore your oiled CEDAR BLINDS with ou re-oiling service.<br />

Rejuvenate your lacquered CEDAR BLINDS<br />

High-tech Cleaning<br />

We clean and repair a l types of blinds –<br />

Venetians, Cedar, Verticals, Ro ler, Ho lands,<br />

Romans and Pleated – with environmenta ly<br />

friendly cleaning products.<br />

Temperature Contro led Drying<br />

Re-oiling & Rejuvenating<br />

Fabric Blinds - such as Austrian and Roman<br />

Same Day Pick Up & Drop O f<br />

We o fer a same-day, pick up an drop o f<br />

service for mos types of blinds. B okings<br />

are required.<br />

Convenient Location<br />

Drop blinds into us by 9am, at<br />

30 Cashel Str et (near the<br />

Fitzgerald end), and co lect<br />

them a th end of the day.<br />

New Blind Sales Priced from $30<br />


Mon - Fri<br />

8. 0am to 5. 0pm<br />

Ro ler Blinds cleaned<br />

from as li tle as $20<br />

per blind<br />

www.blindcare.co.nz SCAN QR code for Info ><br />

BLINDS .Cleaned, Repaired & Restored .<br />

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Oamaru stone, Schist,<br />

Volcanic Rock, Paving,<br />

all Alterations new & old,<br />

Quality<br />

Workmanship,<br />

visit<br />

www.featureworks.<br />

co.nz or ph 027 601-3145<br />

Trades & Services<br />


35 years exp, no job<br />

too small. Ph Ross 027<br />

43<strong>11</strong>440.<br />

T.V. SERViCE<br />

CEnTRE<br />

Repairs, tvs, microwaves,<br />

audio amps, soundbars.<br />

.Aerial & satellite<br />

installations, kitsets, 480D<br />

Moorhouse Ave, ph 03 379<br />

1400<br />


& all camera tapes<br />

converted to DVD, video<br />

taping special occasions,<br />

www.grahamsvideo.co.nz<br />

ph 03 338-1655<br />

WinDOW ClEAning<br />

Average 3 bdrm house<br />

inside or out $40. Both<br />

$70. Phone Trevor 344-<br />

2170<br />

Trades & Services<br />

AAA Buying goods<br />

quality<br />

furniture,<br />

Beds, Stoves, Washing<br />

machines, Fridge Freezers.<br />

Same day service. Selwyn<br />

Dealers. Phone 980 5812<br />

or 027 313 8156<br />

TOOLS<br />

Garden,<br />

garage,<br />

woodworking,<br />

mechanical, engineering,<br />

sawbenches, lathes, cash<br />

buyer, ph 355-2045<br />

Wanted To Buy<br />


full<br />

renovations<br />

specialists, LBP builder,<br />

free quote, all building<br />

property maintenace ph 03<br />

383 1927or 027 245 5226<br />

ciey@xtra.co.nz<br />

bRiCKlAyER<br />

George Lockyer. Over<br />

35 years bricklaying<br />

experience. UK trained.<br />

Insurance work. EQC<br />

repairs.<br />

Heritage<br />

brickwork and stonework<br />

a speciality. No job too<br />

small. Governors Bay.<br />

Home 329-9344, Cell<br />

027 684 4046, email<br />

georgelockyer@xtra.co.nz<br />

bUilDER AVAilAblE<br />

LBP 35 yrs exp.<br />

Renovations,<br />

repairs,<br />

bathrooms, decks. Ph<br />

Darrell 0274 955 688<br />

Trades & Services

SOUTHERN VIEW Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>December</strong> <strong>11</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 27<br />

What’s On<br />

Entertainment<br />

To advertise, contact<br />

Jo Fuller 027 458 8590<br />

jo.fuller@starmedia.kiwi<br />

Get all ‘Christmasy’ with us!<br />







UNTIL 24/12/18 FOR PARTIES OF 10 OR MORE<br />


The<br />


0pen daily from 6.30am<br />

Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner<br />


& Motorlodge<br />

<strong>11</strong>8 Racecourse Rd, Sockburn,<br />

Christchurch. Ph 03 342 7150<br />

www.racecoursehotel.co.nz<br />




LUNCH<br />

MON - FRI $24.50<br />

SAT - SUN $25.50<br />

DINNER<br />

MON - THU $31.50<br />

FRI - SUN $33.50<br />



Wednesday<br />


(formerly Janes Wine Bar)<br />

Thursday 7PM<br />



Friday 7.30PM<br />


Saturday<br />


Sunday ARVO<br />




Settlers Bar is striving to become, with your<br />

help, the next entertainment hub of Christchurch,<br />

focussing on Open Mic Nights, Jam Sessions,<br />

Live Music catering for most ages, Karaoke,<br />

and other entertainment most night.<br />

As we are new, we are looking for a pool team,<br />

social club etc.<br />

Also having gaming machines and are community<br />

minded, we would like to hear from clubs locally,<br />

who we may be able to offer assistance to,<br />

or would like to run Raffles or Fundraisers.<br />




Enter at bar or message Sharkey<br />

www.facebook.com/<br />

Settlers-Cafe-Bar-Restaurant<br />






5PM - 7PM DAILY<br />

Bookings Essential<br />

PH 386 0088<br />

fb.com/GardenHotelRestaurant www.gardenhotel.co.nz<br />




$12<br />

LUNCH<br />


Live Music:<br />

5.30PM.SAT 15 DEC<br />

COFFEE<br />

HAPPY<br />

H O U R<br />

2PM-4PM<br />

DAILY<br />

$3.50<br />

Offer available for a limited time<br />

and includes tea, hot chocolate<br />






HURRY!<br />

ALMOST<br />

BOOKED<br />

OUT!<br />

Sima & Vaiea<br />


FROM<br />

<strong>11</strong>.30AM-2PM<br />

FOR A<br />



THE GARDEN HOTEL COMPLEX | <strong>11</strong>0 MARSHLAND RD<br />

www.gardenhotel.co.nz | phone 385 3132<br />

|Cafe | Bar<br />

| Restaurant<br />

1060 Ferry Rd, Ferrymead | p. 03 376 4448 | e. settlersbarcafe@outlook.co.nz<br />

What’s On<br />




THIS SUNDAY 16th DEC, 3PM<br />


NYE MONDAY 31st DEC, 7.30PM<br />





Open from<br />

5.30pm Fri, Sat,<br />

Sun, and Sunday Brunch<br />

from 10.30am to 2pm.<br />


BUFFET $25<br />

Sunday 30th Dec<br />



$25<br />

Monday 31st Dec<br />

CLUB<br />

BISTRO<br />


Open Tues to Sat<br />

12pm - 2pm &<br />

from 5pm<br />



Tuesday - Thursday<br />

Dine in only<br />

$12<br />


202 Marine Pde | Ph 388 9416<br />

www.newbrightonclub.co.nz<br />

Members, guests & affiliates welcome<br />

H ORNBY<br />


CLUB<br />


FRIDAY 7PM:<br />


SATURDAY 7.30PM:<br />

C-BAY BAND<br />


Club Café Specials<br />

Save the date for<br />



Join us for our exciting series of<br />


There will be a delicious dish available<br />

for dinner JUST $17.<br />

We’ve got all the ingredients for a<br />

great night at the CLUB CAFÉ<br />

The Hornby Club | ph 03 349 9026<br />

17 Carmen Rd | Hornby<br />

www.hornbywmc.co.nz<br />

Members, guests & affiliates welcome

28 Tuesday <strong>December</strong> <strong>11</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


Oyster Bay<br />

(Excludes Pinot Noir & Sparkling)<br />

or Hãhã 750ml<br />

(Excludes Pinot Noir)<br />

DB, Export Gold<br />

or Citrus or Tui<br />

12 x 330ml Bottles<br />

Wine<br />

&<br />

Beer Week!<br />

$<br />

14 00<br />

ea<br />

$<br />

17 00<br />

pk<br />

Larg Has<br />

Avocado<br />

$<br />

1 .89<br />

ea<br />

$<br />

23 .99<br />

kg<br />

Fresh NZ<br />

Beef Sirloi<br />

Stea<br />

Tararu Butter 500g<br />

$<br />

5 .50<br />

ea<br />

Get these deals and<br />

more delivered to you!<br />

Arnot' Shape <strong>11</strong>0-190g or<br />

Sunbite Snac Cracker<br />

<strong>11</strong>5-120g<br />

$<br />

2 .00<br />

ea<br />

MCai Baby Pea 1kg<br />

$<br />

3 .00<br />

ea<br />

Barrington<br />

Open 7am – <strong>11</strong>pm, 7 days a week.<br />

Coc-Col, Sprit, Fant,<br />

Lif or L&P 2.25L<br />

$<br />

2 .50<br />

ea<br />

Shop online now at<br />

FreshChoiceYourWay.co.nz<br />

City Market<br />

Open 7am – 9pm, 7 days a week.<br />

Prices apply from Monday 10th <strong>December</strong> to Sunday 16th <strong>December</strong> <strong>2018</strong>, or while stocks last at FreshChoice City Market & Barrington only. Limits may apply.<br />

$<br />

3 .99<br />

ea<br />

FreshChoiceNZ<br />

Country Fresh Washed<br />

Potat Rang 2kg<br />

Cadbury Rose 450g or<br />

Favourite 540g<br />

$<br />

9 .50<br />

ea<br />

Don’t Forget<br />

Pre-order Your<br />

Fresh Christmas<br />

TUrkey<br />

to<br />


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