Newsletter ACERA - Julio 2019

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NEWS<br />


CARRIED OUT BY <strong>ACERA</strong> AND UDP<br />

On July 30, <strong>ACERA</strong> and the Center of Energy and Sustainble Energy of the Diego Portales<br />

University (UDP) carried out the Seminar “Zero-emission Electric Generation: a long and<br />

winding road”. The activity’s goal was to open a space for knowledge sharing and<br />

conversation between different representatives of the Chilean energy industry, after the<br />

announcement made by President Sebastián ¡ÉSTA Piñera ES regarding LA PRIMERA the decarbonization PLANTA plan and<br />

the “Zero-Coal Energy” aspirations for 2050. GEOTÉRMICA DE SUDAMÉRICA!<br />

The initial greeting was made by the Minister of Energy, Juan Carlos Jobet, who<br />

commented the processes that are being developed to achieve the objective of a 100%<br />

renewable Chile. He pointed out that “the electric matrix decarbonization and the<br />

commitment to reach carbon-neutrality as a country is a landmark that has positioned Chile<br />

at the same level of countries with greater commitments towards facing climate change.<br />

During the next five years, we will close eight coal-fueled thermo-electric power plants, which<br />

represent 1,047 Megawatts capacity. After that we will continue advancing progressively until<br />

a total withdrawal of coal-fueled thermo-electric power plants by 2040. It is a demanding<br />

goal, and cannot be otherwise: More than ever, it depends upon us”.<br />

The activity began with an introductory talk by the Coordinator of the UDP’s Center of Energy<br />

and Sustainable Energy, Claudio Huepe, followed by a discussion panel where Carlos Barría<br />

from the Ministry of Energy, Sara Larraín from Chile Sustentable, Valter Moro from Enel<br />

Generación, and Carlos Finat, <strong>ACERA</strong>’s Executive Director, took part.<br />


After 18 months of work, the Red de Pobreza Energética (RedPE) of the Chile Universidy,<br />

launched a first survey regarding the Chilean situation in this important issue. The research<br />

shows that 21% of Chileans are cold inside their homes. In addition, the houses’ thermal<br />

quality and structure are deficient, which is directly related to the increase in energy<br />

consumption. In figures, 1,160,426 homes in Chilean urban centers have an excessive<br />

energy spending, of which 66.2% show energy efficiency problems.<br />

For Anahí Urquiza, RedPE’s coordinator and academician of the Social Sciences<br />

Faculty, this reality represents one the many challenges of the country regarding energy.<br />

“We must keep on working to raise awareness on this phenomenon as a social problem in<br />

Chile. It is essential to do it collectively and in dialogue with the civil society. This issue<br />

cannot be solved only with public policies and it is therefore crucial to generate other tools<br />

and stimulate the market.<br />

RedPE is a trans-disciplinary collaboration platform of academicians, researchers,<br />

students, public and private institutions, and civil society organizations that seek to face<br />

the energy poverty challenges in Chile and Latin America.

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