VL - Issue 18 - November 2015

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A Wardrobe<br />

Change<br />

by Kristi Overton Johnson<br />

The Christian’s<br />

Wardrobe<br />

Since God chose you to be<br />

the holy people he loves, you<br />

must clothe yourselves with<br />

tenderhearted mercy, kindness,<br />

humility, gentleness, and<br />

patience. Make allowance for<br />

each other’s faults, and forgive<br />

anyone who offends you.<br />

Remember, the Lord forgave<br />

you, so you must forgive<br />

others. Above all, clothe<br />

yourselves with love, which<br />

binds us all together in perfect<br />

harmony. And let the peace<br />

that comes from Christ rule in<br />

your hearts. For as members<br />

of one body you are called<br />

to live in peace. And always<br />

be thankful. Let the message<br />

about Christ, in all its richness,<br />

fill your lives. Teach and<br />

counsel each other with all the<br />

wisdom he gives. Sing psalms<br />

and hymns and spiritual songs<br />

to God with thankful hearts.<br />

Colossians 3:12–16<br />

Recently, I was at a Christian conference in Orlando,<br />

trying to absorb the speakers’ messages, which I knew<br />

were wonderful. But I was having trouble concentrating.<br />

My shoes were killing my feet, and my strapless bra kept<br />

sliding down to my belly button. For hours I wrestled with<br />

that annoying, uncomfortable bra. The person behind me<br />

was probably silently pleading, “Please, make her stop!”<br />

On the way out that evening, I was overwhelmed<br />

with the uncomfortableness of those two items. Without<br />

thinking, I exclaimed aloud, “I am so tired of wearing things<br />

that don’t fit!” As soon as those words left my lips, the Lord,<br />

as He often does, brought a spiritual analogy to my heart.<br />

He reminded me of how uncomfortable my life used to be<br />

when I attempted to wear the “outfits” of the world.<br />

For years I’d tried to be someone the world wanted me to<br />

be. I’d spoken and acted in the way I thought would please<br />

the most people. I had sought after things I thought would<br />

bring happiness, satisfaction, fame, and pleasure. Yet, in the<br />

end, I always found myself in an internal wrestling match,<br />

ever striving to do something or be someone I wasn’t.<br />

I finally stepped out of the wrestling ring the day I made<br />

this declaration of surrender to the King: “God, I’m tired of<br />

trying to be somebody other than who You designed me<br />

to be. I’m weary of doing. I’m weary of forcing things to<br />

happen. Please, strip away anything that isn’t of You, so I<br />

can be free.” I wanted freedom, and I knew that my current<br />

path wasn’t ever going to lead me there. It was time for a<br />

change. It was time for my life to be transformed through<br />

the working of the Holy Spirit.<br />

That transformation, however, didn’t happen overnight.<br />

In fact, I’m over a decade into it, and I’m still not completely<br />

free! But with each step in Christ, I’m discovering my true<br />

self, the person God created me to be. I’m becoming free of<br />

the pressures of people and the patterns of the world. I’m<br />

finding peace and joy as well as purpose and contentment.<br />

I’m also moving further away from the uncomfortable,<br />

exhausting, and frustrating life I used to live.<br />

I don’t know about you, but I want to be free. And I want<br />

to stay free! Freedom, however, doesn’t just happen. It takes<br />

more than a desire to change. There must be a decision to<br />

change, and then deliberate action. Although I declared my<br />

desire to change decades ago, taking off the world and<br />

putting on Christ is a daily decision that requires a constant<br />

surrender of my life to Christ. It requires me to draw close<br />

to the Lord by spending time in His Word and in prayer,<br />

to continually ask the Holy Spirit to expose any thoughts,<br />

habits, and patterns contrary to God’s will for my life. Then,<br />

with God’s help, I have to actually remove those things.<br />

If you’ve lived the Christian life for any length of time,<br />

you know that the world’s outfits (its actions and thought<br />

processes) have a way of trying to dress you themselves. But<br />

the closer you are to Christ, the more uncomfortable those<br />

outfits will be, and the quicker you will recognize them and<br />

be able to remove them.<br />

So, how about it? Do you feel like you’re in one big<br />

wrestling match? Are you tired and perhaps frustrated with<br />

the constant cycle of life? Maybe you, too, need a wardrobe<br />

change. V<br />

HIT IT<br />

Kristi Overton Johnson<br />

HIT IT<br />

HIT IT!<br />

is a true, exciting, detailed<br />

story of the rise, fall, and<br />

resurrection of a real sports<br />

champion…<br />

Kristi Overton Johnson.<br />

Get ready to be challenged,<br />

encouraged, and motivated!<br />


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Your Victory May Just Be<br />

One “Hit it” Away!<br />

Purchase your copy at kojministries.org for $14.00 plus shipping and handling.<br />

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