Kingstown College Coaching Magazine vol.5 2019/2020

Welcome to another information filled publication of our Coaching Magazine!

Welcome to another information filled publication of our Coaching Magazine!

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needs is action. It needs people to

step up. It needs us to believe we can

have an impact. Many of us believe

nothing we do will make a difference

while others feel it is up to them to

save the world. Neither is true. We

alone cannot save the world, but as

individuals we can all have an impact.

As Helen Keller put it ‘I am only one.

I cannot do everything, but still I can

do something; and because I cannot

do everything, I will not refuse to do

something that I can do’.

Action is at the heart of coaching and

empowering you to identify and take

the steps needed to achieve your

goal, whatever that may be, is a key

part of the process. The question then

is - can the coaching process not only

empower us to act for ourselves but

also empower us to act for the greater


Trusting ourselves: None of us has all

the answers. But coaching differs from

mentoring and other relationships

where you seek advice from a more

knowledgeable, more senior, more

‘successful’ other, because coaching is

built on the premise that each of us

has the best answers for us within us.

Coaching helps us realise that when it

comes to our lives we are the experts,

when it comes to finding our passions,

only we can do that, when it comes to

using our strengths, that’s down to us.

Good coaching gives us the courage to

believe in ourselves. And the courage

to know it’s ok to sometimes try and

fail because that is all part of the

process, part of the learning, part of

getting closer to where we want to

be. The question then is whether that

courage and greater trust in ourselves

is of value to wider society?

I don’t have all the answers to these

questions, and I know that the plural

of anecdote is not data, but I have

seen people come to coaching in

the pursuit of an individual goal and

through the process of questioning

the status quo, becoming more aware,

believing in enough, focusing on the

future, unlocking their imagination,

becoming better connected, finding

their strengths, becoming empowered

and trusting themselves they have

developed projects, goals and

dreams that are not just of benefit to

themselves but are of benefit to wider


So I do believe that coaching is not

only good for us, as individuals, but

it also has the potential to be good

for the planet. And I look forward to

seeing coaching become more readily

available so that more of us can be

part of creating a positive, sustainable

future for ourselves and generations

to come. There is much to do.


Seligman, M. E.P (2002). Authentic

Happiness. Nicholas Brealey Publishing.

Neale, L. (2015). Playing for Time: making

art as if the world mattered. Oberon Books


Stelter, R. (2007). Coaching: A process

of personal and social meaning making.

International Coaching Psychology Review.

Vol. 2, No 2. July 2007.

Markway, B (2013). Why do smart caring

people ignore environmental issues.

Psychology Today. Available at: https://www.


Hopkins, R. (2019) From What Is to What

If: Unleashing the power of imagination to

create the future we want. Chelsea Green

Publishing. vi Goleman, D (2007). Social

Intelligence: The new science of human

relationships. Cornerstone.

Jo Sachs-Eldridge

Jo Sachs-Eldridge has a degree in Psychology, a Masters in Sustainability, Planning & Environmental Policy and an Advanced Diploma in

Executive, Personal & Leadership Coaching. Jo has been part of many exciting projects for change in both Wales and Leitrim. She has designed

and led workshops to empower others to bring their strengths to their communities and is currently a member of the team coaching young

people through the Ideas Collective programme, bringing their ideas to change the world to life. Jo is a coach, a change maker, a community

connector and a mum who still believes we can create a positive future for all.

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