Oakseed Bazaar Catalog

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Ministério JEAME

São Paulo, Brazil

Oakseed’s Ministry Partner since 1994

JEAME (an acronym for Jesus Loves Minors)

conducts evangelistic services in 11 juvenile detention

centers in Sāo Paulo, Brazil, reaching 1400 teenagers

each week. JEAME is located a couple of blocks from a

drug-infested area of Sāo Paulo named “Cracolândia”

(roughly “crack town”). JEAME conducts regular

street evangelistic efforts and prayer walks through

Cracolândia. Follow-ups from these efforts include

both Christian discipleship and vocational training.

Bazaar Gifts

JE1 – Bible for a Teen in Prison........................................ $10

JE2 – New Clothes for a Street Kid in Rehab................... $25

JE3 – Food Care Packages.................................................. $40

JE4 – Case of 30 Portuguese Outreach Bibles for

Street Evangelism in Cracolândia........................... $85

JE5 – Where Most Needed................................................. $25

Pray for JEAME:

Pray for the 1,800 street children that JEAME tries

to reach and minister to in São Paulo. Pray that God

would supply every need they have, through the

loving hands of His people.

18 www.oakseed.org

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