Oakseed Bazaar Catalog

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A Shopper’s Guide

For a Child

Give the gift of a home

to an impoverished

family living in the

slums of Peru through

MISIUR, page 30.

Give the gift of food to

orphans in Uganda by

giving a chicken, seeds

for their garden, or a

kitchen and stove to

cook the food at

New Life Orphanage,

page 34.

n A Chicken for New Life Orphanage in Uganda, page 34,

or a Pig and two Chickens for Mustard Seed Orphanage in

Myanmar, page 32.

n Toys for Children at Living Tree Orphanage in China,

page 26.

n Diapers, Formula and Baby Toys at Love Link in El Salvador,

page 28.

n Sports Equipment, Toys and Games at Roblealto in Costa

Rica, page 38.

n Uniform, Bat and Baseball through ABBS in Brazil,

page 8.

For your Pastor

n Biblical Teaching Materials for Children at MISIUR in

Brazil, page 30.

n Bibles and Gospel Tracts for Slum Visits through Valley of

Praise in India, page 46.

n Case of 30 Portuguese Outreach Bibles for Street Evangelism

in Cracolândia through JEAME in Brazil, page 18.

For a Teacher:

n School Supplies through Ashirvad Kanti in India, page 12, or

Roblealto in Costa Rica, page 38.

n Curriculum and School Supplies through Fountain of Life in

the Dominican Republic, page 14.

n School Books and Tuition for New Life Orphanage in

Uganda, page 34.

For a Parent or Grandparent:

n A Bible for a Newly Believing Family through Roblealto in

Costa Rica, page 38.

n Gardening Supplies for the Child Care Center at MISIUR in

Peru, page 30.

n Grandmother Support Grant for PACANET in Uganda,

page 36.

n New Dress for a Woman at Lily of the Valleys in Brazil,

page 24.



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