Oakseed Bazaar Catalog

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Brazilian Baseball and Softball


Associação Brasileira de Beisebol e Softbol (ABBS)

São Paulo, Brazil

Oakseed’s Ministry Partner since 2002

ABBS uses baseball as an opportunity to share the gospel with at-risk children

of São Paulo, Brazil. Each week, 150 children from the favelas (slums) attend

ABBS’s weekly Bible study and baseball skill training session. Through these

sessions, children and their parents learn how to apply God’s word to their

lives. The children also have the opportunity to form safe, Christ-centered

friendships within their baseball family.

Bazaar Gifts

AB1 – Bible for a Slum Child............................................................... $10

AB2 – Gloves, Bats, and Baseballs....................................................... $40

AB3 – Travel Fund for Games and Tournaments........................... $100

AB4 – Baseball Training Camp......................................................... $250

AB5 – Where Most Needed................................................................. $25

Pray for ABBS:

Pray that the volunteers at ABBS would model loving God completely and

others as themselves as they help with serving breakfast and leading Bible

studies on Saturday mornings before the baseball training sessions.

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