Constitutional text - Chapter Tree - Our Community life

Constitutional text - Chapter Tree - Our Community life 10_1980_IV

Constitutional text - Chapter Tree - Our Community life 10_1980_IV


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relationships that exist within the cornmunity group. These

are people who gather together in community to survive,not

in the sense of existence, butto survive in terms of living

life with as much "human quality" as possible. Here thecommunity

can be the couple, the family, an encounter group, or

various therapeutic groups such as houses of affinnation,

Alcoholics Anonymous, etc.

3. Theological and ecclesial insights, greatly influenced by biblical

and liturgical scholarship, have shifted the emphasis

from personal sanctification and salvation to a consciousness

of each individual as part of the "People of God" -

a "people" called and saved by God - a "people" called to

worship as a co1TDTiunity - a "people" who must effectively

witness to the resurrected Lord by being a loving corrrrnunity,

as was powerfully demonstrated by the primitive Church.

When the dominant conception of Christian life was "saving

one's soul," the social dimension of personal and Christian

progress were often given a place of minor importance. Tue

emphasis was on the vertical - the "God and me" perspective.

Cornmunity, therefore, which stresses the horizontal dimension,

was not given particular stress. But the emphasis has

shifted. Rather than speaking of "saving one's soul" the

Church now speaks of the universal "call to holiness" and

that this "holiness" consists in the "perfection of charity."

This char ity, as is stressed over and over again in the

Council docl.Ilnents, is love of God and of man. Love cannot

exist in isolation, but demands,as well as creates cornmunity.

A Christian in i solation is an anomaly. M.Jch more so,

therefore, a religious. Even the most solitary contemplative

will speak of carrying the whole world in his or her

heart. To be Christian is to be called to corrrrnunity. The

whole Body of Christ lives rnost effectively in and through


Our world that is broken and fragrnented in so many ways -

filled with people alienated from themselves and frorn one

another - more than ever needs the reconciling power of God

made present in Jesus. An individual can bring this power -

but how much more powerful and effective is the reconciliation

present and extended through a cornmunity united in

faith and love.

Our world that prornotes every mistaken "truth" and surrogate

salvation imaginable more than ever needs the light of Jesus

who is the truth, the way and the life. An individual can

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