Constitutional text - Chapter Tree - Our Community life

Constitutional text - Chapter Tree - Our Community life 10_1980_IV

Constitutional text - Chapter Tree - Our Community life 10_1980_IV


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of "religious life" and you end up with "religious lie"! It

should also be evident that these goals are the same as that of

the Church community itself. This is natural since religious

corrnm.mities are meant to be "mini-churches", bearing witness in a

more intense way to all that the church has been called to make

present in the world.

1. Religious Comrrunity is to bear witness to God's love and


A) By reflecting the life of the Trinity itself.

Tue Church, and religious connnunities i n particular,

should be an eloquent procl amation to the world of the

basic Christian rnystery - that of the Trinity's life and

love. "That they may beone as you Father in me and I

in you .• •• 11

Each per son in comrnuni ty must be and do

what God hirnself through Christ and in the Spirit ìs and

does - namely, gather, unite, establish communion by

communication, give and receive, all for the ultimate

goal of engendering love. The Trinity is perfect oneness,

perfect relationship, and yet also perfect distinction.

Corranunity l ife is meant to manifest oneness,

relationship, and at the same time, respect for the

distinctiveness of each individuai. Comrrunity as

grounded in the life of the Trinity is rneant to point

to the Trinity. (This vision of cornmunity as Trinitarian

is basic to the theology underlying the Better

World 1vbvernent.)

B) By being an image of the "Pilgrirn Church."

Tue Easter message would have been nothing but powerless

words and would have failed to transforrn the world if

that rnessage had not been accornpanied by the dramatic

dernonstration of unity, reconciliation and fraternity

that was displayed in the coJTlllll.l1lity life of the primitive

Church as described in the Acts of the Apostles.

"See how they love one another." Tue primitive Christian

community vividly presented the brotherly unity

and community arnong men that is possible only in and

through Christ and the Spirit. This communion of men

with God and with each other in God is the great gift

the Father gave the world in Jesus and it is the rnission

of the Church not only to proclairn this gift, but

also to make it actively present and visible.

Religious communities share in this rnission in aspecial

way. Tue witness of religious comrrunity life

should help reduce unbelief and open the world to the

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