Constitutional text - Chapter Tree - Our Community life

Constitutional text - Chapter Tree - Our Community life 10_1980_IV

Constitutional text - Chapter Tree - Our Community life 10_1980_IV


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words prov1CLe such an excellent sununary of the faith foundation,

that he is "orth quoting at length:

It is the risen Jesus who carried in himself the brotherhood

of people, their connnunion with the Father and with

one another. Tue Holy Spirit, given to us by .Jesus, has

precisely this mission - to make present throughout humanity

this mystery of connnunion whose only real source

is the Lord Jesus. When, through baptism, we enter into

salvation, it is into this comnunity and brotherhood

made present in Jesus that we enter: we are made "adopted

sons" of the Father when we become "members of the Church",

''brothers of the saints''. •.. and this is based on the

free gift of God - the Spirit ••• and the principle gift

of the Spirit is love ••. in fact, the internal cohesion

and unity of the corrnrunity of believers is made firm in

this love that comes from the Spirit. (J.M.R. -Tillard,

O.P., "Les Grandes Lois de la Rénovation ...." p. 153,

"Cornunita: Aspetto teologico", p. 1368.)

Unity - love - corrmunion - connnunity: key words in the mission of

Reconciliation as it is continued in the life of the Church. This

is well expressed in the underlying theology of the Better World


Tue Church is the mystery of connnunion of men who believe

God is love; hope in the love of God; come together to

celebrate the love of God in joyful celebration; share

with one another the love of God, and so manifesting to

the world t hat God is love . . •. there is connnunion with

the Trinity through grace, with Christ's body in the Eucharist,

with the mernbers of His body by service: all

these are one corrnnunion. When lived with constancy, it

forrns connnunity. (Dimensions to Dialogue, pp. 13,10)

Co~JTIUnity life, therefore, is an evangelical witness, an existential

proclamation and manifestation that Jesus has come from the Father

and His presence in tJ1e Spirit gives the power to end humanity' s

dividedness and to bring about reconciliation. It i s the unity of

the Christian community that calls the world to the love possible

in Christ through the Spirit - a love that is stronger than the sin

of our divisiveness and the tendency to remain aloof from one another.

All Christians are called to express this unity - connnunion

- comrrnmity. But the Church looks to religious to bear a special

witness to this reality.

An earlier draft of this text: "Calling to mind that brotherly unity

shows that Christ has come ••• " was a reflection of Perfectae Caritatis,

15, that says, "the unity of the brethren is a symbol of--

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