Constitutional text - Chapter Tree - Our Community life

Constitutional text - Chapter Tree - Our Community life 10_1980_IV

Constitutional text - Chapter Tree - Our Community life 10_1980_IV


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The words "we ha.ve chosen" touch upon a rnajor consideration far the

unity of a corrnmmity. The unity, if it is going to be enduring and

vital, cornes frorn a perrnanent spiritual attitude of each rnernber to

readily share his or her life with others and to move together towards

the sarne spiritual goal and rnission. This is freely chosen,

not imposed on us. It is one thing to be clear about the goals and

rnission of a congregation - and another to freely commit oneself to

them. Tue choice - the commitrnent - is a surrender to a conmunity's.

life and rnission. This is very different frorn simply joining a team

or a work group. Tue choice here, in response to being called, puts

us into a relationship with others that will radiate into every part

of our lives, a connnitrnent through which the totality of existence

is shar ed - truly "one heart, one rnind". This is rnuch more in the

nature of a "covenant" than a "contract". Tue resulting relationship

is shot through with our hurnan frailty, but this coexists with

a certain firmness and irrevocability. And only in this way can an

authentic religious corrnm.mity - farnily - be created.

and to work together in a common effort

for the realisation ofReconciliation

Our "being" and our "doing" should be focussed on our primary rnission

- to strive for Reconciliation. Reconciliation is not sinlply a

work that we have to do "out there" - our apostolate - but Reconciliation

is the reality we are called to live ourselves. Our apostolate

is directed to reconciliation, but the living out of our community

life is the realization of that reconciliation arnongst ourselves so

that it can witness to God's gift.

This was pointed out in a corrnnent made at the Special General


'D1e unity will be strengthened if the doctrine of

Reconciliation is seen not sirnply as a work objective,

but as a way of life which urges usto seek

unity in all domains and between all groups in the

Institute itself.

We"work together" not only in our apostolate, but we also "work together"

in the task of building communities that will provide effective

encounter points with the Reconciliating power and love of Jesus

and the Spirit.

(Pulse-Taking joined to the one at the end of

Paragraph II)

- 42 -

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