Ashburton Courier: March 19, 2020

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Truck driving Trevor parks up Page 5 Elaine’s 50 years in Guiding Page 6 Photos galorefromthe Mayfield show Page 14<br />

Local doctors<br />

launch plan<br />

Covid-<strong>19</strong> dashes more plans, P2-4<br />

Medical practices and health<br />

professionals in Mid Canterbury<br />

have joined forces in the fight to<br />

prevent the community spread of<br />

Covid­<strong>19</strong>.<br />

Since the outbreak began, they<br />

have swabbed at least 10 people for<br />

the coronavirus, none were positive,<br />

and consulted many more concerned<br />

they might have the disease.<br />

People needed to practise social<br />

distancing and remain vigilant, said<br />

Three RiversGPSarah Clarke. ‘‘No<br />

positives does not meanwehave no<br />

cases.’’<br />

She said people neededto be kind,<br />

watch out for the vulnerable and<br />

elderly, and follow trusted<br />

information sources, like the<br />

Ministry of Health.<br />

Medical centre staff were wearing<br />

personal protective equipment and<br />

conducting assessments in carparks if<br />

people were showing Covid­<strong>19</strong><br />

symptoms, which includefever, adry<br />

cough and shortness of breath.<br />

Ajoint press releasefrom the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Covid­<strong>19</strong> team advises<br />

people to stayuptodate with local<br />

information, and phone ahead<br />

before going to any medical centre.<br />

‘‘If you arrive without an<br />

appointment thenyou will likely be<br />

asked to go to your carand to phone<br />

in, as we needtotriageevery person<br />

so we can offer the best treatment<br />

without exposing people<br />

unnecessarily to one another in our<br />

clinics and waiting rooms.<br />

‘‘You will speakwith ahealthcare<br />

worker who can discuss your concern<br />

and arrange the best management.’’<br />

People with Covid­<strong>19</strong> questions<br />

needed to ring the dedicatedhealth<br />

line 0800 358 5453 and be prepared<br />

to wait. Those feeling very ill could<br />

ring their usual GP. The campaign<br />

against Covid­<strong>19</strong> emphasises social<br />

distancing and keeping yourself safe.<br />

Prescriptions can be faxed to<br />

pharmacies and and in some<br />

circumstances may be delivered,<br />

people feelingunwell should stay at<br />

home and physical contact with nonhousehold<br />

membersshould be<br />

minimised. ‘‘Don’t shake hands and<br />

wash your hands for at least20<br />

seconds or use sterilising hand gel as<br />

often as you can and then definitely<br />

if you touch something you are<br />

worried about.’’<br />

Flu vaccinations will be earlythis<br />

year for vulnerable people and GPs<br />

will contact those eligible directly.<br />

Others will be vaccinated after the<br />

vulnerable. Don’t phone in to ask<br />

about the flu vaccine, lines are busy<br />

dealing with Covid­<strong>19</strong> inquiries.<br />

Dr Clarke said frontline staff were<br />

meeting regularly, collaborating and<br />

behaving like abig healthcare family.<br />

Panic buying was notnecessary.<br />

‘‘Supply lines are intact and you only<br />

need what you would for two weeks<br />

in case you have to isolate. Groceries<br />

can be delivered.’’<br />

Hinds School pupils Kezia Fox (holding Scottish Thistle), Matisse Eccelstone (kale) and Fabian Tipacti<br />

(fodderbeet) with school parent and dairy farmer Todd Halliday (ryegrass) talk pasture and grass<br />

types for the AgriKids competition, which was moved from the cancelled Methven A&P Show to an<br />

online quiz.<br />

A&P show feeling the love<br />

The Methven A&P Show may<br />

suffer a financial blow with the<br />

cancellation of this weekend’s show<br />

but community support has been<br />

humbling, says president Adam<br />

Glass.<br />

Organisers pulled the pin on the<br />

show, just days out from their 106th<br />

annual event.<br />

“Obviously we are gutted.”<br />

There had been alot of work and<br />

effort by alot of people to get ready<br />

for the show, he said.<br />

But he was particularly thankful<br />

to the trades and sponsors who had<br />

opted to leave entry money in, as a<br />

way to support the association and<br />

keep it afloat.<br />

‘‘It’s really quite humbling,” he<br />

said.<br />

Continued Page 4<br />

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Page 2, <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Local news at www.starnews.co.nz<br />


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Over 16,065<br />

copies delivered to<br />

EVERYhome,farm,<br />

RD and lifestyle<br />

blocks in<br />

MidCanterbury<br />

news<br />

Linda Clarke<br />

Editor<br />

308 7664<br />

linda.clarke@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Reporters<br />

Mick Jensen<br />

mick.jensen@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Toni Williams<br />

toni.williams@alliedpress.co.nz<br />

advertising<br />

Jann Thompson<br />

Sales Manager<br />

308 7664<br />

027 587 6351<br />

jann.thompson@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Roselle Fuaso<br />

Sales Account Manager<br />

308 7664<br />

021 <strong>19</strong>7 8297<br />

roselle@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Karen Gane<br />

Sales Account Manager<br />

308 7664<br />

021 510 804<br />

karen.gane@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

getintouch<br />

Editorial<br />

linda.clarke@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Advertising<br />

info@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

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Accounts<br />

accounts@alliedpress.co.nz<br />

Distribution/Deliveries<br />

leonie.marsden@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

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03 308 7664<br />

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www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

2253088<br />

Motor racingfan in isolation<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>graphic designer<br />

Murray Thompson will spend the<br />

nexttwo weeks in self­isolation<br />

after travelling to Melbourne for<br />

the abandoned Grand Prix motor<br />

racing event.<br />

His familyisstaying at least2m<br />

awayand his workmates are now<br />

managing his unexpected<br />

absence.<br />

It’sascene that willhave<br />

played out in thousands of family<br />

homes and workplacesafterNew<br />

Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda<br />

Ardern announcedall people<br />

entering the country will have to<br />

self­isolate,inanattempt to<br />

prevent the spread of the<br />

coronavirus, COVID­<strong>19</strong>.<br />

Murray planstofollow the<br />

rules set out by the Ministry of<br />

Health and says others who find<br />

themselvesinthe same situation<br />

needtodothe same. He is<br />

disappointed the holiday he<br />

planned ayear ago with his son<br />

Daniel did not pan out as<br />

expected, but says preventing<br />

community spread of the disease<br />

is moreimportant.<br />

Murray,abig motor racing fan,<br />

had been lookingforwardtothe<br />

trip. He woke up Friday morning<br />

in Melbourne to the news one of<br />

the McLaren team membershad<br />

tested positive for the virus; the<br />

event was cannedlater that day.<br />

He was amonghundreds of<br />

thousands of motor racing fans<br />

Murray Thompson’s empty plane returns to Christchurch.<br />

that had headed to Melbourne<br />

for the opening eventofthe<br />

Grand Prix. The border controls<br />

for self­isolation came as ashock.<br />

He headed onlinetofind out<br />

more information and<br />

investigated changing his flightto<br />

make it back before the new<br />

restrictions kickedin. He and<br />

Danieldecided eventually to<br />

returnontheir booked flightson<br />

Tuesday night.<br />

The pair took ariver cruise on<br />

the Yarraand visited the<br />

Melbourne Museum; other<br />

motor racing fans stayed in the<br />

city and alsotried to fill in their<br />

days.<br />

But by Monday, tourist<br />

attractionswere closingdown.<br />

Victoria declared astate of<br />

emergency later that day.<br />

Murray saidmany people wore<br />

masks as theymoved around the<br />

city.<br />

He carried handsanitiser and<br />

used it after touching door<br />

handlesand other public<br />

surfaces. ‘‘I was touching the<br />

escalator buttons with my jacket<br />

and being abit paranoid, but life<br />

had to carryon.’’<br />

He was pleased to be home.<br />

Workingfrom home may be<br />


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possible, but Murray is<br />

planning how to spend his daysin<br />

self­isolation. He is well and has<br />

no symptoms of the virus.<br />

New Zealanddirector­general<br />

of healthDrAshley Bloomfield<br />

said self­isolation was a‘‘high<br />

trustarrangement’’ but he had<br />

greatconfidence Kiwiswould act<br />

collectively for the public good.<br />

Self­isolation was aprovenand<br />

effectiveway to keep<br />

communitieshealthyand safe<br />

and stop the spread of COVID­<br />

<strong>19</strong>, he said.<br />

‘‘It means taking simple,<br />

commonsense steps to avoid<br />

closecontact with other people as<br />

much as possible. You can go<br />

outside, but you need to limit<br />

your contact withothers.’’<br />

Closecontactisconsidered<br />

face­to­face contact closer than<br />

two metresfor more than 15<br />

minutes.<br />

He saidpeoplecould go for a<br />

bike,orawalk or arun, but on<br />

theirown, and avoid close contact<br />

with anyone.<br />

‘‘Youcan livewith others<br />

during your 14 days, but you need<br />

to avoid close contact with them.’’<br />

People who developed<br />

symptoms, including fever,a<br />

coughorshortnessofbreath,<br />

should contacttheir GP and<br />

follow instructions.<br />

The COVID­<strong>19</strong>Healthline<br />

number is 0800 358 5453.<br />

Boost lost as bike champs canned<br />

By Mick Jensen<br />

There will be no South Island<br />

Schools’ MTB Championships at<br />

the Mt Hutt Bike Park next week<br />

and no big financial boost for the<br />

Methven economy after the cancellation<br />

of the event due to the<br />

threat of coronavirus.<br />

The <strong>2020</strong> championships was<br />

set to be the biggest New Zealand<br />

schools’ mountain bike<br />

event to date, with record numbers<br />

entered into enduro, downhill<br />

and cross country competitions<br />

.<br />

Last year’s very successful<br />

event at Mt Hutt brought inan<br />

estimated $500,000 into the<br />

Methven economy and more<br />

was anticipated this year.<br />

Bike Methven has been<br />

working onthe event management<br />

side of the championships<br />

for a number of months and<br />

spokesperson Clare Harden<br />

said the need to cancel had<br />

been confirmed earlier this<br />

week.<br />

‘‘Sadly it’s has been out of<br />

our control.<br />

‘‘We’ve been following the<br />

Government health advice and<br />

the event is ultimately<br />

regulated bythat.<br />

‘‘We are definitely disappointed.<br />

Our aim for this event<br />

was to bring economic benefit<br />

to Methven, it now looks like it<br />

willbeaveryhardtime over the<br />

next few months for this town.’’<br />

Mrs Harden said Bike Methven<br />

was still working through<br />

the logistics with suppliers, but<br />

it looked like there would be a<br />

financial hit.<br />

She said it was hoped to<br />

reschedule the event, but the<br />

ability todothat was restricted<br />

by the upcoming ski season on<br />

Mt Hutt.<br />

<strong>March</strong> next year was earmarked<br />

as apossibility, she said.<br />

This year’s event had maximum<br />

confirmed entries of 320<br />

in the enduro, 275 in the<br />

downhill and 300 in the cross<br />

country.<br />

Some 30 volunteers were<br />

lined up to carry out driving,<br />

marshalling, registration, timing<br />

and parking duties, and<br />

more were being asked to lend<br />

ahand.<br />

Therewas to be free entryfor<br />

spectators, food and music on<br />

offer and some big jumps<br />

expected from talent young<br />

riders.<br />

Hours of work had also gone<br />

into track preparation and<br />

other logistics.<br />

Bike Methven used last<br />

year’s event profits for a new<br />

shuttle trailer and track maintenance.<br />

This year’s profits<br />

were earmarked for more track<br />

development and maintenance.<br />

Check out our selection of<br />

Dr Michael Mosley’s health, wellbeing<br />

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2263082 2263080

Local news at www.starnews.co.nz <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2020</strong>, Page 3<br />

College halts<br />

mass events<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> College,with<br />

1200 students and 150<br />

staff,has suspended<br />

assemblies and events in<br />

itsauditorium after<br />

Government announced<br />

new rules aboutmass<br />

gatherings in the fight<br />

against community spread<br />

of the coronavirus, Covid­<br />

<strong>19</strong>.<br />

Studentathletes have<br />

also been told theywill<br />

not be going to national<br />

secondary school sports<br />

events likerowing’s<br />

Maadi Cup at Lake<br />

Ruataniwha, softball’s<br />

tournament at Nelson and<br />

basketball’s 3x3<br />

tournamentinAuckland.<br />

Principal Ross Preece<br />

said it wasdisappointing<br />

for the students after<br />

months of trainingbut the<br />

sporting competitions had<br />

been suspended following<br />

government advice<br />

against holdingevents<br />

that would bringmore<br />

than 500 people together.<br />

SchoolSport New<br />

Zealand will review the<br />

situation on April 6.<br />

Mr Preece said the<br />

college would not be<br />

holding campus events<br />

that involved large<br />

numbers of students and<br />

staff in an enclosed space.<br />

That meant the<br />

cancellation of AshDance<br />

in the auditorium,<br />

involving 250 students,<br />

and house assemblies,<br />

which involved around<br />

300 people.<br />

The move was good<br />

practiceand in line with<br />

MinistryofEducation<br />

advicetoavoid an<br />

outbreak of Covid­<strong>19</strong>, he<br />

said.<br />

Staff havealso been<br />

gauging the ability of<br />

students to work<br />

remotely,ifrequired.<br />

‘‘We have32familieswho<br />

do not have the internet.’’<br />

Mr Preece and other<br />

Canterbury secondary<br />

school principals will<br />

meetonFridayfor ahui<br />

devotedentirely to<br />

dealingwith the disease.<br />

Theywould be guided by<br />

the ministry.<br />

He said the school was<br />

taking practical,<br />

commonsense measures<br />

and encouraging<br />

handwashing.Students<br />

who wereill were being<br />

askedtostay at home.<br />

It wasimportant to<br />

keep the virus in<br />

perspective and notpanic,<br />

he said.<br />

‘‘Wehave made sure<br />

soap is available in our<br />

toilets and put up signsto<br />

remindpeople aboutthe<br />

importance of<br />

handwashing.’’<br />

It wastoo early to make<br />

decisions on other<br />

international trips by<br />

studentslater in the year,<br />

he said.<br />

Science students were<br />

due to headtoIndonesia<br />

in July and the school’s<br />

FirstXIcricket team was<br />

planningapre­season<br />

tour to Australia aheadof<br />

Term4.<br />

Events postponed<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Aviation<br />

Museum members have<br />

postponed their popular<br />

school science programme<br />

due to Covid­<strong>19</strong><br />

concerns.<br />

They are among some<br />

of the many district’s<br />

older community members<br />

who are taking<br />

notice of the Government’s<br />

announcement<br />

and limiting potential<br />

exposure around Covid­<br />

<strong>19</strong>.<br />

The programme offers<br />

pupils a chance to visit<br />

the airport­based<br />

museum and learn how<br />

science and flight combine<br />

from museumvolunteers<br />

learning about the<br />

mysteries of flight including<br />

cold fronts, air flow,<br />

drag, navigation and<br />

flight checks.<br />

The Mid Canterbury<br />

Choir’s performance of<br />

the Messiah on April 5is<br />

also postponed. Choir<br />

manager Carol Gunn said<br />

it would be rescheduled<br />

to November, orinApril<br />

2021.<br />

Rowers disappointed over Maadi<br />

Rowing's Maadi Cup has been<br />

cancelled as aresult of the<br />

coronavirus outbreak.<br />

One of the biggest school<br />

events in the southern<br />

hemisphere and due to be held<br />

on Lake Ruataniwha, Twizel,<br />

later this month, the huge<br />

regatta attracts over 2000<br />

secondary school rowers and<br />

many more supporters.<br />

Sixteen rowers from<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> College have been<br />

training and racing for the past<br />

six months in preparation for<br />

the season­ending premier<br />

event.<br />

At last week’s South Island<br />

Secondary School<br />

Championships at Twizel<br />

rowers were told that Maadi was<br />

at risk of being cancelled<br />

because of Covid­<strong>19</strong>.<br />

Rowing NZ it would have a<br />

significant impact upon school<br />

rowing programmes, but<br />

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<strong>Ashburton</strong> College rowers were all smiles at Lake Ruataniwha last weekend and before the<br />

news of Maadi’s cancellation.<br />

remains supportive of the<br />

containment initiatives.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> College Rowing<br />

president Andrew Leverton said<br />

the decision to cancel was the<br />

right one based on the current<br />

circumstances.<br />

‘‘Our rowers have been<br />




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training hard and building for<br />

Maadi for the past six months,<br />

just like hundreds of other<br />

school rowers around the<br />

country.<br />

‘‘They were really looking<br />

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both from the rowing and social<br />

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$16.65 weekly<br />

aspects, and are rightly<br />

disappointed not to be going.’’<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> College Rowing<br />

had an open day at Lake Hood<br />

on Sunday at 9.30am when any<br />

new rowers could jump into a<br />

boat and could find out more<br />

about the sport.<br />

NOW<br />

2600<br />

$<br />

2600<br />

Andrew Falloon<br />

MP for Rangitata<br />

SeniorsAfternoon Tea<br />


*Due to Covid-<strong>19</strong>concerns<br />

Tuesday24 th <strong>March</strong>,2pm<br />

Seniors Centre Hall,206<br />

Cameron St, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Office<br />

03 308 7510<br />

alison.driscoll@<br />

parliament.govt.nz<br />

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Authorised by Andrew Falloon<br />

MP,139 Stafford St, Timaru.

Page 4, <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Ag show online for kids<br />

Hinds School pupils wereamong<br />

the hundreds of childrenregionwide<br />

to be affected by the<br />

cancellation of the Methven<br />

A&P show.<br />

The showwas due to hostthe<br />

Aorangi regionalfinal for the<br />

Young Farmer of the Year,<br />

which also includes the AgriKids<br />

and Junior Young Farmers<br />

competitionsfrom around the<br />

district.<br />

Adozen schools fromthe<br />

Aorangi region, including eight<br />

from Mid Canterbury and<br />

Geraldine,each had multiple<br />

teams participating in the<br />

AgriKids event. Therewere<br />

multiple teams in the Junior<br />

Young Farmers.<br />

They were notifiedmid­<br />

Tuesday morning of achangein<br />

formattoanonlinequiz and<br />

some were scrambling to<br />

complete theirentries by the cutoff<br />

today.<br />

Hinds School had an<br />

impressive 30 children entered<br />

across10teams.<br />

Watched by teacher Sonya<br />

Hurst,the Hinds pupils –in<br />

teams of three –completedthe<br />

quiz under timepressure. They<br />

Hinds School pupils (from left) Kate Sheppard, Alison Harbutt<br />

and Morgan Harbutt take the AgriKids online quiz hoping to<br />

make it to the Face-Off regional final online.<br />

had eight minutesbefore<br />

incurring pointpenalites. The<br />

pupilshave had training time<br />

with parents giving up their time<br />

to help them get up to speed with<br />

aspects of farming coveredin<br />

past events.They included<br />

drenching knowledge, animal<br />

husbandry, crops and pasture<br />

types.<br />

At least half the pupils were<br />

involved in AgriKids last year so<br />

were building on their<br />

knowledge.<br />

The bestteam from each<br />

school, with an additional two<br />

teams region wide with best<br />

overall rankings, will go on to<br />

take part in an online Face­Off<br />

event,anonline live quiz<br />

competition,tomorrow<br />

afternoon.<br />

Local news at www.starnews.co.nz<br />

Support for show<br />

From Page 1<br />

The Methven A&P Association runs<br />

other events during the year to help pay<br />

some bills but also to raise the profile of<br />

farming, or to raise money for community<br />

groups and individuals. They include<br />

an on­farm heifer competition, the<br />

annual wheat growing competition and a<br />

gift lamb auction, with lambs donated<br />

from farmer’s around the district.<br />

Money from the auction,which will go<br />

ahead albeit in another form, also<br />

supports local services, organisations<br />

and tertiary education scholarships.<br />

Mr Glass said the popular primary<br />

school Spud in aBucket competitionwill<br />

also go ahead as usual, which was good<br />

news for the hundreds of pupils at local<br />

area schools.<br />

The undisturbed buckets were due to<br />

be collected as usual and judged Friday<br />

morning. The results will be up at the<br />

A&P association pavilion at the showgrounds<br />

on Friday afternoon.<br />

As in past years any unclaimed<br />

potatoes would be donated to aged­care<br />

facility Methven House.<br />

Mr Glasssaid people who had entered<br />

the home industries competitions can<br />

also collect their submitted entries, such<br />

as art, photographs or paintings as well<br />

as any entry cost refunds, from organisers<br />

at the pavilion tomorrow. It will be<br />

open between 2pm and 5pm.<br />

The Aorangi and Tasman FMG<br />

Young Farmer of the Year regional<br />

finals, also to have been held at the<br />

Methven show, have been postponed<br />

until further notice.<br />

NZ Young Farmers chief executive<br />

officer Lynda Coppersmith said the new<br />

date would be confirmed later.<br />

“It is for the safety of our competitors,<br />

staff and spectators and imperative that<br />

we don’t put anyone at risk and help<br />

prevent the spread ofCovid­<strong>19</strong>.<br />

MilitaryWives<br />

Reviewed by Rowena Hart<br />

Military Wivescentres on agroup of women from<br />

different backgrounds whose partners areaway<br />

serving in Afghanistan. Faced with their loved<br />

ones’ absences,they come together toformthe<br />

very first militarywives choir,helping each other<br />

through some of life’smost difficult moments.<br />

Remember the hilarious movie ... “The Full<br />

Monty”?Peter Cattaneo made that. Andhemade<br />

this one too, choosing KristinScott Thomas and<br />

Sharon Horgan as the leading ladies.<br />

It wasinspired by true events.Iunderstand there<br />

aremanychoirs like this one around the world<br />

now.<br />

It’s areal crowdpleaser.<br />

Although youmay have to take your tissues with<br />

you!<br />

*MilitaryWiveshas beendelayed and will return.<br />

bookings ph 307 1230<br />

www.regentcinema.co.nz<br />

2266905<br />



Celebrity chefs (from left) mayor Neil Brown, Pup Chamberlain, Bernard<br />

Egan and Susan Spencer united for agood cause in apie bake-off.<br />

Celebrity chefs face off<br />

Apumpkin pie baked by local celebrity<br />

Bernard Egan fetched top price at the St<br />

Andrew’s church fair at the weekend.<br />

Bernard’s dessert pie sold for $31 at<br />

an auction that followed abake­off that<br />

also included <strong>Ashburton</strong> mayor Neil<br />

Brown, health promoter Pup<br />

Chamberlain and performer Susan<br />

Spencer.<br />

The four shared asmall kitchen at the<br />

Sinclair Centre, where the church fair<br />

was held, rolling out pastry and filling<br />

pie dishes with favourite fillings before<br />

popping them into the oven.<br />

The mayor created abacon and egg<br />

pie, as did Susan and Pup, though in the<br />

end there were six pies for auctioneer<br />

Jarrod Ross to sell. Bernard had enough<br />

ingredients to make two pies, while Pup<br />

bought apie on the way to the fair in<br />

case his was aflop.<br />

Fair organiser Maureen Maginness<br />

said the banter between chefs in the<br />

kitchen was hilarious and helped make<br />

the event ahuge success. Several<br />

thousand dollars was raised for the<br />

church.<br />

She said members of the parish and<br />

local businesses had donated items for<br />

raffle prizes, which were popular among<br />

the many stalls that spread out in the<br />

hall.<br />


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MSA<br />

266 Havelock Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Telephone 308 7149<br />

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HOURS<br />

Monday<br />

Tuesday-Saturday<br />

Sunday<br />

10:00am -8:00pm<br />

10:00am -9:30pm<br />

10:00am -6:00pm<br />


from <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong><br />

to <strong>March</strong> 26<br />


Local news at www.starnews.co.nz <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2020</strong>, Page 5<br />

Truck­driving Trevor parks up<br />

By Linda Clarke<br />

Trevor Begg reckons he’s driven<br />

about 4.5 million kilometres in the<br />

course of his truck driving life.<br />

The <strong>Ashburton</strong> man retired from<br />

the big rigs this month after 48 years<br />

with Rural Transport (previously<br />

Burnetts Motors).<br />

Trevor has carted hay, stock,<br />

buildings, machinery and once a<br />

large concrete elephant, destined for<br />

life in aMid Canterbury garden. The<br />

elephant generated afew odd looks<br />

on the highway.<br />

The 68­year­old has been<br />

reflecting this week on aworking<br />

lifetime spent largely on the roads of<br />

the South Island. He was encouraged<br />

to join Burnetts by his father­in­law<br />

and spent 18 months working as an<br />

off­sider to Bruce Scott, who was a<br />

good teacher.<br />

His first truck was alittle two­axle<br />

Commer truck, painted green in<br />

Burnetts colours, and equipped with<br />

ahiab for lifting heavy things.<br />

He treated it well and it was the<br />

first 10 trucks (three brand new) he<br />

would go on to drive, hiab on the<br />

back.<br />

Trevor has huge respect for the<br />

trucks he has driven, in the early days<br />

the maximum weights were around<br />

30 tonne but some units now weigh<br />

60 tonne. It is ahuge responsibility<br />

sharing the road with other users and<br />

he says the secret is keeping acool<br />

Trevor Begg has parked up his big truck and hiab for the last time.<br />

head when others on the road<br />

around him are making risky<br />

decisions.<br />

He favours afour­lane highway<br />

between <strong>Ashburton</strong> and<br />

Christchurch and says there are<br />

plenty of idiots on the road already,<br />

Autumn <strong>2020</strong><br />

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especially those who pass at the end<br />

of the passing lanes.<br />

Trevor has been in acouple of<br />

crashes, neither his fault, and has<br />

been first on the scene of some<br />

serious accidents, two involving<br />

trains. He helps and tries to forget<br />

2266889<br />

what he has seen.<br />

An unusual incident on the<br />

Killmog hills north of Dunedin sticks<br />

in his mind. He was driving atruck<br />

laden with heavy containers of meat<br />

back to <strong>Ashburton</strong> and going slowly<br />

down one of the final hills when he<br />

was passed by an elderly man on a<br />

bicycle ­the cyclist was trying to<br />

brake and had broken the chain of<br />

his bike.<br />

Trevor eventually found him intact<br />

on the side of the road, white as a<br />

sheet, after the road flattened out.<br />

He put the bike on the back of his<br />

truck and gave him aride to Cherry<br />

Farm.<br />

Trevor’s love of trucks and<br />

vehicles is seen in his private life too.<br />

He is the president of the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Vintage Car Club and<br />

also amember of the Mid<br />

Canterbury Vintage Machinery<br />

Club.<br />

He drives amodern red Holden<br />

Commodore, but he also has a<strong>19</strong>37<br />

Chev and a<strong>19</strong>58 Morris Minor that<br />

he also drives as often as possible.<br />

The Chev once belonged to his<br />

grandmother and was sold out of the<br />

family to be afarm hack. Trevor<br />

bought it back, loved it and made it<br />

mechanically sound.<br />

The Morris Minor is still going<br />

strong too, thanks to regular<br />

servicing and grease and oil changes.<br />

Keeping up the maintenance is key<br />

for along, happy, motoring life.<br />

Tiger Moths gather at <strong>Ashburton</strong> Airport<br />

Eight Tiger Moths, aGypsy Moth,<br />

three Chipmunks and one Auster<br />

were among some of the classic<br />

aircraft to touch down at the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Airport last weekend.<br />

The planes were flown by members<br />

of the Tiger Moth Club of New<br />

Zealand and among them was Jan<br />

Chisum, of Hawkes Bay, who owns a<br />

<strong>19</strong>29 Gypsy Moth.<br />

The Gypsy was predecessor to the<br />

Tiger Moth aircraft.<br />

Jan was in the Gypsy’s pilot seat,<br />

while husband Jerry was flying one<br />

of the Tiger Moths, owned by friend,<br />

Des Strong, of Palmerston.<br />

The couple have owned the<br />

rebuilt Gypsy for eight years, but<br />

more than 85 years ago it was owned<br />

by Jan’s father, Stan White.<br />

Jan took up flying after her father.<br />

He was apilot prior to enlisting in<br />

the Royal Air Force and owned the<br />

Gypsy back in the early <strong>19</strong>30s.<br />

The Gypsy has a120 horsepower<br />

engine and flies up to 85 miles per<br />

hour; it was flown from London to<br />

Sydney by Jan’s father in <strong>19</strong>34. It was<br />

then shipped across to New Zealand.<br />

While her dad eventually sold it,<br />

Jan kept an eye on it and finally<br />

convinced the owner to sell.<br />

She says flying gives a huge<br />

amount of pleasure and has become<br />

apassion.<br />

She took it up at age 23, back in<br />

<strong>19</strong>87, because it seemed like fun,<br />

and was achange from horses she<br />

was used to being around. One of<br />

Jan’s favourite competition events is<br />

the non­instrument circuit flying;<br />

she often competes against her<br />

husband.<br />

She concedes to being a bit<br />

bonkers when it comes to owning an<br />

older aircraft.<br />

“We are all nutters to be involved<br />

with old aeroplanes,” she said.<br />

Although they can do some basic<br />

maintenance, specialist maintenance<br />

is also needed on the aircraft.<br />

Jan was due to leave her Gypsy in<br />

storage at the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Airport for<br />

Pilot Jan Chisum and her <strong>19</strong>29 Gypsy Moth in <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

next month’s Warbirds over Wanaka,<br />

but with the event cancelled<br />

due to COVID­<strong>19</strong>, she has flown it<br />

home.<br />

The Tiger Moth Club members<br />

get together twice ayear, including<br />

for their annual general meeting.<br />

They like to hold their AGMs in a<br />

different location each year and had<br />

the added bonus of the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Aviation Museum members catering<br />

their Saturday evening meal.<br />

During the weekend they also<br />

took part in air races, flying challenges<br />

and events to showcase their<br />

vintage aircraft.<br />

Resident<br />

survey<br />

continues<br />

Letters have been sent to 200<br />

people inviting them to take<br />

part in the <strong>Ashburton</strong> District<br />

Council’s annualresidents’<br />

survey; council is canvassing<br />

800 people this year, in four<br />

waves of 200.<br />

Spreading the survey gives a<br />

more accurate description of<br />

people’s feelings about council<br />

services and facilities, instead<br />

of one issue topical at the time<br />

of survey dominating the<br />

outcome.<br />

The number of residents to<br />

be surveyed in the new wave<br />

system has risen from 400, with<br />

the second wave of 200 letters<br />

sent at the start of <strong>March</strong>.<br />

Residents are given asurvey<br />

identification numberand told<br />

they have been randomly<br />

selected to take part in the<br />

resident survey. Everyone who<br />

completes the survey goes into<br />

adraw to win one of two $50<br />

Prezzy cards.<br />

The online survey takes<br />

15­20 minutes to complete and<br />

people needtodothat by<br />

<strong>March</strong> 27.<br />

The survey invitation letter<br />

says council wants to hear if it is<br />

spending hard­earned<br />

ratepayer money in the right<br />

places and on the right things.<br />

‘‘By sharing your thoughts<br />

about council’s services and<br />

facilities, you can help shape<br />

our community and make<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> abetter place to<br />

live.’’<br />

Council’s business covers<br />

roads, footpaths, drinking<br />

water, wastewater, recycling,<br />

street lighting, community<br />

recreation facilities, animal<br />

control, building consents,<br />

policy development and town<br />

planning. Electedmayor and<br />

councillors allocate resources<br />

and monitor maintenance and<br />

delivery of facilities and<br />

services.<br />

The survey is conducted by<br />

independent research company<br />

Key Research on council’s<br />

behalf.<br />

Council CEO Hamish Riach<br />

said the new survey system<br />

better reflected how residents<br />

felt about council services<br />

throughout the year. Eachwave<br />

was selected to represent ‘‘a<br />

sensible cross­section of the<br />

community.’’<br />

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Page 6, <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Vallenders active in the community<br />

Badge for 50 years of service<br />

Elaine Vallender was just 16years<br />

old when she became aGirlGuiding<br />

Brownie leader with Shirley<br />

Brownies, in Christchurch. It was<br />

<strong>19</strong>68.<br />

Since then she’s had alife­long<br />

association with the youth organisation,<br />

aiming to empower girls as<br />

they explore their world.<br />

It’s seen her make some great<br />

friends and travel the world.<br />

And it’s now earned her a<br />

GirlGuiding 50 Years Service<br />

Badge.<br />

‘‘Through GirlGuiding I have<br />

had opportunities I would never<br />

have had and I’ve made some<br />

amazingly good friends…people<br />

you keep in contact with who have<br />

similar values, such as being loyal,<br />

supporting each otherand respect.”<br />

They are the same values she<br />

tries to install in her charges.<br />

‘‘You see it coming out with the<br />

girls’ development.’’<br />

And she has been fortunate to<br />

‘‘watch girls develop into leaders of<br />

the future’’.<br />

But it’s been a two­way street<br />

Elaine Vallender has earned a50<br />

years service badge.<br />

with GirlGuiding giving her personal<br />

development and a raft of<br />

experiences.<br />

She has taken on roles such as<br />

national board member, national<br />

membership committee chair, been<br />

anational youth adviser, regional<br />

co­ordinator and trainer, and been<br />

on two national Rangers event<br />

committees.<br />

She has also represented New<br />

Zealand at an Asia Pacific<br />

Regional Conference and travelled<br />

to India, Fiji and Hong Kong.<br />

Elaine came from aGirlGuiding<br />

family. Her older sister was a<br />

Brownie so it was no surprise when<br />

Elaine and her twin sister joined at<br />

age eight.<br />

Elaine worked her way up<br />

through the ranks and was in<br />

Rangers while studying atuniversity.<br />

She moved to <strong>Ashburton</strong> in <strong>19</strong>75<br />

to take up her first teaching role at<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> College; as music<br />

teacher. She eventually went on to<br />

be head of music department, then<br />

arts co­ordinator. She started work<br />

at St John <strong>Ashburton</strong> around six<br />

years ago.<br />

But the move toMid Canterbury<br />

saw her continue asaGirlGuiding<br />

leader, learning the ropes working<br />

alongside Muriel Lay and the late­<br />

Helen Bell at Allenton Brownies.<br />

She then became Rangers leader<br />

at <strong>Ashburton</strong> Rangers, with girls<br />

aged 12 to 17 years old.<br />

It’s where she has stayed. She has<br />

been their long enough to see the<br />

secondgeneration of Rangerscoming<br />

through the organisation.<br />

GirlGuiding may have changed<br />

in the past few years and become<br />

more corporate, but Elaine puts<br />

that down to more competition for<br />

youth attention now than ever<br />

before. There are also morewomen<br />

working, with lesstime to volunteer<br />

than before.<br />

Elaine does plan to retire this<br />

year –her and husband, Glenn are<br />

planning amove closer to Christchurch<br />

–but she will not step down<br />

until the end of the year. And it’s a<br />

good time, the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Ranger’s<br />

have new leaders being nurtured to<br />

pave the way for the future.<br />

She will also finish in her paid<br />

role at St John, but continue<br />

volunteering with St John, as a<br />

health shuttle team leader and<br />

promoting the St John of Jerusalem<br />

Eye Hospital.<br />

Glenn sharing passion for geology<br />

By Mick Jensen<br />

Glenn Vallender taught science and<br />

biology to teenagers at <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

College for 38 years, but for the last<br />

five years he’s been sharing his<br />

knowledge and passion for the<br />

subject of geology with amuch older<br />

crowd.<br />

He is amember of the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

University of Third Age (U3A)<br />

group and regularly hosts talks for<br />

members.<br />

U3A is a learning community<br />

organised by and for the people in<br />

retirement or semi retirement.<br />

Mr Vallender has been educating<br />

seniors locally on all aspects of<br />

geology through a special interest<br />

group he set up in 2015.<br />

His knowledge has also been<br />

shared with Geraldine and Ellesmere<br />

U3A groups and he will soon<br />

speak to members of anew Temuka<br />

U3A group.<br />

Mr Vallender said U3A was set<br />

up to ‘‘expand the horizons’’ of<br />

older people.<br />

His subject of geology was about<br />

‘‘digging deep beneath your feet’’<br />

Passionate about geology: Glenn Vallender logs on to access up to<br />

the minute seismology data from the seismograph held at<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Museum.<br />

and often appealed to people who<br />

enjoyed the outdoors or ‘‘had a<br />

curiosity about the natural world’’.<br />

Mr Vallender talks focus on areas<br />

such as urban geology, New Zealand<br />

seismology, fossils and geo heritage<br />

issues.<br />

His series concludes with afield<br />

trip that could take in avisit to a<br />

riverbed, the beach or afavourite<br />

spot like Mt Somers.<br />

‘‘I present the material, but there<br />

is a‘show and tell’ element to things<br />

as well,’’ said Mr Vallender.<br />

Seismology has been one area of<br />

growing interest for people in recent<br />

years.<br />

Mr Vallender, who has adoctorate<br />

in geo science education, is able<br />

to show people the seismograph that<br />

belongs to Auckland University and<br />

kept at <strong>Ashburton</strong> Museum.<br />

He can access data from it<br />

remotely and then drill down to<br />

demonstrate what is happening<br />

around the country.<br />

He likes to put alocal angle on his<br />

material whenever possible and is<br />

keen to see new members join<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> U3A and his interest<br />

group.<br />

Anew geology series starting on<br />

April 22 will focus on urban geology.<br />

Other talks will be held in June,<br />

September and November and a<br />

field trip to either Onawe peninsula,<br />

Kaitorete Spit or the Geosciences<br />

Department at University of Canterbury<br />

will run in December.<br />

For more information on the<br />

geology special interest group contact<br />

Glenn Vallender on 308 8373.<br />

Local news at www.starnews.co.nz<br />

Remedial<br />

work set<br />

to begin<br />

The southern exteriorwallofthe<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Art Galleryand<br />

HeritageCentrewill be painted<br />

and sealed first as the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

District Council begins remedial<br />

work on the facility.<br />

Council discovered intermittent<br />

waterleaks in the building during<br />

extreme weather afterthe building<br />

became fully occupied.Council<br />

alsofound the air conditioning<br />

system was notworking to its<br />

expectations.<br />

Internaland externalworks over<br />

coming weeksand months will<br />

occur, as council beginsa<br />

programme to address the issues<br />

identifiedthroughanindependent<br />

assessment.<br />

Thefirstwork to be undertaken<br />

will be painting and sealing the<br />

southernexterior wallofthe<br />

building as this wasidentified as in<br />

most need for treatment, with<br />

other walls being painted and<br />

sealed wherenecessary. The three<br />

upstairsbay windows facing State<br />

Highway1will also be<br />

weatherproofed (and ventilatedif<br />

required).<br />

Other works includeinspecting<br />

and repairing the roof membrane,<br />

installingnew heating and<br />

ventilation equipment,including<br />

the installationofbuffer tanks.<br />

Chief ExecutiveHamishRiach<br />

sayscouncil is pleased to beginthe<br />

work,which hasbeenbudgeted for<br />

in the 20<strong>19</strong>/20 Annual Plan.<br />

‘‘Our first priority is completing<br />

the paintingand roof membrane<br />

work beforewinter,then moving<br />

on to the work needed inside the<br />

building.<br />

‘‘It's importantthat we get this<br />

required workunder way sooner<br />

ratherthan later, as we know the<br />

Art Gallery andHeritageCentre is<br />

an important facility to our<br />

community.’’<br />

Council has takenadditional<br />

steps to ensure the protectionof<br />

the art gallery and museum assets<br />

whilework has been waiting to<br />

begin. This has included regular<br />

monitoring of temperatures and<br />

moisturelevels and installing a<br />

temporarydehumidifier system<br />

where neededtomaintain<br />

appropriate levels of climate<br />

control.<br />

Thework is not expected to<br />

affectthe centre'sopeninghours.<br />

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Charlie returns to gardening roots<br />

Gardening influencer Charlie<br />

McCormick likes to plan trips down<br />

under to coincide with the Mayfield<br />

A&P Show.<br />

It’s his old stomping ground and<br />

where he grew up.<br />

And last weekend, nearing the end<br />

of atwo­week holiday, he got to be<br />

guest judge in the children’s cut<br />

flower section at the annual event.<br />

Charlie, who lives in Dorset,<br />

England, was once listed in the top<br />

30 gardening influencers and had his<br />

garden mentioned in last year's top<br />

10 of most popular United<br />

Kingdom's gardens. He has 98,200<br />

followers on Instagram; the Mayfield<br />

A&P Show home industries entries<br />

and the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Dahlia Show<br />

made it to his page.<br />

He has shown at the Dorset<br />

Country Show and enters around 17<br />

shows aseason, showing cut flowers<br />

and vegetables, with some baking.<br />

He moved to England on an<br />

overseas adventure, found his future<br />

love, got married and now lives there.<br />

As agardening author he writes<br />

for the Times, The Sunday Times,<br />

House and Garden, and Pleasure<br />

Garden Magazine. He has also<br />

appeared on BBC Gardeners’<br />

World.<br />

The 30­year­old got to see many<br />

familiar faces at the show, including<br />

those of his gardening mentor Jackie<br />

Ryan, his aunty Catherine from<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>, and sister Annabel who<br />

was visiting from Christchurch.<br />

And he got to see all the floral<br />

entries in the home industries<br />

pavilion.<br />

Charlie McCormick checks out the cut flowers at the Mayfield A&P Show. Photo Toni Williams<br />

“They are very well judged,” he<br />

said.<br />

He still tries to be aregular to the<br />

Mayfield show, which most of his<br />

family have adeep­rooted<br />

association with, including Mayfield<br />

stalwart, and one of the gardening<br />

influences in his life, his grandfather<br />

Hamish McCormick.<br />

Charlie was encouraged to have<br />

entries in the A&P show from an<br />

early age and was keen to encourage<br />

the next generation to pick up the<br />

tradition of entering shows and<br />

keeping shows alive.<br />

At this year’s show, the<br />

McCormick clan had awide range of<br />

entries from those of 96­year­old<br />

Hamish in the cut flower section, to<br />

those of youngest family member<br />

Charlotte McCormick, aged 18<br />

months, with an entry in the painting<br />

section and afirst place in the<br />

floating flower section.<br />

Surprise service badge brings Jude to tears<br />

Women’s Institute stalwart Jude<br />

Vaughan was the unsuspecting<br />

recipient of aWIGood Service<br />

Badge recently.<br />

Mrs Vaughan was surprised when<br />

the award was presented at the Mid<br />

Canterbury Federation of WI’s<br />

annual general meeting after asecret<br />

nomination by her peers at Lowcliffe<br />

WI.<br />

“It just blows you away, it’s not for<br />

me, it’s for the organisation. The<br />

acknowledgement from your peers,<br />

that means so much,” she said.<br />

Lowcliffe members say she is a<br />

proactive and inspirational colleague<br />

that they are lucky to have.<br />

Mrs Vaughan has been amember<br />

of Lowcliffe WI for 10 years but<br />

before immigrating to New Zealand<br />

she had been amember of the<br />

United Kingdom WI for 32 years.<br />

In New Zealand, she has served on<br />

the National Executive Committee<br />

and, in the past two years, has been<br />

New Zealand Federation of WI’s national executive committee<br />

member Kathryn Hopkinson (left), badge recipient Jude Vaughan and<br />

Mid Canterbury president Mavis Wilkins. Photo Supplied<br />

vice­president, remits convener and<br />

handcraft and communications<br />

committees.<br />

And for the past seven years has<br />

been on the Mid Canterbury<br />

Federation holding positions of<br />

president, minute secretary and<br />

federation secretary.<br />

She was also on the Canterbury<br />

Belles organising committee for the<br />

2017 National AGM.<br />

As the final speaker at that AGM,<br />

her insights and aspirations for the<br />

organisation touched so many WI<br />

members attending, she got a<br />

standing ovation.<br />

Her badge was presented by friend<br />

and fellow national executive<br />

committee member Kathryn<br />

Hopkinson, of North Canterbury<br />

WI; it brought afew tears.<br />

“The recognition by your peers is<br />

the biggest honour,” she said.<br />

Awoman with many interests,<br />

including arts and crafts, quilting and<br />

textiles, Mrs Vaughan’s handcraft is<br />

described as outstanding and earned<br />

her national recognition.<br />

Mrs Vaughan is on the Lowcliffe<br />

WI committee and helps with Meals<br />

on Wheels, catering, organising<br />

annual Bay and Tray competition<br />

entries and enters federation<br />

competitions.<br />

She has also represented WI at<br />

Civil Defence and Rural Support<br />

Trust meetings.<br />

Harvest party<br />

Popular Christchurch band<br />

Assembly Required will playatthe<br />

Pendarves Young Farmers after<br />

harvestpartynextmonth. The<br />

event, at the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Racecourse, has aBlack Tie<br />

Opshop theme and is R18 to<br />

celebrate the annual harvest<br />

season. More than 350 people<br />

turned out last year andorganisers<br />

are hoping that asimilar number<br />

will turnuptoenjoy the event<br />

again. Tickets are available<br />

through the Pendarves Young<br />

FarmersFacebook page.<br />

Old consents<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council staff<br />

are workingtheirway through<br />

thousands of old consents for<br />

building work thatstill has no code<br />

of compliance certificate. The<br />

issue came to lightin2017, when<br />

changes to the Building Act<br />

imposed atwo­year limit. The<br />

backlog has gone from around<br />

5000 to 3389, with council staff<br />

contacting owners as they worked<br />

through old files when they had<br />

time.<br />

Bovis boss off<br />

Mycoplasma bovis programme<br />

director Geoff Gwyn has<br />

announced he is leaving the<br />

programme. Mr Gwyn has spent<br />

almost three years leading the<br />

response and effort to eradicate<br />

Mycoplasma bovis from New<br />

Zealand. It is understood Mr<br />

Gwynhas beenseconded to<br />

another position with no plans to<br />

return at the end of the<br />

secondment. There is atransition<br />

plan in placefor Mr Gwyn’s<br />

replacement (yet to be<br />

announced), whowill be on board<br />

before his departure on April 3.<br />

Diversity display<br />

Cultural diversity will be<br />

celebrated at Mount HuttCollege<br />

next weekasthe school hosts its<br />

annual diversityevening. It is open<br />

to the community and supported<br />

by Mid Canterburygroups,<br />

families and organisations also<br />

invited to be part of the event.<br />

There will be arange of stalls<br />

showcasing adiverse rangeof<br />

cultures through food (available to<br />

purchase), culturalactivities,<br />

displays and performancesto<br />

appeal to youngand old. Money<br />

raised will be used to welcome<br />

refugees to the district. Diversity<br />

Day will be heldinthe college hall<br />

and school grounds on <strong>March</strong> 26<br />

from 5pm to 7pm.<br />

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Page 8, <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Mayor suggests red paint<br />

warnings at intersections<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> mayor Neil Brown has suggested<br />

painting red warnings on the road<br />

at problem intersections in the district.<br />

He said large red warnings squares<br />

had been painted on State Highway 1on<br />

either side of the Chertsey rail crossing<br />

and they did a good job alerting<br />

motorists a change in the road was<br />

ahead.<br />

The same warnings could be painted<br />

on roads at intersections what are<br />

known crash spots.<br />

According to crash analysis data, 39<br />

per cent of intersection crashes on local<br />

roads in the past five years were caused<br />

by drivers failing to give way or stop.<br />

Sixty­three per cent of drivers who<br />

caused crashes were male and almost<br />

half of those 34 years or younger. Thirtyone<br />

per cent of women who crashed<br />

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2264292<br />

were in the 45­64 year age group.<br />

Mr Brown said council had been<br />

looking at ways ofreducing intersection<br />

crashes using rumble strips and stop<br />

signs, but red warnings painted on the<br />

road could also help attract adriver’s<br />

attention.<br />

‘‘It’s avery effective way of lettingyou<br />

know there is apotential hazard coming<br />

up.’’<br />

Mr Brown’s suggestion came at council’s<br />

infrastructure committee meeting<br />

last week, where minutes of a recent<br />

road safety meeting were discussed.<br />

Cr LynetteLovett said the road safety<br />

committeewas awaiting areport on how<br />

effective that, and other measures, had<br />

been on changing driver behaviour.<br />

‘‘If it works, we should be looking at<br />

it,’’ Mr Brown said.<br />

Kids duathlon lined up<br />

Argyle Park will host the third Figure<br />

Fitness <strong>Ashburton</strong> kids duathlon on<br />

April 5.<br />

The event will be run in three age<br />

group sections, each starting at a<br />

different time, and the first beginning at<br />

10am.<br />

Three to eight year olds will tackle a<br />

800m bike ride and 600m run, those<br />

aged eight to 10 years have a1.7km bike<br />

ride followed by 800m run, and a3.4km<br />

pedal and 1.7km run is lined up for those<br />

over 10.<br />

The laid back event is held to<br />

encourage participation and fun.<br />

Entry costs $10 and proceeds will be<br />

donated to the Australian Bush Fires<br />

appeal.<br />

More information on the Figures<br />

Fitness <strong>Ashburton</strong> Facebook page.<br />

Local news at www.starnews.co.nz<br />

Rakaia Gorge trust set up<br />

By Mick Jensen<br />

The Fantail Trust has been set up<br />

with the aim of making an area of<br />

the Rakaia Gorge predator­free<br />

by 2050.<br />

The trust has been set up by<br />

local residents Christine and<br />

Robert Koller who are keen to<br />

establish anative bird and plant<br />

sanctuary on the true left side of<br />

the Rakaia River in order to<br />

encourage repopulation and the<br />

protection of native birds, animals<br />

and plants.<br />

The couple, who run<br />

Quickenberry Guesthouse at<br />

Terrace Downs, have already laid<br />

four traps on private farm land<br />

near the popular Rakaia Gorge<br />

Walkway.<br />

Arecent email drop to friends<br />

and guests has also received a<br />

positive response and yielded five<br />

more traps.<br />

Mr Koller said the traps were<br />

well­designed and efficient, and<br />

targeted possums, stoats and rats.<br />

‘‘We use GoodNature traps,<br />

Timm’s traps and the DOC traps<br />

for stoats and rats.<br />

‘‘We try not to use poison such<br />

as cyanide, fluoroacetate or<br />

brodifacoum.’’<br />

He said the project would take a<br />

number of years, and would keep<br />

The Fantail Trust has been established to help make the area<br />

alongside the Rakaia Gorge Walkway predator-free by 2050.<br />

the couple busy in retirement, but<br />

it needed community input and<br />

support as well.<br />

‘‘It is an exciting project and<br />

hopefully some day in the future<br />

we have birds like the bellbird, tui<br />

and kereru thriving again in the<br />

gorge.<br />

‘‘The walkway area is an<br />

amazing place with ahuge variety<br />

of native plants still growing, but it<br />

needs our help to become alittle<br />

paradise on our doorstep.’’<br />

With more bird life, more<br />

planting was also needed to feed<br />

the birds, he said.<br />

‘‘Neighbours at Washpen Falls<br />

have run asimilar conservation<br />

project for anumber of years, and<br />

the sound of bird song there can<br />

be heard as soon as you get out of<br />

the car.’’<br />

The public can become<br />

members of the Fantail Trust by<br />

giving asmall donation of $10, or<br />

can sponsor aGoodNature trap<br />

for $185.<br />

The first 200 donations will go<br />

into adraw with aprize of dinner,<br />

bed and breakfast at<br />

Quickenberry.<br />

The Fantail Trust bank account<br />

is 02 0868 0110730 025 and more<br />

information can be obtained by<br />

emailing to quickenberry@xtra.<br />

co.nz.<br />

Book pays homage to wool<br />

By Mick Jensen<br />

Ruapuna author Val Taylor’s latest<br />

book is ahomage to the natural<br />

fibre of wool and abook to<br />

encourage more people to knit.<br />

Called Perfect Companions, the<br />

book is dedicated to sheep farmers<br />

around the world, and also to past,<br />

present and future knitters.<br />

The front cover shows apicture<br />

of wool, aspinning wheel and<br />

knitting wool and needles,<br />

Mrs Taylor, who grew up on a<br />

sheep and crop farm, is akeen<br />

knitter and her book features<br />

patterns and advice, short stories,<br />

and also baking recipes and<br />

homecraft snippets.<br />

Square knits are aparticular<br />

favourite for the author who has<br />

been aknitter for seven decades.<br />

‘‘I’m tired of seeing all the<br />

synthetic clothing out there.<br />

‘‘We need to promote wool and<br />

wool products more as far as I’m<br />

concerned.’’<br />

The 80­year­old said the variety<br />

Ruapuna author Val Taylor with<br />

her latest book Perfect<br />

Companions.<br />

and snippets in Perfect<br />

Companions was based on the girls’<br />

annuals she used to read when<br />

growing up.<br />

She said the book was an easy<br />

read and the ‘‘perfect book to<br />

browse and relax with’’.<br />

The book offers abrief history of<br />

the Early’s of Witney, England, a<br />

business that started making fine<br />

wool blankets in 1669 and later saw<br />

family members move across the<br />

world to New Zealand.<br />

Another chapter outlines local<br />

success story, Ashford Handicrafts,<br />

and its spinning wheel.<br />

The 123 page book is Mrs<br />

Taylor’s 32nd.<br />

Previous books have focused on<br />

self­help stories, Christian<br />

testimonies, abook penned with<br />

local rugby legend John ‘‘Bigsy’’<br />

McLay, and homecraft.<br />

Mrs Taylor was diagnosed with<br />

Parkinson’s late last year, but is<br />

already part way through another<br />

knitting book.<br />

She intends presenting Perfect<br />

Companions to anumber of<br />

resthomes for seniors to enjoy and<br />

also to use for square knit patterns.

More focus on biodiversity<br />

There will be abigger focus on indigenous<br />

biodiversity in the <strong>Ashburton</strong> District,<br />

from both local and central government.<br />

New national policy coming from<br />

Government will mean the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

District Council must protect areas of<br />

significant indigenous vegetation. The<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Biodiversity Advisory Group<br />

also wants council to consider abusiness<br />

case for abiodiversity officer.<br />

The advisory group includes farmers,<br />

conservationists and landcare groups, all<br />

concerned about the loss of native plants<br />

and animals in the district, which has<br />

been highly modified over the past<br />

century. Little original vegetation<br />

remains.<br />

The group has recommended to<br />

council that a business case for a<br />

biodiversity officer be prepared and<br />

considered for council’s longterm plan<br />

in 2021.<br />

Council currently does not have afulltime<br />

person in the role.<br />

Abiodiversity officer with specialised<br />

knowledge to look after indigenous<br />

plants was going to become imperative,<br />

the advisory group said.<br />

Cr Lynette Lovett, who chairs the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Biodiversity Advisory<br />

Group chair Caption Lynette Lovett.<br />

group, said the business case should<br />

include areport about other groups and<br />

agencies working in the same space in<br />

Mid Canterbury.<br />

The request is likely to be overtaken<br />

by new national policy around biodiversity<br />

expected soon.<br />

Council chief executive Hamish Riach<br />

said council would be legally obliged<br />

under the new policy to devote resources<br />

to biodiversity<br />

Bev clocks up 50 years<br />

Bev Jackson has been a<br />

member of the Netherby<br />

Women’s Institute<br />

(WI) for just on 50<br />

years.<br />

She joined in <strong>19</strong>69<br />

after being encouraged<br />

by her neighbour Iris<br />

Taylor, who was also a<br />

member at the time.<br />

It was an intimate<br />

group with less than 30<br />

members.<br />

At the time Bev was<br />

mother to three young<br />

children, a daughter<br />

aged seven, and twin<br />

boys aged three, so it<br />

was agreat way to learn<br />

skills. They held<br />

demonstration events,<br />

learned about floral<br />

decorations, cooking<br />

and sewing.<br />

The meetings were<br />

originally held in agiant<br />

shed, with a big fireplace,<br />

along Bridge<br />

Street, near Mill Creek,<br />

and Bev vividly remembers<br />

being surprised by<br />

acow which lived in the<br />

paddock next door.<br />

Even now decades<br />

later it still makes her<br />

chuckle.<br />

The WI then moved<br />

to the Savage Hall<br />

before meetings moved<br />

Bev Jackson has been with the Netherby<br />

Women's Institute (WI) for 50 years.<br />

to the Senior Centre.<br />

Bev, 83, says joining<br />

the WI was one of the<br />

best things she ever did,<br />

that and marrying husband,<br />

Earle.<br />

The couple celebrated<br />

their Diamond<br />

wedding anniversary on<br />

February 6.<br />

‘‘It did me good to<br />

(join), Iwas aquiet wee<br />

thing,’’ she said.<br />

The branch this<br />

month has been around<br />

for 56 years and 21 of<br />

the Netherby WI got<br />

together to celebrate<br />

over lunch at the<br />

Speight’s Ale House<br />

before holding their<br />

regular meeting at the<br />

rear of the premises.<br />

Some of them added<br />

atouch of green to their<br />

clothing ­orhair ­asa<br />

tribute to the upcoming<br />

St Paddy’s Day.<br />

President Adrienne<br />

Hodson said the Netherby<br />

WI hosted interesting<br />

speakers, enjoyed<br />

music, housie, craft and<br />

floral competitions but<br />

was looking to include<br />

more trips on their itinerary<br />

to pique members<br />

interest.<br />

Helicopter trial ending<br />

The trial ofthe police helicopter Eagle<br />

in Canterbury endsonFridayand police<br />

say it has been a valuable asset in<br />

response toorganised crime.<br />

Nine gang members were arrested<br />

and charged following abusy fortnight<br />

for Eagle; firearms, drugs and ammunition<br />

were seized.<br />

The helicopter has been based in<br />

Christchurch but available to assist<br />

police in<strong>Ashburton</strong> if needed.<br />

Superintendent John Price said technology<br />

on board the helicopter could<br />

provide police with intelligence on gang<br />

movements and activities.<br />

In the most recent incident, Eagle<br />

observed amember of alocal gang exit<br />

a vehicle holding what looked like a<br />

pistol.<br />

Eagle provided information on the<br />

person and his movements to ground<br />

staff who then co­ordinated aresponse.<br />

When the offender fled in his vehicle,<br />

Eagle tracked it from the air, providing<br />

real time location information until<br />

police stopped the vehicle and arrested<br />

him.<br />

Eagle was earlier used at Lincoln<br />

when eight patched gang members were<br />

seen surrounding aresidential property;<br />

theywere stopped. Cannabis andmoney<br />

was also recovered from cars, linked to<br />

gang, reported for bad driving.<br />

Superintendent Price said Eagle had<br />

ensured the safety of police staff and<br />

enabled them to be more effective and<br />

efficient and remain safe, without the<br />

requirement to use other tactical<br />

options.<br />

‘‘I cannot stressenough howgood it is<br />

to see these gang members dealt with<br />

safely and swiftly.’’<br />

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Page 10, <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

DEATHS<br />

DRUMMOND,Jean Frances:<br />

On <strong>March</strong> 17, <strong>2020</strong> passed<br />

away peacefully, atTerrace<br />

View Retirement Village,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>. Aged 93 years.<br />

Dearly loved wife of Ian.<br />

Loved mother of Ross, Keith<br />

and Inna, and Andrew.<br />

Adored grandma of Lisa<br />

and Natasha. Messages to<br />

P O Box 361, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

7740. Special thanks to the<br />

wonderful staff at Terrace<br />

View for their loving care of<br />

Jean. Aservice to celebrate<br />

Jean’s life will be held at our<br />

Chapel, Cnr East and Cox<br />

Streets,<strong>Ashburton</strong>onFriday<br />

<strong>March</strong> 20, commencing at<br />

2.00pm. Followedbyprivate<br />

cremation at the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Crematorium.<br />

Paterson’s<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

FDANZ<br />

03 3077433<br />

MacPherson, Doreen Ann<br />

(nee Gluyas)<br />

at <strong>Ashburton</strong> Hospital on<br />

<strong>March</strong> 17, <strong>2020</strong>. Aged 78<br />

years.<br />

Loved wife of the late<br />

John W R MacPherson,<br />

third youngest child of<br />

the late Dora and Claude<br />

Gluyas, loved sister of Bill,<br />

the late Mary, the late<br />

Pat, Judy, Anne, and Pam.<br />

Doreen leaves behind<br />

her children John, Nicky,<br />

Stuart, and Teresa and her<br />

grandchildren and great<br />

grandchildren.<br />

Messages to: c/- The<br />

MacPherson family, POBox<br />

6035, <strong>Ashburton</strong>7742.<br />

A service for Doreen will<br />

be held at the Holy Name<br />

Catholic Church, 58 Sealy<br />

Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong> on Friday,<br />

<strong>March</strong> 20at11am followed<br />

by interment at the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Cemetery.<br />

0800 2MEMORY<br />

027 637 1229<br />

Family<br />

Notices<br />

Inquiries phone<br />

Jann or Leonie<br />

on 308 7664<br />

or call into<br />

<strong>19</strong>9 Burnett Street.<br />

Family Notices<br />

DEATHS<br />

KENNYGaryMervyn<br />

9July <strong>19</strong>45 –6<strong>March</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

At Wellington Hospital. As<br />

aresult of an accident near<br />

his home townofPicton.<br />

Loved husband of Valerie<br />

(nee Vincent) and father of<br />

Deborah, Rachel, the late<br />

David and Adelle and loved<br />

brother in law and friend<br />

of the Vincent family; Leslie<br />

and Elizabeth, Daphne and<br />

John Syme, Pauline and Lex<br />

Douglas, Shirley and Colin<br />

Kelson, Carol, and Martyn<br />

Seay and Peterand Jill.<br />

Gary was honoured and<br />

farwelled at a funeral<br />

service inPicton onFriday<br />

13th <strong>March</strong>.<br />

’Home is the sailor, home<br />

from the sea,<br />

And the hunter home from<br />

the hills.’<br />


DOLBEY,Wilfred Keith<br />

Rosy and Peter, Shirley<br />

and the late Tim and Don,<br />

Carolyn and Richard, Lenny<br />

and Trina, Robert and<br />

Merran, Emelia, Michael,<br />

Issy and Wayne would like<br />

to warmly thank the many<br />

friends, family members,<br />

neighbours and health<br />

professionals who have<br />

offered support toour Dad,<br />

father in law and Grandad,<br />

and us as a family, over<br />

his long, happy and full<br />

lifetime.<br />

Special thanks to the<br />

DistrictNursing team, Meals<br />

on Wheels volunteers,<br />

Cathy Wright and Jane<br />

Hurley, DrPenny Holdaway,<br />

Dr Charlotte Cox, Alan Dick,<br />

Karen Shurroch, and all the<br />

wonderful Cancer Society<br />

visitors and drivers who<br />

supported Keith in his later<br />

years.<br />

Thank you all for the<br />

flowers, cards, letters and<br />

emails. Your thoughts and<br />

kindness are very much<br />

appreciated.<br />

A very special thanks<br />

to Bernard Egan and Jo<br />

Metcalf and her team from<br />

Memory Funerals for their<br />

compassion, support and<br />

professionalism.<br />

Sadly missed but will be in<br />

our hearts forever. Alife well<br />

lived.<br />

Supporting the<br />

community<br />

96 Tancred Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

LREA2008<br />

Phone 307 8317<br />

MCRE<br />

Classic<br />

boats<br />

at lake<br />

A flotilla of classic and<br />

traditional boats, big and<br />

small, took to the waters in<br />

cooler weather conditions<br />

at Lake Hood on Sunday.<br />

It was the Canterbury<br />

Classic and Traditional<br />

Boat Club’s annual rally<br />

and included boating enthusiasts<br />

from around Mid<br />

Canterbury.<br />

The rally is hosted by<br />

members of the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Sailing Club and saw a<br />

good turn­out of model<br />

boat crafts also grace the<br />

water.<br />

Poppy<br />

flight<br />

Knitted or crocheted poppies<br />

and stars for The<br />

Poppy Flight project, due<br />

in <strong>Ashburton</strong> next month<br />

but now postponed, are<br />

still being collected by<br />

local contact Dellwyn<br />

Moylan.<br />

The nationwide project<br />

was organised to support<br />

the work of the Returned<br />

and Services Association<br />

(RSA), Starship Foundation<br />

and New Zealand<br />

Warbirds.<br />

The official tour will<br />

now take place at alater<br />

date.<br />

On display as part of the<br />

tour will be alarge knitted<br />

star and poppy artworks<br />

and being added to by<br />

community knitters keen<br />

to support the event.<br />

Aperfect venue for<br />

Functions,<br />

Funerals<br />

and<br />

Weddings.<br />

Trott’s Garden<br />

371RacecourseRoad, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

www.trotts.co.nz |Email: info@trotts.co.nz<br />

2258775<br />

Family owned,<br />

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22 MooreStreet,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

0800 2636679<br />

2227763<br />

Local news at www.starnews.co.nz<br />

Beary nice work by WI<br />

It’s teddy­ous work, with aneed<br />

to be un­bear­ably particular, but<br />

the end result is worth it.<br />

It’s perfecting the art of teddy<br />

bear making.<br />

And six members of the Mid<br />

Canterbury Federation of<br />

Women’s Institute’s (WI) have<br />

taken on the challenge to make a<br />

dressed teddy bear in two piece<br />

winter pyjamas, with no<br />

accessories, under 40cm tall for<br />

the WI’s Robert Young/May<br />

Martin Trophy in the national<br />

competition in Stoke, Nelson at<br />

the end of May.<br />

The ladies have attended<br />

sessions on the art of teddy bear<br />

making during the past two<br />

weeks, guided by Ash­Bear­ton<br />

Teddy Bear Club’s Judy<br />

Skevington.<br />

The bears, all different shades<br />

of brown, are being crafted using<br />

sewing machines and hand<br />

stitching.<br />

Mid Canterbury Federation of Women’s Institute’s Dianne Carter (of Wakanui WI) and Joan<br />

Henderson (of Netherby WI) are taught the bear-necessities by tutor Judy Skevington (right).<br />

Photo Toni Williams<br />

Netball called off<br />

Mid Canterbury Netball<br />

has called off the last two<br />

rounds of its Fast 5competition<br />

following Covid­<br />

<strong>19</strong> advice.<br />

Have A Go day on<br />

<strong>March</strong> 21 is also off, along<br />

It’s detailed work and, at<br />

stages, appears quite macabre<br />

with decapitated, or pin­struck<br />

bears mid­production.<br />

Once finished, the best teddy<br />

bear of the six ladies will go<br />

forward as part of acombined<br />

Mid Canterbury entry into the<br />

competition alongside apeg halfapron<br />

and across­stitched hand<br />

towel and facecloth set decorated<br />

with 5cm Aida cloth trim also<br />

made by members.<br />

with ajunior tournament<br />

scheduled for <strong>March</strong> 28.<br />

There will be no walking<br />

netball until at least May<br />

2. Holiday programmes<br />

will also not be going<br />

ahead.<br />

Complete<br />

Local Care<br />

Since <strong>19</strong>82

Local news at www.starnews.co.nz <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2020</strong>, Page 11<br />

Upgrades at salmon site<br />

Upgrades to the Rakaia Salmon site began thisweek, with<br />

the old toilets to be removed and the caravan effluent<br />

dump station closed until anew location can be secured.<br />

Council is removing the old public toilets at the park<br />

and will replace them with anew 10­pan facility, which is<br />

intended to help meet demand on the facilities,<br />

particularly from visitors to the district.<br />

Council infrastructure services group manager Neil<br />

McCann said council was keen tobegin delivering the<br />

upgrades, which have been made possible through<br />

combined funding from the Government's Tourism<br />

Infrastructure Fund (TIF), Rakaia Lions and council.<br />

"These new public toilets will make abig difference to<br />

the salmon site. With many people, particularly tourist<br />

buses stopping to use the toilets each day, we want to<br />

ensure there are ample facilities available.<br />

‘‘A lot of work has beengoing on behind the scenesto<br />

secure asupplier for the toilets and with this and other<br />

planning work now complete, we're ready to start<br />

building.’’<br />

Permaloohave been awarded the tendertodeliver and<br />

install the new toilets, which will begin on April 1.<br />

Portable toilets will be available atthe site until the new<br />

facilities are ready. The old toilets are having to be<br />

removed first due to parking spaceneedsand to allow for<br />

the new toilets to be built where the current ones are<br />

located.<br />

As part of the upgrades, the caravan effluent dump<br />

station is being relocated to another site, yet to be<br />

determined. In the meantime, the Rakaia dump station<br />

will be closed from Monday, but caravans and campervans<br />

will still be able to access the <strong>Ashburton</strong> and Methven<br />

dump stations.<br />

The historic jail will also be relocated tothe other side<br />

of the Bridgeman's hut and piling for this will be carried<br />

out as the old toilets are removed.<br />

Council is investing $<strong>19</strong>8,000 from existing budgets to<br />

install new toilets and carry out arange of landscaping<br />

upgrades, including providing solar­powered rubbish bins,<br />

additional seating, concrete footpaths, Rakaia history<br />

signage and additional playground equipment.<br />

A$740,000 grantfrom the TIF and $20,000 generously<br />

donated by the Rakaia Lions is alsohelping to deliver the<br />

upgrades.<br />

More information about the location ofthe Rakaia<br />

caravan effluent dump station will be provided when a<br />

new site issecured.<br />

Art exhibition in Geraldine<br />

The rolling hills and valleys of the<br />

Geraldine district, the softness of the<br />

evening skies and the ties that bind us<br />

provided the combined inspiration for<br />

Philippa Wilson's upcoming exhibition<br />

Into The Great Wide Open.<br />

Opening in Geraldine's McAtamney<br />

Gallery this Saturday, the exhibition<br />

features 12 painted works and one<br />

sculpture reflecting the artist's interest<br />

in connectivity, the human condition<br />

and our transitioning.<br />

The cyclical nature of life and nature<br />

is explored, putting down roots,<br />

spreading our branches and the germination<br />

of new ideas and beginnings,<br />

before they burst forth.<br />

Philippa Wilson is also asculptor. In<br />

2006 she made a piece called Bud<br />

which features the poem Time Out by<br />

Hone Tuwhare.<br />

Included in this exhibition is a<br />

marquette, amodel of alarge sculpture<br />

the Tree of Life she has made.<br />

“The seed that spreads throughout<br />

the land,” says Philippa.<br />

“We don't stand alone, we are<br />

interconnected, and the most important<br />

thing is people, and we all have a<br />

story to tell.”<br />

Her story and association with the<br />

South Canterbury skyscapes that feature<br />

in these works, began when her<br />

(now) husband, fellow sculptor Bryn<br />

Jones and she would visit his family in<br />

Geraldine.<br />

Philippa was struck by the huge soft<br />

The Tree of Life is one of the<br />

sculptures in this weekend’s<br />

exhibition by Philippa Wilson.<br />

skies, the “great wide open” and the<br />

evening light.<br />

Into the Great Wide Open opens at<br />

10.30am on <strong>March</strong> 21 at the McAtamney<br />

Gallery in Geraldine, with artist<br />

Philippa Wilson, giving afloor talk at<br />

2pm.<br />

Resilience speaker offers advice<br />

Lance Burdett<br />

Everyone feels fearful, overwhelmed<br />

or anxious at times, says<br />

resilience speaker and crisis negotiator<br />

Lance Burdett.<br />

But with a default setting of<br />

anger, hesaid people need to“just<br />

breathe” ­ giant slow breaths, in<br />

through the nose out through the<br />

mouth and again.<br />

It calms the body and slows the<br />

brain which, given the pace of life<br />

today, isdefinitely needed.<br />

Mr Burdett, the founder of<br />

WARN International, was guest<br />

speaker of Rural Support Trust<br />

Mid Canterbury speaking to 180<br />

peopleatanopen community event<br />

at the Hotel <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

It is the second time the trust<br />

have brought Mr Burdett to Mid<br />

Canterbury, hoping togive people<br />

insight into how their brain works<br />

and the skills toswitch off and stop<br />

negative thoughts.<br />

He also spoke at multiple events<br />

to students at <strong>Ashburton</strong> and<br />

Mount Hutt colleges.<br />

“Our brain is working five to<br />

eight times faster than before, it’s<br />

in continual fight or flight mode.<br />

“It’s way too much information<br />

going in, way too fast. Urban or<br />

rural it doesn’t matter everything<br />

we do today has become so complicated.”<br />

“Life has got too busy … our<br />

default setting isanger, that’s how<br />

we survive.”<br />

It has led to overthinking with<br />

increased negative thoughts, sleep<br />

problems and much worse.<br />

There are 2.8million apps and<br />

counting, he says waving his phone.<br />

He said as aresult of life’s fast<br />

pace, there was more internal<br />

narrative going on in our own<br />

heads.<br />

It needed to stop, or be directed<br />

into more positive thought.<br />

“Sleep’s not important, it’s critical,”<br />

he said, as away to combat<br />

mind fatigue.<br />

In explaining ‘‘the science<br />

behind our brains” he offered tips<br />

to handle different situations and<br />

also encouraged people to deep<br />

sigh, so as to release pressure in the<br />

body and create oxygen flow.<br />

Mr Burdett said times had<br />

changed since the days of our<br />

prehistoric brains; we did not talk<br />

to others like we used to, there was<br />

too much information being processed<br />

by our brains, and we had<br />

higher expectations on ourselves,<br />

wantingmore for less while looking<br />

after the environment.<br />

He encouragedpeople to “run to<br />

the fire. Do something about whatever<br />

you’re worrying about,’’ rather<br />

than letting the small things fester.<br />

His suggested writing down a<br />

problem or issue,then listing‘‘what<br />

could happen’’, followed by ‘‘what’s<br />

likely to happen’’, with a list of<br />

‘‘what can be done’’ about it.<br />

He also said speaking to others<br />

used to be the first thing we did<br />

when we needed aproblem sorted,<br />

but now we internalised them.<br />

“We are just not talking with<br />

each other the way we did before.”<br />

With our brains overloaded with<br />

everyday life choices, it was on<br />

heightened alert and on the lookout<br />

for signs of danger ­another<br />

hark back toour prehistoric brain.<br />

‘‘We have relaxed. We don’t<br />

have to think anymore. We have<br />

technology. We’ve lost control.’’<br />

He said itwas natural for people<br />

to talk to themselves but ‘‘we all<br />

have anegative bias’’ and most of<br />

that talk is going to become negative<br />

self­talk.<br />

Any negative emotion caused a<br />

state of alertness ­with the default<br />

position being anger ­but positive<br />

emotion was calming.<br />



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Page 12, <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Local news at www.starnews.co.nz<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> College<br />

Individual Excellence in aSupportive Learning Environment<br />

News<br />

Issue 7<br />

<strong>19</strong> <strong>March</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

Message From ThePrincipal<br />

SmartLookCampaign<br />

This week we have started a campaign to<br />

reinforce our expectations around correct<br />

uniform.<br />

Our community and staff have made it clear that<br />

students wearing acorrect and tidy uniformisan<br />

importantpartofour <strong>Ashburton</strong> Collegeidentity,<br />

and it also acts as asocial leveler.<br />

Thereare four aspects thatare receiving particular attention.<br />

Theseare:<br />

•having correctouter garments(i.e.school jersey or plain navy blue or<br />

blackjacket/coats);<br />

•hoodies (not allowedatall);<br />

•correct footwear (totally blackorbrown, and abletobepolished);<br />

•only aplain navy blue or whitet-shirtunderthe Collegeshirt.<br />

While these are areas to be smartened first, all items of uniform will be<br />

checked. Additionally -<br />

•facialpiercingsare not allowed,and will needtoberemovedor<br />

replacedwith aclear,discreet retainer.<br />

•boys aretobeclean-shaven.<br />

Thereissupport available forfamilies regarding uniformitems,<br />

if required.<br />

We appreciateand value parental supportwith this campaign.<br />

WorldVision Conference<br />

At the time ofwriting this report, our Student Executive Committee<br />

members were scheduled to attend the World Vision Conference in<br />

Christchurch. Our Student Executive has along history insupporting<br />

various good causes,with WorldVision and the40HourFamineamongst<br />

them. We arealways inundatedwith good causes thatour students are<br />

asked tosupport, and they choose at least one charity per term.These<br />

choices are made by the Student Exec themselves and, unfortunately,<br />

we arenot abletosupport everycharitythatapproachesus.<br />

College AshDance<br />

Regretfully, this popular cultural event, scheduled for tonight, was<br />

cancelled due to Covid-<strong>19</strong> precautions and avoiding 200-300 people<br />

together in acombined space, at the Auditorium.<br />

Rebuild Master Plan<br />

The Architects appointed toconstruct our Master Plan for our new<br />

build have had aseries of huis with key stakeholders to ensure that<br />

they understand the needs ofour College staff and students. Part of<br />

this planning is to ensure that our campus is future-proofed. Weare<br />

delighted with the level of community support and interest in our new<br />

build.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>College as aHub School<br />

We were approached recently to ascertain our willingness to be<br />

involved as a‘Hub’school to prepare for the future NCEA changes that<br />

will begin next year. Ten schools have been chosen from throughout<br />

New Zealand and theyrepresentavarietyofdeciles and locations. The<br />

Ministry ofEducation is keen to explore possible changes before they<br />

areimplemented, by actually talking with the staffinvolved.<br />

As aHub Schoolwewill be asounding-boardfor possible changes. The<br />

MinistryofEducation would also like to talk to aselectionofparents or<br />

whānau about some of the proposed changes. Ifyou are approached,<br />

please consider making yourselfavailable.<br />

Kind regards.<br />

Information<br />

NewStaff –Welcome<br />

RossPreece<br />

Principal .Tumuaki<br />

SarahCavill<br />

Learning SupportAssistant,<br />

CommunityEntry Programme<br />

Transition DepartmentNews<br />

Liaison Visits<br />

Various tertiary institutions and community groups visit the College<br />

during our Year 13 Ako time (Wednesdays, Period 4) to share<br />

information with students about courses and programmes theyoffer.<br />

Year 12 students are welcome to attend also, but need to register their<br />

names at the Transition Office beforethe visit.<br />

BoardofTrustees News ...<br />

The <strong>Ashburton</strong> College Board ofTrustees has<br />

endorsed <strong>Ashburton</strong>College’s Annual Plan for<br />

the <strong>2020</strong> academic year.<br />

Some of the key headlines that our College<br />

Senior Leadership Team, Teaching and<br />

SupportStaffare focussedoninclude:<br />

Rebuild focus –and working with the Ministry<br />

of Education and Architects to complete the<br />

design ofthe new school to meet the needs<br />

and expectations of the next generations of learners.<br />

Maintenance ofour school -wehave a$400,000 budget available to<br />

tidy-up the College to ensure the best possible spaces are available<br />

to teach and learn inover the next five years, preceding use of new<br />

buildings.<br />

Recognition, and meeting the challenges and opportunities of a<br />

culturally diverse college and community. We anticipate welcoming<br />

anumber of new students in July as part ofNew Zealand’s and Mid<br />

Canterbury’srole in accepting refugees.<br />

Continuing to build on the success to date for innovative learning for<br />

Year 9and 10 students, extensions of this, and catering for different<br />

learning styles and suiting the individual needs of all our students.<br />

Continuedfocus on the 'AshColl Way', encompassing Pride,Qualityand<br />

Respect, and ensuring <strong>Ashburton</strong>College is aschool our communityis<br />

proud of.<br />

Ongoing support ofstudents in arapidly evolving space, including<br />

resourcing, and engagement with key providers and supporters in our<br />

region.<br />

Student achievement –ongoing academic tracking and support of<br />

students, including communication with parents and caregivers on<br />

their child’s progress.<br />

Aspecial mention is giventoour Pasifikacommunity. In 20<strong>19</strong> the NCEA<br />

Pasifika student Level One pass rate sat atavery good 92.3%, above<br />

average forour College.Team-work between the community, teachers,<br />

parents providing homework study nights, ESOL (English for Speakers<br />

of Other Languages), and hardworkfromthe students has all combined<br />

to achieveagreatresult.<br />

JeremySavage<br />

Chairperson<br />

Information<br />

COVID-<strong>19</strong>: IMPACTS ON ACTIVITIES<br />

As at Tuesday 17 <strong>March</strong> the following<br />

additionalinformation wastohand.<br />

SuspensionofEvents<br />

School Sport NewZealand has suspended all events on its<br />

national calendar,includingrowing’sMaadi Cup.<br />

This decision cameafter the Government advised against holding events<br />

thatwould bring more than 500 peopletogether.<br />

School Sport NZ’sdecision will be reviewedon06April.<br />

This willnaturally have an impact on many sporting events<br />

College studentswerescheduled to be involved in.<br />

Theholdingofcultural events will also be reviewed on adaily basis.<br />

Anumber of Regional Events arelikely to followthis process.<br />

Continuing Events: On aCase-by-Case Basis<br />

At College weare committed to continuing toprovide as rich and varied<br />

curriculumdeliveryasispossible.<br />

Thereare somescheduledeventswhich cancontinue.<br />

Wherenon-continuation is decided on, this is relatedtothe ‘how’students<br />

will be transported, the nature of the event and the ability tomaintain<br />

logical personal distances, the number of peopleinvolved.<br />

For instance Senior Management has decided to stop the use of the<br />

Auditorium for large groups –this meant the regretful cancellation of<br />

AshDance, andcurrently we arenot holdingYear LevelorHouse Assemblies,<br />

because they involve large numbers of students and staff in one enclosed<br />

space.<br />

Future Information<br />

Obviously this situation is evolving daily. The College will continue to<br />

adheretothe MinistryofHealth and MinistryofEducation information and<br />

advice, and advise families and students accordingly.<br />

Currently the Ministry ofEducation is instructing schools to explore the<br />

feasibilityofproviding distancelearning should this be required.<br />

The following visits remain scheduledfor Term Oneand into Term Two:<br />

25 <strong>March</strong> Ara Institute<br />

01 April Otago University<br />

08 April CanterburyUniversity<br />

24 April(Term 2) Lincoln University<br />

06 May VictoriaUniversity<br />

13 May Auckland University<br />

Events<br />

StudentExecutiveMembers Help at County<br />

Swimming Sports<br />

College StudentExecutivemembers (pictured above,lefttoright):<br />

Lucy Moore, Jonty Small and PoppyKilworthassisted as timekeepers at this<br />

year’s Mid Canterbury Primary Schools’County Swimming Sports held on<br />

Tuesday03<strong>March</strong>,atthe EA NetworksCentre. Competitors came from the<br />

majorityofthe MidCanterburyDistrict’sschools.<br />

Jonty said they all thoroughly enjoyedsupporting the best swimmers from<br />

around the district, and helping out with the 2½ hour programme.<br />

(Pictured below): Theteam recording afinisher.<br />

(Pictured left,<br />

leftand right):<br />

Lucy and Poppy<br />

recording the<br />

times.<br />

Year 13 GeographyClass to HakatereRiver<br />

Mouth<br />

On Tuesday03<strong>March</strong> College's Year 13 Geographyclass took atripdownto<br />

the mouth of the Hakatere River. Teacher Annie Lees said that, currently in<br />

Geography, students arestudying Coastal Processes and looking at coastal<br />

features like spits,and also the process of Long ShoreDrift (LSD).<br />

(Pictured right, back<br />

row,lefttoright):<br />

Estēe Aiolupotea,<br />

Josh Ackerley,<br />

Ryan Gosling.<br />

(Middle row,leftto<br />

right):Ronan Kenny,<br />

Jestena Raj,<br />

Harriet Leverton,<br />

Paddy Dekker.<br />

(Front row, lefttoright):<br />

Lachlan Kingan,<br />

Isaac Bazley,<br />

Henrik Tawatao.<br />

Themouth of<br />

the Hakatere<br />

(pictured left)<br />

shows well how<br />

Long ShoreDrift<br />

and the Hakatere<br />

Rivermoves<br />

sedimentalong<br />

the coastline.<br />

This visit wascompared against photos taken on 21 July last year when the<br />

riverwas in full flood,and theriverbed looked very different.

Local news at www.starnews.co.nz <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2020</strong>, Page 13<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> College<br />

Individual Excellence in aSupportive Learning Environment<br />

News<br />

Issue 7<br />

<strong>19</strong> <strong>March</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

Events<br />

Fundraising for Laptops<br />

Currently at College,with the supportofLiz Carrick,AssistantHead of Senior<br />

School, wehave anumber of students undertaking supervised baking onsiteafter<br />

school as aprojecttoraisemoney to purchase their owndevice.<br />

The baking is then available to stafffor purchasing,with supplies replenished<br />

asaprevious batchissold. This is proving to be averysuccessful venturefor<br />

all,although staff waistlines maytell adifferentstory of course!<br />

Given <strong>Ashburton</strong> College encourages<br />

students to ‘Bring Their Own Device’<br />

it is heartening to see this group of<br />

students showing such initiative and<br />

giving their own time to achieve an<br />

outcome. Additionally, the students<br />

will ‘bake to order’.<br />

(Pictured above,leftand right): With an<br />

appetising caramel sliceready forthe<br />

oven, areMariz Bravoand<br />

NauparaStrickland.<br />

(Pictured right, leftand right):<br />

TiffanyAgacer and Julianna Apoldo<br />

with abrownie,marshmallowand<br />

m&ms mixture.<br />

LanceBurdett –Safety, Wellness and<br />

ResilienceExpert<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> College was very fortunate to be able to have Lance Burdett<br />

(pictured right) speak to both Year 12 and Year 13 students on Monday 09<br />

<strong>March</strong>and to all staff afterschool on the same day.<br />

This opportunity was made available to College through the generosity<br />

of the Mid CanterburyRural SupportTrust who had brought LancetoMid<br />

Canterburytospeak at acommunityevening.<br />

Across the sessions Lance talked about his employment and health<br />

background, and his current neurological studies of the brain and<br />

how itinfluences our human responses to situations, particularly to a<br />

negative bias. Included in the ‘how to manage’toolkit were anumber of<br />

mindfulness and relaxation strategies, plus reminders of the benefits<br />

of talking and socialising with others and seeking support. High on<br />

the importance list were sleep challenges, tips on how to ensure a<br />

good night’s sleep and how toavoid the ‘wake-up/worry time’ around<br />

3:00am! Managing the ‘internal voice narrative’ and recognising the<br />

signs of people under stress added to the value of the presentation.<br />

He advised thatour primitivebrains arebeing asked to operate eighttimes<br />

more quickly than previously, highlighting the challenges of information<br />

overload.<br />

Congratulations<br />

AshColl Swimming Sports<br />

This annual event, inclusiveofthe fine traditionofHouseCompetition,<br />

was held on Wednesday 11<strong>March</strong> at the EANetworks Centre, with<br />

eighty swimmers competing. There was great encouragement and<br />

House spirit, alongwith somefine performances across the age groups.<br />

Agood number of entries in the Year 9age groups led to some great<br />

competition. Hannah Joyce was dominant inthe Year 9Girls’ events,<br />

winning allfive of her races and claimingthree newrecords in the process.<br />

Izacc Carr had agreat battle with Thomas Robertson to take the Year 9<br />

Boys’Championship out with Thomas as the runner-up.<br />

Year 10 student, Hannah King, repeated her strong performance from last<br />

year and again wonfive events to take outthe Year 10 Girls’Championship<br />

claiming five new records along the way. Meagan Binnie also claimed<br />

new records in the 50m and 100m backstroke to finish as the runnerup.<br />

For the Year 10 Boys, Logan Scammell won five events to win the<br />

championship,followedbyDanielThompson as runner-up.<br />

Low numbers of swimmers in the Year 11 age group meant that many<br />

events were not contested. Cody Robin emerged as the Boys’Champion<br />

and Caendal Harris won five events to convincingly win the Girls’<br />

Championship.<br />

Blake Farr was dominant inthe Year 12 and 13 Boys’events to win the<br />

overall championship. However, the Senior Girls’ Championship was<br />

hotly contested with PoppyKilworth and Victoria Binnie finishingtied on<br />

points.<br />

Perhaps the most hotly contested races ofthe day were found in the races<br />

forswimmers with disabilities.Itwas greattosee our students from the SLSU<br />

(StudentLearning SupportUnit) fully involved in this fine House competition<br />

alongside their peers,and producing some excellentperformances.<br />

Congratulations<br />

Raglan Patrick set a new record in the 25m Freestyle event after a tight<br />

tussle with Cody Robin. Not to be outdone, Cody Robin then broke the<br />

records in both the 25m backstroke and 25m breaststroke, edging out<br />

Raglan in both races. Every record available was broken in the events for<br />

swimmers with disabilities (SWD).<br />

Overall bragging rights on the<br />

daybelonged to Blue House who<br />

were the <strong>2020</strong> Swimming Sports<br />

winners by just 11 points from<br />

Green House,with Orange House<br />

in third place, and Red House in<br />

fourth.<br />

(Pictured left): Cody Robin on the<br />

starting block,prior to an event.<br />

(Far left) Is organiser Carolyn Clough.<br />

(Pictured below):<br />

Raglan Patrick in the 25m Freestyle.<br />

Appreciation<br />

Abig thank youisgiven to staff members Darion Gray (SportsCo-ordinator),<br />

Sue Johnstone, Ron Carlson (Head of Sport); Staff House Leaders Sarah<br />

Lassen, Pete Lee, James List and StaceyMonk, and all of the other helpers.<br />

Overall Results and NewRecords were –<br />

Year 9Girls Champion: Hannah Joyce Runner-up: Leah Reid<br />

Newrecordsset by Hannah Joyce were: 50m Freestyle (32.63);<br />

50m Backstroke (38.24); 50m Butterfly (37.94).<br />

Year 9Boys Champion: IzaccCarr Runner-up: Thomas Robertson<br />

Year 10 Girls Champion: Hannah King Runner-up: Meagan Binnie<br />

Newrecords set by Hannah King were: 100m Freestyle (1:07.41);<br />

50m Backstroke (38.16); 100m Backstroke (1:21.21);<br />

50m Breaststroke (40.46); 100m Breaststroke (1:27.38);<br />

50m Butterfly (34.65); 100m Individual Medley (1:15.64).<br />

Year 10 Boys Champion: Logan Scammell Runner-up: Daniel Thompson<br />

Year 11 Girls Champion: Caendal Harris Runner-up: Chinatsu Hunt<br />

Year 11 Boys Champion: Cody Robin Runner-up: Chris Angus<br />

Newrecords set by Cody Robin were: 25m Freestyle (<strong>19</strong>.44);<br />

25m Backstroke (24.72); 25m Breaststroke (29.01).<br />

Year 12/13 Girls JointChampions: PoppyKilworth, Victoria Binnie<br />

Runner-up: Marlese Schoonderbeek<br />

Year 12/13 Boys Champion: Blake Farr Runner-up: Kalen Tait<br />

Relay Events /ResultsSummary<br />

No new records were set in the relay events this year, and the House<br />

Championship 8x25m Freestyle Relaywas wonbyGreen House.<br />

Relayeventswere100m Medley and 100m Freestyle distances with winning<br />

results interestingly going to the same House at each level in each event.<br />

Junior Girls-Green House; Junior Boys - Blue House;<br />

Senior Girls-Orange House; Senior Boys - Green House.<br />

Championship 8x25m Freestyle -Green House (as above)<br />

From these competitors,asmall team will nowcontest the Aoraki Secondary<br />

Schools’Swimming Championships on Wednesday25<strong>March</strong>.<br />

(Pictured aboveleft): Year 11 Girls’Champion Caendal Harrisinaction.<br />

(Pictured aboveright): Blue House Co-captain, LiamSullivan.<br />

CanterburySecondarySchools’Golf<br />

Championships<br />

Played at the Waitikiri Golf Course in Christchurch on Monday 09<strong>March</strong>,<br />

forty five golfers contested the individual competition, of which<br />

Josh Ackerley and Hiromune Kakada were from <strong>Ashburton</strong> College,along<br />

with teacher Liz CaboutasCoach/Manager.<br />

Liz said thatboth students playedwell, with Hiromune shootingone under<br />

his handicap. However the winning gross score was 68 by aplayer from<br />

St Andrew’sCollege.Both Josh’s and Hiromune’sgross and nett results were<br />

in the middle of the field, with Joshua (pictured belowleft) scoring 83 for a<br />

nett of 76; and Hiromune (pictured below right) 79 for anett of71togain<br />

College’s best gross and nett individual.<br />

SpecialOlympics Athletics Day<br />

This eventwas held in Timaru with schools from Oamaru,Timaru,Geraldine<br />

and <strong>Ashburton</strong> participating. Teacher-in-Charge Cheryl Hardy said that,<br />

once again, it was apleasure totake the SLSU (Student Learning Support<br />

Unit) students to the event and that all staff who attended were extremely<br />

proud of the students’behaviour,attitude and achievements. Theycertainly<br />

personified all that’s good about an all-encompassing, inclusive sports<br />

event.<br />

Each student excelled in the way that they did their very best and supported<br />

each other. Itwas adayfull of fun and sporting ‘highs’.<br />

Theevent is completedinheats only andresults for <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

College were as follows:<br />

Chelssea Cheesman 2 nd 50m Walk,4 th Girls’Standing Long Jump,<br />

4 th 100m Walk.<br />

Stacey Cooper 3 rd Girls’Standing Long Jump,<br />

4 th Girls’Softball Throw, 4 th 50m Walk.<br />

DannyGlanville 2 nd 100m Run, 3 rd Boys’Long Jump,5 th Boys’Shot Put.<br />

Jonathan Hardy 6 th 50m Walk,6 th Boys’Shot Put.<br />

Hayden Miller 1 st 50m Wheelchair Race,3 rd Boys’Softball Throw.<br />

JacobOlsen 1 st 50m Walk,4 th 50m Run, 5 th Boys’Softball Throw.<br />

Raglan Patrick 1 st 100m Run, 1 st 200m Run, 2 nd Boys’Shot Put.<br />

TomRoberts Forbes 2 nd 50m Wheelchair Race,4 th Boys’Softball Throw.<br />

Cody Robin 1 st Boys’Softball Throw, 1 st Boys’Standing Long Jump.<br />

Delta Taeauga 1 st Boys’Shot Put, 2 nd Boys’Long Jump,2 nd 100m Run.<br />

Harrison Thorpe 3 rd 50m walk,5 th 100m walk,6 th Boys’Softball Throw.<br />

Dominic Wayman 2 nd 50m Walk,2 nd 100m Walk,3 rd Boys’Softball Throw.<br />

Rebecca Wilson 2 nd 50m Walk,3 rd 100m Walk,5 th Girls’Softball Throw.<br />

4x100m AshColl Avengers RelayWinners –Sixth ConsecutiveYear<br />

Forthe sixth year in arow,the 4x100m Relayteam, AshColl Avengers,won<br />

the event.<br />

This year therewerenew members in the<br />

team, made up of - Delta Taeauga,<br />

Cody Robin, DannyGlanville and<br />

Raglan Patrick. Well done boys,you did<br />

us all proud!<br />

(Pictured right): Delta Taeauga poised<br />

as first runner in the relay.<br />

Coming Events<br />

(Pictured left):<br />

Dominic Wayman<br />

in the Softball<br />

Throw.<br />

(Pictured right,<br />

front and back):<br />

Chelssea Cheesman<br />

at the Standing<br />

Long Jump,<br />

watched by<br />

Stacey Cooper.<br />

<strong>March</strong><br />

<strong>19</strong>-20 Year 11 Outdoor Education, Woolshed Creek<br />

20 CanterburySecondary Schools’Triathlon, Sumner<br />

24-25 ForwardFoundation Girls’Cricket,Christchurch<br />

Year 12 Outdoor Education trip<br />

25 Aoraki SecondarySchools’Swimming Championships,Timaru<br />

CanterburySecondary Schools’ Dressage competition, Christchurch<br />

Year 13 Ara Instituteliaison visit,Auditorium<br />

Mountain biking –Singletrack series week 4, Halswell Quarry Park,<br />

Christchurch<br />

26 Aoraki Volleyball Championships,Timaru<br />

Year 11AGS Group 1Animal Handling,Lake Heron Station<br />

Year 11AHA visit to Salmon Smolt NZ, Kaiapoi<br />

Postponementday:Year 11 Geographytrip, Mt Hutt<br />

27 Year 13 ChemistrytripRavensdown, Christchurch and Lincoln<br />

Universityfarm<br />

27-29 SISS Mountain Bike Championships,MtHutt<br />

28-30 SISS Touch Championships,Christchurch<br />

Please note: at the time of publication, these events were taking place.<br />

This maychange.<br />

Term Dates<strong>2020</strong><br />

Term One - Thursday09April<br />

Term Two Tuesday 28 April - Friday03July<br />

Term Three Monday20July - Friday25September<br />

Term Four Monday12October - Thursday29October (Year 13)<br />

- Tuesday03November<br />

(Years11and 12)<br />

- Thursday03December (Year 10)<br />

- Friday04December (Year 9)

Page 14, <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Local news at www.starnews.co.nz<br />

Fun day out at the Mayfield show<br />

The Mayfield A&P Show drew a<br />

large crowd who enjoyedagreat<br />

community day out with events and<br />

activitiestosuityoungand old.<br />

The sun was shining and people<br />

fromthe community ­and beyond ­<br />

weredrawntothe 95thannual<br />

event last Saturday, which<br />

organisers are hailing as a‘‘huge<br />

success’’.<br />

The show continuedwith their<br />

point of difference fromother<br />

shows with noveltyevents such as<br />

wobbly bike riding, pig racing,<br />

tractor tyreflipping, tug of war<br />

competitionand people againsta<br />

teamofClydesdale horses.<br />

But it also had all the core<br />

aspectsofanA&P show, with<br />

animal judging,alargehome<br />

industriespavilionwith baking,<br />

floral,art, vegetables among some<br />

of the competition entriesand<br />

carnival entertainment.<br />

Other crowd pleasers included<br />

popular equestrianevents, dog<br />

trials run by the Mayfield Collie<br />

Clubaswell as atwo day tractor<br />

pullcompetition.<br />

Maisey Dunlea, 2, Tilly Taylor, 8, and Maggie Taylor, 4, watch the<br />

action in the main ring.<br />

There was plenty to keep the kids busy at the show.<br />

The Mackenzie Highland Pipe Band in action.<br />

There were attractions for young and old on the day.<br />

Darryl Sutton puts his all into afun tractor tyre flipping event at the show.<br />

Participants in the show’s grand parade..<br />

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Comedy festival<br />

at Event Centre<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Trust Event<br />

Centre has astellar line<br />

up of performersata<br />

comedy festival evening<br />

in July.<br />

Well known<br />

ComediansBen Hurley,<br />

Michele A'Court and<br />

DavidCorreos are on<br />

stage,and local girl Bec<br />

Sandys will also<br />

perform.<br />

Asimilarnightof<br />

comedy lastyear sold<br />

out quickly,sotickets<br />

are expected to sell fast.<br />

Ticketsfor the July11<br />

evening are available<br />

from thevenue or<br />


We can all<br />

slow the<br />

spread<br />

We all need to work together ifwe want to slowthe spread<br />

of COVID-<strong>19</strong>. Youcan unite againstthe virus nowby:<br />

Washing and drying<br />

your hands<br />

Wash often. Usesoap.<br />

20 seconds. Thendry.<br />

Washingkills the virus by<br />

bursting itsprotectivebubble.<br />

Coughing or sneezing<br />

intoyourelbow<br />

It keepsthe virus off<br />

yourhands, so youwon’t<br />

spread it to other people<br />

andmake themsick too.<br />

Stayinghome<br />

if you’re sick<br />

Stay homeifyou have<br />

anyofthese symptoms:<br />

afever, acough,shortness<br />

ofbreath, sneezing or<br />

arunny nose.<br />

Checking-in on others,<br />

especially the elderly<br />

and vulnerable.<br />

Lookafteranyonethat<br />

needs help.Dropsupplies<br />

to thoseathomesick.<br />

Find out moreat<br />


Page 16, <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Local news at www.starnews.co.nz<br />

Rowers in the medals<br />

Mid Canterbury's Sarah Wilson shows her form during the Mid Canterbury<br />

versus South Canterbury cricket match at <strong>Ashburton</strong> Domain on Sunday.<br />

Girls win on domain wicket<br />

The Mid Canterbury girls cricket team<br />

convincingly won their match against<br />

South Canterbury at the Flying Fox<br />

pitch at the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Domain on<br />

Sunday.<br />

Under the guidance of coach Kathryn<br />

Clark, the players, with arange of<br />

experience from Year 7toYear 12,<br />

worked well together during the 30­over<br />

game.<br />

Mid Canterbury took to the crease<br />

first and scored 134 runs for 8out;<br />

Emma Begg top scored with 41 not out.<br />

South Canterbury were all out<br />

without making 100.<br />

It is the second time the young side<br />

has effortlessly beaten their South<br />

Canterbury opposition. They played in<br />

Timaru on February 23 and kept South<br />

Canterbury limited to just 55 runs.<br />

Mid Canterbury won the game<br />

without the loss of awicket. Top scorer<br />

for that match was Sasha Arnold with 41<br />

not out.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Collegerowers have<br />

won silver and bronze at the<br />

SouthIsland SecondarySchools<br />

Rowing Championships.<br />

Senior rower Ged Wall won<br />

silver in the boys U17single<br />

sculls event on Saturday,<br />

finishing less thanthree<br />

seconds behind Otago Boys<br />

High School rower Reuben<br />

Cook who recorded atime of<br />

7m:41.53s.<br />

Wall was also fourth in the<br />

U18 single sculls finalraced on<br />

Sunday.<br />

Also in the medals was the<br />

boys U18 novice coxed quad<br />

sculls boat of Matthew Pearce,<br />

Mitchell Taylor, Henry Wallis,<br />

RileyHarris and cox Jed Amos.<br />

The Year11students<br />

finished in afast timeof<br />

7m:12.33s, coming in behind<br />

Timaru Boys and John<br />

McGlashanCollege boats.<br />

The <strong>Ashburton</strong> College boys<br />

U18 novice coxedfour made<br />

Sunday’s Afinal, finishing fifth<br />

in atime of 7m:30.14.Inthe<br />

boat were Zane Cameron,<br />

Parker Bradford, Henry Wallis,<br />

Charles Savage and cox Jed<br />

Amos.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> College rower Ged<br />

Wall (right) with his silver<br />

medal from the boys U17<br />

single sculls event and<br />

(below) on the podium, and all<br />

smiles are <strong>Ashburton</strong> College<br />

rowers bronze medal winners<br />

Matthew Pearce, Jed Amos<br />

(cox) Mitchell Taylor, Henry<br />

Wallis and Riley Harris with<br />

assistant coach Fran<br />

Connelly-Whyte.<br />

Rangitata MP Andrew Falloon<br />

Cost of Covid­<strong>19</strong>will be felt bycommunities for years<br />

So much can change in so shorta<br />

time. In recentweeks our district has<br />

beengearing up for big eventslike<br />

the MethvenA&P Show, aterrific<br />

showcase of our ruraland<br />

agriculturalcommunity.<br />

Withthe escalation<br />

internationally of Covid­<strong>19</strong>, and the<br />

risks that presents to people in New<br />

Zealand,particularly the elderly and<br />

those especially vulnerableto<br />

viruses, the decision was made by<br />

the Governmenttocancel all events<br />

involving more than500 people.<br />

The effectsofthe virus, and the<br />

response to it, go further. With the<br />

decision to enforce 14 days selfisolation<br />

on all peopleenteringNew<br />

Zealand fromSundaynight, our<br />

tourism industry has understandably<br />

been hit hard. I’ve spokentoa<br />

number of tourism operatorsand<br />

accommodation providers who’ve<br />

seen their forward bookings by<br />

international tourists shrink nearly<br />

to zero.<br />

For some the recovery will be<br />

hard. Placeslike Methvenrely<br />

heavily on the ski season to survive.<br />

One local business owner I’ve heard<br />

from in recent days stands to lose<br />

$317,000. Another earns 80 per cent<br />

of their revenue during the winter<br />

months. They’re now staring down<br />

the barrelofthe equivalent of three<br />

consecutive summers, enough to<br />

drive themout of business without<br />

assistance.<br />

To their credit, the Government<br />

have stepped in to offer some<br />

support. On Tuesday they<br />

announced a$12 billion package,<br />

capped at $150,000per business.<br />

Akey part of the package is a<br />

wage subsidy,akin to someofthe<br />

work the previous Governmentdid<br />

after the Canterbury earthquakes<br />

and thenthe Kaikouraearthquake.<br />

Employed by Government at the<br />

time, Iworked with businesses cut<br />

off by road closures in Kaikoura,<br />

and others affected in Hanmer and<br />

communitiesright acrossNorth<br />

Canterbury and Marlborough. The<br />

aim of the subsidy was simple: to<br />

keep peopleemployed.<br />

It’s achallenge for any<br />

Government, and naturally acostly<br />

one.<br />

But the alternative is aknock­on<br />

effectthroughoutthe economy,<br />

lengthening adownturn and tipping<br />

us into recession.<br />

The reality is arecession may<br />

happenanyway. Evenbefore anyone<br />

had heard of Covid­<strong>19</strong> economic<br />

forecastersatTreasury were<br />

projecting that the Government<br />

would fall back into deficit this year.<br />

Increased spending on programmes<br />

like fees­freefor universitystudents<br />

and Shane Jones’ Provincial Growth<br />

Fund had put pressureonthe<br />

Government’s finances.<br />

Employment growth had already<br />

stalled, from 10,000 additional jobs<br />

everymonthin2017, to afractionof<br />

that in the latterhalf of last year.<br />

Necessary spending on Covid­<strong>19</strong>,<br />

and an inevitableimpact on<br />

employment, will heighten those<br />

risks.<br />

We all hopethat the viruswon’t<br />

become establishedhere, but even if<br />

it doesn’t, we’re not immune to the<br />

economiceffect.<br />

The response to that is likely to<br />

take years,rather than months, and<br />

requires aclear and comprehensive<br />

economicplan.<br />

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Local news at www.starnews.co.nz <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2020</strong>, Page 17<br />

ACL staff behind WorkWell<br />

ACL human resources and compliance manager Jane Jolly, ACL WorkWell leader,<br />

Health and Safety administrator Emma Prichard, and WorkWell adviser, Community<br />

Public Health health promoter Carly McDowell progressing through the<br />

accreditation process in the WorkWell programme.<br />

Weight loss, healthy eating and a few wellplaced<br />

‘carrots’ were among the benefits for<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Contracting Ltd (ACL) staff getting<br />

behind the company’s continual involvement in<br />

the national WorkWell programme.<br />

The company has just passed its silver<br />

accreditation, the second step in the four level<br />

programme. The gold level isfollowed bya<br />

maintenance level.<br />

Working toward their silver accreditation<br />

staff chose to focus on a healthy eating<br />

challenge, to continue with mental health and<br />

wellbeing, and physical activities. It tied in with<br />

employee assistance programmes already in<br />

place such asinjury focus and better manual<br />

handling, discounted gym memberships and<br />

physio prevention rehabilitation, which has<br />

been in place for quite some time.<br />

Fifteen people took part in the company’s<br />

Lose to Win Challenge losing an impressive<br />

total combined weight of93.6kg.<br />

But it was ACL’s RussellWarlowwho lost an<br />

impressive18.4kg on the individual challenge<br />

and it earned him, and his wife, afully paid<br />

Hanmer Springs getaway weekend.<br />

The incentivewas one of many the company<br />

offeredtostaffaspart of theirinvolvement, but<br />

WorkWell adviser, Community Public Health<br />

health promoter Carly McDowell says incentives<br />

do not have to cost anything.<br />

They are generally setbythe companyand its<br />

employees.<br />

Benefits have also included a change in<br />

eatingculture among staffand, around the type<br />

of foodprovided for morningtea shouts. In the<br />

past there may have been just savouries and<br />

sandwiches but now offerings will ahealthier<br />

option such as fruit, cheese and crackers or<br />

meats.<br />

ACL, which was the first <strong>Ashburton</strong>business<br />

to sign up for the free WorkWell workplace<br />

wellbeing programme, wanted to create a<br />

happier, healthier and more productive workplace.<br />

Theprogramme’s needs fit in around the<br />

existing health and safety committee.<br />

Other companies have since followed.<br />

The newly gained silver level will see staff at<br />

the contracting company complete anew staff<br />

survey in the coming months tofind priority<br />

areas, but they will work toward adrug and<br />

alcohol awareness.<br />

ACL WorkWell leader, Health and Safety<br />

administrator Emma Prichard said the understanding<br />

of the programme had become easier<br />

as staffwere more aware of the process. But the<br />

accreditations were definitely earned because as<br />

the levels advanced there was more work tobe<br />

done.<br />

She said the support offered though the<br />

programme had been vital, as was the backing<br />

of staff.<br />

It was the staff who gave direction on the<br />

accreditation level focus through aconfidential<br />

survey,which allowed them to voice opinions on<br />

priority wellbeing areas they felt needed to be<br />

covered.<br />

ACL has around 135 employeesand it’s up to<br />

them whether they take the information on<br />

board or not, but working through the<br />

programme has helped make workplace discussion<br />

more open.<br />

‘‘WorkWell’’ is afree, workplace wellbeing<br />

initiative with step by step support and<br />

mentoring, easy to use resources, workshops<br />

and networking opportunities.<br />

Airport has new<br />

fuel supplier<br />

More aircraft could be<br />

filling up at the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Airport when<br />

the <strong>Ashburton</strong> District<br />

Council grants<br />

resource consent for<br />

RD Petroleum to<br />

install a refuelling<br />

depot there.<br />

BP currently have<br />

underground tanks<br />

which supply one type<br />

of fuel, but the tanks<br />

have reached the end<br />

of their uesful life and<br />

the company wants to<br />

remove them, relinquish<br />

their lease and<br />

discontinue supplying<br />

fuel.<br />

RD Petroleum have<br />

agreed to supply and<br />

install a 20,000­litre<br />

AV gas tank (current<br />

fuel) and a20,000­litre<br />

Jet A1 tank.<br />

The airport is owned<br />

by council,whose planning<br />

department will<br />

consider the resource<br />

consent application.<br />

The company plans<br />

to lease land near an<br />

existing children’s<br />

playground atthe airport,<br />

though rent will<br />

be minimal to recognise<br />

the cost of the<br />

installation.<br />

Council commercial<br />

manager Colin Windleborn,<br />

in areport to<br />

the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Airport<br />

Authority subcommittee,<br />

said the installation<br />

of both fuels<br />

would mean an<br />

increase in refuelling<br />

activity at the airport.<br />

Existing users, plus<br />

helicopters and gas<br />

turbine aircraft, would<br />

be able to fill up due to<br />

the availability of both<br />

fuels.<br />

Council would<br />

receive additional<br />

landing feesasaresult;<br />

its only cost would be<br />

to install asmall concrete<br />

apron in front of<br />

the refuelling depot<br />

for a hard stand for<br />

aircraft.<br />

He said the proposed<br />

refuelling depot<br />

location was the best<br />

spot for users and for<br />

the tankers that would<br />

refill the above­ground<br />

storage tanks. The<br />

tanks will be bunded<br />

and protected.<br />

Mr Windleborn said<br />

a new playground<br />

could be installed as<br />

the airport was further<br />

developed.<br />

COVID-<strong>19</strong><br />

Coronavirus<br />

Help protect yourself andyour<br />

whānau with simple tips like<br />

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Page 18, <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Local news at www.starnews.co.nz<br />

Burn research work ateam effort<br />

Controlled burn research up the<br />

Rakaia Gorge is aproject that has<br />

taken scientists and fire and emergency<br />

crews working alongside staff<br />

from Department of Conservation<br />

and Environment Canterbury more<br />

than ayear to prepare.<br />

And once the wind conditions<br />

were just right and each of the fires<br />

were set the tinder­dry metre­high<br />

gorse­land along Double Hill Run<br />

Road went up in flames in minutes.<br />

It’s an impressive sight, marred<br />

only by thick black and grey smoke<br />

billowing off into the atmosphere.<br />

The project, led by Crown research<br />

institute Scion, who specialize in<br />

research, science and technology<br />

development for the forestry, wood<br />

product, wood­drived materials and<br />

other biomaterial sectors, has<br />

included agroup of researchers from<br />

the US Forest Services, Missoula<br />

Fire Sciences Laboratory, San Jose<br />

State University and University of<br />

Canterbury geography department.<br />

There have also been Fire and<br />

Emergency New Zealand (FENZ)<br />

crews from Mid Canterbury, Canterbury,<br />

West Coast and Otago getting<br />

invaluable on­the­ground operational<br />

training experience, and a<br />

chance to network with other fire<br />

crews during a co­ordinated<br />

response.<br />

But the hundreds of man hours to<br />

get permits and approvals, to prepare<br />

the 80 hectare site with burn­off grids<br />

across six burn plots, complete with<br />

10­metre wide firebreaks and buffer<br />

zone, as well as the ground work<br />

done on burn days by fire crews were<br />

worth it.<br />

There was valuable insight in to<br />

how “free­running fires” behave in<br />

gorse scrub fuels to add to existing<br />

knowledge from other experimental<br />

burns done around New Zealand.<br />

Scion Rural Fire Research Group<br />

fire scientist Grant Pearce said the<br />

focus was on the ‘fine scale dynamics<br />

happening right in the flame zone”<br />

and, among other things, to investigate<br />

a US Forest Service theory<br />

about how heat was transferred from<br />

flames to unburned fuels ahead.<br />

He said it meant the movement of<br />

heated air (convection) was “much<br />

more important than previously<br />

thought” and it was hoped the burns<br />

would prove it.<br />

Using a series of instruments<br />

within the burn sites, including<br />

30­metre towers, video recordings<br />

and drones to capture the fire<br />

spread, measurements were being<br />

taken on everything from flame<br />

temperatures, to the turbulence happening<br />

within the flame zone, right<br />

out to the turbulence above the fires<br />

and in the atmosphere.<br />

Lidar was also being used to track<br />

particles in the smoke produced.<br />

The information will help improve<br />

models for predicting how fires will<br />

spread and how hot they will burn.<br />

Information that can be used by<br />

firefighters.<br />

“The research collaboration with<br />

these international and local partners<br />

allows us to tap in to all that<br />

expertise and really add to the<br />

experiments in New Zealand,” he<br />

said.<br />

The fires only took place under<br />

specified weather conditions, had a<br />

helicopter on standby, and with the<br />

final approval of Fire and Emergency<br />

New Zealand. Water was collected<br />

for fire trucks and water storage<br />

tanks from an on­site stream. Prior to<br />

the burns it was used to douse the dry<br />

spots neighbouring the fire zone to<br />

prevent fire spread.<br />

It was also used to mop up the fire,<br />

and prevent flare ups, once the burnoff<br />

had burnt through.<br />

On the morning of burn days, fire<br />

crews signed in at the operations site<br />

and gathered for meetings which<br />

All personnel at the site sign in as part of the co-ordinated incident management system.<br />

included burn plot information,<br />

weather updates and on site conditions.<br />

They were supplied apacked<br />

lunch and bottles of water, which<br />

along with the portable toilets on<br />

site, were able to sustain them for the<br />

day.<br />

The location of everyone on site<br />

was identified using aco­ordinated<br />

incident management system and<br />

placed on card on acentral management<br />

board. The cards were removed<br />

as each person cleared the site.<br />

The effects of wild fires and bush<br />

fires can be devastating and every<br />

year New Zealand has around 3000<br />

wildfires which burn around 6000<br />

hectares of rural lands. It’s an annual<br />

cost to New Zealand of $100m, which<br />

includes firefighting response and<br />

readiness costs, and immediate<br />

damages to property. It does not<br />

include indirect losses such as damage<br />

to rural lands or conservation<br />

resources, personal property or lives.<br />

“As our climate changes and<br />

extreme fire conditions become<br />

more common, our research findings<br />

will hopefully help prevent loss of<br />

life, property and our native vegetation<br />

and wildlife.”<br />

The fire burns will help fire<br />

managers predict where fires are<br />

likely to occur, how severe they will<br />

be, how they are likely to behave<br />

based on vegetation type and other<br />

conditions, and what resources are<br />

needed to control them and put them<br />

out.<br />

Information such as fuel loadings,<br />

fire spread rates and smoke behaviour<br />

for gorse vegetation, a highly<br />

fire­prone fuel­type common across<br />

the country, will aid understanding<br />

of fire behaviour to improve training<br />

information and prediction tools for<br />

firefighters and rural land managers.<br />

The Rakaia Gorge burn follows<br />

earlier experimental burns done in<br />

crop stubble fields and would look at<br />

standing wild pine fires in the future.<br />

Mature gorse was considered particularly<br />

interesting as it can contribute<br />

aheavy fuel load to fire and<br />

burn intensely.<br />

“The economic, social and<br />

environmental costs of wildfire are<br />

growing, and will continue to grow as<br />

communities increasingly spread into<br />

rural and forested areas, and as the<br />

changing climate results in hotter,<br />

drier conditions and an increasing<br />

number of extreme fire­risk days.”<br />

Scion’s rural fire research is done<br />

Instruments in the burn site measure fire activity (above), using drip line ignition (below).<br />

to provide FENZ and other rural fire<br />

and emergency response agencies<br />

with the knowledge and tools to<br />

prevent fires from occurring and to<br />

put wildfires that do occur, out more<br />

quickly and safely. The team as<br />

completed over 140 similar burn<br />

experiments in different vegetation<br />


McKenzie HealthCare<br />


Expansion will lift care levels<br />

Anew extensionatMcKenzie<br />

HealthCarewill increase bed<br />

numbers at the Geraldine facility<br />

by nearly50%.<br />

Buildingofthe extension began<br />

in December2018,and it is<br />

expectedtoofficially open next<br />

month.<br />

It includes24new beds,<br />

including twoextra-large palliative<br />

carerooms, afamily/whanauroom<br />

withakitchen to enablefamily<br />

memberstosleep over,anew<br />

administrationarea, asmall cafe<br />

thatwill be opentovisitors, staff<br />

and residents,ahairdressing<br />

room, newdining andlounge area.<br />

General managerKim Entwistle<br />

saysthe extensionisawelcome<br />

addition,allowing an opportunityto<br />

increasedementia-levelbeds, and<br />

improved palliativecarefacilities.<br />

The currentaged care facility<br />

has 49 beds, including six<br />

dedicated D3 levelrest-home<br />

dementiabeds and dual-purpose<br />

hospitalorrest-home beds,and a<br />

dedicated respite carebed.<br />

Every newroom has aprivate<br />

ensuite,and is largerthana<br />

standardroom, at <strong>19</strong>sq m,<br />

including theensuite.<br />

Rooms comefullyfurnished, but<br />

residents areencouraged to bring<br />

their own furniture if theywish, and<br />

all haveasmarttelevision and<br />

individuallycontrolledcentral<br />

heating.<br />

Seventeen of therooms have<br />

overheadhoisting systems,<br />

makingiteasier forthe resident<br />

and staff.<br />

Withalight, bright colour<br />

schemeand furnishings,the<br />

rooms have atranquil feel,and will<br />

allow each resident to puttheir<br />

own markontheirroom and make<br />

it theirspace.<br />

The extension also provides for<br />

the developmentofoutdoorareas<br />

and safe internalcourtyard areas<br />

as well.<br />

CurrentresidentsofMcKenzie<br />

HealthCare have the first option of<br />

rooms in the new wing, and several<br />

are looking forward to moving in.<br />

The extension has beenaboost<br />

Nearing completion ... The new 24­bed extension at McKenzie<br />

HealthCare in Geraldine is nearly completed, and will increase bed<br />

numbers by 50% at the facility.<br />


for local tradespeople, and<br />

McKenzie HealthCarehas been<br />

supporting localoperators as much<br />

as possibleduring the build.<br />

Community support is afeature<br />

of the facility,from residents’<br />

families, to volunteers who come to<br />

help with various activities and<br />

outings.<br />

Staff numbers will increase with<br />

the extension,cementing<br />

McKenzie HealthCare’s positionas<br />

amajoremployer in the town.<br />

At present, thereare 65 to 70<br />

staff,amix of full-time, part-time<br />

and casual, and including nursing<br />

staff,healthcare assistants and<br />

support staff. They work underthe<br />

direction of general managerKim<br />

Entwistle, clinical co-ordinator<br />

Cathie Orange,and asenior<br />

registered nurse.<br />

As wellascaringfor residentsat<br />

McKenzie HealthCare, staff are<br />

also looking to providecare for<br />

residentsinthe 10 assisted care<br />

unitsinthe McKenzie Lifestyle<br />

Village.<br />

High tech ... McKenzie Health­<br />

Care general manager Kim<br />

Entwistle and senior registered<br />

nurse Jenny Hall, in one of the new<br />

rooms with the overhead hoist<br />

system.<br />

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Page 20, <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />


Local news at www.starnews.co.nz<br />

Expansive operation<br />

This aerial image shows the scale ofthe McKenzie<br />

HealthCare operation, including the existing<br />

facility, the new extension, and the McKenzie<br />

Lifestyle Village behind.<br />





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Page 29, <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Local news at www.starnews.co.nz<br />


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Local news at www.starnews.co.nz <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2020</strong>, Page 21<br />

5Baring SquareWest,<strong>Ashburton</strong> |POBox 94, <strong>Ashburton</strong>, NewZealand 7740 | Telephone (03) 307 7700 | Facsimile (03) 308 1836<br />

<strong>19</strong> <strong>March</strong><strong>2020</strong> | ISSUE 144<br />


DIARY<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Domain<br />

Demolition well underway<br />

Rakaia Salmon site upgrades<br />

kicking off<br />

Upgrades to the Rakaia Salmon<br />

sitehavestarted this week,with<br />

the old toilets being removed<br />

from Monday 16 <strong>March</strong> and the<br />

caravan effluent dump station<br />

closing until anew location can<br />

be secured.<br />

TheCouncil is removing the oldpublic<br />

toilets at the park and is replacing them<br />

with anew 10-pan facility, which is<br />

intendedtohelp meetdemand on the<br />

facilities,particularly from visitors to the<br />

district.<br />

Council Infrastructure Services Group<br />

Manager, Neil McCann says the<br />

Council iskeen to deliver the upgrades,<br />

which have been made possible<br />

through combined funding from the<br />

Government's Tourism Infrastructure<br />

Fund (TIF), Rakaia Lions and the<br />

Council.<br />

"These new public toilets will make a<br />

big difference tothe salmon site. With<br />

many people, particularly tourist buses<br />

stopping to use the toilets, we want<br />

to ensure there are ample facilities<br />

available.<br />

"A lot of work hasbeengoing on behind<br />

the scenes to secure asupplier for the<br />

toilets and with thisand otherplanning<br />

work now complete, we're ready to<br />

start building."<br />

Permaloo hasbeen awarded the tender<br />

to deliver and install the new toilets,<br />

which will begin on 1April. Portable<br />

toilets will be available at the site until<br />

the new facilities are ready. The old<br />

toilets are having toberemoved first<br />

dueto parkingspace needsandto allow<br />

forthe newtoilets to be built wherethe<br />

current onesare located.<br />

As part of the upgrades, the caravan<br />

effluent dumpstation is being relocated<br />

to another site, yettobedetermined.In<br />

the meantime, the Rakaia dump station<br />

is closed from 16 <strong>March</strong>, but caravans<br />

and campervans are still be able to<br />

2 Capsules in <strong>Ashburton</strong>cenotaph 4 Rural roads<br />

7<br />

access the <strong>Ashburton</strong> and Methven<br />

dump stations.<br />

The historic jail is also being relocated<br />

to the other side of the Bridgeman's<br />

hut,and piling forthis will be carried out<br />

as the oldtoilets areremoved.<br />

The Council is investing$<strong>19</strong>8,000 from<br />

existing budgets toinstall new toilets<br />

and carry out arange of landscaping<br />

upgrades, including providing solarpowered<br />

rubbish bins, additional<br />

seating, concrete footpaths, Rakaia<br />

history signage and additional<br />

playground equipment.<br />

A $740,000 grant from the TIF and<br />

$20,000 generously donated by the<br />

Rakaia Lions is also helping to deliver<br />

the upgrades.<br />

More information about the location<br />

of the Rakaia caravan effluent dump<br />

stationwillbeprovidedwhen anew site<br />

is secured.<br />

to receiveimportant<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> District<br />

Council alerts.<br />


The free service is<br />

available to all New<br />

Zealand phone numbers.<br />

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Page 22, <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Local news at www.starnews.co.nz<br />


From the Mayor: Have your sayonplansfor<br />

the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Domain<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>DistrictMayor,Neil Brown<br />

The <strong>Ashburton</strong> Domain is<br />

undoubtedly one of our most<br />

important local facilities.<br />

Looking back over the years, it's<br />

provided many great memories<br />

like Christmas events, sporting<br />

tournamentsanddaysspentwith<br />

the familyintheplayground,but<br />

now weare turning our eyes to<br />

the future and looking ahead to<br />

what the Domain could be over<br />

the next 30 years.<br />

The Council has adopted a draft<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Domain Development Plan<br />

that seeks to future-proof the Domain<br />

for our community for many years to<br />

come, and we need your help to ensure<br />

we'reonthe right track.<br />

Thechanges proposed addressalmost<br />

every activity, facility and attraction<br />

at the Domain. There are proposals<br />

for sports clubs, the playground<br />

and paddling pool, gardens, lawns,<br />

waterwaysand even theway people get<br />

in and out of theDomain.<br />

For instance, there are proposals to<br />

move the paddling pool closer to<br />

the playground; build heritage and<br />

botanicaltrails;upgradetheplayground<br />

equipment;buildaCentralHubnearthe<br />

playgroundthatcouldaccommodatea<br />

café and outdoordining area;construct<br />

an entranceway from Walnut Avenue;<br />

andimprove connectivity to <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

town with better access across State<br />

Highway1.<br />

With these various proposals in mind,<br />

I'm sure there are ideas that would<br />

be of interest to every person inour<br />

district,whetheryou take thekids to the<br />

Domain on weekends,enjoy abarbecue<br />

or picniconthe lawns,gotoevents,or<br />

playsportatone of thefields or facilities<br />

throughout the year.<br />

It's crucial that residents take alook at<br />

the draft proposalsand tell us whatthey<br />

think beforeafinal DevelopmentPlanis<br />

adopted.<br />

We need to know ifwe're making the<br />

rightdecisionsfortheDomain,including<br />

when the work for each individual<br />

project would begin and which items<br />

should be prioritised.<br />

Youcan have your say bycompleting<br />

a feedback form on the Council<br />

websiteuntil 5pmonSunday5Aprilat<br />

ashburtondc.govt.nz/haveyoursay<br />

Ifyouchoose,you'llalsohavetheoption<br />

to speaktoyour submissionatahearing<br />

that will take place after consultation<br />

closes. This is agreat chance tovoice<br />

your opinion directlytoCouncillorsand<br />

forthemtoask youquestionsfor more<br />

clarity.<br />

This is your Domain, so please playyour<br />

part and have asay on its future.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Domain<br />

Development Plan<br />

Our Place:OurDomain<br />

Haveyour<br />

Say!<br />

We aredeveloping a30-yearplan forour Domain to<br />

ensureitisfuture-proofedfor theyears to come.We<br />

want to knowwhat youthink of our ideas -thisis<br />

your chance to shapewhatthe Domainwill look like.<br />

Full maps andinformation on theproposed<br />

plans, alongwithaform to provideyour<br />

feedback canbe foundat<br />

ashburtondc.govt.nz/haveyoursay<br />

We areaccepting feedback until 5pm, Sunday 5April <strong>2020</strong>.<br />


Councillor Comment-Carolyn Cameron<br />

Over the past few months,<br />

Ihaveenjoyedviewing apart<br />

of the <strong>Ashburton</strong> District from<br />

aby-gone era. Ihave been<br />

visitingsome of the hallsand<br />

reserve boards in ourdistrict,<br />

of which there are <strong>19</strong>under<br />

theCouncil’sadministration.<br />

I’ve experienced awonderful sense<br />

ofnostalgiaduringthesevisits.These<br />

carefully maintained buildings offer<br />

aview ofwhat our world was like<br />

over acentury ago: one hall, which<br />

was formally Greenstreet School<br />

was opened in 1876 and isnow a<br />

sizeable combined districthall.<br />

Avisit reminds us of the sacrifices<br />

many people made in the Great<br />

War and the Second World War as<br />

we take in the names listed on old<br />

boards hanginginsolemn reminder<br />

of past sacrifices.<br />

The halls ofour district are often<br />

generally adorned with well-used<br />

stages and beautiful wooden<br />

floors, lovingly maintained and<br />

restored by volunteers putting<br />

hours into cleaning, painting<br />

and tending these remnants of a<br />

previous era. These are the people<br />

our district depends on to preserve<br />

an important part of our heritage.<br />

To paraphrase Isaac Newton,<br />

we progress by “standing onthe<br />

shoulders of giants”.<br />

Iurge everyone to visit our Museum<br />

and look at the photographs and<br />

exhibits of an earlier <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

and imagine the lives our great<br />

grandparents enjoyed. Follow this<br />

experience upwith adrive around<br />

the district and view these old<br />

halls, reserves, playgrounds and<br />

tennis courts and appreciate an<br />

earlier time in our districts history.<br />

Appreciating and understanding<br />

the past is important and we need<br />

to constantly remindourselvesthat<br />

what we enjoyisherebecauseofthe<br />

efforts of thosewho went beforeus.<br />

Our new Civic Centre, housing the<br />

Council and Library, will be agreat<br />

monument forthe future butlet us<br />

ensure we retain aportion of the<br />

past andacknowledgethese earlier<br />

achievements.Ibelieve it would be<br />

appropriate to incorporate some<br />

sort offormal recognition of those<br />

thathavehelped to make<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

and its surrounding areas the<br />

thriving region that we enjoytoday.<br />

This could, for example, involve<br />

installation of significant pictures<br />

of our past into the pavements<br />

or gardens of this new building. I<br />

would welcome ideas from others<br />

interested in this issue.<br />

2 <strong>19</strong> <strong>March</strong> <strong>2020</strong> |ISSUE 144<br />


Local news at www.starnews.co.nz <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2020</strong>, Page 23<br />



Meet<strong>Ashburton</strong>'s<br />

newYouth Council<br />

Above ground upgrades<br />

startingin<strong>Ashburton</strong> CBD<br />

KlaraHarrison<br />

Youth Councillor<br />

MaddiePage<br />

Submission Coordinator<br />

I’m a17year<br />

old student<br />

currently<br />

studying<br />

Year 13 at<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

College.Iam<br />

someone<br />

who enjoys<br />

various<br />

sports,<br />

travel, volunteer work with children<br />

andspending time with friendsand<br />

family.Ialso haveapart time job as<br />

alifeguardand swim tutoratthe EA<br />

Networks Centre. <strong>2020</strong> is going to be a<br />

big year forme, having been selected<br />

formyschool’sGreen House Executive,<br />

and being offeredaposition on the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Youth Council.<br />

As this is most likely my lastyearliving<br />

in thedistrict beforeIgo to university to<br />

pursue acareerinmedicine, this is my<br />

year to makeachangein<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

Ibelieve Ihavemany things to offer<br />

the<strong>Ashburton</strong> Community this year,<br />

especially astrong advocate voicefor<br />

mental health,and whatbetterway<br />

to do that thantobethe youth voice<br />

communicating ideas straighttothe<br />

Council!<br />

My nameis<br />

Maddie Page<br />

and Iamthe<br />

Submission<br />

Coordinator<br />

on the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Youth<br />

Council. I<br />

am 12years<br />

old andam<br />

aYear8student at <strong>Ashburton</strong> Borough<br />

School. Ilove readingand creative<br />

writing, Ialso enjoyplaying Hockey. I<br />

really care aboutthe environment.I<br />

am very excitedtobeonthe <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

YouthCouncil becauseitshows me that<br />

Ihaveavoiceand it showsother young<br />

people in the districtthattheir voice<br />

canbeheard too.<br />

Progress on the <strong>Ashburton</strong> CBD<br />

streetscape revitalisation is<br />

moving ahead on track, with<br />

above ground upgrades on Cass<br />

Street nowunderway.<br />

The new underground infrastructure,<br />

including water pipes are almost<br />

finishedbeinginstalledalong bothsides<br />

of Cass Street (between Havelock and<br />

MooreStreets) and atemporary coat of<br />

chip seal has been applied to the road.<br />

The contractors, TruLine Civil began<br />

constructing rain gardensand newkerb<br />

this week (16<strong>March</strong>)and onceall above<br />

ground upgrades are completed, the<br />

permanent road surfacewill be applied.<br />

The roundabout at the Cass Street/<br />

Havelock Street intersection has been<br />

removed. Atemporary roundabout has<br />

been installed, but this will become a<br />

give-wayintersection in comingweeks,<br />

with priority given to Havelock Street<br />

traffic.<br />

Some driver confusion continues in<br />

the area, particularly at the Burnett<br />

Street intersection. It's understood<br />

that the traffic flow issues are being<br />

compounded by the rebuild working<br />

happening at the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Club &<br />

MSA. Due tothe ongoing work inthis<br />

area,residents arebeing remindedthat<br />

stop/go regulations will be in place at<br />

times and to be mindful of the roadwork<br />

signage.<br />

Learn more about the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

CBD Streetscape Revewal project at<br />

ashburtondc.govt.nz/CBD<br />

Council to begin maintenance on Art Gallery<br />

&HeritageCentre<br />

The <strong>Ashburton</strong> Art Gallery &<br />

Heritage Centre will be the<br />

focus of internal and external<br />

repairs over coming weeks and<br />

months, as the Council begins a<br />

programme to remedy building<br />

defects identified through an<br />

independentassessment.<br />

The Council discovered intermittent<br />

waterleakissues in the building during<br />

extreme weather conditions after the<br />

building became fully occupied. The<br />

Councilalso foundthe air conditioning<br />

system was not working to its<br />

expectations.<br />

The first work tobeundertaken will<br />

be painting and sealing the southern<br />

exterior wall of the building as this was<br />

identifiedasinmostneedfortreatment,<br />

with other walls being painted and<br />

sealed where necessary. The three<br />

upstairs bay windows facing State<br />

Highway1will also be waterproofed.<br />

Other repairs include inspecting<br />

and repairing the roof membrane,<br />

installing new heating and ventilation<br />

equipment,includingthe installationof<br />

buffer tanks.<br />

Chief Executive Hamish Riach said the<br />

Council ispleased to begin the repair<br />

work, which has been budgeted for in<br />

the20<strong>19</strong>/20 Annual Plan.<br />

"Our first priority is completing the<br />

painting and roof membrane repairs<br />

before winter, then moving onto the<br />

work needed insidethe building.<br />

"It'simportant that we getthisrequired<br />

work underway sooner rather than<br />

later, asweknow the Art Gallery &<br />

HeritageCentreisanimportant facility<br />

to ourcommunity."<br />

The Council has taken additional<br />

steps to ensure the protection ofthe<br />

Art Gallery and Museum assets while<br />

work has been waiting tobegin. This<br />

has included regular monitoring of<br />

temperatures and moisture levels and<br />

installing a temporary dehumidifier<br />

system where needed to maintain<br />

appropriatelevels of climate control.<br />

Themaintenance work is not expected<br />

to affect the centre'sopening hours.<br />

ashburtondc.govt.nz<br />

<strong>19</strong> <strong>March</strong> <strong>2020</strong> |ISSUE 144<br />


Page 24, <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />


Local news at www.starnews.co.nz<br />


Maintenance work<br />

uncovers timecapsules in<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>cenotaph<br />

A thorough deep-clean of<br />

the <strong>Ashburton</strong> war memorial<br />

in Baring Square West has<br />

uncovered two time capsules,<br />

oneofwhichhaslaidundisturbed<br />

in the cenotaph for almost 100<br />

years.<br />

Behind one of the tiles that have been<br />

carefully removed and cleaned by<br />

hand, the team from Stoneface Ltd<br />

came across twoairtightcopperboxes<br />

encasedinthe memorial.<br />

The first time capsulewas laid whenthe<br />

memorial wasunveiled in June <strong>19</strong>28.It<br />

is reportedtoinclude the namesofthe<br />

97,335 members ofthe New Zealand<br />

Expeditionary Force who served<br />

overseasduring World WarI.<br />

It is also said toinclude acopy ofthe<br />

proclamation of peace issued byKing<br />

George V and several local books,<br />

newspapers and items from the time.<br />

Jubilee booklets and catalogues from<br />

the <strong>Ashburton</strong> A&P Association and<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> County are inside, asisa<br />

history of<strong>Ashburton</strong> compiled by the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> AAand aMāori souvenir of<br />

NewZealand booklet.<br />

Schools and churches contributed<br />

with magazinesand souvenir booklets.<br />

Samplesofwheatandwoollenproducts<br />

produced in the district arealsoinside.<br />

Thesecondtime capsule is understood<br />

tocontainthenamesofthe104,988New<br />

Zealand soldierswho fought overseasin<br />

World WarII.<br />

Both copper boxes have remnants of<br />

pitch coating them.<br />

The capsules were entrusted to the<br />

care of the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Museum who<br />

have been looking after them until<br />

they are reinstated after cleaning<br />

and maintenance on the cenotaph is<br />

finished. Neither of the capsules have<br />

been opened.<br />

ANZACDay services <strong>2020</strong><br />

Please note, these services may<br />

be subjecttochange.<br />

Thefollowingservices havebeen<br />

arrangedfor the <strong>Ashburton</strong>District,and<br />

allresidents arewelcome to attend.<br />


Dawn Service<br />

When: 6.30am<br />

Where: <strong>Ashburton</strong> cenotaph, Baring<br />

Square West,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Speaker: MP Andrew Falloon<br />

Service conducted by Brigadier Mike<br />

Allwright of the Salvation Army<br />


When:9.00am<br />

Where: Services Plot, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Cemetery<br />

Speaker: MP Jo Luxton<br />

R.S.Amembers assembleatnorth end<br />

of ServicePersonnel plot at 8.45am<br />


When:11.00am<br />

Where: <strong>Ashburton</strong>cenotaph, Baring<br />

Square West,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Speaker: <strong>Ashburton</strong> DistrictMayor Neil<br />

Brown<br />

Limitedseatingavailable forelderly<br />

citizens. 150seats reserved forreturned<br />

andservicepersonnel. Ex-service<br />

personnel andother groups(Scouts,<br />

Guides etc.) assembleatthe cornerof<br />

Havelock and Park Streetsby10.45am.<br />


When: 9.30am, assemble at Panther<br />

Rock Cafécar park.<br />

When:9.45am, parade leaves<br />

When: 10.00am, service<br />

Where: Mayfield Memorial Hall<br />

Collection foracharity and morning<br />

Teatofollow, aplate appreciated.<br />

12.00 noon. Golf match at Mayfield<br />

GolfClub<br />

METHVEN:<br />

When:9.15am, assemble at the<br />

Memorial Arch on McDonaldStreet<br />

When: 9.30am, march<br />

When: 10.00am, service<br />

Where: Mt HuttMemorial Hall, 160Main<br />

Street,Methven<br />

Morning Teainthe supperroom of the<br />

Memorial Hall.<br />

HINDS:<br />

When: 10am<br />

Where: Hinds Hall<br />

Ex servicepersonnel andScout &<br />

Guides assemble at Scout Den at<br />

9.45am.<br />

RAKAIA:<br />

When: 10.00<br />

Where: Rakaia Community Centre,<br />

Mackie Street, Rakaia.<br />

From the CEO: Heeding advice, bestprotection<br />

ChiefExecutiveHamish Riach<br />

As the impacts ofcoronavirus<br />

CONVID-<strong>19</strong> continue to unfold<br />

each day, we are all assessing<br />

our ownsituationsand thinking<br />

about what we need to do to best<br />

prepare and protect ourselves<br />

andthe wider community.<br />

You'll have seen that there are now<br />

bright postersatthe entrances of the EA<br />

Networks Centre,Museum, Libraryand<br />

Council buildingaskinganyone who is<br />

feeling unwell to please return home<br />

and to contact their GP or Healthline for<br />

advice.<br />

We have introduced these and other<br />

sensible precautions based on the<br />

advicecoming from NewZealand'slead<br />

agency onthe COVID-<strong>19</strong> response, the<br />

Ministry of Health (MoH). As notonlya<br />

public serviceand facility provider,but<br />

also alocal employer, the Councilhas a<br />

responsibility to do allwecan to protect<br />

the welfare ofour residents and staff.<br />

It is aresponsibly other organisations<br />

and businesses are actively assessing<br />

as well.<br />

We havereinforced sanitiser messages<br />

to our staff to regularly wash or clean<br />

their hands, are advising our teams<br />

to reduce hand-to-hand contact with<br />

others and to stay at home ifthey are<br />

feelingunwell.Wehavealso increased<br />

our cleaningand sanitisingactivities at<br />

all our facilities.<br />

Advice from the MoH experts is that<br />

washing our hands thoroughly,<br />

avoiding touching our faces, sneezing<br />

and coughing into tissues or our<br />

elbow, and staying athome ifweare<br />

experiencingpossiblesymptoms areall<br />

practicaland effective measures to help<br />

protect ourselves and our community.<br />

These are measures we should all<br />

adopt in our efforts toberesponsible<br />

and reduce thespreadofthe virus.<br />

From a Council perspective, we are<br />

refreshing our Business Continuity<br />

Plans toensure wecan keep critical<br />

Councilservicesopen and cansupport<br />

stafftoworkfromhomewherepossible,<br />

and have set up an internal Pandemic<br />

PlanningGroup whichismeeting daily<br />

to keep abreast of developments and<br />

respond accordingly. Additionally,<br />

we are working with industry leaders<br />

whoare working on behalf of allLocal<br />

Authorities to coordinate advice ona<br />

vastarrayofissuesconfrontingCouncils<br />

and their services forcommunities.<br />

The MoH remains the single source of<br />

truth on coronavirus COVID-<strong>19</strong>, and<br />

I urge everyone in our community<br />

to check their website (health.govt.<br />

nz/COVID-<strong>19</strong>) for information. The<br />

MoH stresses anyone who has been<br />

overseaswithinthe last14days andhas<br />

developed afever, cough or shortness<br />

of breath should phone Healthline’s<br />

dedicated COVID-<strong>19</strong> number 0800 358<br />

5453 or contacttheirGP.<br />

4 <strong>19</strong> <strong>March</strong> <strong>2020</strong> |ISSUE 144<br />


Local news at www.starnews.co.nz <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2020</strong>, Page 25<br />



Roll up your sleevesfor working bee activities<br />

this NeighboursDay<br />

"WorkingBee in Your Neighbourhoodis<br />

awonderful opportunity tomake new<br />

friends and beinvolved in something<br />

that will benefit our local facilities,"<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> District Mayor Neil Brown<br />

says.<br />

"Sign uptoday to play your part and<br />

help makeapositivedifferenceinyour<br />

neighbourhood."<br />

and Hakatere Multicultural Council's<br />

NewcomersNetwork.<br />

Working bee locations will nominate<br />

someone from their group or<br />

organisation that will coordinate<br />

the event, incollaboration with the<br />

Neighbours Day Committee. Some<br />

clubs may incorporate a‘have ago’<br />

elementtotheir event as well.<br />

Neighbours Day <strong>2020</strong> is set to<br />

spark the district's community<br />

spiritrightacrossMidCanterbury<br />

on Saturday 28 <strong>March</strong> thanks<br />

to anew Working Bee in Your<br />

Neighbourhood initiative.<br />

The Mid Canterbury Neighbours<br />

Day Committee, comprised of the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>District Council's Welcoming<br />

Communities Programme, Hakatere<br />

Multicultural Council, Neighbourhood<br />

Support and Mid Canterbury TimeBank<br />

are promoting Working Bee in Your<br />

Neighbourhood to foster connections,<br />

build community morale and raise<br />

awarenessoflocal community groups.<br />

Schools, groups and clubs who<br />

participateinthe district-wide initiative<br />

will not only be giving back totheir<br />

community but willgointothe draw to<br />

win aDominos Pizza delivery for their<br />

event. Photosoftheir eventwill also get<br />

themintothe draw.<br />

Five working bee projects are already<br />

proposed at Community House,<br />

Hinds School, Our Lady of the Snows<br />

Methven, Netherby School andAllenton<br />

School. Projects are set to include<br />

gardenplantings, sandingand painting,<br />

weeding and general tidying and repair<br />

work.<br />

The NeighboursDay Committee willbe<br />

encouraging their members, staff and<br />

stakeholders to roll up their sleeves<br />

and take part in theworking bees. This<br />

includesbusinesses who featured in the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>DistrictCouncil's'Welcoming<br />

Workplaces' video series; ACL, Subway<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>, ANZCO,Talley'sand Rakaia<br />

Island Dairies; as well as Council staff,<br />

TimeBankers,Neighbourhood Support<br />

To learn more about the working bees<br />

in various neighbourhoods, people<br />

areencouraged to visitthe Welcoming<br />

Communities - <strong>Ashburton</strong> District<br />

Facebook page overthe comingweeks.<br />

Lists of registered organisations will be<br />

promoted on the Facebook page.<br />

To register a school, club or group<br />

with the Mid Canterbury Neighbours<br />

Day Committee, contact any of the<br />

coordinators, e-mail Janice.McKay@<br />

adc.govt.nz or visit tinyurl.com/<br />

MidCanterburyNeighbours<strong>2020</strong><br />

Neighbours Day <strong>2020</strong> will take place<br />

on Saturday 28 <strong>March</strong>. Learn more<br />

about Neighbours Day at www.<br />

neighboursday.org.nz<br />

Council receives AA+<br />

credit rating<br />

The <strong>Ashburton</strong> District could<br />

save hundreds of thousands of<br />

dollars in interest repayments<br />

over the coming years after it<br />

wasrevealed this month that the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council has<br />

received an AA+ credit rating.<br />

Independent credit rating company,<br />

FitchRatingsServiceshaveassessedthe<br />

Council's ability to service debt against<br />

arange of criteria anddeterminedthat<br />

the Council and district are inastrong<br />

financial position that should provide<br />

positiveassurancetolenders.<br />

The rating will assist the Council to<br />

secure lower interest rates when<br />

borrowing from lenders, which will<br />

help offset the financial burden on<br />

ratepayers.<br />

Council Chief Executive, Hamish Riach<br />

says the AA+ credit rating means the<br />

Council can now access lower interest<br />

rates from the Local Government<br />

Funding Agencyofupto20points.<br />

"Fitch Ratings'assessment is apositive<br />

testamenttotheCouncil'sfiscalposition<br />

and the effortsofcurrentand previous<br />

elected Councils to operateresponsibly<br />

and efficiently forour community.<br />

"We are very pleased to receive this<br />

rating. It will certainly have good<br />

outcomes forratepayers, and residents<br />

should be proud of theirdistrict'sgood<br />

standing."<br />

In the last financial year, the Council<br />

achieved its Financial Strategy targets<br />

to not exceed rate and external debt<br />

limits.<br />

Its goals for the next 10 years are to<br />

ensure the Council remains financially<br />

stable; spend money prudently to<br />

deliver services, cater for growth and<br />

manage assets soundly; ensure rates<br />

and fees arekept to areasonable level;<br />

and provide clear financial parameters<br />

forwork programmes.<br />

Information on the Council's financial<br />

performance inthe last financial year<br />

are available in the 2018/<strong>19</strong> Annual<br />

Report.<br />

ashburtondc.govt.nz<br />

<strong>19</strong> <strong>March</strong> <strong>2020</strong> |ISSUE 144<br />


Page 26, <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />


Local news at www.starnews.co.nz<br />


Councils seek funding to investigatefuture<br />

water services<br />

Five CentralSouth Island district<br />

councils haveapplied forfunding<br />

to investigate changes to water<br />

services as part of a major<br />

Government review.<br />

TheCentral South WaterCollaboration<br />

(CSW), which comprises of staff<br />

from <strong>Ashburton</strong>, Mackenzie, Timaru,<br />

Waimate and Waitaki district councils,<br />

is investigating whether acollaborative<br />

approach to three waters services<br />

delivery could benefit their councils<br />

and communities, leading to improved<br />

public health and environmental<br />

outcomes.<br />

Three waters encompasses drinking<br />

watercollectiontreatmentanddelivery,<br />

sewage transport, treatment disposal<br />

and stormwater management.<br />

TheGovernment setupaThreeWaters<br />

Review team in parallel with the inquiry<br />

into the drinking water contamination<br />

incidentinHavelock North. It has been<br />

considering solutions to the wider<br />

affordability and capability challenges<br />

facing local councils, and has mooted<br />

that there islikely to be significant<br />

change to how these services are<br />

provided.<br />

CSW has applied for $120,000 from<br />

aGovernment fund set aside tohelp<br />

investigate regional, multi-regional or<br />

sub-regional service delivery models.<br />

The five councils will split the other<br />

$120,000 cost of the work on aper<br />

rateable unitbasis.<br />

The five councils collectively serve<br />

around 115,000 people. The districts<br />

are like-minded and share similar<br />

sector and populationprofiles, as well<br />

as common issues and opportunities<br />

regarding three waters.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council<br />

Infrastructure Services Group Manager,<br />

Neil McCann said, "The Government<br />

has made itclear that the delivery of<br />

three waters across the country will<br />

change, and wethink it’s important<br />

to collectively take the opportunity to<br />

investigate and propose options using<br />

our local knowledge and experience,<br />

ratherthanhavealess tailoredsolution<br />

imposedonus.<br />

“This project will build on work<br />

already begun byCSW to understand<br />

key principles and objectives for<br />

collaborative water services, identify<br />

options for collaborative service<br />

delivery, and understand costs and<br />

widerimpacts to ensureservices across<br />

the sub-region are delivered to ahigh<br />

quality and in an affordable manner.”<br />

Councils in the Mid and South<br />

Canterbury area havealonghistory of<br />

collaboration on major cross boundary<br />

infrastructure, most recently the Aoraki<br />

Roading Collaboration which helped<br />

standardiseand bringbenefits of scale<br />

to roading serviceprocurement.<br />

Details of whichprojects will be granted<br />

the funding from the Department of<br />

Internal Affairs are predicted to be<br />

announced in early April.<br />

Romanian giftfinds<br />

home in <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

A family trip to Romania in<br />

June last year has established<br />

an unexpected relationship<br />

between <strong>Ashburton</strong> and the<br />

ancientcity of Constanta,thanks<br />

to local school girl, Alexandra<br />

Cojocaru.<br />

Alexandra (10) who attends Hampstead<br />

School, and her father Leonard visited<br />

the family's home country in June<br />

and July last year, and whilst visiting<br />

relatives was introduced to the Deputy<br />

Mayor of Constanta. Upon hearing of<br />

the vast distancethe family'snew home<br />

wasonthe othersideofthe world, the<br />

Deputy Mayor asked if Alexandrawould<br />

deliver aletterand bookabout the city<br />

to the mayor of herhome in <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

District.<br />

Last month, Alexandra presented the<br />

gifts to Mayor Neil Brown, who was<br />

delighted at the show ofinternational<br />

friendship and diplomacy.<br />

"It was Children's Day in the city, and<br />

her grandfather knew some local<br />

politicians," Leonard said. "When they<br />

heardshe wasaKiwi, shewas asked if<br />

she would meetthe Deputy Mayor."<br />

Constanta is the oldest continually<br />

inhabited city in Romania, and was<br />

foundedinaround600BCE.Itwashome<br />

to one of the greatest poets in Roman<br />

history, Ovid.<br />

The Romanian book now resides<br />

proudly at the <strong>Ashburton</strong> District<br />

Council.<br />

Pictured:Alexandrapresentingthe book<br />

to <strong>Ashburton</strong> Mayor Neil Brown.<br />

6 <strong>19</strong> <strong>March</strong> <strong>2020</strong> |ISSUE 144<br />


Local news at www.starnews.co.nz <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2020</strong>, Page 27<br />



Rural roads getfinal<br />

protectivelayer<br />

Several rural intersections in the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> District are receiving<br />

afinal layer of protectiontokeep<br />

theroadsurfaceingood order for<br />

drivers.<br />

Anewlayerofasphaltisbeingappliedto<br />

the roads, makingthe surface resistant<br />

to flushing, the name giventodescribe<br />

bitumen rising to the road surface and<br />

resulting in asmooth pavement. This<br />

smoothness can beslippery inwinter<br />

and soft inextreme heat.<br />

The finallayer of asphalt is applied after<br />

a'milling' treatment, where the road<br />

surfaceisdug back to allowfor the new<br />

and old asphalt layers to seamlessly<br />

blend with no overlap.<br />

The intersectionsofMaronan, Cracroft,<br />

Lismore Mayfield and McDougalls<br />

Roads, as well as Melcombe, Moranan<br />

and Hendersons Road, and asection<br />

along Melcombe Street have been the<br />

siteofthemillingandasphalttreatment.<br />

Milling depth starts at 50 millimetres<br />

andthisreducestozerooverfive-to-10<br />

metres,creating agradualblend.<br />

The final layer of asphaltisthenapplied<br />

andprovides extrastrengthtothe road<br />

surface.<br />

Some of the programmed works<br />

were completed in February, with the<br />

reminderto takeplaceover thenext two<br />

months.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Library &<br />

CivicCentre project<br />

progressing on track<br />

Progress on <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s<br />

new Library & Civic Centre is<br />

developing on track, with the<br />

projectoncourseforconstruction<br />

to beginatthe endofthe year.<br />

The Council and its project manager,<br />

Logic Group are now inthe developed<br />

stage ofthe design process, which is<br />

expected to wrap up in April before<br />

detailed designs arecraftedand putout<br />

fortender.<br />

Council Chief Executive, Hamish Riach<br />

says whileresidents will not have seen<br />

much happening since the site for the<br />

newcentrewas clearedlastyear, there<br />

has been alot of work goingonbehind<br />

the scenes.<br />

"The design process and timeline<br />

was established atthe very start of<br />

this project in 2018, and we are still<br />

operating on track.The work completed<br />

to-date, including the site preparation,<br />

has allowed for further technical<br />

investigation to inform the detailed<br />

design phase. This comprised of geotechnical<br />

and contaminationsurveys."<br />

The Council approved concept<br />

designs for the building in August<br />

20<strong>19</strong>, which included progressing with<br />

environmentally sustainable features,<br />

such asanartesian well and chilled<br />

beam cooling/heating system, and<br />

usingtimberasakeystructuralelement.<br />

Pioneer Hall, aheritagebuilding on the<br />

site will also be incorporated into the<br />

newbuild.<br />

Mr Riach continued that with concept<br />

plans established, the work is now<br />

focusingonhowtotranslate thoseideas<br />

intomoreconcrete designs.<br />

"It's all about how we make each<br />

of the components work to deliver<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>'s new Library and Civic<br />

Centre."<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> District Mayor, Neil Brown<br />

is encouraging residents to stay up-todate<br />

with the project by signing up to<br />

theCouncil's free e-newsletter.<br />

"This is an exciting project for our<br />

community, and the end result will<br />

be quite anupgrade from what we<br />

currently have. Make sure you're<br />

hearing the latest about this project<br />

and other Council news with the<br />

help of our e-newsletter by visiting<br />

ashburtondc.govt.nz/stayinformed."<br />

11 :1 5a m<br />

Home Snap<br />

100%<br />

Next<br />

Include a photo of the<br />

incident<br />

Add anotherphoto<br />

ashburtondc.govt.nz<br />

<strong>19</strong> <strong>March</strong> <strong>2020</strong> |ISSUE 144<br />


Page 28, <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />


Local news at www.starnews.co.nz<br />


Community Noticeboard<br />



Pursuant to the Transport (Vehicular Traffic RoadClosure) Regulations<br />

<strong>19</strong>65, noticeisherebygiven that the following roads will be closed to<br />

ordinaryvehicular traffic to allowthe following:<br />

Flying Kiwi Motorcycles Ltd, forthe purpose of attempting the Land<br />

Speed Record Attempt event,proposestoclosethe followingroadto<br />

ordinaryvehicular traffic forthe period indicated hereunder.<br />

Roadproposed to be closed:<br />

• McCRORYS ROAD betweenAwaroaSchool Road &Kyle Road<br />

intersections<br />

Period of Closure:<br />

• 8.00am and 4.30pm on Friday, 03 April <strong>2020</strong><br />

• 8.00am and 4.30pm on Saturday, 04 April <strong>2020</strong><br />

• 8.00am and 4.30pm on Sunday, 05 April <strong>2020</strong> (Extraday in case<br />

of rain on either day above)<br />

Any person objecting to the proposal is called upon to lodgenoticeof<br />

their objection and grounds thereofinwriting or email to Council by<br />

4.00pm on 20 <strong>March</strong> <strong>2020</strong>.<br />

Neil McCann<br />

ServiceDeliveryGroup Manager<br />


Pursuant to the Transport (Vehicular Traffic RoadClosure) Regulations<br />

<strong>19</strong>65, noticeisherebygiven that the following roads will be closed to<br />

ordinaryvehicular traffic to allowthe following:<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Returnedand Services’Association to hold ANZACDay<br />

services,proposes to close the followingroads to ordinaryvehicular<br />

traffic forthe period indicated hereunder.<br />

Road to be closed<br />

• HAVELOCK STREET,fromPark StreettoEast Street<br />

• BARING SQUARE WEST,fromHavelock StreettoCameron Street<br />

• SH 1(WESTSTREET),fromHavelock StreettoCameron Street<br />

• CAMERON STREET, from West StreettoParkStreet<br />

Period of Closure:<br />

• From 6.00am to 8.30pm and 10.00am to 12.30pm on Saturday,<br />

25 April <strong>2020</strong><br />

Any person objecting to the proposal is called upon to lodgenoticeof<br />

their objection and grounds thereof in writing or email to Council by<br />

4.00 pm, Friday 27 <strong>March</strong> <strong>2020</strong>.<br />


Group Manager ServiceDelivery<br />

PeterConnors<br />

Manager –System Management<br />

Up &Coming<br />

Council Meetings<br />

Meetings arenow held in the new<br />

CouncilChambers, 137Havelock Street,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> unless stated otherwise.<br />


APRIL <strong>2020</strong><br />

Council meeting<br />

Thursday 9April, 10.30am<br />

Environmental Services Committee,<br />

Thursday 23 April, 10.30am<br />

Community ServicesCommittee,<br />

Thursday 23 April, (tofollow<br />

Environmental Services)<br />

InfrastructureServicesCommittee,<br />

Thursday 23 April, (tofollow<br />

Let'sget<br />

social<br />

Keep up with thelatest<br />

Council news by following<br />

us on social media!<br />

Community Services)<br />

Audit,Riskand Finance Committee,<br />

Thursday 30 April, 9.30am<br />

Bylaw and PolicyCommittee,<br />

Thursday30April (tofollowAudit,Risk<br />

&Finance)<br />

Methven Community Boardmeeting<br />

Monday 6April, 10.30am<br />

Mt Hutt MemorialHall,Methven<br />

All meetings areopen to thepublicunless<br />

otherwise stated. Meeting start times<br />

may be subject to changeand will be<br />

notifiedonCouncil’swebsite. Council and<br />

Committeemeetings, and Hearings now<br />

livestreamedonYouTube and Facebook.<br />

Carol Johns of behalf of the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Wheels Week Committee to<br />

hold the Wheels Week StreetParade,proposes to close the following<br />

roads to ordinaryvehicular traffic forthe period indicated hereunder.<br />

Roadstobeclosed:<br />

• KERMODESTREET from East StreettoMona Square, including all<br />

of Mona Square<br />

• EASTSTREET from SH1 at the southern end to Cameron Street<br />

• MOORE STREET from SH1 to East Street<br />

• CAMERON STREET from East StreettoVictoria Street<br />

• BARING SQUARE EAST from Cameron StreettoHavelock Street<br />

• HAVELOCK STREET from Baring SquareEASTtoSH1<br />

Period of closure: From 9.30 am until 12.00 noon on Sunday,<br />

17 May <strong>2020</strong>.<br />

Any person objecting to the proposal is called upon to lodgenoticeof<br />

their objection and grounds thereof to Council by 4.00 pm on Thursday,<br />

30 April <strong>2020</strong>.<br />

Neil McCann<br />

ServiceDeliveryGroup Manager<br />


5Baring SquareWest<br />

Monday-Wednesday<br />

Thursday<br />

Friday<br />

8.30am -5.00pm<br />

9.00am -5.00pm<br />

8.30am -5.00pm<br />


20 RiverTerrace<br />

Monday -Friday<br />

Saturday<br />

Sunday<br />

6.00am -9.00pm<br />

7.00am -7.00pm<br />

7.00am -7.00pm<br />


327 West Street<br />

Monday -Sunday 1.00pm-4.00pm<br />

Open daily, close Public Holidays

McKenzie HealthCare<br />


Room with a view ... One of the rooms in the new extension at<br />

McKenzie HealthCare, which opens on to acourtyard area.<br />

Taking abreak ... The new extension features asmall cafe, which<br />

will be open to visitors, staff and patients.<br />


Kind and compassionate aged care<br />

Whether it is respite,long-orshorttermhospitalcare,rest-home,<br />

dementiaorpalliativecareservices,<br />

McKenzieHealthCare offers the<br />

highest standardofholisticnursing<br />

carewith kindness, compassionand<br />

encouragement.<br />

While mostpeople prefertoremain<br />

in theirown home, for about 6% of<br />

peopleoverthe age of 65, thisisnot<br />

the safest or most practicaloption.<br />

Sales • Hire • Service<br />

Stockists of<br />

•Mobility Scooters<br />

•Walking Frames<br />

•Wheel Chairs<br />

•Toilet &BathroomEquipment<br />

•Electric Lift Chairs &Beds<br />


mobilitysolutionscentre.co.nz<br />

PH 03 688 4121<br />



42 Theodosia Street<br />

Timaru<br />

03 688 4121<br />

McKenzieHealthCare provides<br />

specialised nursingcare for people<br />

fromGeraldine andthe surrounding<br />

districts.<br />

Specialised, trainedhealthcare<br />

assistantssupport the registered<br />

nursestodeliver ahighlevel of care<br />

tailoredfor eachresident’sparticular<br />

needs.<br />

About 70 staffwill care for up to 74<br />

residents in thefacilityand the<br />

SALES<br />

HIRE<br />


22 Chalmers Ave<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

03 307 7455<br />

2265234<br />

Proudly supporting<br />

McKenzie HealthCare<br />

assisted careunits in theadjacent<br />

McKenzie LifestyleVillage.<br />

Registered nurses are on duty at<br />

all timestoensure allmedical and<br />

nursingneedsare met.<br />

Familyand welfare guardians are<br />

actively encouraged to be part of<br />

eachclient’scare planningand<br />

supportteam.<br />

Familyretain an importantrole by<br />

being the carer advocate,actively<br />

2263885<br />

working with the McKenzie<br />

HealthCare team, teaching staff<br />

about the individual likes and<br />

dislikesofeach client,which<br />

helps to ensure deliveryofthe<br />

bestcare practicablefor them.<br />

Staff willdiscuss medication<br />

and keepittoaminimum, notify<br />

family of health events and aim<br />

for quality of life decisions to<br />

support independence and<br />

dignity.<br />

McKenzieHealthCare<br />

encourages feedback, whether it<br />

be concerns,complimentsor<br />

complaints.<br />

Thereisaformalcomplaint<br />

mechanismtoensure anyissues<br />

areproperly addressed, andclient<br />

satisfaction surveysare<br />

conductedannuallytohelpreview<br />

strengthsand weaknesses and to<br />

prioritise futureimprovements.<br />

Family feedback also helps<br />

improveservicesfor future clients,<br />

andthere is alsoaresidents’<br />

advocate.<br />

McKenzie HealthCareis<br />

certifiedbythe MinistryofHealth<br />

to providehospital,rest-homeand<br />

dementia level careservices,<br />

includingpalliative, short stay,<br />

convalescent andrespite care.<br />

Otherservicesinclude daycare,<br />

podiatry,physiotherapyand<br />

hairdressing.<br />

McKenzie Healthcarehas a<br />

focusoncontinual improvement<br />

andregular internaland external<br />

audits ensure it meetshigh<br />

standards.<br />

Caring<br />

site for<br />

more than<br />

60 years<br />

For 60 years, staff at 2McKenzie St in<br />

Geraldine havebeen caring for the<br />

community—from babies to the<br />

district’s elderly residents.<br />

Now the aged-care facility<br />

McKenzie Healthcare, with a<br />

neighbouring retirement village, the<br />

facility had its beginnings as a<br />

maternity hospital for the South<br />

Canterbury town.<br />

The site, originally knownasThe<br />

Pines, was purchased in <strong>19</strong>46 for a<br />

planned 20-bed general hospital, at a<br />

cost of £2575.<br />

In <strong>19</strong>55, plans for ageneral hospital<br />

werewithdrawn and substituted with<br />

plansfor an eight-bed maternity<br />

hospital on the site, to replace the<br />

16-bed Rawhiti House in the township.<br />

At acost of £57,000, the Geraldine<br />

MaternityHospital was completed in<br />

<strong>19</strong>60, andRawhiti House ceased<br />

operating as amaternity hospital and<br />

became ageriatric home.<br />

For 26 years, this was the Geraldine<br />

MaternityHospital, run under the<br />

leadership of Sister MaryOram. Sister<br />

Oramretired in <strong>19</strong>86 and was<br />

succeededbySister Shirley Garnett.<br />

But Geraldine’s reputationgrewas<br />

that of aretirement town, and in <strong>March</strong><br />

<strong>19</strong>88, those at apublic meeting asked<br />

the hospitalboard to investigate the<br />

provision of beds for the terminally ill,<br />

and holiday relief for the elderly.<br />

The hospital board agreed it made<br />

economic senseand in July <strong>19</strong>88, the<br />

maternityhospital ceased as abirthing<br />

unit.The hospital and redundant<br />

nurses’ accommodationwere turned<br />

into a24-bed geriatric hospitalknown<br />

as The Pines.<br />

In the late<strong>19</strong>80s, Anne Whittaker<br />

boughtthe Pines from the South<br />

CanterburyDistrict Health Board, and<br />

under herownership,McKenzie Lodge<br />

—as it became known —grew.<br />

In 2007, ashareholder group,<br />

McKenzie,purchasedthe facility,and<br />

has drivendevelopment of the facility,<br />

and the adjacent McKenzie Lifestyle<br />

Village.<br />

Supporting<br />

McKenzieHealthcare<br />

CustomisedLaundryServices<br />

MarketPlace,Otematata•Ph(03) 438 9650<br />

2266017<br />



UNITED<br />


Fordesign &supply contact:<br />

United Scaffolding Group<br />

Email: office@unitedscaffolding.co.nz<br />

Phone: 0800 27 22 33<br />

www.unitedscaffolding.co.nz<br />



Rural&Lifestyle<br />

Freshwater find off Canty coast<br />

Scientists have discovered an extensive<br />

body of freshwater off the<br />

Canterbury coast between Timaru<br />

and <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

NIWA marine geologist Dr Joshu<br />

Mountjoy says the discovery is one<br />

of the few times a significant<br />

offshore aquifer has been located<br />

around the world and may lead to a<br />

new freshwater resource for the<br />

region.<br />

The aquifer lies just 20 metres<br />

below the seafloor, making the find<br />

one of the shallowest in the world. It<br />

extends up to 60 kilometres from<br />

the coastline and may contain as<br />

much as 2000 cubic kilometres of<br />

water which is equivalent to half the<br />

volume of groundwater across Canterbury.<br />

Derived from rainfall, the aquifer<br />

is partly being replenished by<br />

groundwater flow from the coastline<br />

between Timaru and <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

However, most of the freshwater<br />

became trapped offshore during the<br />

last three Ice Ages, when sea level<br />

was more than 100 metres lower<br />

than it is today.<br />

First indications that the offshore<br />

groundwater was there was achance<br />

find that arose when a scientific<br />

drilling project in 2012 found brackish<br />

water –orsalt and freshwater<br />

mixed together –50km off the coast<br />

and about 50m below the seafloor.<br />

Dr Mountjoy says that discovery<br />

led to a2017 voyage aboard NIWA<br />

research vessel Tangaroa to carry<br />

out further investigation in which<br />

scientists collected electromagnetic<br />

data. An electrical source was towed<br />

behind the ship and behind that was<br />

a line of receivers which record<br />

different signals depending on the<br />

electrical resistivity of the ground.<br />

Resistivity is strongly influenced by<br />

the amount of salt in the water<br />

locked up in sediments beneath the<br />

seafloor. This was then integrated<br />

with seismic reflection profiling and<br />

numerical modelling to determine<br />

Massey Uni to do Mbovis research<br />

The Mycoplasma bovis Programme has<br />

appointed Massey University to do research<br />

into the direct impacts of the cattle disease as<br />

part of efforts to help accelerate its eradication.<br />

The Programme is a collective of the<br />

Ministry for Primary Industries, DairyNZ and<br />

Beef +Lamb New Zealand.<br />

MPI chief science adviser and chair of the<br />

M.bovis Strategic Science Advisory Group<br />

(SSAG) Dr John Roche said the university<br />

researchers will investigate the impact of<br />

Mbovis on individual animals and herds<br />

within farms know to be infected with the<br />

disease.<br />

They will measure how M.bovis affects<br />

infected animals and herds, including any<br />

physical signs, effects on milk yield and<br />

composition, and the duration of these<br />

effects.<br />

Dr Roche said this will help accelerate<br />

eradication of the disease from New Zealand<br />

farms and minimise the negative impacts.<br />

‘‘The results of this project will contribute<br />

evidence to help in the detection of M.bovis,<br />

improve our surveillance tools, and increase<br />

our understanding of how the disease spreads<br />

under different New Zealand farming systems,<br />

which is key in terms of eradication. It<br />

will also help us to quantify the impacts, which<br />

supports some of the recommendationsmade<br />

in a recent Technical Advisory Group<br />

report.’’<br />

The study is expected to take one to two<br />

years.<br />

Only properties already known to be<br />

Dairyshed yard work including topand backing gates<br />

Rotaryboom irrigatorrepairs and service, including<br />

wirerope &splicing<br />

Mainline installation and repairs<br />

Anyother general engineering/fabrication requirements<br />

Bale feeder –calf feeders Standardorcustom-made<br />

the amount of freshwater beneath<br />

the seabed.<br />

The findings have been published<br />

this week in leading scientific journal<br />

Nature Communications.<br />

“One of the most important<br />

aspects of this study is the improved<br />

understanding it offers to water<br />

management,” Dr Mountjoy says.<br />

“If you’re going to manage the<br />

groundwater on shore and near the<br />

positive for M.bovis will be used.<br />

No cattle will be intentionally infected, and<br />

properties will only be studied up until agreed<br />

dates for depopulation.<br />

New Zealand is the first country in the<br />

world to attempt to eradicate M.bovis, a<br />

bacterial disease that can cause animal<br />

welfareand productivityissues, particularly in<br />

dairy cattle, including mastitis that doesn’t<br />

respond totreatment, severe lameness, and<br />

late­term abortions.<br />

Dr Rochesaid the direct impacts study was<br />

identified as apriority in the M.bovis science<br />

plan, developed by the SSAG to help<br />

accelerate eradication of the disease in New<br />

Zealand. The M.bovis Programme has allocated<br />

up to $30 million for M. bovis research<br />

projects, guided by the science plan.<br />

Synlait expanding Dunsandel facility<br />

Synlait Milk Limited (Synlait) is expanding<br />

its process to acquire farmland adjacent<br />

to its Dunsandel facility for $25.7<br />

million.<br />

Collectively, the farmland forms a<br />

582­hectare unit.<br />

The land enables Synlait to pursue<br />

several strategic supply chain and sustainability<br />

initiatives that support.<br />

These include greater control over<br />

Overseer review<br />

Eight independent<br />

experts have been<br />

appointed tolead atechnical<br />

review of the Overseer<br />

environmental<br />

modelling software.<br />

It’s an effort, announced<br />

by the Ministries for<br />

the Environment and<br />

Primary Industries, to<br />

improve decision­making<br />

tools for use on­farm.<br />

The panel members,<br />

led by chairman Dr Ian<br />

Johnson, were selected<br />

based on their depth of<br />

knowledge and their collective<br />

range of skills and<br />

perspectives.<br />

MOE deputy secretary<br />

water and climate change<br />

Cheryl Barnes said the<br />

eight independent and<br />

internationallyrecognised<br />

environmental<br />

specialists will look<br />

‘under the bonnet’ of<br />

Overseer to critically<br />

assess its modelling capability<br />

and explore potential<br />

improvements for its<br />

use.<br />

water rights, developing a rail sliding<br />

adjoining Dry Store 4and opportunities to<br />

evaluate and trial sustainable farming<br />

practices and carry out on­farm research.<br />

This supports Synlait’s 10­year sustainability<br />

targets, which include a commitment<br />

to evolve best practice farming in<br />

New Zealand through the company’s Lead<br />

With Pride programme.<br />

Synlait CEO Leon Clement said “the<br />

land provides a unique opportunity to<br />

pursue on­farm sustainability initiatives<br />

and reduce our environmental footprint<br />

whilst creating further supply chain efficiencies<br />

in our business.<br />

He said it fit with the company purpose<br />

of doing milk differently for a healthier<br />

world.<br />

Synlait required Overseas Investment<br />

Office consent for the acquisition.<br />

Phone 308 5903 weekdays l Email: agserve@xtra.co.nz<br />

On call 7days:Doug: 027 282 2245, Matt (Tomo): 021 518 538<br />

15 Malcolm McDowell Avenue, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

2262807<br />


Thu•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

Brought to you by your<br />

local insurance brokers<br />

coast, you need to understand what<br />

the downstream limits are.”<br />

The structure of the aquifer has<br />

been mapped in 3D and reveals<br />

complex variations in shape and<br />

salinity, according to paper leadauthor<br />

Aaron Micallef of the University<br />

of Malta who also says the<br />

approach to characterising this<br />

aquifer could potentially be used to<br />

revise estimations of their number<br />

and volume globally.<br />

Dr Mountjoy says while there are<br />

other places where offshore groundwater<br />

is known about, this is only<br />

the second time such intensive<br />

surveying has been carried out to<br />

define the extent of the water body.<br />

Dr Mountjoy says there are<br />

several places around New Zealand<br />

facing significant issues with their<br />

groundwater, such as Christchurch<br />

and Hawke’s Bay which are feeling<br />

the pressure of increasing populations<br />

and regular prolonged dry<br />

periods.<br />

“We need to set the groundwork<br />

in place for the future. Our primary<br />

goal is to help people manage their<br />

onshore resources.’’<br />

Biodiversity<br />

workshop on<br />

More than 20 people have<br />

signed up for aBalancing<br />

Biodiversity workshop at<br />

Dorie tomorrow but more<br />

are welcome. The free<br />

workshop, organised by<br />

Kanuka Trust and open to<br />

anyone with abiodiversity<br />

interest or looking to<br />

understand more about<br />

biodiversity, will focus on<br />

native plants and beneficial<br />

bugs.<br />

Kanuka Trust connector<br />

Angela Cushnie<br />

said the Mid Canterbury<br />

rural community, and<br />

businesses with a vested<br />

interest in protecting ecosystems<br />

for their industry,<br />

were already aware ofthe<br />

benefits of planting for<br />

purpose and were well<br />

ahead of most of the<br />

country.<br />

This workshop would<br />

give them information to<br />

extend their knowledge.<br />

Arable farmers Kai<br />

Tegel and John Evans, of<br />

Tregynon Farm, will<br />

share their experiences<br />

and show the benefits of<br />

balanced biodiversity in<br />

action on their farm during<br />

avisit to the property.<br />

The on farm trip will<br />

follow after speakers who<br />

include native planting<br />

specialist Stephen Brailsford,<br />

Plant and Food<br />

Research’s Brad Howlett<br />

and Foundation for<br />

Arable Research’s Abie<br />

Horrocks. The 2pm workshop<br />

is in the Dorie Hall.<br />

Monday, <strong>March</strong> 23<br />

• Temuka<br />

Tuesday, <strong>March</strong> 24<br />

• Canterbury Park All<br />

Stock excl. Store Cattle<br />

Thursday, <strong>March</strong> 26<br />

• Temuka Store Cattle<br />

Monday, <strong>March</strong> 30<br />

• MtArrowsmith Weaner<br />

Deer, <strong>Ashburton</strong> Gorge<br />

• Temuka<br />

Tuesday, <strong>March</strong> 31<br />

• Canterbury Park All<br />

Stock<br />


Bold, new look for Toyota’s C­HR<br />

By Ross Kiddie<br />

An acquaintance asked<br />

me recently did I like<br />

Toyota’s C­HR, she was<br />

thinking of buying one.<br />

I said it is a funky,<br />

trendy car that will never<br />

let her down, I also<br />

presented her with a<br />

couple ofother options,<br />

but the Toyota won out<br />

and she is now ahappy<br />

C­HR owner.<br />

The C­HR (coupe<br />

high­rider) landed here<br />

around three years ago<br />

and it immediately stood<br />

out for its edgy styling<br />

and bold presence, it is a<br />

small sport utility vehicle<br />

that punches above its<br />

weight interms of looks,<br />

it appeals to those who<br />

want fashion in theirnew<br />

car purchase and want to<br />

make astatement.<br />

The C­HRhas just had<br />

afacelift for <strong>2020</strong>; itgets<br />

some new kit, while<br />

boldercosmeticdetailing<br />

gives it more of an<br />

extreme look.<br />

Importantly, it has<br />

also had a major<br />

mechanical enhancement,<br />

the C­HR is now<br />

available with hybrid<br />

power –asanoption.<br />

Thereare five variants<br />

in the C­HR line­up, this<br />

evaluation doesn’t<br />

encompass the hybrid,<br />

I’m due to drive that<br />

model soon, however,<br />

the base model vehicleis<br />

agood starting point in<br />

the series and after driving<br />

it for a week I<br />

certainly feel it is a<br />

worthy consideration at<br />

$32,990.<br />

That price is competitive,<br />

and if you take into<br />

account that the range<br />

spans to $37,990, then<br />

there isaC­HR for all<br />

budgets.<br />

Of course the C­HR<br />

won’t befor everyone, at<br />

just 4.3m it’s on the small<br />

side and it’s compact<br />

inside. I’m not saying it’s<br />

cramped, far from it,<br />

rear passengers have<br />

good leg room and more<br />

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Toyota’s C-HR isn’t big, but has great presence.<br />

than enough height, it’s<br />

just that if there are five<br />

in the car, those broad<br />

shouldered in the rear<br />

will be cosy.<br />

However, cargo space<br />

is generous at 318­litres<br />

and if there’s just two on<br />

board the rear seats fold<br />

2262225<br />

2263517<br />

flattooffer more storage<br />

space.<br />

Under the bonnet of<br />

the base model sits an<br />

element of surprise –a<br />

1.2­litre four­cylinder<br />

petrol engine. Ifyou are<br />

thinking that would be a<br />

bit wimpy, think again,<br />

there is aturbocharger to<br />

lift the power outputs<br />

and also provide economy.<br />

It is rated by Toyota at<br />

85kW and 185Nm with<br />

the power outputs developed<br />

low in the rev band<br />

from 5200rpm to<br />

5600rpm. Maximum<br />

torque is also developed<br />

all of the way from<br />

1500rpm to 4000rpm<br />

which provides a solid<br />

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amount of energy right<br />

through the mid­range,<br />

exactly where it is<br />

needed for everyday<br />

motoring.<br />

Drive thereafter is<br />

channelled through a<br />

seven­step continuously<br />

variable automatic transmission.<br />

Together, the<br />

driveline is very smooth<br />

and seamless, no surprises<br />

there, that’s the way<br />

it is with CVT. While the<br />

base model C­HR looks<br />

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like a four­wheel­drive<br />

vehicle, it’s not, however,<br />

there is an all­corner<br />

drive model and that will<br />

add $4500 to the price.<br />

Nevertheless, the base<br />

model is the quintessential<br />

urbanjungle challenger.<br />

Performance is satisfactory.<br />

The power and<br />

torque figures are delivered<br />

low in the rev band<br />

(5200 and<br />

1500­4000rpm), the<br />

engine has no hesitation<br />

of hauling quickly<br />

through tothe red line if<br />

needed. Against the<br />

clock the non­hybrid<br />

model will reach 100kmh<br />

from astandstill in 9.8sec<br />

and will make 120km/h<br />

from 80km/h in6.4sec.<br />

On the subject of<br />

figures, you’d also expect<br />

the C­HR to be economical<br />

and you’d be quite<br />

right. Toyota claims a<br />

6.4­litre per 100km<br />

combined cycle fuel<br />

usage average. The<br />

evaluation car’s trip<br />

computer was constantly<br />

reading around<br />

7.6l/100km during my<br />

time with it, that helped<br />

by an economical<br />

4.8l/100km figure sitting<br />

at 100km/h on the open<br />

road, the engine turning<br />

over at a leisurely<br />

1750rpm.<br />

Even though Icarried<br />

out my normal highway<br />

open road run, the C­HR<br />

2267223<br />

was mostly used in an<br />

around­the­city environment,<br />

a busy new year<br />

period necessitated alot<br />

of short runs which are<br />

never good for fuel<br />

economy soIwas pleasantly<br />

surprised by the<br />

returns.<br />

The C­HR is also<br />

pretty sharp when presented<br />

with afew quick<br />

corners. It rides and<br />

handles with much dignity,<br />

the ride isn’t severe,<br />

bumps and ruts are well<br />

absorbed throughawonderful<br />

four­corner independent<br />

suspension<br />

thanks to the engineering<br />

that is needed for its<br />

four­wheel­drive stablemate.<br />

That is something I<br />

pay alot of attention to,<br />

the chassis dynamics are<br />

well engineered.<br />

Providing the grip isa<br />

substantial amount of<br />

Michelin rubber. At<br />

225/50 x18in, there is a<br />

good surface cover, and<br />

that helps promote a<br />

strong steering feel and<br />

positive corner turn in.<br />

Gravitational movement<br />

is well contained,<br />

at 1440kg in total there<br />

isn’t alot of stress over<br />

the suspension, the<br />

C­HR feels like asports<br />

car, it’s not of course,but<br />

that’s something Toyota<br />

does well, there is a<br />

dynamic within the setup<br />

that the driver feels<br />

comfortable and at ease<br />

with.<br />

With the changes for<br />

the new decade, the<br />

C­HR could well be<br />

described as wellspecced.<br />

There are afew<br />

extras such as a multimedia<br />

8in touch screen<br />

system, full smartphone<br />

integration that incorporates<br />

Apple CarPlay<br />

and Android Auto,<br />

which are new inclusions.<br />

They sit on top of<br />

the normal features<br />

you’d want inacar such<br />

as this.<br />

In keeping with the<br />

extreme look of C­HR,<br />

Toyota also offers it in<br />

bright colours, the combination<br />

is very alluring<br />

and the entire package<br />

reeks of desire.<br />

That had a lot to do<br />

with the choice my<br />

acquaintance made. The<br />

C­HR isn’t big, but it is<br />

big on value and presence.<br />

Price: Toyota C­HR,<br />

$32,990.<br />

Dimensions: Length,<br />

4385mm; width,<br />

1795mm; height,<br />

1565mm.<br />

Configuration: Fourcylinder,<br />

front­wheeldrive,<br />

1<strong>19</strong>7cc, 85kW,<br />

185Nm, continuously<br />

variable automatic.<br />

Performance:<br />

0­100km/h, 9.8sec.<br />

Fuel<br />

6.4l/100km.<br />


Plug­in hybrid<br />

proving popular<br />

By Bob Nettleton<br />

Over 60,000 OutlanderPHEVs(Plugin<br />

Hybrid Electric Vehicle)have been<br />

sold globally since it wasfirstlaunched<br />

in 2014withsalesnow headingwell<br />

north of thatfigure. Februarysaw the<br />

highest­evermonthly sales figure for<br />

theOutlanderPHEV,just sixmonths<br />

after thelatestmodel’srelease.<br />

Also makingthismodel more<br />

appealing is abiggerchunkof<br />

household incomes being spent on<br />

petrol, an expandingnational network<br />

of chargingstations andamarked<br />

increaseinpureelectric vehicle sales<br />

acrossthe country.<br />

More Kiwis are considering making<br />

theswitchand,whenthey start doing<br />

theirresearch intowhat’savailable,<br />

they soonappreciateaPHEV SUV<br />

offers thebest of bothworlds.<br />

There’s an EV­only option forshort<br />

around­townrunningand aclaimed<br />

range of over 600kmfor thoselonger<br />

road trips.<br />

The<strong>2020</strong>version of the Outlander<br />

PHEV is easilythe bestwith alarger<br />

2.4L petrol engineand higher output<br />

rear electricmotor, increasingthe<br />

collective might of the petrol and<br />

electric engines to 130kW ­ahandy<br />

10kw gain over theold model.<br />

Plug this vehicleinto astandard<br />

powersocket overnight,thenenjoy up<br />

to 54kmsofelectriconly driving,<br />

perfect, given theaverage commute in<br />

this countryis38kilometres aday.<br />

Icouldonly manageanall­electric<br />

driving range of about35km,although<br />

to be fairmydailycommute involves<br />

some batterysapping hillwork. A<br />

week of electric­only commuting costs<br />

up to $10.<br />

Being the most affordable full size plug-in hybrid you can buy in this country has the Mitsubishi’s<br />

Outlander perfectly positioned to cash in on surging buyer interest in these vehicles.<br />

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Plan well for big day<br />

Rings ­symbols of love<br />

Planning awedding can be fun, it may<br />

involve abit of work and organizing, but<br />

if it’s planned well the day will always be<br />

special.<br />

It’s also important to note that even<br />

the best weddings have the odd hiccup<br />

along the way just like the marriage you<br />

are entering ­but deal with it as best you<br />

can.<br />

Remember the people you invite are<br />

there to support your future happiness<br />

as amarried couple.<br />

They don’t mind if the bridesmaid’s<br />

have different shoes under their long<br />

dresses! Or if there are more<br />

bridesmaids than groomsmen!<br />

Or if the wedding breakfast is afancy<br />

barbecue and the wedding reception is in<br />

the backyard of Aunty Barb’s ­she has a<br />

great garden!<br />


There are alot of tasks both big and<br />

small that can sometimes be overlooked.<br />

Start with the big things that are the<br />

most important to you, then move on to<br />

the next important.<br />

If it all seems too daunting, consider a<br />

wedding co­ordinator, or aclose friend,<br />

to ease the workload.<br />

If you do decide to plan your own<br />

wedding, here’s ahelpful checklist to<br />

follow.<br />

Six months prior: Discuss your budget<br />

and type of wedding. Choose venues for<br />

ceremony and reception. Set time and<br />

date and then book time off work!<br />

Compile the guest list, including those in<br />

the wedding party. Book or plan your<br />

catering, florists, entertainment,<br />

photographers, transport etc<br />

Three months prior: Decide on the<br />

choice of wedding dress. Choose attire<br />

for the rest of the wedding party. Choose<br />

wedding theme and colours. Select<br />

stationary: Invitations, envelopes, place<br />

names etc. Send out save the date cards.<br />

Decide on and order wedding cake. Plan<br />

honeymoon and make reservations.<br />

Book accommodation for wedding night<br />

and work out whether guests will need<br />

accommodation. Choose and purchase<br />

wedding rings.<br />

Two months prior: Decide on order of<br />

service and assign responsibilities for<br />

speech making, reading etc. Write the<br />

vows. Send out invitations. Confirm ­<br />

flowers with florist, menu with caterer or<br />

venue, and accommodation for yourself<br />

and guests.<br />

One month prior: Apply for marriage<br />

licence. Discuss ceremony with minister<br />

or celebrant and plan rehearsal date.<br />

Confirm and finalise guest numbers.<br />

Organise seating arrangements.<br />

Purchase wedding favours and assemble.<br />

Final dress fittings. Trial run of bridal<br />

hair and make­up.<br />

Two weeks prior: Confirm bookings<br />

and numbers for caterers, florists,<br />

entertainment, photographers, transport<br />

etc.<br />

One week prior: Final dress fitting.<br />

Wedding rehearsal. Pick up hire items<br />

such as groom’s suit. Final check on<br />

arrangements and plan for the day itself.<br />

On the day: Relax, enjoy the day as it<br />

comes. The day will be over all too soon,<br />

but you will continue to be apart of<br />

something new ­amarried couple.<br />

As wedding and engagement rings are asymbolof<br />

everlasting love, it is important to dedicateabit of<br />

time to finding the perfect ones.<br />

There is alot to consider ­colour,stones, cuts ­<br />

and don’t forgettaking careofitonce it is on your<br />

finger.<br />

Diamonds come in avariety of colours, although<br />

white are the mostpopular and common. Aperfect<br />

white diamondshouldbecrystal clear. The clearer<br />

it is the more valuable. Atotally colourless<br />

diamond allows light to pass throughiteasily,<br />

resultinginthe light being dispersed as the colour<br />

of the rainbow.<br />

The clarity of adiamond is determined by the<br />

amountand location of flaws, or blemishes in the<br />

diamond.<br />

Nearlyall diamonds containflaws which<br />

diminish their brillianceand value. They are rated<br />

from flawless to imperfect.<br />

Adiamond’s weight and massismeasured in<br />

carats. As the caratweight of adiamond increases,<br />

so does its rarity and therefore its price. A<br />

diamond’s cut is its most importantfeature. Every<br />

diamond gets its brilliance by cutting and polishing<br />

the diamond facets to allow the maximumamount<br />

of lighttobereflected and dispersed.Apoorly cut<br />

diamond will allow light to escapeout of the back.<br />

Insureyour rings againsttheft, loss or damage<br />

and take careofthem.<br />

Never wear your rings when doing rough work or<br />

going to the gym. Even thoughadiamond is<br />

durable, it can be chippedbyahard blow.<br />

Don’t store your diamond jewellery next to other<br />

jewellery pieces as this can causescratches. A<br />

fabric­lined jewel casewith separate compartments<br />

is ideal.<br />

Regularly inspect your diamondjewelleryto<br />

make sure the setting is secure.Dosee your<br />

jewelleratleast once ayear and have him check<br />

yourring and otherprecious piecesfor loose<br />

prongs and wear of mountings. He’ll usually give<br />

themaprofessional clean,too.<br />

Every day exposure to creams, skin oils,<br />

hairspray,household chemicals and other<br />

substances can causebuild­up that willdull your<br />

diamond’s brillianceand sparkle.<br />

Use asolution of warm water mixed with afew<br />

drops of ammonia in which to soakyour diamond<br />

jeweller. Gentle scrubbing with an old,soft­bristled<br />

toothbrush is usefulfor more extensivecleaning.<br />

Rinse and dry with aclean soft cloth.<br />

Don’t let your diamond come in contact with a<br />

chlorine bleach when you’re doing household<br />

chores. It can damage and discolour the mounting.<br />

Don’t leave your ring on the rim of asink when<br />

you removeittowash your hands.<br />

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Pass on the good news<br />

Everyone loves it when couples decide<br />

to get engaged and these days news<br />

carries fast.<br />

Apriority for couples when announcing<br />

the news is to tell the parents. Visit<br />

them if they are close, or phone or Skype<br />

them if they live at adistance.<br />

Children from previous marriages<br />

should also be one of the very first to<br />

know, having been prepared for this<br />

possibility.<br />

In following an age­old tradition,<br />

some men still enjoy asking the prospective<br />

father­in­law for his daughter’s hand<br />

in marriage before proposing; the dad<br />

gets akick out of it too.<br />

It’s important the couple is there to<br />

share the news with both sets of parents.<br />

Then come the siblings, the grandparents<br />

and other close relatives.<br />

Phone calls to close friends generate<br />

equal excitement and emotion.<br />

Today the good news can be transmitted<br />

across the world in seconds, by<br />

email, text message and social media<br />

contacts. Couples can also set up their<br />

own website.<br />

This canbeused in an informal way to<br />

Hire the quaint Waterton Church and Function Room –<br />

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announce the engagement, after letting<br />

friends and family know the address, and<br />

to keep the wedding guests updated on<br />

wedding plans.<br />

An engagement announcement in the<br />

local newspaper also remains as effective<br />

and popular as it did acentury ago.<br />

And then plans for the wedding begin,<br />

starting with the engagement party.<br />

Often couples, parents or both<br />

arrange aparty to either announce or<br />

celebrate the engagement with friends<br />

and family.<br />

In turn, the engaged couple may<br />

throw aparty to introduce their various<br />

friends.<br />

Remember, this is ahappy time and<br />

many people like toshare in the joy.<br />

Even though less emphasis isput on<br />

the concept ofengagement gifts today,<br />

many people still enjoy sending acard<br />

and athoughtful gift.<br />

They will always be appreciated.<br />

Even ifthe big day is ayear ormore<br />

away, there aredetails thatneed addressing<br />

almost immediately ­especially if the<br />

wedding istobeheld in peak wedding<br />

season between January and April.<br />

Finding the right celebrant<br />

If you want to be married by amarriage<br />

celebrant, finding the right person is a<br />

crucial part of planning a wedding,<br />

whether you’re exchanging vows in a<br />

simple garden setting or having agrand<br />

traditional ceremony in achurch.<br />

But demand for wedding celebrants is<br />

high so avoid disappointment and book<br />

early. As with most things, the good ones<br />

can be booked out ayear in advance due<br />

to limited weekends during ‘‘wedding<br />

season’’.<br />

To perform weddings and civil unions,<br />

a celebrant must apply to and be<br />

registered with the Department of<br />

Internal Affairs, Births Deaths and<br />

Marriages.<br />

Celebrants are appointed by the<br />

registrar­general and need to be aNew<br />

Zealand citizen or show that there are<br />

exceptional reasons why they should be<br />

acelebrant.<br />

Celebrants officiate at about half the<br />

20,000 marriages and civil unions held in<br />

New Zealand each year. About another<br />

quarter of marriage ceremonies are held<br />

at registry offices and the rest are held in<br />

churches or conducted by celebrants of<br />

approved organisations.There are two<br />

ways to get married or have acivil union<br />

in New Zealand.<br />

If you chose a registered marriage<br />

celebrant, which includes ministers, rabbis,<br />

pastors, priests and independent<br />

marriage celebrants, you can choose<br />

when and where you’ll get married and<br />

to write your own vows. Registry office<br />

wedding and civil union ceremonies are<br />

only held during normal office hours,<br />

usually Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm,<br />

take about 10 minutes and use standard<br />

vows.<br />

You can’t customise the ceremony.<br />

Some registry offices in New Zealand,<br />

such as in <strong>Ashburton</strong>, are in the same<br />

building as the local court. How many<br />

guests you can invite to the ceremony<br />

depends on the office you’re getting<br />

married in, but you need to bring at least<br />

two witnesses.<br />

You need amarriage licence to get<br />

married or have acivil union in New<br />

Zealand. It must be arranged at least<br />

three working days before you want to<br />

get married. It costs $150 if using a<br />

celebrant and $240 if getting married at<br />

aregistry office.<br />

If you are being married by a<br />

celebrant, you will need their name and<br />

the location and approximate date of the<br />

wedding when you apply.<br />

You can only get married inthe place<br />

you have put on the marriage licence<br />

form, so includeaback­up venue in case<br />

of wet weather or if something else goes<br />

wrong.<br />

Amarriage licence will take at least<br />

three days to be issued.<br />

Looking foracompleteHeritage<br />

Venue to hold your event?<br />

Book your venue early<br />

Once you’ve decided on<br />

that all important date,<br />

choosing and booking a<br />

venue is one of the first<br />

steps to organising awedding.<br />

While there are plenty<br />

of venues to choose from,<br />

the more popular will<br />

need to be bookedwell in<br />

advance, especially if<br />

you’re planning to marry<br />

on aSaturday during the<br />

popular wedding season.<br />

Of course, the type of<br />

wedding planned will<br />

usually dictate the styleof<br />

reception venue.<br />

Ask yourself, will the<br />

wedding be a lavish,<br />

seated affair with set<br />

courses and traditional<br />

seating arrangements, or<br />

will it be amix and mingle<br />

cocktail­style celebration?<br />

While a small, classy<br />

restaurant or boutique<br />

hotel is perfect for an<br />

intimate soiree with close<br />

friends and family, larger<br />

weddings are easy when<br />

held in a venue, which<br />

specialises in wedding<br />

functions.<br />

They can provide<br />

everything from achoice<br />

of menus and drinks to<br />

tableware and staff.<br />

As many of these<br />

venues are set in beautiful<br />

landscaped grounds,<br />

couples may also decide<br />

to hold the ceremony<br />

close by, while enjoying<br />

plenty ofscope for photo<br />


CnrGrahams Rd<br />

and McMurdo St<br />

Excellent Venuefor<br />

*Weddings<br />

*Socials<br />

*Dances<br />

opportunities.<br />

This arrangement also<br />

means guests have only<br />

one venue to drive to and<br />

can easily make theirway<br />

to the reception after the<br />

formalities.<br />

Alternatively, bridal<br />

couples could always hire<br />

acommunity hallorclubrooms<br />

or ‘‘borrow’’ a<br />

friend’s gorgeous home<br />

or garden. These options<br />

will mean organising a<br />

catering firm totake care<br />

of food and drink.<br />

There are catering<br />

firms to choose from<br />

with extensive menus<br />

covering everythingfrom<br />

predinner canapes to the<br />

latest in Pacific rim<br />

cuisine. It all dependson<br />

what you want, and how<br />

much you would like to<br />

spend.<br />

If you plan to marry in<br />



HALL<br />

*Concerts<br />

*Reunions<br />

Large hall,large kitchen plus 3meeting rooms.<br />

Reasonable rates,plentyofparking -inspection invited<br />

Booking agentBarbaraHarris<br />

Phone 308 1562<br />

We go that extra mile to ensure that you are<br />

100% satisfied with all your function liquor<br />

requirements and non alcoholic drinks.<br />

Glassware, a chiller trailer and other<br />

requirements can be arranged with our<br />

friendly staff.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> MSA Liquor Centre<br />

Havelock Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

Phone 308 7149. www.ashburtonclub.co.nz<br />


2268232<br />

2267911<br />

achurch, consider hiring<br />

areception venue that’s<br />

reasonably close by.<br />

If it’s alittle way out,<br />

consider hiring mini vans<br />

or buses toshuttle guests<br />

to and from the venue no<br />

drink driving, and afun,<br />

convivial atmosphere<br />

guaranteed.<br />

Vineyards have<br />

become increasingly<br />

popular for wedding<br />

receptions.<br />

Just imagine relaxing<br />

your<br />

cake...<br />

your<br />

among the vines with<br />

friends and family, enjoying<br />

the sounds of gentle<br />

jazz music and pairing<br />

fine wines with cuisineon<br />

your special day.<br />

The spacious dimensions<br />

of museums and art<br />

galleries also make perfect<br />

wedding venues.<br />

But do remember if<br />

you choose an outdoor<br />

location make sure you<br />

have a back­up plan in<br />

case of rain.<br />

Alpine Florist<br />

Methven<br />

Wedding Bouquets<br />

Buttonholes<br />

Corsages<br />

Flower Crowns<br />

Table &Venue decoration<br />

03 302 8832<br />

www.alpineflorist.co.nz<br />

Talk to<br />

us about your<br />

personalised cake<br />

Main South Rd, Tinwald, Ph: 308 5774<br />

2268366-S<br />


Page 36, <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Watch for road changes<br />

Motorists are being urged to be<br />

alert for single lane restrictions and<br />

stop/go measures as work<br />

continues on the <strong>Ashburton</strong> CBD<br />

streetscape renewal project.<br />

Work is progressing to schedule<br />

on Cass Street and traffic is moving<br />

around atemporary roundabout at<br />

the intersection of Havelock and<br />

Cass streets. In coming weeks, the<br />

intersection will become agive way<br />

intersection, with priority to<br />

Havelock Street traffic.<br />

Council and the contractors say<br />

they are aware that there is some<br />

traffic confusion and congestion at<br />

times in the Cass Street area,<br />

particularly around Burnett Street,<br />

compounded by the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Club and MSA rebuild.<br />

Spraymarks are responsible for<br />

the traffic management for both<br />

the MSA and CBD projects, and<br />

are working hard to ensure that<br />

there is as little disruption to local<br />

businesses as possible. There will<br />

be times where single lanes with<br />

stop/go regulations will be in place,<br />

Club news<br />

as well as roads being closed for the<br />

installation of the new MSA<br />

building.<br />

The initial CBD work started<br />

with the installation of new<br />

underground infrastructure<br />

including new water pipes along<br />

both sides of Cass Street. The water<br />

pipeline was also extended down<br />

Burnett Street to William Street.<br />

Cass Street has received a<br />

temporary coat of chip seal to<br />

protect the road surface until the<br />

permanent surface is laid. This will<br />

be done once all of the kerb and<br />

channel, footpath and garden bed<br />

work has been completed.<br />

Contractors will soon begin<br />

constructing rain gardens and<br />

kerbs.<br />

Local news at www.starnews.co.nz<br />

Methven reservoir funds<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> council has<br />

allocated additional<br />

funds of $221,700 forthe<br />

upgrade ofthe Methven<br />

reservoir.<br />

The reservoirprovides<br />

an essential buffer for<br />

Methven’s treated water,<br />

and without it, the<br />

scheme would not be<br />

able tosupply water at<br />

times of peak demand.<br />

Supplywouldalso be lost<br />

if the treatment process<br />

needed to shut down for<br />

any reason.<br />

Following recommendations<br />

by council staff,<br />

the additional funds will<br />

ensure the upgrade project<br />

can be completed<br />

and objectives such as<br />

the provision of an adequate<br />

andreliablesource<br />

of water met.<br />

The 810m3 concrete<br />

reservoir is the only<br />

Locals win environment awards<br />

Mt Somers farmers Mike and Nicky Salvesen, of<br />

Wakare, and Richard and Chrissie Wright, of<br />

Tamara Farm have won awards at the Canterbury<br />

Ballance Farm Environment Awards.<br />

Mike and Nicky Salvensen won the Environment<br />

Canterbury Water Quality Award and the<br />

Beef + Lamb New Zealand Livestock Farm<br />

Award.<br />

And Richard and Chrissie Wright won the<br />

Norwood Agri­Business Management Award.<br />

The Ballance Farm Environment Awards<br />

champion sustainable farming and growing<br />

through their awards programme which sees one<br />

Regional Supreme Winner selected from each of<br />

the 11 regions involved. That title went to Tony<br />

Coltman and Dana Carver of Canlac Holdings at<br />

Dunsandel.<br />

They also won the Bayleys People in Primary<br />

Sector Award, DairyNZ Sustainability and<br />

Stewardship Award, Synlait Climate Stewardship<br />

Award and the WaterForce Wise with<br />

Water Award.<br />

The couple and their farm will be profiled at<br />

the Awards’ National Sustainability Showcase in<br />

Wellington on June 4, and go up against other<br />

regional finalists for the Gordon Stephenson<br />

Trophy.<br />

In deciding the competition, judges said the<br />

Salvensen’s progressive vision for the future was<br />

guiding their Canterbury beef and deer farm,<br />

allowing it to adapt to changing conditions and<br />

reduce its environmental footprint.<br />

Their main block runs calving cows and<br />

Mike and Nicky Salvesen.<br />

breeding bulls for dairy herds, deer for venison<br />

production and around 1,000 lambs. Genetic<br />

measurements are tracked as the business strives<br />

to continually improve the quality of the animals.<br />

Asecond block runs dairy grazers and Wagyu<br />

beef, providing capital protection and forming<br />

part of the succession planning.<br />

Numerous improvements have been made to<br />

the property in terms of both production and<br />

protecting the environment including a significant<br />

tree­planting programme.<br />

All activities were guided by an acute<br />

awareness of how it could affect the local and<br />

wider environment.<br />

On the Wright’s farm, judges said scale was no<br />

barrier and attention to detail paramount in a<br />

property which had grown considerably since<br />

Richard and Chrissie Wright.<br />

purchased in 2002.<br />

The farm was self­contained in terms of stock<br />

replacements and grazing, ensuring aprofitable<br />

and productive business with very healthy<br />

animals. The hands­on managers passionate<br />

about farming and proud of their team members<br />

actively advancing them into farming.<br />

A significant number of trees had been<br />

planted on the property, including shelter belts,<br />

ornamental and native plantings. The farm has<br />

responsible grazing practices and crop rotation,<br />

afocus on energy efficiency and technology, and<br />

excellent management of nutrients.<br />

The business is an inspiring example of a<br />

family committed to advancing good people into<br />

farming and providing options for family succession.<br />

water storage for the<br />

Methven supply and has<br />

been assessed as aseismic<br />

risk. The top water<br />

level has now been<br />

reduced to around<br />

700m3 because of that<br />

risk.<br />

There are also anumberofsignificantleaksin<br />

the reservoir and the<br />

state of its interior is<br />

unknown.<br />

To do a thorough<br />

investigation it is necessary<br />

to drain the reservoir,<br />

which is not a<br />

practical option without<br />

abackup.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> council has<br />

decided toinstall and a<br />

commission a new<br />

500m3 seismically resilient<br />

tank.<br />

Work will then be<br />

carried out on condition<br />

assessments and repairs<br />

to the existing main concrete<br />

water reservoir.<br />

The additional tank<br />

will bring the total water<br />

storage volume up to<br />

1200m3.<br />

So far around $8,000<br />

had been spent on the<br />

options study and related<br />

work, before the request<br />

for additional funds, said<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> District<br />

Council group manager<br />

service delivery Neil<br />

McCann.<br />

The estimate toconstruct<br />

the new reservoir<br />

was approximately<br />

$720,000 and the repair<br />

of the existing tank was<br />

around $270,000.<br />

The total of $990,000<br />

was $220,000 more than<br />

the original budget,<br />

hence the request for<br />

additionalfunds, saidMr<br />

McCann.<br />

Land speed<br />

plans going<br />

smoothly<br />

Plans are on schedule for motorcyclist<br />

Phil Garret and his team in an attempt<br />

on the national land speed record in<br />

Mid Canterbury next month.<br />

Two turbo bikes, one ridden by<br />

Garrett, and another by former <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

man Rob Small will attempt to<br />

clock 320kmh on a rural road near<br />

Pendarves in two weeks time.<br />

Other teams will also aim to break<br />

class records and Garrett himself will<br />

ride ahomebuilt electric motorbike that<br />

he hopes to take to over 160kmh.<br />

Arecent meeting at the Pendarves<br />

Hall with local landowners and afew<br />

others to explain the record attempt<br />

had gone well, said Mr Garrett.<br />

‘‘We’re 100 per cent on schedule and<br />

we’ve got all the people we need.<br />

‘‘We’ll set up and test on the Friday<br />

and plan to go for it on Saturday and<br />

Sunday.’’<br />

In 2005 Garrett and Flying Kiwi team<br />

mate Glenn Hayward broke the world<br />

and New Zealand land speed record for<br />

1000cc sidecars over aflying kilometre.<br />

Aspeed of 272 kmh was recorded on<br />

another section of road near Pendarves.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Combined Friendship<br />

Club<br />

The <strong>March</strong> 17bus trip toKaiapoi<br />

to cruise on the River Queen<br />

already has 42 people paid up.<br />

The AGM was held where President<br />

Alister reported onthe activities<br />

of the 20<strong>19</strong>–<strong>2020</strong> year. The<br />

financialreport showedthe club was<br />

in ahealthy financial position.<br />

The new officers are: President:<br />

Andrew Brown. vice­president: Joe<br />

Butchard. Secretary: Alister Brown.<br />

Treasurer: Linda Osborne. Life<br />

Member Ron Wootton nominated<br />

the current Secretary Joe Butchard<br />

for Life Membership of the Club.<br />

Our guest speaker was Mayor<br />

Neil Brown who was asked to tell us<br />

how he got to where he is today<br />

before touching on council business.<br />

Neil was one of the younger<br />

children in alarge family who grew<br />

up on a small farm near Rakaia.<br />

Primary schooling was in Rakaia<br />

then <strong>Ashburton</strong> College to the sixth<br />

form.<br />

He worked onasheep farm then<br />

on one of the earliest Mid Canterbury<br />

dairy conversions before attending<br />

Lincoln. He was keen to go<br />

farming but knew he had to do it by<br />

his own efforts.<br />

Lincoln farm budgets showed<br />

dairy offered the best prospects. He<br />

share­milked for several years<br />

before buying aDorie crop farm to<br />

convert. This was successful and as<br />

time progressed, he was able tobuy<br />

more neighbouring land.<br />

Sharemilking helped Neil get<br />

started so these days he employs<br />

sharemilkers to give anew generation<br />

opportunity.<br />

He was asked to stand for the<br />

council in 2004 when one of the<br />

ward representatives retired. The<br />

moreexperienced councillorswere a<br />

big help in his first term. He served<br />

for five terms and considered retiring<br />

at the 20<strong>19</strong> election.<br />

When other challengers to the<br />

mayor emerged, he agreed to accept<br />

nomination for the mayoralty. He<br />

prefers to delegate where possible<br />

and the smaller council makes decisions<br />

more quickly and with more<br />

cohesion.<br />

Most of the cost of the CBD<br />

development is undergroundreplacing<br />

old pipes and services while the<br />

new sewage pipe under the river is<br />

another major project which will<br />

serve the town for the next 100<br />

years.<br />

The new library and administration<br />

building are necessary because<br />

seismic strengthening the library is<br />

too expensive and the administration<br />

building, while sound, is too<br />

small for today’s needs.<br />

Meetings second Tuesday of<br />

month, Senior’s Centre 206 Cameron<br />

St, 9.30 am. Visitors welcome.<br />

Phone Andrew 3085972, ashcomboclub@gmail.com.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Golf Club<br />

It was acloudy start to last week’s<br />

nine­hole competition, but the<br />

weather soon warmed upand it was<br />

alovely day to be out on the course.<br />

Thirty­two players enjoyed the<br />

conditions with several good scores<br />

for stroke and putting.<br />

The winner of Round 2,Marion<br />

Marshall Trophy (Stroke) is Dorothy<br />

Knight with a score of 31.<br />

Runner upisColin Fleming with a<br />

score of 33. Well done, Dorothy,<br />

who has just returned after many<br />

months away!<br />

The winner of Round 2, Jean<br />

Drummond Trophy (Putting) isVal<br />

Ferrier with a score of 14. Three<br />

players had scores of 15 putts,<br />

necessitating acount­back, resulting<br />

in Kevin Walker being the runner<br />

up.<br />

Dorothy and Val won Sega Golf<br />

voucherssponsored by Accountannz<br />

Ltd and Runners Up won Club<br />

vouchers.<br />

On Thursday <strong>19</strong>th <strong>March</strong> the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Golf Course will be<br />

closed for maintenance, so we will<br />

play at Lake Hood. Arrive by 9:15<br />

for 9:30 tee­off. Therewill be aBBQ<br />

lunch afterwards.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> MSA Petanque Club<br />

Saturday we hosted the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Doubles and included visiting<br />

players from Alexandra, Dunedin,<br />

Christchurch, and Papanui. What<br />

was really pleasing was that half the<br />

players were from<strong>Ashburton</strong>.Great<br />

to see. The event was won by two<br />

Christchurch players and Neville<br />

Bensdorp was in the partnership<br />

that were runners up.<br />

Richard Browne, Johnny Wright,<br />

Peter Marriott, Nicky Foden and<br />

Jonathan Crum all finished inthe<br />

top 8.<br />

The previous weekend wehas 4<br />

players take part in the National<br />

Triples at Herne Bay. Jan Guilford<br />

was in the team that came third in<br />

the Women’s Triples consolation,<br />

and Karen Bensdorp in the team<br />

that came third in the Plate in the<br />

same event.<br />

The National Triples was atwoday<br />

event and Neville Bensdorp was<br />

in the team that finished in the top<br />

8. Karen Bensdorp's team and also<br />

Richard Browne's team finished in<br />

the top 16.<br />

Richard Browne finished second<br />

in the National Shooting competition.<br />

We will be holding our Club<br />

Men’s and Club Women’s doubles at<br />

the end of the month. An event that<br />

is always popular.

Local news at www.starnews.co.nz <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2020</strong>, Page 37<br />

open<br />

homes<br />

orviewany of our homes in 3D from the comfortofyourhome!<br />

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•Lovelythree bedroom<br />

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•Spacious family sized<br />

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•Ample parking with<br />

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•Bonus of buying<br />

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15 Charles Street<br />

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From 10% Deposit $345pw (Conditions apply)<br />

3 1 1<br />

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3 1 2<br />


133 Belt Rd (W691)<br />

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•Permanentmaterial<br />

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in soughtafter Allenton<br />

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•Decent sizesection<br />

with room to add value.<br />

•Currently tenantedat<br />

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greattenants who<br />

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48 Cambridge Street<br />

(E665)<br />

•Recently renovated<br />

inside andout<br />

•Sunnyliving areas with<br />

greatindoor outdoor<br />

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•Tranquil countrysetting<br />

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From 10% Deposit $280pw (Conditions apply)<br />

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4Andrew Street<br />

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•Lovely characterhome<br />

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•Two extrafully<br />

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OpenSat 21 <strong>March</strong>,<br />

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Offers Over $259,000<br />

OpenSat 21 <strong>March</strong><br />

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From 10% Deposit $280pw (Conditions apply)<br />

3 1 3 From 10% Deposit $380pw (Conditions apply)<br />

4 1 2<br />

49 Lane Street<br />

(W680)<br />

• Appealing home built<br />

in the <strong>19</strong>80’s<br />

•Positioned nicely for<br />

all daysun<br />

•Verysecurefenced<br />

section<br />

•Double garage with<br />

internal access<br />

$365,000<br />

OpenSat 21 <strong>March</strong>,<br />

11.00 -11.30am<br />

65 Buckleys Terrace<br />

(T301)<br />

•Fivebedrooms plus<br />

office, twoliving areas<br />

•Minutesfromtown,<br />

with spaceand<br />

potential<br />

•Wellinsulated&<br />

double glazed with<br />

good heating options<br />

•2066m2 backyard<br />

offering many<br />

possibilities<br />

$PBNBIR<br />

$459,000 -$479,000<br />

Open Sat21<strong>March</strong>,<br />

10.00 -10.30am<br />

From 10% Deposit $410pw (Conditions apply)<br />

3 1 2<br />

Proud supporters of the HeartFoundation of NewZealand! Wedonatefromevery property sold!<br />

5 2 1<br />

Trevor Hurley<br />

0275 435 799<br />

Tracey Henderson<br />

027 405 8064<br />

Manu Otene<br />

022 308 6885<br />

Linda Cuthbertson<br />

0274087965<br />

Stephen Watson<br />

027 433 9695<br />

Julie Srhoy<br />

021 354 885<br />

Deborah Roberts<br />


Page 38, <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Local news at www.starnews.co.nz<br />


9Kerr Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 9:45-10:15am 3 1 2 AHB22685<br />

39a Cox Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 10:00-10:30am 3 1 1 AHB22546<br />

63 Grove Street,Tinwald 10:00-10:30am 3 1 2 AHB227<strong>19</strong><br />

95 Cameron Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 10:00-10:30am 5 2 2 AHB22716<br />

11 Charlesworth Dve, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 10:00-10:30am 4 3 3 AHB22611<br />

103 Forest Drive, Methven 10:00-10:30am 3 2 1 AHB22668<br />

109 Walnut Avenue, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 10:30-11:00am 6 2 3 AHB22659<br />

65 Davis Crescent, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 10:45-11:15am 4 1 2 AHB22688<br />

76 Allens Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 10:45-11:15am 3 1 2 AHB22720<br />

7Beach Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:00-11:30am 4 1 2 AHB22696<br />

4Cushmor Drive, Methven 11:00-11:30am 3 2 2 AHB22708<br />

9Allison Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:00-11:30am 4 2 2 AHB22661<br />

24 Charles Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:15-11:45am 5 2 2 AHB216<strong>19</strong><br />

1<strong>19</strong>a Racecourse Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:30-12:00pm 4 2 2 AHB22588<br />

31 Beach Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:30-12:00pm 2 1 1 AHB22691<br />

<strong>19</strong> Whiteoak Grove,Tinwald 12:00-12:30pm 4 2 2 AHB22718<br />

12 Charles Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 12:00-12:30pm 4 1 1 AHB22540<br />

14 Williamson Place, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 12:15-12:45pm 2 1 1 AHB22711<br />

170 Seafield Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 1:00-1:30pm 3 1 2 AHB22447<br />


98 Pages Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 10:15-10:45am 4 2 2 AHB22698<br />

1<strong>19</strong> William Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:15-11:45am 2 1 1 AHB22709<br />

1<strong>19</strong> William Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Lovely warm and comfortable cornertownhouse<br />

unit located centrally forease to town, schools and<br />

social events. Youwill enjoycooking up astorm in<br />

this spacious modern kitchen that has been updated<br />

and opened up foropen plan living to the dining and<br />

lounge, the decor is in pleasant neutral tones making<br />

it easytomatch your tastes. An added feature ofa<br />

wet floor bathroom and separate toiletwith good<br />

double sized bedrooms all makes this home aneasy<br />

place tolive. Enjoythe wonderful sun room to sit and<br />

rest or use as an office /workroom.<br />

rwashburton.co.nz/AHB22709<br />

Mid Canterbury Real Estate Limited LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />

SetDateofSale<br />

closing 24 <strong>March</strong> <strong>2020</strong> at<br />

2:00pm (unless sold prior)<br />

View<br />

Sunday11:15am -11:45am<br />

2 1 1<br />

Lynne Bridge<br />

027 410 6216<br />

Open Home<br />

9Kerr Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

3 1 2<br />

*Ideal forFirst Home Buyers<br />

*Updated. Modern. Spacious. Affordable<br />

*Open plan kitchen, dining, living<br />

*Updated bathroom<br />

*Kitchen Double Glazed<br />

ForSale<br />

$340,000<br />

View<br />

Saturday9:45- 10:15am<br />

Armandvan derEik<br />

021 597 527<br />

4<br />

rwashburton.co.nz/AHB22685<br />

Mid Canterbury Real Estate Limited LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />

Open Home<br />

95 Cameron Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

5 2 2<br />

76 Allens Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

3 1 2<br />

*1116sqm subdividable with shared access drivewayto<br />

rear of section<br />

*4bedrooms plus office, master with ensuite &walk<br />

through robe.<br />

*Separate lounge offentrance and dining/kitchen<br />

ForSale<br />

Price bynegotiation<br />

View<br />

Saturday10:00 -10:30am<br />

BruceMcPherson<br />

027 438 4250<br />

Denise McPherson<br />

027 242 7677<br />

*Freshly paintedwith newkitchen<br />

*3bedrooms<br />

*Modernised kitchen (new cabinetry)<br />

*Spacious north facing lounge<br />

*Double glazed (except for lounge slider)<br />

ForSale<br />

$345,000<br />

View<br />

Saturday10:45 -11:15am<br />

Kim Miller<br />

07 236 8627<br />

rwashburton.co.nz/AHB22716<br />

Mid Canterbury Real Estate Limited LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />

rwashburton.co.nz/AHB22720<br />

Mid Canterbury Real Estate Limited LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />

Jill Quaid<br />

Manager<br />

027 437 6755<br />

Mark Totty<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

021 664 113<br />

Kim Miller<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 236 8627<br />

ChrissyMilne<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 290 6606<br />

Margaret Feiss<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

021 751 009<br />

ShirleyFitzgerald<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 220 1528<br />

Denise McPherson<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 242 7677<br />

Cheryl Fowler<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 461 2614<br />

Armand vander Eik<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

021 597 527<br />

Lynne Bridge<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 410 6216<br />

Mike Grant ncre<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

021 272 0202<br />

Dulcie Ellis<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 629 3260<br />

BruceMcPherson<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 438 4250<br />

Justin Waddell<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 437 1111<br />

Jarrod Ross<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 259 4644<br />

RogerBurdett<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

021 224 4214<br />

96 TancredStreet, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 03 307 8317 Main Road,Tinwald 03 307 8317<br />

rwashburton.co.nz<br />

36 McMillan Street,Methven 03 303 3032

Local news at www.starnews.co.nz <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2020</strong>, Page 39

Page 40, <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Local news at www.starnews.co.nz<br />

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Until Sold

Local news at www.starnews.co.nz <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2020</strong>, Page 41<br />

109 Walnut Avenue,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

6<br />

2<br />

3<br />

Finally available<br />

It’s been 30 years sincethis masterpiecewas last sold and NOW it’s time again to findnew owners.In<br />

this most enviable location you’ll be amazed at whats on offer here, having been designed and built<br />

forSir William Nosworthyinthe <strong>19</strong>20s.Fromthe solid Kauriweatherboardexterior,tothe picturesque<br />

swimming pool and grass tennis courtwhich adornthis property,viewing will definitely not disappoint.<br />

With 6bedrooms,2bathrooms and 2living areas all retaining the original characterofthe home,your high<br />

expectations will be comfortably met with qualityyet subtle upgrades including double glazing throughout,<br />

ductedheatpump system and modernkitchen.<br />

Thereisample privateoffstreet parking foryour campervanorboat, along with triple car garaging and<br />

workshop space. Sitting on one of <strong>Ashburton</strong>’slargest centraltownsections at 2476sqm and overlooking<br />

the iconic <strong>Ashburton</strong>Domain whilst featuring its ownmagnificenttrees,gardens and lawn. This sortof<br />

opportunityisincredibly rare indeed to purchase and occupysuch amagnificentproperty,which will<br />

undoubtedly be atrue delightfor the new owner.<br />

Deadline Sale concluding<br />

21 <strong>March</strong><strong>2020</strong> at 3pm<br />

unless sold prior<br />

Open Home<br />

Saturday21<strong>March</strong> 10:30 -11:00am<br />

ArmandVan DerEik<br />

021 597 527<br />

armand.vandereik@raywhite.co.nz<br />

This property is offered to the market as aDeadline SetSale concluding on the<br />

21st <strong>March</strong><strong>2020</strong> at 3pm unless sold prior.<br />

Iamextremely proud to bring this stunning property to the market and would love to arrange aprivate<br />

viewing foryou.Please contactArmand van-der-Eik on 021 597 527 or armand.vandereik@raywhite.com<br />

RayWhite<strong>Ashburton</strong> 03 3078317 96TancredSt, PO Box443,<strong>Ashburton</strong>7700, NewZealand rwashburton.co.nz<br />

MidCanterburyReal Estate Limited Licensed REAA (2008)<br />

rwashburton.co.nz/AHB22659<br />


Page 42, <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Local news at www.starnews.co.nz<br />

trusted<br />

trades &services<br />

<strong>2020</strong> GUIDE<br />

• Annual Accounts<br />

• Tax Returns<br />

• GST Returns<br />

• CertifiedXeroAdvisor<br />

Andrea Matthews<br />

027415 9880<br />

2256447<br />

JukeBox Hire<br />

Weddings,21st,<br />

PrivateFunctions<br />

Sound Systems &Lighting Hire<br />

Phone DJ Dave<br />

03 308 5106<br />

027 251 0015<br />

www.soundmanagement.co.nz<br />

2252186<br />

L O GO<br />

DESIGN<br />

FROM<br />

ONLY<br />

$<br />

150<br />

PLUS<br />

GST<br />

P 03 308 7298<br />

E mark@dpi.co.nz<br />

dpi embroidme ashburton<br />

2262153<br />

Lubes WOF<br />

Allmechanical repairs<br />

Need storage?<br />

we CAN STORE it!<br />

Convenient, affordable<br />

self storage solution<br />

Interior and Exterior Painting<br />

Interior Plastering<br />

Wallpapering<br />



Victoria Street,<br />

TheTriangle,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Phone: (03) 308 6772<br />

2247540<br />

Phone 307 0213<br />

•185 Alford Forest Road •behind<br />

2228967<br />

2266285<br />



Phone Quentin andPhil on<br />

027282 8908 or 027282 8909<br />

2228969<br />







179WEST STREET<br />

027310 6521<br />

emmily@emmilyharmer.co.nz<br />

www.emmilyharmer.co.nz<br />

2228982<br />


Help in person by appointment<br />

Thursday9.15am -1.45pm<br />

Ph 0508 CANLAW<br />

(0508 226 529) to makean<br />

appointment.<br />

Help by phone Infoline<br />

03 371 38<strong>19</strong> or 0508 226 529<br />

215 Tancred Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

2228977<br />



•Houses<br />

•Feature Walls<br />

•Fences<br />

•Blocklaying<br />

Chris Godsell<br />

027 274 2533<br />

AH 308 7117<br />

godsell@xtra.co.nz<br />

2262209<br />




GIVE<br />

Jann, Roselle or<br />

Karenacall on<br />

3087664<br />

2268668<br />

Need help with BOOKKEEPING or<br />


Youdidn’tgointobusiness to do the<br />

books, butwedid!<br />

Let’shaveachatovercoffee andsee howIcan help<br />

Silvia Haddock 027 2169478<br />

silvia@bradleyrural.co.nz l solutionsbusiness.co.nz<br />

2257456<br />

“we clean to a<br />

standard,<br />

not aprice”<br />

UNDER NEW<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />


Same exceptional CleaningServices<br />

level of service<br />

&quality cleaning<br />

• regular full house cleans<br />

• one off spring cleans<br />

• farm houses<br />

• builders cleans<br />

• <br />

100% LOCAL<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•New builds •Renovations<br />

•All types of engineering<br />

•Small or large projects<br />

ashburtoncranes2015@gmail.com<br />

03 307 2656<br />

www.ashburtoncleaning.co.nz<br />

2228962<br />

2258106<br />

Rob021 124 4268 l Sam022 5428927<br />

email: robsue@hotmail.com<br />

2228964<br />

GREAT<br />

RATES<br />

NewPCs<br />

and Laptops<br />

forsale<br />


Does your garden need monthly<br />

maintenancetokeep it tidy and<br />

looking good through the seasons?<br />

Or perhaps just need aone off tidy<br />

or pruning completed?<br />

We can help!<br />

Allgarden wasteremoved<br />

ContactCAROLYN Phone: 027 2675403 or 3082333<br />

Email: cccolt@xtra.co.nz<br />

2262426<br />

We service and repair all makes and models<br />

of sewing machines and overlockers<br />

Your local Bernina<br />

service team<br />

John Robbie Rachel<br />

OPEN 7DAYS9.30am -4.30pm<br />

Main South Road, Tinwald <strong>Ashburton</strong> | Phone 307 6277<br />

www.anniesquilts.co.nz<br />

2252<strong>19</strong>6<br />

PC Repairs, Set-up and Tutoring<br />

Icome to youday or evening!<br />

•PCRepairs/Sales •Networks/Servers<br />

•Firewalls/Security •Spyware Clean-up •Training<br />

20 YearsExperience Microso Cerfied Professional<br />


Robin Johnstone 67 Aitken Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

P: 03 308 1440 C: 027 768 4058<br />

robinbj@xtra.co.nz<br />

2247572<br />



Jann, Roselle or Karen acallon<br />

308 7664<br />

Forall your tyre requirements,<br />

see the localexperts<br />

•Wheelalignments<br />

•Wheelbalancing<br />

<strong>19</strong>7Wills Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> l www.neumannstyres.co.nz<br />

Phone 03 308 6737 (24 hrs –after hours call out applies)<br />


Local news at www.starnews.co.nz <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2020</strong>, Page 43<br />

trusted<br />

trades &services<br />

<strong>2020</strong> GUIDE<br />

2244651<br />

Giving you time back<br />

Doyou have office admin that you just don't have the time for?<br />

Iamproficient in the following<br />

Data Entry and Processing<br />

Time management<br />

Virtual Assistant<br />

Customer Support<br />

CRM updates<br />

Order Processing<br />

Google Suite<br />

Email Handling<br />

Microsoft Excel, Word, Outlook and Powerpoint<br />

RW<br />


027 226 1428<br />

rachelwpowell@outlook.com<br />

www.freelancer.co.nz/u/rachelwpowell<br />

2265772<br />

2229026<br />

Diamond Painters and<br />

Decorators Ltd<br />

Qualityinterior and exterior<br />

painting and decorating<br />

• Wall papering • Airlessspraying<br />

• Water blasting • Residential and small commercial<br />

• Roof painting • Freenoobligation quotes<br />

Gutterguardinstallation and gutter cleaning <br />

Phone Duncan 027 370 2453 l Jeanette 027 318 5055<br />

email: diamondpaintersdecorators@gmail.com<br />

2228980<br />


*Awnings/Shadesails/Dropblinds*Auto seat covers &repairs<br />

*Hay &bin covers *PVC covers &repairs<br />

*Ute tonneau covers *Furnitureupholsteryrepairs<br />

*Commercial<br />

PHONE TRAVIS HOWDEN 027 922 4544<br />

2229015<br />

2247559<br />

B<br />

UILDER<br />

LTD<br />


• New homes • Alterations • Light commercial • Farm buildings<br />

• General maintenance • Paths • Tiling<br />

Solar powerwhenyou need it most<br />

We are experts at installing solar<br />

power systems for motorhomes.<br />



AAA<br />

Solar<br />


South Island<br />

4McGregorLane<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

03 307 4777 -027 4423103<br />

ashsolarpower@xtra.co.nz<br />

aasolarsouthisland.co.nz<br />


S<br />

Fully qualified licensed building practitioner<br />

No job toosmall! Phone Peteron:<br />

308 7133 or 027 220 8257<br />

taylorbuilt@xtra.co.nz<br />

2237870<br />

2247562<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>, Rolleston &Christchurch<br />

Email –Aaron@theoutdoorspace.co.nz<br />

Phone 0800 688365 /021 542402<br />

www.theoutdoorspace.co.nz<br />






We areyour one stop glass shop for<br />

AUTO and HOUSE<br />

REPAIR or REPLACE 152 Wills Street,<br />

“Your placeorours”<br />

2247569<br />

•Paving •Irrigation•Lawns<br />

•Planting •Fences<br />

•Pergolas•Waterfeatures<br />

•Outdoor fires<br />

•Raised planters<br />

•Decks •Stonework<br />

•Brick &blockwork<br />

•Artificial grass andmore...<br />

2229004<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Ph.308 8485<br />



Always in stock:<br />

• Birdaccessories,food &treats<br />

• Rabbitand guinea pig food,bedding &treats<br />

• Cat accessories,collars &treats<br />

• Dog collars,leads,toys, accessories &treats<br />

• Aquarian accessories &food<br />

• Dog crates &cat crates<br />

• Raw,fresh &frozenpet food<br />

• All sorts of dried products<br />



Dog<br />

Rolls<br />



COWS AND<br />


STOCK<br />

2for<br />

$<br />

12<br />

(3kgeach)<br />

“Come andsee our friendlystaffin-store today”<br />

Phone (03) 307 8996<br />

027 312 5756 l 99 Archibald Street,Tinwald<br />

2247571<br />

4WD Diesel &ElectricScissorlifts<br />

Rough terrain and electric lifts available<br />

On site collection or deliveryavailable<br />

Nowat6Range 403 West Street St,Riverside<br />

PO Box 60, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7740<br />

Phone: 03 308 8155<br />

Mobile: 0273 529909<br />

Email:sales@nee.kiwi.nz<br />

Astute Maintenance<br />

Elite Service –Astute Prices<br />

Handyman Services<br />

Decks<br />

Sheds<br />

Renovations<br />

Building<br />

Rubbish Clearing<br />

Fences<br />

Repairs<br />

Pergolas<br />

PlanterBoxes<br />

Raised Vege Gardens<br />

Tiling<br />

Call Vaughan 021 242 64<strong>19</strong><br />

Email: sales@astutemaintenance.co.nz<br />

2228991<br />

2264060<br />

We offer the following:<br />

• Gutter and DownpipeCleaning • Weed Spraying<br />

• Moss,Mouldand Lichen Spraying • Spider Proofing<br />

• Gorse and BroomSpraying • FenceLineSpraying<br />

• Chimney/Flue Cleaning $75 • Heat Pump Service$90<br />



Call Allan on 027 209 5026 an let us know howwecan help<br />


NEEDS, phone Gasolo!<br />

ClothingBrandsDesign<br />

T-ShirtPrinting<br />

Andmore...<br />

9Hugh Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong>7700<br />

027 953 5099<br />

gasolos122007@gmail.com<br />

LIV E<br />

T O<br />


-<br />

HEAT PRESS &<br />



BY<br />

HAND<br />

IN<br />

GARAGE,<br />


S E R V E<br />

O T H E R S<br />

2228959<br />

2247566<br />

Buying or Selling?<br />

Callone of ourexperienced agentstoday<br />

We’re100%locally owned &operated<br />





3D VIRTUAL<br />


308 6173

Page 44, <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Methven golfers enjoy good form<br />

Methvengolfers have<br />

enjoyed some good<br />

results recently,<br />

including winning the<br />

ColeridgeCup for the<br />

first time in 10 years.<br />

The cup is played<br />

annually between<br />

Methven, Hororata,<br />

Waimak and Greendale<br />

and is a20players<br />

stableford competition.<br />

Methvenwon thisyear<br />

with655pts,Greendale<br />

was second with 631pts<br />

and Waimak third with<br />

624pts.<br />

Other recent<br />

highlights for Methven<br />

GolfClub members<br />

include Steve Schwass<br />

and Greg Overall<br />

winningatwo­day<br />

tournament at Tinwald<br />

lastmonth, Schwass and<br />

Members of Methven Golf Club’s winning Coleridge Cup team. (Photo<br />

supplied)<br />

GrahamGunn finishing<br />

first and runner up<br />

respectively at the fourday<br />

West Coast<br />

Challenge, and afifth<br />

place for Methven at the<br />

14 club Bristol Cup<br />

tournamentheld at the<br />

Timaru Golf Club.<br />

Local news at www.starnews.co.nz<br />

13 clubs at Rakaia tourney<br />

Astrong field with 58 players from 13<br />

different clubs (Canterbury and Aorangi<br />

golf) enjoyed asunny day at the Rakaia<br />

Golf course recently and handed in<br />

some sharp scores.<br />

Men ­Gross Mike Markillie (Methven)<br />

46, best nett Gordon Clinton<br />

(<strong>Ashburton</strong>) 31, r/u nett Donald Neutze<br />

(Charteris Bay) 33, putting Alister<br />

Goodwin (Methven) 15, r/u putting John<br />

Barwell (Methven) 16 by lot from Paul<br />

Baird (<strong>Ashburton</strong>), closest to the pin #8<br />

Paul Baird.<br />

Ladies grade 1­Gross Tonee Hurley<br />

(<strong>Ashburton</strong>) 49, best nett Barbara May<br />

(Greendale) 35, r/u nett Gill Taylor<br />

(Ellesmere) 38 by lot from Jill Ludemann<br />

(Mayfield), putting Sue Lamb<br />

(<strong>Ashburton</strong>) 15 r/u putting Jill Ludemann<br />

16, closest to the pin #8 Maaike<br />

Kikstra (Greendale).<br />

Ladies grade 2 ­ Gross Val Bell<br />

(Rakaia) 52, best nett Adrienne<br />

Goodwin (Methven) 32, r/u nett Lillian<br />

O’Hanlon (Rakaia) 36, 3rd nett Angela<br />

Williams (Tai Tapu) 37 by lot from Ann<br />

Fleming (<strong>Ashburton</strong>), putting Sharon<br />

Golfers on the Rakaia Golf Course.<br />

Smith (Timaru) 14, r/u putting Alycen<br />

Cournane (Pleasant Point) by lot from<br />

Jan Chisholm (Geraldine) and Avis<br />

Sutherland (Greendale), 2nd shot to the<br />

pin #6 Adrienne Goodwin.<br />

Ladies grade 3 ­ Gross Judith<br />

McDonald (Tai Tapu) 56, best nett<br />

Susan Johnstone (Tai Tapu) 35, r/u nett<br />

Beverley McHugh (Tai Tapu) 35, putting<br />

Nancy Costin (Tinwald) 14, 2nd<br />

shot to the pin #6 Diane Gebbie (Tai<br />

Tapu).<br />

Zonta art winners chosen<br />

A brightly coloured, glazed porcelain<br />

piece called Totter has been<br />

chosen as the winning artwork of<br />

the <strong>2020</strong> Zonta <strong>Ashburton</strong> Female<br />

Art Award.<br />

The piece was created by<br />

Christchurch­based Janna van Hasselt.<br />

Judges Sarah McClintock,<br />

Cheryl Lucas and Lydia Baxendell<br />

noted the “honesty, energy, tension,<br />

joy and the immense skill”<br />

that the artwork displayed, saying<br />

“it was incredibly memorable” for<br />

each of them.<br />

Along with a cash prize of<br />

$3,500, van Hasselt has also won<br />

the invaluable opportunity to create<br />

asolo exhibition at <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Art Gallery in 2021.<br />

Her winning work was one of 41<br />

created by artists for the annual<br />

awards exhibition.<br />

The Young Generation Award<br />

this year went to Catherine Anderson<br />

for her photographic entry<br />

Power over Forest.<br />

The Zonta <strong>Ashburton</strong> Female<br />

Art Awards exhibition will be on<br />

display until April 12. Visitors to<br />

the gallery are encouraged to<br />

choose their favourite artwork for<br />

the People’s Choice award.<br />

Zonta <strong>Ashburton</strong> Female Art Award winner (from left) Janna van<br />

Hasselt, Zonta <strong>Ashburton</strong> president Judith Early and Young<br />

Generation Award winner Catherine Anderson. (Photo: Emmily<br />

Harmer/<strong>Ashburton</strong> Art Gallery)<br />

Students try out the new school playground at Longbeach School.<br />

New playgroundat<br />

Longbeach School<br />

An impressive new playground has<br />

been added atLongbeach School, but<br />

it’s been three years in the funding.<br />

The new playground islocated near<br />

the school tennis courts and has been<br />

funded through proceeds from the<br />

Longbeach Challenge, which the<br />

schoolhelps run,and from aLotteries<br />

Commission grant of $24,000.<br />

School principal Neil Simons said<br />

the new playground had cost around<br />

$51,000.<br />

Part of the school’s proceeds from<br />

the LongbeachChallenge over the last<br />

three years had been put aside and<br />

used topart fund the project.<br />

Installation had been relatively<br />

quick and some 75m3 of bark chip had<br />

been put down.<br />

Over the years, proceeds from the<br />

Longbeach Challenge had enabled<br />

the school to purchase audiovisual<br />

equipment and ahitting wall, and had<br />

also helped with staffing costs, pool<br />

maintenance and IT equipment.<br />

The new school playground is<br />

aimed at students aged eightyears and<br />

older.<br />

Swimmers at Sunday’s open water swim event.<br />

Open water swimmers mix<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Master Swimmers group has hosted<br />

another successful open water swim event.<br />

Held in apond on Coldstream Road, Hinds, the<br />

gathering featured 18 swimmers, with locals joined<br />

by a good contingent from the Christchurch QE<br />

Masters group.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Master Swimmers group secretary<br />

Helen Argyle said the water was flat and not too<br />

cold.<br />

Swimmers had enjoyed the eventand the area and<br />

were keen to return.<br />

Swim distances ranged from 1km to 3km and<br />

featured anumber of age group categories.<br />

The fastest 1km swim was 14m:25s, while EA<br />

Networks Centre manager Steve Prescott powered<br />

home in atime of 42m:30s in the 3km race.

2268978<br />




Build customers,sales and<br />

profits,with us ...<br />

Over 16,065 copies delivered everyThursday<br />


QUICK PUZZLE NO. 8559<br />

ACROSS<br />

1. Suffering (8)<br />

6. Story (4)<br />

8. Fraction (4)<br />

9. Tip(8)<br />

10. Flat (5)<br />

11. Rubble (6)<br />

13. Generator (6)<br />

15. Firework (6)<br />

17. Reptile (6)<br />

<strong>19</strong>. Entrance (5)<br />

22. Trouble-maker (8)<br />

23. Carefor (4)<br />

24. Cheese (4)<br />

25. Trade (8)<br />

DOWN<br />

2. Silly (5)<br />

3. Fabric(7)<br />

4. Border (4)<br />

5. Flag (8)<br />

6. Digit (5)<br />

7. Trellis (7)<br />

12. Servant(8)<br />

14. Junior (7)<br />

16. Chuckle (7)<br />

18. Name (5)<br />

20. Garment(5)<br />

21. Stern (4)<br />


ACROSS<br />

1. Could be spoken, one argued (3,5). 6. Run off with a<br />

Pole (4). 8. Called from the step (4). 9. There’s sun and I<br />

take atray out, alone (8). 10. The tough guy holding the<br />

mother bird (2-3). 11. Jack and Jock on the road (6). 13.<br />

In the main, it gives guidance (6). 15. The others, when<br />

one’s captured, fight back (6). 17. Makes it obligatory in<br />

the services (6). <strong>19</strong>. Adear building material (5). 22. At<br />

five to nine, see off the foreigners (8). 23. Carl left the<br />

carnival drunk, with aRussian (4). 24. Where Iamat this<br />

point (4). 25. In awhile the rose becomes wild, which is<br />

aggravating (8).<br />

DOWN<br />

2. “A someone to inspire you” does make you giggle (5).<br />

3. The comedian, at the end, gets the bird (7). 4. Got up as<br />

agirl (4). 5. In apay cut, reducing by ahundred would be<br />

beneficial (8). 6. Left ajagged tear afterwards (5). 7. Possibly<br />

wrapped in papers, with ahard centre (7). 12. View<br />

as alikely site for gold? (8). 14. The one getting the dole<br />

is in love (7). 16. Begins to hold one up, creating difficulties<br />

(7). 18. Boat in astormy ocean (5). 20. Little gift from<br />

the jeweller’s that will entrance? (5). 21. The better half<br />

concealing asign of sorrow (4).<br />

SUDOKU<br />

MEDIUM No. 5212<br />

1 5<br />

9 6 7<br />

4 5 6 3 8<br />

4 8<br />

5 7 6 8<br />

5 1<br />

2 9 8 6 1<br />

1 8 2<br />

8 7<br />

Solutiontoprevious Sudoku<br />

Howto<br />

solve<br />

Sudoku!<br />

Fill the grid<br />

so thatevery<br />

rowand every<br />

3x3 square<br />

contains the<br />

digitals 1to9<br />

4 8 2 5 9 3 1 6 7<br />

9 5 6 1 2 7 4 3 8<br />

3 7 1 6 4 8 9 2 5<br />

2 3 7 4 5 9 8 1 6<br />

6 4 8 7 3 1 2 5 9<br />

5 1 9 8 6 2 7 4 3<br />

8 9 3 2 1 6 5 7 4<br />

1 6 5 9 7 4 3 8 2<br />

7 2 4 3 8 5 6 9 1<br />

Solution to previous crossword<br />


Across -1,Cite. 7, Carnation. 8, Push. 9, Urdu. 10, Pull.<br />

11,Ibis. 14, Artificial. 16, Atmosphere. <strong>19</strong>, Fret. 22, Trip.<br />

24, Lope. 25, Plan. 26, Alligator.27, Free.<br />

Down -1,Capri. 2, Tosti. 3, Carrot. 4, Engulf. 5, Stop. 6,<br />

Colleague. 12, Butterfly. 13, Sago. 15, Chef. 17, Pillar.<br />

18, Employ.20, Ruler.21, Tense. 23, Pail.<br />


Across -1,Reed (rev). 7, Scarecrow. 8,Know (no). 9,<br />

Heed (he’d). 10, Data. 11, Stem. 14, On the wagon. 16,<br />

Lashing out. <strong>19</strong>, Over. 22, Char. 24, Tail (tale). 25, Firm.<br />

26, Pre-vented. 27, Felt.<br />

Down -1,Rakes. 2, ‘E-rode. 3, A-c-cent. 4, Bridge. 5,<br />

Iced. 6, Boat-house. 12, Tr-eacher-y.13, Mot-(lli)h (rev.).<br />

15, Al-to. 17, N(ew)-oting. 18, O-liver. 20, V-o-ile. 21,<br />

Remit (rev.). 23, Rave(n).<br />

ContactJann Thompson 03 308 7664 jann.thompson@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Menopause -The Musical<br />

Wed 8th April 7.30pm<br />

The original New York and Las Vegas hit Menopause<br />

The Musical® returns to NZ! Four Women at alingerie<br />

sale that have nothing in common but ablack lace bra,<br />

memory loss, night sweats, hot flushes and more.A<br />

hilarious show that will have you in fits oflaughter.<br />

WE value the service we<br />

provide - The <strong>Courier</strong> for<br />

advice on how you can<br />

reach potential customers.<br />

Call us today on 308 7664.<br />

All tickets $69.90*<br />

TALK to us today about ways<br />

you can improve your business.<br />

Professional, reliable<br />

service with a smile. The<br />

<strong>Courier</strong> 308 7664.<br />

BOOK<br />

NOW<br />

MAKE money selling your<br />

unwanted items. Up to 24<br />

words for only $8. Can’t get<br />

better than that. The <strong>Courier</strong>.<br />

For more information<br />

www.ateventcentre.co.nz<br />

It’s Only Rock “n’Roll Baby –<br />

VarietyTheatre<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

15th to 23rd May :Fri/Sat 7:30pm,<br />

Sun 17th 2pm,<br />

Tues-Sat 7:30pm<br />

Father and daughter team<br />

are this year’s director and<br />

musical director. Joining<br />

them is Jessie Thompson<br />

as Choreographer who is a<br />

pro having choreographed<br />

the likes of Oliver,Adams<br />

family and Sister Act to<br />

name afew. This exciting<br />

show has some new and exciting faces alongside<br />

some of your favourite familiar faces. With songs like<br />

‘Love Shack’ and ‘This is me’ you will be dancing in the<br />

aisles.<br />

Adults $59* / Senior or Student $49*<br />

03 307 2010 211A Wills Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7700 admin@ateventcentre.co.nz *Service fees apply<br />

LOOKING to earn extra<br />

money, even while you’re<br />

out walking? Delivery<br />

people required. Phone<br />

The <strong>Courier</strong> 308 7664.<br />


sports reporter<br />

Christchurch<br />

Who we are<br />

Allied Press Limited employs over450 people on apermanent basis<br />

acrossits 15 sitesinthe South Island. Weoperate across multiple<br />

media platforms (print, on-line,digital)deliveringnews,informationand<br />

entertainment throughour variousregional and city publications, including<br />

Star Media in Christchurch.<br />

The role:<br />

Reporting to the editor,the main purpose of theposition is to writesports<br />

articles for our stable of newspapersand our website.<br />

Someofthe keyaccountabilitiesinclude:<br />

•Providing accurate,lively and fairarticles.<br />

•Write articles coveringavariety of sport from junior to men’s and<br />

women’ssport.<br />

•Meetingdeadlines.<br />

•Beingateam player.<br />

Your skills and experience:<br />

We arelookingfor ajournalist whoiscurrentlyworkingasasports reporter,<br />

or has hadsports reporting experience,oriscurrently ageneral reporter<br />

whohas apassion for sport.<br />

In additiontoyour interest in sport you will demonstrate:<br />

•Aneye foragoodsports angle<br />

•Anability to tell thestorybehind thestory<br />

•Good storytellingability<br />

•Awriting style that can be adaptedtosports newsstories,<br />

features and the quirky<br />

Furtherdetails:<br />


acakefor your<br />

special person with<br />

Main South Rd, Tinwald. Phone 308 5774<br />

Birthdays this week<br />

Lincoln Thomas,20th <strong>March</strong>, aged 3<br />

Oliver Polson, 22nd <strong>March</strong>, aged 7<br />

ShamikaEpilo,23rd<strong>March</strong>,aged 6<br />

Justin Bennett,24th <strong>March</strong><br />

Ponty, 24th <strong>March</strong><br />

Congratulations to last weeks winner!<br />

Amelia Arps<br />

If youhave aspecial friend who youwouldlike like to see<br />

win acake,put their name in the BirthdayBooks at Sims<br />

Bakery, Tinwald or <strong>Ashburton</strong>’sThe <strong>Courier</strong>,<strong>19</strong>9 Burnett St.<br />

N.B: Names forbirthdays next week<br />

must be with us by 10.00am TUESDAY<br />



LOOKING for the best way to<br />

spend your advertising dollar?<br />

Think The <strong>Courier</strong>.<br />

FOR advice on advertising<br />

call The <strong>Courier</strong> 308 7664.<br />

Thisisafull-time permanentposition.<br />

We can offeryou agreat teamenvironment andthe opportunity to grow.<br />

If you think this role is foryou, apply by way of CV and acoveringletter to<br />

recruitment@alliedpress.co.nz<br />

Informal inquiriesabout the role arewelcomeand shouldbedirected to<br />

editor-in-chiefBarryClarke:021-359-426.<br />

Acopyofthe positiondescriptioncan be requested from HR<br />

at recruitment@alliedpress.co.nz<br />

Applications close on Friday 27 <strong>March</strong> <strong>2020</strong>but willbeprocessed on a<br />

rolling basis.<br />

All applications willbetreated in the strictestconfidence.<br />


RENT ME!<br />

Ideal as an extra<br />

bedroomoroffice.<br />

Fully insulatedand<br />

double glazed forwarmth.<br />

Threeconvenientsizes:<br />

Standard3.6m x2.4m,<br />

Large 4.2m x2.4m<br />

Xtra-large 4.8m x2.4m.<br />

Visit our displaycabin<br />

418WestStreet or callfor a<br />

freebrochure.<br />

www.justcabins.co.nz<br />

0800 58 78 22<br />

Please note thatyou must havethe righttowork in NewZealand to<br />

apply for this role.<br />

Disclaimer: AlliedPress doesnot accept unsolicited agencyrésumés. Allied<br />

Press is notresponsiblefor any feesrelated to unsolicited résumés.<br />

2227764<br />

AWESOME office space for<br />

lease, rent or hire. Park like<br />

setting. Indoor and outdoor<br />

areas. North-west town<br />

boundary. Must view.<br />

Phone 027 475 4241.<br />

STORAGE and space leasing<br />

for vehicles, motorbikes,<br />

bicycles, boats,<br />

motor-homes, caravans,<br />

tractors, trucks, trailers and<br />

containers. Indoor, outdoor<br />

or under cover. Call Peter<br />

027 333 3626.<br />

STORAGE available, <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

Self storage, variety<br />

of sizes. Phone Rainbow<br />

Storage 03 307 0401.<br />

STORAGE: Secure self storage<br />

units available long or<br />

short term at <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Storage Facilities. Contact<br />

us on 027 436 2636 or www.<br />

ashburtonstoragefacilities.co.nz<br />


Refugee SettlementSupport Team:<br />

Job Vacancies<br />


Safer Mid Canterbury<br />

Together we’re safer<br />

As part of the Government’s decision to increase the annual refugee quota itidentified<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> as one of five new settlement locations. Contract funding was made available<br />

for the development of anew Refugee Settlement Service for <strong>Ashburton</strong>. Safer Mid<br />

Canterburywas successfulinits bidtodevelopand run this service for <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

This is an exciting opportunity tobepart ofthe new Refugee Settlement Support Team,<br />

workingdirectlywith refugees as they embark on their new life settling intoanewcountry<br />

andcommunity.All positions are parttime and will require family engagement, casework,<br />

direct supportfor the refugee familiesand collaboration with othersupportagencies.<br />

Theideal candidates will have the following keyattributes:<br />

•Willingnesstoembrace,seek and understand specificcultural knowledge<br />

•Enthusiasm and commitment to work as ateam member<br />

•Excellent oral, listening andwritten communication skills<br />

•Pastexperienceworkingwith refugees and/or minority or diverse populations would be<br />

an advantage<br />

We are now seeking to fill the following four settlement team job vacancies:<br />

Caseworker/Youth: Must beaqualified and registered Social Worker with experience in<br />

workingwith Youth.<br />

Caseworker/Housing: Must have experience and knowledge of Housing and Tenancy<br />

sector.<br />

Caseworker/Volunteer Coordinator: Experience in coordinatingand managing volunteer<br />

services.<br />

Caseworker/Cultural Navigator: Seeking aperson who is fluent in Dari or asimilar<br />

language (i.e. Farsi).<br />

These positions are allpart time (24 hours per week) with some flexibilityrequiredaround<br />

when the hours will be worked. In return we offer asupportive and flexible family friendly<br />

work environment. If this sounds like you then we would love to hearfrom you.<br />

To apply please go to ourwebsite career section to download an application formand<br />

view the positiondescription. Please follow all instructions on the form. Youcan call us<br />

on 03 3081395ifyou requirefurtherinformation www.safermidcanterbury.org.nz<br />

Applicationsclose Monday 6th April,<strong>2020</strong>, at 4.00pm<br />


6WATERFORDPLACE,$579,000<br />

3 2 2 2 811m 2<br />


Sat21&Sun 22 –11.00am-11.45am<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Plains Rotary<br />


$<br />

6.00<br />

per bale<br />



Small bales<br />

Phone or txt Alisdair 027 410 6882<br />

Ian 027 432 0438; Murray 307 0353<br />

2261029<br />


SELL - Nine black faced<br />

lambs, ideal for alifestyle<br />

block. Phone 027 642 1595<br />

evenings.<br />


POTATOES, Nadine &Agria<br />

$2 per kilo. Phone 308<br />

3<strong>19</strong>5 or 027 531 9103. 81<br />

Elizabeth Street.<br />

LOOKING for work or staff?<br />

Advertise in The <strong>Courier</strong>.<br />

Call 308 7664.<br />

2268<br />

268<br />

393-<br />

3-<br />

S<br />


ROOF COATINGS: All roof<br />

types, specializing in<br />

Decramastic and Long Run<br />

Iron, Coloursteel etc, steep<br />

roofs not a problem. —<br />

Spraymaster 027-433-7780.<br />


LOST: Hearing aid on Moore<br />

Street, between Cass and<br />

William Streets, on 16th<br />

<strong>March</strong>. Phone 308 8795.<br />

SELL<br />

PETS<br />

Mobile<br />

groomer now<br />

servicing<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Call nowtobooka<br />

2268998<br />


9kg cylinders<br />

$27.50<br />

Askabout our<br />

deliveryservice<br />

Anysizecylinderfilled<br />

17 Grey St,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Phone 307 2707<br />

LPG<br />


Small LPG cylinders<br />

Off Street Parking<br />

Available<br />

Arthur Cates Ltd<br />

26 McNally Street<br />

Ph 308 5397<br />

Riverside Industrial Estate<br />

pamper foryour pooch<br />

Ph 0800454 654<br />

2245262<br />

2245232<br />

PEA STRAW Conventional<br />

Bales $6 per bale Medium<br />

Square Pea Straw bales for<br />

Sale $40 a bale delivery<br />

$10 per bale. Ph<br />

02040233792<br />

EVERY week, every home.<br />

The <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>19</strong>9 Burnett<br />

Street. Ph 03 308 7664.<br />

2245334<br />


MISSING: ‘Koji’<br />

From the Wellington St, CambridgeSt,<br />

Hugh St area since Tuesday10th<strong>March</strong>.<br />

Half grown silver/grey tabbywith white<br />

feet, wearing areflective collar with a<br />

teal bell attached.<br />

Please checkyour properties inside<br />

and out, sheds,garages etc. andask<br />

neighbourstodothe same.<br />

Anysightings with good news or bad, please phoneortext:<br />

022 026 1211 or if youcan pickhim up and take him indoors,<br />

please contact me and Iwill collect him.<br />

Ijust want this boyhome.Iappreciate allyour help,thank you.<br />


TREES wanted suitable for<br />

logging/firewood. 20 ton<br />

digger for clean-up. Phone<br />

Shane James 027 611<br />

3334.<br />

ANIMALS to good homes<br />

every week in The <strong>Courier</strong>.<br />






Forall other medicalassistance outsideofnormal<br />

hours please phone your generalpracticeteam, 24/7,<br />

to speak with ahealth professionalwho will giveyou<br />

free healthadviceonwhattodoorwhere to go if you<br />

need urgentcare.<br />

If youdon’t have aregular general practice, call any<br />

GP team 24/7 forfreetelephone health advice.<br />

All non-residents and visa holders please bring your<br />

passporttoyour surgeryappointment.<br />

New Zealanders’tobring some form of ID.<br />

The<strong>Ashburton</strong>DutyPracticefor ...<br />

Saturday21st <strong>March</strong> is<br />

MooreStreet Medical Centre,MooreStreet.<br />

Consultations will be by appointmentonly.<br />

To make an appointmentcall your regular GP 24/7.<br />

Sunday22nd <strong>March</strong> is<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Health First,308 Havelock Street.<br />

Consultations will be by appointmentonly.<br />

To make an appointmentcall your regular GP 24/7.<br />

Methven and Rakaia: Formedical attention on the<br />

weekend and public holidays please telephone<br />

MethvenMedical Centre on 03 302 8105<br />

or Rakaia Medical Centre on 03 303 5002.<br />

Details foraccessing the afterhours services will be on the<br />

answer phone.<br />


Wises Pharmacy,CountdownComplex,<br />

East Street will be open on ...<br />

Saturday from 9.00am until 1.00pm<br />

Sunday from 10.00am until 1.00pm<br />

At Geraldine: TheGeraldine Pharmacywill be open<br />

normal trading hours during the week,and on<br />

Saturdaymorning from 9.30am to 12.30pm.<br />

Closed Sundays and Public Holidays<br />

Forfree24hour Telephone Health Advice<br />

Phone the healthline on 0800 611 116<br />

Broughttoyouby<br />

CountdownComplex, East Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Phone: 03 308 6733 Fax: 03 308 6755<br />

AndreGrob<br />

Chiropractor<br />

Tues 9am-5pm<br />

03 308 9516<br />

www.ashburtonchiropractic.co.nz<br />

2268389<br />

TO LET<br />

SUPERIOR 2bedroom flat.<br />

Close in westside, available<br />

from Easter. Underfloor<br />

heating, log burner, heat<br />

pump. Small garden<br />

maintained by landlord.<br />

$300. Phone 308 7493.<br />

Forkliftand Dangerous GoodsCourses<br />

NZTAApproved Course Provider,MITO&Competenz Assessor<br />

Classes 2&4,Endorsements F&D<br />

ForkliftF&OSH, Saturdays and other days as requested<br />

Dangerous Goods Course,½day Mondaymornings<br />

CommunityHouse,<strong>Ashburton</strong>oryour work place<br />

Forfurther information<br />

Phone Christine 027 245 2563<br />

2238752<br />

2254829<br />

InsuranceWork<br />


Specialising in<br />



of<br />

Cars,Trucks,Buses,Horse Floats &Motorhomes,<br />

Caravans,Trailers,Farm Machinery, Jet Boats,<br />

LightEngineering and Aluminium Welding<br />

17 Range Street (IndustrialEstate)<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Phone 307 0378 l 0274 274 007<br />

Email: busandtruckbodywork@xtra.co.nz<br />

ALTERATIONS, mending<br />

and trouser hemming, curtain<br />

alterations and curtain<br />

making. Call Michelle on<br />

027 352 7248.<br />

WINDSCREENS and house<br />

glass. Qualified flat glass<br />

glazier now in-house. Anything<br />

glass, give us acall.<br />

Your place or ours. Wilson<br />

Windscreens, 152 Wills<br />

Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong>. Phone<br />

03 308 8485.<br />

CARPET cleaning -Powerful<br />

equipment & fast drying.<br />

Upholstery, mats and rugs.<br />

Experienced owner/operator.<br />

Phone John Cameron<br />

at Supersucker, 027 435<br />

1042 or 308 1677.<br />

CARR’S Chimney Cleaning,<br />

servicing <strong>Ashburton</strong> and<br />

surrounding districts, $60<br />

per chimney. Phone<br />

Rodney on 03 324 2999<br />

and leave amessage.<br />

CHARLIE’S Blind Cleaning<br />

Service -same day service<br />

and repairs. Charlie can<br />

supply new blinds and<br />

tracks, will hang drapes.<br />

Phone 03 307 <strong>19</strong>36 or 020<br />

4169 0342.<br />

CHIMNEY sweep - For a<br />

professional service call<br />

Dan McKerrow Chimney<br />

Sweep and Repairs on 021<br />

118 7580.<br />

COMPUTER problems? For<br />

prompt reliable computer<br />

servicing and laser engraving<br />

contact Kelvin, KJB<br />

Systems Ltd, 4 Ascot<br />

Place, <strong>Ashburton</strong>. Phone<br />

308 8989. SuperGold discount<br />

card accepted.<br />

COMPUTER repairs, sales,<br />

training, setup -wireless -<br />

networks, spyware cleanup.<br />

On-site day or evening.<br />

LOW FEES. Call Robin<br />

Johnstone, Networks<br />

Firewalls & PC’s Ltd, 308<br />

1440 or 027 768 4058.<br />

CONCRETE pavers direct to<br />

you - Best prices, many<br />

sizes, textures and colours<br />

- Paveco, 13 Robinson<br />

Street, Industrial Estate.<br />

CONCRETE Services -<br />

Driveways, paths, patios,<br />

mowing edging. Decorative<br />

Concrete specialist 30<br />

years servicing Canterbury.<br />

Free quotes. No job too big<br />

or small. Phone Paul 021<br />

152 <strong>19</strong>66.<br />

DENTURES; Dr Peter<br />

Rumping repairs existing<br />

dentures and also provides<br />

new dentures. Phone 027<br />

220 9997.<br />

FLY control and spider<br />

proofing. For all domestic<br />

and industrial pest control<br />

needs phone AJ Kerr at<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Pest Control on<br />

03 308 8147 or 027 432<br />

5447.<br />

FURNITURE removals -For<br />

all your household removal<br />

needs call Nudges Furniture<br />

Removals, phone 027<br />

224 0609.<br />

GARDENING, mowing,<br />

pruning, fertilising, projects<br />

or general spruce ups? Call<br />

Andrew at Spruce Gardens<br />

to get the job done right.<br />

027 765 2899 or 03 307 1693.<br />

sprucegardens@xtra.co.nz<br />

GUTTER cleaning. Book in a<br />

clean now and tell me when<br />

you want the job done. You<br />

may have trees around.<br />

Call Allan 027 209 5026.<br />

HYDRAULICS; Martin<br />

Bennett -Onsite hydraulic<br />

hose repair service 24/7.<br />

Stockists of Aero Quip<br />

hoses &fittings, Commercial<br />

hydraulics, Dynacool,<br />

Spool valves etc., MP Filtri,<br />

Walvoil. Call Justin on 308<br />

9778.<br />

2245281<br />


•LawnMowing<br />

•Pruning<br />

•Garden Maintenance<br />

•Gutter Cleaning<br />

•Rubbish Removal<br />

Call us TODAY<br />

foraFREE quote<br />

2245223<br />

Ph 0800 4546 546<br />

(0800 4jimjim)<br />



Rockcote. Waterproofing.<br />

Texture/Specialist<br />

Coatings.<br />

The Finishing Company<br />

03 307 8870 2238800<br />

ENGINEERING repairs, fabrication,<br />

farm equipment<br />

service and maintenance,<br />

W.O.F. repairs, machining<br />

and welding. Odd jobs a<br />

speciality. Mobile workshop.<br />

Can collect. Phone<br />

Malcolm 027 475 4241.<br />

LEGAL work -Phone Peter<br />

Ragg (<strong>Ashburton</strong> Law) for<br />

house sales, purchases<br />

and refinances. Will call at<br />

home evenings for wills,<br />

enduring powers of<br />

attorney. Phone 308 0327.<br />

PAINTER for all your painting<br />

needs. No job too small,<br />

inside or outside. Professional<br />

friendly service.<br />

Phone Pete 03 308 1672 or<br />

027 200 16<strong>19</strong>.<br />

PAINTING wallpapering,<br />

plastering - No job too<br />

small. Interior, exterior.<br />

Professional, prompt, competitive<br />

service. Phone<br />

Tony Sivier at Paint It <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

on 021 878 794 or<br />

307 7289.<br />

PLUMBING, drainlaying,<br />

blocked drains. Phone<br />

Lindsay at Doaky’s Plumbing<br />

on 027 555 5575 or 308<br />

1248 (Master Plumbers &<br />

Drainlayers).<br />

SUN Control Window Tinting:<br />

Privacy, UV, glare, heat<br />

control for homes -offices -<br />

and cars. Phone Craig<br />

Rogers 307 6347, member<br />

of Master Tinters NZ.<br />

TILING - For all your tiling<br />

requirements including kitchen<br />

splash backs, flooring<br />

etc. (full water proofing),<br />

call Kevin on 027 496 8314.<br />

TINT-A-WINDOW, fade, UV<br />

block, glare, heat control,<br />

safety, security, privacy,<br />

frosting films, solar protective<br />

window films. Free<br />

quotes, 20 years local service.<br />

Phone 0800 368 468<br />

now, Bill Breukelaar, www.<br />

tintawindow.co.nz<br />

TV Reception Specialists for<br />

all your digital freeview<br />

installations and repairs,<br />

TV wall mounting, Smart<br />

TV set-up, home theatre<br />

installation. Call John at<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> TV &Audio Ltd<br />

03 308 7332 or 027 277<br />

1062.<br />

BUILDING and property<br />

solutions. For your complete<br />

alteration or renovation.<br />

We project manage<br />

the whole process. Home<br />

and small commercial.<br />

Qualified tradesmen.<br />

Phone Kiwi Building &<br />

Maintenance Ltd. Gary 308<br />

4798, 027 207 1478 or<br />

Cawte 027 418 7955.

Local news at www.starnews.co.nz <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2020</strong>, Page 47<br />





SEASON<br />




Noticeisgiven that Fire and Emergency<br />

NewZealand has revokedthe<br />

previously declared RestrictedFire<br />

Season from midnightTHURSDAY <strong>19</strong><br />

MARCH<strong>2020</strong>inthe following areas<br />

which arenow in an OpenFireSeason:<br />

• OPEN FIRE SEASON for the High<br />

CountryZone <strong>Ashburton</strong>Coastal,<br />

TimaruCoastaland Waimate<br />

Coastal zones<br />

This nowmeans the whole area of the<br />

Mid-South Canterbury districtfromthe<br />

Rakaia Rivertothe WaitakiRiver,sea to<br />

the Alps is in an open fireseason.<br />

No permits arerequired forburning,<br />

howeverthere is still an expectation that<br />

all outdoor burning is conductedinasafe<br />

manner.<br />


REQUIRED)for:<br />

• Geraldine and Waimate Forest<br />

zones<br />

Apermit is required to lightafire in<br />

open air in these areas.<br />

See www.checkitsalright.nz to apply for<br />

apermit online or call 0800 658 628. You<br />

can also check fortypes of firewhich have<br />

been authorised as not being fires in open<br />

air and do not need apermit.<br />

Youcommit an offenceifyouknowingly<br />

or recklessly light, or allowanother<br />

person to light, afire in open air in an area<br />

thatisinaRestrictedFireSeasonunless<br />

under apermit<br />

R.A. Hands<br />


Mid-South CanterburyArea22<br />

To apply forapermit online or check the<br />

season status in an area please visit<br />

www.checkitsalright.nz<br />

or call 0800 658 628.<br />

2268885<br />

2262328<br />

Peter Blacklow<br />

Call in atalk to the people who know<br />

. . .<br />


O F T H E W E E K<br />

Blacklows TradeZone <strong>Ashburton</strong> your locally<br />

owned &operated family business for 67 years<br />

Full range of engineering supplies and accessories forall your repairs<br />

&maintenance. Kerrick hot &cold waterblasters &industrial vacuum cleaners.<br />

Esseti welders &accessories. Stockists and distributors of Trailer Equipment.<br />


South Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong> PHONE (03) 308-3147<br />

Email office@blacklows.co.nz FREEPHONE 0800 452 522<br />

Take up the challenge!<br />



FREE 8Day Adventure, Outdoor&<br />

Physical Pursuits Course<br />

May8th -16th <strong>2020</strong><br />

The Lions Club of <strong>Ashburton</strong> isagain sponsoring<br />

6local people toparticipate inthis proven course<br />

designed to teach self-reliance, motivation and<br />

leadershipskills.<br />

If youare aged 18 years and over with areasonable<br />

standardoffitness,here’syour opportunitytopush<br />

the boundaries, test limits and achieve personal<br />

andprofessional goals.<br />

But be quick ...applications close 27 <strong>March</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

To find out moreabout this free course,check out<br />

www.berwickoutdoorexperience.co.nz or contact<br />

BarryVesseyon027 353 7185or308 6247<br />

Alternatively,pickupyour application form from<br />

Neil at Riverside Food Bar, Robinson Street.<br />

Due togovernment<br />

announcement, the<br />

106th Methven A&P<br />

Show that was to be<br />

held this Saturday<br />

has been<br />


HospiceMid Canterbury<br />

Dealing<br />

with alife<br />

limiting<br />

illness?<br />

We can help with:<br />

2262627<br />

2268602-S<br />

•Sittingand companionship<br />

•Counselling and bereavement<br />

support<br />

•Biographywriting<br />

•Massage,reiki and reflexology<br />

•Activityand support<br />

programmes<br />

Phone 307 8387 or 027 227 8387<br />

email manager@hospicemc.nz www.hospicemc.nz<br />

Allservices<br />

arefree<br />



2700psi. 11.33 litre.<br />

6.5HpHonda engine.<br />

BAR2565C-H<br />

$1521.74+GST<br />

(formerly SPCA)<br />

BONUS<br />



Plenty of tabby<br />

kittens ready now.<br />

2year old tabby<br />

ready fornew home.<br />

Free barncats.<br />

Allanimals microchipped<br />

Kindl sponsore b<br />

Adrienne Patterson<br />

Ph308 4432<br />


Please note: As at 31st<strong>March</strong> <strong>2020</strong>,<br />

our PO Boxwill be closed.<br />

Futureposted creditor invoices should be<br />

mailed c/- Allied Press,POBox 517,<br />

Dunedin 9054.<br />

Allother mail can be posted to<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><strong>Courier</strong> Newspaper,<br />

<strong>19</strong>9 Burnett Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong>7700.<br />

Thank you.<br />

180216<br />

2262114<br />

SCVCC Annual Swap Meet<br />

Winchester Domain SH1, April 4th,<br />

gates open 7.30am<br />

All makes car display<br />

Something for everyone<br />

Sites –Michelle Munro Ph 03 6864824<br />

Or Email scvccswapmeet@hotmail.com<br />

No dogs allowed<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Borough School<br />


Bookings areopen forthe next<br />

School Holiday Programme<br />

14th to 24th April<br />

Forthe plan and bookingsgoto:<br />

https://ashborough.aimyplus.com<br />

2264065<br />

2259753<br />

2265457<br />

Thur <strong>19</strong>th &Fri 20th<br />

10.00<br />

10.00<br />

11.45<br />

12.10<br />

1.30<br />

2.20<br />

4.00<br />

4.30<br />

5.50<br />

6.25<br />

8.00<br />

8.20<br />

Sat21st<br />

10.00 Sonic<br />

PG<br />

10.00 Dolittle<br />

PG<br />

11.50 Call of the Wild PG<br />

11.50 ThePeanut Butter Falcon M<br />

1.40 LesMiserablestheStagedConcert PG<br />

1.50 Sonic<br />

PG<br />

3.40 Chal Mera Putt 2 G<br />

4.35 Guns Akimbo R16<br />

6.00 TheInvisibleMan R16<br />

6.20 Bombshell<br />

M<br />

8.15 Bloodshot<br />

M<br />

8.15 DarkWaters M<br />

Sun 22nd<br />

10.00 Sonic<br />

PG<br />

10.00 Dolittle<br />

PG<br />

11.50 Emma<br />

PG<br />

11.50 Call of the Wild PG<br />

1.40 Chal Mera Putt 2 G<br />

2.10 Sonic<br />

PG<br />

4.00 TheInvisible Man R16<br />

4.00 Dark Waters M<br />

6.15 Guns Akimbo R16<br />

6.30 LesMiserablestheStagedConcert PG<br />

8.00 Bloodshot<br />

M<br />

10.00<br />

10.00<br />

12.00<br />

12.10<br />

1.45<br />

2.20<br />

4.00<br />

4.00<br />

5.50<br />

6.00<br />

8.00<br />

8.15<br />

Wed25th<br />

ThePeanut Butter Falcon<br />

Emma<br />

Call of the Wild<br />

DarkWaters<br />

LesMiserablestheStagedConcert<br />

Guns Akimbo<br />

Sonic<br />

Bloodshot<br />

TheInvisible Man<br />

Bombshell<br />

DarkWaters<br />

Bloodshot<br />

Mon23rd&Tues 24th<br />

ThePeanut Butter Falcon<br />

Emma<br />

Call of the Wild<br />

DarkWaters<br />

TheInvisibleMan<br />

Guns Akimbo<br />

Bloodshot<br />

Sonic<br />

TheInvisibleMan<br />

DarkWaters<br />

Bombshell<br />

Bloodshot<br />

10.00 ThePeanut Butter Falcon<br />

10.00 LesMiserablestheStagedConcert<br />

11.45 Call of the Wild<br />

1.00 Bloodshot<br />

3.00 DarkWaters<br />

3.30 Emma<br />

5.45 Bombshell<br />

5.50 Bloodshot<br />

8.00 TheInvisibleMan<br />

8.00 DarkWaters<br />

NO COMPS<br />

Bloodshot<br />

M<br />

PG<br />

PG<br />

M<br />

PG<br />

R16<br />

PG<br />

M<br />

R16<br />

M<br />

M<br />

M<br />

M<br />

PG<br />

PG<br />

M<br />

R16<br />

R16<br />

M<br />

PG<br />

R16<br />

M<br />

M<br />

M<br />

M<br />

PG<br />

PG<br />

M<br />

M<br />

PG<br />

MM<br />

R16<br />

M<br />


CLINIC<br />

Enhances your<br />

body’s own natural<br />

self-healing<br />

Pain relief/Speeds recovery<br />

from illness, injury and surgery.<br />

•Noneedles/safe for all ages<br />

•Good-Health Maintenance<br />

•Affordable/flexible hours<br />

•Home visits on request<br />

Janet Hayes<br />

Ph 308 6951<br />

registered practitioner<br />

2229804<br />

ASHBURTON Society of<br />

Arts ’Summer show’, Short<br />

Street Studio. Opening<br />

Sunday 23rd February<br />

11am - 4pm. Guest:<br />

Christine Lang, plus 15<br />

local members. Saturdays<br />

& Sundays, Monday &<br />

Wednesday when sign out,<br />

until 22nd <strong>March</strong>. Enquiries<br />

308 4533 or 027 313 5178.<br />


PANELBEATING and spray<br />

painting of cars, trucks,<br />

buses, horse floats &<br />

motorhomes, caravans,<br />

trailers, farm machinery, jet<br />

boats. Light engineering<br />

and aluminium welding.<br />

Bus &Truck Bodyworks, 17<br />

Range Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

Phone 307 0378.<br />

HIRE<br />

SCISSORLIFTS for hire.<br />

4WD and slab lifts available<br />

for daily or weekly hire.<br />

Pickup or delivery. Phone<br />

North End Engineering 308<br />

8155 for abooking.

Page 48, <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Local news at www.starnews.co.nz<br />



@<br />


PRICES<br />

<br />


2014 NISSAN LATIOB<br />


31,000KMS,TWIN AIR<br />


SEDAN<br />

2006 TOYOTA RUSH<br />


BAGS,ABS,59,000KMS<br />







$9,995 $10,995 $6,995<br />

3<br />


<strong>19</strong>99 DAIHATSUTERIOS SUV, manual,petrol,4x4, 5door,central locking,<br />

rear spoiler,1300cc, 159,788 kms........................................................ $3,995<br />

FORD<br />

2001 FORDFALCONXR6,4100 cc,Auto, rear spoiler,tidy,high kms$3,995<br />

HONDA<br />

2009 HONDA CR-V X, auto, 5door,air con, ABS, alloys,twin air bags,<br />

86,000 kms, 2400cc.....................................................................................SOLD<br />

2013 HONDA CR-V 24G, auto5door,ABS, cruise control, alloys,tow bar,<br />

66,000 kms, 2400cc................................................................................$22,995<br />

2004 HONDA CR-V ZX, auto, petrol,5door,SUV,ABS, rear spoiler,78,100<br />

kms, 2400cc................................................................................................. $9,995<br />

2007 HONDA ELYSION PRESTAGESZ, auto, petrol,8seater, 5door,ABS,<br />

foglights,105,000 kms, 3500cc................... ARRIVING SOON $11,995<br />

2007 HONDA STEPWAGONG,5door,8seater, ABS, air con, rear spoiler,<br />

95,000 kms, 2000cc..............................................ARRIVING SOON $7,995<br />

MAZDA<br />

2008 MAZDAAXELA 15C, ABS, body kit, spoiler,air con, 34,600 kmx,<br />

1500cc.......................................................................ARRIVING SOON $8,995<br />

2008 MAZDAAXELA 20C, 5door,air con, ABS, rear spoiler,48,500 kms,<br />

<strong>19</strong>90 cc.............................................................................................................SOLD<br />

2008 MAZDADEMIO SPORT, 5door,ABS, climate control, air con, body<br />

kit, <strong>19</strong>,800 kms, 1500cc.................................. . ARRIVING SOON $11,495<br />



changer,climate control,97,400 kms, 1800cc................................ $9,995<br />

NISSAN<br />

2006 NISSANBLUEBIRDSYLPHY20S, 4door,ABS, air con, climate<br />

control, 11,800 kms, 2000cc.................................................................. $9,995<br />

2006 NISSANCUBE 15M, 5door,petrol,air con, ABS, CD changer,42,300<br />

kms, 1500cc................................................................................................. $7,495<br />

2008 NISSANNOTE15X, auto, 5door,air con, climate control, petrol,<br />

14,800 kms, 1500cc, ready to go.......................................................... $8,995<br />

2012 NISSANSYLPHY, 4door,auto, petrol,ABS, air con, 29,200 kms,<br />

1800cc.................................................................... ARRIVING SOON $11,995<br />

2005 NISSANTIIDA18G, 5door,petrol,ABS, air con, rear spoiler,60,500<br />

kms, 1800cc.............................................................ARRIVING SOON $8,995<br />

2014 NISSANLATIO B, auto, idling stop,twin air bags,ABS, 4door,petrol,<br />

air con, 31,100kms.................................................................................... $9,995<br />

2006 NISSAN BLUEBIRD, 2L, sedan, wine red, twin air bags,<br />

ABS ............................................................................ARRIVING SOON $9,995<br />

2005 SUBARUFORESTER 2.0X, 5door,4x4, ABS, air con, petrol,82,500<br />

kms, 2000cc.............................................................ARRIVING SOON $8,995<br />

2001 NISSANCUBE, 1300 cc,5door,auto, 136,000 kms..................... $3,495<br />

2007 NISSANSKYLINE350 GT,3500 cc,auto, paddle shift, 18in alloys,<br />

76,000 kms.................................................................................................$11,995<br />

SUBARU<br />

2008 SUBARUIMPREZA15S, 5door,petrol,ABS, air con, rear spoiler, ......<br />

78,200 kms, 1500cc.................................................................................. $8,995<br />

2005 SUBARULEGACY OUTBACK, petrol,6air bags,ABS, air con, cruise<br />

control, foglights,rear spoiler,3000 cc............................................. $6,995<br />

2007 SUZUKI SWIFT 1.5 XS, 5door,6air bags,ABS, air con, body kit, rear<br />

spoiler,49,500 kms, 1500cc................................................................... $9,995<br />

SUZUKI<br />

2007 SUZUKI SX4XG, 5door,petrol,ABS, air con, climate control, rear<br />

spoiler,roof rails,alloys,97,200 kms, 1500 cc ................................. $8,495<br />

2007 SUZUKI SWIFT 1.5XS,1500 cc,white,auto, body kit, air con, 68,000<br />

kms.............................................................................ARRIVING SOON $9,995<br />

TOYOTA<br />

2007 TOYOTA BLADEG,5door,ABS, air con, body kit, rear spoiler,push<br />

button start, 70,500 kms, 2400cc................. ARRIVING SOON $10,995<br />

2006 TOYOTA COROLLARUNX S, 5door,petrol,ABS, air con, body kit,<br />

rear spoiler,43,850 kms, 1800cc.............................................................SOLD<br />

2009 TOYOTA ESTIMAHYBRID X4WD, 5door,8seater, Abs, air con, auto,<br />

rear spoiler,cruise control, 133,450 kms,<br />

2400cc.................................................................... ARRIVING SOON $14,995<br />

2013 TOYOTA PRIUSL,5door,ABS, air con, petrol,parking sensors,rear<br />

spoiler,auto, 71,810 kms, 1800cc......................................................$16,995<br />

2012 TOYOTA RACTIS G, 5door,petrol,ABS, air con, rear spoiler,cruise<br />

control, 45,400 kms, 1500cc................................................................$11,995<br />

<strong>19</strong>99 TOYOTA RAV4,3door,petrol,ABS, air con, rear spoiler,<br />

1800cc........................................................................................................... $7,995<br />

2006 TOYOTA RUSH G, 5door,petrol,ABS, air con, climate control, rear<br />

spoiler,59,500 kms, 1500cc.................................................................$11,995<br />

2008 TOYOTA WISH XLIMITED, 5door,petrol,ABS, air con, auto, climate<br />

control, 72,500 kms, 1800cc.................................................................. $9,995<br />

2004 TOYOTA FUNCARGO,1300cc, auto, air con, rear spoiler,<br />

148,000 kms................................................................................................ $4,495<br />

<strong>19</strong>94 TOYOTA HILUX, petrol,alloydeck,ute,2000cc..............................SOLD<br />

2006 TOYOTA RACTIS, twin air bags,ABS, cruise control, air con,<br />

84,000kms,1500cc......................................................................................SOLD<br />

2007 SUZUKI SX4<br />

AUTO,ALLOYS, 2<br />


RAILS,98,000KMS<br />




78,200KMS,1500CC<br />

2008 NISSAN NOTE<br />

1500CC,AUTO, TWIN<br />


ACCESS,14,000KM,<br />


$8,495 $8,995<br />

$8,995<br />


Ph: 308 1396<br />

Sellingnicecarstonicepeople!<br />

470 West Street,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

A/H Keith Drummond<br />

0274 367 646<br />


-about our range of rental vehicles<br />

Family,Sports,School or Social Trips<br />

We have 8, 10 &12seaterminivansavailable.<br />

Cars and 3trucks forsmall orbig loads also available.<br />