SPB News April 2020

Monthly insight of student and teacher activities at Sekolah Pelita Bangsa Cirebon

Monthly insight of student and teacher activities at Sekolah Pelita Bangsa Cirebon


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Optimism and motivation: keys to your

child’s success

By GreatSchools Staff

Two psychologists describe the

inborn optimism and motivation that

drive children to learn and develop

— and how you can nurture those


Have you ever wondered how:

An 18-month-old knows if he keeps

making noises eventually you will

understand what he’s communicating?

A 3-year-old knows if she keeps

scribbling someday people will recognize

what she’ s making?

A 4-year-old knows if he keeps looking

at the words on the page one day he’ll be

able to read?

These behaviors can be best explained

by the concept of instinctual optimism,

one of the two early, critical keys for

successful learning. A child doesn’t have

to learn by experience alone because


natural instinct also guides her.

With her inborn optimism, she remains

confident that, no matter what challenges

she faces, with perseverance she will

ultimately succeed. Instinctual optimism

is a quality that we believe is genetically

driven in our species and is the engine

that drives children’s daily quest to

understand and master the world

around them. All children come into the

world with instinctual optimism, some

to a much greater extent than others,

depending on their temperament.

Children’s curiosity, driven by their

instinctual optimism, is all the reward

or reinforcement they need to engage

in new activities. This internal drive is

known as intrinsic motivation, the second

critical key to academic success. Young

children engage in activities not because

they receive external motivators, but

because they simply enjoy the activities.

Supporting students’ motivation and

optimism at school

When any child struggles with instinctual

optimism and intrinsic motivation,

we must guide and provide her with

experiences that will further develop

those qualities. It’s understandable that

such a child will be prone to see her

mistakes as failures, to avoid academic

challenges, ultimately developing a

helpless or hopeless approach to school.

It’s reasonable to think that offering her an

external payoff will motivate her to engage

in a difficult task, yet doing so may well

dampen her natural motivation.

We’re not suggesting that grades,

rewards, punishments, or competition

should be banished from our educational

system, but rather that we must strike

a balance between the use of external

rewards and the reinforcement of intrinsic

motivation. Intrinsic motivation drives

self-reinforcement, which we believe is

the foundation of academic success, even

more important than intellect, ability and


Research and real-life strategies to help


There are many ways to strengthen

children’s inborn motivation and

optimism. Psychologist Edward Deci at

the University of Rochester proposes

that people’s intrinsic motivation thrives

in environments that meet their most

significant needs. He highlights three such

needs: To belong and feel connected,

To feel a sense of autonomy and selfdetermination

and To feel competent.

It’s important for parents, educators and

other professionals to keep these needs

in mind and to establish conditions that

will nurture motivation and hope in the

children they care about.

Source: https://bit.ly/34irfNb

Helping children succeed in school

In school, educators should insure that

they teach students in ways in which they

can learn and succeed, recognizing that all

youngsters have different learning styles.

Helping children succeed in their areas of


As a parent, you can help your child feel

competent in his strengths by making

sure he has opportunities to engage in his

interests. Recognizing the importance of

honoring his child interests and talents.

Providing your child with opportunities to

help others

Another strategy for fortifying islands of

competence and intrinsic motivation is to

provide youth with opportunities to help

others. Kids who engage in contributing

to the well-being of others experience

satisfaction, feelings of competence and

an increased motivation to pursue various

activities, even those they previously

found difficult.

As a parent you can help your child

become more comfortable with mistakes

by not reacting to your child’s mistakes

with judgmental or derogatory remarks.

Rather, you can use mistakes as teachable

and problem-solving moments.

Nurturing your child’s motivation and

optimism over time

Instinctual optimism and intrinsic

motivation appear to be integral

characteristics that drive each child

forward and which can be nurtured (or

undermined) throughout childhood.

Nurturing these qualities in some children

will require extra care, but the time and

energy adults expend in this way will

help strengthen children’s optimism and

motivation over time.


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