RDM NEWS SWEKEEN may 03 2020

RDM NEWS SWEKEEN May 03 2020. Group RDM

RDM NEWS SWEKEEN May 03 2020. Group RDM


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03 / /MAY / 2020 / /003


Black and shameful episodes such as those referred to at

the beginning of this article, as well as the self-confidence

with which thousands or perhaps millions of citizens

around the world mock and take pride in it, show us that

as societies we have too much work to do. so that the

civilization process reaches the majority, a permanent task

in which the family and the school play a fundamental

role, since both institutions complement each other by

infusing the social and common values that should govern

us, and must support and in his case, until the flaws that

some of them present in the task of building citizenship are


That is why civic education in today's world must have the

same rank and importance in schools as mathematics or

science, it is nothing more and nothing less than the

training of human beings who not only know how to solve

technical problems or that they are creators of art, but of

individuals who act ethically when applying the

knowledge acquired in the classroom. ¿What is the use of

having the best chemists if they are going to make

weapons of mass destruction or produce laboratory drugs?

Just as it is important that each and every citizen is fully

aware that there can be no progress without respect for the

laws, it is just as important, or even more, than the

government itself, represented by the 3 powers and in all

its instances, be effective in the enforcement and

application of the law, that is, the authority must begin by

respecting itself in order to be able to demand it from


Corruption suffered by practically all governments in the

world is a systemic problem that we must combat and

reduce since it costs us billions of dollars each year, and

all due to the absence of ethical principles that govern the

actions of public servants, that given the possibility of

doing juicy business under their post and charged to the

treasury, they do not think twice when they consider that

they are ensuring a comfortable and comfortable life for

the future.

Public servants have an obligation to set the example of

virtuous citizen behavior, by having under their

responsibility the administration of resources that do not

belong to them and that we all contribute to the

functioning of our society.

Collusion between public servants or between these and

individuals to obtain illicit profits is a clear example of the

absolute disregard for the law and, consequently, of the

low value that society represents to them, which,

ultimately, places them in the same level that those who

violently and unscrupulously violate our integrity.

Corruption is a cancer that costs us a lot of money, it is one

more tax that shamelessly benefits a few, depriving us of

enormous resources that would largely solve, such as in

this health crisis that we are suffering, many pressing

needs that we have and that we prevent access to


Civility and the culture of legality is a way of life, just

as we strive to carry out our work professionally, the

same must happen when interacting with society,

striving every day since we leave home early until we

arrive in the night in being professional citizens

careful to respect the rights of others, not to cheat, to

keep our word.

Illegality begins its twisted path at home since we

taught children to lie by our example, continuing in

school when those children cheat on an exam, and on

the street when they have become men and they

vulgarly bribe the police, commit fraud against the

company where they work, or become managers of

that company, defraud its employees, shareholders

and the treasury, turned into public servants divert

public resources to private bank accounts or electoral

campaigns, granting juicy contracts to family

members , partners and friends, or end up earning

cartloads of money for their criminal activities, and

all this began with the example that we give from

home to the little ones.

Civility and the culture of legality is a matter of

general interest that we cannot ignore, we are all

responsible for preserving and strengthening urbanity

and the rule of law, it is a matter of principle, of social

integrity, of national security and , ultimately,


For all of the above, we affirm categorically that the

degree of civilization of a society is measured by its

level of respect and compliance with the most

vulnerable and its own laws.


Mtro. César Augusto Castro Pérez.

Director General.




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