Workout guide

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Marko Perunovic / @markoperun

Home workout

exercise guide

36 resistance bands home designed exercise which

you can do anywhere. All you need for your best body.


Hi guys I’m Marko Perunovic,

I came to idea of creating my first ever guide as many of us have

been locked during this quarantine with the same question “how

to keep working out” .

Most of us didn’t lift heavier then our own body weight since

quarantine started, I’m sure there are so many people that didn’t

train regularly and some totally gave up ! That mean you don’t

have to start training very hard to make progress. If you are used

to gym, you might have feeling that home workout can’t be intense

enough. But that doesn’t mean its impossible to create intense


Lets get started !

All you’ll need

I want to keep it simple for you guys, so

only propositions to perform and follow

my guide would be set of resistance

bands and door anchor which you can

safely attach to your door.

If you can’t find it in the store next to you,

then you can order yours on Amazon ,

same what I did. You can ask me for help

anytime on my IG @markoperun .

I have ‘’loop’’ style resistance

bands but if you have “handles”

style or both that’s also great. I

highly recommend that you have

a few varying resistances of each

so you can challenge your

muscles with proper technique

or to create each set to be more

difficult . It plays huge role when

we talk about hypertrophy

(building muscle mass).

Resistance bands


Door anchor

Getting creative

Resistance bands are great and you can do them anywhere ! If you don’t

have good space to use door anchor or if you don’t have one you don’t be

worried. I got you covered ! You can loop them around anything what is


I included so many different exercises in my guide and

absolutely there are so many others that you can include as

well. You shouldn’t be afraid to experiment to try something

new and get creative. I like to play with reps, tempo, rest,

adding extra range of motion, drop sets and sometimes

supersets when I train at home.

Repetition range

Challenge yourself

Im sure you heard that different

rep ranges are good for specific

goal. Low reps 1-5 are good for

strength , 8-12 are great for

hypertrophy , 15+ for muscle

endurance. Thing is that they all

work great for muscle building and

we have to do them all. In this

guide we are using only bodyweight

and overall light resistance so we

will keep reps range high. I keep

these between 12-50reps

depending on the exercise .

I love to lift heavy but I also

appreciate feeling of doing

bodyweight or light resistance. It

can be very challenging and useful

in building muscles if done

correctly. Keep every rep slow and

controlled and focus on the muscle

contraction. When you squat count

3 sec down, 3 sec up. Don’t go

through the motion quickly .



1. Bent over band row

Hook your resistance band on

the door anchor low down.

Keep your knees slightly

banded and torso should lean

forward. Keep you core tight

and back straighten. Bring

elbows to your hips while

pulling the band. The focus

should be in your middle back\


2. Single arm rows

Place the center of the

resistance band under your

foot and hold the ends of the

band in your opposite side.

Bend over and pull the band

straight, leading with the

elbow towards your hips.

Squeeze the back muscles

before lowering your arm then



3. Standing hight rows

Hook your resistance band

as high as possible. Stand

as far as you can that your

arms are fully extended.

Keep your torso straighten

and your chest up.

Perform rows so your

hands are slightly bellow

your nipples.

4. Lat pulldown

I don’t have pul up bar or

even a space for lat

pulldown machine so I do

them laying on the floor.

Straighten your hands

then pull down as far as

you can while separating

you hands out wide.



1. Banded pushups

You can do any pushups

variations (flat if you can

or on your knees) . You can

put your feet on a chair to

make it even more


2. Declined peck fly

Keep your hips off the

ground and freeze this

position while you are

performing the exercise.

Keep you elbows slightly

banded and chest

squeezed while performing

the movement.



3. Kneeling chest press

Be in kneeling position

far enough to get a good

stretch in your chest.

Press straight forward

and really squeeze your

chest on the top of the

movement .

4. Upward flies

Stand with your feet

shoulder width apart or

closer. Make a distance

to create proper

resistance. Keep your

elbows slightly bent up

to shoulders level. Focus

on squeezing your chest

muscles all the time

while performing ‘’flies’’.



1. Unilateral flies

Position door anchor low

down. A slight bend in your

elbows while raising your

arm out to your side and

keep position of your arms

higher compared to

forearms . If you want to

make it harder, simply make

more distance.

2. Upright row

Grab resistance band and

put them bellow your feet

to make resistance you

need. Pull the band up to

chest level, flaring your

elbows on the sides. Keep

elbows higher than your




3. Face pulls

Grab bands, stand far

enough to create a

proper resistance. Keep

your back upright. Pull

your hands to your ears

and your elbows to the

same level of your

shoulders. Hold there to

get good contraction,

then slowly come back to

starting position.

4. Front raises

Stand up straight with a

tight core and flat back.

Begin by lifting your

hands straight up in front

of you with an overhand

grip. Keep elbows slightly

banded all the time.



1. Overhead extensions

Position your hand

behind your back, then

extend your arm

straight overhead. Make

sure you elbow is close

to your head. These

exercise work great

seated as well.

2. Single arm


I feel great triceps

contraction in this

exercise . Perform the

movement with neutral

grip and try to squeeze

triceps once you fully

extend your arm. Hold 3

sec at the bottom to feel

the burn.



3. Reverse grip


Stand far enough to

create proper

resistance and find right

angle. Extend both

hands down while

keeping elbows tight at

your sides.

4. Close grip push ups

This one can be

challenging! In case you

don’t have strength to

do these you can try

modified from your

knees. The hand

position creates great

impact on your triceps.



1. Hummer biceps curls

Grab the band with

hands shoulder width.

Keep your elbows tucked

to your waist while lifting

your forearms up. Hold

briefly on the top to feel

strong contraction of

your biceps then release

slowly down .

2. Single arm high curl

This exercise is my

favorite when we talk

about biceps. Position

your elbow a bit higher

compared to shoulder

while standing sideways

so your arm can be

perfectly extended out.

Perform the lift without

moving your elbow.



3. Lying curls

All biceps exercises are

some variations of a curl

but this angle you

probably didn’t have a

chance to perform earlier.

Lay so you can fully extend

your arms then curl both

arms towards you. You can

put both legs against the

wall if you prefer some

extra stability.

4. Alternating curls

These curls allows you to

really focus on the

contraction as you are

doing one hand after

another. Focus on

squeezing really hard on

the top of the movement.



1. Bulgarian split squats

From a standing position

take a step forward. The

heel of your back foot

should be raised. Keeping

your torso straight, lower

slowly until your back knee

almost touches the floor,

then push back up. Use

resistance band on your

front foot if you need more


2. Leg extension

Attach the loop band at

the lowest point and sit

on a chair or bench. If

your legs are long you

might need higher chair.

Loop one of your ankles

and extend your leg

straight in front of you.



3. Heel elevated squat

Elevating the heels we

target quads more

efficient and also it give

us deeper range of

motion. In home

environment we can use

book or anything similar

to help you lift heels a bit.

I keep my stance a bit

close then normal squat,

but otherwise the

movement is identical.

4. Goblet squat

This exercise suppose to

be while using dumbbell

or kettlebell but in our

case we will use

resistance bands. Squat

down until your

hamstrings are on your

calves. At the bottom

position, pause and go

controlled up.



1. Good mornings

Thats great exercise for

hams if done correctly. Stand

on the band and wrap it

around the back of your neck.

Keep knees in slightly banded

position and your torso

straight, push your butt back

and lower your torso until

your hamstrings feel the

most stretch. Go back to the

starting position allowing

your butt to come forward so

you're not hyperextending

your lower back.

2. Lying hamstring curl

Goal here is to copy position

of laying hamstrings curl

machine. I use pillow to

create a pad under my pelvic

area to have a bigger range

of motion. You can do those

laying flat on the floor if

needed. Wrap your feet and

curl towards your butt.



3. Lunges

Lunges can target

different areas of your

leg. If you keep your steps

longer you will target

hamstrings. If you keep

steps shorter you will

target quads. You can do

them as a walking lunges

or at the same spot. If

you feel any pressure on

you knees, reverse lunges

are great option for you.

4. Lying leg press

Here I double up the loop

band and attach one side

to the door anchor. Get

into a position where your

leg is bent , then extend

straight out.



1. Glut pull-throughs

Step out as far that you

can, put the band around

your hips. Position your

feet a bit wider than your

shoulders. Start with your

legs slightly bent, then

focus on thrusting

forward. Use your butt to

lift your body up and

squeeze your gluts at the


2. Standing push back

Loop the band on the

backside of your knee.

Lean your torso slightly

forward . Press the band

straight back and bent

slightly in your knees to

get full range of motion.



3. Sitting hip


Wrap the band around

your knees, sit on the

chair with back straight

and pull your knees


4. Hip thrust

Start with your shoulder

blades against a bench.

Bent your knees to about

90 degrees, and make

sure your heels are on

the floor. Squeeze your

glutes, lift up your hips,

and hold sec or two and




1. Knee pull in

Position yourself far

enough to have a space

to straighten your legs

and to have good

resistance. Slowly pull

your knees towards your

chest. Inhale and slowly

lower your legs to

starting position.

2. Kneeling crunches

Here your hands are

just holding the band

but not pulling. Make

sure that crunch is

coming from your core

and not hands or




3. Toe touches

Rise your feet up so

your back and legs are

at 90- degree angle.

Crunch your abs and

reach out to touch your

toes then return to

starting position.

4. Knee pull in /


It's very similar to

normal knee pull in but

only difference is that

legs are alternating.

Slowly pull your knee

towards your chest.

Inhale and slowly lower

your leg before you

start with another leg.


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