Swaffham Newsletter

August 2020

August 2020


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Swaffham Camera Club

The Club's June competition was

held under lockdown conditions

vi a D ro p b ox an d i n a p ara l l el l i ve s es s i o n vi a Zo o m

The winners and runners up, whose images are


Mayor's Parlour

Dear all, we are now hopefully

going to get back to some kind

of normality, quite difficult to

do after the enormity of Covid,

The reproduced clubs new below, programme for the two of sections events and meetings was launched with it’s implications a well and the possible

Open:- "Social Bubble" by Trevor Vincent and

received evening of stunning photographs of African wildlife, presented recurrence. by I do think the town as

"Clematis in Ice" by Alan Peggs.

a whole has been very good about abiding by the

Steve DeRoeck The shots left many members, who are well versed in

rules and remains careful, it’s so good to see people

photographing British wildlife, glad that animals in the out UK and do about, not generally using the shops cafes and pubs. As

have the teeth or demeanour and built in ability to plan you to know kill you. Breckland We soon has been involved with trying

realised a camera lens does not offer much protection to from make a our determined town space welcoming but useable,


bearing in mind social distancing is still in place, no

doubt we will have to think again during the Winter


We have been very busy in Council; I expect you’ve

With a Flash:- "Tulips in Flash" by Alan Coleman and

all read about the possibility of acquiring The Sacred

"Light Collection" by Stephen Ward

Heart Barn for the Town. This does include the outdoor

swimming pool, the Swimming Pool Association will

be helping with this, lots of grants needed. I’m very

excited about this project, it’s a great building and

amongst other things has a wonderful theatre, this

would truly be an enormous asset for the town.

When we have done the due diligence, we shall have

an open event so that you can look round and decide

for yourselves.

The club's postponed A.G.M . has now been held on As well as this we have another acquisition to

the Zoom platform.

The consider, we are back to the GBC and lots of work

following officers were elected/re-elected. Richard has gone into what we could do with the building

The next meeting was our yearly photography competition with the

Ludlow - Chairman, David Spain - Vice Chairman, and the site. I am hoping personally that we can

Lakenheath Allan Coleman club, displaying - Treasurer, talents Susan in Hancock both projected - and printed images.

see a way forward to obtaining this, I do see this as

.Lakenheath Secretary, Stephen triumphed Ward by - a Assistant small overall Treasurer. margin All at the

a site








enabling us to add facilities to

The members series is of now the committee scored as have one specific all, with additional both clubs looking the town. forward Again, we to next are having to look at this very

year's mandates event. beyond their titles to ensure the smooth

carefully as it is a case of swapping Days Field for the

and efficient running of the club. The committee

GBC. We again, are in the process of doing the due

May also meeting reserves Highlights the right to co-opt were an additional evening members of Tips and diligence Hints followed and will by come a quiz back to you for consultation

to as s i st i n f u n cti o n s a s i t d eems n eces s ar y.

and "Prints of Norfolk Wild Life" the theme of the externally when this judged is done.

In order to more fully reflect the club's membership's


Umbrellas were given to shops on Saturday, it was

geographic the club name has changed its

good to see two knew shops in the precinct, thank

n ame to "Swaffh am an d D i stri ct C amera C l u b "

Our First June meeting will be an illustrated talk by Chris you all Bell for on getting "Storm out and about to support the

The club, which under normal circumstances meets

Chasing", retailers. The market was quite busy too, it’s so

on the first at which and third members Wednesday of other of each clubs month, are cordially invited to join us.

is currently seeking a new permanent home due

good to see the stalls back , I’m quite happy at the




the closure


of its founding

on the





venue. We

or membership moment with enquires Swaffham please and have no desire to go

visit anticipate the clubs confirming website the www.swaffhamcameraclub.com

new arrangements for

further afield.

post lockdown shortly. Meanwhile the club will hold Cllr Lindsay Beech is doing a grand job with the

its regular future meetings on the Zoom Platform Garden Competition, she has had lots of entries and

providing a revised programme of events. The club is generous donations for prizes from our shops, I’m

rightly proud of its established , ongoing, reputation, sure they’ll be lots about this in the media.

catering for, and assisting photographers of all I thought we’d had our Summer but looks like a few

abilities, and looks forward to reconvening at its new nice days ahead, I am off now to pull a few more

venue as soon as practical.

weeds before the earth dries up.

For further information please contact us via e-mail Take care of yourselves



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