Missions Mag 1-4

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Anthony Steele, D.Miss.

Training Facilitator for Latin America

Reaching & Teaching International Ministries

Email: anthony.steele@reachingandteaching.org

Cell phone: 270-970-8436

I greatly appreciate this opportunity to share something about my missions calling and

work. Before He ascended to the Father, Jesus gave his disciples the commandment to go

to all the world to make other disciples, teaching them to obey all things He had

commanded them. We call this mandate the Great Commission. Some have wondered if it

was just a commission for Jesus’ original disciples, but, since they did not get to all the

world in their lifetimes, it is clear that it is a mandate for the church in any age. That is

what God has been using the church to do since the Great Commission was given.

Glendon and Marjorie Grober

The Lord began to speak to me early on about a calling

to missions as a career. I gave my life to Christ at the

age of eight. Shortly after that, I met my uncle and

aunt, Glendon and Marjorie Grober, who were

missionaries to Brazil. I remember reading an article

about my uncle traveling the Amazon River to establish

preaching points and to plant new churches. I

remember wondering, “What must it be like to do


The Lord called me into the ministry when I was

sixteen and, shortly after that, I saw my uncle and

aunt again at a family reunion. My aunt began to

talk to me about my surrendering to God’s call

and she said “Tony, I believe the Lord will be

calling you to the mission field someday.”

Indeed, when I was in seminary in the 1980s, the Uncle Glen baptizing in the Amazon River

Lord called my wife, Beverly, and I to surrender to

his call to career missions. We wholeheartedly surrendered our lives to this calling. For

reasons of health at the time, the Lord closed the door as soon as we surrendered. That

was a difficult piece of news for us. For twenty-five years, I continued in ministry positions

serving as pastor and as a chaplain for a period of time. The whole time, I was wondering

and praying, “Why did you call us so strongly and then not let us go?” I had a fulfilling life

in ministry, but always thought our lives would not be what God intended if we did not

get to the mission field.

In 2007, I was asked to be a part of some mission work being done in Mexico by the

Caldwell/Lyon Baptist Association in Princeton, Kentucky. They were saturating a portion


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