Missions Mag 1-4

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Jamaica Mission Trip--Esher United Church

By Tommy & Laverne Waldrop

When we tell people we are traveling to Jamaica to do

mission work, people immediately picture palm trees,

broad white beaches, crystal clear waters, and drinks

with little umbrellas on top. Yes, we see lots of that,

during the first hour drive from the Montego Bay airport.

We pass some of the most luxurious resorts in the

world. Names we recognize from TV commercials.

We then turn right, into the hills of St. Mary Parish.

The view is dramatically different. In fact, this part of

the journey slows to a crawl because the roads are so


Just about every-other year, Mayfield’s First United

Methodist Church’s missions team sets its sights on international

needs, and for at least the last 5 trips, dating

back to about 2008 we have joined CSI Missions

International headquartered in Kokomo, IN. Over the

years we have welcomed Christians from many other churches and denominations. In 2019 our team included Trinity UMC,

Antioch Church of Christ and Trace Creek as we set about to raise money, meet to prepare spiritually and physically, and to

pack.Our congregations, friends and families supported us in our fundraisers, prayers and love. Finally, on Saturday, July 6

we left the parking lot at 2 AM. Through the grace of God and Southwest Airlines, 14 Mayfield missionaries with 28 bags

safely arrived at Montego Bay airport before noon.

Our bags contained our clothes, yes, but also our precious bibles (180, all KJV), Bible School play-doh and crayons, Burger

King crowns, tools, paintbrushes, toothbrushes, and school supplies. So many items given out of love and prayed over

by many that we returned to the USA

with lighter suitcases but fuller hearts.

For the next 6 days we joined our old

and new Jamaican friends in fellowship,

worship, house raising, cultural

exchanges, and our special Bible School

at Esher United Church just south of

Highgate. Special because it was our

3rd trip to Esher church in 4 years, and

we were anxious to see how much Brianna,

Jarvis and other children had

grown. Smiles grew larger and hugs

tighter when we embraced the worship leaders and heart of the church, Sister

Lucy and Sister Davis. Even after hard, hot days, split into two teams building 2 houses a few miles apart, our energy and our

spirits soared when those kids started pouring into that tiny church. Imagine our hearts when those kids started teaching

us Bible songs and how they could recite, almost verbatim, yesterday’s lesson. No doubt the hardest part of the journey was

leaving everyone on the afternoon of the last day of our visit.

We are often asked what is the best part of the journey. No doubt, it’s the relationships. The people you work alongside

and mission with, Kentuckians and Jamaicans. The people who will have a home for themselves for the first time. One new

home owner is a single mom of 3 biological children, who is also rearing her 3 nieces/nephews, and her special needs brother.

Tears flowed as she accepted the key to their new 2 room home on Esher Church Road. We swap stories of our children and

churches with the permanent staff at the CSI Mission house including Mike, Todd, Sue, Pinto, Brad, Eli; the construction staff

Harry, Abe, Andy, Arthur, Patrick, and the list goes on. Each time we go we take the love and prayers of our home churches.

Each time we return we bring Jamaican love and experiences from old and new friends.

You will sacrifice your time, talents and money to serve others in Christ's name. However, you will receive a variety of blessings

and lasting relationships through fellowship with other Christians who have vastly different life experiences. We can all

respond to Christ’s call whether we mission in our community or go into all the world.

Where is your Samaria, Judea, or your end of the earth?


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