Missions Mag 1-4

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My First Foreign Mission Trip

by Dr. Kevin Harris, Pastor of Poplar Spring Baptist Church, Murray

Foreign missions. For the average American Christian, foreign missions is what

others do. Serving God and serving people in faraway places is something they support

in both prayer and finances without knowing first-hand what it really means to

go on a foreign mission trip.

Until this past June, I was one of those average Americans. I have been

Christian for almost 30 years and have been in ministry for almost as long. I am

currently pastoring my third church in Murray, Kentucky. In all that time, I have

served in local missions to God’s glory. But I had never been overseas to preach

and teach to a people that didn’t understand my language and I didn’t understand

theirs. That changed this year when God led my family and me to serve

in Elblag, Poland. There, located just outside of this small town, is a place called

Marwica. There is a very large mansion that was built in the late 1,700’s and had

been converted into an orphanage, of sorts. Not the kind of orphanage that house

and care for children with no parents, but

rather children who are placed there by authorities

coming from broken and abusive

homes with ages ranging from very young

to older teens. For many of them, they

have never heard the Gospel even though

there is a religion that is prominent and

churches throughout the country (in that

regards, it isn’t much different in America).

Going there taught me much. It taught me

that everyone needs the Gospel. Whether

they are in our own household, next

door, or around the world. It taught me

to teach the Gospel of Christ in its simplest

of form. This may sound simplistic,

but I think that sometimes we tend to

intellectualize the Gospel, even though Jesus

taught us that it is so simple that a child

can understand it.

But I think the greatest lesson I learned

was to love them (and everyone) unconditionally

just as Jesus loves us unconditionally.

For the most part, people do not

care how much you know until they know

how much you care. For children coming

from homes that did not show love or

lacked a genuine love, knowing that they

are loved by our Heavenly Father is vitally

important. But, how were they going to

know unless they saw it in us? John 13:35,

“By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”

Please pray for the children at Marwica. Pray for hurt, lonely and abused

children all over the world that they, too, will know the true love of Christ. Pray

for missionaries whether they are local or foreign. Pray about becoming a missionary

to the people around you.

Matthew 28:19-20, “‘Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing

them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching

them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you

always, even to the end of the age. Amen’.”



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