Missions Mag 1-4

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Mission to Elblang Baptist Church, Poland

June 28, 2019, 5 people from Western KY traveled across the world to a city called Elblang Poland where

we met the additional 9 members of our team from Louisville, KY. We were to spend an entire week working with

the Kościół Chrześcijan Baptystów w Elblągu (Elbag Baptist Church) to host a vacation bible school styled camp

for children from the city along with several kids from a local orphanage. The camp would include a morning

worship service with worship music sung in Polish and English then on to various classes that included; Bible,

English, Crafts, Music and Drama, and Recreation. The camp would also include a daily small group time where

the American and Polish leaders could interact one-on-one with the students and talk about the lessons from the

Bible that were learned that day and how those principles could be applied to our daily lives. The theme for the

week was G.O.A.T (greatest of all time) and covered the Greatest Story of all time (Gospel), the Greatest Man of

all time (Jesus), the Greatest Book of all time (Bible), and the Greatest Decision of all time (Salvation). The week

ended with taking all the kids to see a movie one night and then a field day where the highlight of the games was

the group water balloon fight!!

For the week long camp, we were able to interact with over 85 students, some of which were hearing the

name of Jesus for the very first time! This was my third year serving at this camp and I can most definitely say

that it will not be my last! This particular church has had many Kentucky residents serving it over the last decade

and that is just another example of how amazing and big our God truly is. To think that a Church over 5,000

miles away has connections to multiple people serving multiple local Churches in Western Kentucky, leaves me

in absolute awe of our Heavenly Father. One of the most important things of the camp was actually showing the

students how to live like Jesus. His greatest command to us is that we love one another. By showing the love of

Christ to these kids we were able to see some of them grow from very shy and stand-offish to children that would

boisterously yell your name from across the room and run and jump into your arms for a hug! To see that growth,

to know that we were able to share the love of Christ in that manner, that’s why our group will continue to go back

year after year.

If you are not able to travel across the world or not even able to travel across the street - that doesn’t mean

that you can’t be on mission for Christ. Just simply showing the Love of Christ to your neighbor is what this life is

all about! Isaiah 6:8 Gary Fraser, Member - Northside Baptist Church

Mike along with his dad, Ken, first went to Barycz Camp in Poland and was on a Upward Basketball team in 2004.

It was at that camp that they met Pawel Kugler and that began a relationship that continues each year with a camp

at Pawel’s church. Mike brought his girlfriend which is now his wife and returns with Jamie and his two children

each year. Mike (son on shoulders) & Jamie Parker (fifth in front row and daughter with doll). As you can see the

camp has a huge impact on Elblang. On back row is Larry Fraser (10 years), son Caide (8), Brother Gary (3). In

front of Caide & Gary is Caide’s wife, Taylor (3) and to her left is Logan Chavis from Murray, KY. Larry, Caide &

Taylor Fraser go to Bethlehem Baptist Church, Cunningham, KY. Everyone else Louisville, KY area.


1245 Paris Road


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