Pegasus Post: August 20, 2020
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8 Thursday <strong>August</strong> <strong>20</strong> <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />
Latest Canterbury news at<br />
News<br />
Centuries old folk remedy<br />
supports good health!<br />
A fermented liquid health tonic offers<br />
an array of powerful health benefits. It<br />
is none other than the popular apple<br />
cider vinegar or ACV. Since the time of<br />
Hippocrates – the “Father of Medicine”<br />
– ACV has been renowned for its<br />
curative properties.<br />
In his popular book “ARTHRITIS and<br />
FOLK MEDICINE”, DR. D.C. Jarvis<br />
reports how he found that Vermonters<br />
who regularly consumed ACV and<br />
Honey had excellent health with many<br />
putting in a vigorous day’s work on the<br />
farm even when well into their eighties.<br />
He also noted the effects of ACV and H<br />
on arthritis to be remarkable with many<br />
patients reporting almost total relief<br />
after taking a course of the mixture.<br />
Dr. Jarvis surmised that the acid and<br />
potassium in cider vinegar counteracted<br />
calcium deposits and helped the body<br />
control calcium use. He also noted that<br />
Vermonters who consumed ACV and H<br />
around meal time had excellent blood<br />
pressure and circulation. The reason he<br />
found was that protein foods thickened<br />
the blood and vinegar thinned it. As<br />
the blood thickens it cannot pass as<br />
easily and quickly through the blood<br />
vessels and capillaries. This poor blood<br />
flow would reduce cellular health by<br />
limiting nutrients to the cells as well<br />
as waste elimination from the cells. To<br />
prevent cell damage the body naturally<br />
increases blood pressure but this puts<br />
more stress on the blood vessels, organs<br />
and heart. Having ACV and H with<br />
meals will help prevent protein raising<br />
the blood pressure. It also contributes to<br />
a feeling of greater well-being because<br />
the thinner blood circulates quickly and<br />
more easily through the blood vessels.<br />
Dr. Jarvis found regular consumption of<br />
CV and H to be an excellent health tonic<br />
with numerous health attributes.<br />
ACV is highly nutritious as it contains<br />
all the goodness of the apple in a<br />
form that is readily accepted by the<br />
body. Good health starts with good<br />
digestion and assimilation of nutrients.<br />
ACV taken before food will stimulate<br />
and promote healthy digestion and<br />
assimilation of vital nutrients for good<br />
health. A well-functioning digestive<br />
system helps prevent disease by<br />
neutralising any toxic substances that<br />
enter the body.<br />
It is important to note not all ACV<br />
is produced in the traditional way and<br />
results are likely to prove disappointing<br />
with these other vinegars.<br />
Marshall’s Premium ACV and ACV<br />
with <strong>20</strong>% Manuka Honey is produced<br />
in Canterbury from organic whole<br />
apples in the traditional way. It is double<br />
strength so you can use less.<br />
Further information is available<br />
instore from the Natural Health<br />
Advisers at Marshall’s Health &<br />
Natural Therapy, 101 Seaview Road,<br />
New Brighton, Phone: 388-5757. We<br />
are always happy to help!<br />
Apple Cider VinegAr<br />
Powerful Natural<br />
Health Tonic<br />
ACV is a highly nutritious health tonic with all the goodness of<br />
apples (one of our most health-giving fruits) in a form that is readily<br />
accepted by the body. It promotes healthy digestion, assimilation of<br />
nutrients & elimination of wastes. It is detoxifying, purifying as well as<br />
supporting the function of vital organs like the kidneys, bladder, liver<br />
& heart. It helps neutralise toxic substances & harmful bacteria in<br />
food. A time-honoured natural remedy to improve health & longevity.<br />
Highly recommended as a daily health tonic for everyone!<br />
• Healthy digestion, assimilation of nutrients,<br />
elimination of wastes<br />
• Energy – Vitality – Endurance<br />
• Elimination of viruses, bacteria, fungus & parasites<br />
• Powerful antioxidant<br />
• Cardiovascular health,<br />
blood flow & healthy<br />
blood pressure<br />
• Diabetes – improves<br />
insulin sensitivity<br />
• Arthritis & joint support<br />
• Longevity & improved<br />
health<br />
• Settles the stomach &<br />
reduces reflux<br />
• Weight Loss<br />
Super price<br />
PrEmIum QuALIty N.Z. DoubLE<br />
StrENgtH, orgANIC APPLE<br />
CIDEr VINEgAr:<br />
750ml only $9.90, 2ltr only $19.90<br />
WItH <strong>20</strong>% mANukA HoNEy ADDED:<br />
750ml only $14.90, 2ltr only $29.90<br />
Bringing You the Best in Natural Health<br />
101 SEAVIEW RD, NEW BRIGHTON • PH 03 388 5757 • Email:<br />
OPTIMISTIC: Jolt Dance founder Lyn Cotton and dancer Carl Te Tone Huia<br />
were meant to perform their original works in London this year, but it was<br />
postponed due to Covid-19.<br />
Challenging disability<br />
through creative arts<br />
• By Bea Gooding<br />
CANTABRIANS will soon<br />
be treated to a performance<br />
which challenges<br />
perspectives about dance<br />
and disability in the<br />
creative arts industry.<br />
Representatives from Jolt<br />
Dance company were due<br />
to showcase their work at<br />
performance art theatre<br />
Lyric Hammersmith in<br />
London during May but<br />
it was cancelled due to<br />
Covid-19.<br />
Jolt founder Lyn Cotton<br />
is feeling optimistic in spite<br />
of the growing uncertainty<br />
in the coming months.<br />
“We’re looking at it<br />
positively and view it as<br />
a postponement, we still<br />
want to show London what<br />
New Zealand is capable<br />
of,” she said.<br />
“We’re not angry about<br />
it, this is a time of patience<br />
and reflection and it’s<br />
given us an opportunity to<br />
look at the work again in<br />
more depth.”<br />
Including Cotton, Jolt<br />
dancers and tutors Carl<br />
Huia, Aleasha Seaward,<br />
Rochelle Waters and Renee<br />
Ryan were meant to spend<br />
a week in London to take<br />
part in Amici Dance<br />
Theatre Company’s 40thanniversary<br />
celebrations<br />
and raised $10,000 to do so.<br />
Amici is also an inclusive<br />
dance company and<br />
invited the team to present<br />
two original works, discuss<br />
their achievements and<br />
host teaching sessions.<br />
They Call Me Sam is a<br />
short film that chronicled<br />
life with down syndrome<br />
and challenges attitudes<br />
about having a disability.<br />
Takiwatanga is a performance<br />
which is shaped<br />
by Huia’s Māori culture<br />
INCLUSIVITY: Georgia Scarsbrook, Hunter<br />
McLintock, Brooke Joyce and Shanna Charles<br />
are on a mission to break barriers within the<br />
creative arts industry through dance.<br />
and his lived experience of<br />
autism.<br />
The word “takiwatanga”<br />
is used to describe autism<br />
and means “in his or her<br />
own time and space.”<br />
Cotton met Amici<br />
founder Wolfgang Strange<br />
in 1995, and after spending<br />
a few years under his wing,<br />
she was inspired to open<br />
her own dance studio with<br />
a similar concept of breaking<br />
barriers within the<br />
disability community.<br />
“Wolfgang was my<br />
teacher for three years, and<br />
when I came back to NZ I<br />
set up my own Jolt classes<br />
and it grew from there,”<br />
she said.<br />
“We take what the dancers<br />
give us which shapes<br />
our work - it’s not just<br />
about participation, it’s<br />
about excellence and for<br />
people with disabilities to<br />
have their voices heard.”<br />
Not only do they offer<br />
dance classes, teaching and<br />
choreography training was<br />
also available which leads<br />
to industry level pathways<br />
through performance and<br />
leadership.<br />
Jolt’s “Move” programme<br />
is the country’s only teacher<br />
training programme for<br />
people with disabilities,<br />
taking their work into<br />
mainstream schools to<br />
teach non-disabled children.<br />
Said Cotton: “All peer<br />
pressure starts to drop<br />
away when they come together<br />
and dance. It’s okay<br />
to be different.<br />
“The bar was set low<br />
for what people with disabilities<br />
can achieve, and<br />
now they’re playing catch<br />
up because they’ve been<br />
denied that opportunity<br />
for so long.”<br />
Jolt Dance celebrates<br />
their <strong>20</strong>th anniversary next<br />
year and has since grown<br />
to more than 150 dancers.<br />
They will plan to showcase<br />
their original works in<br />
Christchurch in October.