Oxford Three-part Repertoire

OUP's series for three-part mixed voices, or SABar, serves choirs of all shapes and sizes across a broad spectrum of styles. Defined by scoring rather than genre or season, the series features practical vocal ranges, clearly presented scores, simple and supportive piano accompaniments, and appealing and inclusive texts - all underpinning quality Oxford repertoire selected specially to meet the needs of community, school, and church choirs. Find out more: https://global.oup.com/academic/content/series/s/oxford-three-part-repertoire-sabar/

OUP's series for three-part mixed voices, or SABar, serves choirs of all shapes and sizes across a broad spectrum of styles. Defined by scoring rather than genre or season, the series features practical vocal ranges, clearly presented scores, simple and supportive piano accompaniments, and appealing and inclusive texts - all underpinning quality Oxford repertoire selected specially to meet the needs of community, school, and church choirs.

Find out more: https://global.oup.com/academic/content/series/s/oxford-three-part-repertoire-sabar/


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keep.<br />

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